Recent Changes to HTML TADS

Recent Changes to HTML TADS

This file lists the changes that have been made recently to HTML TADS. This release also contains improvements to TADS itself, which are documented separately in Recent Changes to TADS.

Note that we’ve tried to keep all of the documentation that accompanies this release up-to-date with these changes. This file is provided as a quick overview for experienced TADS users so that you can quickly see what has changed since the last version you installed.

Changes in Release HT-24 (Windows build Win121; TADS 2.5.16/3.1.3)

Released May 16, 2013

Changes in Release HT-23 (Windows build Win120; TADS 2.5.16/3.1.2)

Released August 30, 2012

This release updates the TADS 2 VM, but there are no changes in the HTML TADS portion of the system.

Changes in Release HT-23 (Windows build Win119; TADS 2.5.15/3.1.2)

Released August 28, 2012

Changes in Release HT-23 (Windows build Win118; TADS 2.5.15/3.1.2)

Released August 20, 2012

This release updates the T3 VM, but there are no changes in the HTML TADS portion of the system.

Changes in Release HT-23 (Windows build Win117; TADS 2.5.15/3.1.1)

Released July 14, 2012

The Workbench text editor on Windows now provides custom editor modes for Javascript and CSS files, with full support for syntax coloring, code folding, and auto indenting. (These file types are useful when working with the Web UI.)

The integrated Scintilla editor in Workbench for Windows has been updated to the latest version (3.0.2).

On Windows, you can now use drag-and-drop to open a file in the Workbench text editor. Simply drag a file from the Windows desktop and drop it onto Workbench, and Workbench will open the file in the text editor.

Workbench for Windows now displays the contents of resource folders directly in the project tree. In the past, Workbench allowed you to add a folder from the file system to the project tree, and showed the folder itself in the tree, but didn’t show the folder’s contents; you had to go out to the Windows desktop to view a folder’s contents. This makes it easier to see the full list of resource files that are part of the project.

Workbench for Windows now displays library resource files (including resource directories, as described above) in the project tree. This is useful for Web UI games, since it makes it makes it easier to find and open library text resources (HTML, Javascript, CSS) in the Workbench text editor.

When you open a project in Workbench for Windows, Workbench now creates a project.tdbconfig file in the project directory to store your user interface settings for the project. The stored settings include things like which files are open in Workbench editor windows, window sizes and positions, past search strings, text editor option settings, and many other settings specific to the Workbench UI for the project. The new file has the same base name as the project (.t3m) file, with the .t3m suffix replaced by .tdbconfig.

In the past, these UI settings were stored directly in the project (.t3m) file itself. There are two main reasons for moving them into a separate file. First, the old arrangement was problematic for collaboration, because the UI settings aren’t really project-level settings at all; they’re really per-user settings, since each user collaborating on a project might have different UI preferences. With this change, collaborators can share the .t3m file, which contains only the project-level build settings, but keep individual .tdbconfig files for their personalized UI settings. Second, the single-file setup wasn’t great for use with source control systems, because Workbench updated the .t3m file virtually every time you opened the project. The constant updating tended to create numerous superfluous history updates for a .t3m file under source control. Workbench still writes a fresh copy of the .t3m file each time a project is closed, so the .t3m file’s timestamp will be updated, but the contents should be left unchanged as long as you don’t make any actual changes to the build settings (in which case you’d want to update the source control version of the file anyway to capture the changes in the build settings).

Workbench still recognizes the old single-file format, but now always saves updates in the two-file format. This means that you can open old projects without having to make any manual changes. When you open an old project, Workbench automatically converts it to the new two-file format when you close the project.

Several bugs in the automatic code formatter in the Workbench text editor on Windows have been fixed:

Changes in Release HT-22 (Windows build Win116; TADS 2.5.15/3.1.0)

Released 12/21/2011

Changes in Release HT-21 (Windows build Win115; TADS 2.5.14/

Released 1/29/2010

Changes in Release HT-21 (Windows build Win114; TADS 2.5.14/

Released 5/5/2009

(This build has no changes specific to the Windows version or the HTML renderer - it’s just an update of the TADS 2 and TADS 3 components. See their release notes for details.)

Changes in Release HT-21 (Windows build Win113; TADS 2.5.13/3.0.18)

Released 4/28/2009

Changes in Release HT-20 (Windows build Win112; TADS 2.5.12/3.0.17)

Released 9/8/2008

Changes in Release HT-20 (Windows build Win111; TADS 2.5.11/3.0.17)

Released 8/9/2008

Changes in Release HT-19 (TADS 2.5.10/3.0.16)

Released 4/10/2008 - Windows build Win110

Changes in Release HT-18 (TADS 2.5.10/

Released 11/2/2007 - Windows build Win109

Changes in Release HT-17 (TADS 2.5.10/

Released 9/13/2007 - Windows build Win108

Changes in Release HT-16 (TADS 2.5.10/

Released 7/19/2007 - Windows build Win107

Changes in Release HT-15 (TADS 2.5.10/3.0.15)

Released 3/8/2007 - Windows build Win106

Changes in Release HT-14 (TADS 2.5.10/3.0.14)

Released 2/9/2007 - Windows build Win105

Changes in Release HT-13 (TADS 2.5.10/3.0.13)

Released (1/19/2007) - Windows build Win103

Changes in Release HT-12 (TADS 2.5.10/3.0.12)

Released September 15, 2006 - Windows build Win102

This is the TADS 3.0 General Release version.

Changes in Release HT-11 (TADS 2.5.10/3.0.11)

Released September 8, 2006 - Windows build Win101

Note: starting with this release, HTML TADS has its own release numbering, separate from that of the underlying TADS VMs. TADS 2, TADS 3, and HTML TADS are all essentially on their own separate release cycles, so the past practice of treating the HTML TADS version number as equivalent to the underlying VM version numbers was too confusing. From now on, HTML TADS releases will be identified by an “HT-n” version number. We’re starting this new practice with HT-11, since this is the 11th public release. In addition, the Windows build will be identified with its own port-specific build number, so that any future bug-fix versions that only affect Windows can be differentiated.

Changes in version 2.5.10/3.0.10

Released August 17, 2006

Changes in version 2.5.9/3.0.9

Released August 29, 2005

Changes in version 2.5.9/3.0.8

Released September 12, 2004

Changes in version 2.5.8/3.0.7

Released June 12, 2004

Changes in version 2.5.8/3.0.6

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6q: 5/9/2004

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6p: 4/25/2004

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6o: 3/14/2004

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6n: 3/6/2004

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6m: 11/15/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6k: 8/17/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6j: 8/2/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6i: 6/15/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6h: 6/7/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6g: 4/12/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6f: 3/23/2003
This version has no changes related to HTML TADS.

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6e: 3/16/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6d: 2/23/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6c: 2/1/2003

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6b: 12/15/2002

Interim build 2.5.8/3.0.6a: 11/23/2002

Changes in version 2.5.7

Released September 22, 2002

Changes in version 2.5.6

Released June 1, 2002

Changes in version 2.5.5

Changes in version 2.5.4

Changes in version 2.5.3

Changes in version 2.5.2

Changes in version 2.5.1

Changes in version 2.5.0

Released on July 10, 1999

Changes in version 2.4.0

Changes in version 2.3.0

Changes of interest to both players and authors:

Changes of interest to authors:

Changes in version 2.2.6

Changes in version 2.2.5

Changes in version 2.2.4

Here’s a quick index to some selected highlights in this release:

Changes of Interest to Players:

Changes of Interest to Game Authors: