Playing HTML TADS Games with the Character-Mode Interpreter
Playing HTML TADS Games with the Character-Mode Interpreter
Starting with version 2.2.4, the TADS character-mode interpreter provides a degree of compatibility with games written for HTML TADS. This allows you to write a game using some of the new HTML features, and still play the game on character-mode versions of the interpreter. So, players that use systems where HTML TADS is not yet available can still play your game to some extent.
Although the standard TADS interpreter doesn’t understand most HTML formatting sequences, it does recognize a few HTML markups, and it removes any that it doesn’t recognize from the text, so that players won’t see HTML source code in the output. This won’t let you get the full effect of games written for HTML TADS, but you can at least run HTML games and see the plain text that they display. For games that make moderate use of HTML formatting features, the degradation can be quite reasonable. Note that HTML interpretation only occurs when the game displays a “\H+” sequence, which only an HTML-enabled game would do, so non-HTML games are not affected by this processing in any way.
The character-mode version supports all of the character-code markups (the sequences that begin with an ampersand, such as “&”). Note that most character-mode consoles and terminals don’t actually support all of these characters; the character-mode interpreter will try to provide a suitable system-specific rendering of the markups when possible, and will replace any unrenderable markups with a system-dependent “missing character” glyph. The DOS US character set (code page 437), for example, is capable of displaying about half of the standard ISO Latin-1 character markups correctly, uses approximations for about 30% of these, and uses blanks for the remaining 20%. DOS code page 437 does not contain many of the characters beyond the basic ISO Latin-1 character set, so most of the mathematical symbols and Latin-2 characters can’t be displayed in this character set.
In addition, the character-mode interpreter supports the following tags:
- <BR> ends the current line. Each extra <BR> after the first will add a blank line.
- <BR HEIGHT=number> will display the given number of blank lines. Using HEIGHT=0 will make this tag behave the same way that the conventional TADS “\n” sequence does: it ends the current line, but does not add any new blank lines, even if repeated.
- <P> displays a blank line.
- </P> displays a blank line.
- <B> and <EM> start boldfaced (highlighted) text.
- </B> and </EM> end boldfaced text.
- <TAB> inserts spaces to the next tab stop, using the same spacing as the “\t” escape sequence. TADS 2 text-only interpreters ignore all of the attributes of this tag, but at least the tag will insert some spacing.
- <Q> and </Q> enclose a passage in quotation marks.
- <HR> produces a line of underscores the width of the console
- <IMG ALT=alt-text> displays the alt-text string. (Other attributes of the IMG tag are allowed but are ignored.)
- <SOUND ALT=alt-text> displays the alt-text string. (Other attributes of the SOUND tag are allowed but are ignored.)
The character-mode interpreter also recognizes the <TITLE> and <ABOUTBOX> tags. The interpreter simply hides all of the text and markups between these tags and their corresponding end tags (</TITLE> or </ABOUTBOX>). So, although TITLE and ABOUTBOX don’t actually contribute anything to the display formatting in the character-mode version, they are harmless, so you can use them in your game without worrying about which type of interpreter is being used.
Note: version 2.2.3 of the character-mode interpreter recognized HTML markups when “\H+” was in effect, but simply ignored all markups. Starting with version 2.2.4, the character-mode interpreter provides the limited support described above.
TADS 3 Extensions
In addition to the markups mentioned above, TADS 3 supports the following:
- <TAB> can be used with the full set of attributes, including ID, TO, and ALIGN. You can use <TAB> to define a tab position and then align text left, right, or center with respect to the tab position.
- <FONT COLOR=color BGCOLOR=color> sets the text color. Some text-only platforms do not support text colors at all, and most support only a limited set of colors; where colors are supported, the platform will use the closest available color if the requested color is not available.
- <BODY BGCOLOR=color> sets the background color. This sets the color of the window, including the blank areas where no text is displayed as well as the areas where text is displayed without an explicit <FONT BGCOLOR> setting. As in the HTML interpreters, this tag sets the color of the entire window (in other words, even text previously displayed in the window is shown in the new background color), and takes effect immediately when displayed.
Embedded Resources
Note that if you embed HTML resources into your .GAM file, character-mode interpreters older than version 2.2.3 won’t be able to read your .GAM files. Character-mode interpreters version 2.2.4 and later will simply ignore embedded HTML resources. See the resources documentation for details.
Writing for Maximum Compatibility
When you’re designing your game, you may want to consider trying to make the game as compatible as possible with the standard TADS interpreter, since this will maximize your game’s portability. The HTML TADS interpreter is not available on as many platforms as the standard interpreter (in fact, as of this writing, HTML TADS is only available on Windows 95 and NT).
Of course, some authors won’t be concerned about compatibility. If you want to write a game that takes full advantage of the new features that HTML TADS offers, you won’t want to limit yourself by trying to maintain compatibility with the standard interpreter. These guidelines are only for authors who want to offer some amount of compatibility.
There are two strategies that you can employ when writing a game for compatibility: you can use features that degrade gracefully in the standard interpreter, or you can use special-case code to support the two different interpreters.
Regardless of the approach you choose for compatibility between HTML TADS and the standard TADS interpreter, you should test your game frequently on both systems as you develop it. This will help you catch compatibility problems quickly as they arise, which has two benefits: first, you won’t accumulate a huge and daunting pile of extra work at the end of your game development process; and second, you’ll quickly develop a sense for what sorts of things to do and what to avoid, which will make it easier to write for maximum compatibility as your game progresses.
Using graceful degradation
Many HTML markups can be used in such a way that they won’t be too badly missed if simply omitted. For example, most of the text style markups (such as <i> for italics and <font> for setting typeface characteristics) can be omitted without losing too much of the meaning of the text. If you are careful about the formatting markups you choose, and use them with an awareness of how the text will look if they’re ignored, standard TADS users will be able to run your game without noticing any big changes, except that the text styling may look less interesting.
Similarly, SOUND and IMG markups can often be used purely for atmosphere. If you use your sounds and images to add detail and audio and visual impact to your game, rather than to provide essential information, the standard TADS interpreter can omit these and still leave the game fully playable.
You should be careful of the more complex formatting tags, such as <TABLE> or <BANNER>, the omission of which would substantially alter the layout of your text.
Using special-case code
If you need to use markups that cannot be harmlessly omitted, you can
still provide standard TADS interpreter compatibility by including a
separate version of your code for the standard and HTML versions. You
can do this either by using precompiler symbols and #ifdef
to produce two different versions of your .GAM file at compile-time, or
you can use the systemInfo
function to determine if HTML is supported
at run-time. (Note that systemInfo
always indicates that HTML is not
supported for the standard interpreter, even though the standard version
does support a limited subset of the HTML features.)
For an example of both of these techniques, refer to the status line
code in adv.t
. First, this code uses conditional compilation to define
either the traditional status line code, or a new version that uses the
<BANNER> tag to implement a status line. Second, the HTML version of
the code checks at run-time to see if the full HTML feature set is
supported, and if not, it falls back to the old status line code.