A conversation node. Conversation nodes are supplemental topic databases that represent a point in time in a conversation - a particular context that arises from what came immediately before in the conversation. A conversation node is used to set up a group of special responses that make sense only in a momentary context within a conversation.
A ConvNode object must be nested (via the ‘location’ property) within an actor or an ActorState. This is how we associate the ConvNode with its actor. Note that putting a ConvNode inside an ActorState doesn’t do anything different from putting the node directly inside the ActorState’s actor - we allow it only for convenience, to allow greater flexibility arranging source code.
Superclass Tree (in declaration order)
` object`
Subclass Tree
Global Objects
Summary of Properties
Inherited from ActorTopicDatabase
Inherited from TopicDatabase
Summary of Methods
Inherited from ActorTopicDatabase
Inherited from TopicDatabase
The active special topic. This is the SpecialTopic object that we matched during pre-parsing, so it’s the one whose response we wish to show while processing the command we pre-parsed.
Is this node “sticky”? If so, we’ll stick to this node if we show a response that doesn’t set a new node. By default, we’re not sticky, so if we show a response that doesn’t set a new node and doesn’t use a <.convstay> tag, we’ll simply forget the node and set the actor to no current ConvNode.
Sticky nodes are useful when you want the actor to stay on-subject even when the player digresses to talk about other things. This is useful when the actor has a particular thread they want to drive the conversation along.
Every ConvNode must have a name property. This is a string identifying the object. Use this name string instead of a regular object name (so ConvNode instances can essentially always be anonymous, as far as the compiler is concerned). This string is used to find the ConvNode in the master ConvNode database maintained in the conversationManager object.
A ConvNode name should be unique with respect to all other ConvNode objects - no two ConvNode objects should have the same name string. Other than this, the name strings are arbitrary. (However, they shouldn’t contain any ‘>’ characters, because this would prevent them from being used in <.convnode> tags, which is the main place ConvNode’s are usually used.)
An optional EventList containing NPC-initiated continuation messages. You can define an EventList here instead of defining npcContinueMsg, if you want more than one continuation message.
Our NPC-initiated conversation continuation message. This is invoked on each turn (during the NPC’s takeTurn() daemon processing) that we’re in this conversation node and the player character doesn’t do anything conversational. This allows the NPC to carry on the conversation of its own volition. Define this as a double-quoted string if you want the NPC to say something to continue the conversation.
an optional EventList containing our NPC-initiated greetings
no description available
proceed, treating the original input as an ordinary command
autoShowTopics ( )
Flag: automatically show a topic inventory on activating this conversation node. Some conversation nodes have sufficiently obscure entries that it’s desirable to show a topic inventory automatically when the node becomes active.
By default, we automatically show a topic inventory if the node contains an active SpecialTopic entry. Since special topics are inherently obscure, in that they use non-standard commands, we always want to show topics when one of these becomes active.
canEndConversation (actor, reason)
Can we end the conversation? If so, return true; our caller will invoke our endConversation() to let us know that the conversation is over.
To prevent the conversation from ending, simply return nil.
In most cases, you won’t want to force the conversation to keep going without any comment. Instead, you’ll want to display some message to let the player know what’s going on - something like “Hey! We’re not through here!” If you do display a message, then rather than returning nil, return the special value blockEndConv - this tells the caller that the actor said something, so the caller will call noteConvAction() to prevent further generated conversation output on this same turn.
‘reason’ gives the reason the conversation is ending, as an endConvXxx enum code.
endConversation (actor, reason)
Receive notification that our actor is ending a stateful conversation. This is called before the normal InConversationState disengagement operations. ‘reason’ is one of the endConvXxx enums, indicating why the conversation is ending.
Instances can override this for special behavior on terminating a conversation. For example, an actor who just asked a question could say something to indicate that the other actor is being rude. By default, we do nothing.
Note that there’s no way to block the ending of the conversation here. If you want to prevent the conversation from ending, use canEndConversation() instead.
getActor ( )
our actor is our location, or our location’s actor
getTopicOwner ( )
our actor is the “owner” of our topics
handleConversation (otherActor, topic, convType, path)
Handle a conversation topic. The actor state object will call this to give the ConvNode the first crack at handling a conversation command. We’ll return true if we handle the command, nil if not. Our default handling is to look up the topic in the given database list property, and handle it through the TopicEntry we find there, if any.
noteActive ( )
Note that we’re becoming active, with a reason code. Our actor will call this method when we’re becoming active, as long as we weren’t already active.
Note that if you want to adapt the method’s behavior according to why the node was activated, you can override noteActiveReason() instead of this method.
noteActiveReason (reason)
Note that we’re becoming active, with a reason code. Our actor will call this method when we’re becoming active, as long as we weren’t already active.
‘reason’ is a string giving a reason code for why we’re being called. For calls from the library, this will be one of these codes:
‘convnode’ - processing a <.convnode> tag
‘convend’ - processing a <.convend> tag
‘initiateConversation’ - a call to Actor.initiateConversation()
‘endConversation’ - a call to Actor.endConversation()
The reason code is provided so that the node can adapt its action for different trigger conditions, if desired. By default, we ignore the reason code and just call the basic noteActive() method.
noteLeaving ( )
Note that we’re leaving this conversation node. This doesn’t do anything by default, but individual instances might find the notification useful for triggering side effects.
npcContinueConversation ( )
Continue the conversation of the NPC’s own volition. Returns true if we displayed anything, nil if not.
npcGreetingMsg ( )
Show our NPC-initiated greeting. This is invoked when our actor’s initiateConversation() method is called to cause our actor to initiate a conversation with the player character. This method should show what our actor says to initiate the conversation. By default, we’ll invoke our npcGreetingList’s script, if the property is non-nil.
A greeting should always be defined for any ConvNode that’s used in an initiateConversation() call.
To define a greeting when defining a ConvNode, you can override this method with a simple double-quoted string message, or you can define an npcGreetingList property as an EventList of some kind.
npcInitiateConversation ( )
our NPC is initiating a conversation starting with this node
processSpecialCmd (str, procStr)
Process a special command. Check the given command line string against all of our topics, and see if we have a match to any topic that takes a special command syntax. If we find a matching special topic, we’ll note the match, and turn the command into our secret internal pseudo-command “XSPCLTOPIC”. That command will then go through the parser, which will recognize it and process it using the normal conversational mechanisms, which will find the SpecialTopic we noted earlier (in this method) and display its response.
‘str’ is the original input string, exactly as entered by the player, and ‘procStr’ is the “processed” version of the input string. The nature of the processing varies by language, but generally this involves things like removing punctuation marks and any “noise words” that don’t usually change the meaning of the input, at least for the purposes of matching a special topic.
saySpecialTopic (fromActor)
Handle an XSPCLTOPIC command from the given actor. This is part two of the two-phase processing of SpecialTopic matches. Our pre-parser checks each SpecialTopic’s custom syntax for a match to the player’s text input, and if it finds a match, it sets our activeSpecialTopic property to the matching SpecialTopic, and changes the user’s command to XSPCLTOPIC for processing by the regular parser. The regular parser sees the XSPCLTOPIC command, which is a valid verb that calls the issuing actor’s saySpecialTopic() routine, which in turn forwards the request to the issuing actor’s interlocutor’s current conversation node - which is to say, ‘self’. We complete the two-step procedure by going back to the active special topic object that we previously noted and showing its response.
TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 5/16/2013 from TADS version 3.1.3