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Anonymous Functions

There’s a coding pattern that you’ll see a lot in TADS, which we usually refer to as “callbacks”. A callback is a reference to a function that you pass as an argument to another function, with the intention that the second function will invoke the callback one or more times in the course of carrying out its duties. The name comes from the idea that the second function is “calling back” to its own caller, since the callback function is usually a bit of custom code specific to the caller.

Callbacks are especially useful in libraries, because they allow a library function to be written generically and then re-used for multiple purposes. The common part of the task is coded into the library for everyone to use. The part that’s different every time is factored out into a callback function. As a user of the library, you have to write the callback function to carry out whatever that custom portion happens to be for your application. Then you call the common library routine, passing in a reference to the callback. The library routine “calls you back” when it needs to carry out the custom bit.

One common use for callbacks is iterating over the items in a group. Iterating simply means that we’re performing an operation sequentially on each item in the group.

Some types of groups are easy to iterate over. For example, performing an operation on each item in a list is just a matter of using a counter to step through the possible index values:

    for (local i = 1, local cnt = lst.length() ; i <= cnt ; ++i)

Other groups are more complicated to iterate over, though. For example, we might want to display all of the things a character in a game is carrying, and all of the things those items contain, all of the things they contain, and so forth. This type of iteration requires a more complicated algorithm than the simple loop we can use for a list, because we must traverse a tree of unknown depth.

We could write our display function so that it contains the algorithm to traverse the containment tree, but suppose that later we wanted to write a function that counts all of the items in the same tree. It seems tedious to write all of that same traversal code again, changing the lines of code that display names so that they increment a counter instead.

Fortunately, there’s a better way - use a callback! Rather than writing a function that traverses the containment tree and displays object names, we instead write two functions. The first function simply displays the name of an object. The second only traverses the containment tree - but what it does with each element is to invoke a callback function, passing the current element as the parameter. We combine these two by calling the second function, passing the first function as the callback function pointer, and between the two we have a way of traversing the tree and displaying the contents. If we want to count the contents, all we have to do is write a new callback function that increments a counter variable, and pass the new callback to the same generic tree traversal function. The traversal function doesn’t care what’s going on for each item: it’s only concerned with walking through the tree. The callbacks don’t care about how the tree is arranged: they’re only concerned with printing, counting, etc.

Callbacks offer an excellent way to re-use common code, but using regular functions as callbacks has some disadvantages. First, it makes for somewhat verbose code, especially when the callback functions themselves are very simple, as they tend to be - for our examples of displaying a name or incrementing a counter, we’ve turned what would probably be a single line of code into four or five lines to define a new function. Second, it scatters code around in the source files, because the callback has to appear in a separate function from the code that passes it to the library function. Third, if the calling function wants to share information with the callback (which would be necessary for something like incrementing a counter, because the counter’s final value ultimately has to make it back to the calling function), it’s necessary for the caller and the callback to come up with some way of passing information between one another; while this isn’t usually difficult, it does tend to add even more verbosity.

Once again, there’s a better way, which is to use “anonymous” functions. An anonymous function is a function that you write directly where you want to use it as a function pointer. Anonymous functions solve all of the problems we just listed:

Anonymous Function Syntax

An anonymous function definition looks like this:

    function(x) { "Hello from anonymous! x = <<x>>\n"; }

This looks a lot like a regular function definition, but note that we’ve used the keyword “function” instead of giving the function a name. That’s why they’re called anonymous.

If there are any parameters (we have one parameter, “x”, in this example), they appear in parentheses after the “function” keyword. Finally, we write the body of the function, enclosed in braces. The body can contain any code that we could put in an ordinary function.

So far the only thing that’s different from a regular function is the lack of a name. But there’s another important distinction: location. A regular function is always defined at the “top level” of the program, outside of any object definitions and outside of any other functions. An anonymous function, in contrast, can be defined anywhere an expression can go. You can assign an anonymous function to a variable, or pass it as an argument to another function.

The most common usage is as a function argument, because that’s the convenient way to invoke iterators, which are probably the place you’ll use anonymous functions the most. For example, suppose we have an iterator function called enumItems() that enumerates some set of items through a callback function. To display all of the items that the function enumerates, we can write something like this:

    enumItems(function(obj) { obj.sdesc; });

If at some other point we wanted to count all of the items the function enumerates, we could write this:

    local cnt = 0;
    enumItems(function(obj) { ++cnt; });

Since the value of an anonymous function is simply a pointer to the function, we can assign an anonymous function to a local variable or to a property:

    local f = function(x) { "Hello from anonymous! x = <<x>>\n"; }

We call the function to which the local variable “f” refers using the same syntax we’d use with an ordinary function pointer:


Referring to Local Variables

Anonymous functions are especially useful for iterators and enumerators, which are routines that invoke a callback function for each member of a collection of some sort. For example, we could define an object class with a “contents” property, and write an enumerator that invokes a callback for each entry in the contents list:

    class Thing: object
      contents = []
        for (local i = 1, local len = contents.length() ;
             i <= len ; ++i)

Now, suppose we wanted to count the contents of the object. We could do this using the enumContents() enumerator and an anonymous function:

    local cnt = 0;
    myThing.enumContents(function { ++cnt; });

Note that the anonymous function is accessing the local variable cnt from the enclosing function. This might seem perfectly obvious and natural, but it is a very powerful feature of anonymous functions that traditional function pointers don’t offer: with a regular function pointer, the callback function obviously can’t access the local variables of the function where the pointer is used, so we would have to arrange some other way to share information. Anonymous functions make this information sharing simple by allowing us to share local variables directly.

Anonymous functions share not only the local variables of the scope in which they were defined, but all of the method context variables: self, targetobj, definingobj, and targetprop. So an anonymous function that appears in a method can refer to the properties of the self object that was in effect at the time the function was created.

If you’re familiar with a static language like C or C++, you might be concerned about the “lifetime” of the shared variables. In particular, what happens to the variables referenced from the anonymous function after the routine that created the anonymous function returns to its caller? Consider this example:

      f = createAnonFunc();

      local i = 100;
      return function() { tadsSay(i); }

If you’re a C++ programmer, this probably looks like a classic newbie error to you. If you did something like this in C++, the local variable “i” would cease to exist when createAnonFunc returns. So the fact that the anonymous function continues to refer to “i” after that is a problem. In C++, this would cause all sorts of unpleasant behavior, possibly picking random values from memory, and possibly crashing the program.

But in TADS 3, this is perfectly legal. What’s more, it works the way the C++ newbie would probably expect it to.

When you create an anonymous function that references local variables in the enclosing scope, TADS moves the local variables to a “context object” that’s shared between the enclosing scope and the anonymous functions. The context object is shared by reference, so any changes to the local variables made in the anonymous function affect the enclosing scope, and vice versa. The context object isn’t a “stack variable” as it would be in C++, but is a full-fledged object that’s managed by the garbage collector. When the creating routine returns to its caller, its reference to the context object disappears. But as long as the anonymous function remains alive, its reference to the context object will prevent the object from being deleted. This means that the lifetime of the local variables is automatically extended so that the variables remain valid as long as any anonymous functions can access them.

In short, the anonymous function mechanism is designed to be simple to use, and doesn’t come with any warnings or limitations.

Short-Form Anonymous Functions

Even though anonymous functions are already a concise way to write callbacks, TADS allows an even terser syntax in situations where the function only needs to evaluate an expression. In these cases, you can omit the “function” keyword, and write only the parameter list and the expression, enclosed in braces, with a colon (“:”) separating the expression from the parameter list. So, rather than writing this:

    function(x, y) { return x + y; }

we can write this:

    { x, y: x + y }

Note that there’s no semicolon at the end of the expression. The body of a short-form anonymous function is simply an expression, not a statement. In TADS, semicolons terminate statements - we’re not writing a statement, so we don’t need a semicolon at the end.

The colon that ends the argument list is always needed, whether or not there are any parameters. To write an anonymous function that takes no arguments, simply put the colon immediately after the opening brace:

    { : ++cnt }

The body of a short-form anonymous function is a single expression, and the function implicitly returns the value of the expression. We can, however, use the comma operator to evaluate a series of sub-expressions:

    { x, y: tadsSay(x), tadsSay(y), x*y }

That prints the values of x and y, then returns the product of the two values as the result of the function.

Short-form functions can define their own local variables. Use the local keyword at the very beginning of the function’s expression. For example, this generates a list of the first 20 Fibonacci numbers:

    local a = 0, b = 1;
    local fib = List.generate({: local f = a, a = b, b = f + a, f }, 20);

That defines the local variable f, assigning it immediately to a (which comes from the enclosing scope). f is local to the anonymous function. Apart from defining the local variable f, that local clause works just like an ordinary expression, and it combines with the rest of the expression using the normal behavior of the comma operator. Let’s look at how this executes. We start by evaluting f = a, which assigns the value of a from the enclosing scope to f. We then move on to a = b, which simply assigns the value of b to a (both in the enclosing scope, since these two variables aren’t defined as local to the anonymous function). Next comes b = f + a, which adds f and a and assigns the sum to b. Finally, we get to f, which simply gets the current value of f - and since this is the last part of the expression, it’s the result value of the function.

The local clause in an anonymous function defines only one local variable. The next thing after the comma is a separate expression, not part of the local clause at all. If you want to define multiple locals, use a separate local keyword for each one:

    {: local a = 1, local b = 2, local c = 3, ... }

All of the local definitions must be consecutive, at the start of the expression.

Short-form and long-form anonymous functions behave in exactly the same way. The only difference is the syntax used to define them.

Recursive anonymous functions

In an ordinary named function, recursion is easy: the function is free to call itself by name, the same way any other code would call it.

       if (n <= 0)
          return 1;
          return n * factorial(n-1);

If we want to do the same thing in an anonymous function, though, there’s a snag: the function has no name, so how does it refer to itself to make the recursive call?

One approach is take advantage of the anonymous function’s ability to refer to local variables in the enclosing scope. As long as the anonymous function is assigned to a local variable, it can refer to itself via that local variable, making the syntax almost deceptively similar to the ordinary function version:

    local f = new function(n)
       if (n <= 0)
          return 1;
          return n * f(n-1);

But that only works if the anonymous function value is indeed assigned to a local variable. It’s not always convenient or possible to do that. For example, suppose we want to use our anonymous function in a call to List.mapAll():

    lst = lst.mapAll({n: n <= 0 ? 1 : WhatDoWePutHereToCallMyself(n-1) });

The solution is to use the invokee pseudo-variable. invokee contains a pointer to the function that’s currently executing at any given time. So within an anonymous function, this provides a pointer to the anonymous function, without any need for a name or a local variable.

    lst = lst.mapAll({n: n <= 0 ? 1 : invokee(n-1)});

Anonymous Methods

There’s another version of the anonymous function that’s known as an anonymous method. An anonymous method looks and acts very much like an anonymous function. The difference is that an anonymous method doesn’t share its method context variables (self, definingobj, targetobj, targetprop) with the lexically enclosing code. Instead, an anonymous method takes on the “live” values for the method context each time it’s called.

The syntax for defining an anonymous method is the same as for a regular, long-form anonymous function, except that you substitute the keyword method in place of function. For example:

    local m = method(x) { self.prop = x; };

Although an anonymous method doesn’t share self and the other method context variables with its lexically enclosing routine, it does have access to the ordinary local variables defined in the enclosing scope, just like an anonymous function does. For example:

    function addSetter(obj, val)
        local m = method() { self.prop = val; }
        obj.setMethod(&setter, m);

Note how the anonymous method refers to the local variable “val”, which is part of the enclosing function.

The main use of anonymous methods is to add new methods to objects using setMethod(). The section on setMethod() has more details on how anonymous functions and methods differ in practice when creating new object methods.

Note that an anonymous method is only meant to be used as a method, not as a function. If you try to call it as an ordinary function, it won’t have any method context, so attempting to access self or the other method context variables could cause run-time errors.

“new function” syntax

Prior to TADS 3.1, the syntax for anonymous functions required the keyword new before function or method:

    local f = new function(x) { return x*2; };

In 3.1 and later, this is exactly equivalent to the same code without the new.

The rationale for the new keyword was that an anonymous function is actually an object. Each time you evaluate the definition of an anonymous function, you’re creating a new object.

(More precisely, you’re creating a new object if the function contains references to local variables in its enclosing scope. If not, the function doesn’t have any context information, so the compiler creates a single static version at compile time, and reuses this static instance each time the function is referenced.)

Starting in 3.1, we removed the requirement for the new keyword. It’s still allowed, though. Old code that uses it will compile without complaint, and the meaning is exactly the same with or without new.

The new keyword wasn’t there for the compiler’s sake or the VM’s sake - it was there for the programmer’s sake, to make it explicit in the syntax that object creation was involved. There was no deep technical reason it had to be there; there were no issues of syntactic ambiguity, for example. Since the TADS 3 syntax was created, though, anonymous functions have become common in mainstream programming languages, and we’ve noticed that no one else has seen fit to make their syntax mimic object creation syntax. Apparently our concerns about emphasizing object creation were overblown.

The main pragmatic motivation for actually removing new from the TADS syntax is the Web UI. If you’re writing a game that uses the Web UI, you’ll probably find yourself switching back and forth between TADS and Javascript as you work on your project, since the UI portion of the Web UI is written in Javascript. Javascript syntax is very similar to TADS syntax in many ways, which makes it fairly easy to work in both languages in one project. Javascript’s anonymous function syntax is identical to the TADS anonymous function syntax now that new has been removed, but the old syntax with new was just different enough to be a constant gotcha when switching back and forth. Since new was only there in the first place for ease-of-use reasons, adding Javascript to the mix clearly tips the balance in favor of removing new.

TADS 3 System Manual
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