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A Date object represents a date-and-time value specifying a particular point in time. The Date class can parse strings expressing dates in many common human and computer formats; it can generate custom-formatted strings from date values; and it can solve tricky date arithmetic problems with relative ease, such as computing the number of days between two dates, finding the date that’s a given number of days (or weeks, months, years, etc) after or before a given date, finding the day of the week of a given date, or finding the next or previous date that falls on a given weekday. It works with the TimeZone class to perform conversions between universal time (UTC) and local time in virtually any time zone, taking into account the historical changes in the definitions of local time zones around the world (including the ever-changing daylight savings time rules in individual regions).

Internally, a Date value is stored in “universal” time, relative to the worldwide UTC standard. This makes Date values independent of local time zones and seasonal clock changes for daylight savings time. For example, if you use Date values to compare a wall clock time in Los Angeles to one in New York, the comparison won’t be fooled by the three-hour time zone difference; since the Date class converts both values to UTC internally, the comparison yields the true order of the events, not the nominal order of the local clock readings.

Externally, when you parse or display a date, you’ll usually want the date to be expressed in a local time zone. The Date class takes care of these conversions automatically. By default, formatting and parsing convert to and from the local time zone settings for the host system, but you can also specify a particular time zone with each conversion.

A Date object is immutable; it records a particular time and date that doesn’t change. Arithmetic on a Date object, such as adding a number of days to the date, yields a new Date object representing the result.

When using the Date class, \#include \<date.h\> in your source files.


new Date()

This creates a Date object representing the current date and time, as of the moment the new expression is evaluated. (The object created isn’t a “live” current-time value that changes every time you look at it; it simply records the fixed moment when the new expression was evaluated. Evaluating the same new expression again will yield another Date object representing the then-current time.)

new Date(*str*, *refTZ*?, *refDate*?)

This parses the string value str, attempting to interpret it as a written date in various common human and computer formats. A wide range of formats is accepted, so the string doesn’t have to be in any particular rigid format; the parser attempts to make sense of most of the usual ways people (and computers) write dates. See built-in input formats below for a full list.

refTZ is the reference time zone. If this is nil or is omitted, the default is the host system’s local time zone. refTZ can be given in any of the timezone argument formats. The parsed date is taken to be in this time zone unless it explicitly specifies a different time zone within the string.

See the notes on parsing time zones if you expect to parse date strings that include time zone names within the strings.

refDate is an optional Date object giving the reference point for parsing the date. This is used to fill in certain missing information if the string contains only a partial date value. If this is omitted, the current time is used by default. The reference date is used as follows:

Other missing elements have different handling that doesn’t involve the reference date:

new Date(*number*, '*J*')

number is an integer or BigNumber giving a Julian day number (see getJulianDay()), which is the number of days since January 1, 4713 BCE on the (proleptic) Julian calendar, at noon UTC. The fractional portion (if any) is the fraction of a day past noon UTC, counting a day as exactly 24 hours (86,400 seconds).

new Date(*number*, '*U*')

number is an integer or BigNumber giving the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, at 00:00 UTC, which is also known as the Unix Epoch. If the value is negative, it’s the number of seconds before the Epoch.

This constructor option is provided because this is a common way to represent times in software. Unix-like systems in particular represent time this way. This constructor allows you to create a Date value directly from an external value in this format.

A 32-bit integer can only represent time values in this format from 12/13/1901 to 1/19/2038, since those are the dates that happen to be 2,147,438,648 seconds on either side of 1/1/1970. (This is known in Unix circles as the “year 2038 bug”, since older Unix systems used a 32-bit value for the time counter. This has been largely fixed in modern Unix systems by using a 64-bit value instead.) You can use a BigNumber value if you need to exceed these limits. A BigNumber also lets you specify fractional seconds. Note that the Date type stores times to millisecond precision, so any fractional part specified with a BigNumber will be rounded to the nearest millisecond.

This constructor calculates the date and time based on the definition of one day as exactly 86,400 seconds, ignoring any leap seconds between the Epoch and the given time. This is the way almost all Unix systems work as well, so the result should be exactly the same calendar date and clock time that Unix systems show for a given timestamp value. If you should encounter a Unix-type system that actually does correct for leap seconds, it might show slightly different clock times for dates in the past (as of 2012, this could be up to a 24-second difference, since that’s how many leap seconds were added to UTC between 1972 and 2012).

new Date(*year*, *month*, *day*, *tz*?)

This creates a Date value representing midnight (00:00) on the given date. year is the year number (e.g., 2012), month is a calendar month (1 to 12), and day is a day of the month (1 to 31). For example, new Date(2012, 4, 10 creates a Date value for April 10, 2012 at midnight, local time.

The date is taken as midnight in the time zone specified by tz (using the usual timezone conventions), which defaults to the host system’s local time zone if nil or not specified.

You can also use this constructor with invalid month and day values. If the day is out of range for its month, it’s interpreted by moving into the next or previous month until the day is valid. For example, new Date(2012, 11, 31) is the first day of December; new Date(2012, 3, 0) is the last day of February 2012. You can use this feature for many simple date arithmetic operations; for example, new Date(2012, 1, 90) gives you the 90th day of the year, and new Date(2012, 4, 10 + 60) is 60 days after April 10. The same treatment applies to the month; if it’s less than 1 or more than 12, it’s a month in the previous or following year, so new Date(2012, 14, 1) is interpreted as February 1, 2013.

new Date(*year*, *month*, *day*, *hour*, *minutes*, *seconds*, *ms*, *tz*?)

Creates a Date value representing the given time on the given date. year is the year number (e.g., 2012), month is the month (1 to 12), day is the day of the month (1 to 31). hour is the clock hour (0 for midnight to 23 for 11 PM), minutes is the number of minutes past the hour (0 to 59), seconds is the number of seconds past the minute (0 to 59), and ms is the number of milliseconds past the second (0 to 999).

tz is the timezone in which the time is interpreted, specified with the usual timezone conventions. If tz is nil or missing, the system’s local time zone is the default.

Timezone arguments

Many of the constructors and methods take a “timezone” argument. This lets you specify the local time to be used for parsing an input time, formatting a time, or extracting a date or time component. Remember that a Date object’s value is stored internally in universal time (UTC), so it must be converted to a local time zone whenever you want a calendar date or clock time. The local time zone affects not only the clock time portion but also the date; it can be Monday in one time zone and Tuesday in another.

All of the methods and constructors that take timezone arguments let you omit the argument or use nil, in which case the host system’s local time zone will be used by default. For most purposes, this is the time zone you’ll want. The typical situation is that you’re simply displaying times to the user, who will want to see them in terms of her ordinary wall clock time.

When you do wish to specify a particular time zone, you can supply one of the following:

See the TimeZone class for full details on each of these formats.

Date arithmetic

A Date value can be used in arithmetic expressions to carry out a number of common calendar calculations.

Date + number calculates a new Date that’s the given number of days after the given Date (or before, if number is negative). For example, new Date('2010-1-1') + 30 returns a Date representing Jan 31, 2010 at midnight local time.

Date - number calculates a Date that’s the given number of days before the given date (or after, if number is negative).

You can add or subtract time values by using fractional days, specified as BigNumber values. A day is defined for the purposes of these calculations as exactly 86,400 seconds long, so an hour is 1/24th of a day, a minute is 1/1440th, and a second is 1/86400th. For example, new Date('2010-1-1') + 1.0/24 yields 1:00 AM on Jan 1, 2010.

Date - Date returns a BigNumber giving the elapsed time between the two date values, measured in days. The result is a BigNumber because it represents any difference in the times as a fraction of a day. For example, new Date('2010-1-1 16:00') - new Date('2010-1-1 10:00') yields 0.25, since the difference between these two times is 6 hours, or 1/4th of a day. Similarly, new Date('2010-1-2 16:00') - new Date('2010-1-1 10:00') yields 1.25, since the difference is 1 day 6 hours.

You can compare two Date values with \>, \<, \<=, \>=, ==, or !=. This compares the Dates based on the UTC times they represent. One Date is greater than another if it occurs later in time than the other; a Date is less than another if it occurs earlier in time. Two dates are equal if they occur at exactly the same UTC moment.

Conversion to string

If a Date value is used in a context where a string is required, such as for displaying output, the Date is automatically formatted to a string using a default format. For more control over the presentation, use formatDate().



Adds the given calendar and/or clock interval to the given Date, returning a new Date object representing the result. interval is given as a list, consisting of [years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds]. Each element is an integer (the hours, minutes, and seconds can also be given as BigNumber values) that’s added to the corresponding date/time component (negative values are subtracted).

You can omit trailing elements that are unneeded; this is the same as using 0 for the omitted elements. For example, to add one month to a date, you can write simply d = d.addInterval(\[0, 1\]).

When months and years are added, the interval is in terms of whole calendar years and months. For example, if d represents February 1, 2011, d.addInterval(\[0, 1\] yields March 1, 2011, and d.addInterval\[0, 2\] represents April 1,

  1. The difference in the lengths of the months is irrelevant because the addition is in terms of whole months. The same holds for adding years: the difference in length between leap years and non-leap years doesn’t matter, since the addition works in whole years.

When time units are added, one day is defined as exactly 86,400 seconds. Any UTC leap seconds in the added interval are ignored.


Compares this Date value to date, which must be another Date value. Returns an integer less than zero if this Date is less than (earlier in time than) date, zero if the two dates are equal (they represent the same point in time), and greater than zero if this date is greater than (after) date.

Note that the same comparison can be made using the ordinary comparison operators (\<, \>, \>=, \<=, ==, !=). This method is convenient for cases where you want the relative order of two dates, such as in sort callbacks, since it lets you get the order in one shot.

findWeekday(*weekday*, *which*, *tz*?)

Returns a new Date giving the date of the Nth weekday on or after/before the given date, in local time zone given by tz (see timezone arguments). weekday is a weekday number, 1 to 7 for Sunday to Saturday. which is an integer specifying which occurrence of the given weekday to find. A positive value finds a future occurrence; a zero or negative value finds a past occurrence. +1 is the first weekday on or after the given date, +2 is the second weekday on or after the date, and so on. 0 is the first weekday on or before the date, -1 is the second weekday on or before the date, etc.

For example, to find the first Sunday in October of this year, you could write new Date('Oct 1').findWeekday(1, 1). To find the last Thursday in November, new Date('Dec 0').findWeekday(0, 5): “December 0” is equivalent to the last day of November, so this starts on the last day of November, then finds the nearest Thursday on or before that day.

formatDate(*format*, *tz*?)

Returns a string representation of the Date value’s representation on the Gregorian calendar, in the local time zone specified by tz (see timezone arguments), formatted according to the format template string format. The format string consists of a free mixture of literal text, which is simply copied exactly to the result string, and “%” substitution codes, listed below. For example, new Date('12-3-2011 17:30').formatDate('on the %t of %M, %Y at %I:%M %p') returns 'on 3rd of December, 2011 at 5:30 pm'.

Most of the numeric formats have a fixed number of digits, with leading zeros for values that don’t fill all of the digit slots - e.g., the %d format renders 7 as ‘07’. You can remove the leading zeros with the \# flag - e.g., %#d shows 7 as ‘7’. You can alternatively replace leading zeros with leading spaces or quoted spaces by putting the desired space character between the % and the specifier letter: % m (percent space m) shows the month number with a leading ordinary space when needed, and %\\ m show the month number with a leading quoted space when needed.

You can show a numeric field in Roman numerals with the & flag: %&y show the year in Roman numerals. Leading zeros are obviously not a factor with this style. Roman numerals can be used for numbers from 1 to 4999; the & flag is ignored if the value to be displayed is outside this range.


the abbreviated weekday name (‘Mon’)


the full weekday name (‘Monday’)


the ISO 8601 weekday number, 1 to 7 for Monday to Sunday


the weekday number, 0 to 6 for Sunday to Saturday


the two-digit day of the month, 01 to 31


day of the month as a number with an ordinal suffix, ‘1st’ to ’31st’


the three-digit day of the year, 001 to 366 (January 1 is day 1, February 1 is day 32, etc)


the Julian day number (see getJulianDay()). The value uses as many digits as needed, with no leading zeros. By default, the full value is displayed, including the fractional portion representing the time of day. Use the \# flag (%#J) to show only the whole part.


a number giving the week of the year that contains the day represented by the Date value, 00 to 53; week 01 is the week that starts with the first Sunday of the year, and week 00 is the partial week (if any) that precedes the first Sunday


a number giving the week of the year that contains the day represented by the Date value, 00 to 53; week 01 is the week that starts with the first Monday of the year, and week 00 is the partial week (if any) that precedes the first Monday


the ISO-8601 week number of the week that contains the day represented by the Date value, 01 to 53; if the week containing January 1 has four or more days in the new year, it’s week 1, otherwise it’s the last week of the previous year. There is no week 0 in this system, because days between January 1 and the Monday of week 1 are considered part of the the previous year. See also the %g, %G, and %u formats.


the abbreviated name of the month (‘Feb’)


the full name of the month (‘February’)


the two-digit month number, 01 to 12


the two-digit year number (i.e., the last two digits of the year: 2005 is formatted as ‘05’)


the four-digit year number, in astronomer’s notation (the year before AD 1 is represented as year 0000, the year before that is -0001, and so on)


the year (with no leading zeros) followed by a space and the era name (AD or BC by default, but these can be customized with setLocaleInfo). With a ‘-‘ flag (%-e), the era name is placed before the year. The year before AD 1 is shown as 1 BC, the year before that 2 BC, etc.


the year (with no leading zeros) and era name; the era name is written before the year for AD years (e.g., ‘AD 32’) and after for BC (‘37 BC’); the order is reversed if the - flag is used (%-E).


the two-digit century prefix for the year (‘19’ for 1900 to 1999)


the last two digits of the ISO-8601 Week calendar year for the date; this is for use with the %V format


the four digit ISO-8601 Week calendar year for the date; for use with the %V format


the two-digit hour, on the 24-hour clock, 00 to 23


the two-digit hour on the 12-hour clock, 01 to 12


the two-digit minutes after the hour, 00 to 59


the two-digit seconds after the minute, 00 to 59


the three-digit milliseconds after the second, 000 to 999


upper-case AM or PM designator for a 12-hour clock


lower-case AM or PM designator for a 12-hour clock


the full 12-hour clock time, equivalent to %I:%M:%S %P


the 24-hour clock time with minutes, equivalent to %H:%M


the 24-hour clock time with seconds, equivalent to %H:%M:%S


the preferred time representation according to the locale settings; the default is %H:%M:%S, but this can be overridden with setLocaleInfo


the local time zone abbreviation (‘EST’)


the local time zone offset from UTC, in hours and minutes, as four digits (+0500)


the preferred date and time stamp for the locale; the default is %a %b %#d %T %Y, but this can be overridden with setLocaleInfo


the short date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y


the database-style date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d


the Unix timestamp value for the Date; this is an integer giving the number of seconds between the Date and the Unix Epoch, 1/1/1970 00:00 UTC; it’s positive for dates after the Epoch and negative for dates before; each day is counted as exactly 86,400 seconds, ignoring any UTC leap seconds


the preferred locale date representation; the default is %m/%d/%y, but this can be overridden with setLocaleInfo


a single % character

This method is modeled on the strftime() function found in C, php, and other languages (and the related DATE_FORMAT function in MySQL). Most of the format codes are the same as in those other languages. It’s not a particularly mnemonic or rational set of codes, but given the number of variations needed it would be hard to come up with a set that actually was mnemonic or rational, so we figured we could at least choose a set that some people already know. A number of the codes are unique TADS extensions.

formatJulianDate(*format*, *tz*?)

Formats the Date value to a string giving the Julian calendar representation of the date. This works just like formatDate(), but uses the Julian year, month, and day for the appropriate fields.

Many fields will show the same values as for formatDate(). The time-of-day fields aren’t affected, since Julian days are deemed to start at midnight, just like Gregorian days. The Week Date fields (%V, %G) aren’t affected because the Week Date system is effectively an independent calendar.


Returns the time of day represented by this Date object, in the local time zone specified by tz (see timezone arguments). Returns a list containing [hour, minute, second, ms], where hour is the hour of the day on the 24-hour clock (0 to 23), minute is the number of minutes past the hour (0 to 59), second is the number of seconds past the minute (0 to 59), and ms is the number of milliseconds past the second (0 to 999).


Returns a list consisting of the [year, month, day, weekday] that the Date corresponds to on the Gregorian calendar, in the local time zone. tz specifies the local time zone to use; see timezone arguments.

year is the calendar year; this uses an integer scale with no AD/BC eras. Positive values correspond to the like numbered AD years, so 2012 means AD 2012; 0 is the year before AD 1, which is called 1 BC in the AD/BC notation; -1 is the year before that, usually called 2 BC; and so on. So if the year is less than 1, it represents (-year+1) BC.

month is the calendar month, 1 to 12 for January to December. day is the day of the month, 1 to 31.

weekday is the day of the week, 1 to 7 for Sunday to Saturday.

This method always yields Gregorian calendar dates, even for dates before 1582 (when the calendar was first adopted). It doesn’t make any attempt to switch to other calendars for older dates.


Returns the Date object’s date in the ISO 8601 Week Date system, in the local time zone given by tz (see timezone arguments). The return value is a list consisting of [year, week, day], where year is the Week Date year, week is the week of the year, 1 to 53, and day is the day of the week, 1 to 7 for Monday to Sunday.

The ISO Week Date system is in a sense a full-fledged calendar, based on an annual cycle of weeks rather than months. A full Week Date is expressed as a year, week number, and day number. For example, 2009-W01-1 represents the first day (Monday) of the first week of Week Date year 2009; this corresponds to the Gregorian calendar date December 29, 2008. The year number in the Week Date system is the usually same as the year on the Gregorian calendar, but not always, as in the example we just saw; the years can differ by plus or minus one for the first few days of January (Gregorian) and the last few days of December. The reason for the difference is that the Week Date year boundaries always align exactly with week boundaries, so a week that’s split across years on the Gregorian calendar will always be entirely in a single year on the Week calendar. The Gregorian and Week Date calendars always agree on the day of the week; a Monday is always a Monday on both calendars.


Get the Julian day number, defined as the number of days since January 1, 4713 BCE on the (proleptic) Julian calendar, at noon UTC.

The return value is a BigNumber value giving the Julian day corresponding to this Date value, including a fractional part for the time past noon UTC on that date. The fractional part is the fraction of a day, defined as exactly 24 hours (86,400 seconds); for example, 0.25 represents 1/4 of a day, or 6 hours, yielding a clock time of 18:00 UTC (6 hours past noon).

There’s no local time zone involved in this calculation, since the Julian day number is explicitly defined in terms of universal time.

The Julian day number is an important figure in astronomy. It’s also quite useful as a common currency for converting between arbitrary calendars. You might not be able to find a published formula for converting directly between calendar X and calendar Y, but there’s almost always a formula for converting between any given calendar and Julian day numbers.


Calculates the Julian calendar date for this Date object, in terms of the local time in the given time zone (or the system’s local time zone if ‘tz’ isn’t specified). Returns a list consisting of [year, month, day, weekday], where year is an integer giving the year number; month is an integer with the month, 1-12 for January to December; day is an integer with the day of the month, 1-31; and weekday is the day of the week, 1-7 for Sunday to Saturday. (The weekday on the Julian calendar always agrees with the weekday on the Gregorian calendar for a given day. Even medieval popes lacked the power to interfere with the eternal cycle of the seven-day week.)

The Julian calendar is almost identical to the Gregorian; both have the same system of months and days, and both have an additional leap day on February 29 in leap years. The only difference is the formula that determines which years are leap years. On the Julian calendar, ever year evenly divisible by 4 is a leap year. On the Gregorian, leap years include most years divisible by 4, but not those divisible by 100, unless they’re also divisible by 400. (So 1900 isn’t a leap year on the Gregorian calendar, and 2000 is.) The added complexity in the Gregorian system isn’t gratuitous; it’s designed to make the calendar’s average year length a closer approximation of the actual mean solar year, so that the calendar stays more closely aligned with the Earth’s seasons over long periods of time.

The Julian calendar can be useful for historical purposes, as it was in use in its present form in nearly all of Europe from 8 CE to 1582, and remained in use much later in many regions, as late as the 1920s in a few. (The nominal adoption date was even earlier, 46 BC, but that was a slightly different version; several revised versions were in effect at different times before the calendar reached the form now considered canonical.) Dates in historical records in Europe from before the local adoption of the Gregorian calendar are usually on the Julian system.

static parseDate(*str*, *format*?, *refDate*? *refTZ*?)

Parse a date. This is similar to the new Date(*str*) constructor, but lets you specify one or more custom format templates, and returns detailed information on the parsing results.

str is the string to parse. format is an optional custom format template string, or a list of custom template strings; if this is omitted or nil, the built-in formats are used by default. Specifying a non-nil format overrides the built-in formats, but you can include them in your list by including a nil element in the list; this means “include all of the built-in templates here”. The order is sometimes important; the template parser scans the entire template list, and if two or more templates match, it picks the one that matched the longest portion of the input string. But if two templates match the same amount of input text, the one that’s earlier in the template list takes precedence. refDate is an optional Date object giving a reference date, used to fill in missing date/time fields; this works the same way it does in the new Date(*str*) constructor. If refDate is omitted or nil, the current system time is used by default. refTZ is an optional timezone, specifying the default timezone to use if the date string doesn’t contain a timezone name of its own; this defaults to the host system’s local timezone.

If you include custom format template strings, you construct these strings using the same syntax as the built-in formats. Refer to the input format section for a list of the fields.

If the parsing succeeds, the return value is a list that contains the parsed date (as a Date object), the parsed timezone (if any, as a TimeZone object), the format string(s) matched, and a list of strings with the original source text matched for the individual date/time components. A TimeZone object is included only if the string contains an explicit time zone name; otherwise this element is nil in the return list, indicating that the reference timezone was used (refTZ if supplied, otherwise the host system’s local timezone). Source text components that aren’t matched in the string are set to nil in the list. The list elements are:

[1] a Date object with the parsed date

[2] a TimeZone object with the parsed timezone, or nil if a timezone name wasn’t matched in the string.

[3] an integer giving the fixed timezone offset specified in the input string, in seconds, if applicable; nil if not. This is applicable only when the input string specifies a timezone name that carries specific a standard/daylight clock setting, such as “EST” or “PDT”, which overrides the TimeZone object’s normal automatic adjustment for the time of year.

[4] a sublist with the individual format strings matched; each element is a string from either the built-in format list or the custom format list you supplied

[5] a sublist with the original source text matched in each of the different fields making up the date time value. This is a list of strings; any element that wasn’t matched in the input is set to nil. The elements of the sublist are:

The return value is nil if the parsing fails. This is different from the new Date(*str*) constructor, which throws an error if the parsing fails. The nil return used here is meant to make it a little more convenient to use this method to test a string of uncertain provenance to see if it looks like a date.

static parseJulianDate(*str*, *format*?, *refDate*? *refTZ*?)

This works just like parseDate(), except that it interprets the date on the Julian calendar. The form of a Julian date is identical to that of a Gregorian date, since the two calendars have the same month names, days per month, and weekdays. However, a given day has different nominal dates on the two calendars, except for a stretch in the third century when they happen to overlap. This routine translates the written date to an internal date/time value according to the Julian calendar.

As with all Date operations, once the written date has been parsed into a Date object, the Date value is independent of calendars and time zones, so you can freely use it with Date objects parsed from Gregorian dates. For example, this will display the Gregorian date for a given Julian date string:

    local str = 'October 4, 1582';
    "<<str>> Julian = <<Date.parseJulianDate(str) [1].formatDate('%B %#d, %Y')>>\n";

static setLocaleInfo(...)

Sets locale information for parsing and formatting date values. This lets you customize month names, day names, and other date elements for a non-English presentation.

There are two ways to call this method:

The index values are:

Index Name





full names of the months



abbreviated names of the months



full names of the weekdays



abbreviated names of the weekdays



AM/PM (meridian) indicator for 12-hour clock; upper case AM, upper case PM, lower case AM, lower case PM (the parser ignores case when matching input, so the lower-case versions are needed only for formatting)



AD/BC indicators for era



a filter for the culture-specific parsing formats: currently this can be ‘us’ to select the US-style formats (e.g., the numeric “month/day” formats), or ‘eu’ for the European-style formats (the “day/month” formats)



ordinal suffixes for the days of the month: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Nth, X1st, X2nd, X3rd. The “Nth” entry is the one that applies to everything other than the enumerated ones. The X1st, X2nd, and X3rd entries apply to the twenties, thirties, forties, etc. - all of the decades except the teens. If all of the elements after after a given point are the same, you can omit the rest, and the last element will be used for all remaining elements; for example, French could specify simply ‘re,e’, and German ‘.’.



the default local format for the full date and time, as a format string for formatDate()
'%a %b %#d %T %Y'



the default local format for a time without a date, as a format string for formatDate()



the default local format for a date without a time, as a format string for formatDate()



the default short date format, as a format string for formatDate()



local 12-hour clock format, as a format string for formatDate()
'%I:%M:%S %P'



local 24-hour clock format, as a format string for formatDate()



24-hour clock format with seconds, as a format string for formatDate()

Most elements serve as both a list of strings to match in parsed input (for the new Date('string') constructor) and a list of strings to use in formatted output (from formatDate()). These value lists are encoded as strings, with commas separating elements. (Don’t use spaces unless you want them to be literally included in the output.) For input parsing purposes, you can also supply synonyms for an item, using an equals sign (‘=’) to separate synonyms. For example, you’ll notice that the default list of month abbreviations allows both ‘Sep’ and ‘Sept’ for September. When you supply synonyms, the first item is the one used for output; any synonyms are purely for input matching.

Input formats

The Date class can parse a variety of common human and computer date/time formats. It aims to be flexible enough that users can enter dates intuitively, the way they’d write them on their own, without having to remember specific computer formats or adhere to rigid punctuation rules. It also allows the most common computer formats, so that data from other software sources can usually be used directly, without any reformatting.

Date formats vary by language and culture. For one thing, the names of months and weekdays depend on the language being used. For another, the order of fields in a purely numeric date varies by culture; Americans usually write dates in month/day order, as in 11/20 for November 20, while Europeans usually use day/month order, as in 20/11. The date parser uses the American conventions and English words by default, but you can customize the settings with setLocaleInfo().

The date parser works by matching an input string to a list of format templates, one at a time. If multiple templates match, the one that consumes the longest string of input is used. Since an input string can include a date, a time, or both, the parser makes multiple passes over the string: any remaining text after the first pass is matched again on the next pass. This proceeds until either the entire input string has been matched, or none of the templates match. The parsing only succeeds if the entire input string can be matched, so if the process ends with unmatched text at the end of the string, the parsing fails.

If the date string contains an explicit time zone name, the parser interprets the date using the named zone, overriding any TimeZone argument passed to the Date constructor. See the notes on parsing time zones for information on how to write time zone names in input strings.

The templates are composed of fields. Here are the meanings of the fields:


a one- or two-digit day of the month, 1 to 31 or 01 to 31


a two-digit day of the month, 01 to 31


a one- or two-digit day of the month with an optional ordinal suffix, 1 to 31, 01 to 31, or 1st to 31st


a one- or two-digit month number, 1 to 12 or 01 to 12


a two-digit month number, 01 to 12


an abbreviated month name, insensitive to case; this uses the English month names by default (Jan, Feb, …), but localized names can be specified with setLocaleInfo()


a full month name, insensitive to case; this uses the English month names by default (January, February, …) but localized names can be specified with setLocaleInfo(); also matches an abbreviated month name or an upper-case roman numeral for the month (VI for June, XII for December, etc)


an ISO 8601 week number: a two-digit number giving the week of the year, optionally followed by a day number, with or without a hyphen (e.g., 15, 153, or 15-3)


a three-digit day of the year, 001 to 366


a one- to seven-digit year number. If one or two digits are used, the century is inferred such that the result is the year closest to the reference date (e.g., if the reference date is in 2012, 99 is taken as 1999, since that’s closer to 2012 than is 2099). If five or more digits are used, commas or periods may be used to separate groups of three digits, as in ‘5,000,000’.


the year (with the same format as ‘y’ above), with optional era (in the format of ‘era’ below). The era can be before or after the year: ‘95 BC’, ‘AD 101’. If an era is given, a one- or two-digit date isn’t assumed to be in the current century: ‘95 BC’ is taken as year -0094, and ‘11 AD’ is year 0011.


an era name. The default era names are AD, A.D., CE, C.E., BC, B.C., BCE, B.C.E., but localized names can be specified with setLocaleInfo(). When an era is specified, the year isn’t assumed to be in the current century: ‘AD 95’ is taken as year 0095.


an era designator as a “+” or “-“ sign, using the astronomical timeline, in which the year before AD 1 is year 0000, the year before that is -0001, then -0002, and so on


a two-digit year number; the century is inferred such that the result is the year closest to the reference date


a four-digit year number


a one- or two-digit hour on the 12-hour clock, 1 to 12 or 01 to 12


a two-digit hour on the 24-hour clock 00 to 23


a two-digit minutes past the hour, 00 to 59


a one- or two-digit minutes past the hour, 1 to 59 or 01 to 59


a two-digit seconds past the minute, 00 to 59


a one- or two-digit seconds past the minute, 1 to 59 or 01 to 59


a string of one or more digits representing fractional seconds after a decimal point


a Unix timestamp value: a string of digits representing an integer, positive or negative, giving the number of seconds after or before the Unix Epoch (1/1/1970 00:00 UTC), ignoring leap seconds


an AM/PM indicator; by default, this matches “AM”, “PM”, “A.M.”, or “P.M.” (ignoring case), but localized versions can be specified with setLocaleInfo()


a timezone name or abbreviation, as a string of alphabetic characters, slashes, and underscores, which must match the name or abbreviation for a timezone in the zoneinfo database (see the TimeZone class for more information); or a match to the gmtofs field type (below)


an offset from GMT, optionally starting with the literal text “GMT” (which must be in upper case), a “+” or “-“ sign, and an offset in hours (e.g., “+8” or “+08”), hours and minutes (“+830”, “+0830”, “+8:30”, “+08:30”), or hours, minutes, and seconds (“+083000”, “+08:30:00”)


anything else is a single literal character to match, or a series of single characters, any one of which can be matched. An underscore represents a space. To match an alphabetic character, start the literals with a backslash: e.g., \W matches a literal ‘W’. You can also make the literals optional, or allow them to match more than once: a trailing “*” means that the template matches zero or more characters of input, “+” matches one or more characters, and “?” matches zero or one. For example, \_\* matches zero or more spaces, and .,;+ matches a series of one or more periods, commas, and/or semicolons.

Those are the field values. A template string is constructed by combining one or more of these fields, separated by spaces. A template can also contain a “filter”, which specifies that it’s only used when a given DateParseFilter value for setLocaleInfo() is selected. The filter must be the very first thing in the string, and is simply the filter name enclosed in square brackets: so a template that begins with “[us]” means that the template only applies if DateParseFilter is set to ‘us’, and “[eu]” means that it only applies if DateParseFilter is set to ‘eu’ for European-style day/month ordering.




[us]m / d / y

numeric month/day/year


[us]m / d

numeric month/day


[us]m - d

numeric month-day


[us]m . d



[us]m .\t- d .\t- y

numeric month-day-year


[eu]d / m / y

numeric day/month/year


[eu]d / m

numeric day/month


[eu]d - m

numeric day-month


[eu]d . m

numeric day.month


[eu]d .\t- m .\t- y

numeric day-month-year


yyyy mm dd

numeric year month day


yyyy .? doy

PostreSQL year with day-of-year


m / y

numeric month/year


m - y

numeric month-year


month _.\t-* ddth _,.\t+ ye

month name with ordinal day and year, and optional era

Jan 7, 2011
December 15th, 1999
July 23rd, 2005
May 1, 95 AD

ddth _.\t-* month _,.\t-* ye

ordinal day with month name and year, and optional era

7th January 2011
15 Dec 1999
11th November 11 C.E.

month _.\t-* ddth

month name and ordinal day

January 7th
Nov 11

ddth _.\t-* month

ordinal day and month name

7th January
11 Nov

month - dd - ye

month name-day-year, with optional era

Dec-15-95 BC

month _\t.-* y

month name and year

January 2012


month name


+- y - mm - dd

numeric year month day


y / m / d

numeric year/month/day


y - m - d

numeric year-month-day


y / m

numeric year/month


y - m

numeric year-month


ye _\t.-* month _\t.-* d

year (with optional era), month name, and day

AD 9 June 10
11 BC May 5

ye _\t.-* month

year (with optional era) and month name

72 BC Jan

ye - month - dd

year-month name-day, with optional era

15 AD-Jan-07


four-digit year


era _* y

year with era

AD 2012
C.E. 95

y _* era

year with era

15 BC
100 BCE
11 A.D.

h _? ampm

hour with AM/PM

11 PM

h : mi

hour and minute


h .: mi _? ampm

hour and minute with AM/PM

3:00 AM

h .: mi .: ss _? ampm

hour, minute, and second with AM/PM

3:15:10 AM
11:31:05 pm

h : mi : ss

hour, minute, and second


h : mi : ss .: ssfrac _? ampm

hour, minute, second, and fraction of a second with AM/PM

3:15.10.91 am

h : mi : ss .: ssfrac

hour, minute, second, and fraction of a second


tT? hh .: mi

24-hour clock hour and minute


tT? hh mi

24-hour clock hour and minute


tT? hh .: mi .: ss

24-hour clock hour, minute, and second


tT? hh mi SS

24-hour clock hour, minute, and second


tT? hh .: mi .: ss _? tz

24-hour clock hour, minute, and second with time zone

13:50:01 America/New_York

tT? hh .: mi .: ss . ssfrac

24-hour hour, minute, second, and fraction of a second



time zone name or abbreviation


d / mon / yyyy : hh : mi : ss _ gmtofs

Unix log file format

7/Jul/2011:15:31:07 +0800

yyyy : mm : dd _ hh : mi : ss

EXIF format

1999:12:10 07:32:58

yyyy -? \W W

ISO year with ISO week and optional day


yyyy - mm - dd \T hh : mi : ss . ssfrac



yyyy - mm - dd \T hh : mi : ss . ssfrac gmtofs



@ unix

Unix timestamp


yyyy mm dd \T hh : mi : ss



yyyy mm dd \t hh mi ss

XMLRPC - compact


yyyy - m - d \T h : i : s



Details and background notes

Internal representation and range limits

The internal representation of a Date has two components: a 32-bit “day number”, and the time of day, as the number of milliseconds after midnight. The zero point for the day number is March 1, year 0000 on the Gregorian calendar, at midnight UTC. (The day we label 3/1/0000 wasn’t known by that date at the time, of course, as the Gregorian calendar didn’t exist yet. But the calendar’s underlying formula can be projected arbitrarily far back in time, so we’re talking about an extrapolated date on the modern calendar, not the date that people alive at the time would have used to label the day. See also “year 0” below.)

The 32-bit day number can be positive or negative, allowing a range of about plus or minus two billion days from 0000-03-01, which is about 5.87 million years in each direction.

Parsing time zone names date strings

The date parser accepts date and time strings that contain explicit time zone specifications, overriding the default local time zone.

The way humans usually write time zones is with a local abbreviation, such as EST for US Eastern Standard Time. Unfortunately, many of those common abbreviations are highly ambiguous, since they’re used for different zones in other parts of the world. For example, CST stands for zones in the US, Cuba, Australia, and China, all with different UTC offsets. Even using the full name wouldn’t completely clear things up; Eastern Standard Time is the name of zones in at least the US and Australia, for example.

Because of all the ambiguity in the common zone names, the designers of the zoneinfo database came up with their own separate, unambiguous naming system. (See the TimeZone class for more on the zoneinfo database.) The zoneinfo system is based on narrowly defined locations. It names each location by continent and city, sometimes with a region (such as a US state) interposed: America/Los_Angeles, Europe/Moscow, Asia/Shanghai, etc.

The date parser accepts both common abbreviations and zoneinfo location names. The zoneinfo names are the better of the two, since they’re unambiguous. But the date parser is designed to understand dates in familiar human formats, so that users don’t have to conform to any rigid computerese - and the zoneinfo names are definitely a sort of computerese. So the parser also accepts the common abbreviations.

When a zoneinfo name is specified, the time is interpreted according to the local wall clock settings in effect in that zone on the date parsed from the string. For example, ‘2012-3-12 1:59 am America/Los_Angeles’ is interpreted using Pacific Standard Time, while ‘2012-3-12 2:01 am America/Los_Angeles’ is parsed using Pacific Daylight Time, since daylight time starts at 2:00 AM that day.

If you use a common local time abbreviation like EST or CDT, the date parser tries to guess which zone you mean. It first looks for a zone that matches the abbreviation and is in the same country as your host system’s local time zone. So if you’re in the US and enter EST or CDT, the US zone by that name will be selected; if you’re in Australia, the Australian zone will be used. If the parser can’t find a country match, it looks for a zone with the given abbreviation within 3 hours of your host system’s UTC offset; this should at least give you a zone in the same part of the world. If even that fails, an arbitrary match is used (currently the westernmost zone, with the most most negative UTC offset).

Note that a zone name like EST or PDT specifies a particular Standard or Daylight clock setting. The date parser assumes you mean exactly what you say, so it obeys the Standard or Daylight setting indicated by the abbreviation, even if it’s not normally used on the given date. For example, if you enter ‘7/1/2011 12:00 PST’, the parser interprets this as noon Pacific Standard Time, even though Pacific Daylight Time would normally apply in July. PST still exists during the summer months, so it’s still meaningful to enter PST times in California in July - they’ll just be an hour off from what the clock on the wall reads. In zones where the same abbreviation is used for both standard and daylight time (this is the practice in Australia, for example), the parser uses the setting that’s in effect for the parsed date.

Gregorian and Julian calendars

The Date class is happy to calculate extrapolated Gregorian and Julian dates as far back as you want, within its +/-5.87 million year limit, even when those dates are before the calendar in question came into use (or, in the case of the Julian calendar, after it fell into disuse). For dates before the given calendar’s adoption in a given region, the calculated dates won’t correspond to the dates used by people alive at the time. For example, if you want to work with dates written in the ship’s logs during Columbus’s voyages, the source material obviously won’t be rendered in Gregorian terms. Historians usually work in terms of the calendar that was in use in the era and region under study for just this reason. Some software systems try to be clever and switch between Gregorian and Julian dates in October, 1582, but TADS doesn’t do this. Because of the gradual adoption of the Gregorian calendar in different regions over several centuries, there’s really no single historically accurate cut-off date; the transition timing depends on the region you’re talking about, and even within a single region it can be surprisingly complex, as the transition didn’t always go smoothly. As a result, there’s really no way to infer from a date alone that it should be on one calendar or another. So the Date parser and formatter let you explicitly choose the calendar you wish to use for a given operation.

Year zero and negative year numbers

In the traditional AD/BC timeline, there’s no such thing as a Year 0, and no negative year numbers: the year before AD 1 is called 1 BC, the year before that is 2 BC, and so on. That’s the way most people write years before AD 1, but astronomers and most computer systems use a different convention where the years are numbered as ordinary integers. The positive year numbers correspond to the same positive integers, but when we count backwards past year 1, we just keep going through the integers instead of switching to a different “BC” era: so the year before year 1 is year 0, the year before that is -1, then -2, etc. This is often called astronomical notation, since it’s the way astronomers number years.

When parsing and formatting date strings, the Date class can handle both the astronomical notation and the AD/BC notation. In input, the parser determines which notation is used by analyzing the input string. For output via formatDate(), you can choose the notation by selecting the appropriate format code (e.g., %y for astronomical years, %e for AD/BC eras).

Leap seconds

For most of human history, the Earth was our master clock. Timekeeping was traditionally a matter of observing the Earth’s orientation in space; the key reference points on the clock and the calendar are defined by astronomical alignments like noon and the solstices. Until very recently, the Earth was the most stable and precise timepiece we had, and man-made clocks had to be reset regularly to make up for their mechanical imprecision. In the modern era, the situation is inverted: timekeeping technology now allows us to build clocks that are much more stable than the Earth’s rotational speed. Atomic clocks now serve as the definitive reference points for measuring time. We still want our clocks to match the observed solar time, though, so we still make occasional corrections - but now it’s because the clocks are too accurate, and have to be tweaked to account for imperfections in the Earth’s celestial mechanics.

Over the long haul, the Earth’s rotational rate is gradually slowing: the day is getting longer, which will be good news to those who feel there aren’t enough hours in the day. In the short term, the rate varies chaotically. Atomic clocks are so stable that the variation becomes significant over the span of couple of years. To keep the reference clocks synchronized with the heavens, the timekeeping authorities occasionally have to add or subtract a “leap second”, where UTC is set ahead or back by one second. This has happened, on average, about once every two years since the practice was started in 1972. But that’s just an average; there’s no formula for it, since the short-term variations in the Earth’s rotation are unpredictable.

The Date class’s treatment of leap seconds is simple: it ignores them. For future dates, it’s simply not possible to account for them because of their inherent unpredictability. It would be possible in principle to account for leap seconds for past dates, but practical experience with other computer systems has suggested that doing so does more harm than good. Most computer systems today use an idealized UTC timeline that ignores all past and future leap seconds; this is what the Date class does.

The design of the Date class actually insulates it from the effects of leap seconds for most purposes. A Date consists of a day number and a separate time of day. This design means that calendar calculations, such as determining the calendar date of a given Date value, or figuring the number of days between two dates, are completely unaffected by leap seconds. Calculations of the time of day within a given day are also unaffected by leap seconds, since leap seconds are cleverly added at the very end of a day, by making the last minute of the day 61 seconds long (so each leap-second day has a rather anomalous moment labeled 23:59:60). The only type of calculation with the Date type that’s affected by leap seconds is figuring the elapsed time, in units such as hours or minutes, between two events on different UTC days (or the reverse, figuring the date/time at a given interval measured in time units from another date/time, where the two values are on different UTC days). The Date class doesn’t take leap seconds into account for these calculations; it simply treats every day as exactly 86,400 seconds. This yields results that are consistent with most other computer systems, even though they’re not precisely correct as measured on the atomic clocks.

In concrete terms, 24 leap seconds were added to UTC between 1972 and

  1. This makes the error due to ignoring leap seconds in an elapsed time calculation over that entire period about one part in 51 million.

TADS 3 System Manual
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