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An enumerator is a named, constant data value. Enumerators are similar to the C and C++ “enum” type, but have some important differences:

To define an enumerator, use the “enum” statement. This is a top-level statement that appears outside of functions and object definitions. After the “enum” keyword, simply list the enumerator names you wish to define, separating multiple names with commas and ending the list with a semicolon. For example:

    enum apple, orange, pear;

If you’re familiar with C or C++, note that there is no name for the group of symbols. In fact, defining these symbols together in a single enum statement is merely a convenience and does not establish any grouping or relation among these three symbols; there is no difference between defining these symbols as a group and defining them with three separate statements.

Enumerator names are global symbols, so they must co-exist with object, function, and property names. An enumerator cannot have the same name as any other global symbol.

You can use an enumerator anywhere a value is required, although an enumerator cannot be used where a value of another datatype (such as an integer) is required. So, you can assign an enumerator value to a property or a local variable, store it in a list, or compare it to another value. You cannot use an enumerator value in arithmetic expressions.

    local x = apple;
    case apple:
      "It's red.";
    case orange:
      "It's orange.";
    case pear:
      "It's green.";

Enumerators have advantages and disadvantages relative to the primary alternative, which is preprocessor symbols created with the #define directive. With preprocessor symbols, you can specify an integer or other type of value that is used to represent the constant; this allows you to use the constant in calculations and other places where it might be convenient to treat the constant as having an underlying value of some kind. Because you define an explicit value for a preprocessor constant, you can be certain that these values will be stable from one compilation to the next (assuming you don’t change the definitions), so you can write them to external files that are independent of any version of your program. Enumerators, on the other hand, save you the trouble of specifying a unique value for each constant; in addition, the debugger shows you the symbolic name of an enumerator value, whereas it can only show you the underlying value of a preprocessor constant.

A special type of enumerator defines “token” enumerators. A token enumerator differs from a regular enumerator only in that a token enumerator can be used in a grammar statement’s match list. A token enumerator is declared by adding the word “token” after the “enum” keyword in the definition:

    enum token dictWord, unknownWord, punctuation;

TADS 3 System Manual
Table of Contents | The Language > Enumerators
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