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The Intrinsics > GrammarProd
The GrammarProd intrinsic class is a specialized pattern-matching class that’s designed to be used for implementing parsers. GrammarProd stands for “grammar production”, which we’ll define in a moment.
GrammarProd provides a “parser”, but it’s not what we think of as “the parser” in an IF context. GrammarProd’s parser is essentially a robotic sentence diagrammer, a la elementary school grammar lessons. Its function is to take some concrete input text from the user and match it up to an abstract grammar. Elementary school sentence diagramming is exactly the same thing: you take a sentence, and you identify how it divides into phrases and how the phrases combine to form the overall structure of the sentence. A GrammarProd parser is a useful tool for building an IF parser, but it’s only a small part of the overall parsing process; the rest of the parser must take the sentence diagrams that GrammarProd produces and imbue them with meaning.
When we talk about a “grammar”, we’re using the word in the computerese
sense of a formal description of a language’s structural syntax. In
concrete terms, a grammar in TADS is a collection of
statements. Each
statement defines one element of a
grammar, and how that element is composed of finer elements defined in
other grammar
statements. A collection of
inter-related grammar
statements amounts to a
GrammarProd objects are run-time objects representing the parts of the
grammar. Each GrammarProd object corresponds to a set of
statements with the same object name.
For the most part, you won’t create or manipulate GrammarProd objects
directly. You’ll usually create them implicitly using the compiler’s
statement. At run-time, the most
common way to use a GrammarProd object is to carry out a sentence
diagramming operation, which you do by calling the
method on the
root GrammarProd object of your grammar.
Starting in TADS 3.1, it’s possible to create and modify the elements of a grammar dynamically at run-time. We’ll see more on this later.
You should \#include \<gramprod.h\>
in your
source files that use GrammarProd objects and methods.
“Production” defined
We use the term “production” a lot in this chapter (not surprising, since it’s part of the name of the class we’re talking about!). This is a technical term in computer parsing. A production is an element of a grammar that’s composed of smaller parts. For example, if we were creating a grammar for English, we might include a “sentence” production that consists of a subject, a predicate, and one or more noun phrases. Each of those parts would in turn be a production, consisting of smaller word groups. We’d eventually get down to the level of individual words (which are usually called “terminal” elements of the grammar, since they don’t decompose into any finer parts).
Productions are so named because computer parsers are frequently designed to build grammatical structures by starting at individual words and working up through sequentially larger structures. Each time a set of words is recognized as a functional group, the parser produces the larger structure from the constituent parts, thus the larger structure is called a production.
One of the most important things about productions is that a production almost always has more than one way of being built. This is really the entire point of defining productions, because it allows us to recognize the different forms a particular syntactic element can take. For example, in English, there are many different kinds of noun phrases: a simple noun, an adjective followed by a noun, a pronoun, a possessive pronoun followed by a noun, a possessive pronoun followed by an adjective followed by a noun, a possessive prounoun followed by an adjective followed by another adjective followed by a noun; we could go on all day. Despite all of these different syntactic forms a noun phrase can take, though, we can label them all with the generic term “noun phrase”. We can then plug the general notion of a “noun phrase” into structures, such as verb phrases or whole sentences. The point is that the larger structures don’t have to worry about all the different noun phrase formats - we don’t have to define “verb with possessive noun phrase”, “verb with adjective noun phrase”, “verb with prepositional noun phrase”, etc - we just define “verb with noun phrase”, and we magically have all of those variations by virtue of defining “noun phrase” as the collection of all of them.
The grammar
A grammar rule is defined using the grammar
keyword. A grammar
statement is mostly like an
ordinary object or class definition, but with a few added elements:
grammar prodName [ ( tag ) ] : rules : superclass [ , superclass ... ]
The optional tag is a symbol or number token enclosed in parentheses.
This isn’t required - but if it’s present, it provides a way to
distinguish the rule from other rules associated with the same
prodName at run-time, and to refer to the rule in
and replace
statements. This tag is also included in the string in the first
element returned by the grammarInfo()
to distinguish a particular matched rule from other rules for the same
If the tag is present, the combination of the production name, tag, and parentheses forms the full name of the object. This combination must be globally unique, just as any other object name must be.
The list of superclasses and the list of properties and methods
(propsAndMethods) are defined in exactly as for ordinary objects. The
reason there’s a superclass list and a property/method list is that the
statement actually does define an
ordinary class, in addition to defining a GrammarProd object. The
ordinary class that’s defined has no name, but is otherwise like any
other class.
The prodName specifies the name of the GrammarProd object. A given
production name can occur in any number of
statements; a
statement does not uniquely define a
production object, but simply adds one or more alternative syntax rules
to the production. (That’s why the tag is so useful - it lets us
identify the individual grammar
making up a single GrammarProd object.)
The rules section is a set of one or more syntax rules to be associated with the production. Each alternative list looks like this:
itemList [ | itemList ... ]
The vertical bar “|” (the same symbol used for the bitwise-OR operator)
separates multiple item lists. Using a bar is equivalent to writing a
separate grammar
statement for each item list.
The “|” syntax is usually a lot more concise than writing each rule as
a separate statement, since all of the properties and methods you define
for this grammar
statement apply to each rule
in the item list.
Each item list specifies a syntax rule for the production. An item list looks like this:
[ qualifiers ] [ item [ item ... ] ] [ * ]
Each item in the list can be one of the following:
- A literal string, enclosed in single quotes. This simply matches the
the text of an input token. If a default Dictionary object is in
effect at compile-time when the rule is defined (via a
statement), the compiler automatically enters the text into the Dictionary, associating it with the production object and themiscVocab
property. Literals are matched using the same comparison rule as the Dictionary object used at the time of parsing; this means that any case folding, truncation, accent elisions, and other special matching rules that the Dictionary uses are applied in the same manner to grammar literals. - A literal string, enclosed in double quotes. This is identical to a
string in single quotes. (Double quotes don’t have their usual special
meaning here, because there’s only one kind of string in this context.
This is intended mostly as a convenience for
, where the whole rule text is given as a single-quoted string: using double quotes for the quoted tokens within the string avoids the hassle of backslash-escaping the quote marks.) - A token type name - that is, an
enum token
symbol. A token type item tells the parser to match any input token of the given type. For example, the standard library tokenizer definestokInt
as the integer token type, so you can match any integer in the input with atokInt
item. - A dictionary property - a property previously declared with the
dictionary property
statement. This matches an input token that appears in the dictionary under the given property. - A list of dictionary properties enclosed in angle brackets
\< \>
), and separated by spaces. This matches an input token that appears in the Dictionary under any of the listed properties. - A production object (a prodName symbol from another grammar statement, or even the name of the current statement’s production object). This matches if any of the alternatives defined for the sub-production match. Note that you must not use the “tagged” version of the name here: you must use only the prodName part. The reason is that a reference to a sub-production inherently incorporates all of the different rules associated with the sub-production.
- A group of alternative sub-lists enclosed in parentheses, with the
alternative sub-lists separated by vertical bars
Each item type can optionally be followed by an arrow symbol,
(a hyphen followed by a greater-than
sign), then a property name. If this sequence is present, it indicates
that, when the parser successfully matches the item, it will store the
matching value in the given property of the object created to represent
the production match. For a token type or dictionary property item, the
value stored in the property is simply the token value of the input
token that matches the item. For a sub-production item, the value stored
in the property is the object created to represent the sub-production
If an asterisk (\*
) is present, it must be the
last element of the item list. This symbol indicates that any input
tokens that remain in the input after the tokens that match the syntax
rule up to this point should simply be ignored. In a sense, the
is a “wildcard” symbol that matches
everything remaining in the input token list; however, you shouldn’t
think of it this way, because that’s not really how it works. The
doesn’t actually match anything; instead,
it simply indicates that any remaining tokens should be ignored. If an
alternative of the root production does not end with a
symbol, either directly in the rule of the
alternative in the root production or indirectly in the last
subproduction, the parser will match the alternative only if the root
alternative matches the entire input token list. If the root alternative
does end (directly or indirectly) with the \*
symbol, however, the parser will match the alternative even if extra
input tokens remain after matching the alternative’s items. The
symbol, if present, must always be the last
item in an alternative’s list.
The optional qualifiers, if present, specify additional information about the alternative. Only one qualifier is currently valid:
[ badness integer ]
This qualifier assigns the alternative a “badness” rating, which can be used to create catch-all syntax patterns that you don’t want to use except as a last resort. The integer value gives the degree of badness; this value is meaningful only relative to other “badness” values assigned to other productions. When GrammarProd is considering more than one rule with badness for a possible match, it picks the one with the lowest badness first.
Assigning a badness rating tells the parser that the alternative should be ignored until all other alternatives are exhausted. This is especially useful for handling syntax errors in the user input, because it allows you to create alternatives that match anything in particular parts of the input, which helps pinpoint where the problem is, which in turn lets you give the user better feedback about the problem.
Using modify
and replace
with grammar rules
A grammar rule object can be replaced or modified by another grammar
rule, just as a normal object can be replaced or modified, using the
and modify
keywords. For example, you might want to modify or replace a grammar
rule when you’re using a library, since the library might define
general-purpose rules that don’t exactly fit your needs.
To use modify
with a grammar rule, use this
modify grammar prodName ( tag ) : rules :
This is almost the same as the normal
syntax, but note that no class list
follows the colon after the rule list. No superclasses are specified
with modify
, because a modified object always
has the same superclass or superclasses as the original object being
modified. Note also that the tag is required, because this provides
the unique name for the match object that distinguishes it from other
match objects defined for the same production name.
Note that the rules list is optional: if you leave it out (so you just put two colons in a row after the name), then the compiler retains the original rule list for the object being modified. This lets you override just the properties or methods of the grammar rule object, without changing any of the grammar it matches.
To use replace
with a grammar rule, use this
replace grammar prodName ( tag ) : rules : superclass [ , superclass ... ]
This is exactly the same as a normal grammar
definition, except that the replace
precedes the definition.
If you use replace
with a grammar rule, the original
grammar rule is completely replaced by the new grammar rule. In this
respect, replace
behave exactly the same way. The
differences between the two are their treatment of the original object’s
property list (in the case of replace
, the
original list is completely lost; in the case of
, the original properties are inherited
by the modified object) and of the original’s superclass
specifies a brand new superclass, and
uses the original object’s superclass).
If you want to delete an existing grammar rule entirely, you can use the
syntax, and specify an unmatchable
rule list. A rule list is unmatchable if it contains a token string that
the tokenizer will never produce; for example, in most cases, tokenizers
do not return spaces as tokens, so you can use the string
' '
as an unmatchable alternative:
replace grammar nounPhrase(1): ' ': object;
defines two objects
The grammar
statement is unusual in that it
defines not one, but two separate objects.
First, a grammar
statement defines - or adds
to - a GrammarProd object. This object’s name is given by the prodName
in the grammar
A grammar
statement can “add to” a GrammarProd
object. It’s legal to write multiple grammar
statements that define the same prodName, as long as they have
distinct tag names. The compiler automatically gathers together all of
these different definitions and rolls them into a single GrammarProd
object in the final program.
Second, the statement defines a separate class called the match object
class. This class doesn’t have a symbol name that you can refer to in
your program, so you can’t, for example, define a subclass of it.
However, for the purposes of modify
, its name is prodName(tag), and at
run-time the same name is used in string form to identify the rule.
At run-time, you can call methods on the GrammarProd object. For
example, the parseTokens()
method is used to
match an input string to the GrammarProd’s rules. The
method in turn returns a
description of the match, if it can find one, that uses instances of the
match object class to represent the precise
rules that the input was found to
Changing the grammar at run-time
Starting in TADS 3.1, you can add new grammar rules and change existing rules at run-time.
You can create an entirely new production object with the
local prod = new GrammarProd();
This creates an unnamed production with no rules. You can add rules to the new production with the addAlt() method. For example:
prod.addAlt('noun->n1', new NounPhraseProd(), cmdDict, symtab);
Once you have a new production set up, you can use it as the root of the grammar for parsing purposes, simply by calling parseTokens() on the production:
prod.parseTokens(toks, cmdDict);
In many cases, after you create a new production, you’ll want to refer to it as a sub-production within other rules. Newly created rules are always defined symbolically, so the question is, how do we refer to an unnamed new object symbolically? The trick is that you can manually add the new object to your copy of the symbol table. A symbol table is just a LookupTable, after all, so you’re free to invent new symbol names.
symtab['myNewProd'] = prod;
nounPhrase.addAlt('myNewProd->p1', new NounPhraseProd(), cmdDict, symtab);
isn’t limited to working with newly
created productions. As you can see above, you can also use it to add to
the grammar of productions defined statically in the program’s source
code, with grammar
statements. What’s more,
the deleteAlt()
methods let you
remove rules from an existing production. You can combine these methods
to rewrite any part of the grammar on the fly.
Match objects for new rules
When you define rules statically with grammar
remember that the compiler automatically creates a “match object class”
for you. This object is unnamed, but it’s not completely invisible:
whenever parseTokens()
matches input to that
rule, it creates an instance of the
match object, and returns that instance in the tree of objects
representing the parsing match.
When you use addAlt()
to create a new rule
dynamically, there’s no grammar
involved, and the system doesn’t automatically create a match object for
you. But a match object is still needed - without a match object,
there’d be no way to represent a match to the new rule in
results. So where does the match
object come from? It’s up to you to create one, and pass it to
as a parameter.
You can in principle use any object for the match object in
, but there are two special guidelines
you should keep in mind:
- First, you should create a new object for each
automatically adds some information to the match object to describe the alternatives it’s associated with. It’s important to keep this information separate for eachaddAlt()
call. In particular,addAlt()
adds agrammarAltProps
property, containing a list of the “-\>
” properties used in the rules being added. - Second, each dynamic match object should inherit from DynamicProd,
which is a class defined in the library file
. (You should include this file in your project.) DynamicProd is a simple mix-in class, so you can inherit from other classes as well. DynamicProd is important because it defines agrammarInfo()
method for dynamic match objects parallel to the one that the compiler automatically builds for statically defined match objects.
GrammarProd methods
addAlt(*alt*, *matchObj*, *dict*?, *symtab*?)
Add an alternative or set of alternatives to the production.
alt is a string containing the alternative(s) to add. This uses the
same syntax as “rules” list in a grammar
statement. You can define multiple alternatives as usual using “|”
symbols within the string.
matchObj is the match object class for the new rule(s). In a static
statement, the compiler creates the
match object class automatically, as an unnamed object with the
superclasses listed in the grammar
When you add rules with addAlt()
, you must
explicitly supply the match object. See above for
guidelines on how to create this object.
The method adds the property grammarAltProps
to matchObj. This property is set to a list of all
” properties used within the alternatives
defined for the match object. The method doesn’t add
properties, but if matchObj
inherits from DynamicProd as recommended, it will
inherit a grammarInfo
method that works the
same as in a statically defined match object. You can explicitly add a
property if you wish (it can be
useful for debugging, for example), but it’s not required.
dict is an optional Dictionary object, giving the
dictionary associated with this grammar. If this is provided, and the
new alternatives contain literal tokens,
automatically adds those literals to
the dictionary. This keeps the dictionary in sync with the vocabulary
used in dynamically added rules.
symtab is an optional lookup table containing the compiler’s global symbols. If you use any symbol names in the alternative (such as property names or other GrammarProd object names as sub-productions), the symbol table is required for resolving those symbols. In most cases, you should simply use the same symbol table that t3GetGlobalSymbols() returns during preinit, since that reflects the global symbols defined in the program’s source code.
Delete all existing alternatives (token rules) in the production. This is equivalent to calling deleteAlt() for each alternative.
dict is an optional Dictionary object to be updated for
the deletion. If this is provided and not nil
the dictionary will be updated to remove literal tokens associated with
the production that are being deleted by this method. This keeps the
dictionary in sync with the changes to the grammar.
deleteAlt(*id*, *dict*?)
Delete one or more alternatives (token rules) from the production. id specifies which alternative(s) to delete:
- By tag: if id is a string, the method deletes each alternative whose
match object’s
property equals id. The compiler automatically sets thegrammarTag
property for each match object defined in agrammar
statement to the statement’s tag, so this makes it easy to delete all of the rules defined in a singlegrammar
statement. - By match object class: if id is an object, the method deletes each alternative whose match object is either equal to id or is a subclass of id.
- By index: if id is an integer, it gives the index of the alternative
to delete. This corresponds to an index in the list returned by
; the first alternative’s index is 1. This deletes one alternative.
dict is an optional Dictionary object to be updated for
the deletion. If this is provided and not nil
the dictionary will be updated to remove any literal tokens associated
with the production that are being deleted by this method. This keeps
the dictionary in sync with the changes to the grammar.
The GrammarProd class provides access to the internal definition of a
grammar production object via the
method. This gives you
complete information on the grammar
in the program. You could in principle use this information to write a
replacement for parseTokens()
, since the
method provides access to all of the information available to the
intrinsic class.
You’ll notice as you read through the descriptions below of the data
structures that the data structures map directly to the parts of the
statement. This is no accident;
in essence just returns a
run-time representation of the same information that you define in
source code using the grammar statement.
This method returns a list, containing zero or more objects of class GrammarAltInfo (this name isn’t actually anything special to the intrinsic class; it’s rather an “imported” class that the basic run-time library defines in the source file gramprod.t). Each GrammarAltInfo object in the list defines one alternative in the production’s alternative list.
(Recall that an alternative consists of a qualifier (such as a
value) and a series of tokens, and
that multiple alternatives can be associated with one production, either
by separating them with \|
symbols or by
writing multiple grammar statements associated with the same named
production. Each GrammarAltInfo object represents one complete group of
tokens-a run of tokens between \|
Note that the compiler automatically “flattens” any parenthesized token
groups to construct equivalent completely un-parenthesized token lists.
For example, if you write a rule that says 'a' ('b'
\| 'c')
, the compiler automatically converts this to the
equivalent 'a' 'b' \| 'a' 'c'
, leaving no
parenthesized groups. This is why you won’t find any representation of
parenthesized groups in what getGrammarInfo() returns-there simply isn’t
any such thing after the compiler has finished processing the source
code. This greatly simplifies the information representation at
Here’s what a GrammarAltInfo object looks like:
class GrammarAltInfo: object
gramBadness = 0
gramMatchObj = nil
gramTokens = []
The gramBadness
property gives the “badness”
value for the alternative; this is the value specified in the
qualifier in the grammar statement
that defined the alternative. If no
qualifier is present, this value
will be zero.
The gramMatchObj
property gives the “match
object” for the alternative. This is the class that
will instantiate to represent
the match when the input token list is found to match the alternative -
that is, this is the object that’s defined directly by the
statement itself. (Recall that each
grammar statement actually defines two objects: the GrammarProd object
and the match class. The GrammarProd object is only indirectly defined,
in that multiple grammar statements can add alternatives to the same
GrammarProd object, hence any one grammar statement only partially
defines the associated GrammarProd object. The match object is a
TadsObject class that’s uniquely defined by the
The gramTokens
property gives a list of the
token slots making up the alternative. This is a list of
GrammarAltTokInfo objects (as with GrammarAltInfo, this class name isn’t
anything special to the intrinsic class; it’s simply imported from the
library, which defines the class in gramprod.t). The list is in the same
order as the tokens appear in the grammar statement, which is the order
in which they’re matched to an input token list.
Each GrammarAltTokInfo object describes one token slot. These correspond to the “items” in the “item lists” making up an alternative in a grammar statement. Here’s what a GrammarAltTokInfo object looks like:
class GrammarAltTokInfo: object
gramTargetProp = nil
gramTokenType = nil
gramTokenInfo = nil
The gramTargetProp
property gives the property
ID of the “target” property for the token slot. This is simply the
property that appears following a -\>
in a grammar statement. When GrammarProd.parseTokens() finds a match to
a production, it constructs a match object to represent the match and
then sets the property indicated here in the match object to the actual
matched value for the token slot.
The gramTokenType
property gives the type of
value this token slot matches, and gramTokenInfo gives extra information
that depends on the type. This type will be one of the following (these
values are defined in the system header file gramprod.h):
: the token slot is a reference to a sub-production (that is, another GrammarProd object), and the slot matches the corresponding part of the input token list if and only if the sub-production matches the input tokens. For this type of token slot, gramTokenInfo contains a reference to the sub-production (a GrammarProd object).GramTokTypeSpeech
: the token slot matches a specific “part of speech.” This means that the token slot matches a single input token, and matches if and only if the input token has the same part of speech as the token slot. A part of speech is simply a “dictionary property” value, and a token has a given part of speech if it appears in the Dictionary passed toparseTokens()
under the same dictionary property value. ThegramTokenInfo
in this case will be the property ID of the dictionary property (e.g.,&noun
: the token slot matches any of several parts of speech. This is just likeGramTokTypeSpeech
, but the slot will match any one of a list of property values. ThegramTokenInfo
value in this case will be a list of property IDs.GramTokTypeLiteral
: the token slot matches a literal string. In this case, an input token will match the token slot only if the input token compares equal to the literal, using the Dictionary’s string comparator. In this case, thegramTokenInfo
value is a string giving the literal text to be matched.GramTokTypeTokEnum
: the token slot matches a token type. This means that an input token will match the token slot only if the input token has the given token type. A token type is simply an “enum” value defined with the “enum token” syntax; each token in an input list has a token type, assigned by the tokenizer and stored in the standard token list format. In this case, thegramTokenInfo
value will be the “enum” value giving the token type that the slot matches.GramTokTypeStar
: the token slot matches all remaining input tokens. This is used to create an alternative that allows a match with more tokens left after the end of the alternative’s explicitly listed tokens. There’s no extra information for this token slot type, sogramTokenInfo
is simplynil
in this case.
You might be wondering what the difference is between
and the match
object’s grammarInfo()
method. The difference
is that GrammarProd.getGrammarInfo()
gives you
information on the grammar itself, whereas the match object’s
gives you information on the
matched syntax - that is, it tells you how a particular input token
list matched a particular grammar using
So, the match object’s grammarInfo()
gives you
information on the syntax of a particular input token list. In
contrast, GrammarProd.getGrammarInfo()
you about the grammar itself, independent of any input token list; it
returns a direct representation of the information defined in
statements that appeared in the source
parseTokens(*tokenList*, *dict*)
This method matches input, in the form of a list of tokens, to the GrammarProd object’s rule list.
tokenList is a list of input tokens to match to the rule. (This can be
a list, a vector, or a list-like object.)
Each entry in the list is a token specifier, which is a sublist
consisting of at least two elements: the first element is the value of
the token, and the second element is the type of the token. Each token’s
sublist can include more elements if desired; the parser will preserve
the additional elements, but doesn’t currently use any beyond the first
two. This format is compatible with the format produced by the system
library’s Tokenizer class, so you can simply feed a token list produced
by a Tokenizer object directly into the
dict is a Dictionary object, or nil
if no
dictionary is to be used. If this argument is not
, it must be an object of intrinsic class
Dictionary. If any of the syntax rules that the parser encounters
include dictionary property items, the parser will look up the
corresponding token in the given dictionary to determine the properties
under which the word is defined. A dictionary is not required if no
dictionary properties are used in the syntax rules to be examined. The
dictionary also specifies how literals in grammar rules are matched to
tokens: literals are matched using the Dictionary’s “comparator” object,
so that literals are matched using the same rules that the Dictionary
uses to match tokens against dictionary words.
You always call this method on the “root” production of the grammar you
wish to match. There’s nothing special about a root production object -
you can use any production here. For example, if you want to parse just
a noun phrase, you can call parseTokens()
your noun phrase production object, even if the noun phrase production
is used as a sub-production in other rules.
This method returns a list of matches. If the return list is empty, it indicates that there were no matches at all. Otherwise, each entry in the list is the top object of a “match tree.”
A match tree is a tree of objects that the parser dynamically creates to
represent the syntax structure of the match. Each object is an instance
of one of the match object classes defined in a
statement. Each of these objects has
the properties that appear after arrow symbols
) in the grammar item list set to the
actual values from the input token list.
Finding the original tokens
As parseTokens()
builds the match tree, it
sets properties of each match object to indicate the indices of the
first and last tokens involved in the match; these bounds are inclusive.
The properties the parser sets are called
In addition, parseTokens()
automatically sets
the tokenList
property of each match tree
object to a reference to the original token list passed into
. So, for a given match tree
object match, the tokens matching the production can be obtained as
toks = match.tokenList.sublist(
match.lastTokenIndex - match.firstTokenIndex + 1);
In addition to the token list, parseTokens()
stores a list of “match results” in each object in the match tree, in
the property tokenMatchList
. This list gives
the result of the matchValues()
method in the
Dictionary’s comparator object for each token that matched a literal in
a grammar rule. Each element of this list gives the match result for the
corresponding element of the token list, so
gives the
result for the third token. If a
token matches a dictionary property rather than a literal, its
entry will be
, since
is not used to match such
The tokenMatchList
information can be used to
find out how well a particular token matched a grammar literal. For
example, this can be used to determine if the token matched with
truncation, or with accent substitution using an equivalence mapping
(see the StringComparator class for more details on these
types of matches).
(Note: to be precise, the parser uses the properties exported under the
global names “GrammarProd.firstTokenIndex” and
“GrammarProd.lastTokenIndex” for the indices, “GrammarProd.tokenList”
for the token list, and “GrammarProd.tokenMatchList” for the token match
result list. Since the GrammarProd header file,
, defines these exports, most
users can ignore this detail.)
Each match object class defines the property
as a string value containing the
“tag” for the grammar rule that defined it. This property definition is
automatically supplied by the compiler for each match object defined by
a grammar
Note that when you add a grammar rule dynamically with the
method, this property isn’t
automatically added to the match object class you supply. You can
manually define the property on the match object if you wish.
The compiler automatically generates a method called
for each match object class.
This method provides information that allows the program to traverse a
match tree without knowing anything about the structure of the tree,
which is useful for debugging as well as for searching a tree for
particular types of matches.
Note that when you add a grammar rule dynamically with the
method, the
method isn’t automatically added
to the match object class you supply. You must manually define this
method if you want it to be available for a dynamically added rule.
The grammarInfo()
method returns a list. The
first element in the list is the name of the match, which is simply the
name of the production, plus the tag if one was specified. Each
subsequent element is the value of one of the properties used after an
arrow (-\>
) in the production’s rule or rules;
the properties appear in the list in the same order they are specified
in the rule. If the rule contains multiple alternatives, each property
appears only once in the list.
For example, suppose we define a rule like this:
grammar nounPhrase(1): adjective->adj_ noun->noun_ : object;
Now, suppose this rule matched the input “magic book.” The
method for the match object
would look like this:
['nounPhrase(1)', 'magic', 'book']
The first element is the production name with its tag. The second
element is the value of the adj\_
which in this case is the literal token matched; likewise, the third
element is the value of the noun\_
which is another literal token.
The grammarInfo()
method can be used to write
generic routines that traverse arbitrary match trees. For example, we
could write a simple routine to display, for debugging purposes, the
contents of a match tree:
showGrammar(match, indent)
local info;
/* indent by the desired amount (two spaces per level) */
for (local i = 0 ; i < indent ; ++i)
"\ \ ";
/* if it's not a sub-production, treat it specially */
if (match == nil)
/* this tree element isn't used - skip it */
else if (dataType(match) == TypeSString)
/* it's a literal token match - show it */
/* get the grammar info for the object */
info = match.grammarInfo();
/* show the production rule name, and the original text it matched */
"<<info[1]>> [<<showGrammarText(match)>>]\n";
/* show each sub-match */
for (local i = 2 ; i <= info.length ; ++i)
showGrammar(info[i], indent + 1);
/* show the text of a match tree item */
for (local i = match.firstTokenIndex ; i <= match.lastTokenIndex ; ++i)
/* show a space before each entry except the first */
if (i != match.firstTokenIndex)
" ";
/* show this token's text */
Sample Grammar Rules
Let’s define some grammar rules for a very simple noun phrase parser. For the purposes of this example, we’ll keep things very simple: our noun phrases will consist of a noun, or an adjective and a noun, or an adjective and an adjective and a noun, or so on.
The simplest way we could define these rules is by enumerating all of the different phrasings we could use. So, we could write something like this:
grammar nounPhrase: noun->noun_: object;
grammar nounPhrase: adjective->adj_ noun->noun_: object;
grammar nounPhrase: adjective->adj1_ adjective->adj2_ noun->noun_:
grammar nounPhrase: adjective->adj1_ adjective->adj2_
adjective->adj3_ noun->noun_: object;
And so on, up to some fixed limit to the number of adjectives we’ll allow.
Now, this will work, but it’s not very flexible. If we stop at six adjectives, users might complain that they can’t use eight. We could add phrasings for seven and eight adjectives, but then users might complain about ten. Our work would never end.
Fortunately, there is a more general approach. The recursion-minded reader might have by now observed that we could in principle express a rule for an unlimited number of adjectives by saying that a noun phrase is a noun, or an adjective followed by a noun phrase. This neatly subsumes any number of adjectives: with one adjective, we have a noun phrase consisting of an adjective followed by a noun phrase consisting of a noun; with two adjectives, we have an adjective followed by a noun phrase which consists of an adjective followed by a noun phrase which consists of a noun; and so on.
Not only can we express our noun phrase syntax this way in principle, we can express it this way in fact. This is precisely the kind of thing at which our production scheme excels. Here’s the simpler and much more flexible noun phrase grammar:
grammar nounPhrase: noun->noun_: object;
grammar nounPhrase: adjective->adj_ nounPhrase->np_: object;
That’s it - this completely solves our problem, no matter how many adjectives our verbose user types. Suppose the user types “little red wagon”: we first match the second alternative (with adjective “little”), leaving “red wagon” still to be parsed; we then match the second alternative again (with adjective “red”), leaving just “wagon” remaining; and finally we match the first alternative (with noun “wagon”). Here’s how we actually call the parser to parse this:
match = nounPhrase.parseTokens(tokList, gDict);
(Where do we get the tokList
value to pass
into the method? We can use the standard run-time library class
Tokenizer, or a subclass, and call its
method to produce a token list from
a simple string we want to parse.)
So, what good is all of this? Yes, we’ve built a set of rules that define a syntax structure, and we know how to call the parser to scan the rules. However, how do we actually use this for anything? What do we know, apart from whether or not an input token list matches the syntax? It turns out we know a great deal.
When the parser matches our syntax lists, it creates “match trees” that give us the details of exactly how the input tokens are structured, according to our grammar. The match tree consists of objects that the parser creates dynamically; these objects are instances of our grammar objects-not of the production objects, but of the unnamed “processor” objects that go with the grammar statement.
Let us, for the moment, assign some arbitrary labels to our processor objects. These aren’t really class names - we’re just using these to keep track of what’s going on:
grammar nounPhrase: noun->noun_: object; // pseudo-class "A"
grammar nounPhrase: adjective->adj_ nounPhrase->np_:
object; // pseudo-class "B"
When we call the parseTokens()
method, the
parser builds up match trees consisting of instances of “A” and “B”. For
our “little red wagon” example, here’s what the match tree looks like,
assigning arbitrary names to the objects (which wouldn’t really happen,
since they’re dynamically created):
obj1: B adj_ = 'little' np_ = obj2 ;
obj2: B adj_ = 'red' np_ = obj3 ;
obj3: A noun_ = 'wagon' ;
The “root” of the match tree is obj1. This example might make it more apparent why we call this a “tree”: obj1 is the root, with an adjective on one branch and obj2 on the other; obj2 in turn branches to an adjective and obj3; and obj3 has a noun.
The next step in making these match trees useful is to give them some methods.
The fact that a nounPhrase can be used in syntax anywhere a noun phrase is required means that all of the different alternative forms of noun phrases should provide a common interface. Clearly, they don’t right now: each alternative has its own set of properties. However, these properties are not meant as a public interface; they’re intended only for the use of the specific alternative processor object. What we must now do is define a public interface, which provides a common set of functionality for every nounPhrase alternative, and then specify an alternative-specific implementation of the public interface; the implementation effectively provides the bridge from the alternative-specific properties to the common information that any noun phrase must provide. For now, though, let’s define a very simple public interface that simply provides a debugging display of the object. To do this, we’ll define a method, debugPrint(), that any nounPhrase processor object must provide. Here’s how we could implement this:
grammar nounPhrase: noun->noun_: object
debugPrint() { "noun phrase: noun = <<noun_>>\n"; }
grammar nounPhrase: adjective->adj_ nounPhrase->np_: object
"noun phrase: adjective = <<adj_>>, nounPhrase = {\n";
Note how the public interface method is implemented in every noun phrase processor object, but the actual implementation varies according to the underlying information in the processor object. We actually take advantage of this in the recursive call to np_.debugPrint() in the second alternative: we know for a fact that np_ refers to a noun phrase processor object, because our syntax says so, so we can call its debugPrint() method without having to know what kind of nounPhrase it is. This is important in our “little red wagon” example, because we’ll actually have both kinds of nounPhrase alternatives present.
Here’s some code that will parse a noun phrase and then show the debugging display for the result:
local str;
local toks;
local match;
/* ask for a string of input */
str = inputLine();
/* tokenize the string with the standard tokenizer */
toks = Tokenizer.tokenize(str);
/* parse the tokens */
match = nounPhrase.parseTokens(toks, gDict);
/* display the match tree */
for (local i = 1, local cnt = match.length() ; i <= cnt ; ++i)
"Match #<<i>>:\n";
For our “little red wagon” example, we’ll see something like this:
Match #1:
noun phrase: adjective = little, nounPhrase = {
noun phrase: adjective = red, nounPhrase = {
noun phrase: noun = wagon
Exported class construction
The getGrammarInfo()
method depends upon the
program to export the GramAltInfo and GramAltTokInfo classes. In most
cases, you won’t have to write these classes yourself, because you can
simply use the implementations provided in the basic run-time library,
in the source file gramprod.t. For reference purposes, we’ll describe
what GrammarProd requires of these classes.
First, the classes must be exported under the names ‘GrammarProd.GrammarAltInfo’ and ‘GrammarProd.GrammarAltTokInfo’, respectively. Second, GrammarProd requires the classes to define constructors that accept particular argument lists, because getGrammarInfo() uses the constructors to pass the grammar description information to the classes. The parameter lists for the constructors are as follows:
GrammarAltInfo.construct(*score*, *badness*,
*matchObj*, *tokList*)
GrammarAltTokInfo.construct(*prop*, *typ*,
The arguments are:
- score: an integer value; this isn’t currently used and can be discarded
- badness: an integer giving the [badness] attribute for the alternative
- matchObj: an object reference giving the match object class for the alternative
- tokList: a list of GrammarAltTokInfo objects
- prop: a property ID giving the target property of the token slot
- typ: an integer giving the token slot type (one of the
values) - info: extra information that depends on the token slot type; this is
the same information described earlier for the
To ensure compatibility with any future extensions to the GrammarProd class, the implementations in the run-time library use variable argument lists in their constructors-they use the argument lists shown above, but add a “…” symbol at the end so that they’ll accept arbitrary additional arguments. This ensures that code compiled with the current version of the library will continue to run under any future VMs that include updated GrammarProd classes that pass additional arguments to the GrammarAltInfo and/or GrammarAltTokInfo constructors.
In the run-time library implementation of the classes, the constructors simply store the argument values in the corresponding instance properties, so that program code can refer to it as needed.
TADS 3 System Manual
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