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The Language > Procedural Code
Procedural Code
TADS 3 lets you do a lot “declaratively,” meaning that you just define objects, their attributes, and their relationships to one another, and the system and library take care of the details of running the game. That’s great as far as it goes, but no one has ever developed a system that can do everything declaratively (though some have tried). For the things you can’t do declaratively, TADS 3 provides a powerful “procedural” language, which lets you write step-by-step instructions for the computer to follow.
Quick index
- Functions and methods
- External declarations
- Property name declarations
- Procedural statements
- Notes for TADS 2 users
Functions and methods
There are two places where procedural code can appear. The first is in “functions,” and the second is in “methods.”
A function is a body of procedural instructions that’s all grouped up and given a name. Functions are so named because they resemble in form what mathematicians call functions: a function takes a set of input values, which we call parameters, and produces an output value as its result. For example, in mathematics, the “square root” function takes a number as its argument, and yields the square root of the number as its result. Now, in mathematics, there are other requirements that must be met before you can truly call something a function, but for our purposes a function is this just basic “black box” that takes a set of inputs and produces a result value.
A method is almost the same as a function, but has the additional quality that it’s associated with a particular object or class. This grouping of procedural code as part of an object is a defining feature of Object-Oriented Programming. It’s proved to be a very useful organizational tool, because it encourages programmers to think about how a problem breaks down into data structures, and then provides a way to group each data structure with the parts of the code that operate on it.
Defining a function
A function definition has this form:
functionName ( [ paramName [ , paramName ... ] ] )
Note that the parentheses for the parameter list are always required. If you want to define a function that doesn’t take any parameters, just use empty parentheses after the function name.
The parameter names act like local variables defined just inside the function body’s open-brace. This means that you can’t define a local variable with the same name in the function’s outermost code block. (It’s legal to reuse a parameter’s name for a local within a nested block, though, for the same reason you can define a new local in a nested block with the same name as a local in an outer block.)
The function body consists of a series of procedural statements. When
the function is invoked, the VM starts at the first (topmost) procedural
statement in the function body, and proceeds through them sequentially
until the function returns to its caller via an explicit
statement, throws an error, or “falls
off the end” (that is, the sequential execution point reaches the
function body’s closing brace). Falling off the end is equivalent to
returning nil
, so it’s as though there were a
return nil;
statement just before the function
body’s closing brace.
A function definition can only appear in “top-level” code - that is, outside of any object, class, or function definition. If you use this syntax within an object or class definition, the compiler will think you want to define a method.
Function names are global. A symbol that’s used as the name of a function cannot be used to name anything else with global scope (such as properties, objects, classes, enums).
To call a function, you write the function name followed by its arguments, enclosed in parentheses. This syntax constitutes a function-call expression, and you can use it anywhere an expression can go, including within a larger expression.
For example, here’s a complete program that defines two functions:
, which is the main entrypoint function
that every program must provide, and cube()
which raises a given number to the third power and returns the result.
The main()
function uses
to calculate a few cubed values,
displays them, and exits.
#include "tads.h"
local c1 = cube(1), c2 = cube(2), c3 = cube(3);
local cc3 = cube(c3);
"1 cubed = <<c1>>, 2 cubed = <<c2>>, 3 cubed = <<c3>>\n";
"3 cubed cubed <<cc3>>\n";
return n * n * n;
Optional arguments
In some cases, it’s convenient to be able to declare a function or method parameter as optional. This means that a caller can provide an argument value for the parameter, but doesn’t have to: a caller can simply omit the argument entirely if it wants to use the default value for the parameter.
The syntax for optional parameters is simple. Just place a
” after the name of a parameter:
stringToInt(str, radix?)
// ...
This lets callers call the function with or without the “radix” parameter:
x = stringToInt('12345');
y = stringToInt('3F7A', 16);
When only one argument is supplied, it’s assigned to “str”, because that
parameter is required, and the optional “radix” parameter is set to the
default value nil
. When two arguments are
supplied, the first is assigned to “str” and the second to “radix”.
For this particular example, it would be even better to be able to
define a specific default value for the “radix” argument. Fortunately,
there’s syntax for this: rather than using the
” suffix, instead write
expression”, where expression gives the
default value to be applied:
stringToInt(str, radix = 10)
// ...
This says that the “radix” parameter should be set to 10 whenever a caller doesn’t supply a second argument value. When the caller does provide two arguments, the caller’s value overrides the default value.
For more information, including a couple of subtleties that are worth knowing about, see the optional parameters section.
Named arguments
The usual way of passing arguments, as described above, is positional: the first value listed in the caller’s argument list is assigned to the first variable name in the callee’s parameter list, the caller’s second value goes to the callee’s second parameter name, and so on.
There’s another way, which we call named arguments. Instead of assigning values to parameter names by position, the caller actually specifies the name to use for each value. The values are then assigned to variables with the same names in the callee, regardless of the order of the values.
The caller and callee both have to agree on this protocol. When defining a function, you specify that it takes named argument values by putting a colon after each parameter name:
diff(a:, b:)
return a - b;
The caller invokes this function with similar syntax: for each named parameter, we must write the name, a colon, and then the value to use for that parameter:
local x = diff(a: 5, b: 3);
Because the parameters are named, the caller can list them in a different order from the callee. So we can rewrite the call above as follows, and we’ll get exactly the same result:
local x = diff(b: 3, a: 5);
You can freely mix positional and named parameters in the same function definition. Parameters with the colon suffix will be named, and those without will be positional. The caller must specify the positional parameters in the same order as in the function definition, but the named parameters can be mixed into the list in any order.
For full details on named parameters and why (and when) you’d want to use them, see the named arguments chapter.
Replacing or modifying a function
When using a library, it’s sometimes useful to be able to replace a
function that the library provides with your own definition. The
keyword lets you do this. To use this
feature, just write replace
in front of your
function definition:
replace someFunc(a, b)
// new code for the function...
completely discards the original
library definition of the function, and replaces it with your new
definition; it’s as though the library version were never defined.
Sometimes you want to augment a library function rather than replace it entirely. For example, you might want to add some special-case handling for one or two particular parameter values, but fall back on the original library definition for everything else. In these cases, you can “modify” a function. This replaces the original function with your new version, but it also keeps the original function around; the old function loses the right to use the name, but its code is still present. Whenever any code calls the function by name, your new version will be invoked.
To reach the original version of the function, you use a special
keyword, replaced
, within your new version of
the function. This is the only place where
works - you can only reach the old
function from within your new version.
looks syntactically like a function
call: you write, for example, replaced(7, 'a')
to invoke the original function.
Here’s an example:
case TypeObject:
return 'unknown';
modify getName(val)
if (dataType(val) == TypeSString)
return '\'' + val + '\'';
return replaced(val);
Note how the modified function refers back to the original version: we
add handling for string values, which the original definition didn’t
provide, but simply invoke the original version of the function for any
other type. The call to replaced(val)
the previous definition of the function, which we’re replacing.
Once a function is redefined using modify, it’s no longer possible to
invoke the old definition of the function directly by name. The only way
to reach the old definition is via the
keyword, and that can only be used
within the new definition of the function. However, note that you can
obtain a pointer to the old function, and then invoke the old function
through that pointer outside the bounds of the redefinition. To get the
pointer, use the replaced
keyword without an
argument list.
Defining a method
A method definition looks just like a function definition syntactically. The only difference is the placement within the source code. Whereas a function is declared at the top level of the program, outside of all objects, a method is declared within an object. For example:
class MyClass: object
// code goes here...
In most respects, a method acts very much like a function. The
difference is that a method is associated with the class or object in
which it’s defined. The method can only be invoked through the defining
object or class, or it can be reached by “inheritance” - that is,
through a descendant in the class hierarchy (that is, a subclass of this
object or class, a subclass of a subclass, etc., or an instance of the
class). To call a method, then, you have to name not only the method
itself but also the object it’s associated with. You do that with the
“dot” operator (.
), like this:
local x = MyClass.getOwner();
Within the method, you can use the self
pseudo-variable to determine which object was used to invoke the method.
Now, it might seem that this information is redundant, since the method
is by its very nature already associated with a particular object or
class. But as we just mentioned, you can reach the method through the
defining object/class or through a subclass or instance of the
defining object. For example, consider this code:
local x = new MyClass();
local y = x.getOwner();
This creates an instance of the class, then calls the method on the
instance object, not on the class itself. If you looked at
within the method in this case, it would
contain the instance object, not MyClass itself.
One of the key principles behind object-oriented programming is that
code related to an object should be grouped with the object, by defining
the code using methods. So one thing you tend to see a lot of in
well-designed OO code is one method of an object calling another method
of the same object. In other words, you tend to see a lot of
calls within method code. This is
so common that TADS 3 has a convenient short-hand notation for just this
case: when calling a method or property of
within a method, you can omit the
prefix entirely, and just write the
method call as though it were a function call. For example:
class MyClass
// check some conditions, and return true or nil...
if (isOwned())
// do something...
In this example, the call to isOwned()
is not a function call, even
though it looks like one at first glance. Rather, it’s a method call,
and behaves exactly as though we’d written
Short-hand method definitions
In addition to the standard function-like syntax for defining a method, there are a couple of short-hand formats that are more convenient for simple methods.
First, if a method take no parameters, you can omit the parameter list. This is especially handy for one-liner methods, where the whole body of the method fits on one line:
class MyClass
getOwner { // etc }
Second, if a method takes no parameters, and the only thing it does is evaluate an expression and return the result, you can write the method almost as though it were a property definition, like this:
class MyClass
getOwner = (myOwner != nil ? myOwner.actualOwner(self) : nil)
That has exactly the same meaning as if
had been defined like this:
return myOwner != nil ? myOwner.actualOwner(self) : nil;
These short-hand formats are syntactic variations only - they don’t make any difference in the behavior, size, or speed of the generated code. The short-hand syntax might make your source code look smaller, but it won’t make your compiled code any smaller or any faster, because the compiler generates the same byte-code in any case. These syntax variations are for your coding convenience; they’re not performance optimizations.
Floating methods
Another way of defining a method is to define it without an associated object definition. This is called a “floating” method, since it’s not attached to any object definition.
The syntax for a floating method is almost the same as for a function.
The only difference is that you substitute the keyword
for function
method getTopLoc()
return location == nil ? self : location;
Even though this looks like a function, you can use
, and access properties of
(such as
, in this example). You can also
access all of the other method context pseudo-variables
, and
), and you can use
. None of these things are allowed in
an ordinary function, since there’s no method context in an ordinary
A floating method actually is a function. If you look at
, you’ll see that it’s
. You can call it like a regular
function, without an object:
local t = getTopLoc();
However, if the method accesses self
or other
method context variables, calling it this way will cause a run-time
error. That’s what would happen in our example, since it references a
property of self
. The problem is that a
function call doesn’t have a method context, so references to method
context variables won’t work the way they do when a method is running.
So if it’s not really callable as a function, and it’s not callable as a method because it’s not associated with any object, what exactly is it good for? The answer, of course, is adoption.
Floating methods are intended to be associated with objects
eventually, even though they’re not initially. Their purpose is to let
you define a method that’s not initially attached to any object, but
only so that you can attach it dynamically, at run-time, as an actual
method of one or more objects. You do this using
, which you can find
more about here.
Varying argument lists
A function or method can be defined as taking a varying number of
parameters. That is, rather than specifying an exact number of arguments
that the caller must supply, you can define the function or method so
that it lets the caller decide how many arguments to supply; the
function or method determines how many were actually passed at run-time.
(This is sometimes called a “varargs” function, for “varying
arguments.”) To define this type of function or method, you use an
ellipsis, ...
, in place of the last parameter
name. For example:
printf(fmt, ...) { }
// code goes here...
When you define a function/method that takes varying parameters, callers
must supply at least the named parameters, and may then supply any
number (including zero) of additional arguments. The first argument
value (starting at the left) that the caller supplies is assigned to the
first named parameter in the function’s or methods’ parameter list, the
second argument value is assigned to the second named parameter, and so
on. You can retrieve the unnamed extra parameters using the
intrinsic function, and you can
determine the total number of arguments using the
returns the nth argument value,
where n ranges from 1 to argcount
It’s equally valid to use an ellipsis as the entire parameter list, if you want to accept zero or more arguments:
// code goes here...
Since there are no named arguments, the caller doesn’t have to supply
any arguments at all, and you must access all of the arguments via
You can alternatively give the varying part of the parameter list a
name, indicating to the compiler that you want the extra arguments to be
bundled up into a list and made accessible as a local variable. To do
this, replace the ellispis (...
) with a
parameter name, but enclose the parameter name in square brackets:
printf(fmt, [lst])
foreach (local x in lst)
// do something...
This is exactly like the earlier printf(fmt,
declaration, but it creates a list from the extra parameters
and stores it in the local variable lst
The “varying list” syntax is essentially equivalent functionally to the ellipsis syntax, but many people find it cleaner-looking and easier to use, since it lets you operate on the varying arguments using the language’s standard list features. However, note that it’s slightly less efficient, because the VM has to go to a little extra trouble to create the list for you. For most functions and methods, the cleaner and easier coding is well worth the slight performance cost; but for a performance-critical function (one that’s called very frequently, for example), you might get better execution speed with the ellipsis style.
Varying-argument calls
In addition to being able to receive varying arguments as a list, you can send a list value to a function or method, as though the list were a series of individual argument values. To do this, place an ellipsis after the list argument value in the function or method call’s argument list:
local lst = [1, 2, 3];
formatStr('x[%d, %d] = %d', lst...);
Rather than passing two arguments to
(i.e., a string and a four-element
list), this passes four arguments (a string, the integer 1, the integer
2, and the integer 3), as though all four had been passed as separate
arguments - in other words, the call is identical to this:
formatStr('x[%d, %d] = %d', 1, 2, 3);
This notation allows you to call a function that takes a variable argument list, using a list to provide the varying argument values. This makes it possible to layer calls to functions and methods with variable argument lists, since an intermediate function can itself take a variable argument list and later pass the same arguments to another variable argument function.
External declarations
When you build your program, the compiler scans all of the source files in your project for symbol names before it does anything else. This means that you can define a function or an object in one source file, and freely refer to it from another source file; and similarly, you can freely refer to functions and objects that are not defined until later in the same source file. The compiler’s pre-scan of the entire source ensures that it knows how symbols are used throughout the program. This eliminates most of the “external” and “forward” declaration overhead that many other programming languages force you to use.
In a few rare cases, though, you might actually need to explicitly define external symbols. This happens only when you’re compiling part of a program in isolation, and won’t combine the compiled object files with the rest of the program until later. The most likely situation where this would happen is in creating a library, where you want to distribute the library in compiled form rather than as source files.
To define a function or object as external, you use the
statement. This statement can be used
to define functions, objects, and classes. The syntax is:
extern function functionName ( [ param [ , param ... ] ] ) ;
extern object objectName ;
extern class className ;
These statements must be placed in “top level” code, outside of all object or function definitions.
Property name declarations
For the most part, the compiler automatically determines the type of each symbol used throughout the program - object name, function name, class name, property name, enum, etc. The compiler recognizes a symbol as a property name when the symbol is used to define a property or method of an object:
class MyClass: object
name = 'my class'
weight = 10
getOwner() { return owner; }
The compiler will automatically infer from this code that
, weight
, and
are property names, since they’re
used to explicitly define properties and methods of MyClass.
In some cases, you won’t have occasion to define a value for a particular property as part of an object definition anywhere in the program, but you still want to use the name as a property name. For these situations, the compiler lets you explicitly declare a symbol as being a property name. The syntax is:
property propName [ , propName ... ] ;
This statement declares each listed symbol as a property. It must be placed in “top level” code, outside of all object or function definitions.
Here’s an example:
property name, weight, getOwner;
Note that you can define method names as well as property names. A method name is identical to a property name in terms of the symbol type, so there’s no difference in the declaration syntax.
Procedural statements
Within a function or method body, you can write a series of procedural steps, called “statements.” A procedural statement is a single program instruction.
Every statement starts with a “keyword” that indicates what action should be carried out when the statement is executed. Actually, make that almost every statement; there are a couple of exceptions. An “expression” statement simply consists of an expression to evaluate, with no introductory keyword. Also, there’s such a thing as an “empty” statement, which contains nothing at all except for the final semicolon that all statements require. (An empty statement does nothing at all - which sounds useless, but it actually is useful in some cases as a placeholder, to fill in a spot that syntactically requires a statement but for which you have no actual work to do.)
Most statements have some extra information after the keyword, giving the specifics about what to do in the course of carrying out the statement.
All statements end with a semicolon (;
The interpreter carries out a function or method by executing its
statements, one at a time, starting at the first. In the simplest case,
execution steps sequentially through the statements in the function
until reaching the last one. Usually, though, it’s not quite this
simple, because some statements “jump” to another point in the function.
The if
statement, for example, jumps to one
point if a given condition is true, and a different point if the
condition is false. The for
statement sets up
a loop, where a group of statements is repeatedly executed as long as a
condition is true.
Code blocks
A “code block” is a group of statements enclosed in braces
({ }
). Code blocks are important for two
First, grouping statements with braces turns the group into what’s
effectively a single statement. In almost any place where a single
statement is required, you can substitute a code block for the single
statement. This is how you write a for
with several statements in the loop body, for example.
A group of statements enclosed in braces acts syntactically like a complete statement - including the obligatory semicolon that ends every statement. That means that when you use a brace group in a slot designed for a single statement, you must not add a semicolon after the closing brace. For example:
// WRONG!!! The extra semicolon is redundant
if (x == 1)
{ someFunc(1); };
// Right
if (x == 1)
{ someFunc(1); }
Second, code blocks define the “scope” of local variables. A local variable defined within a given code block exists only within that block - that is, only as far as the next closing brace, not counting the closing braces of nested code blocks.
local a;
if (x == 1)
local b;
// local a is still valid here, since we're only nested -
// symbols in scope within a given code block are in scope
// within any blocks nested within
// local b is now out of scope, since we've ended the code
// block where it was defined
// local a is still in scope, of course, since we're still in
// its code block
// now local a is out of scope, too, since we've ended its block
Statement labels
A statement can be given a “label.” This is a symbol that you can use to
refer to the labeled statement, such as in
or break
Statement labels have function/method scope. That is, a label is visible within the entire function or method in which it’s defined, but is not visible outside the function or method. Even if a label is defined within a nested code block, it’s still visible throughout the entire function.
You label a statement by writing the label, followed by a colon,
followed by the statement itself. For example, this function contains an
statement labeled
if (x > 1)
goto stm1;
A statement label must be followed by a statement. While this might seem obvious, there’s a common situation where you might accidentally write a label without a statement:
if (x == 1)
// do some work...
// check for errors
if (errorOccurred())
goto done;
// do some more work...
done: // WRONG!!! there's no statement for this label!
In this example, what we’d like to do is to jump to the end of the
block if an error has occurred at a certain
point, to bypass the remaining work we were going to do. The problem is
that we’ve written our label just before the closing brace of the
block. A closing brace doesn’t constitute a
statement, so it’s illegal to put a label here. Fortunately, this is
easily solved: all we have to do is add an empty statement after the
done: ; // this is fine, since we have a statement for the label now
Empty statements
The “empty statement” consists of merely a semicolon:
When executed, an empty statement has no effect.
Despite their meaninglessness at run-time, empty statements are useful
in certain situations. One use is to supply the required statement for a
label at the end of a code block. Another is to provide an empty loop
body for a for
or other looping statement:
for (i = 1 ; i < 10 ; handle(i++)) ;
In this example, everything the loop needs to do is written within the
statement itself, so we don’t need
anything in the loop body. But the syntax of the
statement requires us to supply
something as the loop body regardless, so we can use an empty
statement to fill the syntactic need without adding any run-time
The local
statement defines one or more local
variables, and optionally assigns initial values to them.
local varName [ = expression ] [ , ... ] ;
Local variables are in scope from the local
statement to the end of the enclosing code block. A local is not in
scope before the local
statement that defines
it (“before” meaning earlier in the source text), and it goes out of
scope at the closing brace of its enclosing code block.
It’s legal to define a local variable in a nested code block with the same name as a variable in the enclosing code block. For example:
local a = 7;
if (x == 1)
local a = x;
return a;
This function as written always returns 7, because the local variable
named a
that’s definfed within the
statement’s code block is a different
variable from the a
defined within the
function’s main code block. The two a
’s share
the same name, but they’re nonetheless distinct variables: so assigning
to the “inner” a
has no effect on the “outer” a
When you define a local variable in a nested block with the same name as a local defined in an enclosing block, the variable in the nested block “hides” the one in the enclosing block as long as it’s in scope. There’s no way to refer to the hidden variable from within the nested block in this case.
If no initializer is supplied for a variable, the local variable is
initialized to nil at entry to the function or method containing the
statement. If an initializer is
supplied, the expression is evaluated when the
statement is executed, and the value is
assigned to the local variable.
Each initializer expression applies to one variable only. For example:
local a, b, c = 7;
This initializes c
to 7, and leaves
and b
with the
default nil
statements that include initializers
count as executable statements. This means that they’re executed as
they’re encountered, just like any other statement. This is important to
keep in mind when writing a loop:
for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
local j = 7;
if (i < j)
The important thing to note here is that j
re-initialized to 7 every time through the loop.
If a local
statement doesn’t include an
initializer for a variable, that variable is initialized to
at entry to the function or method, but is
not reset to nil
each time the
statement is executed. In fact, a
statement without an initializer doesn’t
have any run-time effect, other than to reserve space for the local
variable when the function or method is entered.
Expression statements
An expression, all by itself, counts as a statement.
expression ;
Expression statements are typically the most numerous type of statement in a program, because they’re the main way to call functions and methods, assign values to variables, invoke intrinsic functions, and so on.
When you write an expression as a statement, it’s virtually always to invoke the side effects of the expression. It’s pointless to write an expression statement where the expression has no side effects:
x + 2; // a pointless statement!
That does nothing meaningful: it adds 2 to x, but since the expression doesn’t do anything with the result, the result is simply discarded.
So, typically, an expression statement includes something with side effects:
- a function call
- a method call
- assigning a value to a variable
- incrementing or decrementing a variable with
Here are some examples:
x = x + 3;
myObj.weight *= 2;
Double-quoted string statement
A double-quoted string, written by itself as a statement, displays the
string. (More precisely, it calls the default display function, which
the default startup sets to tadsSay()
, with
the string’s text as the argument.) For example:
"Hello, world!\n";
In addition to displaying fixed text, double-quoted strings can display
embedded variables and expressions. You embed an expression within a
double-quoted string by enclosing the expression within
\<\< \>\>
marks within the string:
"x = <<x>>, y*5 = <<y*5>>\n";
The compiler treats this as though it were a series of statements like this:
"x = ";
", y*5 = ";
Embedded expressions are evaluated each time they’re encountered. The expressions within a string are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the string. Expression values are displayed according to their datatype:
- string: the text of the string is displayed
- integer: the decimal representation of the number is displayed
- BigNumber: the number is displayed using the default formatting
- nil: nothing is displayed
- all other types: a run-time error (“invalid type”) is generated
For more on embedded expressions, see the section on string literals.
The return
statement exits the current
function or method and resumes execution in the caller. Optionally, the
statement can specify an expression to evaluate as the return value of
the function or method.
return [ expression ] ;
If an expression is specified, it’s evaluated when the
statement is executed, and the result
is returned to the caller as the result value of the current function or
method. If no expression is specified, the default return value of
is used.
When a return
statement is executed, the VM
first executes the finally
clause of each
enclosing try
statement, working from the
innermost outward. It then exits the function and resumes execution in
the caller.
The if
statement executes a statement if a
given condition is true, and can optionally execute a different
statement if the given condition is false.
if ( conditionExpression )
[ else
elsePart ]
Each of thenPart and elsePart are single statements, or code blocks enclosed in braces.
The if
statement first evaluates the condition
expression. Then:
- If the result is anything except 0 or
, the truePart is executed, then execution jumps to the next statement after the entireif
. - Otherwise:
- If an
clause is specified, the elsePart is executed, then execution resumes at the next statement. - If there’s no
clause, execution jumps directly to the next statement.
- If an
Since TADS uses a C-like syntax, it inherits a sometimes
counterintuitive quirk of C that affects nested
statements. Consider the following:
if (a == 1)
if (b == 2)
doSomething(a, b);
somethingElse(a, b);
Based on the indentation, the person who wrote this code seemed to be
thinking that the somethingElse()
line would
be reached if a != 1
. But that isn’t the case:
look more closely and you’ll see that the else
actually attaches to the second if
. An
always goes with the nearest possible
preceding if
. So this code will simply do
nothing if a != 1
To fix this, we have to add some braces to make the grouping explicit:
if (a == 1)
if (b == 2)
doSomething(a, b);
somethingElse(a, b);
This makes it impossible for the else
attach to the second if
, because the
is tucked away inside the nested code block
and therefore out of consideration back in the main code block.
The for
statement is a flexible and powerful
looping construct that lets you construct almost any kind of loop.
TADS has three different kinds of for
the standard C for
loop, which is very similar
to its counterpart in C++; the
which works exactly like foreach
and the “range” loop, which makes it easy to write a loop over a range
of integer values.
C-style for
The basic for
loop in TADS is almost identical
to the {[for}} loop in C, C++, Javascript, and most other C-like
languages. It has this basic syntax:
for ( [ initializer ] ; [ condition ] ; [ updater ] )
The initializer is either an ordinary expression, or a list of local variable declarations, or a mix of both:
( expression | local varName = expression ) [ , ... ]
Note the difference from ordinary local
statements: the initializer expression is required for a local
variable defined here.
Local variables defined in a for
statement are
only in scope within the for
loop. They’re in
scope within all of the expressions that are part of the
statement itself (the initializer,
condition, and updater expressions), and they’re in scope within the
body of the loop. The for
statement has its
own new nested scope that starts just before the
and ends at the end of its loop body; the
locals exist within this nested scope.
In practice, the expressions within the initializer section are almost always assignment expressions. The point is to initialize the variables used within the loop to their starting values for the loop.
The condition and updater are ordinary expressions, and the loopBody is a single statement, or a block of statements enclosed in braces.
The C-style for
statement executes as follows:
- 1. Evaluate each element of the initializer list, starting from the left.
- 2. If there’s a condition, evaluate it.
If result is 0 or
, we’re done with thefor
, so jump to the next statement after the loop body. Otherwise, proceed to step 3. If there’s no condition, proceed to step 3. - 3. Execute loopBody once.
- 4. Evaluate updater, if specified.
- 5. Go to step 2.
An important feature of this procedure is that the
condition expression is evaluated before
the first iteration. That means that if the condition is false (i.e., 0
or nil
) before the first iteration, the loop
body is never executed. Therefore, it’s possible for a
loop to iterate zero times.
Another feature to note is that the updater expression is evaluated after each iteration, before the condition is re-tested.
C-style for
statements are extremely flexible.
The statement doesn’t do anything implicitly - it doesn’t increment any
variables automatically, or anything else. This is a departure from many
programming languages, where similar looping constructs implicitly
increment a variable on each iteration. With the
statement, you have to explicitly say what
you want to do on each iteration. Although that’s a little more work,
the benefit is that you can do exactly what you want, no matter how
unusual: if you want to increment a variable by the nth Fibonacci
number each time through, you can easily do that.
Note that each of the expression parts - the initializer, the condition, and the updater - are allowed to be completely empty. You still have to write all of the semicolons, but it’s legal to write only the semicolons. This is a valid loop:
for (;;)
// do some work...
Because there’s no condition expression,
this statement will loop forever, unless there’s a statement within the
loop that exits the loop or the entire function (such as
, goto
, or throw
Here’s a more typical example of a for
for (local i = 1 ; i <= lst.length() ; ++i)
"lst[<<i>>] = <<lst[i]>>\n";
This loop goes through a list, displaying each element. It uses the
counter variable i
(defined as local to the
loop): it starts by setting i
to 1, and
continues looping as long as i
is less than or
equal to the length of the list; each time through the loop, it
increments i
, to move to the next list
You could speed up this example a little bit by saving the length of the
list in another loop local variable. This takes advantage of the ability
to use more than one local
clause in a
for (local i = 1, local len = lst.length() ; i <= len ; ++i) ...
That works the same as our original example, but runs a little faster,
because it doesn’t have to call lst.length()
every time through the loop.
The for
statement can alternatively iterate
over the elements of a collection. The syntax for this is exactly the
same as for the foreach
other than using for
in place of
for ( [ local ] loopVar in expression )
loopBody loops are new in TADS 3.1; in older versions, only the
statement accepted this syntax. The
syntax was added for two reasons. First,
it simplifies the language’s syntax: you don’t have to remember to use a
different statement keyword for collection loops. Second, it lets you
combine the collection syntax with the standard C-style
syntax, so that you can add other
variables (counters, sums, etc.) to a collection loop. range
The third type of for
loop iterates over a
range of integers. This is by far the most common type of
loop, so TADS provides this special syntax
to make the meaning a little clearer.
The syntax for an integer range loop is:
for ( [ local ] loopVar in fromExpr .. toExpr [ step stepExpr ] )
As with other for
loops, the
keyword lets you define a new local
variable for the loop’s control variable, with its scope limited to the
loop. If you don’t use local
, the loop
variable can be any local variable defined before the
fromExpr, toExpr, and the optional stepExpr are expressions that
evaluate to integer values. If there’s no step
clause, the default step value is 1.
The integer range loop is executed as follows:
- 1. fromExpr is evaluated, and the result is assigned to loopVar.
- 2. toExpr and (if it’s present) stepExpr are evaluated, in that order, and the results are stored in temporary memory locations.
- 3. loopVar is compared to the value of toExpr calculated in step 2. If the saved stepExpr is positive, we exit the loop if loopVar is the result is “greater than”. If stepExpr was negative, we exit if the result is “less than”. Otherwise we continue to step 4.
- 4. Execute the loop body one time.
- 5. Add the stepExpr value calculated in step 2 to loopVar.
- 6. Go to step 3.
In step 3, note how the loop exits if the loop’s control variable goes beyond the toExpr limit, where the direction of “beyond” depends on whether the step increment is positive or negative. If the step is positive, we’re looping from a lower value to a higher value, so we stop when the loop variable is greater than the “to” limit. Likewise, if the step is negative, we’re going from a higher value to a lower value, so we stop when the loop variable is less than the “to” limit.
Take special note of how toExpr and stepExpr are used in the loop. They’re only evaluated once, at the start of the loop (in step 2). This is important, because it means that if any of these values change during the loop, it doesn’t affect the loop boundaries. The original values at the start of the loop determine the loop’s limits. Consider this example:
local lst = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
for (local i in 1..lst.length())
lst += lst[i];
Each time through this loop, we append a new element to the end of the
list. This means that lst.length()
by 1 on each iteration. If we re-evaluated
each time through, this loop
would never end - both i
are incremented by 1 each time
through, so i
would never catch up with
. But we don’t re-evaluate
each time through; instead, the
original value is calculated at the start of the loop, and that value is
used to determine when the loop ends, no matter what happens once we
start going through the loop. So the loop in this example runs only
three times, then exits.
The single evaluation of toExpr and stepExpr is also good for efficiency. With traditional C-style loops, it’s common to write something like this:
for (local i = 1, local len = lst.length() ; i <= len ; ++i) ...
The point of creating the extra local len
to speed up the code a little by avoiding a call to
every time through the loop. The
syntax is equally efficient, because
it does the same thing. It just saves you the trouble of coding the
extra step by hand, and makes the code easier to read.
Combining for
, and range
So far, we’ve presented the for
statement as
though it had three separate syntax options: the standard C-style
, the collection loop with
for (x in y)
, and the integer range loop with
for (i in a..b)
. These aren’t actually
separate statement types, though - they’re simply special cases of the
standard for
, which encompasses all three loop
styles. The really interesting thing is that you can combine all three
types in a single loop. For example:
for (local i = 1, local ele in lst ; ; ++i)
"lst[<<i>>] = <<lst[i]>>\n";
That kind of loop is cumbersome to write with
, since there’s no way to include an
extra counter variable with the collection loop.
’s ability to combine the loop styles makes
for shorter code that’s often clearer, since the extra variables
involved in the loop can be coded right into the
The key to combining the three types of for
loops is that x in y
and i
in a..b
are really just syntax options for the “initializer”
clause of the C-style for
statement. You can
freely mix these with one another and with ordinary initializer
When you use x in y
or i in
in an initializer, the condition and updater clauses of the
become optional. You can omit them
entirely, including the semicolons that separate the three clauses. The
for (x in y)
and for (i in
statements we saw earlier, then, are nothing special:
they’re just the simplest for
statements with
the respective initializer types. The reason that the condition and
updater clauses are optional when using an “in” clause is that an “in”
clause supplies its own implicit condition and updater - so if you have
nothing else to add to those parts, the compiler lets you leave them out
entirely, to keep the code uncluttered.
Here’s the full sequence of events when processing a hybrid loop that
contains regular initializers, conditions, and updaters, as well as
- 1. For each initializer, in order of appearance:
- If it’s an ordinary expression, evaluate it.
- If it’s an
x in y
clause, evaluate the collection expression, then call thecreateIterator()
method on the result. Store the method result in a temporary memory location (“the iterator”). - If it’s an
i in a..b
clause, evaluate the fromExpr, and assign the result to the control variable. Then, evaluate toExpr and (if present) stepExpr, and store the results in temporary memory locations.
- 2. For each
clause among the initializers, in order of appearance:- For an
x in y
clause, call theisNextAvailable()
method on the iterator. If it returnsnil
, exit the loop. Otherwise call the iterator’sgetNext()
method and store the result in the clause’s loopVar. - For an
i in a..b
clause, compare the clause’s loopVar to the saved value of toExpr from step 1. If it’s “beyond” the toExpr value (greater than toExpr if the step value is positive, less than toExpr if the step value is negative), exit the loop.
- For an
- 3. If there’s a condition expression, evaluate it. If the result is
, exit the loop. - 4. Execute the loop body once.
- 5. If there’s an updater expression, evaluate it.
- 6. For each
i in a..b
clause (in the order of the initializers), add the saved value of stepExpr from step 1 to loopVar. - 7. Go to step 2.
In a nutshell, this works just like the standard C
loop, except for two additions. First,
before the explicit condition expression is tested,
x in y
and i in a..b
clauses are tested, and the loop terminates if any of them are finished.
Second, after the explicit updater expression is executed,
i in a..b
loop control variables are
incremented by their step values. The explicit updater is executed
first so that it can refer to the current values of the
control variables, from the loop iteration
that just finished, if desired.
The foreach
statement iterates over a
Collection object’s contents. It executes a statement (or group of
statements) once for each element of a Collection.
foreach ( loopVar in expression )
loopVar can take one of two forms: it can be any “lvalue” (see the expressions section for details), such as a local variable, an object property, or an indexed lvalue; or it can be of this form:
local localName
The local
syntax defines a new local variable,
scoped to the foreach
statement. (This works
the same way as it does with the for
statement.) If the local
keyword is not
specified, the local variable with the given name from the enclosing
scope is used.
The expression is any expression, but when evaluated it must yield a Collection object - a list, a Vector, or a LookupTable.
The loopBody is a single statement, or a group of statements enclosed in braces.
The statement first evaluates the expression. This must yield a Collection object; if not, a run-time error results. The statement then iterates over the elements of the collection, one at a time. For each element of the collection, the statement sets the looping variable loopVar to the current element, and executes the loopBody once.
For a mutable object like a Vector or a HashTable,
automatically creates a “safe” copy of
the object at the beginning of the iteration, and uses the safe copy
throughout the iteration. This ensures that the loop executes exactly
once for each element of the collection as it was at the start of the
loop, even if the loop body makes changes to the collection. This makes
it safe to make arbitrary changes to the collection in the loop body.
For example, you can insert new element into a Vector, or delete
existing elements. Changes you make from within the loop body will not
affect the iteration.
The order of the iteration depends on the type of the collection. For lists and Vectors, the iteration is in ascending index order. For LookupTables, the order is arbitrary.
The “element” value that’s assigned to the looping variable on each iteration depends on the type of collection. For a list or a Vector, it’s simply the element value. For a LookupTable, it’s the value at a given key, not the key itself.
foreach (local ele in lst)
"<<ele>>... ";
This simply runs through a collection and displays each element.
Assuming lst
is a list, the elements are
displayed in ascending index order.
Here’s an example that takes advantage of the “snapshot” feature - the
safe copy that foreach
creates before
beginning the iteration.
local i = 1;
local vec = new Vector(10).fillValue(nil, 1, 10).applyAll({x: i++});
foreach (local x in vec)
vec.applyAll({v: v+1});
The first two lines create a Vector and initialize its elements to the
integers 1 through 10, using the applyAll()
method of the Vector. The foreach
modifies the entire Vector, by adding 1 to each element, then prints out
the current value. At first glance, we might expect the values displayed
to be something like this: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …; we might expect this
because of the applyAll()
call updates every
element of the Vector on every iteration of the loop. This isn’t what
happens, though: because the foreach
a copy of the Vector, we actually print out the original contents of the
Vector: 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. After we’re finished with the iteration,
though, if we look at the Vector, we’ll find it modified as we’d expect.
In addition, even within the loop, if we were to refer directly to the
Vector through the variable vec
, we’d find it
modified as we’d expect - the snapshot pertains only the iteration
variable, and doesn’t “freeze” the Vector itself. To see this, consider
this more complex example:
local i = 1;
local vec = new Vector(10).fillValue(0, 1, 10).applyAll({x: i++});
i = 1;
foreach (local x in vec)
vec.applyAll({v: v+1});
"x = <<x>>, vec[<<i>>] = <<vec[i]>>\n";
This would display the following, showing that the vector has been modified - and the modifications are visible within the loop - even though the modifications are not visible to the iteration variable:
x = 1, vec[1] = 2
x = 2, vec[2] = 4
x = 3, vec[3] = 6
x = 4, vec[4] = 8
x = 5, vec[5] = 10
x = 6, vec[6] = 12
x = 7, vec[7] = 14
x = 8, vec[8] = 16
x = 9, vec[9] = 18
x = 10, vec[10] = 20
Although we’ve belabored this snapshot behavior as though it were some pitfall you must take care to avoid, the snapshot actually simplifies things greatly for most common situations. The snapshot relieves you from having to worry about how the iteration will proceed. Even if you’re making changes to the contents of the collection during the loop, you can be confident that the updates will have no effect on the iteration. The snapshot feature makes it easy to iterate over collections without having to worry about the details of how changes would affect the order of the elements, or the number of elements, or anything else.
For those who are curious, here are the gory, internal details on how
actually executes. It first evaluates
the expression, then calls the
method on the resulting
value. It stores this value in a temporary variable, which we’ll call
I. It then loops as follows: call
; if this is
, exit the loop; otherwise call
, and assign the result to the
looping variable loopVar, then execute the
loop body once, then go to the top of the loop.
The while
statement sets up a simple loop that
repeats as long as a condition is true.
while ( conditionExpression )
The conditionExpression is any expression, and the loopBody is a single statement or a group of statements enclosed in braces.
A while
statement is executed as follows:
- 1. Evaluate the condition expression. If the result is 0 or
, exit the loop, by jumping to the next statement after the loop body. Otherwise, proceed to step 2. - 2. Execute the loop body once.
- 3. Go to step 1.
The condition expression is evaluated before every iteration of the loop - even before the first iteration, which means that the loop can execute zero times, if the condition is initially false.
Here’s an example:
local iter = coll.createIterator();
while (iter.isNextAvail())
local ele = iter.getNext();
"The next element is: <<ele>>\n";
The do
statement sets up a loop similar to a while
loop, but with the important difference that the loop condition is
tested after each iteration, rather than at the beginning. This means
that a do
loop always executes at least once, since the loop condition isn’t
tested until after the first iteration.
while ( conditionExpression ) ;
The conditionExpression is any expression, and the loopBody is one statement or a group of statements enclosed in braces.
A do
loop is
executed as follows:
- 1. Execute the loop body once.
- 2. Evaluate the condition expression. If the result is 0 or nil, exit
the loop by jumping to the next statement after the
. Otherwise, go to step 1.
Here’s an example:
local x = 'a';
"x = <<a>>\n";
x += 'a';
} while (a.length() < 10);
The switch
statement selects one of several
code branches, depending on the value of an expression.
is similar to a series of
…else if
… statements, but has
some advantages and restrictions over that approach.
switch ( controlExpression )
case value1 :
case value2 :
default :
The controlExpression is any expression.
This is used to select which “branch” of the
to execute.
value1 and subsequent values are called the
“case labels.” These are constant expressions - that is, they must
be integers, enums, object names, string constants, property IDs,
function names, BigNumber constants, or lists containing only constant
expressions. These values can be expressions, as long as the expression
can be fully computed and reduced to a constant value at compile time.
For example, you can use a value like 1+2\*3
since the compiler can directly compute the integer value of this
expression; but you can’t use a value like
, where a
is a
local variable, because the value of a local variable can’t be
determined until the program is actually running. You can use any mix of
types among the case labels - that is, each case label can be of a
different datatype.
The caseBody elements, and the
defaultBody, each consist of zero or more
statements. Note that it’s legal for a case or default body to be empty,
so it’s legal for several case
labels to
appear consecutively.
A switch
must have at least one
or. default
label, and can have at most one default
Any number of case
labels can appear -
including zero, provided there’s a default
meet the required minimum of one label overall. So, for example, a
that contains only a
label is legal, as is a
with one case
label, or with five case
labels, or with
case labels and a
. A completely empty
is illegal, as is a
with more than one
A switch
statement is executed as follows.
First, the controlExpression is evaluated.
The result is then compared to each case label value, one at a time, in
the order in which the labels appear in the source code. The comparison
is done according to the same rules as the ==
operator. At the first match, execution jumps to the first
caseBody statement following the matching
label. If no matches are found among the case labels, and there’s a
label, execution jumps to the first
defaultBody statement. If no matches are
found among the case labels, and there’s no
label, execution jumps to the next
statement after the entire switch
Note that the default
can go anywhere in the
without changing the behavior of the
. We always search all of the value
labels first, and only jump to the default
label if we can’t find a match. So you can even put the
label first if you want - it won’t
change anything, since the value labels are always checked first, no
matter where the default
Warning! break
must be
It’s very important to note that a case
does not interrupt the flow of execution after a match has been
found. In other words, the case bodies are not like
where execution leaves the overall statement when you reach the end of
the branch. Instead, they’re like goto
where they just drop you into a linear sequence of code at a particular
point - and once you’re there, you’ll by default just keep going all the
way to the end of the switch
, even if you
encounter other case
labels along the way.
This is a feature of C that’s inherited by most C-like languages, including TADS, and it catches a lot of people off-guard. Many procedural languages outside the C-like family have similar “selection” statements that do work like multi-branch if-then-else trees, and to most people that’s the obvious, intuitive way of doing things. This is probably one of the most counterintuitive aspects of C, and a common pitfall for new C (and Java and TADS) programmers.
Fortunately, you can make each case block a self-contained little
branch, just like an
- it’s
just that you have to do so explicitly. The way you do this is by
adding a break
statement at the end of each
case body.
Here’s an example:
switch (obj.color)
case red:
lambda = 700;
case orange:
lambda = 600;
case yellow:
lambda = 575;
lambda = 0;
Here, we’ve made each case body a self-contained branch by putting a
statement at the end. A
within a
body jumps to the next statement after
the end of the switch
, so for each color case,
we’ll just set the wavelength variable and leave the
Note that we’ve even put a break
at the very
end, as the last statement of the default
body. There’s no subtle magic behind this - it’s presence changes
nothing, exactly as you’d expect, since if we left it out we’d still
fall out of the end of the overall switch
at that same point anyway. So why did we bother to write the
there? There are a few reasons. One is
that it’s a good habit to just automatically end each case branch with a
, since if you get into that habit you’re
less likely to miss one accidentally when it matters. Another is that it
makes the code look a little more consistent, since each branch has the
same form: case
, code,
. Perhaps the most important reason is
that it’s a little insurance in case we add another case label below the
later on - at that point we might
forget that there’s a case above that we didn’t
out of, so adding the
now ensures that we won’t miss it then.
You might wonder how the designers of C ever came up with the crazy “fall-through” feature in the first place. It’s probably a result of C’s design as a thinly disguised version of assembly language. In assembler, labels are just targets for “goto” jumps. The use of the label-like syntax for the cases suggests that C’s designers conceived of “switch” as a fancy “goto”. If you think of the case labels as just “goto” targets, then, it makes a kind of sense that execution just plows on through them rather than leaving the switch at the end of a case.
The fall-through behavior is handy for one thing, though. It lets you easily share the same case body among multiple labels:
switch (x)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
"x is from 1 to 5\n";
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
"x is from 6 to 10\n";
This code works because the empty case bodies (for cases 1, 2, 3, etc.) all “fall through” to the next executable statement, even though there are intervening case labels.
On some occasions, it’s also convenient to take advantage of the fall-through feature with actual executable code.
switch (x)
case 1:
case 2:
"x is one or two\n";
In this case, we’re intentionally falling through from the “1” case to
the “2” case. There’s a little extra code we want to execute in the “1”
case, but then we want to proceed to the common handling for 1 and 2.
When you write code like this, it’s not a bad idea to comment that the
fall-through is intentional - if you don’t, and you come back to this
code after a couple of weeks, you might forget what you had in mind and
mistakenly think you forgot a break
, and
mistakenly fix a non-mistake! So, something like this is a good idea:
case 1:
case 2:
// etc...
A note on indentation styles
There are basically two ways to indent switch
bodies. Some people like to indent the case labels one level in from the
, and then indent the statements in the
case bodies one level further:
switch (x)
case 1:
case 2:
"A million!";
Other people, your author included, prefer to put the labels at the same
level as the switch
switch (x)
case 1:
case 2:
// etc
Both styles are common. I prefer the second because it makes for slightly less indenting overall, which can be helpful in complex functions; and because it treats the case labels consistently with ordinary statement (“goto”) labels, which I like to “outdent” from the code they’re labeling.
The goto
statement transfers the execution
position directly to a labeled statement.
goto label ;
The label is the name of a statement label defined elsewhere within the same function or method. The target label can be within an enclosing code block, since statement labels are visible within the entire containing function or method.
When a goto
statement is executed, the VM
first executes the finally
clause of each
enclosing try
statement, working from the
innermost outward. It then jumps directly to the statement immediately
following the target label.
Almost anyone who’s had any exposure to programming in any language has
received the standard warnings about how bad
is. This is generally true:
is to be avoided. The problem with
is that it makes it extremely difficult
to grasp the flow of execution through a piece of code by making
arbitrary jumps. The sort of nested conditional and iteration structures
that modern languages offer
, while
, and so
on) are much easier to comprehend at a glance, since their visual
structure on the page maps fairly directly to their code flow.
tends to ruin that clean visual structure
by scribbling arbitrary transfer vectors all over the page.
Even so, in C and C++, goto
is occasionally
the clearest way to accomplish a task. The alternative is sometimes to
create a network of extra flags that shepherd the execution point out of
a series of nested loops and into a subsequent cleanup section. However,
the ability in TADS 3 to use labeled targets in
and continue
statements largely eliminates even this type of situation, so justified
uses of goto
in TADS 3 programs are rare
The break
statement exits a given statement,
transferring control to the next statement after the given statement.
break [ label ] ;
comes in two forms: with and without a
target label.
When no label is specified, break
applies to
the nearest enclosing for
, or
statement. There must be an enclosing
statement of one of these types in the current function or method; if
there isn’t, a compiler error results. Controls transfers to the
statement immediately after the end of the loop or
When a label is specified, the break
to the labeled statement, which must enclose the
. If the labeled statement doesn’t
enclose the break
, a compiler error results.
If the target statement is a loop, control transfers to the statement
following the loop body. If the target is a compound statement (a group
of statements enclosed in braces), control transfers to the next
statement after the block’s closing brace.
Targeted break
statements are especially
useful when you want to break out of a loop from within a nested
for (i = 1 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
case '+':
case '-':
case 'eof':
break scanLoop;
The label is necessary in this case because the
would, by default, only go as far as
exiting the switch
. By specifying the label,
you can break all the way out of the enclosing
Targeted break statements are also useful for breaking out of nested loops:
for (i = 1 ; i <= val.length() ; ++i)
for (j = 1 ; j < i ; ++j)
if (val[i] == val[j])
break matchLoop;
A labeled break
can break out of any block
of code - it doesn’t have to be a loop or a
. For example:
if (a == 1)
if (b == 2)
if (c == 3)
break section1;
// do some work...
// do something else...
// do some more stuff...
// that 'break section1' comes directly here
This is sometimes handy for error handling and the like, since it lets you bypass a whole chunk of code by jumping directly out of the entire labeled block.
The continue
statement bypasses the remainder
of a loop body, and jumps directly to the start of the next iteration of
the loop.
continue [ label ] ;
If no label is specified, the continue
implicitly refers to the nearest enclosing
, while
, or
If a label is specified, the label must be associated with an enclosing
, foreach
, or do
statement. The target statement of the
is the labeled loop in this case.
Note that, in contrast to break
, a
statement’s label must be
associated with a loop of some kind (for
, while
, or
transfers control to the “next
iteration” of the targeted loop statement. The exact point depends on
the type of that loop:
- If it’s a
loop, control transfers to the “updater” expression. That is, immediately after thecontinue
is executed, thefor
evaluates its “updater” expression, then then evaluates its “condition” expression and uses the result to determine whether or not to perform another iteration of the loop body. - If it’s a
loop, the next element of the Collection is fetched into the iteration variable, and control is transferred back to the top of the loop body (unless the Collection has been exhausted, in which case the loop terminates as normal). - If it’s a
loop, control transfers to the condition evaluation. That is, immediately after thecontinue
statement, the loop evaluates its condition expression, and uses the result to determine whether or not to perform another iteration of the loop body.
Here’s an example:
for (local i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
"i = <<i>>\n";
if (i < 5)
"*** i is at least 5!\n";
The throw
statement “throws an exception.”
That is, given an Exception object, the statement transfers control to
the nearest enclosing catch
handler for that
class of Exception.
throw expression ;
The expression is most often of the form
new E()
, where E
some Exception subclass. However, any expression that yields an
Exception instance is valid here, and it’s frequently useful to use
with a local variable that contains a
previously caught Exception instance, or simply a static Exception
Refer to the section on exception handling for more
details on try
The try
statement sets up an exception handler
for the duration of the enclosed block of code, which is referred to as
the code “protected” by the try
. This allows
you to catch and handle selected exceptions that are thrown from within
the protected code, or from any code that it calls via function and
method calls.
catch ( exceptionClass exceptionLocal )
catch ( exceptionClass exceptionLocal )
The protectedCode consists of any number of
statements. This is the code that the try
protects: if a handled exception is thrown from within this code or any
other functions or methods it calls, control is transfered to the first
statement of the body of the first catch
clause whose exceptionClass equals or is a
superclass of the thrown exception.
A try
can have zero or more
Within each catch
clause, the
exceptionClass is the name of an Exception
subclass, indicating which type of exception(s) this clause handles. The
exceptionLocal is a symbol that will be
defined as a new local variable, which is scoped to the
clause. (That is, the variable will be
visible only within that catch
clause, and
hides any variable of the same name that’s defined in any enclosing
scope.) The handlerCode is any number of
statements; this block of code comprises the handler for the specified
The finally
clause is optional. If it’s
present, only one is allowed, and it must follow all of the
clauses. The
finallyCode consists of any number of
statements; this block of code comprises the “finally” handler for the
protected code.
When an exception occurs within the protected code, the VM searches the
statement for a
handler that “matches” the exception
actually thrown. A handler matches the thrown exception is the exception
equals the exceptionClass named in the
handler, or the thrown exception is a subclass of the named class. The
VM searches the catch
clauses in order,
starting at the first (top) handler:
- If the VM finds a matching
handler, it stores a reference to the thrown exception in the exceptionLocal local variable named in thatcatch
clause, then transfers control to the first statement of the handlerCode of thatcatch
clause. At this point, the VM considers the exception completely handled. - If the VM fails to find a matching
handler after searching all of thecatch
clauses, it “re-throws” the exception. This means that it looks for the next enclosingtry
block within the enclosing method, and failing that looks for the next enclosing block in the calling method, and that method’s caller, and so on. Upon finding the enclosingtry
, the VM repeats thecatch
search with the newtry
The finally
block, if specified, contains code
that will be executed when control transfers out of the protected
code, no matter how that transfer
occurs. Control can transfer out of the protected
code due to:
- A
that targets a label outside of the protected code - A
that leaves the protected code - A
that resumes a loop enclosing the protected code - A
from within the protected code - A
from within the protected code - Simply “falling off the end” of the protected code
If a catch
handler catches an exception thrown
within the protected code, the finally
will still run - as promised, it always runs when control exits the
, no matter how. In this case, the
clause will run when control transfers
out of the catch
handler. Control can
transfer out of the catch
handler in any of
the ways listed above for the main protected code; the
will be invoked at that time for any
of those modes of egress.
For more details on try
, refer to the section on exception
Notes for TADS 2 users
TADS 2 users should note some important syntax changes from the old language:
- The TADS 2 function definition syntax is no longer supported. Instead, TADS 3 uses a syntax that’s much like Java’s or C’s. This makes the language more internally consistent.
- Method definitions are also slightly different from TADS 2’s syntax.
In particular, the
(equals sign) that came between a method’s parameter list and its body is no longer allowed. This makes method definitions look much more like they do in Java and C++.
TADS 3 lifts a number of restrictions that TADS 2 imposed. Some of the more important ones:
- In TADS 3, forward function declarations are never required. The compiler processes the entire program’s source code before resolving symbols, so it looks ahead by itself and requires no explicit forward declarations.
- TADS 3 lets you use empty parentheses to call a method that takes no parameters. This is exactly equivalent to calling the method with no argument list (that is, no parentheses) at all.
- You can define local variables anywhere in a code block in TADS 3.
That is, a
statement can go anywhere a regular executable statement can go. The TADS 2 restriction, thatlocal
statements could only go at the top of a code block, no longer applies.
TADS 3 System Manual
Table of Contents |
The Language > Procedural Code