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The Language > Source Code
Source Code Structure
Tokens, whitespace, and newlines
For the most part, the TADS 3 compiler doesn’t count whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, and newlines) as significant.
Whitespace is only important when it comes between two characters that would otherwise combine to form a single “token” (which we’ll explain in a moment), or when it appears in a string constant.
TADS 3 does not use newlines to determine where statements end. Some languages (BASIC, for example) use newlines as statement separators. TADS 3 does not; you can break up a single statement over as many lines as you want, or you can pile a bunch of statements together on one line. Note: there is an exception, which is that the preprocessor does use newlines to determine where “#” directives end
Likewise, TADS 3 does not use indentation to determine statement nesting structure. Some languages (Python, for example) use indentation to indicate that a statement is nested within another statement, such in an if-then-else construct. TADS 3 doesn’t pay any attention to indentation for this purpose; the TADS language uses punctuation marks (mostly braces, ` { }`) to indicate statement grouping. To the TADS compiler, spacing at the beginning of a line is no different from any other whitespace.
A token is the basic lexical unit of the compiler and the preprocessor. The first thing the compiler does when it looks at a program’s source code is to break up the text into tokens.
A token is:
- An alphanumeric symbol: an alphabetic character or underscore (a to z, A to Z, or “_”), followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters (alphabetics plus the digits 0 to 9) or underscores.
- A decimal number: a non-zero decimal digit (1 to 9) followed by zero or more decimal digits (0 to 9), or just the digit 0 by itself.
- An octal number: “0” followed by one more more octal digits (0 to 7).
- A hexadecimal number: “0x” followed by a string of hex digits (0 to 9, a to f, and A to F).
- A floating-point number: a non-zero decimal digit, followed by a
string of decimal digits, optionally followed by a period and more
digits, optionally followed by an “e” or “E”, an optional “+” or “-“,
and a string of decimal digits. Examples:
- A single-quoted string: a single-quote mark
- Unicode x0027), followed by any characters (including newlines) other than single-quotes, followed by a single-quote. Single-quotes can be embedded within the string by using the sequence\\
(backslash single-quote). - A double-quoted string: a double-quote mark
- Unicode x0022), followed by any characters (including newlines) other than double-quotes, followed by a double-quote. Double-quotes can be embedded within the string by using the sequence\\
(backslash double-quote). Double-quoted strings can also contain embedded expressions using the\<\< \>\>
marks; when used this way, a\<\<
mark effectively ends a string token, and the corresponding\>\>
mark effectively starts a new one. - Any of these punctuation marks or sequences:
( ) , . .. ... { } \[ \] == = : ? ?? += ++ + -= -- - -\> \*= \* /= / %= %\>= \>\>= \>\>\>= \> \>\> \>\>\> \<= \<\<= \<\< \< ; && &= & \|\| \|= \| ^= ^ != ! ~ @ \## \#@ \#
Within strings, both single-quoted and double-quoted, the backslash
character, \\
, is special. A backslash
introduces an “escape sequence,” which lets you specify a character that
would otherwise be impossible (or at least difficult) to enter into the
string directly:
- a double-quote mark\\
- a single-quote mark\\
- a less-than sign (write\<\\
to prevent the compiler from treating\<\<
as the start of an embedded expression)\\
- a greater-than sign\n
- a newline (“line feed”) character, Unicode x000A\b
- a “blank line” character, Unicode 0x000B; when displayed in an output window, this displays one newline if the current output line is empty, or two newlines otherwise\r
- a carriage return character, Unicode x000D\\
- a “capitalize” character, Unicode x000F; when displayed in an output window, this sets an internal flag that causes the next character displayed in the same window to be capitalized, if it’s alphabetic\v
- a “minusculize” character, Unicode x000E; when displayed in an output window, this sets an internal flag that causes the next character displayed in the same window to be converted to lower-case, if it’s alphabetic\\
- a “quoted space,” Unicode x0015; when displayed in a formatted text window, this displays a space that isn’t “collapsed” (i.e., combined with adjacent spaces) the way ordinary spaces normally are\t
- a horizontal tab character, Unicode x0009\u
hhhh - the Unicode character hhhh, where each X is a hexadecimal digit. For example,\u000A
encodes a newline character.\x
hh - the Unicode character hh, where each h is a hexadecimal digit. (This differs from\u
only in that\x
limits the digit string to two hex digits, whereas\u
allows up to four hex digits.\x
is included only as a convenience to people familiar with other C-like languages that support this code.)\\
ooo - the Unicode character ooo, where each o is an octal digit.
“Compilation unit” defined
A TADS 3 program is composed of one or more “compilation units.”
If it weren’t for the preprocessor’s #include mechanism, we could simply define “compilation unit” as equivalent to a source file. The #include facility muddles this equivalence, though, because it lets multiple actual files be combined into one effective file - or, in computerese, one logical file.
So we have to work a little harder to define “compilation unit.” Specifically, a compilation unit is the body of source text that results from running the preprocessor over a single source file, replacing each #include directive with the contents of the included file, recursively handling #include directives in included files.
The reason we bother to define the term “compilation unit” is that the compiler never really sees a source file per se. The compiler instead can only see the result of running the preprocessor over a source file, so what the compiler sees is always a compilation unit, not the underlying source files. So, to be precise, we usually have to refer to compilation units rather than source files when talking about things like identifier scope.
Compilation unit scope vs. global scope
“Global” symbols are symbols that can be used from any source file, no matter where they’re defined. These include functions, objects, classes, and properties. When you define an object, it becomes available for use in any of your source files and any of your compilation units.
Global symbols are not only usable in any source file, but are also automatically “forward declared” in the compilation unit in which they’re defined. In other words, if an object is defined in source file A, you can refer to it from within A even before the definition (that is, earlier in the file).
Some definitions have compilation unit scope. This means that they’re visible only within the compilation unit. This type of symbol includes intrinsic function names, “+ property” definitions, and object templates.
When a definition has compilation unit scope, it also has the property that the definition only takes effect after the point in the source file where the definition occurs. For example, you can’t define an object in terms of a template at any point in a source file before the “template” statement that defines the template.
For the most part, you won’t directly define the kinds of things that have compilation unit scope. These types of symbols are mostly the sorts of things that the standard system headers define for you. The fact that these symbols take effect only after their definitions (“after” in terms of source file text order) explains why you generally need to #include system headers near the top of your source files.
Compilation phases
The first phase of compilation is preprocessing. In this phase, the preprocessor reads each source file, processes all of the “#” directives (#include, #define, etc), and expands all macros (that is, it replaces each occurrence of a macro name with the macro’s definition, with appropriate parameter substitutions). The preprocessor in effect creates a new, temporary file that contains the result of all of this work. We’ll call this file the “preprocessor output.”
(In the current implementation, t3make doesn’t really produce a temporary file containing the preprocessor output. Instead, the preprocessor keeps its output in memory, and sends the in-memory data to the compiler. Furthermore, it doesn’t actually run all the way through the whole compilation unit before invoking the compiler; it actually works incrementally, passing its output to the compiler a little at a time. This design is intended to run a little faster than the abstract view we describe above, in which the preprocessor and compiler and truly decoupled and communicate via temporary files, because it avoids the overhead of shuffling all the data through the external file system, and it keeps memory usage within reason. However, the implementation always behaves exactly the same way it would in the abstract view where the two phases are truly decoupled.)
The second phase is the symbol export pass. In this phase, the compiler parses each entire compilation unit, but does very little more - the compiler really just analyzes the syntax of each compilation unit so that it can identify the type of each symbol defined in the unit. The compiler creates an intermediate file at this stage, called the “symbol export” file (these files have the suffix (“.t3s” - S for Symbol), for each compilation unit. The symbol export file is essentially a list giving the name and defined type (function, object, class, etc.) of each “global” symbol in the program.
The symbol export phase runs over all compilation units before we proceed to the next phase.
The third phase is the compilation pass. In this phase, the compiler parses each compilation unit again, but this time it does a full semantic analysis of each unit - that is, the compiler not only parses the syntax of the compilation unit, but also analyzes the meaning of the code. On this pass, the compiler generates the machine code (the T3 Virtual Machine byte-code) for all of the executable code in the unit, and creates compact data structures representing the objects and classes defined in the unit. It writes all of this information to an “object” file - for each compilation unit, the compiler creates one object file. (Object files typically have the suffix “.t3o” - O for Object.)
During the compilation of each compilation unit, the compiler loads all symbol export files for the entire program. This lets the compiler know the intended usage of each symbol throughout the entire program. This makes separate compilation easy to use, because you don’t have to worry about manually declaring all of the symbols you use in one source file define in another. The compiler automatically scans the entire program for you on the symbol export pass, allowing you to use global symbols defined in any source file from within any other source file.
The compilation phase runs over all compilation units before we proceed to the next phase.
The fourth phase is the link phase. In this phase, the compiler loads all of the object files and correlates their global symbols - that is, it makes the connection between each symbol that each compilation unit depends upon and the definition of the symbol, which might come from a separate compilation unit. It’s possible for a unit to depend on a symbol that isn’t defined anywhere; if this happens, the compiler displays an error and the compilation fails. It’s also possible for the same symbol to be defined in more than one unit, which is also an error. If all of the symbols can be properly correlated, without any conflicting definitions, the compiler links together all of the object files and produces a single combined file, called the “image” file. (This isn’t an image in the sense of a graphic or a photo; it’s called an image file because it’s a snapshot of the state of memory that the program has when it first starts running.) The image file typically has the suffix “.t3”.
The fifth phase is the preinit phase. In this phase, the compiler invokes the T3 VM interpreter - actually, not the full interpreter that players run, but a modified version with most of the user interface functions removed. This phase runs your program, but not the normal way; instead, it sets some special flags that tell the program that it’s running in preinit mode. In this mode, the program has a chance to do any work it wants to do to set up for normal execution. Typically, the program will take this opportunity to initialize data structures that have derived information. The main purpose of the preinit phase is to allow the program to do any time-consuming set-up work in advance, so that users won’t have to wait for the work to be done every time they start the program.
After the program finishes running in preinit mode, the compiler rewrites the image file, this time storing the new states of all of the objects in memory, with all of the set-up work having been done.
The sixth phase is the resource bundling phase. At this point, the compiler goes through the list of multimedia resource files (graphics, sounds, etc.) that you included in the build, and copies the complete contents of each resource file into the image file. This “bundles” the resources into the image file, so that you don’t have to distribute the individual graphics and sounds and so on to end users - they’re all contained in whole in the image file, so the image file is the only thing you have to give to users.
Note that when you tell the compiler to build your program in “debug” mode, it skips the preinit and resource bundling phases. It skips the preinit phase so that you can instead examine and step through the preinit work using the debugger, if you so choose. It skips the resource bundling phase to save time (since multimedia files can be quite large); it can do this because you presumably won’t be giving a debug-mode program to anyone, and thus you wouldn’t care about the resource bundling.
TADS 3 System Manual
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The Language > Source Code