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Typographical Conventions

Like many technical manuals, this book uses some special typographical effects to convey certain information. We do this for the sake of clarity and concision, but the trade-off is that readers have to know our special conventions to understand what we’re trying to say. This section provides a quick guide to our notation.

The conventions we use are very similar to those of most other software manuals. There’s no “official” standard for this sort of notation, but the software industry has largely converged on some common elements that cover most needs. So, if you’ve ever used other software books, you’ll probably find that you’re already familiar with our notation.

Command Lines

Example command lines are shown like this:

copy c:\*.* d:\backup

When you see something like this, it’s an example of something you’d type exactly as shown into your computer’s command shell, or into some other program’s command line. It’s implied that you must press the Enter or Return key when you’re done typing a command line like this.

Program Code

We show example program code like this:

    #include <tads.h>
       "Hello, world!\n";

This shows a snippet of code that you’d type into a source file, exactly as shown. Note that most examples like this are only fragments of code - they’re not meant to represent the entire contents of a source file, but rather are just a portion pulled out to illustrate the point being made.

Syntax Diagrams

Throughout this manual, we need to explain the syntax for certain things: program statements, command lines, control file entries, and so on. “Syntax” basically means grammar: it’s the set of rules governing the order and contents of a particular piece of text input.

To explain syntax, we often use “syntax diagrams.” These are basically templates describing the rules of syntax for a particular type of input. In most cases, parts of a syntax diagram are things that you type literally (that is, exactly as shown), while other parts are just placeholders, indicating places in the input where you’d substitute something else. The “something else” is usually limited in a way described in the rule - it might be that you have to enter a number there, or the name of a file, or one of a few special keywords.

Note that we use both type style (italics, “typewriter” font) and color to differentiate the roles of syntax elements. The color is a secondary feature, though - you can always tell the role of an element by its type style alone. We use colors to make it easier to read a diagram at a glance, but we recognize that some people can’t easily differentiate certain colors, so we’ve designed the format so that you can rely entirely on the type style if you need to.


When you see something like this, you have to enter it “literally” - exactly as shown.


This style indicates a “parameter.” This is a placeholder: you don’t literally type “param” here, but rather you enter something else that the parameter stands for. For example, filename might indicate that you substitute the name of a file here, and number might mean that you have to enter a number.

[ ]

Square brackets written like this indicate an item or items that are optional. You can either include the contents of the brackets, or omit them entirely.

An ellipsis written like this indicates that the preceding item can be repeated one or more times.


This indicates that you must choose one of the items on either side of the bar. This can be repeated to indicate that you must choose one of three or more items. For example:

A | B | C | D

This mean that you must enter exactly one of A, B, C, or D. The bar applies out as far as the nearest enclosing parentheses or square brackets.

( )

Parentheses are used to group a set of “|” items.


In most cases, the whitespace shown in these syntax diagrams isn’t significant. That is, the spacing is just there to make the syntax diagram easier to read; you don’t have to enter it when you type your input, but you can if you want. This isn’t universally true, though. For example, there are times when a space is required, because it would otherwise be impossible to tell where one item ended and the next one started. Usually, if there’s a punctuation mark of some kind separating two items, you don’t need any extra spaces, since the punctuation serves as a clear separator; if there’s no punctuation mark, you usually do need a space to separate two items.


Here are a couple of examples to illustrate how these diagrams look in practice.

copy [ /b | /a ]  sourceFile destinationFile

This is the basic syntax for the MS-DOS “copy” command. It means that you enter the word “copy” literally, followed by an optional “/b” or “/a” switch, followed by a source and destination filename. Note that we’ve combined the “|” vertical bar notation with the “[ ]” optional-item notation: everything within the brackets is optional, but if you do include it, you must choose one of the two options listed.

ls [ -l ]  [ file ... ] 

This is a minimal syntax for the Unix “ls” (list files) command. It says that you type the word “ls” literally, followed by an optional “-l” option, followed by an optional list of files. Note that the entire file list is optional, since it’s enclosed in brackets. In addition, if you do type a file list, you can type any number of files, as indicated by the ellipsis.

TADS 3 System Manual
Table of Contents | Opening Moves > Typographical Conventions
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