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Vector is a subclass of Collection that provides an ordered collection of elements, like List, but provides “reference semantics,” which means that you can modify the elements of a Vector directly.

To use the Vector class, you should \#include \<systype.h\> or \#include \<vector.h\> in your source files.

Which should I use: List or Vector?

The List and Vector classes are very similar; both of these classes allow you to manage collections of values as a group. The differences between the classes are a little subtle, but they’re important.

Lists offer two unique features. First, List is an intrinsic T3 VM datatype, which makes it the “universal” collection type; some functions and methods require list values, and won’t accept other collection types. Second, Lists use “value semantics,” so you never have to worry about the effects of changing a list value to which other parts of your program might be retaining references.

Vectors use “reference semantics,” which are sometimes trickier to work with than a List’s value semantics, but offer advantages in some situations. Reference semantics also make Vectors more efficient when you’re performing an iterative process that involves repeated updates to a collection’s elements: if you use a List for such a process, each update to an element would create a new list value, whereas changes to a Vector’s elements simply change the existing Vector object, rather than creating a new Vector.

In general, you can decide which type of collection to use based on what you’re going to do with it:

Creating a Vector

To create a Vector, you use the new operator. The constructor can be called with several different argument formats.

The simplest way to call the constructor is with no arguments. This creates an empty Vector (one with no elements, and a length() of zero) and a default “initial allocation size” (we’ll explain what that means shortly).

    local x = new Vector();

You can also use a single integer argument to specify an initial allocation size. This still creates an empty vector - its length() will be zero - but it allows you to control how much memory is initially allocated for the Vector.

    // create an empty Vector with an initial allocation of 10 elements
    x = new Vector(10);

Next, you can create a Vector and fill it in with a given number of elements already present, populated with nil values. To do this, pass two integer values. The first is the initial allocation length, as above, and the second is the number of slots to fill in with nil values. It’s exactly as though you called append(nil) that many times after creating the Vector.

    // create a Vector with 10 slots allocated, and with 5 slots initially
    // filled in with nil - so x.length() is 5
    x = new Vector(10, 5);

You can also create a Vector as a copy of a List or another Vector. To do this, pass in the source object as the single argument. This creates a new Vector object and copies all of the elements from the source object. The new Vector will have the same length() as the source object, and an initial allocation equal to the length of the source object.

    // create a Vector with the same elements as a list
    x = new Vector([1, 2, 3]);

Finally, you can create a copy of a List or Vector, and also specify the initial allocation length. This is useful if you want to leave room in the initial allocation for adding more elements.

    // create a copy of the list, but allocate 10 elements initially
    x = new Vector(10, [1, 2, 3]);

Note that if the initial allocation you specify in this kind of call is smaller than what’s required to copy the source object, the constructor will obviously have to ignore that value and allocate enough space to hold the initial values.

The initial allocation

The constructor gives you the option to set the “initial allocation” size for the Vector. What is this? Well, let’s first look at what it isn’t.

First, it’s not the initial number of elements in the Vector; that’s determined by the other arguments. For example, new Vector(100) creates an empty vector, even though you’ve specified a fairly large initial allocation:

    x = new Vector(100);
    say(x.length());  // displays "0"

Second, the initial allocation is not the maximum size that the Vector can ever attain. No matter what initial allocation size you set, a Vector can grow to any length. The system will simply keep allocating more memory as needed when you add more elements.

    x = new Vector(1);
    say(x.length());  // displays "3"

Note that it’s perfectly legal to add three elements to this Vector, even though it was created with room for only one item. A Vector always expands as needed.

So if the initial allocation size doesn’t set the initial number of elements in the vector, and it doesn’t set a maximum size, what good is it? And does it even matter what the value is? The answer is that setting affects the memory efficiency of the vector. When you first create the vector, the system internally allocates the number of slots you specify in the initial allocation size; these slots are marked as “not yet in use,” because the vector contains no elements at this point, but they’re available for future use when you add elements. When you add elements, the Vector puts them into these reserved slots, which is a very fast operation. If you add more elements than there are reserved slots, the Vector must allocate more memory, which takes a little more time.

If you make the initial allocation size too small, the system will have to allocate more memory for the Vector, possibly more than once, as you add new elements. If you make the initial allocation too large, the vector will take up more memory than it will ever actually need.

Don’t worry about this too much, though. The Vector object manages its memory automatically, so it’s not a big deal if the initial size is too high or too low. The additional work of allocating more memory isn’t huge. The initial size parameter is provided only so that you can fine-tune your program’s performance in cases where you have a pretty good idea in advance of how large a vector will be; in cases where you don’t have any way of knowing, you can just pick a number that seems in the ballpark for a typical case, or omit it entirely and use the default size.

Vector operators

The + operator adds new elements to the end of a Vector. If the operand on the right side of the + is a list or another Vector, its elements are individually added to the vector; otherwise, the value on the right side of the + is added as a single new element. Note that this operator always creates a new Vector to store the result; the original vector’s value is unchanged.

The - operator removes elements from the Vector. If the operand on the right side of the - is a list or Vector, each element of the list of Vector is individually removed from the Vector on the left of the -. If the operand on the right side of the - is not a list or vector, each element of the vector whose value equals the right operand is deleted from the vector on the left. Note that the - operator always creates a new Vector to store the result.

The indexing operator \[ \] can be used to get and set elements of the array using an integer index, just as with a List. If you assign an element of the vector past the current length of the vector, the vector is automatically extended to include the necessary number of elements; new elements between the last existing element and the element at the requested index are set to nil. If you try to retrieve a vector element with an index higher than any existing element, a run-time exception (“index out of range”) is thrown.

A Vector can be used with the == or != operators to compare a Vector to another value. A Vector is equal to another Vector or List if the other Vector or List has the same number of elements, and each element of the Vector equals the corresponding element of the other Vector or List, using the same rules as the == operator to compare the elements.

Note: Because the == test is defined recursively, if a Vector contains a reference to itself, either directly or indirectly through another Vector, the == test can recurse infinitely. The Vector class avoids this infinite recursion by limiting the depth of recursion in an equality comparison to 256 levels. If this recursion depth is exceeded, the == test throws an exception (“maximum equality test/hash recursion depth exceeded”). This same exception will result, for the same reason, if a Vector with a self-reference is used as a key in a LookupTable. The recursion depth exception can occur even if a Vector contains no self-references, if it simply contains such a complex series of references that it exceeds the maximum depth. Note that this limit does not have anything to do with the number of elements in any Vector; rather, it pertains to the depth of the references from one Vector to another. So, if you create Vectors A, B, C, D, …, and set A[1] = B, B[1] = C, C[1] = D, and so on for more than 256 vectors, then comparing A to another vector could exceed the maximum depth.

String conversions

A Vector value can be converted to a string using the toString() function. A Vector can also be used in a context where a non-string value is implicitly converted to a string, such as in the tadsSay() function or in a string concatenation (that is, on the right-hand side of a “+” operator where the left-hand side is a string).

The string conversion of a Vector consists of the Vector’s elements, each itself first converted to a string if necessary, concatenated together, with commas separating elements. For example, toString(new Vector(\[1, 2, 3\])) yields the string '1,2,3'.

Vector methods

Vector is a subclass of Collection, so the Collection methods are available on a Vector object. In addition to the Collection methods, Vector provides many methods of its own, shown below.


Appends the value val to the end of the vector, increasing the vector’s length by one. This method has almost the same effect as the + operator, except for the treatment if val is a list: this method simply appends a list value as a single new element, whereas the + operator appends each element of the list value as a separate new element. In addition, unlike the + operator, this method modifies the Vector object, rather than creating a new Vector to store the result. Returns self.


This works like append(*val*), except that if val is a List or Vector, each element of val is individually appended to the target Vector. This method works like the + operator, except that this method modifies the Vector, rather than creating a new Vector to store the result. Returns self.


Appends the elements of the list or Vector val to this vector; the vector is modified so that it consists only of the unique elements of the combination. On return, any given value will appear in the vector will appear only once. Like append() and appendAll(), this modifies the Vector directly.


For each element of the vector, this method invokes the callback function func, passing the current element as the single argument, then replaces the vector element with the return value from the callback. This method does not create a new Vector; rather, it modifies the original Vector. This method returns self as the result value.

This method is useful for transforming the elements of a vector by applying a modifier function. For example, if we have a vector of numbers, we could use this method to multiply each number in the vector by two:

    x.applyAll({x: x*2});

This method is also handy for performing complex initializations on a new Vector. For example, here’s a function that creates a new vector and initializes it with the first n Fibonacci numbers. Because we’re simply initializing the new vector, note that the callback function doesn’t make any reference to the original element value, but it must still declare a parameter for the argument value so that the arguments passed from applyAll() match the declaration.

      local f0 = 0, f1 = 1;
      return new Vector(n, n).applyAll(function(x)
        { local ret = f0; f0 = f1; f1 += ret; return ret; });

Note that we specify the value n twice in the constructor to explicitly set the initial size of the vector to n nil elements. This is important because a newly-created vector normally doesn’t contain any elements, regardless of the initial allocation setting; by explicitly using the initial length argument n, we ensure that applyAll() will visit n elements.

copyFrom(*source*, *sourceStart*, *destStart*, *count*)

Copies values from a list or from another list or vector into this Vector. This function doesn’t create a new Vector, but simply modifies entries in the self vector. source is the source of the values; it must be either a vector or a list. sourceStart is an index into source, and specifies the first element of source that is to be copied. destStart is an index into the self vector, and specifies the first element of the vector that is to be modified. count is the number of elements to modify. The method copies elements from source into the self vector, one at a time, until it reaches the last element of source, or has copied the number of elements specified by count.

If either starting index is negative, it counts backwards from the last element of its vector: -1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last, and so on.

Calling this method is equivalent to writing a code fragment like this:

    for (local i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i)
      dest[destStart + i] = source[sourceStart + i];

If necessary, the method expands the self vector to make room for the added elements.

The copyFrom() method simply returns self; this is convenient for expressions like this:

    x = new Vector(20).copyFrom(lst, 3, 2, 5);


Returns the number of elements in the vector whose values equal val.


Returns the number of elements in the vector for which the callback function cond returns a non-false value (anything but nil or 0). For each element in the Vector, the method invokes cond, passing the element as the argument to the callback. If cond returns anything but nil or 0, the method counts the element. After invoking cond for each element, the method returns the number of elements for which cond returned a non-false value.

fillValue(*value*, *start*?, *count*?)

Fills elements of this Vector with value. If only value is specified, this method simply stores value in every element of the self vector. If start is specified, it gives the starting index; the method fills values starting with start, to the end of the Vector. If both start and count are specified, count gives the maximum number of elements to fill.

If start isn’t specified, the default starting index is 1. If start is negative, it counts from the end of the vector: -1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last, and so on.

If count isn’t specified, the default count is self.length() - start + 1, or 0 if that yields a negative value. In other words, the default count is chosen to fill to the end of the existing elements of the Vector. Note that this is the actual populated length of the Vector, not the initial allocation size: new Vector(10).fillValue('x') yields a vector with zero elements filled in, not 10, because a Vector created this way is initially empty - the 10 is merely the initial allocation size hint, not the initial filled length.

This method is equivalent to writing a code fragment like this:

    for (local i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i)
      dest[start + i] = value;

Calling fillValue() is easier than writing this code fragment, though, and considerably faster because it is implemented as native code.

This method returns self, which allows for expressions like this:

    x = new Vector(20).fillValue('A', 1, 20);


Invokes the callback function (*func*)(*value*) for each element, in order from first to last, passing the value of one element as value to the callback on each invocation. The callback function takes one argument giving the value of the current element, and returns no value. This method returns no value. This method is a convenient means of executing some code for each element of the vector.


Invokes the callback function (*func*)(*index*, *value*) for each element, in order from first to last, passing each element’s index and value to the function func. The callback function returns no value. This method returns no value. This method is the same as forEach(), except that this method provides the callback with the index as well as the value for each element it visits.

generate(*func*, *n*)

Creates a new Vector containing n elements by invoking the callback function func once for each element, and using the return value as the element value. This is a class method that you call on the Vector class directly, as in Vector.generate(f, 10).

func is a callback function, which can be a regular function or an anonymous function. func can take zero or one argument. The one-argument form is invoked with the index of the current element as the argument on each call.

generate() is convenient for creating a Vector of items based on a formula. For example, this creates a Vector of the first ten positive even integers:

    local e = Vector.generate({i: i*2}, 10);


Returns a new vector consisting of the unique elements of the original vector. For each value in the original vector, the value will appear in the new vector only once. The order of the elements in the new vector is that of the first appearances of the unique elements of the original vector. For example, if the original vector’s elements are, in order, 1, 5, 2, 5, 3, 5, 4, 5, this method will return a new vector whose elements are, in order, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4. Note that the size of the new vector is just large enough to hold only the unique elements, so the new vector might be smaller than the original vector.


Finds the first element of the vector whose value equals val, and returns the index of the element. Returns nil if none of the vector’s elements equals val.


If func is omitted, returns the index of the element with the maximum value, comparing values to one another as though using the \> operator.

If func is specified, it must be a function pointer. The method calls func() for each element in the vector, passing the element’s value as the function argument. The function must return a value. The result of indexOfMax in this case is the index of the element for which func() returned the maximum value.

For example, if v is a vector containing string values as elements, v.indexOfMax({x: x.length()}) returns the index of the longest string.


If func is omitted, returns the index of the element with the minimum value, comparing values to one another as though using the \< operator.

If func is specified, it must be a function pointer. The method calls func() for each element in the vector, passing the element’s value as the function argument. The function must return a value. The result of indexOfMin in this case is the index of the element for which func() returned the minimum value.

For example, if lst is a vector containing string values as elements, v.indexOfMin({x: x.length()}) returns the index of the shortest string.


Finds the first element for which the given condition is true. The method iterates through the elements of the vector, starting at the first element and proceeding in order, and applies the callback function cond to each element. The callback takes one argument, which is the value of the vector element, and returns a condition result value. For each element, if the callback function returns a non-false value (i.e., any value except nil or zero), the method immediately stops the iteration and returns the index of that element. If the callback returns a false value (nil or zero) for every element of the vector, the method returns nil.

insertAt(*startingIndex*, *val*, ...)

Inserts one or more values into the vector at the giving starting index. The size of the vector is increased to accommodate the new elements. Note that, if any of the values are lists or other collections, they are simply inserted as single elements; this contrasts with the + operator, which adds each element of a list as a separate element of the vector.

If startingIndex is negative, it counts from the end of the vector: -1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last, etc. The special value 0 means to insert after the last element. If startingIndex is positive, it must be in the range from 1 to one higher than the length of the vector. If the starting index value is 1, the new elements are inserted before the first existing element of the vector. If the starting index is one higher than the length of the vector, the new elements are appended after the last existing element of the vector. If the starting index is out of this valid range, the method throws an error (“index out of range”).

Returns the self object.


Returns a string made by concatenating the elements of the vector together in index order. If sep is provided, it’s a string that’s interposed between elements as a separator. If sep is omitted, the elements are concatenated with no separation.

Each element is converted to a string using the usual automatic conversions before it’s concatenated. If an element can’t be converted to string, the method throws an error.


Returns the index of the last element in the vector whose value equals val. If none of the elements in the vector matches the given value, the method returns nil.


Finds the last element for which the given condition is true. This method is similar to indexWhich(*cond*), but scans the vector in reverse order, starting with the last element and working backwards. Returns the index of the matching element, or nil if the condition returns false for every element.


Finds the last element for which the given condition is true, and returns the element’s value. This method is similar to lastIndexWhich(*cond*), but returns the value of the matching element rather than its index. Returns nil if no matching element is found.


Returns an integer giving the number of elements in the vector. This is the number of elements actually stored in the vector, and is unrelated to the initial allocation size specified when the vector was created.


Creates a new vector consisting of the results of applying the callback function func to each element of the original vector. This method is similar to applyAll(*func*), but rather than modifying the elements of the original vector, this method creates a new vector, and leaves the elements of the original vector unchanged. The return value is the new vector.


If func is omitted, returns the maximum of the element values in the vector, comparing values to one another as though using the \> operator.

If func is specified, it must be a function pointer. The method calls func() for each element in the vector, passing the element’s value as the function argument. The function must return a value. The result of maxVal in this case is the value of the element that maximizes func. Note that the element value is returned, not the return value of func.

For example, if v is a vector containing string values, v.maxVal({x: x.length()}) returns the longest string element.


If func is omitted, returns minimum of the element values in the vector, comparing values to one another as though using the \< operator.

If func is specified, it must be a function pointer. The method calls func() for each element in the vector, passing the element’s value as the function argument. The function must return a value. The result of minVal in this case is the element value that minimizes func Note that the element value is returned, not the return value of func.

For example, if v is a vector containing string values, v.minVal({x: x.length()}) returns the shortest string element.


Inserts the value val before the first element of the vector, increasing the vector’s length by one. This method is similar to append(*val*), but inserts the new element at the start of the vector rather than at the end. Returns self.


Deletes one or more elements from the vector; each vector element whose value equals val is removed from the vector. This reduces the length of the vector by the number of elements removed. If there is no element of the vector whose value equals val, the vector is unchanged. Returns self.


Deletes one element from the vector at the given index. This reduces the length of the vector by one. The index value must refer to an existing element of the vector, or the method throws an error (“index out of range”). Returns self.

If index is negative, it counts from the end of the vector: -1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last, and so on.

removeRange(*startingIndex*, *endingIndex*)

Deletes elements from the vector from startingIndex through and including endingIndex. If startingIndex equals endingIndex, this method simply deletes one element. This reduces the length of the vector by the number of elements removed.

Either index (or both) can be negative. A negative index counts from the end of the vector: -1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last, etc. To delete the last two elements, for example, you can use vec.removeRange(-2, -1).

Both startingIndex and endingIndex must refer to existing elements of the vector, and the ending index must be greater than or equal to the starting index; if these conditions don’t hold, the method throws an error (“index out of range”).

Returns the self object.


Sets the number of elements of the vector to newLength. If newLength is smaller than the number of elements currently in the vector, this discards elements at the end of the vector. If newLength is larger than the current size, this adds new elements and sets their values to nil. Returns the self object.

sort(*descending*?, *comparisonFunction*?)

Re-orders the elements of the vector into sorted order. By default, this method sorts the elements of the vector into ascending order, but you can reverse this ordering by specifying true for the descending argument.

The optional comparisonFunction can be used to specify the ordering of the result. If this argument is not specified (or is nil), the method will sort the elements according to the standard system ordering of values; hence, the elements must be of comparable types (such as all integers or all strings). By specifying a comparison function, you can provide your own special ordering, and you can also sort values that have no system-defined order, such as object values.

The comparisonFunction works the same way as the for the List class’s sort() method.

splice(*idx*, *del*, ...)

Splices elements into the vector, by replacing a given range of elements with a set of new elements. idx is the starting index for the splice, and del is the number of items to delete. The remaining arguments are values to be inserted in place of the items deleted. The method first deletes del elements from the list starting at idx, then inserts the remaining arguments as new elements at the same index. The effect is to replace the del elements starting at idx with the new list of elements. The number of new elements can be different from the number of elements deleted.

If idx is negative, it counts from the end of the vector: -1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last, and so on. If idx is zero, the new elements are inserted after the existing last element.

To insert elements without deleting any existing elements, pass 0 for del. To delete elements without inserting any new elements in their place, simply omit any additional arguments.

This method modifies the vector in place, and returns self.

You can get the same effect as this method using a combination of removeRange() and insertAt(). splice() is clearer and more concise for cases where you want to replace a range with new values. It’s also a little more efficient, because it minimizes the number of copy operations needed to move elements around in the vector to open and/or close gaps as the size of the vector changes.


Creates and returns a new vector containing the elements of this vector for which the callback function func returns a non-false value (i.e., any value other than nil or 0). For each element of the source vector, this method invokes the callback function, passing the value of the current element as the callback function’s single argument. If the callback returns nil or 0, the method omits the element from the result; otherwise, the method includes the element in the result vector. The new vector’s elements will be in the same order as the selected elements from the source vector.

This method does not modify the original vector.

This example uses a short-form anonymous function to create to create a new vector that contains only the elements from an original vector whose values are greater than 10.

    y = x.subset({x: x > 10});

toList(*start*?, *count*?)

Creates and returns a new list value based on the vector. With no arguments, the new list has the same number of elements as the original vector, and each element of the list is a copy of the corresponding element of the vector. If start is specified, it gives the starting index in the vector for the list; elements of the vector before start are not included in the list. If count is specified, it indicates the number of elements of the vector, starting at start, to copy into the list.

This method is useful when you need to pass a value to a routine that requires a list value. Vectors cannot always be passed to routines requiring list values, so you can use this routine to create a list with the same values as the vector.

This method does not modify the vector.


Returns the value of the first element for which the callback function cond returns a non-false value (i.e., any value other than nil or 0). The method applies the callback to each element of the vector, starting with the first, and calls the function for each element in turn until cond returns a non-false value. Returns nil if the callback returns a false value for every element. This function is almost the same as indexWhich(*cond*), but returns the value of the first element for which cond returns non-false rather than the index of the element. Returns nil if no matching value is found.

Reference Semantics

The most important distinction between lists and vectors, and the primary reason to use vectors rather than lists in certain situations, is that vectors use “reference” semantics, while lists use “value” semantics.

The difference is that a list’s value can never change, but an vector’s value can change.

When you do something that modifies a list, such as assigning a value to an element of the list, the operation does not change the list. Instead, it creates a new list that reflects the change, leaving the original list unmodified. TADS automatically updates the variable that contained the list being indexed so that it contains the newly-created list.

In contrast, when you assign a new value to an element of an vector, the vector’s value is changed. No new vector object is created.

This might seem like a very obscure difference, but it has two important practical effects. The first is that operations that modify vectors are much cheaper to execute, because they don’t result in creating new objects; this means that operations involving a large number of element changes will run faster with vectors than with lists.

The second practical difference is that, whenever you change a vector, the change is visible everywhere the vector is referenced. In contrast, when you change a list, the change is visible only to the code that made the change.

Consider this example:

    local a = [1, 2, 3];
    local b = a;

    a[2] = 100;

What will this example display? At the beginning of the code, we set a to a list, and then we set b to the value in a, so b refers to the same list. So far we have only one object, and both a and b refer to this single object. We next assign a new value, 100, to the second element of a. As we’ve seen, this cannot change the list that a refers to, because lists can never change; so, what we’re doing is creating a new list, copying each element from the original list to the new list, but changing the second element to reflect the assignment. This new list is then assigned to a, so a and b now refer to different lists. So, when we display the second element of b, we see the value “2” displayed, because b still refers to the original, unmodified list.

Now, consider the same example with an vector:

    local a = new Vector(10, [1, 2, 3]);
    local b = a;

    a[2] = 100;

This code looks almost identical, but it displays a different result than the list version. We start out by creating a new vector object and assigning it to a, and then we assign the same value to b. Next, we assign 100 to the second element of a. Unlike lists, vectors can be changed, so this assignment simply replaces the value in the vector object’s second element. No new vector object is created, so a and b still refer to the same object. So, when we display b[2] in this example, we see the modified value.

Here’s a more interesting example:

      local a = new Vector(3);

      "Thanks, <<a[1]>>!  This information will allow us to send
      you specially targeted advertising based on your credit
      history! ";

      "Please enter your name: "; x[1] = input();
      "Please enter your age: "; x[2] = toInteger(input());
      "Please enter your social security number: "; x[3] = input();

This is something we couldn’t have done with lists: assigning elements of x in getInfo() wouldn’t have affected the caller’s copy of the list, so the routine wouldn’t be able to pass back information this way using lists.

Note that, when you explicitly create a copy of a vector, the new copy is not affected by any changes to the original:

    x = new Vector(10, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
    y = new Vector(10, x);

    x[3] = 100;

This example displays the value “3” (not “100”), because x and y refer to separate objects. Changing a value in the vector to which x refers has no effect on the vector to which y refers.

TADS 3 System Manual
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