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Using Build Configurations
One of the facts of life of computer programming is that it takes at least as much time to test and debug a program as it does to write it in the first place. Interactive debugging tools like TADS Workbench can help enormously in testing a program, but sometimes the easiest way to track down a problem is to “instrument” the code: adding extra statements to the program that test for unusual conditions, print out extra debugging information, and so on. In an adventure game, it’s also often handy to add special commands to the game for testing purposes, such as commands that magically move characters and objects around the game.
The problem with adding instrumentation, extra testing commands, and other “debug-mode” code is that you don’t want to include it in the final game. You could just go through the game before you release it and delete all of the extra debug-mode code, but that’s tedious and error-prone; it’s easy to miss something, and it’s easy to just forget to do it in the first place. It’s also a terrible approach if you’re going to release another version of the game later, because you might want to bring back all of that debugging code.
This problem isn’t unique to adventure games - it comes up in almost any kind of programming. Fortunately, it comes up so often in “real” programming that it’s been pretty well solved. This article explains how to use the TADS 3 tools to create separate debug and release versions of your program without having to manually edit your code before releasing it.
Configurations and TADS Workbench
TADS Workbench specifically supports creating separate debug and release builds of your game. In the Build menu, there are two ways to compile your game to a “.t3” file: you can Compile for Debugging, or Compile for Release.
Compile for Debugging creates the debug build of your game, which is what you must use if you want to step through your game with the Workbench debugger. The debug build includes extra symbol information in the .t3 file that lets the debugger figure out the names of your objects and properties as the program runs.
Compile for Release creates the release build of your game. This is what you’d normally want to distribute to players. The release version of the .t3 file does not include any debugger symbol information, which makes the file a lot smaller. In addition, the compiler is able to generate slightly smaller code for a release build, because it can eliminate instructions that don’t end up doing any work; the debug version often has to include do-nothing instructions so that the debugger can show the proper original source location when stepping through the code.
In the Build Settings dialog, on the Output page, note that the debug and release versions of the .t3 file have separate filename boxes. When you Compile for Debugging, Workbench writes out the .t3 file you specify for the debug build; when you Compile for Release, Workbench creates the separate .t3 file you specify for the release build.
Configurations and the command-line compiler
The command-line compiler generates the release build by default. If you want to create a debug build, you must specify the “-d” option. If you’re using a project (.t3m) file, which you usually should, you just add the “-d” option before naming the project file:
t3make -d -f mygame
The “-d” option tells the compiler to include the symbolic debugging information, just like the Workbench “Compile for Debugging” command. (In fact, the Compile for Debugging command in Workbench simply invokes the compiler with the “-d” option.)
Using #ifdef __DEBUG
Now that we’ve covered the mechanics of how you actually create the two different types of build, we can talk about how you put different code in the different versions. The key is the #ifdef preprocessor directive, with the __DEBUG symbol.
If you’re not familiar with C or C++, #ifdef is probably a new idea for you. In brief, #ifdef tells the compiler to keep or discard a block of source code, according to whether or not a preprocessor symbol is defined (“ifdef” is an abbreviation for “if defined”). The important thing to understand is that #ifdef is superficially similar to an “if” statement in your program, but it’s really a different kind of animal. The “if” statement causes some code to be executed, or not, according to a condition that’s evaluated each time the statement is reached in the running program. In contrast, #ifdef is a directive to the compiler itself, telling the compiler to keep the code, or not, according only to the conditions that hold when the program is compiled. Once the program is compiled, the code inside the #ifdef is either included in the program or not; the question is never revisited when the program is executed. This is why #ifdef is such a great feature for managing different build configurations: it lets you write essentially two (or more) programs in a single source file, with the compiler selecting which program to generate each time you compile.
When you’re compiling for debugging, the compiler automatically defines the preprocessor symbol __DEBUG (that’s two underscores at the beginning of the name). When you compile for release, the compiler does not define this symbol. This means that if you want to include some code only in a debug version of your program, you simply do this:
#ifdef __DEBUG
// my debug-mode-only code
Similarly, if you want to include some code only in the release version of your game, you can do it like so:
#ifndef __DEBUG
// my release-mode-only code
The #ifndef directive is essentially the opposite of #ifdef - it tells the compiler to include the given code only if the named symbol is not defined.
If you have one bit of code you want to include in the debug version of your game, and a corresponding bit you want to include only in the release version, you can use both of the constructs above, obviously. Or, slightly more concisely, you can use #else:
#ifdef __DEBUG
// my debug-mode-only code
// my release-mode-only code
Including library modules conditionally
In some cases, your debug-mode or release-mode version might have a dependency on a library module that doesn’t exist in the other mode. For example, you might want to include some extra code in your debug build that uses the “reflection” mechanism, defined in the library module reflect.t. Since you only require reflect.t in your debug build, you probably want to omit it from your release build, to minimize the size of the final .t3 file.
The way to accomplish this in TADS 3 is a little roundabout, but it’s relatively easy. Basically, you use #ifdef to include or not include an entire library module.
The first step is to create your own file that corresponds to the library file you want to include. For example, suppose you want to include reflect.t, but only in your debug build; so, create your own file corresponding to reflect.t, but call it dbg_reflect.t. (The “dbg_” prefix emphasizes that the file is involved in the debug build.)
Second, inside the new file (dbg_reflect.t, in our example), put code like this:
#charset "us-ascii"
#ifdef __DEBUG
#include <reflect.t>
That’s the entire file; you don’t put any other source code in this file. (For that matter, even the #charset directive isn’t strictly required, since US-ASCII is a subset of essentially any 8-bit character set that the compiler recognizes. But it doesn’t hurt to include it, if only for documentary purposes.)
Finally, add the new file to your project (i.e., add it to your project’s .t3m file with a “-source” directive, or add it to the source file list in Workbench). Note that you must not include the original library file in your project - you include only your special cover version of the file.
Here’s how this works. Regardless of what kind of build your create, your new file - dbg_reflect.t - is always included in the build. If you’re compiling for debugging, the __DEBUG symbol is defined, so the compiler “sees” the #include directive that includes the underlying library file. So, the compiler brings in the library file’s entire contents at that point, which means its code is properly included in the build. When you compile for release, however, the __DEBUG symbol isn’t defined, so the compiler doesn’t see the #include directive. So, your dbg_reflect.t file looks completely empty to the compiler. The compiler is perfectly happy to accept an empty file; the empty file simply doesn’t contribute anything to the build, and it doesn’t increase the size of the final .t3 file.
Note that we would normally discourage using #include with a “.t” file, because you should normally use separate compilation instead. However, it’s okay in this case, because we’re not diluting the value of separate compilation at all; since dbg_reflect.t doesn’t contain any other code, it’s simply standing in for the underlying reflect.t. In other words, reflect.t’s code is still being compiled separately from that of your other source modules; it’s just that it’s being pulled in indirectly, through your new file.
TADS 3 Technical Manual
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Fundamentals > Using Build