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Programming Conversations with NPCs
Programming Conversations with NPCs
In the previous part of this article, I offered my recommendations for a conversation system based on the traditional ASK/TELL model, but with some enhancements. The TADS 3 library provides support for a lot of the effects I described in my recommendations.
The library doesn’t lock you into using any particular conversation style; I think it would be relatively easy to implement any of the systems mentioned in my survey. Many of the library classes for conversation support could be repurposed for other types of conversations, and if all else fails you can always ignore this part of the library and build your own completely custom conversation system. But if you do choose to use my proposed system, the library offers ready-made support for many elements of it.
The traditional IF conversation system uses individual ASK/TELL commands, where each ASK ABOUT or TELL ABOUT is answered with a pat response. For minor NPCs who don’t have a significant role in the story, this is usually all you want. The library makes it easy to set this up.
The key to implementing ASK/TELL responses is the TopicEntry object. This is an “abstract” object that doesn’t have any existence in the game world - it’s not something that shows up in room listings or that characters can pick up and manipulate. Each TopicEntry object defines a three-way association: a question, an answer, and the actor who’s being asked. The question is represented as the indirect object of an ASK ABOUT command; this can be a physical object in the game (a Thing object, for example), an abstract Topic object, or simply a regular expression pattern, if you want to match some specific text string. The answer is usually simply a string to display, but more advanced responses are possible, as we’ll see a little later. The actor who’s being asked is simply the Actor object to whom the question can be directed.
Each TopicEntry further defines what kind of command it responds to. There are four pre-defined commands that TopicEntry objects can answer: ASK, TELL, SHOW, and GIVE. You can always add your own additional types if you need to, but these are the ones used in the traditional conversation model (and my recommended style).
This might sound like a lot of work just to define a single answer to a single question, but the way the library sets it up, it’s really very convenient - more convenient than adding an element to a switch() statement, which is what TADS 2 authors usually end up doing. The library provide “templates” customized for TopicEntry objects, and it requires relatively little typing to add one of these. In addition, you can usually specify the type of command the TopicEntry answers by using one of the several pre-defined subclasses of TopicEntry:
- AskTopic answers an ASK ABOUT question;
- TellTopic responds to a TELL ABOUT command;
- AskTellTopic answers either an ASK ABOUT or TELL ABOUT command;
- AskForTopic responds to an ASK FOR request.
- GiveTopic responds to a GIVE TO command;
- ShowTopic responds to a SHOW TO command;
- GiveShowTopic responds to either a GIVE TO or SHOW TO command;
- YesTopic responds to a YES command;
- NoTopic responds to a NO command.
The most common type of topic entry in most games will probably be the AskTellTopic, since you usually want to treat ASK and TELL as equivalent for a given topic. Likewise, in most situations, games tend to treat GIVE and SHOW as interchangeable. It’s always up to you to decide how you’ll treat each command, though. If you want to treat ASK and TELL differently for the same topic, you would simply create an AskTopic to handle the ASK response, and a separate TellTopic to handle the TELL response. When you want to treat ASK and TELL as equivalent for a topic, you need only create a single AskTellTopic object to handle both commands.
The association of a TopicEntry with the target actor is created using the familiar “location” property. This means you can use the “+” syntax to put the TopicEntry “inside” the answering actor.
Here’s an example of how we could define an actor and a few responses.
bob: Actor 'bob' 'Bob'
"He's a nervous-looking older man with white hair. "
isProperName = true
isHim = true
+ AskTellTopic @antenna
"<q>Have you been to the antenna?</q> you ask.
<.p><q>I climbed it once,</q> Bob says. <q>It's pretty scary
up there. Great view of the city, though.</q> "
+ TellTopic @lighthouse
"<q>I was in the lighthouse earlier today,</q> you start.
<.p>Bob becomes quite flustered. <q>What are you talking about?
That thing was torn down years ago, after the...\ troubles.</q> "
Note the format for defining each topic entry: we use a “+” to put the topic “inside” the actor, and we use an “at” sign, “@”, to indicate the topic we want to respond to. The topics we’ve listed here - antenna, lighthouse - refer to objects in the game; the examples here are probably Fixture objects, or something like that.
Note that conversational commands are allowed to refer to objects that aren’t physically present, because the “scope” of conversational topics extends to anything in the game that the player character has ever seen or otherwise knows about. In some ways, this simplifies things, because you don’t have to worry about defining the vocabulary words for a topic entry - you just point the topic entry to the game object that you want to talk about, and the parser matches that object’s vocabulary as usual. In other ways, this complicates things a bit; in particular, if there are several objects in the game that all go by the name of “lighthouse,” then that topic phrase will match all of those objects. Fortunately, you mostly won’t have to worry about this, because of the way TopicEntry matches its topic: the parser first picks the list of objects that match the player’s topic phrase, then matches these against the TopicEntry “@” object. If the “@” object is found among the topic phrase matches, then the TopicEntry is considered a match.
Sometimes, you’ll want to define a single topic entry that matches multiple game objects. To do this, simply provide a list of objects in place of the “@” object - and omit the “@” in this case. Here’s an example:
+ AskTellTopic [harbor, island, shore]
"<q>Do you know how to get onto the island in the
<.p>He ponders for a moment. <q>Well,</q> he says
slowly, <q>I've heard that crazy old fisherman talk
about a hidden dock on the north side.</q> "
If there’s no “physical” object in the game that corresponds to a conversation topic, you can always add a Topic object. A Topic is an abstract object (not part of the game world) whose only real purpose is to match noun phrases for commands like ASK and TELL. You define one of these the same way you would any ordinary Thing, but the only property that a Topic usually needs is its vocabulary - there’s rarely any need to give a Topic a location, a description, or any other properties.
meaningOfLifeTopic: Topic 'meaning of life';
(Note that you’ll almost always want to name each Topic object you create, rather than creating them anonymously. In most cases, the whole reason to create a Topic object is so that you can refer to it with an AskTellTopic (or other topic entry type), and to do that, you need to give the Topic a name. In the example above, we’ve named our Topic object “meaningOfLifeTopic”, which lets us refer to it with the normal “@” syntax when defining a topic entry.)
You can also match a regular expression pattern in a TopicEntry, instead of a game object. It’s usually a lot easier to match physical game objects or Topic objects, since you get the full power of the parser to interpret all of the different possible phrasings (such as using “the”, or arranging adjectives in different orders, or abbreviating long words). Once in a while, though, you might encounter a situation where you want to match an unusual phrasing that doesn’t fit into the parser’s normal ideas what a noun phrase looks like; in these cases, it’s sometimes easier to just use a regular expression and match the literal text. Simply use a single-quoted string in place of the “@” object in the TopicEntry definition (and, as with an object list, leave out the “@”).
+ TopicEntry '<alpha><digit>{3}'
"<q>Does the sequence <q><<gTopic.getTopicText()>></q>
mean anything to you?</q>
<.p><q>That sounds like a keypad code down at the
ferry terminal.</q> "
As you can see, TopicEntry objects make it easy and convenient to add responses to a character’s repertoire. The nice thing about them is that they don’t require any coding - you essentially just create an “inventory” of things a character knows about.
Sequential and random responses
With the basic TopicEntry definitions we’ve seen so far, a character will respond the same way to a topic no matter how many times the same question is asked. Every so often, though, it’s useful to make a character reveal more information about a topic if asked repeatedly. The TopicEntry object makes this easy by allowing you to combine a TopicEntry and an EventList into a single object.
To use an EventList in a topic entry, choose a subclass of EventList, and add this class to the superclass list when defining the TopicEntry. Then, provide a list of single-quoted strings for the response instead of the one response string. For situations where you want a character to reveal more information when pressed, the best choice is StopEventList: when the last element of this kind of list is reached, the list will simply stop at the last element and repeat it indefinitely. Here’s an example:
+ AskTellTopic, StopEventList @lighthouse
['<q>I was in the lighthouse earlier today,</q> you start.
<.p>Bob becomes quite flustered. <q>What are you talking about?
That thing was torn down years ago, after the... troubles.</q> ',
'<q>What did you mean about the lighthouse being torn down?</q>
<.p><q>Just what I said,</q> he says. <q>It hasn't been there
for years. No way you could have been in it.</q> ',
'<q>When was the lighthouse torn down?</q>
<.p><q>Like I said, after those troubles we had.</q> ']
You can use the same approach to achieve other effects. A common variation is using random responses rather than sequential responses. For random responses, you would create a TopicEntry like the example above, but you’d use RandomEventList or ShuffledEventList instead of StopEventList. (I’d personally recommend ShuffledEventList over RandomEventList in most cases. RandomEventList just picks a response at random and shows it; it’s like rolling dice to pick a response. ShuffledEventList instead first arranges the whole list of responses into a random order, then takes responses from the shuffled list one at a time, like dealing from a shuffled deck of cards. When the list runs out, ShuffledEventList re-shuffles the list and starts over. Psychologically, this looks a lot more random to players, because it minimizes repetition by going through the whole list before repeating anything.)
Default responses
As I talked about in the Recommendations section, it’s important to provide a good set of customized “default responses” for each character, to handle the times when the player asks about something that you haven’t anticipated. The topic entry system makes this easy.
You define a default response (or a set of default responses) just like any other topic entry, but you use one of the DefaultTopic classes - DefaultAskTopic, DefaultTellTopic, DefaultAskTellTopic, DefaultAskForTopic, DefaultGiveTopic, DefaultShowTopic, or DefaultGiveShowTopic. There’s also the special DefaultAnyTopic, which is a catch-all that will respond to any of the other types of topics. For many NPCs, you’ll be able to define one DefaultAnyTopic; sometimes, though, you’ll want to differentiate the default responses to different types of commands, so you might define one DefaultAskTellTopic and one DefaultGiveShowTopic, for example. You can use ShuffledEventList, as described above, to randomly show a different message each time one is needed.
In addition to catch-all defaults for completely unknown topics, you can also define fallbacks for groups of topics where one particular thing has a more specific message. The way to do this is to use the “matchScore” property of a topic entry.
When the actor is choosing which topic entry to use, it scans its database to find all of the topic entries that match what the user typed in, and it notes each matching entry’s matchScore. If there’s more than one matching entry, the actor chooses the one with the highest score. The matchScore is just an integer value; if you don’t specify a matchScore for a TopicEntry object, the default is 100. Any numeric score indicates a match; a score of nil means that there’s no match at all.
(The score is how DefaultTopic and its subclasses work, by the way. DefaultTopic will match anything at all, but it matches with the lowest possible matching score value, 1. So, a DefaultTopic will always match everything the player types in, but it will only be selected if there’s not another TopicEntry that also matches, because any other TopicEntry will have a higher score.)
To assign a score to a TopicEntry object, put a “+” sign and the score value immediately following the class name:
+ AskTellTopic +80 @lighthouse // etc
Conditional responses
Topics and their responses aren’t always constant throughout a game. The kinds of questions the player character can ask can change as events unfold, and NPCs can learn things as well. For example, it makes no sense for the player character to ask anyone about an event until after it happens; similarly, an NPC’s response to a question might change after the NPC witnesses some event.
To handle this kind of change, topic entries can be made conditional. A topic entry is made conditional by defining an “isActive” property in the TopicEntry object; the topic entry will be used only if isActive returns true.
For example, suppose we wanted to create a response to a question about an event that happens midway through the game. We obviously don’t want to use the response before the event happens, so we could make it conditional on a property value that we set when the event occurs:
+ AskTellTopic @lighthouse
"<q>What do you know about the fire at the lighthouse?</q>
[etc.] "
isActive = (lighthouse.fireStarted)
This topic will be completely ignored until the fireStarted property of the lighthouse has been set to true; we’ll presumably set this property in some other part of the game at the proper time. If the player asks about the lighthouse before that, the topic will act as though it doesn’t even exist, so the actor will fall back on its default response. Once the lighthouse fire has started, the topic will pop into existence. The nice thing about this approach is that it keeps the code for the condition test right with the topic itself - you don’t have to worry about inserting any handling for the topic itself in the part of the game that handles the lighthouse fire, and you don’t have to hunt around the game’s source code to figure out where the topic is activated.
Sometimes, merely becoming active after an event isn’t good enough; sometimes you want a topic’s response to change according to an event. There are a couple of ways to handle this. The simplest is to use “alternative” topic objects, which are defined with the class AltTopic. Alternative topics let you create essentially an if-then-else list for a given topic, but without writing any procedural code.
Defining an AltTopic is simple: you just nest it within the TopicEntry object that you want the AltTopic to “override” when it’s active. The AltTopic always takes its match conditions from its parent, so you don’t even have to repeat the match object, or say what kind of command (ASK, TELL, GIVE, SHOW) it matches. The only thing you usually have to define with an AltTopic object is the response and the isActive condition.
+ AskTellTopic @lighthouse
"(This is the 'default' response to ASK/TELL ABOUT
LIGHTHOUSE - this one will be used when the nested
AltTopic isn't active.)"
++ AltTopic
"(This is the 'overriding' response. It matches
exactly the same commands as the parent, so it'll
respond to ASK/TELL ABOUT LIGHTHOUSE. This one
will override the parent when isActive is true.)"
isActive = (lighthouse.fireStarted)
You can add any number of AltTopic objects nested within a regular topic entry. To add a third possibility to the example above, we’d just add another AltTopic (also with two ‘+’ signs) after the one we just defined, and so on to any number of additional alternatives.
The order of the AltTopics is important: it goes from most general to most specific. The actor will always choose the last active topic in a group of alternatives, because it’s the most specific one. Each subsequent AltTopic is more specific than the previous one, so an AltTopic overrides all of the previous ones when it’s active.
Alternative topics are one way to create responses that change as the game unfolds. Alternative topics are convenient to use, but they’re not very flexible. When AltTopics won’t do the trick, you can use the matchScore mechanism as a more general approach. Recall that the active topic with the best matchScore is the one that’s chosen when more than one match is found. You can take advantage of this to define your own hierarchy of matches. For example, we could rewrite the example above like so:
+ AskTellTopic @lighthouse
"This is the general case..."
+ AskTellTopic +110 @lighthouse
"This is the more specific case..."
isActive = (lighthouse.fireStarted)
The actor will choose the second one over the first whenever the second one’s isActive property returns true, because the second has a higher score. For this particular case, the AltTopic approach is better, because it makes the relationship between the two topics more apparent just looking at the source code. However, the score approach lets you do things you couldn’t do with AltTopics, such as use slightly different match criteria for the two; for example, you could set up the second topic to match several objects, such as [lighthouse, reflector, island], rather than just the lighthouse.
Why not just use ‘if’?
You might look at the AltTopic and “score” examples and wonder why you shouldn’t do this with a somewhat more straightforward if-then-else test:
+ AskTellTopic @lighthouse
if (lighthouse.fireStarted)
"This is the post-fire case. ";
"This is the general case. ";
This example does exactly what it looks like it will, so clearly you can use the topic system and still use if-then-else conditions for the responses, if you want. In simple cases this can be fine, but it has a couple disadvantages. First, as the game expands, that if-then-else test is likely to expand into more branches, and you’ll get the kind of spaghetti that the topic database system was designed to avoid. Second, and perhaps more importantly, when you use an AltTopic or a separate, conditional topic entry, each of the topic entries is a separate object with its own properties. This means, for example, that the topic inventory system (which we’ll see in a moment) can treat the different conditional topics separately: it can suggest a topic only when the conditions are right, and it can re-suggest a topic when the conditions change.
Player character knowledge and NPC knowledge
The library keeps track of what the player character knows, via the Actor method knowsAbout(obj), but it doesn’t use any sort of NPC “knowledge model” in the conversation system. Instead, the conversation system leaves it up to the game to determine what things an NPC can say.
Actor.knowsAbout: PC knowledge
The library has a specific mechanism for tracking PC knowledge. Actor has a method, knowsAbout(obj), which indicates whether or not the given actor knows about the object.
Note that, by default, the library tracks only the player character’s knowledge. Most games don’t need to track NPC knowledge separately, so the library doesn’t bother keeping separate NPC knowledge bases, to reduce overhead. If you want to track an NPC’s knowledge separately, you can do so easily: you merely have to set the NPC’s knownProp and/or seenProp properties to new values unique to that actor. The Actor class in the adv3 library describes this in more detail.
The knowsAbout() method uses an internal flag tracking whether the player character knows about the object. An object is considered “known” to an actor if the actor has ever seen the object, or the object’s “known” status has been specifically set. The “known” status can be used to indicate that the player character knows about things that have never been seen; this can be useful for objects that ought to be known to the player character because they’re part of the character’s background knowledge, or because the character hears about them in conversation, for example. You can set the “known” status using actor.setKnowsAbout(obj).
TopicEntry.isActive: NPC knowledge, and more
Each TopicEntry has a property, isActive, that indicates whether or not the entry is “active.” If an entry is active, then the entry can be used in a response; otherwise it can’t. It’s up to your game to determine how you want to define and use this status information.
One way of using the active status is as a model of NPC knowledge. When an NPC is meant to know a response, you can mark the NPC’s TopicEntry object for that response as active. At other times, you can make the entry inactive. This ensures that the NPC can only respond to a question about the topic when the NPC knows the answer.
It’s important to note that you’re modeling the NPC’s knowledge of the response, not of the topic. You could have several TopicEntry for the same NPC that respond to the same topic, but the NPC “knows” each of the responses at different times. This lets you vary an NPC’s answers to questions about a topic as the NPC’s knowledge changes.
Even though you can use isActive to represent NPC knowledge, in practice it’s useful to use it for other purposes as well.
You can use isActive to model the NPC’s frame of mind or emotional state, separately from its knowledge. For example, you could have the NPC use one response (i.e., one TopicEntry) for a given topic when the NPC is angry, and another when the NPC is contented.
You can use isActive to model what the NPC thinks the player knows, or what the NPC wants to reveal at the moment. For example, you could have the NPC try to conceal something, by giving an uninformative (or misleading) response to a question on a topic. But later on, after the player has confronted the NPC with an accusation, say, or bribed the NPC, the NPC could start being more cooperative, giving more informative answers to the same topic. Note that we’re not modeling the NPC’s knowledge here, because the NPC knows the more informative response all along; we’re instead modeling the NPC’s desire to keep the information secret.
You can use isActive to model what the player character knows. Sometimes, the simple knowledge model for the player character, contained in the knowsAbout() system, isn’t adequate to represent nuances of PC knowledge. It’s often the case that the whole meaning of a question can change as the PC learns things. For example, the PC might know about another character named Mary throughout the game, but the meaning of ASK BOB ABOUT MARY could change as the game progresses:
+ AskTellTopic @mary "<q>What can you tell me about Mary?</q> [...] " ; ++ AltTopic "<q>Mary told me all about how you cheated on her,</q> you say, unable to disguise your contempt. [...] " isActive = (gRevealed('bob\'s affair')) ;
We’ll see more on gRevealed later - it’s a simple mechanism that lets you keep track of arbitrary bits of player character knowledge using a global table keyed by string names. What we’ve done here is made the meaning of ASK BOB ABOUT MARY conditional on whether we’ve revealed Bob’s affair yet; if not, the player character wouldn’t know to ask about the affair, so a question about Mary is just a question about Mary. Once the affair has been revealed, though, ASK BOB ABOUT MARY takes on a different meaning.
Selecting a response: PC knowledge + topic entry activation
The parser uses knowsAbout() to select which objects the player is referring to with a command involving a topic, such as ASK or TELL. The parser first finds all of the objects (Things and Topics) that match the noun phrase the player typed, then it narrows the list down to those objects that return true from knowsAbout(). This is the list that the parser matches against the various TopicEntry objects associated with the NPC being questioned.
Taken together, these two mechanisms - the TopicEntry’s isActive property, and the Actor.knowsAbout() method - ensure that we consider the player character’s knowledge as well as the game-defined factors that go into determining whether or not a response is active. We first figure out what the player could possibly be asking about by using player character knowledge; once we’ve narrowed down the list, we find the appropriate response using the isActive status of the topic entries.
Groups of conditional responses
Sometimes, a whole group of responses will share a single condition. For example, you might want to create a character who has a number of emotional conditions - he might be happy, sad, or angry. For each emotion, you might have a set of specialized responses that only apply in that mood. It would be a little tedious to have to type the same “bob.emotion == sad” condition over and over for all of the different responses. The library has a class that helps with this sort of thing: TopicGroup.
A TopicGroup is an abstract “container” for topics. You can put topic entries inside a TopicGroup just like you can put them inside an actor. The TopicGroup itself goes inside an actor, and any topic entries within a topic group act as though they were defined directly in the actor. However, the TopicGroup has the additional feature that you can define an isActive condition on the TopicGroup object, and the condition will automatically apply to everything in the group.
bob: Actor /* ... */ ;
+ TopicGroup isActive = (bob.emotion == sad);
++ AskTellTopic @bob "<q>I'm so depressed...</q> ";
++ AskTellTopic @store "<q>Sales have been terrible.</q> ";
+ TopicGroup isActive = (bob.emotion == happy);
++ AskTellTopic @bob "<q>I feel great!</q> ";
++ AskTellTopic @store "<q>Things have been going well.</q> ";
The isActive condition of a TopicGroup is cumulative: in order to be active, a TopicEntry object must return true from its own isActive property, and its group must also return true. In other words, the isActive condition of a topic entry is AND’ed with the isActive condition of its group.
You can nest TopicGroups within TopicGroups. When you do this, all of the enclosing group conditions are AND’ed together.
State-specific responses
In many cases, the “isActive” condition of a given response will simply depend on the actor’s state. If we go back to the “hair on fire” example in the first part of this article, we’d want the man to respond to the BACCARAT topic (and, in fact, most topics) differently in the hair-on-fire state than in the sitting-at-table state.
It’s especially easy to specify that a topic entry is valid only in a given state: just put the topic entry “inside” the state object. Just as you can put topic entries inside an actor to associate them with the actor, you can put topic entries inside an actor state to associate them with the state.
baccaratMan: Actor
// ...
+ AskTellTopic @baccarat
"Baccarat is like life: it's all about risk. "
+ DefaultAskTellTopic
"He suavely ignores you and takes a sip of his drink. "
+ sittingState: ActorState
// ...
+ hairOnFireState: ActorState
// ...
++ AskTellTopic @baccart
"Baccarat is like - Ack! Help! I'm on fire! "
++ DefaultAskTellTopic
"Ack! Stop asking me questions and find me some water! "
The topic entries for the current state “override” the entries for the actor itself. When you ask about a topic, the actor will first look for a matching topic among the ones defined as “inside” its current state; if it can find one, that’s the one we use. If there’s no match in the current state, then the actor looks for a match among the topics defined directly inside the actor.
Note that the score is important for resolving multiple matches at each level, but the score isn’t important in deciding whether to use the topics defined in the actor state or those defined directly in the actor. If there’s any match in the actor state, we’ll use that match, completely ignoring any other matches in the actor itself. This means that if you define a DefaultAskTellTopic inside the state object, then it will completely override every response defined in the actor. So, in the example above, when we’re in the “hair on fire” state, we’ll never see a response defined directly in the actor, because the “find me some water” default response in the state object overrides every response directly in the actor.
Topic inventory
If you don’t like the “topic inventory” idea I described in the Recommendations section, you can skip this part. Briefly, the idea is to mark selected topics as suggestions, and display a list of the currently open suggestions to the player at certain times, such as when the player enters a TOPICS command to specifically ask for the list.
The library provides a class, SuggestedTopic, that lets you mark a topic entry as a suggestion. To create a suggestion, make your TopicEntry object inherit from the appropriate SuggestedTopic subclass - in other words, add a SuggestedTopic subclass to the topic’s superclass list, using multiple inheritance. The library defines SuggestedAskTopic, SuggestedTellTopic, SuggestedShowTopic, SuggestedGiveTopic, SuggestedYesTopic, and SuggestedNoTopic. Note that, unlike TopicEntry, there are no combination classes: there’s no ask-plus-tell combination, for example. We don’t need the combination classes because there’s no reason to be so vague in making suggestions; we can just pick the format that makes the most sense and suggest that.
Apart from adding the new superclass, there are two special things you have to do when you mark a topic entry as a suggestion.
First, you have to define a “name” property for the suggestion. This is the name that will be shown in the suggested topic list. There’s also a “fullName” property, but for the pre-defined SuggestedTopic subclasses, you shouldn’t have to define this - it’ll default to something appropriate, such as “ask about (name)”. The “name” property should be given so that it can be substituted into a sentence after “ask about” (or the appropriate variation for the other types), so it should usually include “the” if appropriate.
+ AskTellTopic, SuggestedAskTopic @lighthouse
"<q>Can you tell me about the lighthouse?</q> [etc.] "
name = 'the lighthouse'
Second, you’ll need to make sure the suggestion won’t show up “too early.” The library shows or hides a suggestion according to its isSuggestionActive() method. In most cases, you won’t need to override this method, because the default version does a pretty good job of figuring out when a suggestion should become visible.
By default, isSuggestionActive() will only return true when all of the following conditions are met:
- the associated TopicEntry is active - that is, its isActive property returns true;
- if the associated TopicEntry has a match object or a list of match objects in its matchObj property, then at least one of the match objects must be known to the player character (so gPlayerChar.knowsAbout(obj) must return true for at least one of the match objects);
- the suggestion’s suggestTo property refers to the current player character;
- the player character must not already have “satisfied their curiosity” about the suggestion, which usually just means that the associated topic entry has displayed its response already.
These conditions usually ensure that a suggestion won’t be shown until the player character knows about whatever it is we’re suggesting that they ask about, and that it won’t be shown again once the player acts on the suggestion. The nice thing about this set of conditions is that they generally figure out when to show a suggestion based on information you’ve already defined for the topic entry itself, because in most cases you simply want a topic to be suggested if and only if the topic can be used as a response.
In some cases, you might have to override isSuggestionActive() to customize the conditions for showing the suggestion. When the default behavior doesn’t produce the results you want, you can take control of a suggestion’s availability by overriding its isSuggestionActive() method.
The active topic inventory
The list of active topic inventory topics is constructed from a hierarchy of sources for the NPC we’re talking to:
- the NPC’s current ConvNode
- the NPC’s current ActorState
- the Actor object representing the NPC
In some cases, a ConvNode won’t allow the player to stray from the current topic (see “ConvNodes with exclusive responses” below). For example, a ConvNode might insist on a YES or NO answer to a question. In cases where it’s obvious from context that only certain limited topics are meaningful, it’s pointless to suggest other topics, since the other topics won’t be accepted. For these cases, you can set the ConvNode’s limitSuggestions property to true, indicating that only the ConvNode’s topics should be included in the topic inventory.
Similarly, the ActorState sometimes limits the range of accepted topics. To handle these cases, you can set limitSuggestions to true on the ActorState, indicating that the suggestion list should stop at the ActorState. Note that this doesn’t omit the ConvNode suggestions, because the ActorState is below the ConvNode in the hierarchy we mentioned above. The limitSuggestions property merely cuts off the list below the current point in the hierarchy. So, limitSuggestions on a ConvNode cuts off everything below the ConvNode, and limitSuggestions on an ActorState cuts off everything below the ActorState.
It’s up to you to determine how you use limitSuggestions. You could, for example, adopt a policy that any ConvNode or ActorState with a DefaultAnyTopic should limit suggestions to that level, because the DefaultAnyTopic will prevent responses to topics below that level. The library doesn’t use this policy automatically, though, because the suggestion list is meant to be a list of things the player character wants to talk about, not things the NPC will respond to. In some cases, the PC might want to talk about something even at times when the NPC won’t actually respond to the topic. At other times, it ought to be obvious to the player character that only a YES or NO answer (for example) is appropriate. That’s why the library leaves it up to you to decide how to limit suggestions. As you design your game, you can use limitSuggestions to fine-tune the topic inventory at times that it’s obvious that the conversational options are limited.
Satisfying curiosity
Each time a topic entry is used to respond to a command, the topic entry records the use by incrementing an internal counter, stored in a property of the topic entry called “talkCount”. By default, the TopicSuggestion object looks at this property, and automatically deactivates the suggestion as soon as the counter is at or above the value of the property “timesToSuggest”; at this point, we assume that the player character’s curiosity about the topic has been satisfied, since they’ve asked about it and received our response.
The default value of timesToSuggest is 1. So, by default, a suggestion is removed from inventory after the first time it’s used. In cases where a topic entry has several sequential responses, you’ll usually want to keep suggesting the topic until the full sequence has been exhausted, so in these cases you would want to override timesToSuggest to use the higher value. If you set timesToSuggest to nil, it eliminates any limit.
When is the topic inventory list shown?
There are three ways the topic inventory can be displayed:
- in response to a TOPICS command from the player;
- in response to a TALK TO command from the player;
- any other time the game (or library) thinks it’s a good idea.
The first way - an explicit TOPICS command - can serve as a sort of hint system for the player. When the player is talking to an NPC and is feeling lost, she might ask for a list of topics to get back on track. If there are no suggested topics currently available, the default library response is “You have nothing specific in mind right now to discuss with <the NPC>.”
The second way - TALK TO - is less explicit. The player is saying they want to talk to the character, so we take the opportunity to show any suggestions that are currently available. However, if there are no suggestions, there is no mention of the topic inventory - there is no “you have nothing in mind” message in this case, because the player didn’t directly ask about the topic inventory.
When a TALK TO is merely implied - that is, when the player’s first interaction with a character is an ASK, TELL, or whatever - then there is no automatic topic inventory display. The automatic display only applies when the player actually types in the TALK TO command.
Note that you can suppress the automatic topic inventory listing on TALK TO commands by setting the property autoSuggest to nil in the actor’s state object. This property is true by default.
The third way of displaying the topic inventory is under game or library control. Any time you think it would make sense to tell the player about the current topic inventory, you can do so explicitly. There are two ways of doing this. First, you can put a <.topics> tag directly in any TopicEntry response text. Second, you can call the method conversationManager.scheduleTopicInventory(). With either of these mechanisms, a topic inventory listing will be scheduled to appear immediately before the next command prompt. The library waits until the command prompt to display the inventory, so that it isn’t lost in the noise of any daemon or other output; since this information is more than anything part of the command prompt, it makes the most sense to display it right before the command prompt.
The main time you’d want to automatically “push” a topic inventory display on the player is when you intend for an NPC’s response to a question to suggest a follow-up question, but you don’t want the response text to have to telegraph it with a flashing blue hyperlink. In other words, you feel that the NPC’s response would suggest something to the player character, within the context of the story, but you’re not as sure the player will pick up on the cue. In these cases, the topic inventory can be a useful device; it’s presented as a parenthetical comment, presumably from the story’s narrator, so it’s relatively unintrusive but at the same time outside of the literal exchange between the characters.
In addition to topic inventory display under the game’s control, there’s a time when the library automatically displays the inventory. When an actor switches to a “conversation node” (more on this shortly) in a threaded conversation, and that node includes one or more “special topics” (more on this below, as well) the library automatically schedules a topic inventory. A special topic is one that responds to a non-standard, custom command that’s meaningful only in that particular conversational context, so from a user interface perspective, we simply have no choice but to disclose these to the player whenever they’re available. Because these commands don’t conform to any general syntax rules that the user is accustomed to, and because they’re only usable in their limited context, it would be grossly unfair to force the player to guess at them. Therefore, any time a conversation node with special topics becomes active, the library automatically triggers a topic inventory listing.
Greeting protocols
Plain ASK/TELL interactions tend to make it all too obvious that an NPC is basically a reference book in which you look up topics, the only clear difference being that the command involved is ASK rather than LOOK UP. In real life, you don’t just walk up to someone and start asking questions without first at least getting their attention. And once you’re in a conversation, it’s awfully rude to just wander off without giving some kind of indication that you’re done talking.
On the other hand, players don’t want to have to describe every little detail of each action. Players don’t want to have to describe the detailed steps of UNLOCK DOOR, for example: it would be ludicrous to have to type a series of commands like HOLD KEY, MOVE HAND TO LOCK, PUT KEY IN LOCK, TURN KEY NINETY DEGREES CLOCKWISE, PUSH DOOR, etc. It would be equally annoying to have to type in SAY HELLO, MAKE SMALL TALK, SAY LOOK AT THE TIME I’D BETTER BE GOING, and so on.
The TADS 3 library provides a solution to both problems: it allows for greetings and goodbyes, but makes them automatic, so that they’re implied in ASK, TELL, and the like. Specifically, the library lets you set up an actor so that it keeps track of its conversation state. When the player targets the actor with a conversational command such as ASK, TELL, GIVE, or SHOW, the actor will automatically display its “greeting” message - this message should make it clear that we’re soliciting the actor’s attention, and that the actor accepts our invitation to converse with us. The actor then remembers that it’s in conversation with us, so subsequent conversation commands will just continue the conversation, without generating another greeting. Further, the actor watches for us to depart, and keeps track of how long it’s been since the last conversation command; if we leave, or if too much time elapses, the actor terminates the conversation of its own volition. The actor can optionally display a “goodbye” message upon terminating the discussion, to let us know that we no longer have the actor’s attention.
Here’s an example of how this might look in practice:
An older man is here, sweeping the porch.
>ask man about town
"Excuse me," you say.
The man sees you and stops sweeping. "Howdy, stranger. What can
I do you for?"
"What can you tell me about the town?" you ask.
The man looks up and down the empty street. "Well, not much to
tell, really. Just the same as it's been since I got here
back in 67."
>ask about store
"Is this your store?" you ask.
He visibly lights up. "Yep, sure is. Worked here 'til I had
enough to buy it, and now I guess I still work here."
The man returns to his sweeping.
Main Street
The pavement of this wide street is broken in places with [...]
This is fairly easy to set up. The keys are two new ActorState subclasses: ConversationReadyState and InConversationState.
ConversationReadyState defines an actor state where the actor is receptive to conversational commands, but rather than simply responding to them and carrying on, switches to a separate “in-conversation” state. In the example above, the man stops sweeping when approached with a question: he switches from his “sweeping” state to his “conversing” state, to model the fact that the player has the man’s attention.
To create this kind of behavior, you’d define the “sweeping” state as a ConversationReadyState rather than as a basic ActorState. You’d define the state just like you would an ordinary ActorState, but you’d use ConversationReadyState as the superclass, and you’d define the property inConvState. This property points to the associated in-conversation state object, which is the state we switch to when a conversation begins. This must be set to an object of class InConversationState. For your convenience, rather than defining this property explicitly, you can put the ConversationReadyState “inside” its corresponding InConversationState, using the ‘+’ syntax. If a ConversationReadyState is nested within an InConversationState object, the library will automatically initialize the former’s inConvState property to point to the containing state.
Inside the ConversationReadyState, you can define some special TopicEntry objects to provide the messages that are displayed as we start and end the conversation.
- HelloTopic - put a HelloTopic inside the ConversationReadyState to provide the message shown when we begin a conversation. By default, a HelloTopic object will handle both the explicit kind of greeting, where the player types HELLO or TALK TO to start the conversation, and also the implicit kind of greeting, where the player just jumps directly into the conversation by starting with an ASK ABOUT command or the like. If you also put an ImpHelloTopic inside the state, though, the HelloTopic will handle only the explicit HELLO and TALK TO cases. As with other topic entry types, you can combine this with things like ShuffledEventList to add variety by providing multiple greetings. For greetings, a good approach is to provide one or two initial, sequential messages, appropriate for the first-time introduction and maybe one return visit, and then a set of interchangeable shuffled messages for subsequent visits. This gives the NPC a bit of a memory by making it clear that the NPC doesn’t know the player character initially, but then recognizes that it’s the same character returning later.
- ImpHelloTopic - put this inside the ConversationReadyState if you want to provide a different message for implied greetings. This will be used instead of the HelloTopic when the conversation starts without an explicit HELLO or TALK TO command.
- ByeTopic - put this inside the ConversationReadyState to handle explicit GOODBYE commands from the player. This will be used only for explicit goodbyes.
- ImpByeTopic - put this inside the state to handle implicit conversation endings. The conversation ends implicitly when the player character walks away from the conversation in progress (via a GO NORTH command, for example), or the NPC gets bored of being ignored (this is controlled with the attentionSpan property, as explained below). This is used only for implied conversation endings, never for explicit goodbyes. In the example above, this would display the message “The man returns to his sweeping.”
The InConversationState is also a subclassed ActorState with a few added methods and properties you can define:
- attentionSpan - this is an integer giving the number of turns the actor should wait before giving up on the conversation. The default is 4. If the other character doesn’t talk to our NPC for this many turns, we’ll automatically terminate the conversation, switching to our next state.
- nextState - this is an ActorState object, which should usually be of the ConversationReadyState subclass, which follows the conversation’s termination. When we terminate the conversation, we’ll switch to this state. You don’t have to override this; if you don’t, we’ll remember the state that the actor was in just before the conversation, and switch back to that state when the conversation ends.
Of course, you can also define the ordinary ActorState properties and methods, since InConversationState is just a subclass of ActorState. In particular, an InConversationState should usually have its own custom description properties for the actor, describing the actor as specifically being in conversation with the player character.
Here’s an example of how we might implement the conversation shown above.
bob: Actor
// normal definitions for 'bob'...
+ InConversationState
specialDesc = "An older man is here, leaning on his broom, talking
with you. "
stateDesc = "He's leaning on his broom while you talk. "
++ ConversationReadyState
specialDesc = "An older man is here, sweeping the porch. "
stateDesc = "He's sweeping the porch. "
+++ HelloTopic, StopEventList
['<q>Excuse me,</q> you say.
<.p>The man sees you and stops sweeping. <q>Howdy, stranger.
What can I do you for?</q><.p>',
'<q>Hello,</q> you say.
'<.p>The man stops sweeping and squints at you.
<q>Oh, hello again.</q><.p>',
'<q>Hello,</q> you say.
<.p>Howdy,</q> the man replies, halting his sweeping.<.p>']
+++ ByeTopic, StopEventList
['<q>Thanks,</q> you say. He nods and returns to sweeping.<.p>']
+++ ImpByeTopic, StopEventList
['The man returns to his sweeping. ',
'The man goes back to sweeping the porch. ']
Note how we use a customized state object to describe the man’s state while the conversation is ongoing. This lets us override the description messages, so that we don’t describe his as sweeping whiles he’s talking to us. This reinforces the sense that we’re actually having a conversation with the character, rather than just a series of isolated question-answer exchanges superimposed on his background behavior.
As you can see, the state mechanism takes care of most of the coding; nearly all you have to do is provide the text of the greetings. For characters with any significant conversational interaction, the extra work writing the greeting messages might be well worthwhile. For very simple characters, though, it’s probably not worth the added work. If a character only responds meaningfully to a couple of topics, it’s probably easier to “fake it” with a little extra text right in the topic responses.
Topic entry nesting with conversation states
When you create a ConversationReadyState and a corresponding InConversationState, and you want to create topics entry objects (AskTopic, AskTellTopic, etc.) that are specific to the conversation, you should be sure to put the topic entries inside the InConversationState. The same thing applies to TopicGroup objects.
A ConversationReadyState always switches the actor to the InConversationState upon receiving any conversational command (ASK, TELL, etc.), so a ConversationReadyState will never be in effect long enough to field any topic look-ups. Thus, if you were to put any topic entries inside a ConversationReadyState, they’d never be found.
Greetings and NPC memory
There’s a detail we glossed over in the code example above. We defined the greeting messages for the “sweeping” state so that when we go back and talk to the NPC a second or third time, the NPC seems to remember having talked to us before.
If the NPC does nothing but sweep the porch, the implementation above is fine. But what if the NPC has other ready-for-conversation states? Then we have a problem: if we first greet the man while he’s sweeping the porch, and then we go back and talk to him again while he’s stacking soup cans, we’ll get a first-time greeting. The NPC’s “memory” of having talked to us is nothing more than the position in the greeting StopEventList. If we have two states, each with its own list of greetings, we’ll see each separate state’s greeting list separately.
An easy way of dealing with this is to coordinate the greeting lists of the different states. The library has a built-in coordination mechanism: the SyncEventList, which ties its own position to that of a separate “master” event list. Here’s how we could extend the example above to handle NPC memory across multiple states:
bob: Actor
// normal definitions for 'bob'...
+ InConversationState // ...same as before...
++ ConversationReadyState // ...same as before...
+++ bobSweepingHello: HelloTopic, StopEventList
// same definitions as earlier
+++ ByeTopic, StopEvenList // ...same as before...
+++ ImpByeTopic // ...same as before...
+ InConversationState
specialDesc = "An older man is here, standing next to a partially-built
pyramid of soup cans, talking with you. "
stateDesc = "He's standing next to the soup can pyramid while you talk. "
++ ConversationReadyState
specialDesc = "An older man is here, unpacking
a crate of soup cans and building a pyramid out of the cans. "
stateDesc = "He's unpacking a crate of soup cans, building a
pyramid out of the cans. "
+++ HelloTopic, SyncEventList
['<q>Excuse me,</q> you say.
<.p>The man puts down his soup cans and turns to
talk with you. <q>Howdy, stranger. What can I do you
'<q>Hello,</q> you say.
'<.p>The man stops stacking cans and squints at you.
<q>Oh, hello again.</q><.p>',
'<q>Hello,</q> you say.
<.p>Howdy,</q> the man replies, setting aside his
can-stacking to talk.<.p>']
masterObject = bobSweepingHello
We’ve made only one change to the original code: we gave the ConversationReadyState a name, so that we can refer to it elsewhere in our code. Then, we added the second InConversationState and ConversationReadyState pair, for a new state where the character is building a pyramid out of soup cans. This time, we created a greeting list using a SyncEventList rather than a StopEventList, and we pointed the SyncEventList to the event list from the “sweeping” state, by setting the SyncEventList’s masterObject property. This is why we had to give the original conversation-ready state a name: we need to refer to it in the masterObject property of the synchronized list.
Now that we’ve tied the two greeting lists together, they’ll automatically stay synchronized. This means that once we see the first greeting in one of the lists, we won’t see the first greeting in the other list in a subsequent conversation, because both lists will advance their positions in unison.
Threaded conversations
Greeting protocols provide some sense of continuity to conversations, but they only go so far. Still missing is any sense that there’s a subject being discussed, or that there’s any connection at all between one ASK ABOUT and the next. Real conversations aren’t usually strings of isolated non sequiturs whose temporal proximity is mere coincidence; each new utterance in a real conversation builds on what’s been said up to that point. It would be better if our simulated IF conversations could also have a “thread” that connects the individual pieces.
The TADS 3 library has some special mechanisms that can help create a threaded conversation. These features can be used in various ways. For the ultimate in threading, you could use the library mechanisms as the basis for a menu-based conversation system, but these features are primarily designed for the standard ASK/TELL model with some slight augmentation.
NPC memory within a topic
A simple way to create a sense of context to conversations is to give NPCs some memory of what they’ve already said. A simple way to do this is to avoid letting an NPC repeat himself by using a ShuffledEventList or a StopEventList to provide mutiple answers to the same question, rather than just using a single answer. For example:
+ TellTopic, StopEventList @lighthouse
['<q>I was in the lighthouse earlier today,</q> you say.
<.p>Bob becomes quite flustered. <q>What are you talking about?
That thing was torn down years ago, after the...\ troubles.</q> ',
'<q>About the lighthouse...</q> you start.
<.p><q>Why do you keep going on about that? I thought
I told you, it was torn down year ago.</q> ',
'<q>What did you say about the lighthouse?</q> you ask.
<.p><q>Why do you keep asking me that? It was torn down
after the troubles.</q> ']
We’ve used a StopEventList, which means that we’ll show the list entries in order until we reach the last one, and then we’ll just repeat the last one from then on. Note that on the last entry, we just summarize and repeat what we’ve said before. This provides a good compromise between realism and playability: it creates the impression that the character remembers that we’ve asked before, but it still lets the player go back and ask again any time in case they’ve forgotten any important clue or other information that was revealed.
You could also use a ShuffledEventList to provide the responses in a random order, although that would be best when variety is the goal rather than a sense of NPC memory. This would be most suitable for throw-away topics that are mostly there for amusement value.
Creating a list of responses is obviously a little more work than creating just one response - not so much in terms of programming as in writing - and you probably won’t want to go to this much trouble for every topic, or even for most topics. For the handful of really important topics, though, it can be worthwhile.
NPC memory across topics
As we just saw, changing an NPC’s response to a repeated question helps create the impression that the NPC is paying attention, but there’s more to the thread of a conversation than simple repetition. It would also be nice if responses could take into account other topics that have already been discussed. One simple example is that some topics might not even be known to the player character until they come up in conversation, so we wouldn’t want to answer these topics until they had come up:
>ask bob about troubles
"Have you heard of any troubles around here?"
"Eh?" Bob look puzzled.
>ask bob about lighthouse
"I was at the lighthouse earlier today," you start.
Bob becomes quite flustered. "What are you talking about?
That thing was torn down years ago, after the... troubles.
>ask bob about troubles
"What troubles?" you ask.
Bob stares down the street. He just stands there until you're
about to repeat the question, then looks back at you and shakes
his head. "There are things you wish you didn't know. Believe
me, this is one of them."
This kind of cross-topic memory is easily set up using the isActive property. In this example, we could define two topic entries for “the troubles.” The first one would be the default, giving the “Bob looks puzzled” response; the second would be an AltTopic nested within the first, and would include an isActive condition that makes the topic available only after bob has been asked about the lighthouse.
How do we define this condition? The library provides a special mechanism that makes it easy to keep track of what information one topic has revealed, and then to test for that revelation in another topic. The way to do this is with the special <.reveal key> tag. This isn’t a real HTML tag; the library recognizes it and filters it out of any output. The tag has an effect, though: the library adds the “key” value - which is any arbitrary text of your choosing - to a global lookup table as soon as the text is shown. You can then refer to that lookup table using gRevealed(‘key’). This returns true if the ‘key’ value has been revealed using the <.reveal> tag, nil if not.
Here’s how we’d use the <.reveal> tag to set up the conversation shown above.
Bob: Actor // ...etc...
+ AskTellTopic @lighthouse
"<.reveal troubles><q>I was in the lighthouse earlier today,</q>
you start.
<.p>Bob becomes quite flustered. <q>What are you talking about?
That thing was torn down years ago, after the...\ troubles.</q> "
+ AskTellTopic @troublesTopic
"[Bob looks puzzled...]"
++ AltTopic
"[There are things you wish you didn't know...]"
isActive = gRevealed('troubles')
As long as we haven’t asked Bob about the lighthouse, we’ll get the “Bob looks puzzled” response when we ask about the troubles, because the key ‘troubles’ hasn’t been revealed yet. As soon as we show the response to ASK BOB ABOUT LIGHTHOUSE, the <.reveal troubles> tag kicks in, which inserts the ‘troubles’ key into the global table of revealed information. This causes gRevealed(‘troubles’) to return true, which makes the AltTopic active, so from that point on we use the AltTopic for the response to ASK BOB ABOUT TROUBLES.
Note that the “revelation keys” are just an arbitrary strings. These have no meaning at all to the library; the library simply adds a key to the table when it’s used in a <.reveal> tag in the output, and it looks up a key in the table when you use gRevealed() to request the key’s status. Note in particular that these keys are not object names, so you don’t have to worry about using names that are different from any object or class names in your game.
Also note that you can mark a key as revealed without having to display any text. Just use the macro gReveal(‘key’) - this explicitly adds the key to the table of revealed keys.
Conversation trees
The specific wording in the example above has a slight problem. If the player doesn’t ask about the troubles right away, but comes back and asks Bob about the topic later, they’ll get a rather non sequitur response.
>ask bob about store
"Is this your store?"
He visibly lights up. "Yep, sure is. Worked here 'til I had
enough to buy it, and now I guess I still work here."
>ask bob about troubles
"What troubles?" you ask.
Bob stares down the street...
The problem is that we wrote the response text for the “troubles” topic assuming that the player would ask about it right away. That’s fine as long as they do, but it would be unwise to count on it. If the player asks later, it would be better to use an exchange like this:
>ask bob about troubles
"What were the 'troubles' you mentioned earlier?" you ask.
Bob stares down the street...
You could solve this by counting turns or something like that, but there’s a better way, which is to use the library’s “conversation tree” system. This feature lets you create a map of sorts for the flow of a conversation. At any given time, a conversation is in a “location” in the tree; the location is simply an object you create to represent the conversational options at that point.
In some ways, conversation trees are similar to menu-based conversations. If you think about conversation menus, you can picture each menu as a location on a map, and each of the items on the menu as an exit leading to a new location. Each time the user selects an option, we move on the map to the new location connected to that item, which gives us a new menu to display and a new set of exits to other locations.
(We call this structure a “tree” because of the way each location branches to several other locations, which in turn branch to several other locations, and so on. To be fully accurate, it’s not really a tree in the strict computer-science sense of the term; a tree doesn’t have branches that loop back on themselves, and doesn’t have branches that split and later rejoin. A computer scientist would actually call our structure a “directed graph”; but that term isn’t an especially vivid metaphor for most people, so we’ll stick with “tree.”)
There are a few big differences between our ASK/TELL trees and typical menu trees, though. First, conversation trees are completely optional; you can use all of the other conversation features we’ve talked about so far without even knowing about conversation trees. Second, whereas menu-based conversations are usually limited to what’s on the menu, ASK/TELL trees are usually just a supplement: we use them to custom-tailor selected topics to the context, but we accept any other topics as well. Third, the tree structure of a conversation is readily apparent to the player when menus are used, as all of the options are always laid out in plain sight; our conversation trees are internal constructs that the user can’t see directly, and might not even notice.
The ConvNode object
Conversation trees are represented with ConvNode objects. Each ConvNode defines one location in the conversation; it specifies how to handle any ASK, TELL, or other conversational command. At any given time, an NPC can have a current ConvNode object, but need not. If an actor doesn’t have a current ConvNode object, then we use the standard non-tree handling. Note that only one ConvNode can be active for an NPC at a time (so an NPC can be in only one “location” in a conversation at a time).
A conversation node has one main task: it serves as a container for TopicEntry objects. (Yes, this is yet another place you can put topic entries.) The topic entries that are nested within a ConvNode apply only when that ConvNode is active, and when the node is active, they override any other matching topic entries that are defined elsewhere (such as in the Actor, or in the ActorState). That’s what makes ConvNodes useful - you can use them to define special responses that apply only when the conversation is in that particular position.
A ConvNode object must always be associated directly with an Actor object, by locating the ConvNode within the Actor. Normally, you’d do this by using the “+” syntax:
Bob: Actor
// ...
+ ConvNode 'lighthouse';
A ConvNode object can also go inside an ActorState object, but note that this has exactly the same effect as putting it inside the associated Actor directly - it doesn’t actually create any association between the ConvNode and the ActorState object. The library lets you put a ConvNode inside an ActorState purely for convenience, to give you more flexibility in how you arrange your source code.
Entering and navigating a tree
By default, there is no conversation tree in effect. So how do we get into a tree in the first place, and once we’re in a tree, how do we navigate through it?
In most cases, we use the same mechanism to both enter and navigate a tree: we use the <.convnode name> tag in a response’s text. This is a special pseudo-tag, not a real HTML tag; the library strips this tag out of any displayed text before the user sees it. When the tag is used in output text, though, the library automatically switches the NPC that issued the response to the named conversation node. The name is just a string; you use the same string to identify the ConvNode when you define it. We’ll see an example shortly.
You can also set the tree position explicitly. Simply call the NPC’s setConvNode() method, passing the new conversation node name as the parameter. This can be useful for situations where you want the NPC to initiate a conversation.
Note that the <.convnode> tag can be used only within a TopicEntry’s response text. The tag has this restriction because the library doesn’t have any idea which actor is supposed to be switching to the new ConvNode in other contexts. The library only knows which actor is involved when the actor is specifically displaying a response via a TopicEntry. If you need to switch to a new conversation node at any other time, you should use the setConvNode() method on the actor involved.
Leaving a ConvNode
One obvious way to leave a ConvNode is to go to a new ConvNode. This is what happens when you display text that includes a <.convnode> tag. Another is to explicitly change the node by calling the setConvNode() method on the Actor object.
In addition, the library leaves a conversation node automatically after a response that doesn’t include a <.convnode> or <.convstay> tag. This happens because a conversation node is usually relevant only to what came immediately before; if we veer off onto a topic that isn’t specifically associated with a new ConvNode, then we probably want to simply leave the tree.
If you want to avoid leaving a conversation node automatically after a response, simply put a <.convstay> tag within the response text. This tells the library to stay put at the same conversation node that was in effect just before the response.
The InConversationState object automatically returns to a nil conversation node when leaving the in-conversation state. When a conversation ends, we obviously don’t want to leave the actor stuck in the middle of the conversation flow.
When an InConversationState is terminating the conversation, if there’s a current ConvNode in the actor, the state object calls the ConvNode’s method endConversation(actor, explicit) to let the node do anything special it needs to do. For example, if the ConvNode represents a point in the conversation where the NPC is expecting the player to answer a question, the ConvNode could let the NPC voice an objection to cutting off the conversation with the question unanswered.
Topic entries inside ConvNodes
The most important way that a ConvNode controls the conversation flow is by specifying special responses that apply to that position in the conversation. To specify special responses for a ConvNode, simply put the topics inside the ConvNode object (using the “+” syntax).
When you put a topic entry inside a ConvNode, the topic will only be available when the ConvNode is current. What’s more, the topic entry overrides any other matching topic entry, no matter what the relative scores - the ConvNode has precedence over the actor’s topic database and the actor’s state’s database.
The ConvNode’s ability to override every other response for a topic is perfect for the “troubles” example. Recall that we wanted two ways of phrasing the response to ASK BOB ABOUT TROUBLES: one for right after Bob initially mentioned the troubles in his response to ASK BOB ABOUT LIGHTHOUSE, and a different one for any other time. We can accomplish this by creating a ConvNode object to represent the position in the conversation right after the LIGHTHOUSE response, and putting our special TROUBLES response inside the ConvNode. If the player asks about the troubles right away, we’ll use the special response contained in the ConvNode object; at any other time, we’ll get the regular response.
Bob: Actor // ...
+ AskTellTopic @lighthouse
"<.reveal troubles><.convnode after-lighthouseq>I was in the lighthouse
earlier today,</q> you start.
<.p>Bob becomes quite flustered. <q>What are you talking about?
That thing was torn down years ago, after the...\ troubles.</q> "
// define the *ordinary* responses to the TROUBLES topic
+ AskTellTopic @troublesTopic
"[Bob looks puzzled...] "
++ AltTopic
"<q>What were the <q>troubles</q> you mentioned earlier?</q>
<.p>Bob stares down the street [...]"
isActive = gRevealed('troubles')
// conversation position after ASK BOB ABOUT LIGHTHOUSE
+ ConvNode 'after-lighthouse';
// a special response when were in this conversation position
++ AskTellTopic @troublesTopic
"<q>What troubles</q> you ask.
<.p>Bob stares down the street [...]"
Note that we haven’t changed all that much from the earlier incarantion of this example. One change is that we’ve reworded the AltTopic text for the “troubles” response so that it no longer assumes that Bob just mentioned the troubles: rather than starting with simply “What troubles?”, we start with “What were the ‘troubles’ you mentioned earlier?” The only other changes relate to the new ConvNode object: we’ve added a <.convnode> tag to the “lighthouse” response, we’ve added the ConvNode object itself, and we’ve added yet another response for “the troubles,” this time nested within the new ConvNode.
With this new set-up, ASK BOB ABOUT LIGHTHOUSE will automatically set Bob’s current conversation tree position to our new ConvNode object. Once we’re in this conversation position, ASK BOB ABOUT TROUBLES will use the special response nested within the ConvNode object. At any other time, we fall back on the ordinary responses.
Note that the association between a <.convnode> tag and a ConvNode object is made by the name of the ConvNode, which is just an arbitrary string value. In the example, this is the string ‘after-lighthouse’ that appears in the ConvNode object definition. This string is found through a global lookup table that the library maintains; this lookup table contains all of the ConvNode objects in the entire game, keyed by their names. ConvNode names must thus be unique. However, they don’t have to conform to the usual object naming rules, since they’re just arbitrary strings, and they only have to be unique relative to other ConvNode names - there’s no need to worry about reusing names that are used by other kinds of game objects.
ConvNodes with exclusive responses
We mentioned earlier that the library will automatically exit the conversation tree (that is, the library will set the actor’s current ConvNode to nil) when the actor gives a response that doesn’t specify a new ConvNode. In some cases, you won’t want to allow the conversation to veer off to an arbitrary different topic like this.
The easy way to limit the conversation like this, to avoid veering off-topic, is to include a default response inside the ConvNode, and have the default response return to the same ConvNode. For example, suppose that once we’ve asked Bob about “the troubles,” we don’t want to allow changing the subject. Here’s how we could do this, continuing our earlier example.
// conversation position after ASK BOB ABOUT LIGHTHOUSE
+ ConvNode 'after-lighthouse';
// a special response when were in this conversation position
++ AskTellTopic @troublesTopic
"<.convnode troubles><q>What troubles</q> you ask.
<.p>Bob stares down the street [...]"
// conversation position when talking about the troubles
+ ConvNode 'troubles';
++ AskTellTopic, StopEventList @troublesTopic
['<.convnode troubles><q>I really need to know.</q>
<.p>Bob shakes his head. <q>You just think you need to know,</q>
he says scornfully. <q>That\'s what I thought, once.</q> ',
'<.convnode troubles><q>Pretty please?</q>
<.p>Oh, all right, but you have to promise not to tell
anybody else.</q> ',
/* and so on */ ]
++ DefaultAskTellTopic
"<.convnode troubles>Bob cuts you off. <q>I don't want to
talk about that.</q> "
This works because of the way that ConvNode topic entries override everything else. By putting a default response within the ConvNode, you ensure that no topic outside of the ConvNode can ever be matched. If the player asks about anything not otherwise handled in the ConvNode, we’ll show the default response, which explicitly returns to the same ConvNode. There we’ll stay, until we ask about something that takes us to a new node, or we just give up and leave the conversation.
When the conversation options are limited like this, it’s sometimes better to limit the topic inventory list to match. See the “active topic inventory” section above for details on how to do this.
Using a ConvNode to await a reply
One interesting way you can use the default topic pattern above is for questions asked by the NPC. Most IF authors strictly avoid having NPCs ask questions, because it’s too thorny to deal with the range of possible inputs. Using the ConvNode system, though, you can actually handle questions pretty easily.
The trick is to define a default response that says something like “Bob is waiting for your answer.” If the player tries to change the subject by asking about another topic, they’ll just get this default response. The NPC will stay in the ConvNode until the player uses TELL ABOUT, or YES or NO, to answer the question. You handle the answer by defining, for example, a TellTopic for the topic that serves as the answer.
It’s probably not a great idea to use this approach to open-ended questions that require a TELL ABOUT response, unless the answer is pretty obvious. For better playability, questions that demand an answer should usually be answerable with YES or NO. Fortunately, the ConvNode makes it easy to handle these responses: simply define a YesTopic and a NoTopic within the ConvNode. YesTopic and NoTopic are just like ordinary topic entries, but they respond to YES and NO respectively. Of course, there’s no need for an “@topic” or topic list definition when creating a YesTopic or NoTopic.
Here’s an example of a simple conversation where the NPC puts a series of YES/NO questions to the player character.
Bob: Actor // ...
+ AskTellTopic @troublesTopic
"<q>What were the <q>troubles</q> you mentioned earlier?</q>
<.p>Bob gets all dark and serious. <q>Are you absolutely sure
you want to know?</q><.convnode askOnce> "
+ ConvNode 'askOnce';
++ YesTopic
"<q>Sure,</q> you say.
<.p><q<I don't think you understand. There are things that a
man wishes and prays he'd never known, things that will haunt your
dreams, fill your nights with fear and your days with bitterness and
anger, shatter your illusions about goodness and justice in the world,
turn hope into just another lie, make you suspicious of everyone you
meet and everyone you've ever known, open your eyes to the cold, hard
truth about this miserable existence called life. Once you know what I
know, you can never go back, things can never be the same for you. Now,
are you <i>really</i> sure you want to hear
this?</q><.convnode askTwice> "
++ NoTopic
"Something about Bob's manner is a little frightening.
<q>Uh, maybe not.</q>
<.p><q>Good choice,</q> Bob says, seeming relieved. "
+ ConvNode 'askTwice';
// etc with another YesTopic and NoTopic
When the player asks about “the troubles,” we’ll show the AskTellTopic’s response text. This contains a <.convnode askOnce> tag, which sets Bob’s current ConvNode to the one labeled ‘askOnce’. On the next turn, since this ConvNode is active, it will be the first place that we look for a response to the player’s command, so if the player types YES or NO (or various alternative phrasings, such as “BOB, YES” or “SAY NO TO BOB”), we’ll activate the YesTopic or NoTopic within the ConvNode. The YesTopic response has another <.convnode> tag, this time taking us to the ‘askTwice’ node. So, if the player answers YES, then we’ll use the responses in the ‘askTwice’ node for the next turn.
Note that, because we didn’t include a default response among the ConvNode’s responses, the player is free to change the subject entirely rather than answer the question. If they ASK ABOUT something new, we’ll just go off and find an appropriate TopicEntry elsewhere, looking at the topics associated with the actor’s current state and then at the topics associated directly with the actor.
Special topics
Conversations that involve only ASK, TELL, GIVE, and SHOW can feel awfully limiting to the player and author alike, because they allow no nuance of expression. Some authors, seeking an alternative, have resorted to menu-based conversations; nothing in the TADS 3 library would prevent using conversation menus, and indeed they’d be a natural fit with the ConvNode threading system, but the conversation system doesn’t provide direct support for menus. Instead, the library provides a menu-like alternative that seeks to retain more of the flavor of the traditional text game user interface.
This alternative is provided by something called the “special topic,” which is implemented by the class SpecialTopic. A special topic is a kind of topic database entry (SpecialTopic is a subclass of TopicEntry, just like AskTopic and TellTopic and the rest). Like the other kinds of topic entries, a special topic has response text that’s shown when the special topic is triggered, an isActive property that determines whether or not the topic is available, and all of the other standard TopicEntry properties. The difference is that a special topic isn’t triggered by an ASK ABOUT command, or a TELL ABOUT command, or any other conventional command. Instead, a special topic is triggered by a unique, custom command that the special topic itself defines. The custom command doesn’t have to be defined as a VerbRule or any other part of the normal grammar; special topics bypass the normal parser.
Here’s an example of a conversation node that includes some special topics:
Bob: Actor // ...
+ AskTellTopic @mary
"<q>Mary told me all about how you cheated on her,</q> you say,
unable to disguise your contempt.
<.p>Bob breaks down and starts blubbering. <q>It wasn't my
fault!</q> he sobs. <q>She drove me to it!</q>
<.convnode affair> "
+ ConvNode 'affair';
++ SpecialTopic 'comfort him' ['comfort', 'bob', 'him']
"<q>There, there [...] "
++ SpecialTopic 'call him a liar' ['call', 'bob', 'him', 'a', 'liar']
"<q>You're so full of crap, Bob [...] "
Each SpecialTopic definition has three main standard pieces: the string to show in the topic inventory list; the list of keywords that will match against the player’s input; and the response text. The inventory list string should be something that can be tagged onto “you could…” (for the English version, at least; other languages may vary). The keyword list is just a list of strings to match; if the player’s input consists entirely of words from this list, then the special topic will be activated. The response text is the same as for any other topic entry.
There are several things to note about the way the library matches player input to a special topic. The normal parsing rules don’t apply; the special topic matching is done before any normal parsing is done. The library only looks for special topics in the current ConvNode for the actor to whom the player character is currently speaking, and only considers special topics that are active (as indicated by the isActive property). The library checks each of these active special topics; it matches the player’s entire command line against the keyword list. If every word the player typed in matches a keyword in the list, the special topic matches. (The player’s input doesn’t have to contain all of the words in the keyword list, but all of the player’s words have to be in the keyword list.) Exactly one active special topic must match for it to be selected. If none of the active special topics match the player’s input, or if more than one of them match, the library ignores the special topics and treats the player’s input as an ordinary command. The reason that the library ignores multiple matches is that it assumes that the player’s input must consist entirely of very common words if it matches more than one special topic, so chances are that the player didn’t intend to select something as exotic as a special topic command. In other words, the parser assumes that the special topic match is mere coincidence if the input isn’t specific enough to select a unique special topic.
The keyword list is easy to program, but sometimes it’s not flexible enough. For cases where you need more control, you can replace the keyword list with a single string containing an arbitrary regular expression. If the entire player’s input matches the regular expression, then the special topic will match.
Special topics are always nested within ConvNode objects. Inherent in the idea of a special topic is that its special command is meaningful only at a particular point in a conversation, which is what a ConvNode represents. The nesting of a special topic within a ConvNode is done using the special topic’s ‘location’ property, as you’d expect.
Because a special topic’s triggering command is completely custom, it would be unreasonable to force the player to guess at its command. Therefore, special topics are automatically entered into the topic inventory as suggestions. What’s more, whenever a ConvNode becomes active, and the ConvNode has one or more active special topic objects, the library will automatically show a topic inventory listing. This means that the player will always be shown any available special topics when they become available.
In a way, special topics resemble conventional menu systems, since they amount to enumerated lists of choices. There are important differences, though. First, the topic inventory is much less obtrusive than the typical menu display; the topic inventory list is phrased as narration, so it fits smoothly with the rest of the game’s transcript. Importantly, the list isn’t displayed in a separate window, or as a numbered or bulleted list; it’s specifically designed to fit in naturally with the surrounding text. Second, the method of input for the player is also consistent with the normal command-line user interface: the user simply types in the command as suggested in the topic inventory. Third, the user interface isn’t modal, as conversation menus often are: the game shows an ordinary command prompt, and the player can select a special topic if she wants, but can just as well enter any ordinary command.
NPC-driven conversations
So far, the techniques we’ve covered handle cases where NPCs respond to conversational commands from the player. Sometimes, it’s desirable for NPCs to take the lead in striking up a conversation or continuing an ongoing conversation. The library has a few features that can help.
NPC initiation
First, let’s consider how an NPC can start a conversation on its own.
It’s up to the author to decide exactly when an NPC initiates a conversation. The author must write some code that tests for the triggering condition and starts the conversation when the condition occurs. There are three main places where you’d typically write this kind of code:
- In an NPC’s background-action script, usually in the ActorState’s takeTurn() method or the Actor’s idleTurn() method. This approach lets the NPC start a conversation as part of its turn when some condition has become true; for example, this could be used to start a conversation as soon as the player character enters the NPC’s location.
- In the beforeAction() or afterAction() method of the Actor or ActorState. This lets the NPC start a conversation in response to a command carried out by the player character in the NPC’s presence.
- In the NPC’s handler for a SensoryEvent. This lets the NPC initiate a conversation upon observing some transient event.
In any of these cases, the code you have to write in the NPC to start a conversation is the same: you call the Actor’s initiateConversation(state, node) method. The ‘state’ parameter is an ActorState for the actor to enter; this can be nil if you don’t want to change the NPC’s current state. The new state is usually an InConversationState - it doesn’t have to be, but usually there’s no reason to use initiateConversation() at all unless you want the conversation to have its own state. The ‘node’ parameter is a ConvNode object, or a string naming a ConvNode object. This parameter is required because the new ConvNode provides the initial exchange of the conversation.
The initiateConversation() method does several things. It switches the NPC to the new ActorState, if one was provided, and it switches to the given ConvNode. The method also sets the “current interlocutor” properties for the NPC and the player character Actor objects to point to one another. Finally, the method invokes the new ConvNode’s npcInitiateConversation() method, which displays the initial exchange of the conversation.
To define the message for the initial exchange, you must define either an npcGreetingMsg or npcGreetingList property in the ConvNode object. If you only need a single message, you can define npcGreetingMsg to a double-quoted string giving the initial exchange:
+ ConvNode 'sales-1'
npcGreetingMsg = "The salesman approaches you, smiling. <q>Hello,
friend! My name is Ron, and I represent the Mutual Indemnity Life
Insurance Company. I have a serious question for you: do you have
enough life insurance?</q> "
If you’ll need to re-use the ConvNode to initiate the conversation repeatedly, you might prefer to use a list of messages for the greeting, to make the actor seem less mechanical. You can do this by defining the npcGreetingList property to refer to a EventList subclass. For example:
+ ConvNode 'sales-1'
npcGreetingList: StopEventList {
'The salesman approaches you, smiling...',
'The salesman walks up to you. <q>Hello, again! I hope
you\'ve thought more about your life insurance needs.</q> '
// etc...
] }
Once you have the NPC initiate a conversation, all of the library conversation features work as usual. This means that you can have an NPC start a conversation with a question, using TopicEntry objects within the initial ConvNode to handle the answers - you can use YesTopic and NoTopic objects inside the ConvNode to handle YES and NO answers to the NPC’s question, for example.
NPC continuation
It’s unusual in IF for an NPC to take the lead in a conversation, either by initiating a conversation or by asking a question as part of an ongoing conversation. This isn’t because IF authors want their NPCs to be purely passive; it’s because it’s more difficult to program active NPCs. We’ve seen how greeting protocols and conversation trees can help maintain the illusion that the NPC is aware of a conversation for more than one turn at a time, by making the NPC react to different player actions in a way that’s appropriate to the ongoing conversation. There’s one piece missing, though: what if the player doesn’t keep up her end of the conversation?
In a real-life conversation, if one of the participants asks a question, and the other person doesn’t answer, the questioner will often persist: they might repeat the question, or ask why the other person isn’t answering. Similarly, if neither participant in a conversation says anything for a little while, one person might offer something new to keep the conversation moving.
The library has a feature that lets you simulate these effects, so that the NPC can “continue” a conversation even if the player is doing other things. This feature is managed through the ConvNode object, because this keeps the NPC’s continuation remarks together with the conversation context. Specifically, each ConvNode object can optionally define the property npcContinueMsg as a double-quoted string to display. Alternatively, a ConvNode can define npcContinueList as an EventList subclass, giving a list of strings to display.
The InConversationState class automatically displays the current ConvNode’s continuation message (using either npcContinueMsg or npcContinueList, as appropriate) on each turn on which the ConvNode is active, and the player didn’t address a conversational command to the NPC on the same turn. The second part of the condition is important, because it means that the continuation message will only be displayed when the player goes a turn without actively participating in the conversation.
Continuation messages can be especially useful in conversation nodes at which the NPC has just asked a question, because you can make it look like your NPC actually cares about getting an answer. You can make the continuation message keep asking the question several times if necessary, to make it clear that your NPC expects an answer.
You can use the <.convnode> tag within a continuation message to switch to a new ConvNode, if you’d like. If you don’t use a <.convnode> tag in a continuation message, then the current ConvNode remains unchanged by default. You might want to change to a new ConvNode, for example, to make the NPC give up on getting an answer from the player, or to make the NPC change the subject or ask a different question.
Conversations and Agendas
Back in the first part of this article, we mentioned the “agenda” mechanism, which provides a way of giving an NPC goals to carry out. The agenda feature is a good way to handle some NPC-initiated conversations.
There’s a subclass of AgendaItem specifically designed for conversation initiation: ConvAgendaItem. The special feature of this subclass is that its isReady() method returns true only when the NPC has not already engaged in conversation on the same turn. This is useful because it makes the NPC wait for an “opening” in a conversation, to avoid the appearance that the NPC is plowing ahead with a background script regardless of a conversation the player is attempting to conduct with the NPC.
Here’s an example of how we could use ConvAgendaItem to make the NPC repeatedly request an object from the player. The agenda item will stay in the actor’s agenda list until the player hands over the desired object. To avoid making the NPC overly pesky, we’ll only pursue the agenda item about 33% of the times that we could, using a random number to decide.
bob: Person
// ... bob's definitions ...
+ askForBook: ConvAgendaItem
isReady = (inherited()
&& rand(100) < 33
&& me.location == bob.location
&& blackBook.isIn(me))
isDone = (blackBook.isIn(bob))
"Bob glances at the black book. <q>I'd really like to take a
look at that book of yours,</q> he says. ";
+ GiveShowTopic @blackBook
"You hand Bob the book, which he takes eagerly. He opens
it and starts flipping through pages, like he's looking
for something. He stops on a page, runs his finger down
the page. <q>Now that's interesting,</q> he
says, eyes still intently on the text. <q>This isn't
at all what I thought.</q> He looks up at you.
<q>Is it okay if I hang onto this for a while?</q>
<.convnode keepBook?> ";
+ ConvNode 'keepBook?';
++ YesTopic "<q>Sure,</q> you say.
<.p><q>Thanks,<q> Bob says. <q>I think it'll help me tell you
you what happened at the lighthouse. Give me a couple of
hours and meet me back here.</q> "
++ NoTopic "<q>I'd rather you didn't keep it,</q> you say.
<.p><q>Just give me a couple of hours,</q> Bob says.
<q>I'll give it back then, I promise. I think this'll help
me tell you what happened at the lighthouse.</q> "
A stateful conversation always takes precedence over an agenda. If an actor has an active ConvNode, the actor will not attempt to execute any agenda items. An NPC will pursue its agenda only when it has no active ConvNode object. This ensures that the agenda won’t intrude on a conversation.
As we’ve seen, the TADS 3 library has a number of features designed to help you create non-player characters that do more than just sit there and answer a few ASK ABOUT questions. The ActorState class helps structure the code for actors that can exhibit several different behaviors; TopicEntry and related classes let you build a database of knowledge for your characters, and help manage the database as character knowledge and game conditions change; ConversationReadyState and InConversationState help give interactions the form of real conversations; ConvNode lets you create internal context and structure within a conversation; and SpecialTopic lets you go beyond ASK/TELL when conversations require more nuance.
All of these classes and mechanisms are a lot to take in all at once, but don’t worry that you have to learn everything here before you can start creating NPCs. These features are all optional, so you can bring them to bear only when you need them, and you can add them incrementally to your actors as you design and build your game. The features are also designed to be modular, so you can mix and match them as you see fit. So, you can start with a simple, standard Actor object, without worrying about any of this dynamic stuff; later on, you can learn about and add dynamic features as you need them.
TADS 3 Technical Manual
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TADS 3 In Depth >
Creating Dynamic Characters >
Programming Conversations with NPCs