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Advanced Topics > Multiple
Multiple Inheritance
by Eric Eve
The inheritance mechanism in TADS 3 (also described in the System Manual) is not only extremely useful, but essential to how the library works, and it’s impossible to get very far writing a game in TADS 3 without making use of it, not only through defining objects belonging to classes that rely on the inheritance mechanism, but through using the inherited keyword in your own code.
At first sight this may seem straightforward enough. Suppose class B is derived from class A and that class A (but not class B) directly defines the property (or method) foo(). One might then expect that calling would always invoke One might also expect that if, conversely, B overrode foo() and used the keyword inherited in its version of foo(), inherited would refer to A’s version of foo. Unfortunately it’s not quite that simple. Suppose we have the following object definition:
bar: B, C
Where, as before, B derives from A, and A (but not B) directly defines the method foo(). Now suppose our code invokes the method It may seem obvious that will use class A’s foo() method, but this may be incorrect. If C is also derived from A, and C (but not B) overrides foo(), then would use C’s foo() method, not A’s. Moreover if B and C are both derived from A and both override foo(), but B’s overridden foo() includes the inherited keyword, then when is invoked, inherited in will call,not as one might at first expect.
If, on the other hand, C does not derive from A (but B does) or C does not define or override foo(), then a call to will invoke in either of these cases. That is, in the event that C does not override, (either because it is not derived from A, or because it does not define a foo() method, or both), then if B does not override foo(), will use, or if B does override foo() and uses the inherited keyword, then in this context the inherited in will invoke
It follows that the precise reference of inherited is context dependent. In particular suppose we have a definition like the following:
class B: A
" is now executing. ";
This definition does not determine which class’s foo() method will be invoked at run-time by the call to inherited() within Under some circumstances it may be A. Under others it may be a subclass of A that overrides foo().
If you look at the definition of inherited in the ‘Expressions and Operators’ page of the System Manual, you’ll see that it does not say “The inherited operator invokes the equivalent method from the current class’s superclass” but rather “The inherited operator invokes the method that the currently executing method overrides”. In other words, inherited invokes the method (or property) that would have been invoked if the current method (or property) had not been overridden on the current class or object. Thus, in the above example, determining which method is invoked by a call to when B does not override foo is the same as determing which method is invoked, in the course of executing, by inherited within when B does override foo.
Let’s pause to consider the rationale of this, approaching it through the conceptually simpler case of determining which class’s definition of foo is invoked by a call to when B does not define or override foo(). Again, we shall start simply from this definition of bar:
bar: B, C
Now let’s consider what we’d expect to happen in a couple of cases.
(1) Suppose foo is defined on B or one of its ancestor classes but not on C or any of its ancestor classes. Then we’d surely expect to invoke the version of foo defined or overridden on B or inherited by B from one of its ancestor classes, and this is in fact what happens.
(2) Suppose foo is not defined on B or on any of B’s ancestor classes, but is defined on C or inherited by C from one of C’s ancestor classes. Then we’d expect to invoke C’s (overridden or inherited) version of foo. Presumably, that was part of the point of including C in bar’s superclass list. And again, this is what happens.
(3) Suppose foo is defined or overridden on both B and C. Then we’d expect to use, since a method defined on an earlier class in this list effectively overrides one defined later. Indeed, this follows from what the Object Definition section of the System Manual tells us, namely “If you specify more than one superclass, the order of the classes determines the inheritance order. The first (left-most) superclass has precedence for inheritance, so any properties or methods that it defines effectively override the same properties and methods defined in subsequent superclasses.” And again, this is what in fact actually happens.
(4) Finally suppose B inherits foo() from A without overriding it, and C also inherits or overrides foo(). You might suppose that this was effectively the same as case 3 above, and that since class B has precedence over class C in the class list (since it comes before it) the version of foo() inherited by B will prevail, with the result that will invoke (i.e. the version of foo() that B inherits from A), but this is not necessarily the case. In particular, it is not the case if overrides, or if inherits a version of foo() that overrides If neither of these conditions is met, then will indeed invoke, otherwise, if directly or indirectly overrides, then will invoke, not
It is probably this last case that seems the least intuitive and the most potentially confusing. The rationale behind it is that if overrides (either directly or through an intermediary class in the class hierarchy), C’s foo() method is more specialized than A’s, so that if C appears in a superclass list, it’s probably the behaviour of we want rather than that of, even if C appears later in the class list than a class that inherits (but does override) - presumably the whole point of including C rather than A in the superclass list is that we wanted C’s specialization of A, not just A itself. To anticipate an example we’ll return to below, if A is AgendaItem, B is DelayedAgendaItem and C is ConvAgendaItem, then the fact that we added ConvAgendaItem to the class list presumably means we want something it provides beyond what DelayedAgendaItem already inherits from AgendaItem, so that in this contect it makes better sense for inherited in DelayedAgendaItem.isReady to refer to ConvAgendaItem.isReady than to AgendaItem.isReady.
Bear in mind that it is possible to override this behaviour if it isn’t what we want. If we wanted inherited in always to reference no matter what the context, we could add the classname A after the inherited keyword to ensure this result:
class B: A
inherited A();
" is now executing. ";
Indeed, there doubtless are cases where this is necessary to get the result we actually want, but it’s probably a minority of cases. In practice, it usually turns out that the default mechanism described above does what is most useful. This mechanism is the rule summarized rather densely (originally in the TADS 2 manual, and subsequently quoted in Getting Started in TADS 3) as “the inherited property in the case of multiple inheritance is that property of the earliest (leftmost) superclass in the object’s superclass list that is not overridden by a subsequent superclass.” Another way of putting this is to say that “The first (left-most) superclass has precedence for inheritance, so any properties or methods that it defines effectively override the same properties and methods defined in subsequent superclasses, except that an ancestor class does not override a method or property on any of its descendent classes.”
Below we shall introduce a straightforward algorithm for determining the order of precedence in situations of multiple inheritance, but first let’s look at a few more examples.
An Abstract Example
Suppose we have the following class hierarchy:
/ \
/ \ \
Suppose further that these classes are defined thus:
class A: object
hello() { "Hello from class A! "; }
foo = "\nA foo"
class B: A
"Hello from class B! ";
class C: object
"Hello from class C! ";
foo = "\nC foo"
class D: A
"Hello from class D! ";
foo = "\nD foo"
class E: C
"Hello from class E! ";
foo = "\nE foo"
And that we then add the following code to allow us to experiment with these classes:
testBC: B, C;
testCB: C, B;
testBD: B, D;
testBE: B, E;
"First testBC:\n";
"<.p>Then testCB:\n";
"<.p>Then testBD:\n";
"<.p>And finally testBE:\n";
verbPhrase = 'test/testing'
The response to the command TEST will be:
First testBC:
Hello from class A! Hello from class B!
A foo
Then testCB:
Hello from class A! Hello from class B! Hello from class C!
C foo
Then testBD:
Hello from class A! Hello from class D! Hello from class B!
D foo
And finally testBE:
Hello from class A! Hello from class B!
A foo
Let’s look at how this output relates to the principles we explored in the previous section. We’ll start by considering what happens when is invoked. B does not itself define foo(), but it does inherit C defines foo(), but is not derived from, and hence does not override, so it’s that is invoked here. For similar reasons, when inherited is called in B.hello(), it’s A.hello() that’s invoked. C does define a hello() method, but it’s not derived from A.hello(), so A.hello() can take precedence.
When is called, we simply get, since C defines foo() for itself and comes first in the class list, so there’s no need to look further for the foo method we need. When testCB.hello() is invoked, however, the situation is more complicated. Once again this will invoke C.hello(), since C defines its own hello() method, but C.hello() contains a call to inherited. Remember, in this situation inherited calls what testCB.hello() would call if C didn’t provide its own definition of hello(). If C.hello() didn’t exist, the only version of hello() available to be called on testCB is that provided by B, so that’s the one that’s called. B.hello() also contains a call to inherited, which is the method that would have been called if B didn’t define hello for itself. In this case, that could only be A.hello(), which B inherits from A. So what we end up with here is A.hello() called from B.hello() called from C.hello().
When is called, B does not define or override, but merely inherits it. D, on the other hand, does override the foo it would otherwise inherit from A. So while would normally take precedence, since B appears in the class list before D, is simply the inherited, which is not allowed to take precedence over since overrides, so in this case it’s that wins out. When testBD.hello() is called, B does supply its own version of B.hello(), so that’s the one that’s used. But B.hello() calls inherited, which is the method that would be invoked by testBD.hello() if B.hello() were not defined. Once again the choice is between A.hello() inherited by B from A and D.hello() defined on D. Since D inherits from A and D.hello() overrides A.hello(), D.hello() cannot be overridden by A.hello(), so it’s D.hello() that’s used. On the other hand, when inherited is encountered in D.hello(), it can only refer to A.hello(), with the result that what we end up seeing is A.hello() called from D.hello() called from B.hello().
Finally, testBE works the same as testBC, since E derives from C but not A.
It would no doubt be possible to construct far more complex examples than this, but these should suffice to illustrate the principle (while more complex examples might only confuse). Anyway, the method of analysis employed above rapidly becomes too unwieldy to use on more complex cases, so we’ll next introduce an algorithm to simplify it. After discussing this algorithm, we’ll move on from these rather abstract examples to a pair of concrete involving classes defined in the TADS 3 library; the second of these will turn out to be quite complicated enough!
A Simplifying Algorithm
The kind of reasoning we have just gone through is all very well, but rapidly becomes more confusing to construct and harder to follow the more complicated the class hierarchy involved. Moreover, it’s not the way the TADS 3 VM actually works. The TADS 3 VM reduces the problem to a linear ordering of priorities, and so can we. The trick is to find a means of reducing a set of inheritance relationships into a single list ordered by precedence. The algorithm actually employed by the VM is one a human being could follow, but it may not be the easiest way a human being could do it, so here we’ll present a slightly different procedure for producing the same result.
In essence, it’s a matter of following a two-step process:
- Create a recursively expanded superclass list of the object in question, with the classes listed in order of inheritance.
- Remove all duplicate elements from the list, leaving only their rightmost (i.e. last) occurrence.
Stated thus this procedure is probably less than immediately clear. Two further steps may aid understanding: (1) a broad description of what it does, and (2) some worked examples showing how to carry it out.
What it does is to arrange an object’s (or class’s) superclass list in order such that:
- The order of declaration of ancestor classes on the object and it superclasses is preserved except that
- No ancestor class is allowed to take precedence over any of its descendent classes.
The first step achieves the first of these goals, while the second step achieves the second. The result is equivalant to the definition we gave above, namely “The first (left-most) superclass has precedence for inheritance, so any properties or methods that it defines effectively override the same properties and methods defined in subsequent superclasses, except that an ancestor class does not override a method or property on any of its descendent classes.”
Now let us unpack the procedure to show how to carry it out. The first step is to create “a recursively expanded superclass list of the object in question, with the classes listed in order of inheritance.” The simplest way to follow this is probably to create a sideways superclass tree diagram. To do this, start with the object we’re interested in, list its superclasses below it in a column to the right of it, with each superclass’s superclass listed below and to the right of them, thus:
(Note that we have excluded the ultimate ancestor object from this procedure, since normally we’ll never need to trace inheritance back that far, and because in any case we can always be sure that the algorithm will always end up placing object at the very end of the list).
To complete step 1, we now simply construct a list by reading the above tree diagram from top to bottom:
testBC, B, A, C
In this case, there are no duplicates, so there is nothing for Step 2 to do. This tells us testBC first inherits foo from B, which, since it neither defines nor overrides it, simply inherits it from A. It’s therefor that executes. Similarly testBC.hello() invokes B.hello(), B being the first class in the list to define hello(), and then that inherited in B.hello() invokes A.hello(), A being the next class in our list.
Now let’s try it with testCB:
This time, the list we construct by reading from top to bottom is:
testBC, C, B, A
Again there are no duplicates to delete, so nothing for Step 2 to do. will invoke textBC.hello() will invoke C.hello(), which via inherited invokes B.hello(), which in turn via inherited invokes A.hello().
Finally, let’s try testBD. Here, the superclass tree diagram looks like this:
So reading down the diagram generates this list:
testBD, B, A, D, A
This time, A appears twice, so there is something for Step 2 to do. We delete all the duplicate As (all one of them) leaving only the last:
testBD, B, D, A
So now, will invoke, and testBD.hello() invokes B.hello, whose inherited invokes, whose inherited in turn invokes
testBE may be left as an exercise for the reader.
Some Real Examples
(1) A Delayed Conversation Agenda Item
Suppose we want to combine the functionality of DelayedAgendaItem and ConvAgendaItem, that is we want an AgendaItem which is invoked after a certain length of time, but only when there’s a gap in the conversation and the player character is still present to be addressed. We could define:
+ delayedConv: DelayedAgendaItem, ConvAgendaItem
"Right! Bob suddenly barks. ";
isDone = true;
But will this work as we want it to, or will ConvAgendaItem.isReady be bypassed? The question really hinges on what the isReady property of delayedConv will do.
DelayedAgendaItem is defined in the library as:
class DelayedAgendaItem: AgendaItem
isReady = (Schedulable.gameClockTime >= readyTime && inherited())
readyTime = 0
readyTime = Schedulable.gameClockTime + turns;
return self;
While ConvAgendaItem is defined as:
class ConvAgendaItem: AgendaItem
isReady = (!getActor().conversedThisTurn()
&& getActor().canTalkTo(otherActor)
&& inherited())
otherActor = (gPlayerChar)
There’s clearly no conflict here between the definitions of readyTime, setDelay() or otherActor, the only issue is what delayedConv.isReady will do. Note that on both DelayedAgendaItem and ConvAgendaItem isReady invokes the inherited property.
Well, to begin with, delayedConv.isReady must clearly refer in this context to DelayedConvAgendaItem.isReady, since DelayedConvAgenda comes first in the class list and explicitly defines (or rather, overrides) this property. So the next question is what the inherited keyword in the definition of DelayedAgendaItem.isReady will refer to in this particular context. The possible candidates are AgendaItem.isReady and ConvAgendaItem.isReady. The rule is that the leftmost property takes preference unless it would involve a base class overriding a property that one of its subclasses overrides. But ConvAgendaItem does override AgendaItem.isReady, so in this case the inherited within DelayedAgendaItem.isReady will reference ConvAgendaItem.isReady rather than its base class’s AgendaItem.isReady. ConvAgendaItem.isReady in turn includes the inherited keyword, but in this case it can only refer to AgendaItem.isReady, since there’s nothing else for it to refer to. So delayedConvAgenda.isReady turns out to be equivalent to:
isReady = (Schedulable.gameClockTime >= readyTime
&& (!getActor().conversedThisTurn()
&& getActor().canTalkTo(otherActor)
&& true ))
This is indeed precisely what we’d want from a DelayedConvAgendaItem, so combining DelayedAgendaItem and ConvAgendaItem in the superclass list of the same object indeed combines the functionality of these two subclasses of AgendaItem, just as we might have hoped.
Again, it would probably be easier to have arrived at this result using the algorithm (i.e. procedure) described in the previous section. The relevant superclass tree diagrams are already provided for us in the TADS 3 Library Reference Manual, but we’ll reproduce them below:
Reading from top to bottom, we once again produce our fully expanded superclass list:
delayedConv, DelayedAgendaItem, AgendaItem, ConvAgendaItem, AgendaItem
Finally, in Step 2 we delete any duplicates (in this case, the first occurrence of AgendaItem) leaving only their last instances:
delayedConv, DelayedAgendaItem, ConvAgendaItem, AgendaItem
This produces the same result we had before, probably more reliably and simply than by trying to reason our way through the inheritance tree. In such a simple case we could probably carry out all the steps in our head, especially once the procedure becomes more familiar. We’ll finish with a rather more complex example, where some resort to pen and paper would almost certainly be essential.
(2) Lockable Door
For our second example we’ll pose the question why the first of these two object definitions works properly whereas the second does not:
+ myDoor: Lockable, Door 'door' 'door'
+ myDoor: Door, Lockable 'door' 'door'
The obvious difference you’ll soon discover between these two is that whereas with (1) the door starts out locked, with (2) it doesn’t, however hard you try explicitly defining initiallyLocked = true (there may indeed be other problems with (2), but we’ll focus on this one for now).
In this case the class hierarchy involved is rather more complex than any we’ve attempted to deal with so far:
/ \
Linkable VocabObject
/ | \ \
Lockable | \ Thing
| \ / \
| \ Travel NonPortable
| \ Connector /
| \ / Fixture
| \ / /
| \ / /
Basic Openable Passage
/ \ |
Openable \ ThroughPassage
\ \ /
\ BasicDoor
\ /
A look at the library code will reveal that the place where Lockable uses initiallyLocked to initialize the locked status of the door is in its initializeThing method:
class Lockable: Linkable
initiallyLocked = true
/* inherit the default handling */
/* if we're the master, set our initial state */
if (masterObject == self)
isLocked_ = initiallyLocked;
Linkable also has a definition of initializeThing:
Linkable: object
if (masterObject != self && masterObject.masterObject == self)
masterObject = self;
Door does not define its own initializeThing method, but could potentially inherit one either via BasicDoor from BasicOpenable:
BasicOpenable: Linkable
if (masterObject == self)
isOpen_ = initiallyOpen;
Or else via BasicDoor from Passage:
Passage: Linkable, Fixture, TravelConnector
if (masterObject != self)
otherSide = masterObject;
So what happens in this complex case? One way to find out is to set a breakpoint in the debugger and try tracing it through. If we start with case (1) and put the breakpoint on the first statement (inherited) in Lockable.initializeThing() we find the following. The call to inherited in Lockable.initializeThing() invokes BasicOpenable.initializeThing(), the first line of which is also an inherited statement. This new inherited statement invokes Passage.initializeThing(), the first line of which is yet another inherited statement. This third inherited statement invokes Linkable.initializeThing, which yet again starts with an inherited statement. This inherited statement finally calls Thing.initializeThing(), which at last doesn’t contain an inherited statement. Stepping on through the code then takes us to the end of Thing.initializeThing() and then back on up the call stack till we eventually arrive back at Lockable.initializeThing().
This is a complex case, but can we work out what’s happening here?
The only realistic way to attempt it is to use the algorithm described above. This is greatly simplified for us by the fact that the Library Reference Manual already provides us with superclass tree diagrams in the format we need for all classes defined in the TADS 3 library, so we can simply look up the relevant classes in the library and write out our expanded superclass lists by reading down their superclass tree diagrams.
The list for Lockable is then simply:
Lockable, Linkable
That for Door is rather longer:
Door, Openable, BasicOpenable, Linkable, BasicDoor, BasicOpenable,
Linkable, ThroughPassage, Passage, Linkable, Fixture, NonPortable, Thing,
VocabObject,TravelConnector, Thing, VocabObject
We can now assemble the complete list for myDoor:
myDoor, Lockable, Linkable, Door, Openable, BasicOpenable,
Linkable, BasicDoor, BasicOpenable, Linkable, ThroughPassage,
Passage, Linkable, Fixture, NonPortable, Thing,
VocabObject,TravelConnector, Thing, VocabObject
The second step is to remove all duplicates, of which there are several, leaving only the rightmost instance of each class:
myDoor, Lockable, Linkable, Door, Openable, BasicOpenable,
Linkable, BasicDoor, BasicOpenable, Linkable, ThroughPassage,
Passage, Linkable, Fixture, NonPortable, Thing,
VocabObject,TravelConnector, Thing, VocabObject
So that the list reduces to:
myDoor, Lockable, Door, Openable, BasicDoor,
BasicOpenable, ThroughPassage, Passage, Linkable,
Fixture, NonPortable, TravelConnector, Thing, VocabObject
Finally, to work out what happens when myDoor.initializeThing() is invoked, it will help to identify which classes in the above list define or override initializeThing(), and which of the initializeThing() methods include an inherited which will call the next class’s initializeThing() method. Again, this is information that may be gleaned quite readily from the Library Reference Manual; the easiest way to go about it may be to look up initializeThing() in the index of all identifiers.
Here we show the result of doing this by showing all classes in the list that define or override initializeThing() underlined, and all those whose initializeThing() uses the inherited keyword in bold:
myDoor, Lockable, Door, Openable, BasicDoor,
BasicOpenable, ThroughPassage, Passage, Linkable,
Fixture, NonPortable, TravelConnector, Thing, VocabObject
This tells us that myDoor.initializeThing() should invoke Lockable.initializeThing(), which will invoke BasicOpenable.initializeThing(), which will in turn invoke Passage.initializeThing(), which will in turn invoke Linkable.initializeThing(), which will finally invoke Thing.initializeThing(), which is indeed what is shown to happen by tracing the calls through the Workbench debugger.
Now let’s consider case (2), which had myDoor defined thus:
+ myDoor: Door, Lockable 'door' 'door'
It would be almost impossible to work out in advance what will happen in this case by some process of abstract reasoning, or trying mentally to predict how execution will work through the inheritance tree, so instead we need to reduce the classes involved to a linear list using our algorithm. For step 1, we can simply reassemble the list we assembled last time in a slightly different order, moving Lockable to a position after all of Door’s superclasses:
myDoor, Door, Openable, BasicOpenable, Linkable,
BasicDoor, BasicOpenable, Linkable, ThroughPassage, Passage,
Linkable, Fixture, NonPortable, Thing, VocabObject,
TravelConnector, Thing, VocabObject, Lockable, Linkable.
Then, as before, we carry out the second step of deleting duplicates from the list, leaving only the rightmost instance of each class (note that this may result in different instances being deleted than in the previous case):
myDoor, Door, Openable, BasicOpenable, Linkable,
BasicDoor, BasicOpenable, Linkable, ThroughPassage, Passage,
Linkable, Fixture, NonPortable, Thing, VocabObject,
TravelConnector, Thing, VocabObject, Lockable, Linkable.
This list then reduces to:
myDoor, Door, Openable, BasicDoor, BasicOpenable,
ThroughPassage, Passage, Fixture, NonPortable, TravelConnector,
Thing, VocabObject, Lockable, Linkable.
This now gives the order of inheritance. Once again to work out what happens when myDoor.initializeThing() is invoked it will be helpful to identify those classes in the list that define or override initializeThing(). Once again, those that define (or override) this method are shown underlined, while those whose initializeThing() method include inherited are shown in bold:
myDoor, Door, Openable, BasicDoor, BasicOpenable,
ThroughPassage, Passage, Fixture, NonPortable, TravelConnector,
Thing, VocabObject, Lockable, Linkable.
This tells us that myDoor.initializeThing() will first call BasicOpenable.initializeThing(), since BasicOpenable is the first (leftmost) class that defines (or overrides) an initializeThing() method. To find out what the inherited in BasicOpenable.initializeThing() calls, find the next class in the list that defines (or overrides) initializeThing(). This turns out to be Passage. Passage.initializeThing() again includes a call to inherited, so to find out what that invokes, find the next class in the list that defines initializeThing(), which turns out to be Thing. This is where the trail ends, since when Thing.initializeThing() is invoked, it does not contain any call to inherited.
This outcome may well strike you as rather counter-intuitive; it would not be at all easy to predict in advance of trying it (or without going through the type of exercise we’ve just gone through) which classes’ initializeThing() methods would end up being invoked here, but you can verify that this is in fact what does happen by stepping it through the Workbench debugger. The upshot is that by placing Lockable in the superclass list after Door, not only do we prevent Lockable from initializing myDoor.isLocked_ properly, we also prevent it from initializing myDoor.masterObject properly, which is what Linkable.initializeThing() would have done had it not be blocked by the misplacement of Lockable in myDoor’s superclass list. This illustrates why mix-in classes that don’t inherit from Thing should be placed before Thing-derived classes in a superclass list. If the overall object is Thing-derived it’s usually desirable, if not essential, that the order of precedence of its base classes should end with Thing, VocabObject. This will only happen if all non-Thing derived classes are placed before the Thing-derived ones.
This is admittedly a highly complex example, so don’t worry if you don’t feel you entirely understand it, especially first time round. You’ll seldom need to have to work out something this convoluted for yourself when dealing with multiple inheritance; for the most part you can simply rely on the library to do its job. When you modify or define your own classes, or use inherited on objects you define, you’re most unlikely to need to reckon with anything half so complicated as this, provided that you make sure always to list library classes in the right order from the outset, which generally means placing non-Thing derived mix-in classes before Thing-derived classes when they appear in the same superclass list. It is, however, no bad thing to be aware of some of the underlying complexities here, in case you do encounter a situation where things are not working as you expected them to and you need to work out why.
If this isn’t all entirely clear yet, you might like to check out the article on the Object Inheritance Model in the System Manual, which takes a complementary approach to explaining it all.
TADS 3 Technical Manual
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Advanced Topics > Multiple