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The TADS 3 Debugger


TADS Workbench features an integrated source-level debugger that can help you get program code working and track down problems as you develop your game. A “debugger” is a tool that lets you look into the innards of your program as it runs - it’s sort of an X-ray machine for the computer. A “source-level” debugger works directly with your original source code, rather than with the lower-level machine language that’s actually running inside the computer. Using the TADS debugger, you can walk through your program line by line, watching the values of variables and object properties as they change at each step. You can also set conditions that you want to catch, then let your program run at full speed until one of the conditions pops up, so that you can quickly figure out exactly when and why something is happening.

Workbench’s debugger is built in, so you don’t have to run a separate program to use it. Whenever you run your game from within Workbench, you’re automatically activating the debugger. This lets you stay within Workbench for practically every part of the development cycle - you can use Workbench to create your source code, add to it and modify it, compile your program, test it, and inspect it with the debugger.

There are three key concepts in debugging: stepping through code, examining variables, and setting breakpoints. We’ll discuss each of these below.

Stepping through code

The most basic debugging tool is the ability to step through your game’s programming code line by line. This is important because it lets you see exactly how control flows through your program.

Computer programs are essentially step-by-step recipes - do this first, then do that, then do this other thing. At any given time, the computer can only do one thing.* When something goes wrong, it’s helpful to keep that in mind. Inexperienced programmers sometimes look at all the different parts of a program and panic, thinking that fifty things must all be happening at once and it’s just impossible to sort out all the possible interactions. But you don’t have to worry about that; in fact, the computer just does one thing at a time. When you’re having trouble figuring out how the program gets from point A to point B, the solution is often to step through the code line by line, so that you can see exactly what the program does at each step and why.

*Some languages allow “multi-threaded” programming, meaning that the computer can appear to be doing more than one thing at a time. If you want to get technical about it, in a single-CPU system, a multi-threaded program only appears to be doing more than one thing at a time; in fact, only one thread is actually running at any given time, but the operating system switches back and forth among threads so rapidly that it appears to a human observer that the computer is doing many things at once. A system with two or more CPUs (or two or more “cores,” in the case of multi-core processors) can truly run multiple threads at once: each CPU or core can simultaneously run a separate thread - although even then, each CPU has to do a certain amount of waiting at the equivalent of traffic lights to avoid conflicting access to memory and other devices. In any case, we’re ignoring multi-threading of any kind for this discussion, because TADS 3 is a single-threaded language. TADS simply doesn’t provide a way of creating additional threads, so your program will always run as a simple step-by-step process.

Starting the program: To start the program running, you can do one of two things:

The current line: At any given time while the program is running, there’s a “current line.” The debugger shows you the current line with a little yellow arrow in the margin of a source file:

The line where the arrow appears is the current line. This is the next line that will be executed when you resume execution or continue stepping. So, any time you see the little yellow arrow, you know that the program hasn’t yet executed that line - it’s about to, as soon as you “unfreeze” the program.

If you’ve opened up some other files, and you’re not sure where the current line is, you can easily find the current line using the Show Next Line command on the Debug menu. This will show the window containing the current line, and scroll the window so that the yellow arrow is in view.

You can move the current line to a different point in the same function or method. You can do this by dragging the yellow arrow to a different line, or by right-clicking on the destination line and selecting Set Next Statement from the pop-up menu. Moving the current line in this manner doesn’t execute any code in your game - it simply changes the interpreter’s notion of the next line, so that when you resume execution or step through another line, execution will resume from the new current line. You’re not allowed to move the current line outside of the current function or method - you can only move it to another point within the same function. You can only move the current line to the start of a valid, executable line of code; the debugger won’t let you move it to the middle of a comment, for example, or to the middle of a statement that’s split up across several lines in the source file.

Stepping line by line: Once you’re stopped at a current line, the TADS debugger provides several “Step” commands - these let you step through code line by line. Each Step command executes the current line, then suspends execution at the next line. What consistutes the “next line” depends on which Step command you use. All of the Step commands are on the Debug menu. These commands are:

Step Into: This command executes the current line, and then stops at whatever line is next, whether that line is in the same function/method or in a new function or method that the current line calls. This command is called “Step Into” because it walks into function or method calls. This command is useful when you want to see the full details of what happens within each subroutine that the current line calls.

Step Over: This command executes the current line, plus every line of every method and function that the current line calls. The debugger stops as soon as it reaches another line of the same function or method that contains the current line. This is called “Step Over” because of the way it skips everything that the current line calls as a subroutine. This command is useful when you want to get the “big picture” view of the current method/function, and you want to treat any subroutines it calls as black boxes that you don’t need to open up and look inside of.

Step Out: This command executes as many lines of code as it takes to reach the caller of the current method or function. It’s called “Step Out” because it lets the program run until it exits the current method or function. This command is especially useful if you’ve stopped the program somewhere inside the library, and you want to get back to your own code - you can Step Out until you’re back in something you wrote. It’s also useful if you’ve reached a point in the current function where you don’t need to see any more details about what it does, and you just want to get back to the caller and resume single-stepping there.

Resuming full-speed execution: Rather than stepping through your entire program line by line, you can resume execution at full speed at any time. Just use the Go command on the Debug menu. This will continue executing the program, starting at the current line.

Examining variables and other data

The second basic debugging tool is the ability to inspect the program’s data - in a TADS program, this means local variables and object properties. The TADS debugger provides several tools for examining data as the program runs.

The Locals window: Whenever the program is suspended during line-by-line execution, the debugger shows you the current values for all of the local variables currently in scope. These values are displayed in the Locals window - select Local Variables from the View menu to bring up the window. This window is automatically updated whenever a variable’s value changes, so it’s always current.

The Locals window displays a grid with two columns. In each row, the left column is the name of a local variable, and the right column shows the value for the variable.

Some data types are actually collections of other values: lists, vectors, and objects, for example. When a variable contains one of these types of values, the Locals window adds a little “+” sign next to the name of the variable. Click the “+” to expand the full list of sub-values for the variable. In the case of a list, the left column will be expanded to show list indices - [1], [2], [3] - and the right column will show the value in that index slot. Similarly, for an object reference, the left column will be expanded to show property names, and the right column will show the value for each property.

The Locals window not only lets you view the values of local variables, but also lets you change the values. To change a value, click on the value you want to change. This will put the value in text-editing mode, so that you can type a new value right over the existing value. Press Return when you’re done, and the debugger will update the variable with the new value you typed.

self: The Locals window can also show you all of the properties of the self object, when execution is suspended within a method. (Within a function, of course, there’s no self.) To view the self properties, click the “self” tab at the bottom of the Locals window. Click the “Locals” tab to switch back to the local variables.

The Watch window: In addition to the locals, you can view the value of any valid expression, by entering it in the Watch window. To open the Watch window, select Watch Expressions from the View menu.

The Watch window works just like the Locals window, except that rather than showing the current local variables, the Watch window can show any valid expressions. To enter an expression, just click on the left column of the blank row at the bottom of the Watch window grid - this will activate text-editing mode, allowing you to enter an expression to evaluate. You can type any valid expression - a local variable name, an expression, or even a complex expression such as x.length()+1. Just use the same syntax you would in your game’s source code.

You can enter as many different expressions as you want. Just enter each expression on a new row in the grid.

Like the Locals window, the Watch window re-evaluates each expression in its list whenever anything in the program changes, so the values shown are always up to date.

Note that some expressions might be valid at certain times but not at other times. For example, an expression that refers to a local variable is obviously only valid when that local variable is in scope - that is, when the current line is within a code block that defines a local variable with that name. If an expression isn’t valid at the moment, the Watch window will simply display an error message rather than a value in the right column of the expression’s row. This is perfectly okay; the debugger will switch back to displaying a value as soon as the current line steps into a context where the expression is valid again.

At the bottom of the Watch window, there are several little tabs labeled “Watch 1”, “Watch 2”, and so on. These tabs let you organize your expression list into several “pages.” You can view a page by clicking on a tab. This is handy when you need to pay attention to what’s going on in a couple of different contexts, because it lets you keep the expressions relevant to each context on its own page, rather than piling them all up in one giant list.

“Hovering” evaluation: Many times, you’ll want to see the value of a particular variable or property - but just for a quick, one-time check, not for ongoing inspection. So it might be slightly more trouble than it’s worth to type the expression into the Watch window. In such cases, you can check a value simply by positioning the mouse over the variable name somewhere in a source code window and waiting a few moments. A little box (in Windows parlance, a “tool tip”) will pop up showing the value of the variable.

If you select a range of text in a source window (by clicking the mouse at the start of the range, and moving the mouse while holding down the button until the mouse is at the end of the range), and then you let the mouse hover over the selection for a few moments, the debugger will evaluate the entire selection as an expression. For example, if you highlight the text x[1] and then let the mouse hover for a few moments over the highlighted text, the debugger will try to evaluate the first element of the list or vector that’s in the local variable x.

If you don’t select a range of text first, the debugger tries to be smart about picking the expression to evaluate:

The point of the second rule - we call it the “prefix” rule - is that the “suffix” part of an index expression (“lst[i]”) or object property evaluation (“obj.prop”) is usually uninteresting on its own - you usually want to see the result of the entire “lst[i]” or “obj.prop” expression rather than just the “i” or “prop” part. The prefix rule makes it easy to evaluate the whole expression. In the case of an index expression, point to either of the brackets, and the debugger will evaluate the whole “lst[i]” expression. In the case of an object property expression, point to the property name, and the debugger will evaluate the whole “obj.prop” value.

The nice thing about working “backwards” from the suffix part of this kind of expression is that you can still easily evaluate the prefix part on its own, just by pointing to it. The prefix part of these expressions is often as interesting on its own as the whole expression is. The prefix rule makes it easy to evaluate the prefix on its own, or the entire expression with the suffix.

Note that hovering won’t do anything if the expression involved has any sort of side effect. Hovering works for most simple expressions - local variable names, list indexing, object properties that contain simple data values rather than methods. However, if the expression involves a function call, a method call, or an assignment, hovering won’t have any effect (and won’t even show a pop-up value). All of these types of expressions could cause side effects when they’re evaluated - a method could change an object property or display output, for example. It would be very confusing to have the debugger invoking such side effects based solely on where the mouse happens to be sitting.

Quick evaluation: When hovering doesn’t work - because an expression involves a function or method call, for example - you can still evaluate the expression without adding it to the Watch list. To do this, highlight the text in the source window containing the expression, and select Evaluate from the Debug menu. This will bring up the Evaluate dialog to show you the value of the expression. You can also bring up the dialog directly, without selecting any text, and then just type in whatever expression you’d like to evaluate.

Local variable evaluation context: Local variables are usually - but not always - evaluated in the context of the current line. You can change the evaluation context so that locals are taken from any caller of the current function instead - see the section on the Stack window below.


The third fundamental degugging tool is the breakpoint - the ability to tell the debugger where and when to suspend execution.

Step-by-step execution is ideal for many debugging tasks, such as understanding the exact control flow through a particular method. However, if you’ve played around with line-by-line execution already, you’ve probably noticed that it can take a lot of steps to get anywhere in the program - the TADS library in particular has a lot of code to wade through, and single-stepping through all of it would take an impossibly long time.

This is where breakpoints come in. You’ll almost never need or want to see the entire program running in slow motion. Rather, you’ll typically want to run at full speed up to a certain point, then stop the program to see exactly what’s going on, possibly single-stepping from that point. Breakpoints let you do this.

There are two main kinds of breakpoints.

Location breakpoints let you specify where you want to interrupt execution. A location breakpoint lets you tell the debugger that you want to suspend execution every time the current line reaches a certain point in the source code.

You set a location breakpoint by opening the source file to the line where you want to set the breakpoint and clicking the mouse in the gray left margin area beside the line. This will put a little red circle in the margin next to the line:

The red circle means that there’s a breakpoint set on the line. From now on, whenever the program’s current execution point reaches that point - that is, when the intepreter is about to execute the line - the debugger suspends execution, exactly as though you had single-stepped through the code until reaching the breakpoint.

You can remove a location breakpoint by clicking on the red circle.

Location breakpoints can optionally be conditional, meaning that a breakpoint can be set so that it triggers only when a certain condition is true. This is useful in cases where a particular line of code is executed frequently, and you’re only interested in examining it closely under specific conditions. By setting a condition, you can skip all the unnecessary interruptions, letting the program run at full speed until the exact set of conditions that you’re insterested in arises.

To attach a condition to a breakpoint, first set the breakpoint normally, then use the Edit Breakpoints command on the Debug menu to open the Breakpoints dialog. The dialog shows a list of breakpoints, listing their locations by source file and line number - find the desired breakpoint in the list, select it with the mouse, then click the Condition button. This will open another dialog that lets you type a condition to attach to the breakpoint.

A breakpoint condition is evaluated in the context of the line of source code where the breakpoint is set, so the condition can refer to local variables within the code block containing the breakpoint.

Global breakpoints are the second kind of breakpoint. A global breakpoing lets you specify when you want to interrupt execution, rather than having to identify a particular location in the code. A global breakpoint is an expression that the debugger evaluates continuously as the program executes. The debugger suspends the program whenever the expression’s value either changes or becomes true, depending on how you created the breakpoint.

To set a global breakpoint, select Edit Breakpoints from the Debug menu. This will bring up the Breakpoints dialog. Click the New Global button, which will display another dialog that lets you enter a global breakpoint. In the text box, type the expression you want the debugger to evaluate as the program runs. Use the radio buttons to select when you want execution to stop - either whenever the expression evaluates to “true” (meaning any non-zero integer, or any non-numeric data value other than nil), or whenever the expression’s value changes. Click OK to add the breakpoint.

Global breakpoints are extremely useful in cases where something like an object property value is changing, but you don’t understand where or when or why. Since there’s so much TADS library code, it can often be next to impossible to guess which code is changing a value on you. In these cases, you can simply set a global breakpoint on the mysteriously changing expression, and the debugger will do all the tedious work for you - you can simply let the program run at full speed, and the debugger will immediately stop execution as soon as the mystery change occurs.

Note that setting global breakpoints can slow down execution noticeably, as you’d expect. The debugger has to evaluate any global breakpoint expressions after executing every line of code, so it’s a lot of extra work for the interpreter. Even so, it’s a small price to pay when you really need it - the alternative is manually stepping through the code one line at a time and monitoring the expression yourself, which obviously would slow things down a heck of a lot more.

Run to cursor: In addition to explicit breakpoints, you can also use the Run to Cursor command, on the Debug menu, to tell the debugger to let execution continue until a certain line. This sets a temporary breakpoint at the cursor, then resumes execution as though you’d used the Go command. Execution will continue until it reaches the line where you had the cursor, or until any other breakpoint is encountered.

The Stack window

The debugger provides another tool window, called the Stack window, which shows the “call stack” that caused the program to reach the current point. You can open the Stack window by selecting Call Stack from the View menu.

Each time the program invokes a function or method, the interpreter remembers the current location in the code, then jumps to the start of the newly invoked function or method. When a function or method returns to its caller, either by reaching the very end of the function or by encountering a return statement, the interpreter looks at its memory of the calling location and jumps back to that point, thus picking up where the caller left off.

Function and method calls can be nested to considerable depth - that is, a method can call another method, which can call a third method, which can call a fourth, and so on. So the interpreter’s memory of who called whom isn’t just a simple variable - the interpreter has to remember a whole list of calling locations, going back all the way to the first function. This list of callers is known as a “stack.” (The name comes from the way we the stack is used - it’s analogous to a physical pile of objects, where we stack one thing on top of another. Each time we call a new function, we put the calling location on the top of the pile. Each time we return, we simply take the top thing off the pile - since that’s the latest thing we added, it’s the current return location. The thing beneath it is the new top of the pile, which is the current return location’s return location.)

The Stack window shows this call list. It’s ordered with the current code location at the top of the window - the “top of the stack,” in computerese. The next line down is the current return location - this is the current location’s caller, and it’s where the execution point will go when the current function or method returns. The next line down is the caller’s caller, and so on, back to the main program entrypoint (which is always called _main()).

Each line of the stack window shows the name of the function, or of the, at that stack level. After that is the list of arguments to the function or method, enclosed in parentheses. After the argument list is something like “+ 2f” - that’s a hex number showing the byte offset of the current execution point within the compiled version of the function or method. That hex value isn’t really directly useful, since it refers to the compiled T3 VM byte code, which you can’t see in the debugger; but it’s there to give you a general idea of how far into the function the execution point is, and particularly to let you distinguish one location from another.

The stack window displays a little yellow arrow, just like a source file does, to show you the current line in the stack. This is always the top line of the window, because the stack window always shows the current line at the top.

Changing the evaluation context: At any given time, the debugger has an “evaluation context” - this is the code location where the local variables in the expression are taken from. By default, the debugger always reads local variables from the code block containing the current line. However, it’s often useful to be able to go back and look at the values of the locals in one of the calling functions or methods. You can do this by double-clicking on any line of the stack window.

When you double-click a line in the stack window, three things will happen. First, the stack window itself will display a green arrow next to the selected line:

This indicates that the line is the current “context line,” meaning that any local variables in expressions are taken from the code block containing this line. The second thing that happens is that the source code containing the selected line is displayed in the text editor, with the same green arrow in the margin, showing the actual source location of the context line. The third thing is that the Locals window immediately switches to show the local variables from the selected code block, and any expressions in the Watch window that refer to local variables are updated to reflect the local variable values at the context line rather than at the current line.

You can switch the evaluation context back to the current line simply by double-clicking the top line in the stack window. This will remove the green arrows, indicating that the current line is the current evaluation context.

The evaluation context automatically resets to the current line whenever you step through another line of code, or whenever you use Go to resume execution.

Breaking into the debugger

While your game program is running, you can manually interrupt it, so that you can examine the program state in the debugger. There are several ways to do this.

First, if you’re using the standard TADS library, the game’s command parser will recognize the command DEBUG. Type this into the game, and the game will execute a call that tells the debugger to interrupt it.

Second, you can use the Break into Debugger command on the Debug menu in the Workbench window. If the program is awaiting input (via the command line, or a keystroke or other event), the debugger will send the program a dummy event, then enter single-step mode to interrupt the program.

Third, if your program appears to be stuck in an infinite loop - that is, it seems to be running and ignoring all input, so that you can’t even get the Workbench window’s attention - you can forcibly interrupt the program by pressing Ctrl+Break (that is, hold down the Ctrl or Control key, and press the Break key). This should immediately interrupt the program and enter the debugger.

Run-time Error Handling

If your program causes a run-time error in the VM, the debugger will interrupt execution. The debugger displays an alert box with the error message, then stops program execution at the location where the error occurred.

You have two options at this point.

First, you can let the error occur as it would have if you’d been running the program in the normal interpreter, without using the debugger. To do this, just use the Go command (or any of the Step commands). The VM will throw an exception object representing the error, and will process the exception the same as any other, looking for an enclosing catch block to handle it.

Second, you can retry the operation. To do this, you must move the current line. This tells the debugger that you want to try to manually correct the problem that caused the error and try again. Note that you can even retry the operation from the same line - to do this, just move the execution point to a different line first, then move it back to the original line.

You might want to retry the operation if you can manually change the value of a variable to make it valid, for example.

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Copyright ©1999, 2007 by Michael J. Roberts.