Message customizer object. Language extensions and games can use this class to define their own custom messages that override the default English messages used throughout the library.
Each CustomMessages object can define a list of messages to be customized. This lets you centrally locate all of your custom messages by putting them all in a single object, if you wish. Alternatively, you can create separate objects, if you prefer to keep them with some other body of code they apply to. In either case, the library gathers them all up during preinit.
: object
Superclass Tree (in declaration order)
` object`
Subclass Tree
Global Objects
Summary of Properties
Summary of Methods
Is this customizer active? If you want to change the messages at different points in the course of the game, you can use this to turn sets of messages on and off. For example, if your game includes narrator changes at certain points, you can create separate sets of messages per narrator. By default, we make all customizations active, but you can override this to turn selected messages on and off as needed. Note that the library consults this every time it looks up a message, so you can change the value dynamically, or use a method whose return value changes dynamically.
class property: the master list of CustomMessages objects defined throughout the game
The message list. This can contain any number of messages; the order isn’t important. Each message is defined with a Msg() macro:
Msg(id key, ‘Message text’), …
The “id key” is the message ID that the library uses in the DMsg() message that you’re customizing. (DON’T use quotes around the ID key.) The message text is a single-quoted string giving the message text. This can contain curly-brace replacement parameters.
message lookup table - this maps ID keys to message text strings
The priority determines the precedence of a message defined in this object, if the same message is defined in more than one CustomMessages object. The message with the highest priority is the one that’s actually displayed.
The library defines one standard priority level: 100 is the priority for language module overrides. Each language module provides a translated set of the standard library messages, via a CustomMessages object with priority 100. (The default English messages defined in-line throughout the library via DMsg() macros effectively have a priority of negative infinity, since any custom message of any priority overrides a default.)
Games will generally want to override all library messages, including translations, so we set the default here to 200.
construct ( )
Construction. Build the lookup table of our messages for fast access at run-time.
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1