








A FileName represents the name of a file in the local operating system. The File object methods that take filename specifications accept FileName objects as well as ordinary strings.

It’s easier to write portable code if you manipulate filenames using the FileName class rather than using ordinary strings. TADS runs on several different operating systems with differing syntax rules for constructing file names and directory paths. The FileName class handles the different rules that apply on each system.


new FileName() - creates a FileName object representing the working
directory (e.g., ‘.’ on Unix or Windows)

new FileName(str) - creates a FileName from a string ‘str’ giving a
file path in local filename syntax.

new FileName(path, name) - creates a FileName from a path and
a file name. ‘path’ and ‘name’ can each be a FileName
object or a string using local filename syntax. The
new object represents the combined path

new FileName(specialID) - creates a FileName from one of the special
file identifiers defined in file.h.

You can also use the fromUniversal() static method, which creates a FileName from a path in universal (URL-style) notation.

String conversions: using a FileName object in a context where a string is required (such as displaying it) automatically converts the object to a string giving the local file name path.


FileName + string => yields a new FileName object combining
the path given by FileName and the string naming a file,
in local naming conventions.

FileName + FileName => yields a new FileName object combining
the two names, treating the first as a directory path.

FileName == string (or !=) OR
FileName == FileName
Compares the FileName to the string or other filename path.
This does a superficial comparison of the path contents,
without attempting to correlate the path to the actual file
system layout. For example, it doesn’t resolve symbolic
links on Unix or apply working directories to local paths.

intrinsic class FileName :   Object

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  


Summary of Methods  

` addToPath  createDirectory  deleteFile  forEachFile  getAbsolutePath  getBaseName  getFileInfo  getFileType  getName  getPath  isAbsolute  listDir  removeDirectory  renameFile  toUniversal  `

Inherited from Object :
` callInherited  createIterator  createLiveIterator  forEach  getPropList  getPropParams  getSuperclassList  isClass  isTransient  mapAll  ofKind  propDefined  propInherited  propType  valToSymbol  `




addToPath (element)


Add a path element (a string or FileName object) to the end of this filename, yielding a new FileName object with the combined path. Uses the correct local syntax to combine the path elements. This yields the same results as FileName + element.

The new FileName object is in canonical form, meaning that any internal relative path elements (e.g., Unix “.” and “..”) are processed by combining them with adjacent elements as appropriate. For example, adding “..” to the Unix path “a/b/c” yields “a/b”.

createDirectory (createParents?)


Create a directory with the name contained in this object. The file safety settings must allow write access to the parent folder.

If ‘createParents’ is specified, it’s a true or nil value specifying whether or not to create intermediate parent directories. The default is nil if it’s omitted. If it’s true, and ‘dirname’ contains multiple path elements, any parents of the named directory that don’t already exist will be created as well. For example, on Linux, if dirname is ‘/a/b/c’, and directory ‘/a’ exists but not ‘/a/b’, the routine will first create ‘/a/b’ and then create ‘/a/b/c’.

deleteFile ( )


Delete the disk file named by this object. The file safety level must allow write access to the file; a file safety exception is thrown if not.

forEachFile (func, recursive?)


Invoke a callback for each file in the directory named by this object. ‘func’ is a callback function; for each file in the directory, this is invoked as func(f), where ‘f’ is a FileName object describing the file. If ‘recursive’ is true, the method recursively scans the contents of subdirectories; if ‘recursive’ is nil or is omitted, only the direct contents of the directory are scanned.

getAbsolutePath ( )


Get a FileName giving the absolute path to this file. This applies the current working directory and/or volume (e.g., drive letter on Windows) to produce the full path in absolute notation, using the appropriate syntax for the local operating system. If the name is already in absolute format, the result will usually be unchanged, although the exact syntax might be modified on some systems to change the name to a more canonical format.

If it’s not possible to convert the filename into an absolute path, returns nil.

getBaseName ( )


Get the base filename portion, without the path. This returns a string giving the filename without any directory location information; for a Unix-style path or Windows-style path, this is simply the last element of the path.

getFileInfo (followLinks?)


Get extended information on the file named by this object. This retrieves the size of the file, timestamps, and the file’s type, and returns the information as a FileInfo object (see file.t). If the file doesn’t exist, or can’t be accessed for some other reason at the operating system level, returns nil.

‘asLink’ has the same meaning as in getFileType(), and has no effect at all unless the file named is a symbolic link.

The file safety settings must allow read access to the file.

getFileType (followLinks?)


Get the type of the file. If the file named by this object exists, returns an integer with a bitwise combination of FileTypeXxx values indicating the type of the file. If the file doesn’t exist, or can’t be accessed due to file system permissions or some other operating system error, the return value is nil. Note that it’s also possible for the return value to be zero, which means something different from nil: zero means that the file exists, but it doesn’t fit any of the FileTypeXxx classifications.

If the file is a symbolic link, the method’s behavior depends on ‘asLink’. A symbolic link is a special type of file supported on some operating systems that serves as a pointer or proxy for another file. If the file is a link, and ‘asLink’ is omitted or nil, the method returns information on the target of the link; this is the default because symbolic links in generally act as transparent proxies for their targets, so for most purposes a caller should be interested in the target file’s metadata. However, a symbolic link also has a separate identity of its own as a link, so callers might sometimes be interested in the metadata for the link rather than its target. To get information on the link itself, set ‘asLink’ to true. ‘asLink’ has no effect for ordinary non-link files, and also has no effect for “hard” links on systems that support those as well.

Most of the FileTypeXxx bits are mutually exclusive, but it’s possible that more than one bit will be set, so test using ‘&’ (e.g., (f.getFileType() & FileTypeDir)).

The file safety settings must allow read access to the file.

getName ( )


Get the filename. This returns a string with the filename this object represents, in the local syntax used by the host operating system, including the path and base filename portions. (This is the same string returned for toString(self), and the same string used if the filename is displayed as though it were a string, such as with “<< >>”.)

getPath ( )


Get the path portion name, without the file name. This returns a FileName object containing the path portion of the file name, with the last path element removed. If the path only contains one path element (so it contains only a file name, not a directory path), this returns nil.

isAbsolute ( )


Is this an absolute path on the local system? An absolute path is one that contains a root folder specification, such as a Unix path starting with “/”, Windows path starting with “C:\, or a Windows UNC name such as “\SERVER\SHARE”.

Note that a Windows path can start with a drive letter without being absolute, as in “C:path\file” (that’s relative to the working folder on the C: drive), and can start with a backslash without being absolute, as in “\path\file” (that’s relative to the working drive letter). Similar subtleties might apply to other systems; this routine figures it out using local conventions.

listDir ( )


Get a list of files in the directory named by this object. Returns a list of FileName objects giving the names of the files.

The file safety settings must allow read access to the directory’s contents.

On systems where the file system has special directory entries for relative links, such as “.” and “..” on Windows and Unix-likes, the listing that this method returns will include entries for those relative links. Be careful with these when performing recursive directory traversals, since recursing into “.” or “..” would cause an infinite loop. You can test an entry in the returned list to see if it’s one of these special links by calling its getFileInfo() method, and testing the specialLink property of the returned information object. Not that if you’re performing a recursive directory traversal, it might be easier to use forEachFile() with the ‘recurse’ argument flag set to true.

removeDirectory (removeContents?)


Remove the directory named by this object. The file safety settings must allow write access to the directory.

If ‘removeContents’ is provided, it’s a true or nil value specifying whether or not to delete the contents of the directory before deleting the directory itself. If this is true, and the directory contains any files or subdirectories, the routine will attempt to delete those contents before deleting the directory itself. Any subdirectories will be recursively emptied and removed. For obvious reasons, use caution when using this flag. If any of the contents can’t be deleted, the function will stop and throw an error. Note that if this occurs, the function might have successfully deleted some of the contents of the directory before encountering the error; those deletions won’t be undone.

If ‘removeContents’ is omitted or nil, and the directory isn’t already empty, the method simply returns nil (indicating failure) without deleting anything. This is the default because it helps avoid accidentally deleting contents that the application didn’t explicitly choose to remove. (Special system files that are always present, such as “.” and “..” on Unix, don’t count when determining if the directory is empty.)

renameFile (newname)


Rename or move the file. This changes the name and/or file path location of the file named by ‘self’ to the given new path, which can be a string giving a filename in local path notation, or a FileName object with the new name. The file safety settings must allow write access to both the original file and the new file. The new file must not already exist.

toUniversal ( )


Get the universal URL-style notation for this file name. Returns a string giving the universal notation for the file name (including any path portion).

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1