

#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"

 *   ****************************************************************************
 *    action.t 
 *    This module forms part of the adv3Lite library 
 *    (c) 2012-13 Eric Eve

 *   The library doesn't yet provide any support for actions that take three
 *   objects (TIAActions, as they might hypothetically be called), but since the
 *   Mercury parser does we provide a number of hooks that other code could use.
 *   To this end we need to define the properties a TIAAction might use so the
 *   compiler recognizes them.
property curAobj, verAobjProp, preCondAobjProp, remapAobjProp;
property verifyAobjDefault, preCondAobjDefault;

class Action: ReplaceRedirector
     *   Flag; should this action be considered a failure? This should be reset
     *   to true at the start of the action processing cycle but can be tested
     *   later to prevent, e.g., inappropriate reporting.
    actionFailed = nil
     *   The execGroup() method is called by the current Command object before
     *   it calls the action on individual objects, to allow processing of the
     *   group of objects as a whole. By default we do nothing here in the
     *   library.
    execGroup(cmd) { }
     *   The checkAction() method calls the check routines on the objects
     *   involved in the command (where there are objects). Subclasses such as
     *   TAction and TIAction need to override this to carry out the appropriate
     *   handling.
    checkAction() { }
     *   The main routine for handling an action. This is the method called by
     *   the command object; the cmd parameter gives the calling Command object.
        /* Resest actionFailed to nil */
        actionFailed = nil;
        /* Resent the scope list */
        scopeList = [];
        /* Note the current actor */
        libGlobal.curActor =;
        /* Note the location of the current actor */
        oldRoom = gActor.getOutermostRoom;
         *   Note whether the current actor's location starts out illuminated;
         *   we need to know this so we can display a notification if the
         *   illumination changes.
        wasIlluminated = oldRoom.isIlluminated();
        /* execute the action-processing cycle */
     *   The action-processing cycle carries out the before action
     *   notifications, then executes the action. This needs to be overridden on
     *   various subclasses since the beforeAction notifications can occur at
     *   different points in different kinds of action.
                    "[Executing <<actionTab.symbolToVal(baseActionClass)>> 
                    << if cmd.dobj != nil>> : <i><<dqinfo>></i>
                    << if cmd.iobj != nil>> : <i><<iqinfo>></i>
                    <<>><<end>> ]\n" );
            /* Carry out the before action notifications. */
            /* Execute the main action handling. */
             *   If the action is repeatable, make a note of it in case the
             *   player issues an AGAIN command.
                libGlobal.lastAction = self.createClone();
        catch(ExitActionSignal ex)
        /* If an exit signal is issued we skip to here. */
        catch(ExitSignal ex)
             *   If the exit macro is used in the course of the command,
             *   consider the command a failure.
            actionFailed = true;
    /* The main action handler. Subclasses must override. */
    /* The room the actor was in when the action started */
    oldRoom = nil
    /* Flag to indicate whether the actor's location started out illuminated */
    wasIlluminated = nil
     *   A list of any PreConditions that apply to this action as a whole, as
     *   opposed to any of its objects. This is most likely to be relevant to an
     *   IAction.
    preCond = nil
        local preCondList;
        local checkOkay = true;
         *   Construct a list or preCondition objects on the appropriate object
         *   property.
        preCondList = valToList(preCond);       
        /* Sort the list in preCondOrder */
        preCondList = preCondList.sort(nil,
                                       {a, b: a.preCondOrder - b.preCondOrder});
            /* Iterate through the list to see if all the checks are satisfied */
            foreach(local cur in preCondList)              
                 *   If we fail the check method on any precondition object,
                 *   note the failure and stop the iteration.
                if(cur.checkPreCondition(gActor, true) == nil)
                    checkOkay = nil;
         *   Game authors aren't meant to use the exit macro in check methods,
         *   but in case they do we handle it here.
        catch (ExitSignal ex)
            checkOkay = nil;
         *   If the check method failed on any of our precondition objects note
         *   that the action is a failure.
        if(checkOkay == nil)
            actionFailed = true;
         *   Otherwise, if we're not an implicit action, display any pending
         *   implicit action announcements.
        else if(!isImplicit)
            "<<buildImplicitActionAnnouncement(true, true)>>";
        /* Return our overall check result. */
        return checkOkay;        
         *   Check any Preconditions relating to the action as a whole (as
         *   opposed to any of its objects.
         *   Call the before action handling on the current actor (in its
         *   capacity as actor/
         *   If the sceneManager is present then send a before action
         *   notification to every currently active Scene.
         *   Call roomBeforeAction() on the current actor's location, and
         *   regionBeforeAction() on all the regions it's in.
         *   If we don't already have a scope list for the current action, build
         *   it now.
        if(nilToList(scopeList).length == 0)
        /* Call the beforeAction method of every action in scope. */
        foreach(local cur in scopeList)
     *   Carry out the post-action processing. This first checks to see if
     *   there's been a change in illumination. If there has we either show a
     *   room description (if the actor's location is now lit) or announce the
     *   onset of darkness. We then call the after action notifications first on
     *   the actor's current room and then on every object in scope.
     *   Note that afterAction() is called from the current Command object.
         *   If the current action is considered a failure, we don't carry out
         *   any after action handling, since in this case there's no action to
         *   react to.
         *   If the actor is still in the same room s/he started out in, check
         *   whether the current illumination level has changed, and, if so,
         *   either show a room description or announce the onset of darkness,
         *   as appropriate.
        if(oldRoom == gActor.getOutermostRoom)
            else if(wasIlluminated)
                DMsg(onset of darkness, '\n{I} {am} plunged into darkness. ');
        /* Call the afterAction notifications on all currently active scenes. */
         *   Call the afterAction notification on the current room and its
         *   regions.
         *   Call the afterAction notification on every object in scope. Note
         *   that we have to recalculate the scope list here in case the action
         *   has changed it.
        foreach(local cur in Q.scopeList(gActor))
     *   The turnSequence() method is called from the current Command object. It
     *   first executes any current daemons (apart from any PromptDaemons) and
     *   then advances the turn counter. We define this on the Action class
     *   principally to make it simple for certain kinds of Action such as
     *   SystemActions to do nothing here (since they don't count as actions
     *   within the game world).
        /* Execute the regionDaemon on every region in which the player character is located. */        
        local lst = gPlayerChar.getOutermostRoom.allRegions();
        foreach(local reg in lst)
        /* Execute the player character's current location's roomDaemon. */
         *   If the events.t module is included, execute all current Daemons and
         *   Fuses/
        if(defined(eventManager) && eventManager.executeTurn())          
        /* Advance the turn counter */
        libGlobal.totalTurns += turnsTaken;           
     *   The number of turns this action is counted as taking. Normally, this
     *   will be 1.
    turnsTaken = 1
    /* Flag: is this an implicit action? By default it isn't. */
    isImplicit = nil
    /* Can this action be Undone? By default most actions can. */
    includeInUndo = true
    /* Flag: is this a conversational action? */
    isConversational = nil
     *   Is this action repeatable (with an AGAIN command)? Most actions are so
     *   the default is true but subclasses can override to exclude actions
     *   (such as certain system actions) that it would make no sense to repeat.
    isRepeatable = true
     *   If an AGAIN command is used with this command, should the command be
     *   reparsed from scratch (because it might involve a different object) or
     *   not (because it should act on the same objects). We generally set this
     *   to true for actions it wouldn't normally make sense to repeat on the
     *   same object straight away. Since this applies to the majority of
     *   actions, we make this the default.
    againRepeatsParse = true
     *   Report on the action. This is only relevant where the action has more
     *   or one objects, so TAction must override. This is called from the
     *   current Command object once all the objects have been acted on (in a
     *   case where multiple direct objects have been specified, as in TAKE ALL
     *   or TAKE RED BALL AND GREEN PEN). This allows the report routine to
     *   summarize the action for all the objects acted upon instead of
     *   displaying an individual report for each one.
    reportAction()  { }
     *   Do we have a parent action, and if so what is it? The parent action
     *   would be the action that's using us as an implicit action or nested
     *   action.
    parentAction = nil
     *   Carry out the verification stage for this object in this role, and
     *   carry out any remapping needed. This needs to be defined on Action
     *   since there might be verification of the ActorRole.
    verify(obj, role)
        local remapResult;
        local verifyProp;
        local preCondProp;
        local remapProp;
        /* Clear out any previous verify results */
        verifyTab = nil;
         *   Note which properties to use according to which role we're
         *   verifying for. (No actions in the adv3Lite library currently use an
         *   Accessory object but the possibility is included here to ease
         *   subsequent extension).
        case DirectObject:            
            verifyProp = verDobjProp;
            preCondProp = preCondDobjProp;
            remapProp = remapDobjProp;
        case IndirectObject:            
            verifyProp = verIobjProp;
            preCondProp = preCondIobjProp;
            remapProp = remapIobjProp;
        case AccessoryObject:
            verifyProp = verAobjProp;
            preCondProp = preCondAobjProp;
            remapProp = remapAobjProp;
        case ActorRole:
            verifyProp = &verifyActor;
            remapProp = &remapActor;
            preCondProp = &preCondActor;
        /* first check if we need to remap this action. */                 
        remapResult = obj.(remapProp);
         *   the object's remap routine can return an object or a list (if it
         *   returns anything else we ignore it). If it returns an object use
         *   that object in place of the one we were about to verify for the
         *   remainder of this action. If it returns a list, the list should
         *   contain the details of an action that is to replace the current
         *   action, so run the remapped action instead.
        case TypeObject:
            obj = remapResult;
        case TypeList:
             *   If the remap result is a list, then we'll need to remap the
             *   action to another one, but we'll leave that until all the
             *   objects have been resolved. For the purpose of verifying this
             *   object we'll just return a standard logical verify result to
             *   allow the remapping to proceed at a later stage.
            DMsg(remap error, '<b>ERROR!</b> The long form of remap is no longer
                available; please use a Doer instead. ');
         *   Note which object we're currently verifying in the Action's
         *   verifyObj property so other routines can find it (particularly a
         *   verify routine called from a preCondition).
        verifyObj = obj;
        curObj = obj;
        case DirectObject:
            curDobj = obj;
        case IndirectObject:            
            curIobj = obj;
        case AccessoryObject:
            curAobj = obj;
         *   if the object is a decoration then we use the catchall Default
         *   prop, unless we're an action that bypasses it.
           && obj.decorationActions.indexWhich({x: self.ofKind(x)}) == nil)
            case DirectObject:
                verifyProp =  &verifyDobjDefault;            
                preCondProp = &preCondDobjDefault;
            case IndirectObject:            
                verifyProp = &verifyIobjDefault;            
                preCondProp = &preCondIobjDefault;
            case AccessoryObject:
                verifyProp = &verifyAobjDefault;            
                preCondProp = &preCondAobjDefault;

        /* Execute the appropriate verify routine on the object */
        /* If we don't already have a verify table, create it */
        if(verifyTab == nil)
            verifyTab = new LookupTable;
         *   If executing this verify routine didn't create an entry for this
         *   object in the verify table, create one now with a default 'logical'
         *   verify result.
        if(verifyTab.isKeyPresent(obj) == nil)
            verifyTab[obj] = new VerifyResult(100, '', true, obj);
         *   Next run through all the items in our precondition list and execute
         *   their verify methods.
        foreach(local cur in valToList(obj.(preCondProp)))
         *   Return the entry for this object in our verify table (which may
         *   have been altered by one of the preconditions above).
        return verifyTab[obj];
     *   Flag, do we want an action that fails at the verify stage to count as a turn (in other
     *   words, if an action fails at the verify stage, do we want to advance the turn
     *   counter,excecute daemons, and do all the other turn sequence stuff)? By default we do,
     *   since this has long been the standard behaviour, but game code can override this to nil
     *   either globally on the Action class on on individual actions to cause failure at the verify
     *   stage to abort the remainder of the turn sequence.
    failedActionCountsAsTurn = true
     *   Run the verify routine on the current object in the current role to see
     *   whether it will allow the action. If it won't, display any pending
     *   implicit action announcements, then display the message explaining why
     *   the action is disallowed, and finally return nil to tell our caller to
     *   halt the action. If the verify stage does allow the action to go ahead,
     *   return true to tell our caller that this routine has no objection.
    verifyObjRole(obj, role)
        local verResult;
        local verMsg;
        /* Make sure we start with a clean new verify table */
        verifyTab = new LookupTable;
        verResult = verify(obj, role);
         *   If the verify result is one that disallows the action then display
         *   the failure message, along with any failed implicit action message.
             /* Note our failure message */
            verMsg = verResult.errMsg;
             *   If this is the direct object of the command and there's more
             *   than one, and if the option to announce objects in verify
             *   messages is true, then announce the name of this object to make
             *   it clear which one is being referred to.
            if(announceMultiVerify && role == DirectObject &&
               gCommand.dobjs.length > 1)
             *   If we're an implicit action add a failed implicit action report
             *   ('trying to...').
             *   Display the failure message, unless it's identical to the
             *   previous one.
            if(verMsg != lastVerifyMsg || announceMultiVerify)
                lastVerifyMsg = verMsg;
            /* Note that this action has failed. */
            actionFailed = true;
             *   Stop the processing of the action here by telling our caller
             *   we've failed.
            return nil;
         *   If we're an implicit action and our best verify result doesn't
         *   allow implicit actions, abort the implicit action.
        if(isImplicit && !verResult.allowImplicit)
         *   Otherwise return true to tell our caller we're not objecting to the
         *   action.
        return true;
    /* The object currently being verified */    
    verifyObj = nil
     *   Get a message parameter object for the action.  Each action
     *   subclass defines this to return its objects according to its own
     *   classifications.  The default action has no objects, but
     *   recognizes 'actor' as the current command's actor.  
        case 'pc':
            /* return the player character */
            return gPlayerChar;
        case 'actor':
            /* return the current actor */
            return gActor;
        case 'cobj':
            /* return the current object, if there is one */
            return curObj;

             *   if we have an extra message parameters table, look up the
             *   parameter name in the table 
            if (extraMessageParams != nil)
                return extraMessageParams[objName];

            /* we don't recognize other names */
            return nil;

     *   Define an extra message-specific parameter.  Message processors
     *   can use this to add their own special parameters, so that they
     *   can refer to parameters that aren't involved directly in the
     *   command.  For example, a message for "take <dobj>" might want to
     *   refer to the object containing the direct object.
    setMessageParam(objName, obj)
         *   if we don't yet have an extra message parameters table,
         *   create a small lookup table for it 
        if (extraMessageParams == nil)
            extraMessageParams = new LookupTable(8, 8);

        /* add the parameter to the table, indexing by the parameter name */
        extraMessageParams[objName.toLower()] = obj;

     *   For convenience, this method allows setting any number of
     *   name/value pairs for message parameters. 
        /* set each pair from the argument list */
        for (local i = 1, local len = lst.length() ; i+1 <= len ; i += 2)
            setMessageParam(lst[i], lst[i+1]);

     *   Synthesize a global message parameter name for the given object.
     *   We'll store the association and return the synthesized name. 
        local nm;
        /* synthesize a name */
        nm = 'synth' + toString(synthParamID++);

        /* store the association */
        setMessageParam(nm, obj);

        /* return the synthesized name */
        return nm;

    /* synthesized message object parameter serial number */
    synthParamID = 1

     *   Extra message parameters.  If a message processor wants to add
     *   special message parameters of its own, we'll create a lookup
     *   table for the extra parameters.  Message processors might want to
     *   add their own special parameters to allow referring to objects
     *   other than the main objects of the command.  
    extraMessageParams = nil

     *   Get a list of all the objects that this action should act on if the
     *   player typed ALL for role (DirectObject, IndirectObject, or perhaps in
     *   some future version of the library, AccessoryObject. This is the method
     *   that can be overridden on subclasses to give action-specific
     *   definitions of ALL.
    getAll(cmd, role)
        /* by default, return everything in scope */
        return World.scope.toList();
     *   Get a list of all the objects this action will act on if the player
     *   types ALL for role (DirectObject or IndirectObject). This is the method
     *   actually called by the Parser. We first obtain the list of objects
     *   returned by getAll() and then filter out any objects for which
     *   hideFromAll(action) is true for this action. Subclasses should normally
     *   override getAll() rather than this method.
    getAllUnhidden(cmd, role)
        return getAll(cmd, role).subset({x: x.hideFromAll(self) == nil});
     *   Score a set of objects in a given noun role in the action, in
     *   order to resolve an ambiguous command.  Our job, in brief, is to
     *   READ THE PLAYER'S MIND: we want to figure out which object or
     *   objects the player is actually referring to when their words are
     *   ambiguous.
     *   'cmd' is the Command object describing the command.  The various
     *   object lists (dobjs, iobjs, accs) have been filled in with the
     *   in-scope objects that match the noun phrase, but these haven't
     *   been disambiguated yet, so there might be more objects listed than
     *   will actually be used in the final command.
     *   'role' tells us the noun phrase role that we're scoring
     *   (DirectObject, IndirectObject, AccessoryObject, TopicRole,
     *   LiteralRole).
     *   'lst' is the match list.  This is a Vector containing NPMatch
     *   objects.  There's one NPMatch for each object that we're
     *   considering as a match for the player's noun phrase.
     *   For each item in the match list, we must set the NPMatch object's
     *   'score' property to a number indicating how likely we think it is
     *   that the player is referring to this object.  The higher the
     *   score, the more likely we think it is.  The score value is purely
     *   relative - the caller will pick the object or objects with the
     *   highest score.
     *   We run through the verify routine for each object, which in turn
     *   runs through the preconditions of that object. We take the returned
     *   verify score to be the score for the object (or its replacement if
     *   remapping took place).
     *   Next, we do any verb-specific adjustments via self.actionScore().
     *   Finally, we call each object's scoreObject() routine to give the
     *   object a chance to make any adjustments for special affinities (or
     *   aversions).  
    scoreObjects(cmd, role, lst)
        local bestScore = 0;
        local bestResult = nil;
        local verResult;
        gAction = cmd.action;
        gActor =;
        foreach (local i in lst)
            /* get this object */
            local obj = i.obj;
             *   Get the verify result by running the verify routine on the
             *   current Command object's action for this object in this role.
            verResult = cmd.action.verify(obj, role);
             *   Compute the score as being the verify result's result rank
             *   times 100
            i.score = verResult.resultRank * 100;
             *   If this score is greater than the best score we've found so
             *   far, note the new best score and the new best verify result.
            if(i.score > bestScore)
                bestScore = i.score;
                bestResult = verResult;
             *   The verify process could result in the remapping of the
             *   original object to a new one.
            i.obj = verResult.myObj;
         *   Make a note of which object came out best in case it's needed when
         *   we come to verify the other object.
        if(role == DirectObject)        
            curDobj = bestResult.myObj;
        if(role == IndirectObject)
            curIobj = bestResult.myObj;
        if(role == AccessoryObject)
            curAobj = bestResult.myObj;
        /* apply verb-specific adjustments */
        foreach (local i in lst)
            scoreObject(cmd, role, lst, i);
        /* apply object-specific adjustments */
        foreach (local i in lst)
            i.obj.scoreObject(cmd, role, lst, i);
     *   Wraps a list of objects in NPMatch objects so they can be run through
     *   the scoreObjects method.
        local nplist = [];
        foreach(local cur in lst)        
            nplist += new NPMatch(nil, cur, 0);
        return nplist;
    /* Build the scope list for this action. */
    buildScopeList(whichRole = DirectObject)
        /* Start with the scope list supplied by the Query object */
        scopeList = Q.scopeList(gActor).toList();
        /* Add any additional items to scope as special cases if desired. */
     *   Add extra scope items if this action needs a wider definition of scope
     *   than normal. By default we simply allow the current actor's current
     *   location to add additional items to scope if it wishes to.
    /* Our currently cached list of items in scope for this action. */         
    scopeList = []
    /* Used by Mercury's spelling corrector code. */
    spellingPriority = 10
     *   Can ALL be used with this action? By default we take our value from
     *   gameMain.allVerbsAllowAll, though basic inventory-handling actions in
     *   the library will override this. This property is really only relevant
     *   on TAction and its descendents, but we define it here just to make sure
     *   no cases are missed.
    allowAll = (gameMain.allVerbsAllowAll)
     *   If we've been redirected here from another action, store a reference to
     *   that action.
    redirectParent = nil
    /* Does the command from which we've been redirected allow ALL? */
    parentAllowAll = (redirectParent ? redirectParent.allowAll : nil)   
     *   The message to display if an action fails at the check stage (via an
     *   exit macro) without any other explanatory text being displayed.
    failCheckMsg = BMsg(fail check, '{I} {cannot} do that (but the author of
        this game failed to specify why).')
    /* optional command is not supported in this game */
       DMsg(command not present, '<.parser>That command isn&rsquo;t needed
           in this story.<./parser> ');
    /* acknowledge a change in the score notification status */
        DMsg(acknowledge notify status, '<.parser>Score notifications are now
        <<stat ? 'on' : 'off'>>.<./parser> ');
     *   Flag: is this an action that acts on an object even if it is hidden;
     *   normally this will only apply to debugging actions.
    unhides = nil
     *   This does nothing in the main library but is provided as a hook for the
     *   objtime extension to use to add to the time taken by implicit actions.
    addImplicitTime() { }
     *   Advance the game clock time. This does nothing in the main library but
     *   is provided as a hook for the objtime extension to use.
    advanceTime() {}

 *   The SystemAction class is for actions not affecting the game world but
 *   rather acting on the game session, such as SAVE, RESTORE and QUIT.
class SystemAction: IAction
    /* A SystemAction is not normally undo-able */
    includeInUndo = nil
    /* A SystemAction is not normally repeatable */
    isRepeatable = nil
     *   Since a SystemAction isn't an action in the game world, we don't want
     *   it to trigger any after action notifications.
    afterAction() { }
     *   Since a SystemAction isn't an action in the game world, we don't want
     *   it to count as a turn, so we don't run any Daemons or Fuses and we
     *   don't advance the turn count.
    turnSequence() { }
     *   A SystemAction doesn't take any turns (this is a bit belt-and-braces
     *   since turnSequence does nothing in any case).
    turnsTaken = 0
     *   Since this isn't an action within the game world we bypass all the
     *   normal pre-action handling and just execute a reduced cycle.
    exec(cmd) { execCycle(cmd); }
     *   There's no before notifications for a SystemAction so we simply execute
     *   the action and, if we should define it as repeatable, make a note of it
     *   in case the player issues an AGAIN command on the next turn.
            /* Display a message if we're debugging actions. */
                    "[Executing <<actionTab.symbolToVal(baseActionClass)>> ]\n" );
            /* Execute the action. */
             *   If we're a repeatable action, note that we were the last action
             *   to be executed.
                libGlobal.lastAction = self.createClone();
        catch(ExitActionSignal ex)
        catch(ExitSignal ex)
            actionFailed = true;
      *   Ask for an input file.  We call the input manager, which displays the
      *   appropriate local file selector dialog. This is used for SystemActions
      *   that need a file to act on, such as SAVE, RESTORE and QUIT.
    getInputFile(prompt, dialogType, fileType, flags)
        return inputManager.getInputFile(prompt, dialogType, fileType, flags);

 *   An IAction is an Action that doesn't directly act on any objects. At least
 *   in this version of the library it works just like the base Action class.
class IAction: Action
     *   There's usually no point in parsing an IAction again when it's repeated
     *   since there are no objects to have changed.
    againRepeatsParse = nil
     *   For an IAction there's no point in trying to score anything but the
     *   Actor object; attempting to score objects via their verify properties
     *   will cause a run-time error, since IActions don't define verify
     *   properties and the like.
    scoreObjects(cmd, role, lst)
        if(role == ActorRole)
            inherited(cmd, role, lst);
            /* apply verb-specific adjustments */
            foreach (local i in lst)
                scoreObject(cmd, role, lst, i);
            /* apply object-specific adjustments */
            foreach (local i in lst)
                i.obj.scoreObject(cmd, role, lst, i);
     *   These methods are provided to allow an IAction to be invoked as an
     *   implicit action.
         *   Capture the output from this action in case we don't want to
         *   display it (if we're an implicit action).
        local str = gOutStream.captureOutput({: execAction(gCommand) });
         *   If this action is being performed implicitly, we should display an
         *   implicit action report for it.
        /* Otherwise, display the normal output from this action */
             *   Add an output filter to display any pending implicit action
             *   reports before any other text
            /* Carry out the inherited handling. */
             *   Remove the filter that displays pending implicit action
             *   reports.
    /* Nothing to do here. */
    setResolvedObjects([objs]) { }
     *   An IAction has no resolved objects, so we simply return true to
     *   indicate that scope is not a problem.
    resolvedObjectsInScope()  { return true;  }

 *   A TravelAction is one that moves (or at least tries to move) the player
 *   character from one place to another via a command like GO NORTH, or EAST.
class TravelAction: Action
    baseActionClass = TravelAction
     *   Use the inherited handling but first make a note of the direction the
     *   actor wants to travel in.
         *   Obtain the direction from the verbProd of the current command
         *   object, unless this TravelAction already defines its direction
           direction = cmd.verbProd.dirMatch.dir; 
        /* Display a debug message if we're debugging actions. */
                    "[Executing <<actionTab.symbolToVal(baseActionClass)>> 
                    <<>>]\n" );
        /* Carry out the inherited handling. */
     *   Does this TravelAction already define a set direction on its direction
     *   property (so we don't need to look to what direction object the command
     *   refers)?
    predefinedDirection = nil
     *   Execute the travel command, first carrying out any implicit actions
     *   needed to facilitate travel
        local getOutAction;
         *   If the actor is not directly in the room, treat OUT as a request to
         *   get out of the immediate container.
        if(!gActor.location.ofKind(Room) && direction == outDir)
            getOutAction = gActor.location.contType == On ? GetOff : GetOutOf;
            replaceAction(getOutAction, gActor.location);
         *   If the actor is not directly in the room, make him/her get out of
         *   his immediate container(s) before attempting travel, unless the
         *   actor is in a vehicle.
        local traveler = TravelConnector.getTraveler(gActor);
        while(!gActor.location.ofKind(Room) && traveler == gActor)
            /* Note the actor's current location. */
            local loc = gActor.location;
             *   The action needed to remove the actor from its immediate
             *   container.
            getOutAction = loc.contType == On ? GetOff : GetOutOf;
             *   Try to get the actor out of his/her current location with an
             *   implicit action.
            tryImplicitAction(getOutAction, loc);
            /* Note and if necessary display the implicit action report. */
             *   if the command didn't work, quit the loop or we'll be stuck in
             *   it forever.
            if(gActor.location == loc)
         *   Note and if necessary display any other implicit action reports
         *   that may have been generated prior to executing this action.
        /* Carry out the actual travel. */
     *   Carry out travel in direction. For this purpose we first have to define
     *   what the corresponding direction property of the actor's current
     *   location refers to. If it's nil, no travel is possible, and we simply
     *   display a refusal message. If it's an object we execute its travelVia()
     *   method for the current actor. If it's a double-quoted string or a
     *   method we execute it and make a note of where the actor ends up, if the
     *   actor is the player character. If it's a single-quoted string we
     *   display it.
     *   Note that we only display the various messages announcing failure of
     *   travel if the actor is the player character. We presumably don't want
     *   to see these messages as the result of NPCs trying to move around the
     *   map.
        /* Note the actor's current location. */
        local loc = gActor.getOutermostRoom;
        /* Variable to hold the connector we're trying to use */
        local conn;
         *   Note whether the current location is illuminated, or whether it permits
         *   travel in the dark (in which case we treat it as illuminated for
         *   the purposes of allowing travel).
        local illum = loc.allowDarkTravel || loc.isIlluminated;
         *   If we point to an object, assume it's a travel connector and attempt travel via the
         *   connector.
        if(loc.propType(direction.dirProp) == TypeObject)
            /* Note our connector */
            conn = loc.(direction.dirProp);
             *   If the connector is visible to the actor then attempt travel
             *   via the connector.
                /* if the actor is the player char, just carry out the travel */
                if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
                 *   otherwise carry out the travel and display the appropriate
                 *   travel notifications.
             *   Otherwise if there's light enough to travel and the actor is
             *   the player character, display the standard can't travel message
             *   (as if the connector wasn't there.
            else if(illum && gActor == gPlayerChar)
             *   Otherwise if the actor is the player character, display the
             *   standard message forbidding travel in the dark.
            else if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
         *   Otherwise, our direction of travel is trying to take us towards nil, a string, or a
         *   method, in which case call the nonTravel() function to handle it.
            nonTravel(loc, direction);
//    doTravel()
//    {
//        /* Note the actor's current location. */
//        local loc = gActor.getOutermostRoom;
//        local conn;
//        /* 
//         *   Note whether the current location is located, or whether it permits
//         *   travel in the dark (in which case we treat it as illuminated for
//         *   the purposes of allowing travel).
//         */
//        local illum = loc.allowDarkTravel || loc.isIlluminated;
//        /* 
//         *   Find out what's attached to the direction property of the direction
//         *   in which the actor wants to travel and respond accordingly.
//         */
//        switch (loc.propType(direction.dirProp))
//        {
//            /* 
//             *   If there's nothing there, simply display the appropriate
//             *   message explaining that travel that way isn't possible.
//             */
//        case TypeNil:
//            if(illum && gActor == gPlayerChar)
//                loc.cannotGoThatWay(direction);
//            else if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
//                loc.cannotGoThatWayInDark(direction);            
//            break;
//            /* 
//             *   If the direction property points to an object, assume it's some
//             *   kind of TravelConnector (which also includes Rooms and Doors)
//             *   and then attempt travel via that object.
//             */
//        case TypeObject:     
//            /* Note our connector */
//            conn = loc.(direction.dirProp);
//            /* 
//             *   If the connector is visible to the actor then attempt travel
//             *   via the connector.
//             */
//            if(conn.isConnectorVisible)                
//            {
//                /* if the actor is the player char, just carry out the travel */
//                if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
//                    conn.travelVia(gActor);
//                /* 
//                 *   otherwise carry out the travel and display the appropriate
//                 *   travel notifications.
//                 */
//                else
//                    gActor.travelVia(conn);
//            }
//            /* 
//             *   Otherwise if there's light enough to travel and the actor is
//             *   the player character, display the standard can't travel message
//             *   (as if the connector wasn't there.
//             */
//            else if(illum && gActor == gPlayerChar)
//                loc.cannotGoThatWay(direction);
//            /* 
//             *   Otherwise if the actor is the player character, display the
//             *   standard message forbidding travel in the dark.
//             */
//            else if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
//                loc.cannotGoThatWayInDark(direction);
//            break;       
//            /* 
//             *   If the direction property points to a double-quoted method or a
//             *   string, then provided the illumination is right, we display the
//             *   string or execute the method. Otherwise show the message saying
//             *   we can't travel that way in the dark.
//             */            
//        case TypeDString:
//        case TypeCode:
//            if(illum)
//            {
//                /* 
//                 *   Call the before travel notifications on every object that's
//                 *   in scope for the actor. Since we don't have a connector
//                 *   object to pass to the beforeTravel notifications, we use
//                 *   the direction object instead.
//                 */
//                Q.scopeList(gActor).toList.forEach({x: x.beforeTravel(gActor,
//                    direction)});
//                /*  
//                 *   If going this way would take us to a known destination
//                 *   that's a Room (so that executing the travel should take the
//                 *   actor out of his/her current room) notify the current room
//                 *   that the actor is about to depart.
//                 */                
//                local dest;
//                if(loc.propType(direction.dirProp) == TypeCode)                
//                    dest = libGlobal.extraDestInfo[[loc, direction]];
//                else
//                    dest = nil;
//                if(dest && dest.ofKind(Room))
//                    loc.notifyDeparture(gActor, dest);
//                /*  
//                 *   Then execute the method or display the double-quoted
//                 *   string.
//                 */
//                loc.(direction.dirProp);
//                /* 
//                 *   If we've just executed a method, it may have moved the
//                 *   actor to a new location, so if the actor is the player
//                 *   character note where the method took the actor to so that
//                 *   the pathfinder can find a route via this exit.
//                 */
//                if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
//                    libGlobal.addExtraDestInfo(loc, direction,
//                                           gActor.getOutermostRoom);
//            }
//            else if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
//                loc.cannotGoThatWayInDark(direction);
//            break;
//            /* 
//             *   If the direction property points to a single-quoted string,
//             *   simply display the string if the illumination is sufficient,
//             *   otherwise display the message saying we can't go that way in
//             *   the dark. If the actor isn't the player character, do nothing.
//             */
//        case TypeSString:
//            if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
//            {
//                conn = loc.(direction.dirProp);
//                if(illum)
//                {
//                    say(conn);
//                    libGlobal.addExtraDestInfo(loc, direction,
//                                               gActor.getOutermostRoom); 
//                }
//                else
//                    loc.cannotGoThatWayInDark(direction);
//            }    
//            break;
//        }        
//    }
     *   The direction the actor wants to travel in. This is placed here by the
     *   execCycle method and takes the form of A Direction object, e.g.
     *   northDir.
    direction = nil
    /* It's generally possible to undo a travel command. */
    canUndo = true

 *   This function can be called from a check nethod to prevent the display of text from within the
 *   check method halting the action. Calling it from anywhere else will have no effect. It's use is
 *   in conjunction with the TAction class defined immediatelty below.
     *   If we have a current gAction, set its haltOnMessageCheck property to nil. Note that this
     *   property is set to true near the start of TAction.check() so that it starts out true and
     *   remains so unless noHalt() intervenes during the course of the check() stage.
        gAction.haltOnMessageInCheck = nil;

 *   A TAction is an action that applies to a single direct object. Other action
 *   classes that apply to more than one object, such as TIAction, inherit from
 *   this class so some of the code needs to take that into account.
class TAction: Action    
     *   A list of the direct objects of this action that make it to the report
     *   stage.
    reportList = []
     *   A list of the direct objects of this action that make it to the action
     *   stage.
    actionList = []
     *   A LookupTable containing the verify results for this action. This is
     *   keyes on the object being verified, with the value being the worst
     *   verify result encountered for that object so far.
    verifyTab = nil
     *   Store the last verify failure message so that if we get several
     *   identical ones in a row, we don't keep repeating them
    lastVerifyMsg = nil
     *   set this property to true if you want to announce the object before the
     *   action result when there's more than one object. If the action routine
     *   summarizes the result at the end you don't want to do this so you
     *   should then set this to nil.
    announceMultiAction = nil
    /* The current direct object of this action */    
    curDobj = nil
     *   The current object being processed (in a TAction, always the curDObj;
     *   in a TI Action either the curDobj or the curIOoj).
    curObj = nil
     *   Reset values to their starting state when an action is used to execute
     *   a new command.
        scopeList = [];
        reportList = [];
        actionList = [];
        verifyTab = nil;
        isImplicit = nil;
        curDobj = nil;
        curObj = nil;
        lastVerifyMsg = nil;
        redirectParent = nil;        
     *   Information to allow the DEBUG ACTIONS command to express a complete
     *   topic phrase
    #ifdef __DEBUG
    dqinfo = ''
    iqinfo = ''
    aqinfo = ''
     *   Execute the command cycle for this action. This differs from the base
     *   Action class in not calling beforeAction directly, since the
     *   beforeAction() notifications occur within the execResolvedAction
     *   method.
        /* If we're debugging actions, display some debugging information. */
                "[Executing <<actionTab.symbolToVal(baseActionClass)>> :
                    <<dqinfo>> <<>> <<if cmd.iobj != nil>>
                    : <i><<iqinfo>></i> <<>> <<end>>
                <<if cmd.acc != nil>>
                    : <i><<aqinfo>></i> <<>> <<end>>]\n" );
         *   Disallow ALL (e.g. EXAMINE ALL) if the action does not permit it.
         *   Since we don't want to block plural matches (for which
         *   cmd.matchedAll is also true) we all test for the presence of 'all'
         *   among the command tokens.
        if(cmd.matchedAll && !(allowAll || parentAllowAll) )
            DMsg(all not allowed, 'Sorry; ALL is not allowed with this command.
            /* Execute the action. */
             *   If we're a repeatable action, note that we were the last action
             *   performed (for use with an AGAIN command).
                libGlobal.lastAction = self.createClone();
        catch(ExitSignal ex)
            actionFailed = true;
    /* Execute this action */    
         *   Note the current direct object, which should be the direct object
         *   supplied by the current Command object.
        curDobj = cmd.dobj;
         *   Note the current direct object as a possible antecedent for
         *   pronouns.
        /* Execute the action with the current direct object. */
     *   Execute this action with a known direct object or objects. Call this
     *   method when there's no need to resolve the objects used in the command
     *   but we still want it to pass through every stage
        /* Create a new LookupTable for our verify results. */
        verifyTab = new LookupTable;
         *   We shouldn't really need to catch any signals here, but the author
         *   might put an exitAction macro in a check method, say, so we need to
         *   be able to handle it.
             *   Obtain the verify result for the current direct object. Note at
             *   this point the objects have already been resolved so we're only
             *   interested in whether the verify command is going to allow the
             *   action to go ahead. If it doesn't allow the action return nil
             *   to stop it here.
            if(!verifyObjRole(curDobj, DirectObject))
               return nil; 
             *   If gameMain defines the option to run the before notifications
             *   before the check stage, run the before notifications now.
             *   Try the check stage. If the action fails the check stage, stop
             *   the action here and return nil to tell our caller this action
             *   has failed.
                return nil;            
             *   If gameMain defines the option to run the before notifications
             *   after the check stage, run the before notifications now.
            /* Carry out the action on a single direct object. */
            /* Return true to tell our caller the action succeeded. */
            return true;
        catch (ExitActionSignal ex)
            return nil;
     *   Flag: do we want the object name to appear before a check stage failure
     *   message if multiple objects are involved in the action. By default we
     *   do, otherwise it might not be clear which object the message referes
     *   to.
    announceMultiCheck = true
     *   Run the check phase of the action, both on the direct object and on any
     *   preconditions.
         *   Try the check phase of any preconditions. If that fails return nil
         *   to indicate failure of the entire check stage.
        if(!checkPreCond(curDobj, preCondDobjProp))
            return nil;
         *   Then try the check method on the current direct object and return
         *   the result.
        return check(curDobj, checkDobjProp);
     *   This flag is used internally by the library to track whether the output of any text from a
     *   check() should stop the action, which it normally should. Game code should not directly
     *   override this property or change its value, other than indrectly via the noHalt() function.
    haltOnMessageInCheck = true
     *   Call the check method (checkProp) on the appropriate object (obj).
     *   Return true to indicate that the action succeeds or nil otherwise
    check(obj, checkProp)
        local checkMsg = nil;
        /* Note which object is the current object of the command. */
        curObj = obj;
        /* Run the check method on the object and capture its output */
            /* Set this flag to true - the check routine may set it to nil. */
            haltOnMessageInCheck = true;
            checkMsg = gOutStream.captureOutputIgnoreExit({: obj.(checkProp)});
         *   Game authors aren't meant to use the exit macro in check methods,
         *   but in case they do we handle it here.
        catch (ExitSignal ex)
             *   If for some reason a check method uses exit without displaying
             *   a method, we supply a dummy failure message at this point.
            if(checkMsg is in (nil, ''))
               checkMsg = failCheckMsg;
         *   If the check method tried to display something then it wants to
         *   block the action, so we display the failure message and stop the
         *   action.
        if(checkMsg not in (nil, ''))
             *   If this action wants to announce the object of the action when it fails at the
             *   check stage and our Command is processing more than one direct object, and we don't
             *   want to report failed attempts after successful ones, announce the object.
            if(announceMultiCheck && gCommand.dobjs.length > 1 && !reportFailureAfterSuccess)
             *   If we're an implicit action then add a failure message to our
             *   implicit action list and display the list ("first trying
             *   to...")
            else if(haltOnMessageInCheck)
                /* first flush any pending implicit action reports */ 
             *   Display our failure message. If this command is processing more than one direct
             *   object, and we want to report failed attempts after successrul ones, use
             *   reportAfter() so that the failure reports come after the report of any actions that
             *   were successful, otherwise display the failure message straight away.
            if(gCommand.dobjs.length > 1 && reportFailureAfterSuccess)
                    checkMsg = gOutStream.captureOutputIgnoreExit({: announceObject(obj)}) + 
             *   Note the outcome of the action -- it failed unless haltOnMesageInCheck was set to
             *   nil.
            actionFailed = haltOnMessageInCheck;
             *   Return the opposite of haltOnMessageInCheck to tell our caller whether this action
             *   failed the check stage
            return !haltOnMessageInCheck;
         *   Return true to tell our our caller this action passed the check
         *   stage on this object.
        return true;
     *   Flag: when a command processes multiple direct objects, do we want any failed attempts to
     *   be reported after successful ones?
    reportFailureAfterSuccess = nil
    /* Run the check stage on the preCondProp of obj */    
    checkPreCond(obj, preCondProp)
        local preCondList;
        local checkOkay = true;
        /* Note which object we're checking */
        curObj = obj;
         *   Construct a list or preCondition objects on the appropriate object
         *   property.
        preCondList = valToList(obj.(preCondProp));
        /* Sort the list in preCondOrder */
        preCondList = preCondList.sort(nil,
                                       {a, b: a.preCondOrder - b.preCondOrder});
            /* Iterate through the list to see if all the checks are satisfied */
            foreach(local cur in preCondList)              
                 *   If we fail the check method on any precondition object,
                 *   note the failure and stop the iteration.
                if(cur.checkPreCondition(obj, true) == nil)
                    checkOkay = nil;
         *   Game authors aren't meant to use the exit macro in check methods,
         *   but in case they do we handle it here.
        catch (ExitSignal ex)
            checkOkay = nil;
         *   If the check method failed on any of our precondition objects note
         *   that the action is a failure.
        if(checkOkay == nil)
            actionFailed = true;
        /* Return our overall check result. */
        return checkOkay;
    /* Carry out the action phase on the direct object */
        local msg;
         *   If we're iterating over several objects and we're the kind of
         *   action which wants to announce objects in this context, do so.
         if(announceMultiAction && gCommand.dobjs.length > 1)
        /* Note that the current object is the direct object */
        curObj = curDobj;
         *   Add the ImplicitActionFilter to the current output stream so that
         *   any pending implicit action reports are prepended to any action
         *   reports output at this stage.
            buildImplicitActionAnnouncement(true, nil);

         *   If the action method displays anything then we don't add this
         *   object to the list of objects to be reported on at the report
         *   stage, on the assumption that the action stage has either produced
         *   its own report for this object or reported on the failure of the
         *   action. If, however, the action is carried out silently then we'll
         *   add this object to the list of objects to be reported on at the
         *   report stage.
         *   NOTE TO SELF: Don't try making this work with captureOutput(); it
         *   creates far more hassle than it's worth!!!!
            msg = gOutStream.watchForOutput({: doAction() });
            /* Remove any implicit action announcement from the output stream */

         *   If there's no output from the action method, add this object to the
         *   list of objects to be reported on at the report stage.
            reportList += curDobj;                  
        /* Note that we've carried out the action on this object. */
        actionList += curDobj;
         *   Return true to tell our caller we succesfully completed the action.
        return true;
        catch(ExitActionSignal ex)
//            actionFailed = true;
     *   Flag, do we want to announce the object name before the verify message
     *   in cases where there's more direct object in the command? By default we
     *   don't since verify messages generally make it clear enough which
     *   objects they refer to.
    announceMultiVerify = nil
     *   Return a list of direct objects corresponding to the word ALL in the
     *   player's command. By default we return everything in scope that isn't a
     *   a Room.
    getAll(cmd, role)
        return scopeList.subset({ x: !x.ofKind(Room)});
     *   Add a verify result to this action's verify table. This method is
     *   normally called by one of the macros (logical, illogical, logicalRank,
     *   etc.) use in an object's verify routine.
        /* Note the object to which this verify result relates. */
        local obj = verRes.myObj;
         *   If it isn't the object we're currently meant to be verifying,
         *   adjust it.
        if(obj != verifyObj)
            obj = verifyObj;
            verRes.myObj = obj;
         *   If we don't currently have a verify table for this action, create
         *   one
        if(verifyTab == nil)
            verifyTab = new LookupTable();
         *   Add this verify result to this action's verify table only if it
         *   doesn't already contain a verify result for the same object with a
         *   lower resultRank.
        if(!verifyTab.isKeyPresent(obj) ||        
            verRes.resultRank < verifyTab[obj].resultRank)   
            verifyTab[obj] = verRes;       

     *   reportAction() is called only after all the action routines have been
     *   run and the list of dobjs acted on is known. It only does anything if
     *   the action is not implicit. It can thus be used to summarize a list of
     *   identical actions carried out on every object in reportList or to print
     *   a report that is not wanted if the action is implicit. By default we
     *   call the dobj's reportDobjProp to handle the report.
     *   Note that this method is usually called from the current Command object
     *   after its finished iterated over all the direct objects involved in the
     *   command.
         *   If we're not an implicit action and there's something in our report
         *   list to report on, execute the report stage of this action.
        if(!isImplicit && reportList.length > 0)
            /* Output any pending implicit action reports */

    /* install the resolved objects in the action */
        curDobj = dobj;
    /* Check whether the resolved objects for this action are in scope */
        return scopeList.indexOf(curDobj) != nil;

     *   Get a message parameter object for the action.  We define 'dobj'
     *   as the direct object, in addition to any inherited targets.  
        case 'dobj':
            /* return the current direct object */
            return curDobj;
        case 'cobj':
            /* return the current object */
            return curObj;

            /* inherit default handling */
            return inherited(objName);
     *   A convenience method for putting every game object in scope, which may
     *   be appropriate for certain commands (not least, certain debugging
     *   commands). It's intended to be called from addExtraScopeItems when
     *   needed.     */
        /* Note the fist object of the Thing class. */
        local obj = firstObj(Thing);
        /* Create a vector to store our results. */
        local vec = new Vector;
        /* Go through every Thing in the game and add it to our vector. */
            obj = nextObj(obj, Thing);
        } while (obj!= nil);
         *   Convert the vector to a list and append it to our scopeList,
         *   removing any duplicates.
        scopeList = scopeList.appendUnique(vec.toList());

 *   A TIAction is an action that applies to both a direct object and an
 *   indirect object. Since it inherits from TAction we only need to define the
 *   additional methods and properties relating to the handling of indirect
 *   objects.
class TIAction: TAction
    /* The current indirect object of this action. */
    curIobj = nil
    /* The various methods to call on the indirect object of this action. */
    verIobjProp = nil
    checkIobjProp = nil
    actionIobjProp = nil
    preCondIobjProp = nil
     *   A list of the indirect objects that this actually actually ends up
     *   acting on at the action stage.
    ioActionList = []
     *   Flag: should we resolve the indirect object of this action before the
     *   direct object?
    resolveIobjFirst = true
    /* Reset the action variables to their initial state. */
        curIobj = nil;
        ioActionList = [];
    /* execute this action. */
         *   Note the current direct object of this command from the Command
         *   object.
        curDobj = cmd.dobj;
         *   Note the current indirect object of this command from the Command
         *   object.
        curIobj = cmd.iobj;
        /* Note both objects as possible pronoun antecedents. */
        notePronounAntecedent(curDobj, curIobj);
        /* execute the resolved action. */
    /* Carry out the check phase for this command. */   
         *   If we don't pass the check stage on both the iobj and the dobj's
         *   preconditions, then return nil to tell our caller we've failed this
         *   stage.
        if(!(checkPreCond(curIobj, preCondIobjProp) 
             && checkPreCond(curDobj, preCondDobjProp)))           
            return nil;
         *   Return the result of running the check phase on both the indirect
         *   and the direct objects.
        return check(curIobj, checkIobjProp) && check(curDobj, checkDobjProp);
    /* Set the resolved objects for this action. */
    setResolvedObjects(dobj, iobj)
        curDobj = dobj;
        curIobj = iobj;
     *   Test whether both the direct and the indirect objects for this action
     *   are in scope.
        return scopeList.indexOf(curDobj) != nil 
            && scopeList.indexOf(curIobj) != nil;
     *   Carry out the report phase for this action. If there's anything in the
     *   ioActionList and we're not an implicit action, call the report method
     *   on the indirect object. Then carry out the inherited handling (which
     *   does the same on the direct object). Note that this method is called by
     *   the current Command object once its finished iterating over all the
     *   objects involved in the command.
         *   Carry out the inherited handling, which executes the report stage
         *   on the direct object.
         *   If we're not an implicit action and there's something to report on,
         *   carry out the report stage on our indirect object.
        if(!isImplicit && ioActionList.length > 0)
    /* Get the message parameters relating to this action */
        case 'iobj':
            /* return the current indirect object */
            return curIobj;
            /* inherit default handling */
            return inherited(objName);
     *   Execute this action as a resolved action, that is once its direct and
     *   indirect objects are known.
             *   If the indirect object was resolved first (before the
             *   direct object) then we run the verify stage on the indirect
             *   action first. If it fails, return nil to tell the caller it
             *   failed.
            if(resolveIobjFirst && !verifyObjRole(curIobj, IndirectObject))
                return nil;
             *   Run the verify routine on the direct object next. If it
             *   disallows the action, stop here and return nil.
            if(!verifyObjRole(curDobj, DirectObject))
                return nil;
             *   If the indirect object was resolved after the direct
             *   object, run the verify routines on the indirect object now, and
             *   return nil if they disallow the action.
            if(!resolveIobjFirst && !verifyObjRole(curIobj, IndirectObject))
                return nil;
             *   If gameMain defines the option to run before notifications
             *   before the check stage, run the before notifications now.
             *   Try the check stage on both objects. If either disallows the
             *   action return nil to stop the action here.
                return nil;
             *   If gameMain defines the option to run before notifications
             *   after the check stage, run the before notifications now.
            /* Carry out the action stage on one set of objects */
            /* Return true to tell our caller the action was a success */
            return true;    
        catch (ExitActionSignal ex)            
//            actionFailed = true;
            return nil;
     *   Execute the action phase of the action on both objects. Note that
     *   although some TIActions can operate on multiple direct objects, none
     *   defined in the library acts on multiple indirect objects, so there's
     *   only minimal support for the latter possibility.
        local msgForDobj, msgForIobj;
         *   If we're iterating over several objects and we're the kind of
         *   action which wants to announce objects in this context, do so.
        if(announceMultiAction && gCommand.dobjs.length > 1)
         *   Note that the current object we're dealing with is the direct
         *   object.
        curObj = curDobj;     
         *   Add the ImplicitActionFilter to the current output stream so that
         *   any pending implicit action reports are prepended to any action
         *   reports output at this stage.
            buildImplicitActionAnnouncement(true, nil);
             *   First add the ImplicitActionFilter to the output stream so that
             *   any text output from the action routines are preceeded by any
             *   pending implicit action reports.
             *   Run the action routine on the current direct object and capture
             *   the output for later use. If the output is null direct object
             *   can be added to the list of objects to be reported on at the
             *   report stage, provided the iobj action routine doesn't report
             *   anything either.
             *   NOTE TO SELF: Don't try making this work with captureOutput();
             *   it creates far more hassle than it's worth!!!!
            msgForDobj =
            /* Note that we've acted on this direct object. */
            actionList += curDobj;
            /* Note that the current object is now the indirect object. */
            curObj = curIobj;
             *   Execute the action method on the indirect object. If it doesn't
             *   output anything, add the current indirect object to
             *   ioActionList in case the report phase wants to do anything with
             *   it, and add the dobj to the reportList if it's not already
             *   there so that a report method on the dobj can report on actions
             *   handled on the iobj.
            msgForIobj =
            /* Remove any implicit action announcement from the output stream */
         *   If neither the action stage for the direct object nor the action
         *   stage for the direct object produced any output then add the
         *   indirect object to the list of indirect objects that could be
         *   reported on, and add the current direct object to the list of
         *   direct objects to be reported on at the report stage.
        if(!(msgForDobj) && !(msgForIobj))
            ioActionList += curIobj;
            reportList = reportList.appendUnique([curDobj]);            
         *   Return true to tell our caller we completed the action
         *   successfully.
        return true;

 *   A LiteralAction is an action that acts on a single literal object, e.g.
class LiteralAction: IAction
        /* Note the literal string associated with this command. */
        literal =;
        /* carry out the inherited handling. */
    /* The string literal on which this command is operating. */
    literal = nil
    /* The numerical value of our literal */
    num = tryNum(literal)

 *   A LiteralTAction is an action that involves one physical object and one
 *   string, e.g. TYPE HELLO ON TERMINAL.
class LiteralTAction: TAction
         *   Determine which is the Thing-based object and which is the literal
         *   value and plug each into the right slot (so that the Thing ends up
         *   as the direct object of the command and the string as the literal).
            curDobj = cmd.dobj;
            literal =;
            curDobj = cmd.iobj;
            literal =;
        /* Note the direct object as an antecedent for pronouns */

        /* Execute the resolved action (as for a TAction) */
     *   Whichever object slot a verify routine is notionally trying to verify
     *   for given the grammatical form of the command, in practice only the
     *   direct object (the thing involved in the command) can be verified. E.g.
     *   for WRITE FOO ON BALL we treat BALL as the direct object of the command
     *   and FOO as the literal, even if the Parser thinks it needs to verify
     *   the Indirect Object to disambiguate BALL.
    verify(obj, role)
        return inherited(obj, DirectObject);
    /* The literal value associated with this command */
    literal = nil
    /* The numerical value of our literal */
    num = tryNum(literal)

 *   A TopicTAction is an action involving one physical object and one topic,
class TopicTAction: TAction
         *   determine which is the Thing-type object and which is the topic
         *   value and plug each into the right slot. We ensure that the
         *   physical object (the Thing) ends up as the direct object and the
         *   ResolvedTopic as the indirect object.
        if(cmd.dobj && cmd.dobj.ofKind(Thing))
            curDobj = cmd.dobj;
            curIobj = cmd.iobj;
            curTopic = cmd.iobj;
            curDobj = cmd.iobj;
            curIobj = cmd.dobj;
            curTopic = cmd.dobj;
        /* Note the direct object as a potential pronoun antecedent. */

        /* Attempt to resolve any pronouns within the ResolvedTopic */
        /* Execute the action as for a TAction */
     *   Although we don't have an indirect object in the conventional sense, we
     *   use the curIobj property to store the ResolvedTopic involved in the
     *   command.
    curIobj = nil
     *   We also store the current ResolvedTopic in the curTopic property so it
     *   can be found by the gTopic macro.
    curTopic = nil
     *   This is a bit of a kludge to deal with the fact that the Parser doesn't
     *   seem able to resolve pronouns within ResolvedTopics. We do it here
     *   instead.
        if(curIobj == nil)
        for(local cur in curIobj.topicList, local i = 1;; ++i)
            if(cur == Him && curDobj.isHim)
                curIobj.topicList[i] = curDobj;
            if(cur == Her && curDobj.isHer)
                curIobj.topicList[i] = curDobj;
            if(cur == It && curDobj.isIt)
                curIobj.topicList[i] = curDobj;
            if(cur == Them && (curDobj.plural || curDobj.ambiguouslyPlural))
                curIobj.topicList[i] = curDobj;
     *   Whichever object slot a verify routine is notionally trying to verify
     *   for given the grammatical form of the command, in practice only the
     *   direct object (the thing involved in the command) can be verified. E.g.
     *   for WRITE FOO ON BALL we treat BALL as the direct object of the command
     *   and FOO as the literal, even if the Parser thinks it needs to verify
     *   the Indirect Object to disambiguate BALL.
    verify(obj, whichObj)
        return inherited(obj, DirectObject);
     *   Is the topic the grammatical Indirect object of this command? This is
     *   used by Redirector.doOtherAction() to encapsulate the appropriate
     *   string in a ResolvedTopic. The topic is the grammatical iobj if its the
     *   second object involved in the commamd, e.g. ASK BOB ABOUT FIRE, where
     *   FIRE is the topic.
    topicIsGrammaticalIobj = true

 *   A NumericTAction is an action that involves one physical object and one
 *   number, e.g. DIAL 1234 ON PHONR.
class NumericTAction: TAction
         *   Determine which is the Thing-based object and which is the numeric
         *   value and plug each into the right slot (so that the Thing ends up
         *   as the direct object of the command and the number as the num).
            curDobj = cmd.dobj;
            num = cmd.iobj.numVal;
            curDobj = cmd.iobj;
            num = cmd.dobj.numVal;
        /* Note the direct object as an antecedent for pronouns */

        /* Execute the resolved action (as for a TAction) */
     *   Whichever object slot a verify routine is notionally trying to verify
     *   for given the grammatical form of the command, in practice only the
     *   direct object (the thing involved in the command) can be verified. E.g.
     *   for WRITE FOO ON BALL we treat BALL as the direct object of the command
     *   and FOO as the literal, even if the Parser thinks it needs to verify
     *   the Indirect Object to disambiguate BALL.
    verify(obj, role)
        return inherited(obj, DirectObject);
    /* The numeric value associated with this command */
    num = nil

 *   A TopicAction is an action referring to a single Topic (e.g. TALK ABOUT THE
 *   TOWER). It behaves almost exactly like an IAction.

class TopicAction: IAction    
         *   For a TopicAction the ResolvedTopic will be in the dobj property of
         *   the cmd object. Store it in the curTopic property.
        curTopic = cmd.dobj;
        /* Then carry out the inherited handling. */
    /* The ResolvedTopic object associated with this action. */
    curTopic = nil

 *   A NumericAction is an action referring to a single Number (e.g. Footnote
 *   1). It behaves almost like an IAction.
class NumericAction: IAction
        /* Note the number associated with this command. */
        num = cmd.dobj.numVal;
        /* carry out the inherited handling. */
    /* The number on which this command is operating. */
    num = nil

/* Try action as an implicit action with [objs] as its objects */
tryImplicitAction(action, [objs])
    local oldAction;

     *   Create a new copy of the action we're to try executing so we don't
     *   contaminate the properties of the same action if it'e being used
     *   elsewhere in the call chain.
    action = action.createInstance();
    /* Our new action will be an implict action. */
    action.isImplicit = true;
    /* Note the previous action being executed. */
    oldAction = gAction;
    /* install the resolved objects in the action */
     *   For an implicit action, we must check the objects involved to make
     *   sure they're in scope.  If any of the objects aren't in scope,
     *   there is no way the actor would know to perform the command, so
     *   the command would not be implied in the first place.  Simply fail
     *   without trying the command.  
    if (!action.resolvedObjectsInScope())
        return nil;
     *   Note that the previous current action is our new action's parent action
    action.parentAction = gAction;
    /* Make our new action the current action. */
    gAction = action;
        /* Execute our new action. */
        /* Provide a hook for the objtime extension to use. */
         *   If all went well, return true to indicate that we were able to
         *   execute the action.
        return true;
     *   If the action threw an AbortImplicitSignal this means that its verify
     *   routine does not allow the action to be carried out implicitly; return
     *   nil to signal that we weren't allowed to attempt this implicit action.
    catch (AbortImplicitSignal ex)
        return nil;
        /* Restore the original current action. */
        gAction = oldAction;       

 *   Have an actor other than the current gActor try an implicit action (e.g. if
 *   an npc moving as the result of an AgendaItem needs to implicitly open a
 *   door to proceed): actor is the actor performing the action, action is the
 *   action object to be performs, [objs] is the list of objects (if any) on
 *   which the action is to be performed.
tryImplicitActorAction(actor, action, [objs])
     *   Set up a local variable to store the result of trying the implicit
     *   action.
    local res = nil;
    /*  Make a note of the current actor of the current main command. */
    local oldActor = gActor;
        /* Temporarily make gActor the actor passed to this function. */
        gActor = actor;
        /* Try the implicit action with this actor and store the result. */
        res = tryImplicitAction(action, objs...);
        /* Restore the original gActor */
        gActor = oldActor;
    /* Return the result of attempting the implicit action. */
    return res;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 *   Run a replacement action. 
replaceAction(action, [objs])
    /* run the replacement action as a nested action */
    execNestedAction(true, gActor, action, objs...);

    /* the invoking command is done */

/* Run a replacement action for another actor. */
replaceActorAction(actor, action, [objs])
    /* run the replacement action as a nested action */
    execNestedAction(true, actor, action, objs...);

    /* the invoking command is done */

 *   Run a nested action; execution of the parent action continues once the
 *   nested action is complete.
nestedActorAction(actor, action, [objs])
    execNestedAction(nil, actor, action, objs...);

/* Run a nested action for the current actor. */
nestedAction(action, [objs])
    execNestedAction(nil, gActor, action, objs...);

 *   Execute a fully-constructed nested action.
 *   'isReplacement' indicates whether the action is a full replacement or
 *   an ordinary nested action.  If it's a replacement, then we use the
 *   game time taken by the replacement, and set the enclosing action
 *   (i.e., the current gAction) to take zero time.  If it's an ordinary
 *   nested action, then we consider the nested action to take zero time,
 *   using the current action's time as the overall command time.  
 *   'isRemapping' indicates whether or not this is a remapped action.  If
 *   we're remapping from one action to another, this will be true; for
 *   any other kind of nested or replacement action, this should be nil.  
execNestedAction(isReplacement, actor, action, [objs])
    local oldAction;
    local oldActor = gActor;
     *   Create a new instance of the desired action, so we don't override the
     *   current state of any similar action higher up the calling chain.
    action = action.createInstance();
    /* Make the new action make a note of its parent action */
    action.parentAction = gAction;
     *   Treat us an an implicit action if the current (parent) action is
     *   implicit.
    action.isImplicit = gAction.isImplicit;   

    /* Note the previous (calling) action. */
    oldAction = gAction;
    /* Set the current actor to the value of our actor parameter. */
    gActor = actor;
    /* Install the new actor on the current Command object. */ = actor;
     *   Change the current Command object's action to the new action with its
     *   new objects.
    gCommand.changeAction(action, objs.element(1), objs.element(2),
    /* If our objects aren't in scope we can't proceed with the action. */ 
    if (objs.length > 0 && !action.resolvedObjectsInScope())
        return nil;
        /* Execute the new action */
         *   In principle we only want to show the reportAction report if we're
         *   not a replacement action, leaving a replacement action to display
         *   its report in the normal course of the Command's action-processing
         *   cycle, but there are certain circumstances where even a replacement
         *   action needs to display its reportAction here, specifically (1) if
         *   there's been a change of actor (in which case replaceAction has
         *   arguably been misused) or (2) if an object announcement has just
         *   been displayed for the parent action, in which case we need to
         *   ensure that the report corresponding to the object announcement is
         *   displayed immediately after the object name (by displaying the
         *   report straight away here).
        if(!isReplacement || gActor != oldActor || 
         (action.parentAction.announceMultiAction && gCommand.dobjs.length > 1))
            /* report the outcome of the action. */
             *   If this is a replacement action, there won't be anything
             *   printed after reportAction displays a report so we need to
             *   print a newline in case there's another object.
             *   Empty the report list to ensure the report isn't duplicated
             *   later
            action.reportList = [];
         *   Return true to indicate that the action was completed successfully.
        return true;
    catch (AbortImplicitSignal ex)
        /* Return nil to indicate failure. */
        return nil;
         *   If we're not a replacement action we need to restore the old
         *   gAction when we're done; and if we're a nested action and not
         *   implicit, then we should show our action reports (if any) before
         *   handing back to the main action. We also need to do this if we've
         *   changed actor, since unpredictable results could occur from
         *   substituting an action by one actor with one by another.
         *   We try to avoid doing this if this is a replacement action, because
         *   if possible we want all aspects of the new action, including its
         *   reporting and after action processing.
        if(!isReplacement || gActor != oldActor)        
            /* Restore the original action on the current Command object. */
            gCommand.action = gCommand.originalAction;
            /* Restore the original current action. */
            gAction = oldAction;
            /* Restore the original actor. */
            gActor = oldActor;
            /* Restore the original actor on the Command object. */
   = oldActor;

 *   Ask for a missing object to fulfil role in action. First see if there's a
 *   uniquely best match to fill the role, and if so execute the action with
 *   that object. Otherwise ask the player to supply an object.
askMissingObject(action, role)
    /* Make action the current action for the current Command. */    
    gCommand.action = action;
     *   Store the current objects of the current action in the new action, in case
     *   action.scoreObjects() needs to refer to them below.
    action.curDobj = gDobj;
    action.curIobj = gIobj;
    action.curAobj = gAobj;
    gCommand.dobj = action.curDobj;
    gCommand.iobj = action.curIobj;
    gCommand.acc = action.curAobj;
     *   Make the action the original action for the current Command; we need to
     *   do this because otherwise the Command object will overwrite our new
     *   action with its original one before we're done.
    gCommand.originalAction = action;
     *   Slot the new action's verbRule into the Command's verbProd, so that the
     *   Command has a verbProd appropriate to the action.
    gCommand.verbProd = action.verbRule;    
    /* See if we can find an obvious best object to select. */
    /* First get the scope list for the new action. */
     *   Then wrap the scopeList in a list of NP objects so we can use it as a
     *   parameter for scoreObjects().
    local matchList = action.wrapObjectsNP(action.scopeList);
    /*   Make a note of the highest scoring object we find */
    local bestObj = nil;
     *   If we found any objects we could match, determine which of them is the
     *   best match.
    if(matchList.length > 0)
        /* Score all the objects in scope */
        action.scoreObjects(gCommand, role, matchList);
        /* Sort the list of objects in descending order of score */
        matchList = matchList.sort(SortDesc, {a, b: a.score - b.score});
        /* If there's only one object with the top score, select it */
        if(matchList.countWhich({o: o.score == matchList[1].score}) == 1)
            bestObj = matchList[1].obj;
     *   If we have a best object, check that the command can actually use it
     *   before finally selecting it.
    if(bestObj != nil)
         *   Obtain the verify result for the best object for this action in
         *   this role.
        local verResult = action.verify(bestObj, role);
         *   Only execute the action with the best object if the action would
         *   pass the verify stage and the verify stage would allow the action
         *   to be performed implicitly. That way we won't choose an object with
         *   a dangerous or nonObvious verify result, and we won't pointlessly
         *   attempt an impossible action.
        if(verResult.allowAction && verResult.allowImplicit)
             *   Announce which object we've chosen; language-specific modules
             *   will need to implement this.
            announceBestChoice(action, bestObj, role);
             *   Slot our best choice of object into the appropriate object
             *   property of the current command object.
            gCommand.(role.objProp) = bestObj;
            /* Execute the new action with the new set of objects. */

            gCommand.execDoer([action, gCommand.dobj, gCommand.iobj]);            

             *   If we were able to execute the new action with the new set of
             *   objects, we're done; and we don't want to continue with the
             *   original action.
     *   If we couldn't find an obvious best object to use, prompt the player
     *   for his/her choice of object
     *   First create a new error for a missing object for our Command in the
     *   desired role.
    local err = new EmptyNounError(gCommand, role);

     *   When the player's response is reparsed, we only want to resolve the
     *   nound for the role we're asking about here, so tell the command which
     *   role we want to resolve for.
    gCommand.npToResolve = role;
     *   Display the corresponding error message (which will be a request to
     *   specify the missing object.
     *   Set the Parser's question property to a question asking for this
     *   missing object, so that the Parser is prepared to treat the next input
     *   as an answer to this question.
    Parser.question = new ParseErrorQuestion(err);   
    /* Skip to the next command line so the player can enter a response */

 *   This function displays msg, which should be a message inviting the player to choose a suitable
 *   object for action in role (DirectObject, IndirectObject or AccessoryObject). The action will
 *   then be performed using the selected object in role.
askChooseObject(action, role, msg)
     *   Store the current objects of the current action in the new action, in
     *   case action.scoreObjects() needs to refer to them below.
    action.curDobj = gDobj;
    action.curIobj = gIobj;
    action.curAobj = gAobj;
    /* Make action the current action for the current Command. */
    gCommand.action = action;
    gCommand.dobj = (role == DirectObject ? nil : gDobj);
    gCommand.iobj = (role == IndirectObject ? nil : gIobj);
    gCommand.acc = (role == AccessoryObject ? nil : gAobj);
    if(role == DirectObject)
        gCommand.dobjNPs = [];
        gCommand.dobjs = new Vector();        
    if(role == IndirectObject)
        gCommand.iobjNPs = [];
        gCommand.iobjs = new Vector();        
    if(role == AccessoryObject)
        gCommand.accNPs = [];
        gCommand.accs = new Vector();        
     *   Make the action the original action for the current Command; we need to
     *   do this because otherwise the Command object will overwrite our new
     *   action with its original one before we're done.
    gCommand.originalAction = action;
     *   Slot the new action's verbRule into the Command's verbProd, so that the
     *   Command has a verbProd appropriate to the action.
    gCommand.verbProd = action.verbRule;
    local err = new EmptyNounError(gCommand, role);
    Parser.question = new ParseErrorQuestion(err);


 *   Verify Results: objects of this class are created by macros like
 *   logicalRank() and illogical() that are used in verify routines and stored
 *   in the verTab table of the current action.
class VerifyResult: object
     *   Our resultRank; the lower this number the less likely it is that this
     *   action could succeed, or the more illogical it is.
    resultRank = 0
     *   The error message to display if this verify result prevents an action
     *   from going ahead.
    errMsg = ''
    /* Is the action allowed to proceed according to this verify result? */
    allowAction = true
    /* Can this action be performed as an implicit action? */
    allowImplicit = true
    /* The object to which this verify result refers */
    myObj = nil
    /* The constructor for creating a new verify result. */
    construct(score_, errmsg_, allowAction_, myObj_, allowImplicit_ = true)
        resultRank = score_;
        errMsg = errmsg_;
        allowAction = allowAction_;
        myObj = myObj_;
        allowImplicit = allowImplicit_;


/* Note the objects in objlist as potential pronoun antecedents */
    local itList = [];
    local themList = [];
    local himList = [];
    local herList = [];
     *   Go through each object in objlist and add it to the appropriate pronoun
     *   list
    foreach(local cur in objlist)
         *   If we refer to a SubComponent, we're really referring to its
         *   location
        if(cur.ofKind(SubComponent) && cur.location)
            cur = cur.location;
        /* If the object is plural, it's a possible antecedent for 'them' */
        if(cur.plural || cur.ambiguouslyPlural)
            themList += cur;
         *   Add the object and any of its facets to the himList, herList and
         *   itList according to whether it's isHim, isHer or isIt property is
         *   true.
        local lst = valToList(cur.getFacets) + cur;
            for(local obj in lst)
                himList += obj;
            for(local obj in lst)
                herList += obj;
        if(cur.isIt && (!cur.plural || cur.ambiguouslyPlural))
            for(local obj in lst)
                itList += obj;        
     *   If any of the lists have anything in them, use them to set the
     *   antecedent list on the corresponding pronoun.
    if(themList.length > 0)
    if(itList.length > 0)
    if(herList.length  > 0)
    if(himList.length > 0)

/* The remainder of this file contains code  "borrowed" from the adv3 library */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 *   PreSaveObject - every instance of this class is notified, via its
 *   execute() method, just before we save the game.  This uses the
 *   ModuleExecObject framework, so the sequencing lists (execBeforeMe,
 *   execAfterMe) can be used to control relative ordering of execution
 *   among instances.  
class PreSaveObject: ModuleExecObject
     *   Each instance must override execute() with its specific pre-save
     *   code. 

 *   PostRestoreObject - every instance of this class is notified, via its
 *   execute() method, immediately after we restore the game. 
class PostRestoreObject: ModuleExecObject
     *   note: each instance must override execute() with its post-restore
     *   code 

     *   The "restore code," which is the (normally integer) value passed
     *   as the second argument to restoreGame().  The restore code gives
     *   us some idea of what triggered the restoration.  By default, we
     *   define the following restore codes:
     *   1 - the system is restoring a game as part of interpreter
     *   startup, usually because the user explicitly specified a game to
     *   restore on the interpreter command line or via a GUI shell
     *   mechanism, such as double-clicking on a saved game file from the
     *   desktop.
     *   2 - the user is explicitly restoring a game via a RESTORE command.
     *   Games and library extensions can use their own additional restore
     *   codes in their calls to restoreGame().  
    restoreCode = nil

 *   PreRestartObject - every instance of this class is notified, via its
 *   execute() method, just before we restart the game (with a RESTART
 *   command, for example). 
class PreRestartObject: ModuleExecObject
     *   Each instance must override execute() with its specific
     *   pre-restart code.  

 *   PostUndoObject - every instance of this class is notified, via its
 *   execute() method, immediately after we perform an 'undo' command. 
class PostUndoObject: ModuleExecObject
     *   Each instance must override execute() with its specific post-undo
     *   code.  

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1