#charset "us-ascii"
#pragma once
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2006 Michael J. Roberts
* This file is part of TADS 3.
* This header defines the ByteArray intrinsic class.
/* include our base class definition */
#include "systype.h"
/* we need the CharacterSet class for mapToString */
#include "charset.h"
* 'ByteArray' intrinsic class. This class provides a fixed-size array of
* unsigned 8-bit byte values; each array element is an integer in the
* range 0-255.
* ByteArray is particularly useful for reading and writing binary files,
* since it lets you manipulate the raw bytes in a file directly.
intrinsic class ByteArray 'bytearray/030002': Object
* Constructors:
* new ByteArray(length) - create a byte array with the given number of
* bytes. All elements in the new array are initialized to zero.
* new ByteArray(byteArray, startIndex?, length?) - create a new byte
* array as a copy of the given byte range of the given byte array,
* which must be an object of intrinsic class ByteArray. If the
* starting index and length are not given, the new object is a
* complete copy of the source byte array.
* new ByteArray(string, charset?) - create a new byte array by
* mapping the given string to bytes. If 'charset' is provided,
* it's a CharacterSet object, or a string giving the name of a
* character set; the characters are mapped to bytes using this
* character set mapping. If 'charset' is missing or nil, the
* Unicode character codes of the characters are used as the byte
* values for the new array; in this mode, the character codes
* must each fit into a byte, meaning that they're in the range 0
* to 255, or a numeric overflow error will occur.
* Get the number of bytes in the array. The length is fixed at
* creation time.
* create a new ByteArray as a copy of the given range of this array;
* if the length is not given, bytes from the starting index to the
* end of this array are included in the new array
subarray(startIndex, length?);
* Copy bytes from the source array into this array. Bytes are copied
* into this array starting at the given index. The specified number
* of bytes are copied from the source array starting at the given
* index.
copyFrom(src, srcStartIndex, dstStartIndex, length);
* Fill bytes in this array with the given value. If no starting
* index or length values are given, the entire array is filled with
* the given byte value. The byte value must be an integer in the
* range 0 to 255.
fillValue(val, startIndex?, length?);
* Convert a range of bytes in the array to a string, interpreting the
* bytes in the array as characters in the given character set.
* If the starting index and length are not given, the entire byte
* array is converted to a string. 'charset' must be an object of
* intrinsic class CharacterSet.
mapToString(charset, startIndex?, length?);
* Read an integer value from the byte array. Reads bytes from the
* starting index; the number of bytes read depends on the format.
* Returns an integer giving the value read.
* 'format' gives the format of the integer to be read. This is a
* combination (using '|' operators) of three constants, giving the
* size, byte order, and signedness of the value.
* First, choose the SIZE of the value: FmtSize8, FmtSize16, FmtSize32,
* for 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit integers, respectively.
* Second, choose the BYTE ORDER of the value, as represented in the
* byte array: FmtLittleEndian or FmtBigEndian. The standard T3
* portable data interchange format uses little-endian values; this is
* a format in which the least-significant byte of a value comes first,
* followed by the remaining bytes in ascending order of significance.
* The big-endian format uses the opposite order. The byte order
* obviously is irrelevant for 8-bit values.
* Third, choose the SIGNEDNESS of the value: FmtSigned or FmtUnsigned.
* Note that FmtUnsigned cannot be used with FmtSize32, because T3
* itself doesn't have an unsigned 32-bit integer type.
* For example, to read a 16-bit unsigned integer in the standard T3
* portable interchange format, you'd use
*. FmtUnsigned | FmtSize16 | FmtLittleEndian
* For convenience, individual macros are also defined that pre-compose
* all of the meaningful combinations; see below.
* The byte array must be large enough to read the required number of
* bytes starting at the given index. An "index out of range"
* exception is thrown if there aren't enough bytes in the array to
* satisfy the request.
readInt(startIndex, format);
* Write an integer value to the byte array. Writes bytes starting at
* the given index; the number of bytes written depends on the format.
* The 'format' parameter gives the format, using the same codes as in
* readInt(). 'val' is the integer value to be written. If 'val' is
* outside of the bounds of the format to be written, the written
* value is truncated.
* The byte array must be large enough to hold the number of bytes
* required by the format starting at the starting index. An "index
* out of range" exception is thrown if the byte array doesn't have
* enough space to store the value.
* The value is not checked for range. If the value is outside of the
* range that the format is capable of storing, the value stored will
* be truncated to its least significant bits that fit the format.
* For example, attempting to store 0xABCD in an 8-bit format will
* store only 0xCD.
* Note that the signedness doesn't matter when writing a value. The
* signedness is important only when reading the value back in.
writeInt(startIndex, format, val);
* Pack data values into bytes according to a format definition string,
* and store the packed bytes in the byte array starting at the given
* index.
* 'idx' is the starting index in the array for the packed bytes.
* 'format' is the format string, which specifies the binary
* representations to use for the argument values. The remaining
* arguments after 'format' are the data values to pack.
* Returns the number of bytes written to the array. (More precisely,
* returns the final write pointer as a byte offset from 'idx'. If a
* positioning code like @ or X is used in the string, it's possible
* that more bytes were actually written.)
* You can also call packBytes a static method, on the ByteArray class
* itself:
*. ByteArray.packBytes(format, ...)
* The static version of the method packs the data into bytes the same
* way the regular method does, but returns a new ByteArray object
* containing the packed bytes. Note that there's no index argument
* with the static version.
* Refer to Byte Packing in the System Manual for details.
packBytes(idx, format, ...);
* Unpack bytes from the byte array starting at the given index, and
* translate the bytes into data values according to the given format
* string.
* 'idx' is the starting index in the array for the unpacking, and
* 'format' is the format string. Returns a list of the unpacked
* values.
* Refer to Byte Packing in the System Manual for details.
unpackBytes(idx, format);
* Get the SHA-256 hash of the bytes in the array. This calculates the
* 256-bit Secure Hash Algorithm 2 hash value, returning the hash as a
* 64-character string of hex digits. The hash value is computed on
* the UTF-8 representation of the string. If 'idx' and 'len' are
* specified, they give the range of bytes to include in the hash; the
* default is to hash the whole array.
sha256(idx?, len?);
* Get the MD5 digest of the string. This calculates the 128-bit RSA
* MD5 digest value, returning the digest as a 32-character string of
* hex digits. The hash value is computed on the UTF-8 representation
* of the string. If 'idx' and 'len' are specified, the give the range
* of bytes to include in the hash; the default is to hash the whole
* array.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Integer format codes, for readInt() and writeInt()
/* integer sizes */
#define FmtSize8 0x0000
#define FmtSize16 0x0001
#define FmtSize32 0x0002
/* integer byte orders */
#define FmtLittleEndian 0x0000
#define FmtBigEndian 0x0010
/* integer signedness */
#define FmtSigned 0x0000
#define FmtUnsigned 0x0100
/* pre-composed integer formats */
#define FmtInt8 (FmtSize8 | FmtSigned)
#define FmtUInt8 (FmtSize8 | FmtUnsigned)
#define FmtInt16LE (FmtSize16 | FmtLittleEndian | FmtSigned)
#define FmtUInt16LE (FmtSize16 | FmtLittleEndian | FmtUnsigned)
#define FmtInt16BE (FmtSize16 | FmtBigEndian | FmtSigned)
#define FmtUInt16BE (FmtSize16 | FmtBigEndian | FmtUnsigned)
#define FmtInt32LE (FmtSize32 | FmtLittleEndian | FmtSigned)
#define FmtInt32BE (FmtSize32 | FmtBigEndian | FmtSigned)
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1