#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Collective - this is an object that can be used to refer to a group of
* other (usually equivalent) objects collectively. In most cases, this
* object will be a separate game object that contains or can contain the
* individuals: a bag of marbles can be a collective for the marbles, or
* a book of matches can be a collective for the matchsticks.
* A collective object is usually given the same plural vocabulary as its
* individuals. When we use that plural vocabulary, we will filter for
* or against the collective, as determined by the noun phrase
* production, when the player uses the collective term.
class Collective: Thing
* A list of one or more tokens, any of which might be used to refer to me
* as a plural object. E.g. if the Collective is a bunch of grapes,
* pluralTokes might be ['grapes']. This is used so that I'm chosen in
* preference to individual objects (e.g. grapes) when the player's
* command includes one of these plural tokens, but an individual object
* (e.g. a grape) is preferred otherwise.
* By default (if this is left as nil by the user) the library populates
* this list from our name property, which in the majority of cases should
* achieve what's needed. This property only needs to be user-defined in
* cases where using the name won't work, even in conjunction with the
* extraToks property.
collectiveToks = nil
* A list of additional tokens added to our collectiveToks at preInit.
* This might be needed, for example, if a Collective called 'stack of
* cans' also answers to 'pile of tins' (i.e., if it has 'pile' and 'tins'
* defined as additional nouns it its vocab property), in which case we'd
* need to defined these tokens ['pile', 'tins'] here.
extraToks = nil
/* Did the player's command match any of our collectiveToks ? [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION] */
collectiveDobjMatch = nil
/* Did the player's command match any of our collectiveToks ? [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION] */
collectiveIobjMatch = nil
/* The number of dispensible items being requested. */
numberWanted = 0
/* For the COLLECTIVE EXTENSION decide whether to select the collective object (ourselves) or an individual item. */
filterResolveList(np, cmd, mode)
/* Carry out any inherited handling */
inherited(np, cmd, mode);
local num = np.quantifier == nil ? 1 : np.quantifier;
local collectiveMatch = np.tokens.overlapsWith(collectiveToks)
&& num == 1;
* Note whether we have a collective match in the particular role
* being considered.
if(np.role == DirectObject)
collectiveDobjMatch = collectiveMatch;
/* Note the numberWanted */
numberWanted = num;
if(np.role == IndirectObject)
collectiveIobjMatch = collectiveMatch;
/* Go through each of the NPMatch objects in our list. */
foreach(local cur in np.matches)
* Only worry about it if the NPMatch object's associated object
* is one for which we're a collective. If it is, we need to make
* a decision.
* If the player's command included one of our collectiveToks,
* then we're the preferred object to use, so remove cur from
* the list of possible matches.
if(collectiveMatch || collectiveAction(np, cmd))
np.matches -= cur;
/* Otherwise prefer the individual item. */
/* So remove our NPMatch object from the list of matches. */
np.matches = np.matches.subset({m: m.obj != self});
* Then stop looping through the match list, since there's
* no more to do.
* Determine if I'm a collective object for the given object.
* In order to be a collective for some objects, an object must have
* vocabulary for the plural name, and must return true from this method
* for the collected objects.
* The cmd parameter can be use to determine the current action
* (cmd.action), in case we want to vary our decision according to the
* action.
* The np parameter can be used, inter alia, to determine the role
* (np.role), e.g. as DirectObject or IndirectObject.
isCollectiveFor(obj) { return nil; }
collectiveAction(np, cmd) { return nil; }
/* Overidden for COLLECTIVE EXTENSION */
* If collectiveToks hasn't been defined, populate it with tokens
* drawn from our name plus any user-defined extraToks.
if(collectiveToks == nil)
collectiveToks = name.toLower.split(' ') + valToList(extraToks);
* A DispensingCollective is a Collective that dispenses objects when the
* player takes from it; e.g. a bunch of grapes that dispenses grapes.
class DispensingCollective: Collective
* If definesd the class of object that is created and dispensed when an
* actor takes from this DispensingCollective. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION]
dispensedClass = nil
* Alternatively, a list of objects that are taken in turn when we take
* from this DispensingCollective. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION]
dispensedObjs = nil
/* The number of objects we have dispensed so far. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION] */
dispensedCount = 0
* The total number of objects we can dispense. If this is nil, there is
maxToDispense = nil
* The number of objects we have left to dispense. This is updated by the
* canDispense method, and shouldn't be overridden by user code. It may,
* however, for use code to consult this property, e.g. to vary our
numLeft = 0
* In principle a DispensingCollective can supply additional items on
* demand. This property is used by the parser to prevent it from throwing
* an error when the player asks for more of the items we dispense than
* are currently in scope. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION]
canSupply = true
/* Is it possible (or allowed) to dispense any more objects from us? [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION] */
* If we have a list of dispensedObjs, we can continue to dispense
* until we reach the end of the list.
numLeft = valToList(dispensedObjs).length - dispensedCount;
* Otherwise, if we have a dispensed class we can continue to dispense
* either if there is no limit to the number we can dispense
* (maxToDispense = nil) or until we have dispensed maxToDispense
* objects.
* There's no limit to the number we can dispense, so simply
* return true.
if(maxToDispense == nil)
return true;
numLeft = maxToDispense - dispensedCount;
* We can dispense the number of objects asked provided that number
* is no greater than the number we have left.
return numberWanted <= numLeft;;
/* Dispense an object from this DispensingCollective. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION]*/
for(local i in 1..numberWanted)
/* Increase the count of the number of objects dispensed. */
/* If we have a list of dispensedObjs, select the next one. */
obj = valToList(dispensedObjs) [dispensedCount];
/* Otherwise create a new object of our dispensedClass class. */
obj = dispensedClass.createInstance();
* Check that the actor has room to hold obj, and stop the action
* if not.
if(gOutStream.watchForOutput({: obj.checkRoomToHold() }))
/* Move the object into the actor's inventory. */
* If we have now dispensed all the objects we can, carry out any
* appropriate adjustments
if(dispensedCount == maxToDispense)
/* Say that we have dispensed the object. */
/* Display a message saying that the actor has taken an object from us. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION]*/
local objDesc = numberWanted == 1 ? obj.aName :
spellNumber(numberWanted) + ' ' + obj.pluralNameFrom(;
DMsg(say dispensed, '{I} {take} {1} from {2}. ', objDesc, theName);
* Game code can override this method on specific objects to carry out the
* effects of dispensing the maximum number of objects we're going to
* dispense, e.g. by changing the description, or replacing a bunch of
* bananas by a single banana (when it's the last one left). We do nothing
* here in the library, since what's needed will vary with the specifics
* The TAKE action applied to a DispensingCollective might mean one of two
* things: it might be an attempt to take the DispensingCollective (e.g.
* the bunch of grapes) itself, or it may be an attempt to take a single
* item (e.g. a single grape from the bunch). We assume it's the former if
* what the player typed matches the plural vocab (e.g. 'grapes') and the
* latter otherwise. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION]
* If it's an attempt to take us, rather than an item from us, use
* the inherited handling.
* If it's an attempt to take us, rather than an item from us, use
* the inherited handling.
* Otherwise see if we're able to dispense another item and
* complain if we can't.
else if(!canDispense)
* If it's an attempt to take us, rather than an item from us, use
* the inherited handling.
* Otherwise, dispense an item (e.g. take a single grape from the
* bunch of grapes.
* We need to be able to handle commands like TAKE GRAPE FROM BUNCH where
* the DispensingCollective represents both objects in the command (since
* until we actually take the grape - or whatever the dispensed object is
* to be - it doesn't yet exist in scope to be the object of the command.)
if(dispensedObjs && gTentativeDobj.overlapsWith(dispensedObjs))
else if(dispensedClass && gTentativeDobj.indexWhich({o:
o.ofKind(dispensedClass) } ))
else if(gTentativeDobj.indexOf(self))
cannotTakeFromHereMsg = BMsg(cant take from dispenser, '{I} {can\'t} take {a
dobj} from {the iobj}. ')
if(gIobj == self)
check() { checkDobjTake(); }
action() { actionDobjTake(); }
if(numLeft < 1)
/* The message to display when there's no more items to dispense from us. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION]*/
cannotDispenseMsg = BMsg(cannot dispense, '{I} {can\'t} take any more from
{the dobj}. ')
* The message to display when the player has asked us for more items than
* we have left. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION]
notEnoughLeftMsg = BMsg(not that many left, 'There{plural} {aren\'t} that
many left to take. ')
/* Are we the Collective for obj? [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION] */
/* We are not the Collective for obj if obj */
if(dispensedObjs && valToList(dispensedObjs).indexOf(obj) != nil)
return true;
if(dispensedClass && obj.ofKind(dispensedClass))
return true;
return nil;
/* The TakeFrom action should always act on us, the Collective. [COLLECTIVE EXTENSION] */
collectiveAction(np, cmd)
return cmd.action == TakeFrom;
/* Overidden for COLLECTIVE EXTENSION */
* Force an initial calculation of our numLeft property, the
* number of items we have left to dispense.
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1