#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A Command describes the results of parsing one player predicate - that
* is, a single verb phrase, with all its parts. This includes the
* action to be performed and the objects to perform it on. It also
* includes information on the text of the player's input, and how it
* maps onto the grammar structures defined by the language module.
* The Command object is built in several steps, so its contents aren't
* complete until all of the steps are completed.
class Command: object
* Create the command object. There are several ways to create a
* command:
* new Command(parseTree) - create from a parsed command syntax tree.
* new Command(action, dobjProd...) - create from a given Action and
* a set of parsed syntax trees for the noun phrases. The first noun
* phrase is the direct object, the second is the indirect object,
* and the third is the accessory.
* new Command(action, dobjs...) - create from a given Action and a
* set of objects or object lists for the noun slots. The first
* argument after the Action, dobjs, can be a single Mentionable
* object to use as the resolved direct object, or a list or vector
* of Mentionables to use as the multiple direct objects. The next
* argument is in the same format and is used for the indirect
* object. The third is the accessory.
* new Command(actor, action, dobjs...) - create from a given actor
* (as a Mentionable object), an Action object, and the object list.
* new Command() - create a blank Command, for setting up externally
* or in a subclass.
/* presume the command will be implicitly addressed to the PC */
actor = gPlayerChar; //World.playerChar;
/* check the various argument list formats */
if (args.matchProto([Production]))
/* build the command from the parse tree */
args[1].build(self, nil);
/* save the parse tree */
parseTree = args[1];
else if (args.matchProto([Action, '...'])
|| args.matchProto([Mentionable, Action, '...']))
/* retrieve and skip the actor, if present */
local i = 1;
if (!args[i].ofKind(Action))
actor = args[i++];
/* retrieve the action */
action = args[i++];
/* the additional arguments are for the noun phrase slots */
local roles = NounRole.all, rlen = roles.length();
local alen = args.length();
for (local r = 1 ; r <= rlen && i <= alen ; ++i, ++r)
/* get this noun phrase match tree or object list */
local np = args[i];
* Check the type of this argument: if it's a Production,
* it's a parse tree to build into a NounPhrase list for
* the slot. If it's a list/vector, it's a list of
* resolved objects for the slot.
if (np.ofKind(Production))
/* parse tree - assign the role for this noun phrase */
np.nounPhraseRole = roles[r];
/* build it */, addNounListItem(roles[r], np));
else if (np.ofKind(List))
/* it's an object list - save a copy */
self.(roles[r].objListProp) = np;
else if (np.ofKind(Vector))
/* it's an object vector - save a list copy */
self.(roles[r].objListProp) = np.toList();
else if (np.ofKind(Mentionable))
/* single object - make it into a single-element list */
self.(roles[r].objListProp) = [np];
/* also set it as the current object */
self.(roles[r].objProp) = np;
/* synthesize an NPMatch object for it */
local m = new NPMatch(nil, np, 0);
m.flags = SelProg;
self.(roles[r].objMatchProp) = m;
throw new ArgumentMismatchError();
else if (args.matchProto([]))
/* no arguments - they just want a basic empty command */
throw new ArgumentMismatchError();
/* set up the reflexive antecedent table (if we didn't already) */
if (reflexiveAnte == nil)
reflexiveAnte = new LookupTable(16, 32);
/* clone - create a new Command based on this Command */
/* create a new object with my same property values */
local cl = createClone();
* make a copy of the antecedent table, so that changes made in
* the clone don't affect the original, and vice versa
cl.reflexiveAnte = new LookupTable(16, 32);
reflexiveAnte.forEachAssoc({ key, val: cl.reflexiveAnte[key] = val });
/* likewise the object list vectors, if any */
foreach (local role in npList)
local v = cl.(role.objListProp);
if (v.ofKind(Vector))
cl.(role.objListProp) = new Vector(v.length(), v);
/* return the clone */
return cl;
/* clone a noun phrase that's part of this command */
/* create a clone of the noun phrase */
local cl = np.clone();
/* find and replace the original copy with the clone */
foreach (local role in npList)
/* look for 'np' in this role's list of noun phrases */
local idx;
if ((idx = self.(role.npListProp).indexOf(np)) != nil)
/* found it - replace it with the clone, and we're done */
self.(role.npListProp) [idx] = cl;
/* return the clone */
return cl;
* Execute the action. This carries out the entire command
* processing sequence for the action. If the action involves a list
* of objects (as in TAKE ALL or DROP BOOK AND CANDLE), we iterate
* over the listed objects, executing the action on each object in
* turn.
gAction = action;
originalAction = action;
lastAction = nil;
gCommand = self;
actions = [];
if(verbProd != nil)
local lastCommandStr = buildCommandString();
if(gameMain.autoSwitchAgain && action != Again)
gameMain.againRepeatsParse = action.againRepeatsParse;
libGlobal.lastCommand = self.createClone();
libGlobal.lastCommandForAgain = lastCommandStr;
if(action.includeInUndo && verbProd != nil)
libGlobal.lastCommandForUndo = lastCommandStr;
* First, carry out the group action. This gives the verb a
* chance to perform the action collectively on all of the objects
* at once.
* Get the list of predicate noun roles. We only iterate over the
* noun roles that are verb arguments.
local predRoles = npList.subset({ r: r.isPredicate });
* If we have any noun phrases, iterate over each combination of
* objects. Otherwise, this is an intransitive verb, so just
* perform a single execution of the Action, with no objects.
if (predRoles.length() == 0)
/* it's intransitive - just execute once */
* It's transitive, so execute iteratively over the objects.
* First, generate the distinguished object names for each
* list.
foreach (local role in predRoles)
/* get the NPMatch list for this role */
local matches = self.(role.objListProp);
/* get the list of names for this role's list of objects */
local names = Distinguisher.getNames(
matches.mapAll({ m: m.obj }), nil);
* Assign each NPMatch object its name from the name list.
* The name list is of the form [name, [objects]], so for
* each object, we need to find the element n such that
* n[2] (the object list) contains the object in question,
* then retrieve the name string from n[1].
{ m: = names.valWhich(
{ n: n[2].indexOf(m.obj) != nil }) [1] });
* Sort the preRoles into canonical order (typically
* DirectObject, IndirectObject, AccessoryObject)
predRoles = predRoles.sort(SortAsc, {a, b: a.order - b.order});
* execute for each combination of objects, starting with the
* objects in the first role list
execCombos(predRoles, 1, [action]);
* Let every action that has been involved in this Command
* summarize or report on what it has just done.
foreach(local a in actions)
action = a;
* Reset the action to the original one, if it has been executed,
* or else to the first one actually executed.
action = (actions.indexOf(originalAction) || actions.length == 0)
? originalAction : actions[1];
/* List our own sequence of afterReports, if we have any. */
/* Carry out the after action handling for the current action */
* Carry out the turn sequence handling (daemons and turn count
* increment) for the current action.
/* Advance the game clock time for the current action. */
catch(AbortActionSignal aas)
* An AbortActionSignal skips the rest of the command including
* the post-action processing such as daemons and advancing the
* turn counter; the idea is that an abort command (macro)
* effectively cancels the entire command, or at least the rest of
* the command from the point it's issued.
* Rebuild the original command string from the tokens. We call this out
* as a separate method so language-specific code can override it.
return valToList(verbProd.tokenList).mapAll({x:
getTokVal(x)}).join(' ');
/* A list of actions executed directly by this command or via a Doer */
actions = []
* The originalAction this Command started out with, which may be changed
* by a Doer (or some other mechanism)
originalAction = nil
* A list of strings containing reports to be displayed at the end of the
* command execution cycle for this command.
afterReports = []
* Run through our list of afterReports displaying each in turn. We do
* this on the Command rather than on any of the Actions since actions may
* invoke other actions (implicit, remapped, nested or replaced), while
* the afterReports pertain to the command as a whole.
foreach(local cur in afterReports)
* A list of reports of previous implicit actions performed in the course
* of executing this command which can be used if we need to collate a
* report of a stack of implicit actions.
implicitActionReports = []
* Execute the command for each combination of objects for noun role index
* 'n' and above. 'lst' is a list containing a partial object combination
* for roles at lower indices. We iterate over each combination of the
* remaining objects. predRoles is a list containing predicate roles (such
* DirectObject, IndirectObject, AccessoryObject) relating to this action.
* Callers are responsible for sorting predRoles into the correct order
* before calling this method.
execCombos(predRoles, n, lst)
/* get this slot's role */
local role = predRoles[n];
/* iterate over the objects in the slot at this index */
foreach (local obj in self.(role.objListProp))
/* set the current object and selection flags for this role */
self.(role.objProp) = obj.obj;
self.(role.objMatchProp) = obj;
* create a new list that includes the new object at the
* appropriate place.
local nlst = lst;
/* add the object to the list */
nlst += obj.obj;
* if there are more noun roles, recursively iterate over
* combinations of the remaining roles
if (n < predRoles.length())
/* we have more roles - iterate over them recursively */
execCombos(predRoles, n+1, nlst);
* this is the last role - we have a complete combination
* of current objects now, so execute the action with the
* current set
* Execute one iteration of the command for a particular combination
* of objects. 'lst' is the object combination to execute: this is
* an [action, dobj, iobj, ...] list.
/* carry out the default action processing */
catch (ExitSignal ex)
* If the action isn't one this Command has executed before while
* iterating over its list of objects, note that we've now
* executed it
if(actions.indexOf(action) == nil)
actions += action;
/* Restore the original action */
action = originalAction;
* Execute the command via the Doers that match the command's action
* and objects. 'lst' is the object combination to execute: [action,
* dobj, iobj, ...].
* In case the author tries to use gDobj and the like to match a
* command, assign values to them
gDobj = dobj;
gIobj = iobj;
gAobj = aobj;
/* find the list of matching Doers */
local dlst = DoerCmd.findDoers(lst);
IfDebug(doers, oSay('''[Executing Doer; cmd = '<<dlst[1].cmd>>']\n'''));
/* Change the action to a new action with a new set of objects */
changeAction(newAct, newDo, newIo, newAo)
action = newAct;
* If we haven't used this action before while executing this command,
* reset it.
if(actions.indexOf(action) == nil)
dobj = newDo;
iobj = newIo;
acc = newAo;
action.curDobj = newDo;
action.curIobj = newIo;
action.curAobj = newAo;
gAction = action;
gAction.redirectParent = originalAction;
* Invoke a callback for each object in the current command
* iteration. This invokes the callback on the direct object,
* indirect object, accessory, and any other custom roles added by
* the game.
/* loop over the occupied roles */
foreach (local role in npListSorted)
/* if this role is occupied, invoke the callback */
local obj = self.(role.objProp);
if (obj != nil)
func(role, obj);
catch (BreakLoopSignal sig)
/* we've broken out of the loop, so 'sig' is now handled */
* Are terse messages OK for this command? A terse message is a
* simple acknowledgment of a standard command, such as "Taken",
* "Dropped", "Done", etc. The action is so ordinary that the result
* of a successful attempt should be obvious to the player; so the
* only reply needed is an acknowledgment, not an explanation.
* Terse replies only apply to simple actions, and only when the
* actor is the player character, AND there's no disambiguation
* involved. If the actor isn't the PC, an acknowledgment isn't
* sufficient; we should instead describe the NPC carrying out the
* action, since it's something we observe, not something we do. If
* any objects were disambiguated, we also want to describe the
* action fully, because the ambiguity calls for a description of
* precisely which objects were chosen. Disambiguation guesses are
* sometimes wrong, so when they're involved, it's not safe to assume
* that the player and parser must both be thinking the same thing.
* Showing a full description of the action will make it obvious to
* the player when we guessed wrong, because the description won't
* accord with what they had in mind. A terse acknowledgment would
* hide this difference, allowing the player to wrongly assume that
* the parser did what they thought it was going to do and
* potentially leading to confusion down the road.
/* use full messages for NPC-directed commands */
if (actor != gPlayerChar)
return nil;
* use full message for commands where ALL was used, since
* the player might not otherwise know what ALL referred to.
if(matchedAll || matchedMulti)
return nil;
/* check all noun roles for Disambig flags */
foreach (local role in npList)
* if this is a predicate role, and there's an object in this
* slot with the Disambig flag, don't allow terse messages
if (role.isPredicate
&& self.(role.objProp) != nil
&& (self.(role.objMatchProp).flags & SelDisambig) != 0)
return nil;
* If we're reporting on fewer objects than the player requested then
* we'd better be specific about which ones we mean.
if(dobjs.length > action.reportList.length)
return nil;
/* we have no objection to terse messages */
return true;
* Add a noun production, building it out as though it had been part
* of the original parse tree. This can be used to add a noun phrase
* after the initial parsing, such as when the player supplies a
* missing object.
addNounProd(role, prod)
/* create a noun list item for the production */
local np = addNounListItem(role, prod);
if(npListSorted.length != npList.length)
npListSorted = npList;
/* build the tree */
prod.nounPhraseRole = role;, np);
/* let the verb production know about the change */
verbProd.answerMissing(self, np);
/* add a noun phrase to the given role (a NounRole) */
addNounListItem(role, prod)
/* create the new noun phrase object of the appropriate type */
local np = prod.npClass.createInstance(nil, prod);
/* remember the role in the noun phrase */
np.role = role;
/* add it to the given list */
self.(role.npListProp) += np;
* If this role isn't already in our list or roles, and it has a
* match property, add it. Roles without match properties aren't
* predicate noun roles, so they don't go in our predicate object
* list.
if (npList.indexOf(role) == nil)
npList += role;
* if the action is a TIAction then make sure the Direct and
* Indirect Objects are dealt with in the right order as specified
* by the action's resolveIobjFirst property. We do this on a copy
* of the list (npSorted) so we don't break anything that needs
* the original order (such as matching a Doer).
npListSorted = npList;
if(action != nil && action.ofKind(TIAction))
local doIdx = npListSorted.indexOf(DirectObject);
local ioIdx = npListSorted.indexOf(IndirectObject);
if(doIdx != nil && ioIdx != nil)
if((action.resolveIobjFirst && ioIdx > doIdx)
|| (!action.resolveIobjFirst && doIdx > ioIdx))
npListSorted[ioIdx] = DirectObject;
npListSorted[doIdx] = IndirectObject;
/* return the new noun phrase */
return np;
* Start processing a new disambiguation reply. This adds a reply to
* a disambiguation question.
startDisambigReply(parent, prod)
/* create the first NounPhrase for this reply */
local np = new NounPhrase(parent, prod);
/* add a new NounPhrase list to the reply list */
disambig = disambig.append([np]);
/* return the new noun phrase */
return np;
* Add a disambiguation list item. This adds a NounPhrase item to
* the current reply list.
/* get the current reply list */
local idx = disambig.length(), lst = disambig[idx];
/* create the new noun phrase */
local np = new NounPhrase(lst[1].parent, prod);
/* add it to the current disambiguation reply list */
disambig[idx] = lst + np;
/* return it */
return np;
* Fetch a disambiguation reply. If we have more replies available,
* this returns the next reply's noun phrase list, otherwise nil.
return (disambigIdx <= disambig.length()
? disambig[disambigIdx++]
: nil);
/* mark a noun phrase role as empty */
/* if this role isn't in our list yet, add it */
if (npList.indexOf(role) == nil)
npList += role;
/* count the missing phrase */
/* clear out the role list */
self.(role.npListProp) = [];
/* resolve the noun phrases */
* Note that we're the current command, in case anything wants to know
gCommand = self;
/* we don't have an error for this resolution pass yet */
cmdErr = nil;
/* we haven't started pulling disambiguation replies yet */
disambigIdx = 1;
/* Note the orginal lists of nps */
local npListOld = npList;
local npListSortedOld = npListSorted;
* If the player has just supplied a missing object, we only want to
* resolve the object for that role.
if(npToResolve != nil)
npList = [npToResolve];
npListSorted = [npToResolve];
* Start by getting the basic vocabulary matches for each noun
* phrase. Run through each noun phrase list.
forEachNP({ np: np.matchVocab(self) });
* Before we do the object selection, build the tentative lists
* of resolved objects. This can be handy during disambiguation
* to help decide the resolution of one slot based on the
* possible values for other slots. For example, for PUT COIN IN
* JAR, it might help us choose a coin to know that the iobj is
* JAR.
/* determine the actor */
if (actorNPs != [])
* We have an explicit addressee. If we have more than one
* object for the actor phrase, disambiguate to a single
* object. Disambiguate in the context of TALK TO.
local anp = actorNPs[1];
if (anp.matches.length() > 1)
anp.disambiguate(self, 1, TalkTo);
if (anp.matches.length() == 0)
throw new UnmatchedActorError(anp);
/* pull out the match as the actor object */
actor = anp.matches[1].obj;
* select the objects from the available matches according to the
* grammatical mode (definite, indefinite, plural)
forEachNP({ np: np.selectObjects(self) });
* Go back and re-resolve ALL lists. For two-object commands,
* resolving ALL in one slot sometimes depends on resolving the
* object in the other slot first.
forEachNP({ np: np.resolveAll(self) });
* Set up the second-person reflexive pronoun antecedent. For a
* command addressed in the imperative form to an NPC (e.g., BOB,
* EXAMINE YOURSELF), YOU binds to the addressee. For anything
* YOURSELF), YOU binds to the player character.
if (reflexiveAnte != nil)
if (actorNPs != [] && actorPerson == 2)
/* imperative addressed to an actor: YOU is the actor */
reflexiveAnte[You] = [actor];
/* for anything else, YOU is the PC */
reflexiveAnte[You] = [gPlayerChar]; //[World.playerChar];
* Resolve reflexive pronouns (e.g., ASK BOB ABOUT HIMSELF). We
* have to do this as a separate step because reflexives refer
* back to other noun phrases in the same command. We can't do
* this until after we resolve everything else.
forEachNP({ np: np.resolveReflexives(self) });
/* check for empty roles */
foreach (local role in npList)
if (self.(role.npListProp).length() == 0)
throw new EmptyNounError(self, role);
* Clear out the old object lists, then build them anew. The old
* object lists were tentative, before disambiguation; we want to
* replace them now with the final lists.
/* Restore the original lists of nps */
npList = npListOld;
npListSorted = npListSortedOld;
/* carry out a callback for each noun phrase in each list */
/* run through each noun phrase list in the command */
foreach (local role in npListSorted)
/* run through each NounPhrase in this slot's list */
foreach (local np in self.(role.npListProp))
/* invoke the callback on this item */
* If the parser has just asked the player to supply a missing object via
* the askMissingObject() function, we don't want to resolve the nouns for
* every object role, but only for the role with which askMissingObject()
* is currently concerned; askMissingObject() stores that role here so
* that our resolvedNouns() method knows to resolve only the noun for this
* role rather than for all the roles in the command. If npToResolve is
* nil (as it normally will be) then it will be ignored, and all noun
* roles will be resolved.
npToResolve = nil
* Build the object lists. This runs through each NounPhrase in the
* command to build its 'objs' list, then builds the corresponding
* master list in the Command object.
* Note that we're the current command object, so that other object
* methods can refer to our object lists.
gCommand = self;
/* run through each active noun phrase list */
foreach (local role in npList)
/* set up a vector to hold this list's nouns */
self.(role.objListProp) = new Vector(10);
/* build the object list for each NounPhrase */
foreach (local np in self.(role.npListProp))
/* build the list */
/* append it to the master match list for this slot */
* Save a potential antecedent for a reflexive pronoun coming up
* later in the command. Each time we visit a noun phrase during the
* reflexive pronoun phase, we'll note its resolved objects here.
* Since we visit the noun phrases in their order of appearance in
* the command, we'll naturally always have the latest one mentioned
* when we come to a reflexive pronoun. This gives us the correct
* resolution, which is the nearest preceding noun. Note that the
* noun phrase shouldn't call this routine to note reflexive
* pronouns, since they don't bind to earlier reflexive pronouns -
* they only bind to regular noun phrases.
/* if we don't have a reflexive antecedent table, skip this */
if (reflexiveAnte == nil)
/* if the object isn't already a list, wrap it in a list */
local lst = obj;
if (!lst.ofKind(Collection))
lst = [obj];
* Run through the regular pronoun list, and save this object
* with the pronouns that apply to this object. Note that a
* given object might match multiple pronouns, so we might save
* the object for several different pronouns.
foreach (local p in Pronoun.all)
if (p.matchObj(obj))
reflexiveAnte[p] = lst;
* Resolve a reflexive pronoun on behalf of one of the NounPhrases
* within this command.
/* if there's no table, there's no antecedent */
if (reflexiveAnte == nil)
return [];
/* get the meaning from the reflexive antecedent table */
local ante = reflexiveAnte[pronoun];
/* if there's no antecedent defined, return an empty list */
if (ante == nil)
ante = [];
/* return the result */
return ante;
/* table of reflexive pronoun antecedents */
reflexiveAnte = nil
* Class method: Sort a list of Command matches, in priority order.
* The priority order is the order for processing predicate grammar
* matches: start at the highest priority, and work through the list
* until you find one where the noun phrases resolve to valid
* game-world objects; that's the one to execute.
/* First reduce the list to those with active predicates */
cmdLst = cmdLst.subset({c: c.predActive});
/* pre-calculate the priorities, to save work during the sort */
foreach (local cmd in cmdLst)
/* sort in descending order of priority */
return cmdLst.sort(SortDesc, {a, b: a.priority - b.priority});
* Calculate the parsing priority.
* When the parser looks for grammar rule matches to the input, it
* considers *all* of the possible matches. Natural language is full
* of syntactic ambiguity, so a given input string can often be
* parsed into several different, but equally valid, syntax trees.
* It's often impossible to tell which parsing is correct based on
* syntax alone - you often have to look at the overall meaning of
* the sentence. For example, GIVE BOOK TO BOB could be interpreted
* as having a direct object (BOOK) and an indirect object (BOB), or
* it could be seen as having only a direct object (BOOK TO BOB,
* treating the TO as a prepositional phrase modifying BOOK rather
* than as a part of the verb phrase structure). The initial parsing
* phase only looks at the syntax, so it has to consider all of the
* valid phrase structures, even though a human speaker would
* immediately dismiss many of them as nonsensical. Once we find all
* of the syntax matches, the parser puts them into priority order,
* and then goes down the list looking for the first one that makes
* sense semantically (which is defined roughly as having noun
* phrases that refer to actual objects).
* The priority, then, represents our guess at the likelihood that
* the grammar structure matches the user's intentions, based on the
* syntax. Our fundamental assumption is that the command is valid:
* that is, it's well-formed grammatically, AND it expresses
* something that's possible, or at least logical to try, within the
* game-world context. Given this, our strategy is to find a grammar
* structure that gives us a command that we can actually carry out.
* The priority is a composite value, made up of weighted component
* values. We combine the components into a single scalar value
* simply by adding up the parts multiplied by their weights. (Or,
* looked at another way, we combine the values using a high-radix
* numbering system.) The components are, from most significant to
* least significant:
* - Grammatically correct commands sort ahead of commands with
* structural errors.
* - The predicate priority, from the VerbProduction. (This tells us
* how "complete" the predicate structure is: a predicate with
* missing information has a lower priority. This is in keeping with
* our assumption that the user's input is well-formed - we'll try
* the most complete structures first before falling back on the
* possibility that the user left out some information.)
* - Filled noun slots ahead of missing noun slots. A missing noun
* slot occurs when the player leaves one of the noun roles empty
* (PUT BOX, TAKE). We can fill in this information with automatic
* defaults, so it's not necessarily a reason to reject the parsing,
* but if there's another interpretation that has fully occupied noun
* slots, try the occupied one first.
* - More noun phrase slots first. For example, sort a command with
* a direct and indirect object (two slots) ahead of one with only a
* direct object. More slots means that we found more "structure" in
* the command; we can sometimes interpret the same command with less
* structure by subsuming more words into a long noun phrase.
* - Longest noun phrases, in aggregate, first. This is in terms of
* tokens matched from the user input. (We want to consider longer
* noun phrases first because it's more likely that they'll match
* exact objects, so there's less chance of ambiguity, *and* it's
* more likely that if we're wrong about the structure, we'll simply
* fail to find a matching object and move on to other parse trees.
* Longer noun phrases are less likely to yield spurious matches
* simply because they have more words that have to match.)
* - Grammatical noun phrases take priority over misc word phrases (a
* misc word phrase is text in a noun phrase slot that doesn't match
* any of the defined patterns in the grammar rules).
* - Longest command first, in terms of tokens matched from the user
* input. (The more user input we use the better, since that gives
* us more confidence that we're correctly interpreting what the user
* said. When we leave extra tokens for later, we can't be sure that
* we'll be able to make any sense of what's left over, whereas
* tokens in the current match are known to fit a grammar rule.)
return (badMulti == nil ? 250000000 : 0)
+ predPriority*2500000
+ 500000*(4 - min(missingNouns, 4))
+ 100000*min(numNounSlots(), 4)
+ 10000*(9 - min(miscWordLists.length(), 9))
+ 100*min(npTokenLen(), 99)
+ min(tokenLen, 99);
* Set a fixed priority. This makes the priority a fixed value
* rather than a calculated value. We call this before sorting a
* list of commands, so that we don't have to recalculate the
* priority value repeatedly during the sort.
fixPriority() { priority = self.calcPriority(); }
/* note a noun phrase with a miscellaneous word list */
/* if we haven't already noted this one, add it to our list */
if (miscWordLists.indexOf(np) == nil)
miscWordLists += np;
/* the calculated priority */
priority = 0
* List of noun phrases containing misc word phrases. The misc word
* phrase grammar rules will notify us when they're visited in the
* build process, and we'll note them here.
miscWordLists = []
* Do we have any missing or empty noun phrases in the match? The
* verb and noun phrases will fill this in.
missingNouns = 0
* The number of tokens from the command line that we matched for the
* command. The CommandProduction object sets this for us as it
* builds the command from the parse tree. We use this to determine
* the priority order of the syntax matches, when there are multiple
* matches: other things being equal, we'll take the longest match.
* Longer matches are better because they come closer to using
* everything the user typed, which is our eventual goal.
* This reflects the number of tokens used in the first predicate
* phrase; it omits any additional predicates or conjunctions. We
* only count the first predicate because we always go back and
* re-parse any additional text on the line from scratch after
* executing the first predicate, in case the execution changes the
* game state in such a way that the parsing changes.
tokenLen = 0
/* Calculate the sum of the token lengths of our noun phrases */
/* sum the token counts of all of the noun phrases */
local tot = 0;
forEachNP({ np: tot += np.tokens.length() });
/* return the sum */
return tot;
/* Calculate the number of noun slots we have filled in */
numNounSlots() { return npList.length(); }
/* the predicate priority (see VerbProduction.priority) */
predPriority = 0
/* is our predicate currently active (see VerbProduction.isActive) */
predActive = true
* The parse tree (the root of the grammar match), if applicable.
* Commands built from user input have a parse tree; those built
* internally don't. Note that the parse tree doesn't necessarily
* include *all* of the user input, since we could have asked
* questions (disambiguation, missing noun phrases) before the
* command was completed. The question replies will be represented
* in noun phrases or other data added to the command after the
* initial parse.
parseTree = nil
/* the Action object giving the action to be performed */
action = nil
/* the Previous action performed by this command */
lastAction = nil
/* the VerbProduction object for the command */
verbProd = nil
/* the resolved actor; we determine this before disambiguation */
actor = nil
/* the actor(s) to whom the command is addressed, as a NounPhrase list */
actorNPs = []
/* the actor(s), as NPMatch objects */
actors = []
* The grammatical person in which we're addressing the actor. This
* is 2 for a second-person address, 3 for third-person orders.
* (It's hard to think of a case for first-person orders, but
* The conventional IF syntax for giving orders is ACTOR, DO
* SOMETHING, which addresses ACTOR in the second person (as YOU).
* This means that second-person pronouns
actorPerson = 2
/* the direct object phrases, as a list of NounPhrase objects */
dobjNPs = []
/* the list of resolved direct objects, as NPMatch objects */
dobjs = []
/* the current direct object for the current action iteration */
dobj = nil
/* the NPMatch object for the current iteration's direct object */
dobjInfo = nil
/* the indirect object phrases, as a list of NounPhrase objects */
iobjNPs = []
/* the list of resolved indirect objects, as NPMatch objects */
iobjs = []
/* the indirect object for the current iteration */
iobj = nil
/* the NPMatch object for the current indirect object */
iobjInfo = nil
/* the accessory phrases, as a list of NounPhrase objects */
accNPs = []
/* the list of resolved accessory objects, as NPMatch objects */
accs = []
/* the accessory object for the current iteration */
acc = nil
/* synonym for the accessory object */
aobj = (acc)
/* the NPMatch object for the current accessory */
accInfo = nil
* Disambiguation replies. Each time the player answers a
* disambiguation question, we add the reply to this list. We then
* go back and re-resolve the noun phrases, fetching replies from the
* list as we encounter the ambiguous objects again.
* Note that this is a list of list. Each reply is a list of
* NounPhrase objects, and we might have a series of replies, so one
* list represents one reply.
disambig = []
/* the next available disambiguation reply */
disambigIdx = 1
* Is this command at the end of a sentence? The grammar match sets
* this to true if the input syntax puts this predicate at the end of
* a sentence. For example, in the English grammar, this is set if
* there's a period after this predicate. This tells the parser that
* the next predicate in the same line is the start of a new
* sentence, so sentence-opening syntax is allowed.
endOfSentence = nil
* The noun phrase roles (as NounRole objects), in the order they
* actually appear in the user input. We build this list as the
* VerbProduction adds our noun phrases. The phrase order is
* important when there are reflexive pronouns, because a reflexive
* pronoun generally refers back to the nearest preceding phrase of
* the same number and gender.
npList = []
* A copy of the npList sorted to ensure that the direct and indirect
* objects of a TIAction are verified in the order specified on that
* action.
npListSorted = []
* Error flag: we have a noun list (grammatically) where a single
* noun is required. When this occurs, this will be set to the role
* where the error was noted.
badMulti = nil
* The token list for the next predicate. The first predicate
* production fills this in during the build process with the token
* list for the next predicate on the same command line, based on the
* location of the conjunction or punctuation that ends the first
* predicate. This is just what's left of the token list after the
* tokens used for our own predicate and after any conjunctions or
* punctuation marks that separate our predicate from the next one.
nextTokens = []
* The error we encountered building the command, if any. This is
* usually a noun resolution error.
cmdErr = nil
/* Does this command apply to objects matched to ALL? */
matchedAll = nil
/* Does this command apply to objects matched to multiple objects? */
matchedMulti = nil
madeTopic = nil
* Get the command phrase entered by the player, with the words used to
* match the direct, indirect and accessory objects replaced by (dobj),
* (iobj) and (acc) respectively; e.g. PUT RED BALL ON TABLE becomes 'put
* (dobj) on (iobj)'
* If for any reason we don't have a verbProd property, return an
* empty string (to avoid any run-time errors below).
if(verbProd == nil)
return '';
/* Get the tokens making up the current command. */
local toks = verbProd.tokenList.mapAll({t: getTokVal(t)});
/* Define a couple of local variables for use below */
local idx1, idx2;
* For each of the possible dobjMatch, iobjMatch and accMatch
* properties, replace the tokens used to match the dobj, iobj or
* accessory object with the placeholder '(dobj)', '(iobj)' or
* '(acc)'. To do that, replace the first token used to match the
* object with the placeholder, and then the other tokens that matched
* the object with '?-?'.
idx1 = verbProd.dobjMatch.np_.firstTokenIndex;
idx2 = verbProd.dobjMatch.np_.lastTokenIndex;
toks[idx1] = '(dobj)';
for(local i = idx1 + 1; i <= idx2; i++)
toks[i] = '?-?';
idx1 = verbProd.iobjMatch.np_.firstTokenIndex;
idx2 = verbProd.iobjMatch.np_.lastTokenIndex;
toks[idx1] = '(iobj)';
for(local i = idx1 + 1; i <= idx2; i++)
toks[i] = '?-?';
idx1 = verbProd.accMatch.np_.firstTokenIndex;
idx2 = verbProd.accMatch.np_.lastTokenIndex;
toks[idx1] = '(acc)';
for(local i = idx1 + 1; i <= idx2; i++)
toks[i] = '?-?';
/* Now remove all the '?-?' tokens */
toks = toks.subset({t: t != '?-?'});
/* Join the tokens together into a string and return it. */
return toks.join(' ');
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A FuncCommand is a special version of Command that carries out its
* action via a custom callback function, rather than by executing a
* regular Action. This can be used to create a simple one-off custom
* command without having to create a separate Action for it.
class FuncCommand: Command
* Create: provide the grammar match object, if any, and the callback
* function to execute to carry out the command.
construct(prod, func)
/* call the appropriate inherited constructor */
if (prod != nil)
/* save the callback function */
self.func = func;
/* the callback function for carrying out our command action */
func = nil
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1