#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
* *************************************************************************
* events.t This module forms an optional part of the adv3Lite library. Note,
* however, that it must be present for certain other modules such as actor.t
* and scene.t to function properly, so it must be included if any of them
* are.
* (c) 2012-13 Eric Eve (but based largely on code borrowed from the adv3
* library (c) Michael J. Roberts).
* The eventManager is the object that manages the execution of Events such as
* Fuses and Daemons.
eventManager: object
/* Add an event to the list of events to be executed. */
/* Remove an event from the list of events to be executed. */
* Remove events matching the given object and property combination.
* We remove all events that match both the object and property
* (events matching only the object or only the property are not
* affected).
* This is provided mostly as a convenience for cases where an event
* is known to be uniquely identifiable by its object and property
* values; this saves the caller the trouble of keeping track of the
* Event object created when the event was first registered.
* When a particular object/property combination might be used in
* several different events, it's better to keep a reference to the
* Event object representing each event, and use removeEvent() to
* remove the specific Event object of interest.
* Returns true if we find any matching events, nil if not.
removeMatchingEvents(obj, prop)
local found;
* Scan our list, and remove each event matching the parameters.
* Note that it's safe to remove things from a vector that we're
* iterating with foreach(), since foreach() makes a safe copy
* of the vector for the iteration.
found = nil;
foreach (local cur in eventList)
/* if this one matches, remove it */
if (cur.eventMatches(obj, prop))
/* remove the event */
/* note that we found a match */
found = true;
/* return our 'found' indication */
return found;
* Remove the current event - this is provided for convenience so
* that an event can cancel itself in the course of its execution.
* Note that this has no effect on the current event execution -
* this simply prevents the event from receiving additional
* notifications in the future.
/* remove the currently active event from our list */
* Execute a turn. We'll execute each fuse and each daemon that is
* currently schedulable.
local lst;
* first execute all the 'Schedulables' that need to run each turn. In
* practice this will be all the actor takeTurn routines that will be
* registered by the actor module if present.
* build a list of all of our events with the current game clock time
* - these are the events that are currently schedulable. Also include
* any events that have never been executed but whose next run time is
* greater than the current turn count (otherwise these events will
* never be executed).
lst = eventList.subset({x: x.getNextRunTime() == libGlobal.totalTurns
|| (x.executed == nil && x.getNextRunTime()
&& x.getNextRunTime() < libGlobal.totalTurns)
/* execute the items in this list */
/* no change in scheduling priorities */
return true;
* Execute a command prompt turn. We'll execute each
* per-command-prompt daemon.
/* execute all of the per-command-prompt daemons */
executeList(eventList.subset({x: x.isPromptDaemon}));
* internal service routine - execute the fuses and daemons in the
* given list, in eventOrder priority order
/* sort the list in ascending event order */
lst = lst.toList()
.sort(SortAsc, {a, b: a.eventOrder - b.eventOrder});
/* run through the list and execute each item ready to run */
foreach (local cur in lst)
/* remember our old active event, then establish the new one */
local oldEvent = curEvent_;
curEvent_ = cur;
/* make sure we restore things on the way out */
/* execute the event */
/* note that the event has been executed */
cur.executed = true;
catch (Exception exc)
* If an event throws an exception out of its handler,
* remove the event from the active list. If we were to
* leave it active, we'd go back and execute the same
* event again the next time we look for something to
* schedule, and that would in turn probably just
* encounter the same exception - so we'd be stuck in an
* infinite loop executing this erroneous code. To
* ensure that we don't get stuck, remove the event.
/* re-throw the exception */
throw exc;
/* restore the enclosing current event */
curEvent_ = oldEvent;
curEvent_ = nil
eventList = static new Vector(20)
* A list of 'schedulables'. These are objects whose executeEvent() method
* should be called each turn prior to other events such as Fuses and
* Daemons. The main use for this in the library is to provide a mechanism
* for the takeTurn method of each Actor to be called before Fuses and
* Daemons are run, mainly in case an AgendaItem sets up a Fuse or Daemon
* that may need to execute on the same turn, or if a Scene wants to do
* so.
schedulableList = []
* An Event is an object such as a Fuse or Daemon that is executed according
* to certain conditions. Game code will normally use one of its subclasses
* rather than the Event class directly.
class Event: object
/* Construct a new Event */
construct(obj, prop)
* Note the object we refer to and the property of that object to
* execute.
obj_ = obj;
prop_ = prop;
/* Add this Event to the eventManager's list of events/ */
/* The object we're associated with */
obj_ = nil
/* A pointer to the property of that object to execute */
prop_ = nil
/* The interval at which this Event is to be executed. */
interval_ = nil
* Get the next run time, i.e. the next turn on which this Event should
* execute obj_.(prop_).
return nextRunTime;
/* delay our scheduled run time by the given number of turns */
delayEvent(turns) { nextRunTime += turns; }
* Execute the event. This must be overridden by the subclass to
* perform the appropriate operation when executed. In particular,
* the subclass must reschedule or unschedule the event, as
* appropriate.
executeEvent() { }
/* does this event match the given object/property combination? */
eventMatches(obj, prop) { return obj == obj_ && prop == prop_; }
* Event order - this establishes the order we run relative to other
* events scheduled to run at the same game clock time. Lowest
* number goes first. By default, we provide an event order of 100,
* which should leave plenty of room for custom events before and
* after default events.
eventOrder = 100
* our next execution time, expressed in game clock time; by
* default, we'll set this to nil, which means that we are not
* scheduled to execute at all
nextRunTime = nil
/* by default, we're not a per-command-prompt daemon */
isPromptDaemon = nil
/* Call the method this Event should execute when it's ready to do so */
* If we don't define a senseObj_ or the player character can sense
* our senseObj_ via the appropriate sense, simply execute the prop_
* method on our obj_. This check allows game code to ensure that the
* player doesn't see messages relating to events the player character
* cannot perceive.
if(senseObj_ == nil || Q.(senseProp_)(gPlayerChar, senseObj_))
/* Otherwise capture the output from executing obj_.(prop_) */
captureText = gOutStream.captureOutput({: obj_.(prop_) });
* It's possible that executing the Event changes the sensory
* context, so we need to check whether the object in question can
* now be sensed, and if so, display the text we've just captured.
if(Q.(senseProp_)(gPlayerChar, senseObj_))
/* Remove this event from the eventManager's list of events. */
* If the senseObj_ property is defined (normally via our constructor),
* the player character must be able to sense the senseObj_ via the sense
* defined in senseProp_ for any textual output from obj_.(prop_) to be
* displayed when this Event is executed.
senseObj_ = nil
* The sense via which we test whether senseObj_ can be sensed by the
* player character. This must be given as an appropriate property of the
* Query object, e.g. &canSee or &canHear.
senseProp_ = nil
/* Text captured from callMethod() */
captureText = nil
/* Flag - has this event ever been executed */
executed = nil
* Fuse. A fuse is an event that fires once at a given time in the
* future. Once a fuse is executed, it is removed from further
* scheduling.
class Fuse: Event
* Creation. 'turns' is the number of turns in the future at which
* the fuse is executed; if turns is 0, the fuse will be executed on
* the current turn.
construct(obj, prop, interval)
/* inherit the base class constructor */
inherited(obj, prop);
* set my scheduled time to the current game clock time plus the
* number of turns into the future
nextRunTime = libGlobal.totalTurns + interval;
/* execute the fuse */
/* call my method */
/* a fuse fires only once, so remove myself from further scheduling */
* A SenseFuse is just like a Fuse except that any text produced during its
* execution is only displayed if the player char is able to sense the
* relevant object either at the start or at the end of the Fuse's execution.
class SenseFuse: Fuse
* senseObj is the object which must be sensed for this Fuse's text to be
* displayed. senseProp is one of &canSee, &canReach, &canHear, &canSmell.
* If these parameters are omitted then the senseObj will be the same as
* the obj whose prop property is executed by the Fuse, and the senseProp
* will be &canSee, probably the most common case.
construct(obj, prop, interval, senseProp = &canSee, senseObj = obj)
inherited(obj, prop, interval);
senseObj_ = senseObj;
senseProp_ = senseProp;
/* A Daemon is an Event that executes once every defined number of turns. */
class Daemon: Event
* Creation. 'interval' is the number of turns between invocations
* of the daemon; this should be at least 1, which causes the daemon
* to be invoked on each turn. The first execution will be
* (interval-1) turns in the future - so if interval is 1, the
* daemon will first be executed on the current turn, and if
* interval is 2, the daemon will be executed on the next turn.
construct(obj, prop, interval)
/* inherit the base class constructor */
inherited(obj, prop);
* an interval of less than 0 is meaningless, so make sure it's
* at least 1
if (interval < 0)
interval = 1;
* remember my interval. In the special case where the interval is 0,
* store an interval of 1 but schedule first execution for the current
* turn.
interval_ = interval == 0 ? 1 : interval;
* set my initial execution time, in game clock time
// nextRunTime = libGlobal.totalTurns + interval - 1;
nextRunTime = libGlobal.totalTurns + interval;
/* execute the daemon */
/* call my method */
/* advance our next run time by our interval */
nextRunTime += interval_;
/* our execution interval, in turns */
interval_ = 1
* A SenseDaemon is just like a Daemon except that any text produced during
* its execution is only displayed if the player char is able to sense the
* relevant object either at the start or at the end of the Daemon's
* execution.
class SenseDaemon: Daemon
* Creation: in addition to the parameters passed to Daemon's constructor,
* senseObj is the object which must be sensed for this Daemon's text to
* be displayed. senseProp is one of &canSee, &canReach, &canHear,
* &canSmell. If these parameters are omitted then the senseObj will be
* the same as the obj whose prop property is executed by the Daemon, and
* the senseProp will be &canSee, probably the most common case.
construct(obj, prop, interval, senseProp = &canSee, senseObj = obj)
inherited(obj, prop, interval);
senseObj_ = senseObj;
senseProp_ = senseProp;
* Command Prompt Daemon. This is a special type of daemon that
* executes not according to the game clock, but rather once per command
* prompt. The system executes all of these daemons just before each
* time it prompts for a command line.
class PromptDaemon: Event
/* execute the daemon */
* call my method - there's nothing else to do for this type of
* daemon, since our scheduling is not affected by the game
* clock
/* flag: we are a special per-command-prompt daemon */
isPromptDaemon = true
* A one-time-only prompt daemon is a regular command prompt daemon,
* except that it fires only once. After it fires once, the daemon
* automatically deactivates itself, so that it won't fire again.
* Prompt daemons are occasionally useful for non-recurring processing,
* when you want to defer some bit of code until a "safe" time between
* turns. In these cases, the regular PromptDaemon is inconvenient to
* use because it automatically recurs. This subclass is handy for these
* cases, since it lets you schedule some bit of processing for a single
* deferred execution.
* One special situation where one-time prompt daemons can be handy is in
* triggering conversational events - such as initiating a conversation -
* at the very beginning of the game. Initiating a conversation can only
* be done from within an action context, but no action context is in
* effect during the game's initialization. An easy way to deal with
* this is to create a one-time prompt daemon during initialization, and
* then trigger the event from the daemon's callback method. The prompt
* daemon will set up a daemon action environment just before the first
* command prompt is displayed, at which point the callback will be able
* to trigger the event as though it were in ordinary action handler
* code.
class OneTimePromptDaemon: PromptDaemon
/* execute as normal */
/* remove myself from the event list, so that I don't fire again */
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1