#charset "us-ascii"
* Based on Copyright (c) 2002, 2006 by Michael J. Roberts
* Based on exitslister.t, copyright 2002 by Steve Breslin and
* incorporated by permission.
* TADS 3 Library - Exits Lister
* This module provides an automatic exit lister that shows the apparent
* exits from the player character's location. The automatic exit lister
* can optionally provide these main features:
* - An "exits" verb lets the player explicitly show the list of apparent
* exits, along with the name of the room to which each exit connects.
* - Exits can be shown automatically as part of the room description.
* This extra information can be controlled by the player through the
* "exits on" and "exits off" command.
* - Exits can be shown automatically when an actor tries to go in a
* direction where no exit exists, as a helpful reminder of which
* directions are valid.
/* include the library header */
#include "advlite.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The main exits lister.
exitLister: PreinitObject
/* preinitialization */
/* install myself as the global exit lister object */
gExitLister = self;
* Flag: use "verbose" listing style for exit lists in room
* descriptions. When this is set to true, we'll show a
* sentence-style list of exits ("Obvious exits lead east to the
* living room, south, and up."). When this is set to nil, we'll use
* a terse style, enclosing the message in the default system
* message's brackets ("[Obvious exits: East, West]").
* Verbose-style room descriptions tend to fit well with a room
* description's prose, but at the expense of looking redundant with
* the exit list that's usually built into each room's custom
* descriptive text to begin with. Some authors prefer the terse
* style precisely because it doesn't look like more prose
* description, but looks like a separate bit of information being
* offered.
* This is an author-configured setting; the library does not provide
* a command to let the player control this setting.
roomDescVerbose = nil
* Flag: show automatic exit listings on attempts to move in
* directions that don't allow travel. Enable this by default,
* since most players appreciate having the exit list called out
* separately from the room description (where any mention of exits
* might be buried in lots of other text) in place of an unspecific
* "you can't go that way".
* This is an author-configured setting; the library does not provide
* a command to let the player control this setting.
enableReminder = true
* Flag: enable the automatic exit reminder even when the room
* description exit listing is enabled. When this is nil, we will
* NOT show a reminder with "can't go that way" messages when the
* room description exit list is enabled - this is the default,
* because it can be a little much to have the list of exits shown so
* frequently. Some authors might prefer to show the reminder
* unconditionally, though, so this option is offered.
* This is an author-configured setting; the library does not provide
* a command to let the player control this setting.
enableReminderAlways = nil
* Flag: use hyperlinks in the directions mentioned in room
* description exit lists, so that players can click on the direction
* name in the listing to enter the direction command.
enableHyperlinks = true
/* flag: we've explained how the exits on/off command works */
exitsOnOffExplained = nil
* Determine if the "reminder" is enabled. The reminder is the list
* of exits we show along with a "can't go that way" message, to
* reminder the player of the valid exits when an invalid one is
* attempted.
* The reminder is enabled if enableReminderAlways is true, OR if
* enableReminder is true AND exitsMode.inRoomDesc is nil.
return (enableReminderAlways
|| (enableReminder && !exitsMode.inRoomDesc));
* Get the exit lister we use for room descriptions.
/* use the verbose or terse lister, according to the configuration */
return roomDescVerbose
? lookAroundExitLister
: lookAroundTerseExitLister;
/* perform the "exits" command to show exits on explicit request */
/* show exits for the current actor */
* if we haven't explained how to turn exit listing on and off,
* do so now
if (!exitsOnOffExplained)
DMsg(explain exits on off,
'<.p>Exit Listing can be adjusted with the following
EXITS ON -- show exits in both the status line and in room
EXITS OFF -- show exits neither in the status line nor in room
EXITS STATUS -- show exits in the status line only.\n
EXITS LOOK -- show exits in room descriptions only.\n
EXITS COLOR ON -- show unvisited exits in a different colour.\n
EXITS COLOR OFF -- don\'t show unvisited exits in a different colour.\n
EXITS COLOR RED / BLUE / GREEN / YELLOW -- show unvisted exits in the
specified colour.
exitsOnOffExplained = true;
* Perform an EXITS ON/OFF/STATUS/LOOK command. 'stat' indicates
* whether we're turning on (true) or off (nil) the statusline exit
* listing; 'look' indicates whether we're turning the room
* description listing on or off.
exitsOnOffCommand(stat, look)
/* set the new status */
exitsMode.inStatusLine = stat;
exitsMode.inRoomDesc = look;
/* confirm the new status */
DMsg(exits on off okay, 'Okay. Exit listing in the status line is now
<<stat ? 'ON' : 'OFF'>>, while exit listing in room descriptions is
now <<look ? 'ON' : 'OFF'>>. ');
* If we haven't already explained how the EXITS ON/OFF command
* works, don't bother explaining it now, since they obviously
* know how it works if they've actually used it.
exitsOnOffExplained = true;
/* show the list of exits from an actor's current location */
/* show exits from the actor's location */
showExitsFrom(actor, actor.getOutermostRoom);
/* show an exit list display in the status line, if desired */
/* if statusline exit displays are enabled, show the exit list */
if (exitsMode.inStatusLine)
showExitsWithLister(gPlayerChar, gPlayerChar.getOutermostRoom,
* Calculate the contribution of the exits list to the height of the
* status line, in lines of text. If we're not configured to display
* the exits list in the status line, then the contribution is zero;
* otherwise, we'll estimate how much space we need to display the
* exit list.
* if we're enabled, our standard display takes up one line; if
* we're disabled, we don't contribute anything to the status
* line's vertical extent
if (exitsMode.inStatusLine)
return 1;
return 0;
/* show exits as part of a room description */
lookAroundShowExits(actor, loc, illum)
/* if room exit displays are enabled, show the exits */
if (exitsMode.inRoomDesc)
showExitsWithLister(actor, loc, getRoomDescLister, illum);
/* show exits as part of a "cannot go that way" error */
cannotGoShowExits(actor, loc)
/* if we want to show the reminder, show it */
if (isReminderEnabled())
showExitsWithLister(actor, loc, explicitExitLister,
/* show the list of exits from a given location for a given actor */
showExitsFrom(actor, loc)
/* show exits with our standard lister */
showExitsWithLister(actor, loc, explicitExitLister,
* Show the list of exits using a specific lister.
* 'actor' is the actor for whom the display is being generated.
* 'loc' is the location whose exit list is to be shown; this need
* not be the same as the actor's current location. 'lister' is the
* Lister object that will show the list of DestInfo objects that we
* create to represent the exit list.
* 'locIsLit' indicates whether or not the ambient illumination, for
* the actor's visual senses, is sufficient that the actor would be
* able to see if the actor were in the new location. We take this
* as a parameter so that we don't have to re-compute the
* information if the caller has already computed it for other
* reasons (such as showing a room description). If the caller
* hasn't otherwise computed the value, it can be easily computed as
* loc.wouldBeLitFor(actor).
showExitsWithLister(actor, loc, lister, locIsLit)
local destList;
local options;
/* we have no option flags for the lister yet */
options = 0;
/* run through all of the directions used in the game */
destList = new Vector(Direction.allDirections.length());
foreach(local dir in Direction.allDirections)
local conn = nil;
case TypeNil:
case TypeSString:
case TypeDString:
case TypeObject:
conn = loc.(dir.dirProp);
if(conn.isConnectorVisible && conn.isConnectorListed)
destList.append(new DestInfo(dir, conn.getDestination(gRoom)));
* If the property points to code then presumably something
* happens if the player goes this way, so we'll list the
* exit, unless the extraDestInfo table explicitly lists the
* destination as nil.
case TypeCode:
local dest = libGlobal.extraDestInfo[[loc, dir]];
if(dest != nil)
destList.append(new DestInfo(dir, dest));
/* show the list */
lister.showListAll(destList.toList(), options, 0);
ExitLister: Lister
showListAll(lst, options, indent)
local cnt = lst.length;
if(cnt == 0)
showListEmpty(nil, nil);
showListPrefixWide(1, nil, nil);
for(local obj in lst, local i = 1 ; ; ++i)
showListItem(obj, nil, nil, nil);
showListSeparator(nil, i, cnt);
showListSuffixWide(cnt, nil, nil);
listerShowsDest = nil
exitsPrefix = BMsg(exits, 'Exits:');
statuslineExitLister: ExitLister
showListEmpty(pov, parent)
"<<statusHTML(3)>><b><<exitsPrefix>></b> <<BMsg(status line noexits, '<i>None</i>')>>
showListPrefixWide(cnt, pov, parent)
"<<statusHTML(3)>><b><<exitsPrefix>></b> ";
showListSuffixWide(cnt, pov, parent)
showListItem(obj, options, pov, infoTab)
if(highlightUnvisitedExits && (obj.dest_ == nil || !obj.dest_.seen))
htmlSay('<FONT COLOR="<<unvisitedExitColour>>">');
"<<aHref(obj.dir_.name, obj.dir_.name, 'Go ' + obj.dir_.name,
if(highlightUnvisitedExits && (obj.dest_ == nil || !obj.dest_.seen))
showListSeparator(options, curItemNum, totalItems)
/* just show a space between items */
if (curItemNum != totalItems)
" ";
/* this lister does not show destination names */
listerShowsDest = nil
highlightUnvisitedExits = true
unvisitedExitColour = 'green'
lookAroundExitLister: ExitLister
showListEmpty(pov, parent)
DMsg(no exits from here, 'There {plural} {are} no exits from {here}. ');
showListPrefixWide(cnt, pov, parent)
"<<exitsPrefix>> ";
showListSuffixWide(cnt, pov, parent)
showListItem(obj, options, pov, infoTab)
showListSeparator(options, curItemNum, totalItems)
if(curItemNum == totalItems - 1)
" and ";
if(curItemNum < totalItems - 1)
", ";
lookAroundTerseExitLister: ExitLister
showListEmpty(pov, parent)
DMsg(no exits, 'Exits: none. ');
showListPrefixWide(cnt, pov, parent)
"<<exitsPrefix>> ";
showListSuffixWide(cnt, pov, parent)
showListItem(obj, options, pov, infoTab)
htmlSay('<<aHref(obj.dir_.name, obj.dir_.name, 'Go ' + obj.dir_.name,
showListSeparator(options, curItemNum, totalItems)
if(curItemNum == totalItems - 1)
" and ";
if(curItemNum < totalItems - 1)
", ";
explicitExitLister: ExitLister
showListEmpty(pov, parent)
DMsg(no clear exits, 'It{dummy}{\'s} not clear where {i} {can} go from
{here}. ');
showListPrefixWide(cnt, pov, parent)
DMsg(exits from here, 'From {here} {i} could go ');
showListSuffixWide(cnt, pov, parent)
showListItem(obj, options, pov, infoTab)
htmlSay('<<aHref(obj.dir_.name, obj.dir_.name, 'Go ' + obj.dir_.name,
showListSeparator(options, curItemNum, totalItems)
if(curItemNum == totalItems - 1)
" or ";
if(curItemNum < totalItems - 1)
", ";
* A destination tracker. This keeps track of a direction and the
* apparent destination in that direction.
class DestInfo: object
construct(dir, dest, destName?, destIsBack?)
/* remember the direction, destination, and destination name */
dir_ = dir;
dest_ = dest;
/* the direction of travel */
dir_ = nil
/* the destination room object */
dest_ = nil
/* the name of the destination */
destName_ = nil
/* flag: this is the "back to" destination */
destIsBack_ = nil
/* list of other directions that go to our same destination */
others_ = []
* Settings item - show defaults in status line [SettingsItem)
exitsMode: object
/* our ID */
settingID = 'adv3.exits'
/* show our description */
DMsg(current exit settings, 'Exits are listed
<<if(inStatusLine && inRoomDesc)>>
both in the status line and in room descriptions.
<<else if(inStatusLine && !inRoomDesc)>>
in the status line only.
<<else if(!inStatusLine && inRoomDesc)>>
in room descriptions only.
<<else if(!inStatusLine && !inRoomDesc)>>
"neither in the status line nor in room descriptions. <<end>>');
/* convert to text */
/* just return the two binary variables */
return (inStatusLine ? 'on' : 'off')
+ ','
+ (inRoomDesc ? 'on' : 'off');
/* parse out our format */
if (rexMatch('<space>*(<alpha>+)<space>*,<space>*(<alpha>+)',
str.toLower()) != nil)
/* pull out the two variables from the regexp groups */
inStatusLine = (rexGroup(1) [3] == 'on');
inRoomDesc = (rexGroup(2) [3] == 'on');
* Our value is in two parts. inStatusLine controls whether or not
* we show the exit list in the status line; inRoomDesc controls the
* exit listing in room descriptions.
inStatusLine = true
inRoomDesc = nil
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1