#charset "us-ascii"
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Michael J. Roberts. All Rights Reserved.
* TADS 3 Library - footnotes
* This module defines objects related to footnotes.
* Slightly modified for use with adv3Lite by Eric Eve
/* include the library header */
#include "advlite.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Footnote - this allows footnote references to be generated in
* displayed text, and the user to retrieve the contents of the footnote
* on demand.
* Create an instance of Footnote for each footnote. For each footnote
* object, define the "desc" property as a double-quoted string (or
* method) displaying the footnote's contents.
* To display a footnote reference in a passage of text, call
* <<x.noteRef>>, where x is the footnote object in question. That's all
* you have to do - we'll automatically assign the footnote a sequential
* number (so that footnote references are always seen by the player in
* ascending order, regardless of the order in which the player
* encounters the sources of the footnotes), and the NOTE command will
* automatically figure out which footnote object is involved for a given
* footnote number.
* This class also serves as a daemon notification object to receive
* per-command daemon calls. The first time we show a footnote
* reference, we'll show an explanation of how footnotes work.
class Footnote: object
* Display the contents of the footnote - this will be called when
* the user asks to show the footnote with the "NOTE n" command.
* Each instance must provide suitable text here.
desc = ""
* Get a reference to the footnote for use in a passage of text.
* This returns a single-quoted string to display as a reference to
* the footnote.
* if we haven't already assigned a number to this footnote,
* assign one now
if (footnoteNum == nil)
* Allocate a new footnote number and remember it as our
* own. Note that we want the last footnote number for all
* footnotes, so use the Footnote class property
* lastFootnote.
footnoteNum = ++(Footnote.lastFootnote);
* add myself to the class's list of numbered notes, so we
* can find this footnote easily again given its number
/* note that we've generated a footnote reference */
Footnote.everShownFootnote = true;
* If we're allowed to show footnotes, return the library
* message text to display given the note number. If all
* footnotes are being hidden, or if we're only showing new
* footnotes and we've already read this one, return an empty
* string.
case FootnotesFull:
/* we're showing all footnotes unconditionally */
return footnoteRef(footnoteNum);
case FootnotesMedium:
/* we're only showing unread footnotes */
return footnoteRead ? '' : footnoteRef(footnoteNum);
case FootnotesOff:
/* we're hiding all footnotes unconditionally */
return '';
* in case the status is invalid and we fall through, return an
* empty string as a last resort
return '';
/* get the string to display for a footnote reference */
/* set up a hyperlink for the note that enters the "note n" command */
return BMsg(footnote ref, '<sup>[<<aHref('footnote ' + num,
* Display a footnote given its number. If there is no such
* footnote, we'll display an error message saying so. (This is a
* class method, so it should be called directly on Footnote, not on
* instances of Footnote.)
* if there's a footnote for this number, display it; otherwise,
* display an error explaining that the footnote number is
* invalid
if (num >= 1 && num <= lastFootnote)
local fn;
* it's a valid footnote number - get the footnote object
* from our vector of footnotes, simply using the footnote
* number as an index into the vector
fn = numberedFootnotes[num];
/* show its description by calling 'desc' method */
/* note that this footnote text has been read */
fn.footnoteRead = true;
/* there is no such footnote */
DMsg(no such footnote, '<.parser>The story has never referred to
any such footnote.<./parser> ');
/* SettingsItem tracking our current status */
footnoteSettings = footnoteSettingsItem
* my footnote number - this is assigned the first time I'm
* referenced; initially we have no number, since we don't want to
* assign a number until the note is first referenced
footnoteNum = nil
* Flag: this footnote's full text has been displayed. This refers
* to the text of the footnote itself, not the reference, so this is
* only set when the "FOOTNOTE n" command is used to read this
* footnote.
footnoteRead = nil
* Static property: the highest footnote number currently in use.
* We start this at zero, because zero is never a valid footnote
* number.
lastFootnote = 0
* Static property: a vector of all footnotes which have had numbers
* assigned. We use this to find a footnote object given its note
* number.
numberedFootnotes = static new Vector(20)
/* static property: we've never shown a footnote reference before */
everShownFootnote = nil
/* static property: per-command-prompt daemon entrypoint */
* If we've ever shown a footnote, show the footnote
* notification now. Note that we know we've never shown a
* notification before simply because we're still running - we
* remove this daemon as soon as it shows its notification.
if (everShownFootnote)
/* show the first footnote notification */
DMsg(first footnote, 'A number in [square brackets] like the one
above refers to a footnote, which you can read by typing
FOOTNOTE followed by the number: <<aHref('footnote 1',
'FOOTNOTE 1', 'Show footnote [1]')>>, for example.
Footnotes usually contain added background information that
might be interesting but isn’t essential to the story. If
you’d prefer not to see footnotes at all, you can control
their appearance by typing <<aHref('footnotes', 'FOOTNOTES',
'Control footnote
* We only want to show this notification once in the whole
* game, so we can cancel this daemon now. Since we're the
* event that's running, we can just tell the event manager
* to remove the current event from receiving further
* notifications.
/* our FOOTNOTES settings item [FOOTNOTE EXTENSION]*/
footnoteSettingsItem: object
/* our current status - the factory default is "medium" */
showFootnotes = FootnotesMedium
* get the setting's external file string representation
case FootnotesMedium:
return 'medium';
case FootnotesFull:
return 'full';
return 'off';
/* convert to lower-case and strip off spaces */
if (rexMatch('<space>*(<alpha>+)', str.toLower()) != nil)
str = rexGroup(1) [3];
/* check the keyword */
switch (str)
case 'off':
showFootnotes = FootnotesOff;
case 'medium':
showFootnotes = FootnotesMedium;
case 'full':
showFootnotes = FootnotesFull;
* pre-initialization - set up the footnote explanation daemon
footnotePreinit: PreinitObject
/* since we're available, register as the global footnote handler */
libGlobal.footnoteClass = Footnote;
/* initialize the footnote notification daemon */
new PromptDaemon(Footnote, &checkNotification);
* This VerbRule is defined directly in the FOOTNOTE
* extension.
* Note to translators: the following VerbRules are defined directly in
* the FOOTNOTES extension file since it would be awkward to put them
* anywhere else. When translating, define an additional language-specific
* file (e.g. footnotes_fr.t or footnotes_de.t) and in it include (a)
* your language-specific modifications to the following VerbRules
* (using modify VerbRule) and (b) a CustomMessages object containing
* translations of any DMsg and BMsg text used in this extension. Then
* instruct users to include your language-specific file after this one.
('footnote' | 'note') numericDobj
: VerbProduction
action = FootnoteAction
verbPhrase = 'show/showing a footnote'
'footnotes' 'full'
: VerbProduction
action = FootnotesFullAction
verbPhrase = 'enable/enabling all footnotes'
'footnotes' 'medium'
: VerbProduction
action = FootnotesMediumAction
verbPhrase = 'enable/enabling new footnotes'
'footnotes' 'off'
: VerbProduction
action = FootnotesOffAction
verbPhrase = 'hide/hiding footnotes'
: VerbProduction
action = FootnotesStatus
verbPhrase = 'show/showing footnote status'
/* ask the Footnote class to do the work */
if (libGlobal.footnoteClass != nil)
local num = c.dobj.numVal;
/* there's no point in including this in undo */
includeInUndo = nil
/* base class for FOOTNOTES xxx commands [FOOTNOTE EXTENSION]*/
if (libGlobal.footnoteClass != nil)
/* set my footnote status in the global setting */
libGlobal.footnoteClass.footnoteSettings.showFootnotes =
/* acknowledge it */
* the footnote status I set when this command is activated - this
* must be overridden by each subclass
showFootnotes = nil
DMsg(acknowledge footnote status, '<.parser>The setting is now {1}.
<./parser>', shortFootnoteStatus(stat));
/* show the footnote status, in short form */
local msg = BMsg(footnotes, 'FOOTNOTES ');
msg += (stat == FootnotesOff ? BMsg(footnote off, 'OFF')
: stat == FootnotesMedium ? BMsg(footnote medium, 'MEDIUM')
: BMsg(footnote full, 'FULL'));
return msg;
DefineAction(FootnotesFullAction, Footnotes)
showFootnotes = FootnotesFull
DefineAction(FootnotesMediumAction, Footnotes)
showFootnotes = FootnotesMedium
DefineAction(FootnotesOffAction, Footnotes)
showFootnotes = FootnotesOff
/* show the current status */
if (libGlobal.footnoteClass != nil)
/* there's no point in including this in undo */
includeInUndo = nil
"The current setting is FOOTNOTES ";
case FootnotesOff:
DMsg(show footnotes off,
'OFF, which hides all footnote references.
Type <<aHref('footnotes medium', 'FOOTNOTES MEDIUM',
'Set footnotes to Medium')>> to
show references to footnotes except those you’ve
already seen, or <<aHref('footnotes full', 'FOOTNOTES FULL',
'Set footnotes to Full')>>
to show all footnote references. ');
case FootnotesMedium:
DMsg(show footnotes medium,
'MEDIUM, which shows references to unread footnotes, but
hides references to those you’ve already read. Type
<<aHref('footnotes off', 'FOOTNOTES OFF',
'Turn off footnotes')>> to hide
footnote references entirely, or <<aHref(
'footnotes full', 'FOOTNOTES FULL',
'Set footnotes to Full')>> to show every reference, even to
notes you’ve already read. ');
case FootnotesFull:
DMsg(show footnotes full,
'FULL, which shows every footnote reference, even to
notes you’ve already read. Type <<aHref('footnotes medium',
'FOOTNOTES MEDIUM', 'Set footnotes to Medium')>> to show
only references to notes you
haven’t yet read, or <<
aHref('footnotes off', 'FOOTNOTES OFF', 'Turn off footnotes')>>
to hide footnote references entirely. ');
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1