#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
* ***************************************************************************
* gadget.t
* This module forms part of the adv3Lite library (c) 2012-13 Eric Eve
* This module contains definitions for various control gadgets like buttons,
* levers and dials.
/* A Button is an object that does something when pressed */
class Button: Thing
/* a button is usually fixed to something */
isFixed = true
/* Handle the Push command */
/* A Button is a good choice for a PUSH command */
verify() { logicalRank(120); }
/* Execute our makePushed method when we're pushed */
action() { makePushed(); }
/* If nothing else happens, just say 'Click!' */
report() { DMsg(click, 'Click!'); }
* Carry out the effects of pushing the button here. Particular Button
* objects will need to override this method to carry out the effect of
* pushing the button.
makePushed() { }
* A Lever is an object that can be in one of two positions: pulled (isPulled
* = true) or pushed (isPulled = nil), and which can be pulled and pushed
* between those two positions.
class Lever: Thing
/* a lever is usually fixed to something */
isFixed = true
/* is this lever in the pulled or pushed position. */
isPulled = nil
* By default we make isPushed the opposite of isPulled, but we defined
* them as separate properties in case we want a lever that can be in more
* than two positions, and so might be in an intermediate position that is
* neither pushed nor pulled.
isPushed = (!isPulled)
* Carry out pushing or pulling the lever. Note that this would need to be
* overridden on a Lever that can be in more than two states.
/* Set isPulled to stat */
isPulled = stat;
/* Handle Pulling this Lever */
* A Lever can't be pulled any further if it's already in the
* pulled position
/* Use the makePulled() method to handle pulling the lever */
action() { makePulled(true); }
/* The default report to display after pulling one or more levers */
report() { DMsg(okay pulled, 'Done|{I} pull{s/ed} {1}', gActionListStr); }
/* The message to display when we can't be pulled any further */
alreadyPulledMsg = BMsg(already pulled, '{The subj dobj} {is} already in the
pulled position. ')
/* Handle Pushing this Lever */
* A Lever can't be pushed any further if it's already in the
* pushed position
/* Use the makePulled() method to handle pushing the lever */
action() { makePulled(nil); }
/* The default report to display after pushing one or more levers */
report() { DMsg(okay pushed, 'Done|{I} push{es/ed} {1}', gActionListStr); }
/* The message to display when we can't be pushed any further */
alreadyPushedMsg = BMsg(already pushed, '{The subj dobj} {is} already in the
pushed position. ');
* A Settable is anything that can be set to particular values, such as a
* slider control or a dial. Various types of dial descending from Settable
* are defined below.
class Settable: Thing
* a list of the valid settings this Settable can have, given as list of
* single-quoted strings.
validSettings = []
/* our current setting */
curSetting = nil
* Put the setting into a standard form so it can be checked for validity.
* By default we turn it into lower case so that it doesn't matter what
* case the player types the desired setting in. We also strip any
* enclosing quotes that might have been used to pass an awkward value
* like "1.4" that the parser would otherwise misinterpret.
return stripQuotesFrom(val.toLower());
/* Set this Settable to its new setting, val */
/* Update our current setting to the canonicalized version of val */
curSetting = canonicalizeSetting(val);
* Check whether the proposed setting is valid. By default it is if the
* canonicalized version of val is present in our list of valid settings.
/* Convert val into its canonicalized equivalent. */
val = canonicalizeSetting(val);
* Determine whether val is present in our list of valid settings and
* return true or nil accordingly
return validSettings.indexOf(val) != nil;
/* A Settable is something that can be set to various values */
canSetMeTo = true
/* Handle a SET TO command targeted at this Settable */
/* Check whether we're being set to a valid setting */
* If the player is trying to set us to our current setting,
* display a message to that effect (which will halt the action).
if(curSetting == canonicalizeSetting(gLiteral))
* If the player is trying to set us to an invalid setting,
* display a message to that effect (which will halt the action).
/* Note that the action() handling for SET TO is defined on Thing */
invalidSettingMsg = BMsg(invalid setting, 'That {dummy} {is} not a valid
setting for {the dobj}. ')
alreadySetMsg = BMsg(already set, '{The subj dobj} {is} already set to {1}.
', curSetting)
* Most gadgets of this sort are part of or attached to something else, so
* we make them fixed in place by default
isFixed = true
/* A Dial is Simply a Settable we can turn as well as set */
class Dial: Settable
dobjFor(TurnTo) asDobjFor(SetTo)
canTurnMeTo = true
* A Numbered Dial is a Dial that can be turned to any integer in a defined
* range of numbers.
class NumberedDial: Dial
/* The lowest number to which this dial can be turned. */
minSetting = 0
/* The highest number to which this dial can be turned. */
maxSetting = 100
* If the spelledToInt() function is defined then allow the dial to be
* turned to a spelt-out number as well as a number given in digits, e.g.
/* Get the inherited value */
val = inherited(val);
/* Try to convert it to a number */
local num = defined(spelledToInt) ? spelledToInt(val) : nil;
* If the conversion was successful, convert val to a string
* representation of the number (e.g. '43').
val = toString(num);
/* Return val, changed as need be. */
return val;
/* Is val a valid setting for this dial? */
/* Convert val into its canonicalized equivalent. */
val = canonicalizeSetting(val);
* Try converting val to either a real number or an integer depending
* on whether allowDecimal is true or nil.
val = allowDecimal ? tryNum(val) : tryInt(val);
* Val is valid if it lies between our minimum and maximum settings
* (inclusively)
return val != nil && (val >= minSetting && val <= maxSetting);
allowDecimal = nil
* Mix-in class to help with inventory management. A BagOfHolding can be mixed
* in with a Container (or, less usually, Surface, RearContainer or Underside)
* to provide an object which, if held by the player character, will be used
* to move objects in the player character's inventory to if his/her hands
* become too full to pick up another object.
class BagOfHolding: object
* The affinity for this BagOfHolding for obj. This can be used to
* determined how 'willing' a particular BagOfHolding is to contain obj. A
* value of less than 1 means that the BagOfHolding can't contain obj at
* all. The higher the affinity, the better the choice this BagOfHolding
* is for obj. The default value is 100, or 0 for a BagOfHolding's
* affinity for itself.
return obj == self ? 0 : 100;
* To be suitable to contain obj a BagOfHolding must have enough spare
* capacity for it. If it has, its suitability is its affinity for obj;
* otherwise it's 0. A BagOfHolding is also unsuitable if it's locked.
if(obj.bulk > bulkCapacity - getBulkWithin || obj.bulk > maxSingleBulk
|| isLocked || obj.isFixed)
return 0;
return affinityFor(obj);
* Class method to determine whether the actor is carrying a suitable
* BagOfHolding that could be used to move something from his inventory
* into, and then to move items from the actor's inventory into an
* appropriate bag of holding.
/* Obtain a Vector containing the BagsOfHolding carried by the actor. */
local bohVec = gActor.contents.subset({x: x.ofKind(BagOfHolding)});
* If the actor is not carrying a BagOfHolding, there's nothing more
* we can do, so just stop here.
if(bohVec.length == 0)
/* The amount of bulk we need to free up */
local bulkToFree = gActor.getCarriedBulk + obj.bulk -
local idx = 1;
local carriedList = gActor.contents.subset({o: o.wornBy == nil
&& o.isFixed == nil});
while(bulkToFree > 0 && carriedList.length >= idx)
local objToMove = carriedList[idx];
* If we have more than one BagOfHolding available, sort our
* vector of BagsOfHolding in descending order of suitability
if(bohVec.length > 1)
bohVec.sort(SortDesc, {a, b: a.suitabilityFor(objToMove) -
b.suitabilityFor(objToMove) });
* Choose the first one in the Vector, which will be the most
* suitable.
local bagToUse = bohVec[1];
* If the most suitable bag of holding for the object we're trying
* to move isn't suitable, try again with another object.
if(bagToUse.suitabilityFor(objToMove) < 1)
* Get the action needed to move an object into the selected
* BagOfHolding.
local action = bagToUse.moveAction();
* If the action is nil, then there's something wrong with the
* selected BagOfHolding. Break of of the loop so we don't get
* stuck in an infinite loop.
if(action == nil)
* Try moving the selected object into the selected bag using the
* appropriate action depending on the bag's contType
tryImplicitAction(action, objToMove, bagToUse);
* Reset the index into the contents list to 1 so that if we need
* to select another object we start from the beginning again.
idx = 1;
/* Recalculate the amount of bulk left to free */
bulkToFree = gActor.getCarriedBulk + obj.bulk -
* Remove objToMove from the carried list. (Even if it wasn't
* actually moved for any reason, we don't want to try moving it
* again).
carriedList -= objToMove;
/* The action needed to move an object into me. */
case In:
return PutIn;
case On:
return PutOn;
case Under:
return PutUnder;
case Behind:
return PutBehind;
return PutIn;
return PutOn;
return PutUnder;
return PutBehind;
return nil;
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1