

#charset "us-ascii"
#pragma once

 *   Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Michael J. Roberts
 *   This file is part of TADS 3.
 *   The header defines the LookupTable and WeakRefLookupTable intrinsic
 *   classes, as well as LookupTableIterator, the special Iterator type for
 *   these classes.  

/* include our base class definitions */
#include "systype.h"

 *   The LookupTable intrinsic class provides a general-purpose hash table
 *   implementation.  LookupTable can be used syntactically as though it were
 *   a list, but the index values are arbitrary hash key values rather than
 *   being limited to sequential integers.  
intrinsic class LookupTable 'lookuptable/030003': Collection
     *   Determine if a given key is present in the table.  Returns true if
     *   the key is present, nil if not. 

     *   Remove an entry from the table.  Removes the key/value pair
     *   associated with the given key, and returns the value that was
     *   associated with the key.  If the key isn't present in the table,
     *   the return value is nil, and the method has no other effect. 

     *   Apply the given function to each entry, and replace the value of
     *   the entry with the return value of the function.  The callback is
     *   invoked with the key and value as arguments for each entry:
     *   func(key, value).  No return value.

     *   Invoke the given function with each entry in the table.  The
     *   function is invoked with value of an entry as its argument:
     *   func(value).  Any return value of the function is ignored.  No
     *   return value.  

     *   Get the number of buckets (i.e., slots for unique hash values).
     *   The number of buckets doesn't vary over the life of the table, so
     *   this simply returns the number of buckets that was specified in the
     *   constructor when the table was created.  This can be used to create
     *   a new table with the same parameters as an existing table.  

     *   Get the number of entries.  This returns the number of key/value
     *   pairs stored in the table.  Note that this is not the same as the
     *   initial capacity specified in the constructor when the table was
     *   created; this is the number of entries actually stored in the
     *   table.  

     *   Invoke the given function with each entry in the table, passing the
     *   key and value to the callback.  The function is invoked with key
     *   and value of an entry as its arguments: func(key, value).  Any
     *   return value of the function is ignored.  No return value.  

     *   Make a list of all of my keys.  The return value is a list, in
     *   arbitrary order, of all of the keys in the table.  

     *   Make a list of all of my values.  The return value is a list, in
     *   arbitrary order, of all of the values in the table. 

     *   Get the default value.  This returns the value previously set with
     *   setDefaultValue(), or nil if no explicit default has been set on
     *   this table.  

     *   Set the default value.  This changes the value returned by the index
     *   operator (self[key]) for a key that doesn't exist in the table.  The
     *   default value is initially nil, but you can change this to a
     *   different value of any type if desired.  

     *   Get the nth key.  This returns the key that would appear at the
     *   given index in the keysToList() result.  

     *   Get the enth value.  This returns the value that would appear at the
     *   given index in the valsToList() result. 

 *   WeakRefLookupTable is a "weak reference" version of the basic lookup
 *   table.  This is similar to the regular LookupTable, and has the same
 *   methods; the only difference is that this type of table references its
 *   values "weakly."  A value that is reachable only through weak references
 *   is subject to deletion by the garbage collector.  A weak-reference
 *   lookup table is useful when you don't want a value's presence in the
 *   table to force the value to stay active, such as when the lookup table
 *   is merely a fast index to a set of values that must be otherwise
 *   reachable to be useful.  When the garbage collector deletes one of our
 *   values, the key/value pair for the value is automatically deleted from
 *   the table.  
intrinsic class WeakRefLookupTable 'weakreflookuptable/030001': LookupTable

 *   LookupTable iterator - this type of iterator is used for LookupTable and
 *   WeakRefLookupTable instances.  
intrinsic class LookupTableIterator 'lookuptable-iterator/030000': Iterator

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1