#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
* MobileCollective Group Extension
* This extension requires events.t and extras.t to be present also.
* A MobileCollectiveGroup is a CollectiveGroup that can be used to represent
* a collection of portable objects, different members of which may be in
* scope at any given moment. A MobileCollectiveGroup is moved into the
* player's location if more than one of its members is visible at the start
* of any turn and moved into nil otherwise.
* [MobileCollectiveGroup EXTENSION]
class MobileCollectiveGroup: PreinitObject, CollectiveGroup
/* Set up a daemon to execute every turn */
myDaemon = new Daemon(self, &scopeCheck, 1);
* Give the daemon a high event order so that it runs after other
* events if possible.
myDaemon.eventOrder = 10000;
/* Set up a prompt daemon to execute just before the first turn */
new OneTimePromptDaemon(self, &scopeCheck);
/* Create a new vector */
local vec = new Vector;
* Populate the vector with all the Things in the game that include
* this MobileCollectiveGroup in their collectiveGroups property.
for(local obj = firstObj(Thing); obj != nil; obj = nextObj(obj, Thing))
* Convert the vector to a list and store the result in the myObjs
* property.
myObjs = vec.toList;
* If the player can see more than one of the objects that belong to this
* CollectiveGroup, move it to the player's location (so that it can stand
* in for those objects when required); otherwise move this
* CollectiveGroup out of the way. [MobileCollectiveGroup EXTENSION]
if(myObjs.countWhich({x: gPlayerChar.canSee(x)}) > 1)
* The list of objects belonging to this MobileCollectiveGroup; this is
* created automatically at PreInit. [MobileCollectiveGroup EXTENSION]
myObjs = nil
* Store a reference to the Daemon used to update the location of this
* MobileCollectiveGroup. [MobileCollectiveGroup EXTENSION]
myDaemon = nil
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1