#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Temporary scaffolding for the game world. This gives us information
* on scope, pronoun antecedents, and other information the parser needs
* from the game world.
World: PreinitObject
* Get the list of objects in scope
local s = scope_;
if (s == nil)
scope_ = s = Q.scopeList(gPlayerChar);
return s;
/* cached scope list */
scope_ = nil
* A list of all Mentionables in the game, useful for building scope lists
* for resolving Topics.
universalScope = nil
local vec = new Vector(100);
forEachInstance(Mentionable, {o: vec.append(o) });
universalScope = vec.toList;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Parser is the class that implements the main parsing procedure, namely
* taking a line of text from the player, figuring out what it means, and
* executing it.
* The conventional IF parsing loop simply consists of reading a line of
* text from the player, calling Parser.parse() on the string, and
* repeating.
* In most cases you'll just need a single Parser instance. The Parser
* object keeps track of unfinished commands, such as when we need to ask
* for disambiguation help or for a missing object. If for some reason
* you want to keep multiple sets of this kind of state (reading input
* from more than one player, for example), you can create as many Parser
* instances as needed.
class Parser: object
* Auto-Look: Should we treat an empty command line (i.e., the user
* just presses Return) as a LOOK AROUND command?
* The traditional handling since the Infocom era has always been to
* treat an empty command line as a parsing error, and display an
* error message along the lines of "I beg your pardon?". Given that
* an empty command line has no conflicting meaning, though, we
* *could* assign it a meaning.
* But what meaning should that be? A blank line is the simplest
* possible command for a player to enter, so it would make sense to
* define it as some very commonly used command. It's also fairly
* easy to enter a blank line accidentally (which is partly why the
* traditional reply is an error message), so the command should be
* benign - it shouldn't be a problem to enter it unintentionally.
* It can't be anything with parallel verbs, like NORTH, since then
* there'd be no good reason to pick NORTH instead of, say, SOUTH.
* Finally, it has to be intransitive, since it obviously won't
* involve an object name. The obvious candidates that fit all of
* these criteria are LOOK and INVENTORY. LOOK is probably the more
* useful and the more frequently used of the two, so it's the one we
* choose by default.
* If this property is set to true, we'll perform a LOOK AROUND
* command when the player enters a blank command line. If nil,
* we'll show an error message.
autoLook = true
* Default Actions: Should we treat a command line that consists entirely
* of a single noun phrase to be a "Default Action" on the named object?
* The precise meaning of the default action varies by object. For most
* objects, it's EXAMINE. For locations, it's GO TO.
* We make the default value nil since setting it to true can result in
* some rather odd parser behaviour.
defaultActions = true
* Should we attempt automatic spelling correction? If this is true, whenever a command
* fails, we'll check for a word that we don't recognize; if we find one, we'll try applying
* spelling correction to see if we can come up with a working command.
* Our spelling correction algorithm is designed to be quite conservative. In particular, we
* generally limit candidates for "correct" words to the vocabulary for objects that are
* actually in scope, which avoids revealing the existence of objects that haven't been seen
* yet; and we only apply a correction when it yields a command that parses and resolves
* correctly. When we can't correct a command and get something resolvable, we don't even
* mention that we tried. This avoids the bizarre, random guesses at "corrections" that often
* show up in other applications, and more importantly avoids giving away information that the
* player shouldn't know yet.
* We set this to true by default, in an attempt to reduce the player's typing workload by
* automatically correcting simple typos when possible. If for some reason the spelling
* corrector is problematic in a particular game, you can disable it by setting this property
* to nil.
* As an experiment, change the default value to be nil when we're in a conversation and true
* otherwise, since over-zealous spelling corrections can be particularly troublesome in a
* conversational context.
autoSpell = (gPlayerChar.currentInterlocutor == nil)
* Maximum spelling correction time, in milliseconds. The spelling
* correction process is iterative, and each iteration involves a new
* parsing attempt. On a fast machine this doesn't tend to be
* noticeable, but it's conceivable that a pathological case could
* involve a large number of attempts that could be noticeably slow
* on an older machine. To avoid stalling the game while we
* overanalyze the spelling possibilities, we set an upper bound to
* the actual elapsed time for spelling correction. Each time we
* consider a new correction candidate, we'll check the elapsed time,
* and abort the process if it exceeds this limit. Note that this
* limit doesn't limit the parsing time itself - we'll never
* interrupt that mid-stream.
spellTimeLimit = 250
* When the parser doesn't recognize a word, should it say so? If
* this property is set to true, when parsing fails, we'll scan the
* command line for a word that's not in the dictionary and show a
* message such as "I don't know the word <foo>." If this property
* is nil, the parser will instead simply say that it doesn't
* recognize the syntax, or that the object in question isn't
* present, without saying specifically which word wasn't recognized,
* or indeed even admitting that there was such a thing.
* There are two schools of thought on this, both concerned with
* optimizing the user experience.
* The first school holds that the parser's job is to be as helpful
* as possible. First and foremost, that means we should understand
* the user's input as often as possible. But when we can't, it
* means that we should be do our best to explain what we didn't
* understand, to help the user formulate a working command next
* time. In the case of a word the parser doesn't recognize, we can
* be pretty sure that the unknown word is the reason we can't
* understand the input. The best way to help the user correct the
* problem is to let them know exactly which word we didn't know,
* rather than make them guess at what we didn't understand. This is
* the way the classic Infocom games worked, and it's the traditional
* TADS default as well.
* The second school holds that the user's overriding interest is
* maintaining suspension of disbelief, and that the parser should do
* its best not to interfere with that. A major aspect of this in IF
* the illusion that the game world is as boundless as the real
* world. Missing dictionary words tend to break this illusion: if
* the user types EXAMINE ZEBRA, and the parser replies that it
* doesn't know the word "zebra", we've suddenly exposed a limit of
* the game world. If we instead play coy and simply say that
* there's no zebra currently present, we allow the player to imagine
* that a zebra might yet turn up. This is the way Inform games
* typically work.
* Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, adherents and
* detractors, and it seems that neither one is objectively "right".
* It comes down to taste. But there seems to be a clear preference
* among the majority of players in the modern era for the second
* approach. The key factor is probably that typical IF commands are
* so short that it's easy enough to spot a typo without help from
* the parser, so the clarity benefits of "unknown word" messages
* seem considerably outweighed by the harm they do to the illusion
* of boundlessness. So, our default is the second option, playing
* coy.
showUnknownWords = nil
* Parse and execute a command line. This is the main parsing
* routine. We take the text of a command line, parse it against the
* grammar defined in the language module, resolve the noun phrases
* to game-world objects, and execute the action. If the command
* line has more than one verb phrase, we repeat the process for each
* one.
* 'str' is the text of the command line, as entered by the player.
/* tokenize the input */
local toks;
/* run the command tokenizer over the input string */
toks = cmdTokenizer.tokenize(str);
/* Dispose of any unwanted terminal punctuation */
while(toks.length > 0 && getTokType(toks[toks.length]) == tokPunct)
toks = toks.removeElementAt(toks.length);
catch (TokErrorNoMatch err)
* The tokenizer found a character (usually a punctuation
* mark) that doesn't fit any of the token rules.
DMsg(token error, 'I don\'t understand the punctuation {1}',
/* give up on the parse */
* Assume initially that the actor is the player character, but only
* if we don't have a question, since if the player is replying to a
* question the actor may already have been resolved.
if(question == nil)
gActor = gPlayerChar;
/* no spelling corrections have been attempted yet */
local history = new transient SpellingHistory(self);
/* we're starting with the first command in the string */
local firstCmd = true;
/* parse the tokens */
/* if there are no tokens, simply perform the empty command */
if (toks.length() == 0)
* this counts as a new command, so forget any previous
* question or typo information
question = nil;
lastTokens = nil;
/* process an empty command */
/* we're done */
/* check for an OOPS command */
local lst = oopsCommand.parseTokens(toks, cmdDict);
if (lst.length() != 0)
/* this only works if we have an error to correct */
local ui;
if (lastTokens == nil
|| (ui = spellingCorrector.findUnknownWord(lastTokens))
== nil)
/* OOPS isn't available - throw an error */
throw new CantOopsError();
/* apply the correction, and proceed to parse the result */
toks = OopsProduction.applyCorrection(lst[1], lastTokens, ui);
* Parse each predicate in the command line, until we run out
* of tokens. The beginning of a whole new command line is
* definitely the beginning of a sentence, so start parsing
* with firstCommandPhrase.
for (local root = firstCommandPhrase ; toks.length() != 0 ; )
/* we don't have a parse list yet */
local cmdLst = nil;
* we haven't found a resolution error in a non-command
* parsing yet
local qErr = nil, defErr = nil;
* If we have an outstanding question, and it takes
* priority over interpreting input as a new command, try
* parsing the input against the question. Only do this
* on the first command on the line - a question answer
* has to be the entire input, so if we've already parsed
* earlier commands on the same line, this definitely
* isn't an answer to a past question.
if (firstCmd && question != nil && question.priority)
/* try parsing against the Question */
local l = question.parseAnswer(toks, cmdDict);
/* if it parsed and resolved, this is our command */
if (l != nil && l.cmd != nil)
cmdLst = l;
/* if it parsed but didn't resolved, note the error */
if (l != nil)
qErr = l.getResErr();
* if the question didn't grab it, try parsing as a whole
* new command against the ordinary command grammar
if (cmdLst == nil || cmdLst.cmd == nil)
cmdLst = new CommandList(
root, toks, cmdDict, { p: new Command(p) });
* If we didn't find any resolvable commands, and this is
* the first command, check to see if it's an answer to
* an outstanding query. We only check this if the
* regular grammar parsing fails, because anything that
* looks like a valid new command overrides a past query.
* This is important because some of the short, common
* commands sometimes can look like noun phrases, so we
* explicitly give preference to interpreting these as
* brand new commands.
if (cmdLst.cmd == nil
&& firstCmd
&& question != nil
&& !question.priority)
/* try parsing against the Question */
local l = question.parseAnswer(toks, cmdDict);
/* if it parsed and resolved, this is our command */
if (l != nil && l.cmd != nil)
cmdLst = l;
/* if it parsed but didn't resolved, note the error */
if (l != nil)
qErr = l.getResErr();
* If we don't have a command yet, and this is the first
* command on the line, handle it as a conversational command
* if conversation is in progress; otherwise if default
* actions are enabled, check to see if the command looks like
* a single noun phrase. If so, handle it as the default
* action on the noun.
if (cmdLst.cmd == nil
&& firstCmd)
local l;
* If a conversation is in progress parse the command line
* as the single topic object phrase of a Say command,
* provided that the first word on the command line
* doesn't match a possible action.
if(gPlayerChar.currentInterlocutor != nil
&& cmdLst.length == 0
&& Q.canTalkTo(gPlayerChar,
&& str.find(',') == nil
&& gPlayerChar.currentInterlocutor.allowImplicitSay())
l = new CommandList(
topicPhrase, toks, cmdDict,
{ p: new Command(SayAction, p) });
libGlobal.lastCommandForUndo = str;
* If the player char is not in conversation with anyone,
* or the first word of the command matches a possible
* command verb, then try parsing the command line as a
* single direct object phrase for the DefaultAction verb,
* provided defaultActions are enabled (which they aren't
* by default).
else if(defaultActions)
l = new CommandList(
defaultCommandPhrase, toks, cmdDict,
{ p: new Command(p) });
/* accept a curable reply */
if (l != nil && l.acceptCurable() != nil)
cmdLst = l;
/* note any resolution error */
defErr = l.getResErr();
* If we've applied a spelling correction, and the
* command match didn't consume the entire input, make
* sure what's left of the input has a valid parsing as
* another command. This ensures that we don't get a
* false positive by excessively shortening a command,
* which we can sometimes do by substituting a word like
* "then" for another word.
if (cmdLst.length() != nil
&& history.hasCorrections())
/* get the best available parsing */
local c = cmdLst.getBestCmd();
/* if it doesn't use all the tokens, check what's left */
if (c != nil && c.tokenLen < toks.length())
/* try parsing the next command */
local l = commandPhrase.parseTokens(
c.nextTokens, cmdDict);
* if that didn't work, invalidate the command by
* substituting an empty command list
if (l.length() == 0)
cmdLst = new CommandList();
* If we didn't find a parsing at all, it's a generic "I
* don't understand" error. If we found a parsing, but
* not a resolution, reject it if it's a spelling
* correction. We only want completely clean spelling
* corrections, without any errors.
if (cmdLst.length() == 0
|| (history.hasCorrections()
&& cmdLst.getResErr() != nil
&& !cmdLst.getResErr().allowOnRespell))
* If we were able to parse the input using one of
* the non-command interpretations, use the
* resolution error from that parsing. Otherwise, we
* simply can't make any sense of this input, so use
* the generic "I don't understand" error.
local err = (qErr != nil ? qErr :
defErr != nil ? defErr :
new NotUnderstoodError());
/* look for a spelling correction */
local newToks = history.checkSpelling(toks, err);
if (newToks != nil)
/* parse again with the new tokens */
toks = newToks;
* There's no spelling correction available. If we've
* settled on an auto-examine or question error, skip
* that and go back to "I don't understand" after
* all. We don't want to assume Auto-Examine unless we
* actually have something to examine, since we can
* parse noun phrase grammar out of practically any
* input.
if (err is in (defErr, qErr))
/* return to the not-understood error */
err = new NotUnderstoodError();
/* check spelling again with this error */
newToks = history.checkSpelling(toks, err);
if (newToks != nil)
/* parse again with the new tokens */
toks = newToks;
* We didn't find any spelling corrections this time
* through. Since we're rolling back to the
* not-understood error, discard any spelling
* corrections we attempted with other
* interpretations.
/* fail with the error */
throw err;
/* if we found a resolvable command, execute it */
if (cmdLst.cmd != nil)
/* get the winning Command */
local cmd = cmdLst.cmd;
* We next have to ensure that the player hasn't entered
* multiple nouns in a slot that only allows a single noun
* in the grammar. If the player has entered two objects
* like "the bat and the ball" in such a case, the
* badMulti flag will be set on the command object, so we
* first test for that and abort the command with a
* suitable error message if badMulti is not nil (by
* throwing a BadMultiError
* Unfortunately the badMulti flag doesn't get set if the
* player enters a multiple object as a plural (e.g.
* "bats"), so we need to trap this case too. We do that
* by checking whether there's multiple objects in the
* direct, indirect and accessory object slots at the same
* time as the grammar tag matching the slot in question
* is 'normal', which it is only for a single noun match.
if(cmd && cmd.verbProd != nil &&
(cmd.badMulti != nil
|| (cmd.verbProd.dobjMatch != nil &&
cmd.verbProd.dobjMatch.grammarTag == 'normal'
&& cmd.dobjs.length > 1)
(cmd.verbProd.iobjMatch != nil &&
cmd.verbProd.iobjMatch.grammarTag == 'normal'
&& cmd.iobjs.length > 1)
(cmd.verbProd.accMatch != nil &&
cmd.verbProd.accMatch.grammarTag == 'normal'
&& cmd.accs.length > 1)
cmd.cmdErr = new BadMultiError(;
/* if this command has a pending error, throw it */
if (cmd.cmdErr != nil)
throw cmd.cmdErr;
* Forget any past question and typo information.
* The new command is either an answer to this
* question, or it's simply ignoring the question; in
* either case, the question is no longer in play for
* future input.
question = nil;
lastTokens = nil;
/* note any spelling changes */
/* execute the command */
/* start over with a new spelling correction history */
history = new transient SpellingHistory(self);
* Set the root grammar production for the next
* predicate. If the previous command ended the
* sentence, start a new sentence; otherwise, use the
* additional clause syntax.
root = cmd.endOfSentence
? firstCommandPhrase : commandPhrase;
/* we're no longer on the first command in the string */
firstCmd = nil;
/* go back and parse the remainder of the command line */
toks = cmd.nextTokens;
* We weren't able to resolve any of the parse trees. If
* one of the errors is "curable", meaning that the
* player can fix it by answering a question, pick the
* first of those, in predicate priority order.
* Otherwise, just pick the first command overall in
* predicate priority order. In either case, since we
* didn't find any working alternatives, it's time to
* actually show the error and fail the command.
local c = cmdLst.acceptAny();
* If the error isn't curable, check for spelling errors,
* time permitting. Don't bother doing this with a
* curable error, since that will have its own way of
* solving the problem that reflects a better
* understanding of the input than considering it a
* simple typo.
if (!c.cmdErr.curable)
* For spelling correction purposes, if this is an
* unmatched noun error, but the command has a misc
* word list and an empty noun phrase, treat this as
* a "not understood" error. The combination of noun
* phrase errors suggests that we took a word that
* was meant to be part of the verb, and incorrectly
* parsed it as part of a noun phrase, leaving the
* verb structure and other noun phrase incomplete.
* This is really a verb syntax error, not a noun
* phrase error.
local spellErr = c.cmdErr;
if (c.cmdErr.ofKind(UnmatchedNounError)
&& c.miscWordLists.length() > 0
&& c.missingNouns > 0)
spellErr = new NotUnderstoodError();
/* try spelling correction */
local newToks = history.checkSpelling(toks, spellErr);
/* if that worked, try the corrected command */
if (newToks != nil)
/* parse again with the new tokens */
toks = newToks;
/* re-throw the error that caused the resolution to fail */
throw c.cmdErr;
catch (ParseError err)
* roll back any spelling changes to the last one that
* improved matters
local h = history.rollback(toks, err);
toks = h.oldToks;
err = h.parseError;
* if this is a curable error, it poses a question, which the
* player can answer on the next input
if (err.curable)
question = new ParseErrorQuestion(err);
* If the current error isn't curable, and unknown word
* disclosure is enabled, and there's a word in the command
* that's not in the dictionary, replace the parsing error
* with an unknown word error.
local ui;
if (!err.curable
&& showUnknownWords
&& (ui = spellingCorrector.findUnknownWord(toks)) != nil)
/* find the misspelled word in the original tokens */
err = new UnknownWordError(getTokOrig(toks[ui]));
* If the new error isn't an error in an OOPS command, save
* the token list for an OOPS command next time out.
if (!err.ofKind(OopsError))
lastTokens = toks;
/* log any spelling changes we kept */
/* display the error we finally decided upon */
catch (CommandSignal sig)
* On any command signal we haven't caught so far, simply
* stop processing this command line.
* The token list from the last command, if an error occurred. This
* is the token list that we'll retry if the player enters an OOPS
* command.
lastTokens = nil
* The outstanding Question object. When we ask an interactive
* question (such as a disambiguation query, a missing noun phrase
* query, or a custom question from the game), this is set to the
* Question waiting to be answered. We parse the next command
* against the Question to see if it's a reply, and if so we execute
* the reply.
question = nil
* Execute an empty command line. The parse() routine calls this
* when given a blank command line (i.e., the user simply pressed the
* Return key). By default, we execute a Look Around command if
* autoLook is enabled, otherwise we show the "I beg your pardon"
* error.
if (autoLook)
new Command(Look).exec();
* The player entered an empty command line (i.e., pressed
* Return at the command prompt, without typing anything else
* first). Note that this error can only occur if Auto-Look
* is disabled, since otherwise an empty command implicitly
* means LOOK AROUND.
DMsg(empty command line, 'I beg your pardon?');
* The action to be tried if the parser can't find a verb in the command
* line and tries to parse the command line as the single object of a
* DefaultAction command instead.
DefaultAction = ExamineOrGoTo
/* Return an rmcXXXX enum code depending on the state of Parser.question */
if(Parser.question != nil && Parser.question.err != nil)
* If the Parser error is an EmptyNounError then we're asking for
* an object.
return rmcAskObject;
* If the Parser error is an AmbiguousError then we're requesting
* disambiguation.
return rmcDisambig;
* If there's no special situation, assume we're reading a standard
* command.
return rmcCommand;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Base class for command execution signals. These allow execution
* handlers to terminate execution for the current command line or
* portion of the command line.
class CommandSignal: Exception
* Terminate the entire command line.
class ExitCommandLineSignal: CommandSignal
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A CommandList is a set of potential parsings for a given input with a
* given grammar.
class CommandList: object
* new CommandList(prod, toks, dict, wrapper) - construct a new
* CommandList object by parsing an input token list. 'prod' is the
* GrammarProd to parse against; 'toks' is the token list; 'dict' is
* the main parser dictionary; 'wrapper' is a callback function that
* maps a parse tree to a Command object.
* new CommandList(Command) - construct a CommandList containing a
* single pre-resolved Command object.
/* check which argument list we have */
if (args.matchProto([GrammarProd, Collection, Dictionary, TypeFuncPtr]))
/* retrieve the arguments */
local prod = args[1], toks = args[2], dict = args[3],
wrapper = args[4];
/* parse the token list, and map the list to Command objects */
cmdLst = prod.parseTokens(toks, dict).mapAll(wrapper);
/* sort in priority order */
cmdLst = Command.sortList(cmdLst);
* Go through the list, looking for an item with noun phrases we
* can resolve. Take the first item that we can properly
* resolve.
foreach (local c in cmdLst)
/* resolve this phrase */
/* success - take this as the result; look no further */
* But only if we haven't yet got a command or the new
* command didn't have to create a new Topic object.
if(cmd == nil || !c.madeTopic)
cmd = c;
* But if this command had to create a new Topic object,
* let's go on to see if we can find a better match.
catch(InsufficientNounsError err)
c.cmdErr = err;
throw err;
catch(NoneInOwnerError err)
c.cmdErr = err;
throw err;
catch (ParseError err)
/* save the error with the command */
c.cmdErr = err;
* That didn't resolve correctly. But don't actually
* show the error message yet; instead, continue through
* the list to see if we can find another alternative
* that we can resolve.
* If it's the first curable error we've seen, note it.
if (err.curable && curable == nil)
curable = c;
else if (args.matchProto([Command]))
/* get the command - it's the single list entry */
cmd = args[1];
cmdLst = [cmd];
else if (args.matchProto([]))
/* empty command list */
cmd = nil;
cmdLst = [];
throw new ArgumentMismatchError();
/* number of parsings in the list */
length() { return cmdLst.length(); }
* Accept a curable resolution as the actual resolution. If we don't
* have an error-free resolution, we'll set 'cmd' to the curable
* resolution. Returns true if we have any resolution, nil if not.
/* if we don't have an error-free resolution, accept a curable one */
if (cmd == nil)
cmd = curable;
/* indicate whether we have a resolution now */
return cmd;
* Accept ANY command, with or without a resolution error, curable or
* not. We'll take the error-free resolution if we have one,
* otherwise the resolution with a curable error, otherwise just the
* first parsing in priority order.
/* accept the best command, and return it */
return cmd = getBestCmd();
* Get the most promising command from the available parsings. This
* returns the first successfully resolved command in priority order,
* if any; otherwise the first command with a curable error, if any;
* otherwise the first command in priority order.
/* if we have a parsed and resolved command, return it */
if (cmd != nil)
return cmd;
/* if we have a curable command, return it */
if (curable != nil)
return curable;
/* if we have any parsing at all, return the first one */
if (cmdLst.length() > 0)
return cmdLst[1];
/* we don't have any parsing */
return nil;
* Get the resolution error, if any. If we parsed but didn't
* resolve, this returns the error from the first parsing in priority
* order.
/* if we resolved a command, return any error from it */
if (cmd != nil)
return cmd.cmdErr;
/* if we have a curable error, return it */
if (curable != nil)
return curable.cmdErr;
/* otherwise, return the first item with a cmdErr */
local c = cmdLst.valWhich({ c: c.cmdErr != nil });
return (c != nil ? c.cmdErr : nil);
/* our list of Command objects */
cmdLst = []
* Our resolved Command. This is the first parsing in our list that
* (in priority order) we were able to resolve with no errors.
cmd = nil
* Our semi-resolved Command. When we can't find a command that
* resolves without errors, we'll set this to the first one (in
* priority order) that resolves with a curable error.
curable = nil
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A Question is an interactive question we ask the player via the
* regular command line. The player then has the option to answer the
* question, or to ignore the question and enter a new command.
* The parser uses Question objects internally to handle certain errors
* that the player can fix by entering additional information, such as
* disambiguation queries and missing noun phrase queries. Games can use
* Question objects for other, custom interactions.
* The basic Question object is incomplete - you have to subclass it to
* get a functional question handler. In particular, you must provide a
* parseAnswer() routine that parses the reply and creates a Command to
* carry out the action of answering the question.
class Question: object
* Priority: Should the answer be parsed before checking for a
* regular command entry? If this is true, the parser will try
* parsing the player's input as an answer to this question BEFORE it
* tries parsing the input as a regular command. If the answer
* parses, we'll assume it really is an answer to the question, and
* we won't even try parsing it as a new command.
* For disambiguation and missing noun queries, the parser only
* parses question replies AFTER parsing regular commands. Replies
* to these questions are frequently very short, abbreviated noun
* phrases - maybe just a single adjective or noun. It's fairly
* common for there be at least a few nouns that are the same as
* verbs in the game, so the input after a disambiguation or missing
* noun reply can often be interpreted equally well as a new verb or
* as a reply to the question. There's probably no theoretical basis
* for choosing one over the other when this happens, but in practice
* it seems that it's usually better to treat the reply as a new
* command. So, by default we set this property to nil, to give
* priority to a new command.
* Custom questions posed by the game might want to give higher
* priority to the answer interpretation, though. Yes/No questions
* in particular will probably want to do this, because otherwise the
* parser would take the answer as a conversational overture to any
* nearby NPC.
priority = nil
* Parse the answer. 'toks' is the token list of the user's input,
* and 'dict' is the main parser Dictionary object.
* If the input does look like a valid answer to the question,
* returns a CommandList with the parsed reply. If not, returns nil,
* in which case the parser will continue trying to parse the input
* as a whole new command.
* By default, we simply return nil. Subclasses/instances must
* override this to provide the custom answer parsing.
parseAnswer(toks, dict) { return nil; }
/* the answer template */
answerTemplate = nil
* A GramQuestion is a question handler that parses an answer using a
* grammar rule.
class GramQuestion: Question
* Create a simple question. 'prod' is the root GrammarProd to use
* for parsing the reply. 'func' is a callback function that carries
* out the action of the answering the question. 'func' is invoked
* with a single argument giving the Command object representing the
* answer; you can get the match tree from the Command if you need
* the parsed form of the answer input.
construct(prod, func)
answerProd = prod;
answerFunc = func;
* Parse the answer. We'll match the token list against the grammar
* rule. If we find a match, we'll call makeCommand() to create the
* command to carry out the action of answering the question.
parseAnswer(toks, dict)
/* try parsing against our grammar rule */
return new CommandList(
answerProd, toks, dict, { p: makeCommand(p) });
* Create a Command object for a successful grammar match. 'prod' is
* the root match object of the grammar match. This returns a
* suitable Command that carries out the action of answering the
* question.
makeCommand(prod) { return new FuncCommand(prod, answerFunc); }
/* the GrammarProd rule that we use to parse the answer */
answerProd = nil
/* the callback function that carries out the reply action */
answerFunc = nil
* A YesNoQuestion is a simple subclass of Question for asking
* interactive questions with Yes or No answers.
class YesNoQuestion: GramQuestion
* Create - 'func' is the callback function to invoke on answering
* the question. This is invoked with one argument, true if the
* answer was Yes, nil if the answer was No.
* Parse our answer against the simple yes-or-no grammar. To
* execute the answer, call the user's callback, providing the
* yes/no result from the Command. The yes-or-no production sets
* the yesOrNoAnswer property in the Command during the build
* process.
inherited(yesOrNoPhrase, { cmd: func(cmd.yesOrNoAnswer) });
* parse Yes/No replies ahead of new commands, since we'd otherwise
* never get an answer - the parser would always match the reply to a
* conversational verb instead
priority = true
* A RexQuestion is a simple subclass of Question for parsing answers
* with regular expressions.
class RexQuestion: Question
* Create - 'pat' is the regular expression pattern, as either a
* string or a RexPattern object. We'll parse an answer simply by
* matching it against the regular expression; if we match, we'll
* take it as an answer. 'func' is a callback function that we'll
* call to carry out the action of answering the question. We'll
* invoke this with one argument giving the literal text of the
* input.
construct(pat, func)
answerPat = pat;
answerFunc = func;
parseAnswer(toks, dict)
/* reconstruct the string input */
local str = cmdTokenizer.buildOrigText(toks);
/* check for a match to our pattern */
if (rexMatch(answerPat, str,) != nil)
/* set up a single-entry command list for the answer */
return new CommandList(new FuncCommand(
nil, { cmd: answerFunc(str) }));
/* no match */
return nil;
/* the regular expression pattern to match */
answerPat = nil
/* the callback to invoke on answering */
answerFunc = nil
* An ErrorQuestion is a subclass of Question for curable parsing errors.
class ParseErrorQuestion: Question
/* remember the ParseError object */
self.err = err;
parseAnswer(toks, dict)
/* ask the error to parse the response */
return err.tryCuring(toks, dict);
/* the curable ParseError that posed the question */
err = nil
* Should we prioritize interpreting player input to a parser query as a response to that
* query over interpreting it as a nea command (where the latter is possible)? By default we
* do (since this seems more likely to reflect player intention in this case), although game
* code can override if desired.
priority = true
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A Distinguisher is an abstract parser object that represents one way
* that we can tell two objects apart, both in the name we display and in
* command input.
* Note that this class is designed primarily for the parser's internal
* use, to facilitate some bookkeeping that we have to do during
* disambiguation. It's not really designed as an extensibility
* mechanism, because it's not usually enough to just add a new instance:
* you usually also have to add grammar for whatever new phrasing the new
* distinguisher represents, plus object resolution code to handle the
* new form of qualification.
class Distinguisher: object
* Sorting order. The parser sorts the master list of distinguishers
* in ascending order of this value to determine the order of
* application.
sortOrder = 0
* Compare two objects for equivalence under this distinguisher.
* Returns true if the objects are equivalent, nil others.
equal(a, b) { return nil; }
* Is this distinguisher applicable to the given object? Some
* distinguishers can only apply to certain objects. For example, a
* Lit/Unlit distinguisher can only be applied to objects with that
* state variable, because there's no vocabulary that we can add to
* an object without the variable. (We can talk about "lit" and
* "unlit" matches, but we don't have any standard vocabulary to talk
* about "unlightable" matches.)
appliesTo(obj) { return true; }
* Apply the distinguisher. Returns a DistResult object with the
* results.
/* create the results object */
local r = new DistResult(self);
/* set up the list of applicable objects */
r.appliesTo = lst.subset({ obj: appliesTo(obj) });
/* make a to-do vector, starting with all applicable items */
local toDo = new Vector(10, r.appliesTo);
/* process each item in the to-do list */
while (toDo.length() > 0)
/* pop the last item */
local obj = toDo.pop();
/* start a partition list for this item and its equivalents */
local sv = new Vector(10);
/* start the partition with the current object */
/* add the new partition to the partition list */
/* scan the to-do list for items equivalent to obj */
for (local i = toDo.length() ; i > 0 ; --i)
/* get this item and check for equivalence to obj */
local obj2 = toDo[i];
if (equal(obj, obj2))
/* it's equivalent to obj, so add it to obj's partition */
/* it's been processed; remove it from the to-do list */
/* return the result object */
return r;
/* class property: master list of all distinguishers */
all = []
/* during initialization, build the master list */
/* add each instance to the master list */
forEachInstance(Distinguisher, {d: all += d});
/* arrange by sortOrder */
all = all.sort(SortAsc, {a, b: a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder});
/* make sure the StateDistinguisher instances are constructed first */
classInitFirst = [StateDistinguisher]
* Class method: generate distinguishing names for a list of objects.
* This generates names that distinguish the objects from one
* another, by applying as many Distinguishers as needed to come up
* with unique names.
* If 'article' is true, we'll use a definite or indefinite article,
* as appropriate: definite if the name we settle upon uniquely
* identifies the object within the list, indefinite if not. If
* 'article' is nil, the names don't have articles at all.
* Returns a list of [name, [objects]] sublists. The name is a
* string giving the distinguished name; the [objects] sub-sublist is
* a list of the objects known under that name.
getNames(objs, article)
/* start with an empty result list */
local names = new Vector(objs.length());
/* start with an empty list of distinguisher results */
local dres = new Vector(Distinguisher.all.length());
/* apply each distinguisher to our objects, saving the results */
foreach (local d in Distinguisher.all)
/* find the distinguishing characteristics for each object */
while (objs.length() != 0)
/* treat the to-do list as a stack: pop an object */
local obj = objs.pop();
/* get the subset of dist results that apply to this object */
local ores = dres.subset({ r: r.appliesTo.indexOf(obj) != nil });
* What we're after is the minimum set of distinguishers that
* can tell this object apart from as many of the others as
* possible.
* In the best case, there's a single distinguisher that can
* pick out this object uniquely. For example, if this is
* the lit match, and all the other matches are unlit, the
* Lit/Unlit State distinguisher is all we need: 'lit'
* uniquely identifies this object among our set. If that's
* the case, obj will appear in the Lit/Unlit list in its own
* partition, with no other objects.
* It might be that there's no one distinguisher that can
* tell obj apart from all of the others. But perhaps a
* combination of two distinguishers can: perhaps obj is one
* of two lit matches, and one of two matches belonging to
* Bob, but it's the only lit match belonging to Bob. We'd
* thus find obj in two partitions of two objects each;
* intersecting the two will yield a list with just one
* element, so we'd get down to a unique object again.
* We might not ever get down to a single-object partition,
* even after combining several distinguishers, since we
* might be truly indistinguishable from one or more other
* objects. In such a case, we'll have to group the objects
* and ask if the player means "*a* lit match of Bob's", say.
* In any case, our fastest route to the smallest set is to
* start with the smallest set, and intersect against larger
* sets until we get down to one object or run out of other
* sets to intersect. So start by sorting the results by the
* size of the partition in which obj appears, smallest to
* largest.
ores.sort(SortAsc, new function(a, b)
/* sort by partition size */
local asiz = a.partSize(obj);
local bsiz = b.partSize(obj);
/* if they differ, sort according to the relative sizes */
if (asiz != bsiz)
return asiz - bsiz;
/* same size partitions; sort by Distinguisher order */
return a.distinguisher.sortOrder - b.distinguisher.sortOrder;
/* we haven't used any distinguishers yet */
local used = new Vector(10);
* Start with the first distinguisher in the list, and its
* initial set. Note that we're guaranteed to have at least
* one result in the list, since the basic name distinguisher
* applies to everything.
local rem = ores[1].partition(obj).toList();
* now apply additional distinguishers until we get the set
* down to one object, or run out of distinguishers
for (local i = 2, local olen = ores.length() ;
rem.length() > 1 && i <= olen ; ++i)
* figure the intersection of this distinguisher
* partition with the remaining set
local rcur = ores[i];
local isect = rem.intersect(rcur.partition(obj).toList());
* If that reduced the set size, keep the result. Ignore
* distinguishers that don't reduce the set size, because
* they don't help - they'd just add words to the
* generated name without helping to tell things apart.
if (isect.length() < rem.length())
/* keep the reduced list */
rem = isect;
/* note that we used this distinguisher */
* We've thrown out as many distinguishable items as
* possible, and in the process we've built a list of the
* distinguishing characteristics that we needed in order to
* tell this object apart from the others. Generate the
* name, based on that list of characteristics. If we
* whittled the set size down to a single object, use a
* definite article; otherwise, we have a group of
* indistinguishable objects, so use an indefinite article to
* refer to an arbitrary one of these.
local rlen = rem.length();
local nm = obj.distinguishedName(
article ? (rlen == 1 ? Definite : Indefinite) : Unqualified,
* This name covers the whole group, so remove all of the of
* additional objects from the to-do list. (We've already
* removed the first one, so don't waste time looking for it
* again.)
for (local i = 2 ; i <= rlen ; ++i)
/* append this name result */
names.append([nm, rem]);
/* return the name list */
return names;
* Result object from applying a Distinguisher to a set of objects.
class DistResult: object
/* remember the distinguisher */
distinguisher = dist;
/* set up a vector for the partition list */
partitioned = new Vector(10);
/* get the partition in which 'obj' appears */
return partitioned.valWhich({ p: p.indexOf(obj) != nil });
/* get the size of the partition in which 'obj' appears */
return partition(obj).length();
/* the objects that the distinguisher applies to */
appliesTo = []
* The partitioned list of objects. This is a list of lists. Each
* sublist is a group of objects we can't distinguish from one
* another. Each object in appliesTo appears once in a sublist, and
* each object in a sublist appears in appliesTo.
partitioned = []
/* the Distinguisher that these results come from */
distinguisher = nil
* The basic name distinguisher distinguishes objects by their base names.
* This is the first distinguisher we apply, since the name is always the
* easiest way to tell objects apart in parsing. However since one name could
* be entirely contained within another (e.g. 'ball' and 'red ball') we
* consider the names as equal for this purpose if one of them is part of the
* other.
nameDistinguisher: Distinguisher
sortOrder = 100
equal(a, b) { return ||; }
* The disambiguation name distinguisher. This distinguishes objects by
* their disambiguation names. We apply this immediately after the basic
* name distinguisher, since the disambiguation name is a custom name
* provided by the author for the express purpose of distinguishing the
* object in parsing.
disambigNameDistinguisher: Distinguisher
sortOrder = 200
equal(a, b) { return a.disambigName == b.disambigName; }
* The class for state distinguishers. A state distinguisher tells
* objects apart based on their having distinct current values for a
* given state. During preinit, we create a separate instance of this
* for each State object in the game.
class StateDistinguisher: Distinguisher
sortOrder = 300
/* we distinguish based on each object's current value for the state */
equal(a, b) { return a.(state.stateProp) == b.(state.stateProp); }
/* we only apply to objects that have our state variable */
appliesTo(obj) { return state.appliesTo(obj); }
/* build from a State */
/* remember the state object */
state = st;
/* during preinit, build an instance for each State */
forEachInstance(State, {st: stateList += new StateDistinguisher(st)});
/* the State this distinguisher tests */
state = nil
/* class property: the list of state distinguisher instances */
stateList = []
* Owner distinguisher. This tells objects apart based on their nominal
* owners (and only applies to objects with nominal owners at all).
ownerDistinguisher: Distinguisher
sortOrder = 400
appliesto(obj) { return obj.nominalOwner() != nil; }
equal(a, b) { return a.nominalOwner() == b.nominalOwner(); }
* Location distinguisher. This tells objects apart based on their
* immediate containers.
locationDistinguisher: Distinguisher
sortOrder = 500
equal(a, b) { return a.location == b.location; }
* Contents distinguisher. This tells objects apart based on their
* nominal contents (and only applies to objects with nominal contents at
* all). Note that we're interested in the *names* of the contents, so
* even if two objects have different contents objects, they're still
* considered equal if the contents' names match. (E.g., two "buckets of
* water" are indistinguishable, even if the contents are two distinct
* "water" objects. But "bucket of water" and "bucket of fish" are
* distinguishable.)
contentsDistinguisher: Distinguisher
sortOrder = 600
appliesTo(obj) { return obj.distinguishByContents != nil; }
equal(a, b)
local ac = a.nominalContents(), bc = b.nominalContents();
return (ac != nil ? : nil) == (bc != nil ? : nil);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A NounPhrase object represents a noun phrase within a command line.
* This class handles the mapping from the text of the noun phrase in the
* input to the game-world objects that the noun phrase refers to.
* This object encompasses a core noun phrase plus all of its qualifiers.
* Qualifiers can themselves be noun phrases: possessives, locationals,
* and contents phrases contain subsidiary noun phrases, so we represent
* these qualifiers with subsidiary NounPhrase objects.
class NounPhrase: object
/* create */
construct(parent, prod)
* remember the parent NounPhrase and the grammar production
* match object that's the source of the noun phrase
self.parent = parent; = self.coreProd = prod;
/* clone - create a modifiable copy based on this original noun phrase */
/* create a new object with my same property values */
local cl = createClone();
/* make safe copies of any vectors */
foreach (local p in cl.getPropList())
local v;
if (cl.propType(p) == TypeObject && (v = cl.(p)).ofKind(Vector))
cl.(p) = new Vector(v.length(), v);
/* return the clone */
return cl;
* By default, use the original input text of my "core" production as
* the name we show for this noun phrase in error messages. The core
* production is the noun phrase minus any qualifiers (articles,
* possessives, locational phrases, etc).
* As we successfully resolve qualifiers, we'll expand this to
* include the qualifying phrases. Any error we find after resolving
* a qualifier will necessary apply to the qualified form, so we want
* to include the qualifier in any error message.
* For example, if the original phrase is BUCKET OF FISH ON TABLE,
* we'll start out with the core phrase of BUCKET. We'll next
* resolve the contents qualifier, OF FISH. Assuming that we find a
* BUCKET OF FISH, that becomes the new error name. If we then fail
* to find such an object ON TABLE, we'll be able to report that
* there's no BUCKET OF FISH on the table. This is better than
* reporting that we don't see any BUCKET on the table, because there
* could in fact be a different bucket on the table.
errName = (errNameProd.getText())
/* the source of the error name is initially the core production */
errNameProd = (coreProd)
* Expand the error-message name to include the given qualifier.
* We'll find the common parent of the core production and the given
* qualifier's production, and use its text as the new error name.
* look for the common parent of 'np' and the current error name
* source
for (local prod = ; prod != nil ; prod = prod.parent)
* if this is also a parent of errNameProd, we've found the
* common parent
if (prod == errNameProd || errNameProd.isChildOf(prod))
/* establish this as the new error name source */
errNameProd = prod;
/* no need to keep looking */
* Does this NounPhrase contain the given NounPhrase? Returns true
* if NounPhrase is self, or one of our qualifier noun phrases
* contains it.
return (np == self
|| (possQual != nil && possQual.contains(np))
|| (locQual != nil && locQual.contains(np))
|| (exclusions != nil
&& exclusions.indexWhich({ x: x.contains(np) }) != nil));
* Get the list of objects matching the vocabulary words in our noun
* phrase. Populates our 'matches' property with a vector of matching
* objects. This doesn't look at any of our qualifiers, or attempt
* to disambiguate contextually; it simply finds everything in scope
* that the noun phrase could refer to.
/* start with an empty vector */
local v = new Vector(32);
/* get the current scope list */
local scope = cmd.action.scopeList;
/* check what kind of phrase we have */
if (pronoun != nil)
/* it's a pronoun - resolved based on the antecedent */
addMatches(v, pronoun.resolve(), 0);
/* if there are no antecedents, flag the error */
if (v.length() == 0)
throw new NoAntecedentError(self, pronoun);
/* filter for in-scope objects (or reflexive placeholders) */
v = v.subset(
{ m: m.obj.ofKind(Pronoun) || scope.find(m.obj) });
/* if that leaves nothing, flag the error */
if (v.length() == 0)
throw new AntecedentScopeError(cmd, self, pronoun);
else if (determiner == All && tokens == [])
/* ALL - use everything in scope applicable to the verb */
addMatches(v, cmd.action.getAllUnhidden(cmd, role), 0);
cmd.matchedAll = true;
* It's a named object. Our 'tokens' property is a list of
* the words in the noun phrase in the user input. Match it
* against the objects in physical scope.
v.appendAll(matchNameScope(cmd, scope));
/* save the match list so far */
matches = v;
/* if we have a contents qualifier, match its vocabulary */
if (contQual != nil)
/* match vocabulary */
/* apply the qualifier to keep only matching items */
/* if that empties our list, flag it */
if (matches.length() == 0)
throw new NoneWithContentsError(cmd, self, contQual);
* Expand the error text name to include the contents
* qualifier, since any subsequent failure to match will be
* against the result of this qualification. For example, if
* the phrase is BUCKET OF FISH ON TABLE, we've now limited
* the scope to just BUCKET OF FISH, so if we fail to find
* such an object on the table it'll be because there's no
* BUCKET OF FISH on the table, not because there's simply no
/* if we have a possessive qualifier, apply it */
if (possQual != nil)
/* match vocabulary for the possessive phrase */
* apply the qualifier, filtering out things not owned by the
* object named in the qualifier
/* if that empties our list, flag it */
if (matches.length() == 0)
throw new NoneInOwnerError(cmd, self, possQual);
/* expand the error text to include the possessive qualifier */
/* if we have a locational qualifier, match its vocabulary */
if (locQual != nil)
/* match vocabulary */
/* apply the qualifier to keep only properly located items */
/* if that empties our list, flag it */
if (matches.length() == 0)
throw new NoneInLocationError(cmd, self, locQual);
/* expand the error name to include the locational */
/* if there's an exclusion list, apply it */
if (exclusions != nil)
exclusions.forEach({ x: x.applyExclusion(cmd) });
* Add matching objects to a match vector. 'lst' can be a list or
* vector of objects, or a single object. 'match' is the MatchXxx
* flag value returned from the object name match, if applicable.
addMatches(vec, lst, match)
/* ignore nil */
if (lst == nil)
/* wrap each item in an NPMatch object and add it to the vector */
vec.appendAll(valToList(lst).mapAll({ obj: new NPMatch(self, obj, match) }));
* Find the vocabulary matches for a given noun phrase within a given
* scope list. Add all of the matches to the given vector.
matchNameScope(cmd, scope)
/* set up a vector for the results */
local v = new Vector(32);
* Run through the scope list and ask each object if it matches
* the noun phrase. Keep the ones that match.
foreach (local obj in scope)
/* ask this object if it matches */
local match = obj.matchName(tokens);
/* if it matches, include it in the results */
if (match)
v.append(new NPMatch(self, obj, match));
* Now narrow the list according to the match strength. Only
* keep the matches that have the maximum strength of the list.
if (v.length() > 0)
/* sort in descending order of strength */
v.sort(SortDesc, { a, b: a.strength - b.strength });
* discard everything that doesn't match the highest strength
* (which is the first element's strength, since we've sorted
* in descending order)
v = v.subset({ a: a.strength == v[1].strength });
/* the list is empty - complain about it */
throw new UnmatchedNounError(cmd, self);
/* return the list */
return v;
* Match vocabulary for a possessive qualifier phrase.
* Possessive matching has somewhat different rules than for ordinary
* noun phrases.
* First, possessive pronouns (HIS, HER, ITS, THEIR) *can* act like
* reflexives, in that they can refer back to earlier clauses in the
* same predicate: ASK BOB ABOUT HIS MOTHER. However, they can also
* refer to previous commands: SEARCH BOB; TAKE HIS WALLET. The
* deciding factor is whether or not there's an earlier noun phrase
* in the command that matches in gender and number; if so, we use
* the reflexive meaning, otherwise we use the external referent.
* Second, the scope for ordinary noun phrases has to be expanded to
* include the owners of the objects in scope. If we have a wallet
* that we know belongs to Bob, we should be able to refer to it as
* "Bob's wallet" whether or not Bob himself is in scope. So, for
* the purposes of the possessive, Bob is in scope even if he
* wouldn't be for an ordinary noun phrase.
/* start with an empty vector */
local v = matches = new Vector(32);
/* check what kind of phrase we have */
if (pronoun != nil)
* It's a possessive pronoun (HIS, HER, ITS, etc).
* Possessive pronouns can refer back to something in the
* same sentence (ASK BOB ABOUT HIS WALLET) or to earlier
* If it's a second-person possessive (YOUR), and there's an
* addressee actor, it refers to the actor. For example,
* "Bob, give me your wallet".
* Look at the preceding noun phrases in the predicate to see
* if we can find an object that matches this pronoun. If
* so, use it as the antecedent. If not, use the regular
* antecedent.
local done = nil;
cmd.forEachNP(new function(np)
/* if we've already finished, ignore this noun phrase */
if (done)
* if this is our parent, stop looking - pronoun
* references of this sort are always back references
if (np == parent)
done = true;
* If this is the addressee actor, and we have a
* second-person possessive pronoun (YOUR), the pronoun
* refers to the actor.
if (np.role == ActorRole && pronoun.person == 2)
done = true;
/* check for matches to this pronoun in this match list */
local s = np.matches.subset(
{ o: pronoun.matchObj(o.obj) });
* if we found any matches, use them, and stop looking -
* we only want to use the nearest match
if (s.length() != 0)
done = true;
* if we didn't find any matches, use the antecedent from a
* previous command, if available
if (v.length() == 0)
x: new NPMatch(self, x, 0) }));
* It's a named object. We need an expanded scope list that
* includes the owners of the objects referred to by the
* underlying noun phrase that we qualify.
local expScope = new Vector(32);
foreach (local obj in parent.matches)
* if this object has an owner or owners, add it/them to
* the expanded scope list
local owner = obj.obj.owner;
if (owner != nil)
/* add the objects in scope, filtering out duplicates */
/* now build the match list using the expanded scope */
v.appendAll(matchNameScope(cmd, expScope));
* a possessive qualifier can itself have a possessive qualifier
* (BOB'S MOTHER'S HAT), so go resolve that as well
if (possQual != nil)
* Apply this possessive phrase's qualification. This filters the
* underlying (parent) noun list to keep only objects owned by the
* object(s) named in this noun phrase.
* First, do "reverse" filtering: consider only owners who own
* something that's in the underlying noun list. For example, if
* there are two guards present, but only one of them is carrying
* a sword, GUARD'S SWORD must refer to the guard who's carrying
* a sword.
* (Take a subset of our own objects, keeping each object 'o'
* where there's something in the parent list owned by 'o'. That
* is, there's an object 'p' in the parent list where 'p' is
* owned by 'o'.)
local m = matches.subset(
{ o: parent.matches.indexWhich(
{ p: p.obj.ownedBy(o.obj) }) != nil });
/* if the reverse filter didn't rule everything out, apply it */
if (m.length() > 0)
matches = m;
/* next, apply any possessive qualifier of my own */
if (possQual != nil)
/* filter parent objects not owned by anything in my list */
parent.matches = parent.matches.subset(
{ p: matches.indexWhich(
{ o: p.obj.ownedBy(o.obj) }) != nil });
* Apply this contents qualifier phrase's qualification. This
* filters the underlying (parent) noun list to keep only objects
* that contain the object(s) named in this noun list.
* First, do the reverse filtering, to keep only objects that
* could be inside objects in the underlying list.
local m = matches.subset(
{ o: parent.matches.indexWhich(
{ p: o.obj.isChild(p.obj, nil) }) != nil });
/* if that didn't rule everything out, apply the filter */
if (m.length() > 0)
matches = m;
/* next, apply any locational qualifier of my own */
if (contQual != nil)
/* filter parent objects not containing anything in my list */
parent.matches = parent.matches.subset(
{ p: matches.indexWhich(
{ o: o.obj.isChild(p.obj, nil) }) != nil });
* Apply this locational phrase's qualification. This filters the
* underlying (parent) noun list to keep only objects located within
* the object(s) named in this noun phrase.
* First, do the reverse filtering, to keep only objects that
* could contain objects in the underlying list.
local m = matches.subset(
{ o: parent.matches.indexWhich(
{ p: p.obj.isChild(o.obj, locType) }) != nil });
/* if that didn't rule everything out, apply the filter */
if (m.length() > 0)
matches = m;
/* next, apply any locational qualifier of my own */
if (locQual != nil)
/* first, try limiting to items DIRECTLY in the location */
m = parent.matches.subset(
{ p: matches.indexWhich(
{ o: p.obj.isDirectChild(o.obj, locType) }) != nil });
/* if there weren't any, try items indirectly in the location */
if (m.length() == 0)
m = parent.matches.subset(
{ p: matches.indexWhich(
{ o: p.obj.isChild(o.obj, locType) }) != nil });
/* save the filtered list in the parent */
parent.matches = m;
* Apply an exclusion item. This resolves the vocabulary for the
* exclusion phrase and filters the matching item(s) noun phrase out
* of the parent list.
/* do our vocabulary matching */
/* filter the parent list to exclude everything we matched */
parent.matches = parent.matches.subset(
{ p: matches.indexWhich(
{ o: o.obj == p.obj }) == nil });
* Select the objects from among the vocabulary matches. This
* narrows the list of possible vocabulary matches for our noun
* phrase to find the actual object or objects the player is
* referencing.
* When this is called, we've already filled in the match list with
* all objects in scope that match the vocabulary of the core noun
* phrase (including non-reflexive pronouns and ALL), and we've
* applied any possessive, locational, and exclusion qualifiers.
* What we're left with is the list of in-scope objects that meet all
* of the specifications contained in the entire noun phrase. In
* other words, we've squeezed all available information out of the
* noun phrase itself. If the result is ambiguous, then, we'll have
* to look beyond the noun phrase, to the broader semantic content of
* the overall command.
* There are three possible "goals" for what our final object list
* should look like after disambiguation. Only one goal applies to
* each particular noun phrase; which it is depends on the grammar of
* the phrase:
* THE THREE BOOKS. The goal in definite mode is to choose the given
* number of objects, *and* to make sure that the player could *only*
* have meant those precise objects. In other words, we're not
* allowed to make an arbitrary choice: in natural language, the
* definite mode says that the speaker believes the listener knows
* which *particular* object or objects the speaker is referring to.
* If we're not absolutely sure which objects the player is talking
* about, we have a disagreement with the player's apparent
* expectations and must ask for clarification.
* The goal is to choose the given number of objects from the
* possible matches, arbitrarily choosing from the available objects.
* goal here is to choose all of the matching objects.
/* take the mode from the determiner */
local mode = determiner;
* If the player typed ALL or ANY or some such response in response to
* a disambiguation respose, that response will have set a determiner
* we need to use instead.
if(cmd.disambig.length > 0)
mode = cmd.disambig[1][1].determiner;
* Sort the matches by listing order. If we have a plural, this
* will make the order of processing more logical when there's
* some kind of natural order (such as alphabetized or numbered
* items).
{ ent, idx: [ent.obj.disambigGroup, ent.obj.disambigOrder] });
/* if there's no determiner, assume definite */
if (mode == nil)
mode = Definite;
* If we're in Definite mode and we don't have a quantifier,
* check for a plural noun phrase. A plural without a specific
* number puts us in Plural mode. Consider the noun phrase to be
* plural if it matched any of our objects with plural usage.
* Even if some objects were singular in usage, one plural is
* enough to suggest that the name has plural usage.
if (mode == Definite
&& quantifier == nil
&& matches.indexWhich({ m: m.match & MatchPlural }) != nil)
mode = All;
* Figure the target quantity. If there's a quantifier, it's the
* quantifier value; otherwise we implicitly want a singleton.
* Note that the quantifier is ignored in Plural mode, since we
* simply want to match all of the objects in this case.
local num = (quantifier != nil ? quantifier : 1);
* If we don't have enough objects to satisfy the request,
* complain about it.
if (num > matches.length()
&& objs.indexWhich({o: o.canSupply}) == nil)
throw new InsufficientNounsError(cmd, self);
if (mode == Definite && isAllEquivalent(matches))
mode = Indefinite;
for(local cur in objs)
cur.filterResolveList(self, cmd, mode);
/* select the goal based on the mode */
switch (mode)
case Definite:
* Definite mode. If we have more than the desired number,
* we must disambiguate.
if (matches.length() > num)
disambiguate(cmd, num, cmd.action);
* If we don't disambiguate we don't run the verify routine
* that stores a reference to the object selected for this
* role so that it can be available to the verify routine for
* the other role; so we store a reference now.
cmd.action.(role.curObjProp) = cmd.(role.objListProp) [1].obj;
case Indefinite:
* Indefinite mode - we must select the desired number, but
* we can do so arbitrarily. Simply select the first 'num'
* in the list.
/* start by getting object rankings from the verb */
cmd.action.scoreObjects(cmd, role, matches);
/* sort by score (highest to lowest), except for the ActorRole */
matches.sort(SortDesc, { a, b: a.score - b.score });
if (matches.length() > num)
matches.removeRange(num + 1, matches.length());
/* flag the objects as arbitrarily chosen */
matches.forEach({ m: m.flags |= SelArbitrary });
case All:
* Plural mode - select all of the objects. Simply use the
* set we've already built. Flag the selections as plural.
matches.forEach({ m: m.flags |= SelPlural });
cmd.matchedMulti = true;
* Determine whether all matches in the matchList are impossible to
* disambiguate.
local names = Distinguisher.getNames(
matchList.mapAll({ x: x.obj }), nil);
return (names.length() == 1);
* Disambiguate the match list to select the given target number of
* objects.
disambiguate(cmd, num, action)
/* start by getting object rankings from the verb */
action.scoreObjects(cmd, role, matches);
/* sort by score (highest to lowest) */
matches.sort(SortDesc, { a, b: a.score - b.score });
* To pick automatically, we need exactly 'num' objects at the
* highest score. The sort put the object with the highest score
* at the start of the list, so the high-scoring subset is the
* subset that matches the first object's score.
* We only disambiguate in definite mode, and definite mode in
* input is the player's way of telling us that they think there
* are exactly this many objects that obviously apply to their
* command. The score tells us which objects *we* think are the
* obvious choices for the command. If we come up with the same
* set size that the player expressed, then we presumably
* understand what the player is saying. If our set size differs
* from theirs, we're not thinking alike, so we need to ask for
* clarification.
local sub = matches.subset({x: x.score == matches[1].score});
if (isAllEquivalent(sub))
if (sub.length() == num)
* We have the desired number of most obvious matches, so
* we've successfully disambiguated it. We might want to
* announce the selection, since we're making a guess, so
* generate a name for each that distinguishes it from the
* other items we could have matched.
local names = Distinguisher.getNames(
matches.mapAll({ x: x.obj }), nil);
/* save the disambiguated subset */
matches = sub;
/* mark each as disambiguated, and save the distinctive name */
foreach (local m in matches)
m.flags |= SelDisambig; = names.valWhich({ n: n[2].indexOf(m.obj) != nil }) [1];
/* we've successfully disambiguated the phrase */
else if (sub.length() > num && num > 1)
* We've asked for a definite number of 2 or more items, but there
* are different options among the best matches. This poses a
* problem because there's no good disambiguation we can possibly
* ask here. So we just give up and ask them to be more specific.
* I can imagine someone responding to this message by just
* retyping a more specific form of the noun phrase. For example,
* after GET THE TWO MATCHES doesn't work, they might just want to
* type THE LIT MATCH AND AN UNLIT MATCH, but currently the parser
* does not do this. Probably the DMsg should also refer to the
* specific noun phrase that is ambiguous in its message.
throw new AmbiguousMultiDefiniteError(cmd,self);
* We have more than what we need in the highest scoring section,
* so make this the matches and proceed with disambiguation.
* This line makes it so that when you say something like "drop match"
* it will only try to disambiguate among the things you are holding.
* I think this behavior is more desirable, but am not certain.
matches = sub;
/* it's still ambiguous, so throw an error to ask for help */
* Throw an ambiguous noun phrase error for the current match list.
/* if we have a reply to a past disambiguation question, apply it */
local disambig = cmd.fetchDisambigReply();
if (disambig != nil)
/* start a list for the result */
local dmatches = new Vector(matches.length());
/* add the object(s) selected by each noun phrase in the reply */
foreach (local dnp in disambig)
* resolve this noun phrase of the reply and add its
* selections to the master list
dnp.applyDisambig(cmd, matches, disambigNameList));
* If we get this far, we have a valid result set now, even
* if it's not of the original size. The reply can select a
* different number of objects than originally implied, since
* the reply can say something like "the red one and the blue
* one" to pick more than one of the offered objects.
matches = dmatches;
* Still ambiguous, so we need to ask for clarification, with a
* question like "Which do you mean, the red book, or the blue
* book?" Generate the list of names.
local nameList = Distinguisher.getNames(
matches.mapAll({ x: x.obj }), true);
* Sort by disambigGroup and disambigOrder. Note that it's
* possible for a set to have more than one item with a
* disambigGroup, and these might not match. We can't break up a
* set, though, so we'll just have to pick one group arbitrarily
* for the whole set.
nameList.groupSort(new function(entry, idx)
/* find an arbitrary entry in the set with a disambigGroup */
local gobj = entry[2].valWhich({ x: x.disambigGroup != nil });
/* if we found one, use its group and order; otherwise use nil */
return gobj != nil
? [gobj.disambigGroup, gobj.disambigOrder]
: [nil, idx];
* remember this list, since it determines the meanings of
* ordinals ("the second one") in the reply
disambigNameList = nameList;
/* throw the still-ambiguous error */
throw new AmbiguousError(cmd, self, nameList);
* Apply this noun phrase as a disambiguation reply to the given
* original list of matches to an ambiguous noun phrase.
applyDisambig(cmd, ambigMatches, nameList)
* Start with the ambiguous list. Our goal is to narrow the list
* that the original noun phrase matched, so start with the list
* and remove items that don't match the additional vocabulary
* and/or qualifiers in the reply.
matches = ambigMatches;
/* if there's an ordinal, pick out the selected item */
if (ordinal != nil)
/* pick the name list entry based on the list position */
local n;
if (ordinal == -1 && nameList.length() > 0)
n = nameList[nameList.length()];
else if (ordinal >= 1 && ordinal <= nameList.length())
n = nameList[ordinal];
throw new OrdinalRangeError(self, ordinal);
* take the first object from the group, and build a resolved
* object list with this object
n = n[2][1];
matches = matches.subset({ m: m.obj == n });
/* if there's a locational qualifier, apply it */
if (locQual != nil)
/* apply the locational qualifier */
/* if that empties our list, flag it */
if (matches.length() == 0)
throw new NoneInLocationError(cmd, parent, locQual);
/* if there's a possessive qualifier, apply it */
if (possQual != nil)
/* apply the possessive qualifier */
/* if that empties our list, flag it */
if (matches.length() == 0)
throw new NoneInOwnerError(cmd, parent, possQual);
/* if there's a contents qualifier, apply it */
if (contQual != nil)
/* apply the qualifier */
/* if that empties our list, flag it */
if (matches.length() == 0)
throw new NoneWithContentsError(cmd, parent, contQual);
/* if there's vocabulary, apply it */
if (tokens.length() > 0)
* The basic vocabulary of the reply isn't as simple to
* handle as it might seem, since the words could refer to
* the object itself, a container, an owner, or the nominal
* contents. Consider:
* Which bucket do you mean, the empty bucket, the bucket on
* the shelf, the tall fisherman's bucket, or the bucket of
* water?
* Players are accustomed to being able to answer these
* questions by entering just a word or two from the prompt,
* so we'd want to accept EMPTY, SHELF, TALL, and WATER for
* the respective choices.
* So: first assume that the reply refers to the object
* itself. If we don't find any matches, try the other
* possibilities: containers, owners, and nominal contents.
if (tokens.length() > 0 && matches.length() > 0)
/* first try applying the words to the object itself */
local m = matches.subset(
{ o: o.obj.matchNameDisambig(tokens) != 0 });
/* if that didn't match anything, try containers */
if (m.length() == 0)
/* get the list of in-scope objects matching the tokens */
local locs = World.scope.subset(
{ o: o.matchNameDisambig(tokens) != 0 });
/* get the subset of 'matches' that are in 'locs' */
m = matches.subset(
{ o: locs.indexWhich(
{ l: o.obj.isChild(l, nil) }) != nil });
/* if we still don't have any matches, try owners */
if (m.length() == 0)
/* get the list of scope objects plus potential owners */
local owners = new Vector(50, World.scope.toList());
foreach (local obj in matches)
local owner = obj.obj.owner;
if (owner != nil)
/* get the subset matching the tokens */
owners = owners.subset(
{ o: o.matchNameDisambig(tokens) != 0 });
/* get the subset of 'matches' with owners in 'owners' */
m = matches.subset(
{ o: owners.indexWhich(
{ l: o.obj.ownedBy(l) }) != nil });
/* if we still don't have any matches, try nominal contents */
if (m.length() == 0)
/* get the list of in-scope objects matching the tokens */
local conts = World.scope.subset(
{ c: c.matchNameDisambig(tokens) != 0 });
/* get the subset of 'matches' with contents in 'conts' */
m = matches.subset(
{ o: conts.indexOf(o.obj.nominalContents) != nil });
/* if we've eliminated everything, it's an error */
if (m.length() == 0)
throw new UnmatchedNounError(cmd, self);
/* we're out of things to try, so take what we have */
matches = m;
/* determine how many the reply *wants* to select */
local num = (quantifier != nil ? quantifier : 1);
/* if we don't have enough, it's an error */
if (matches.length() < num)
throw new InsufficientNounsError(cmd, self);
if (determiner == Definite && isAllEquivalent(matches))
determiner = Indefinite;
/* determine the actual number available */
switch (determiner)
case Definite:
* They want exactly the number indicated. If we still have
* more than this, it's *still* ambiguous, so throw another
* ambiguity error to further disambiguate the new list.
* Otherwise, we're set.
if (num < matches.length())
case Indefinite:
/* indefinite - arbitrarily select any 'num' of the items */
if (matches.length() > num)
matches.removeRange(num + 1, matches.length());
/* mark them as arbitrary */
matches.forEach({ m: m.flags |= SelArbitrary });
case All:
/* all - keep all of the items */
/* return our final match list */
return matches;
* Resolve ALL. This is called on a separate pass after
* selectObjects(), because two-object verbs sometimes resolve ALL in
* one slot according to the selection in the other slot.
/* if this is a simple ALL phrase, re-resolve it */
if (determiner == All)
* If it's just ALL, re-match the vocabulary to pick up the
* final ALL list. Otherwise, take the subset of the ALL
* list that matches the vocabulary.
if (tokens == [])
/* it's just ALL - start over with the final ALL list */
* it's ALL <somethings> - take the subset that's in the
* final ALL list
local all = cmd.action.getAll(cmd, role);
local sub = matches.subset({ m: all.indexOf(m.obj) != nil });
* If we found any objects in the intersection, keep only
* the subset, since this is the set that actually makes
* sense for this command. If the subset is empty,
* though, ignore it and stick with the objects we've
* already selected based on the vocabulary; these will
* probably fail the command, but that'll make more sense
* to the player than claiming there's nothing matching
* the description they gave.
if (sub.length() != 0)
matches = sub;
* Resolve reflexive pronouns. Our Command calls this AFTER
* resolving all of the regular noun phrases, because reflexives
* refer back to other nouns in the same command.
/* if we have a reflexive pronoun object in the list, resolve it */
if (matches.length() == 1 && matches[1].obj.ofKind(Pronoun))
* We have a reflexive pronoun pending. Ask the command for
* the current meaning of the reflexive.
matches = cmd.resolveReflexive(matches[1].obj).mapAll(
{ x: new NPMatch(self, x, 0) });
/* it's an error if that didn't yield anything */
if (matches.length() == 0)
throw new NoAntecedentError(self, pronoun);
* This isn't a reflexive, so it's a candidate to be an
* antecedent of a reflexive later in the phrase. Pass it
* along to the command to note for future use. Since we
* visit the noun phrases in their order of appearance in the
* command, we'll naturally have the latest one before the
* pronoun when we encounter a pronoun, which is exactly what
* we want: a reflexive pronoun binds to the nearest
* preceding noun that matches in gender, number, etc.
matches.forEach({ match: cmd.saveReflexiveAnte(match.obj) });
/* also save the entire list, for THEMSELVES */
cmd.saveReflexiveAnte(matches.mapAll({ x: x.obj }));
/* Build the 'objs' list from the match list */
objs = matches.mapAll({x: x.obj});
* List of NPMatch objects. This is populated during the matchName
* phase with the list of possible vocabulary matches, and then
* reduced during disambiguation to the final set.
matches = []
* List of resolved objects. This is populated after disambiguation
* from the 'matches' set - it contains the same objects, but simply
* the objects rather than the NPMatch wrappers.
objs = []
/* add a literal to this phrase */
addLiteral(tok) { tokens += tok; }
/* add a possessive qualifier, returning the new noun phrase */
/* create, store, and return a new noun phrase for the possessor */
return possQual = new NounPhrase(self, prod);
/* add a contents qualifier, returning the new noun phrase */
addContents(prep, prod)
/* remember the contents preposition */
contPrep = prep;
/* create, store, and return a new noun phrase for the contents */
return contQual = new NounPhrase(self, prod);
/* add a locational qualifier, returning the new noun phrase */
addLocation(locType, prod)
/* create a new noun phrase for the location */
locQual = new NounPhrase(self, prod);
/* set its location type */
locQual.locType = locType;
/* return the new phrase */
return locQual;
/* add a quantifier, given as an integer value */
quantifier = num;
/* add an ordinal, given as an integer value */
ordinal = num;
/* add an exclusion list item */
/* if we don't already have an exclusion list, create one */
if (exclusions == nil)
exclusions = [];
/* create a new NounPhrase */
local np = new NounPhrase(self, prod);
/* add it to the exclusion list */
exclusions += np;
/* return the new noun phrase */
return np;
* Does this noun phrase refer to multiple objects structurally?
* This is true if any the matches used plural words, or the
* determiner is All, or we have a quantifier greater than 1.
return determiner == All
|| (quantifier != nil && quantifier > 1)
|| matches.indexWhich({ m: m.match & MatchPlural }) != nil;
* the Command list we're a part of (&dobjNPs, &iobjNPs, etc: the
* Command overrides this to the actual list property for a primary
* noun phrase, and for qualifiers such as possessives, this
* inherited version looks it up via the parent)
role = (parent.role)
/* the NounPhrase we qualify, if we're a possessive or locational */
parent = nil
/* the grammar production match object for this noun phrase */
prod = nil
* the grammar match for the core noun phrase; this is the part that
* names a single object, stripped of all qualifiers (such as
* possessives, articles, quantifiers, and locational phrases)
coreProd = nil
/* the literal tokens making up the noun phrase */
tokens = []
/* the pronoun, if any, as a Pronoun object */
pronoun = nil
/* the possessive qualifier, if any ("BOB'S box") */
possQual = nil
/* the locational qualifier phrase, if any ("the box ON THE SHELF") */
locQual = nil
* The locational qualifier relationship, as a LocType object. (This
* is stored on the locational qualifier noun phrase itself, not on
* the underlying noun phrase it qualifies.)
locType = nil
/* the contents qualifier phrase, if any ("the bucket OF WATER") */
contQual = nil
/* the preposition of the contents qualifier */
contPrep = nil
/* the quantifier, if any, as a number: for "five books", this is 5 */
quantifier = nil
* The ordinal value, if any, as a number: for "the third one", this
* is 3. This is intended for use in disambiguation replies, to let
* the user pick out an item by its position in the offered list.
ordinal = nil
/* the determiner, if any, as a Determiner object */
determiner = nil
* the exclusion list, if any (this is the list following EXCEPT or
* BUT in a phrase like ALL EXCEPT THE RED ONES)
exclusions = nil
/* the name list from the disambiguation query */
disambigNameList = nil
* TopicPhrase is a special kind of NounPhrase for topics (ASK ABOUT,
* TELL ABOUT, TALK ABOUT, LOOK UP, etc). These phrases aren't resolved
* to game-world objects the way ordinary noun phrases are, but instead
* are resolved to conversation topic objects.
class TopicPhrase: NounPhrase
* Get the list of objects matching the vocabulary words in our noun
* phrase. Populates our 'matches' property with a vector of matching
* objects. This doesn't look at any of our qualifiers, or attempt
* to disambiguate contextually; it simply finds everything in scope
* that the noun phrase could refer to.
/* start with an empty vector */
local v = new Vector(32);
/* get the current scope list */
// local scope = World.scope;
local scope = Q.topicScopeList;
/* check what kind of phrase we have */
if (pronoun != nil)
/* it's a pronoun - resolved based on the antecedent */
addMatches(v, pronoun.resolve(), 0);
/* if there are no antecedents, flag the error */
if (v.length() == 0)
throw new NoAntecedentError(self, pronoun);
/* filter for in-scope objects (or reflexive placeholders) */
v = v.subset(
{ m: m.obj.ofKind(Pronoun) || scope.find(m.obj) });
/* if that leaves nothing, flag the error */
if (v.length() == 0)
throw new AntecedentScopeError(cmd, self, pronoun);
* It's a named object. Our 'tokens' property is a list of the
* words in the noun phrase in the user input. Match it against
* the objects in physical scope.
v.appendAll(matchNameScope(cmd, scope));
* Create a dummy object to represent the literal text; we may
* need this even if there are other matches to ensure that a
* regular expression is matched on a TopicEntry.
local obj = new Topic(tokens.join(' ').trim());
/* Wrap the dummy object in am NPMatch object */
local lst = [obj];
addMatches(v, lst, 1);
matches = v;
cmd.madeTopic = true;
/* save the match list so far */
matches = v;
/* if we have a possessive qualifier, apply it */
if (possQual != nil)
/* match vocabulary for the possessive phrase */
* apply the qualifier, filtering out things not owned by the
* object named in the qualifier
/* if that empties our list, flag it */
if (matches.length() == 0)
throw new NoneInOwnerError(cmd, self, possQual);
/* expand the error text to include the possessive qualifier */
// if(matches.length == 0)
local res = new ResolvedTopic(matches.mapAll({o: o.obj}).toList, tokens);
res = new NPMatch(v[1].np, res, v[1].match);
matches = new Vector([res]);
matchNameScope(cmd, scope)
/* set up a vector for the results */
local v = new Vector(32);
* Run through the scope list and ask each object if it matches
* the noun phrase. Keep the ones that match.
foreach (local obj in scope)
/* ask this object if it matches */
local match = obj.matchName(tokens);
/* if it matches, include it in the results */
if (match)
v.append(new NPMatch(self, obj, match));
/* return the list */
return v;
filterResolveList(self, cmd, All);
class ResolvedTopic: object
construct(lst, toks)
* if our list of topics has more than one entry, sort it in ascending
* order of length of name. That's because the shorter the name, the
* closer it may be to what the player actually typed.
if(lst != nil && lst.length > 1)
topicList = lst.sort(SortAsc, {a, b: -});
topicList = lst;
tokens = toks;
topicList = nil
tokens = nil
getBestMatch = (topicList == nil ? nil : topicList[1])
getTopicText = tokens.join(' ').trim()
theName = (topicList != nil ? topicList[1].theName : getTopicText)
aName = (topicList != nil ? topicList[1].aName : getTopicText)
name = (topicList != nil ? topicList[1].name : getTopicText)
person = 3
* LiteralPhrase is a special kind of NounPhrase for literals (TYPE,
* WRITE, SET TO, etc). These phrases aren't resolved to game-world
* objects, but instead are just treated as literal text.
class LiteralPhrase: NounPhrase
local v = new Vector(2);
/* Recreate the literal text */
local litName = tokens.join(' ');
/* Create a dummy object to represent the literal text */
local obj = new LiteralObject(litName.trim());
/* Wrap the dummy object in am NPMatch object */
local lst = [obj];
addMatches(v, lst, MatchNoApprox);
matches = v;
/* do nothing; there's only one object */
/* object to hold the result of a literal input */
class LiteralObject: object
name = name_;
name = nil
theName = (name)
person = 3
* NumberPhrase is a special kind of NounPhrase for numeric literals
* (e.g., FOOTNOTE n). These phrases aren't resolved to game-world
* objects, but are simply taken as numeric values.
class NumberPhrase: NounPhrase
local v = new Vector(2);
/* Get the number just entered*/
local val = prod.numval;
/* Create a dummy object to represent the literal text */
local obj = new NumericObject(tokens, val);
/* Wrap the dummy object in am NPMatch object */
local lst = [obj];
addMatches(v, lst, MatchNoApprox);
matches = v;
/* do nothing; there's only one object */
/* An object to hold a numerical value. */
class NumericObject: object
construct(toks, val)
numToks = toks;
numVal = val;
numToks = nil
numVal = nil
numStr = (numToks.join(' '))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* NPMatch is an object that describes one object matching a noun phrase.
class NPMatch: object
construct(np, obj, match)
/* save the NounPhrase, the object we matched, and the match flags */ = np;
self.obj = obj;
self.match = match;
* set the name initially to the object name; the Command will
* replace this before execution with a name from the
* Distinguishers that's unique relative to the other objects in
* the list
*/ =;
* Calculate the match strength for sorting purposes.
* The strength tells us how well the vocabulary matched the
* object. Matches without truncation are stronger than those
* that include truncated words; likewise character
* approximation. Matches that consist of entirely adjectives
* are weaker than those that contain nouns or plurals (for
* example, if we have a TOY CAR and a TOY CAR REMOTE CONTROL in
* scope, we'd consider CAR to be an unambiguous match to the TOY
* CAR, since the match to the REMOTE is weak by virtue of being
* all adjectives).
* The MatchXxx bit flags are arranged in arithmetic order of
* match strength, so the 'match' value basically equals the
* strength. However, for the strength calculation, plurals and
* nouns are equivalent. So the strength value is the match
* value with any plural flag replaced by the noun flag.
self.strength = (match & ~MatchPlural)
| (match & MatchPlural ? MatchNoun : 0);
/* the NounPhrase we matched */
np = nil
/* the matching object */
obj = nil
* the match flags - this is a combination of MatchXxx flags as
* returned from Mentionable.matchName()
match = 0
/* the match strength, for sorting the match list */
strength = 0
/* the selection/disambiguation flags (SelXxx) */
flags = 0
* Disambiguation score. This is a number assigned by the action in
* scoreObjects().
score = 0
* The name, for announcement purposes. This is filled in by the
* Command during execution. The Command figures the name so that
* it's distinguished from all of the other objects in the same noun
* role in the command.
name = ''
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Our root class for grammar productions. (A "production" represents a
* match to a syntax rule, as defined with a 'grammar' template.)
* The language module's grammar rules can define certain special
* properties on any production match object, and we'll find them in the
* course of building the command from the match tree:
* endOfSentence=true - define this on a production for a sentence-ending
* verb conjunction. In English (and most Western languages), this can
* be used with rules that match punctuation marks like periods,
* exclamation points, and question marks, since these marks typically
* end a sentence. The parser distinguishes between the grammar rules
* for the first clause in a sentence vs subsequent clauses. It starts a
* new input line with the first-in-sentence rule, then uses the
* additional clause rule for each subsequent clause. When a clause ends
* with a sentence-ending mark, though, we'll treat the next clause as a
* sentence opener again.
class Production: object
/* get the original text of the command for this match */
/* if we have no token list, return an empty string */
if (tokenList == nil)
return '';
/* build the string based on my original token list */
return cmdTokenizer.buildOrigText(getTokens());
/* get my original token list, in canonical tokenizer format */
* return the subset of the full token list from my first token
* to my last token
return nilToList(tokenList).sublist(
firstTokenIndex, lastTokenIndex - firstTokenIndex + 1);
* Build the command for this production and its children. By
* default, we'll simply traverse into our children.
build(cmd, np)
/* if this is a sentence-ending mark, note it */
if (endOfSentence)
noteEndOfSentence(cmd, self);
/* run through our list of matches */
local info = grammarInfoForBuild();
for (local i = 2, local len = info.length() ; i <= len ; ++i)
/* get the current match */
local cur = info[i];
/* process it based on its type */
switch (dataType(cur))
case TypeSString:
/* it's a literal token match item */
visitLiteral(cmd, np, cur);
case TypeObject:
* An object is a production sub-tree. Set its parent
* pointer to point back at us.
cur.parent = self;
/* visit the production */
visitProd(cmd, np, cur);
* If there's a determiner, apply it the noun phrase. Apply the
* determiner after building out the subtree, so that the parent
* determiner overrides any found in the subtree.
if (determiner != nil)
np.determiner = determiner;
* Get the grammar match list for build() purposes. By default, this
* simply returns the grammarInfo() results, which are automatically
* generated by the compiler to return a list of the "->prop" values from
* the matched grammar rule. Some rules might want to modify that default
* value list, so we provide this routine as an override hook.
return grammarInfo();
* Add a new NounPhrase item to the list under construction. Certain
* productions are associated with specific functional slots in the
* abstract command - direct object, indirect object, EXCEPT list,
* etc. This routine is for such production subclasses to override,
* to direct new noun phrases into the appropriate slot lists. In a
* grammar, the functional role is typically at a higher level in the
* tree, with ordinary noun phrases plugged in underneath.
* Our default handling is to first check our nounPhraseRole
* property; if it's set, it tells us the role that this sub-tree
* plays in the predicate (direct object, indirect object,
* accessory). We use that information to add the new NounPhrase to
* the Command list that we're building for our assigned role.
* If nounPhraseRole is nil, then we simply pass the request up to
* our parent. Eventually we should reach a node encoding the
* function slot.
addNounListItem(cmd, prod)
if (nounPhraseRole != nil)
return cmd.addNounListItem(nounPhraseRole, prod);
return parent.addNounListItem(cmd, prod);
* Note an end-of-sentence marker. We'll simply notify our parent by
* default.
noteEndOfSentence(cmd, prod)
if (parent != nil)
parent.noteEndOfSentence(cmd, prod);
* The NounPhrase subclass to use for noun phrases within this
* sub-tree. By default, we look to our parent; if we don't have a
* parent, we use the base NounPhrase class.
* Special phrase types (topics, literals, and numbers) have their
* own NounPhrase subclasses. This is important because the
* resolution rules for these phrase types differ from the regular
* object resolution rules.
npClass = (parent != nil ? parent.npClass : NounPhrase)
* My assigned noun phrase role, as a NounRole object. This must be
* explicitly set for the top node in a noun slot (which can be a
* noun list production, a single noun production, a topic, etc).
* In a positional language grammar, the predicate production will
* mark its immediate child in each noun phrase slot by setting this
* according to the role that the sub-tree plays in the predicate
* grammar. Non-positional languages that use grammatical case or
* other ways of encoding the role information must set this some
* other way.
nounPhraseRole = nil
* Get our noun phrase role. If we don't have a role defined
* directly, we'll inherit the role from our parent node.
return nounPhraseRole != nil
? nounPhraseRole : parent.nounPhraseRole;
* Visit a literal token child in our sub-tree. This is called
* during the build process for each literal token in our child list.
* By default, we add the token to the command's current noun phrase.
visitLiteral(cmd, np, tok)
/* add the literal to the current noun phrase */
if(np != nil)
* Visit a production object in our list. This is called during the
* build process for each production object in our child list. By
* default, we simply build the child production recursively.
visitProd(cmd, np, prod)
/* build out this production recursively */, np);
* The determiner that this production applies to the noun phrase
* it's part of, as a Determiner object. If this is non-nil, this
* Determiner will be set in the current NounPhrase when we visit
* this production in the build process.
determiner = nil
* My parent production. The low-level GrammarProd mechanism doesn't
* set this up, so we set it up ourselves in the course of building
* out the tree. In build(), just before we visit each
* sub-production, we set the sub-production's 'parent' property to
* point back to the parent production. This property is therefore
* always set while we're traversing the child's tree, but won't
* necessarily be set yet if we're not currently working somewhere
* within the child's tree. That means that you can always look at
* 'parent' within your own build() routine or a child build()
* routine, but you can't necessarily look at it across the tree or
* within your own children.
parent = nil
* Find a parent matching a given test. We'll scan up the parent
* tree, looking for the nearest parent p for which func(p) returns
* true, returning p. If we can't find one, we return nil.
/* find the nearest parent that passes the callback test */
local par;
for (par = parent ; par != nil && !func(par) ; par = par.parent) ;
/* return what we found */
return par;
/* Is this production a child of the given production? */
/* look up my parent tree for the given parent */
for (local par = parent ; par != nil ; par = par.parent)
/* if this is the one we're looking for, we're a child */
if (par == prod)
return true;
/* didn't find it */
return nil;
* Find the action. This finds the child of type VerbProduction,
* then retrieves the action from the verb production.
/* find the VerbProduction among our children */
local vp = findChild(VerbProduction);
/* return the action from the VerbProduction, if we found it */
return (vp != nil ? vp.action : nil);
* Find a child of a given class.
/* if I'm of the desired class, we're done */
if (ofKind(cls))
return self;
/* recursively scan my children */
for (local gi = grammarInfo(), local i = 2, local len = gi.length() ;
i <= len ; ++i)
/* try this child */
local chi = gi[i].findChild(cls);
if (chi != nil)
return chi;
/* didn't find it */
return nil;
* CommandProduction is a special Production subclass for the top-level
* grammar rule for the overall command.
* Each instance of this type of production must define the following
* '->' properties in its syntax template:
* actor_ is the noun phrase giving the addressee of the command, if any.
* A command such as TELL ACTOR TO DO X or (using the long-standing IF
* convention) ACTOR, DO X addresses a command to an actor; i.e., it
* tells the actor to carry out the command, rather than the player's
* avatar. A command that isn't addressed to an actor can leave actor_
* as nil.
* cmd_ is the *first* predicate phrase (see below), in the desired order
* of execution. For example, for "open the door and go north", cmd_
* should be set to the match tree for the "open the door" predicate.
* conj_ is any conjunction or punctuation ending the first predicate
* phrase. This might be a period at the end of the sentence, or a word
* like 'and' or 'then' that can separate multiple commands. This can be
* nil if there's no conjunction at all (such as when the whole command
* is just the first predicate). The reason we need conj_ is that it
* tells us where any subsequent command on the same command line starts.
* If cmd2_ is not nil, we'll ignore conj_ and use cmd2_ instead for this
* purpose.
* cmd2_ is optional: it's the *second* predicate phrase. If this is not
* nil, it tells the parser where to start parsing the next predicate on
* the same command line after finishing with the first one. This is
* optional, even if the command line really does have more than one
* predicate, because the parser can use conj_ instead to infer where the
* second predicate must start.
* (It's probably intuitively obvious what "first predicate" means, but
* for the sake of translators, here's a more thorough analysis. Some
* command productions can match more than one predicate phrase, but this
* is only for the sake of determining where the first one ends,
* syntactically. The execution engine actually only carries out the
* first predicate matched for a given parse tree - it simply ignores any
* others in the same tree. After we finish executing the first
* predicate from the match, we go back and re-parse the remaining text
* from scratch, as raw text; at that point, the next predicate in the
* text becomes the first predicate in the new parse tree and gets
* executed. We repeat this until we run out of text. So we do
* eventually execute everything the player types in - but not on the
* first parse; we have to do one parse per predicate. We have to repeat
* the parsing because carrying out the first action could change the
* game state in such a way that we'll find a different match to the next
* predicate than we would have if we'd parsed everything up front. By
* "first predicate phrase", then, we mean the one that gets executed
* first. The point is to carry out the user's wishes as expressed in
* the command, so we want the first predicate we execute to be the one
* that the player *intends* to be carried out first; so by "first" we
* really mean the one that a speaker of the natural language would
* expect to be performed first, given the structure of the sentence and
* the rules of the language. In English, this is easy: X THEN Y or X,Y
* or X AND Y all mean "first do X, then do Y" - the reading order is the
* same as the execution order.)
class CommandProduction: Production
/* -> property: the match tree for the addressee, if any */
actor_ = nil
* The grammatical person of the actor to whom we're giving orders.
* This is 2 for second person and 3 for third person. (It's not
* meaningful to give orders in the first person.)
* In English (and probably most languages), commands of the form
* ACTOR, DO SOMETHING address ACTOR in the second person. In
* contrast, TELL ACTOR TO DO SOMETHING gives orders to ACTOR, but in
* the third person.
* In the second-person form of giving orders, second-person pronouns
* (YOU, YOURSELF) within the command will refer back to the actor
* being addressed: BOB, EXAMINE YOURSELF tells Bob to look at Bob.
* In the indirect form, YOU refers to the player character: TELL BOB
* TO EXAMINE YOU tells Bob to look at the PC.
* The default is 2, since the long-standing IF convention is the
* ACTOR, DO SOMETHING format. Override this (to 3) for TELL TO
* grammar rules.
actorPerson = 2
/* build the tree */
build(cmd, np)
/* if we're giving orders, tell the command which person they're in */
if (actor_ != nil)
cmd.actorPerson = actorPerson;
* if we have a second predicate or a conjunction, note where the
* second predicate starts
if (cmd2_ != nil)
* we have a second predicate production, so the second
* predicate starts with the first token of that production
cmd.nextTokens = tokenList.sublist(cmd2_.firstTokenIndex);
else if (conj_ != nil)
* we don't have an explicit second predicate production, but
* we do have a conjunction, so the second predicate must
* start at the next token after the conjunction
cmd.nextTokens = tokenList.sublist(conj_.lastTokenIndex + 1);
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
/* visit a production */
visitProd(cmd, np, prod)
/* if this is the actor, create a NounPhrase for the actor role */
if (prod == actor_)
np = cmd.addNounListItem(ActorRole, prod);
* If this is the first predicate, actor, or conjunction, build
* it out as usual; otherwise ignore it. We specifically don't
* want to build out any command processing for a second or
* subsequent predicate, because we only execute the first
* predicate in a parse tree.
if (prod is in (cmd_, actor_, conj_))
/* expand the token extent to include this phrase */
if (prod.lastTokenIndex > cmd.tokenLen)
cmd.tokenLen = prod.lastTokenIndex;
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np, prod);
/* note the end of the sentence */
noteEndOfSentence(cmd, prod)
* if the production is within the conjunction, the command ends
* the sentence
if (prod == conj_ || prod.isChildOf(conj_))
cmd.endOfSentence = true;
* A NounRole is a internal parser object that provides information on a
* given noun role in a predicate.
* A noun role is one of the standard semantic roles that a noun phrase
* can play in a natural language predicate. A predicate is a
* combination of an action and the objects that it applies to. Any
* given verb has a set of assigned roles that need to be filled to make
* a complete thought. (Sometimes the same verb word has multiple senses
* with different numbers of slots to fill, but you can think of the
* different senses as actually being different actions at some abstract
* level, which all happen to share the same verb word.) For example,
* TAKE requires a noun phrase telling us which object is to be taken;
* this is called the direct object of the verb. PUT X IN Y has a direct
* object (the thing to be put somewhere) and an indirect object (the
* place to put it).
* Natural languages use a fairly small number of these noun roles. Most
* predicates in most languages have just one role: TAKE, DROP, OPEN,
* CLOSE. We call this first-and-only noun role the direct object. A
* few predicates have two roles: PUT IN, GIVE TO, UNLOCK WITH. We call
* the second role the indirect object. A very few predicates have three
* TONGS. We call the third role the "accessory" object (which is
* something we made up - there doesn't seem to be an agreed-upon word
* among linguists for this role). And it appears that there's simply no
* such thing as a "tetratransitive" verb in any natural human language,
* so we don't bother defining a fourth slot.
* (It would be easy for a game to add an object defining a fourth slot,
* analogous with these others, and use it to include a fourth noun
* phrase in the grammar for applicable verbs. The rest of the parser
* will pick it up automatically if you do. However, the practical
* utility of this seems minimal. *Three*-noun verbs are incredibly rare
* in IF, in part because situations requiring them are rare, and in part
* because they're almost guaranteed to vex players and be panned as
* guess-the-syntax puzzles. One can only imagine how a *four*-noun
* command would be received.)
class NounRole: object
* The -> property slot in the predicate grammar that's assigned to
* this role. This is the property that predicate grammar rules
* assign for the match tree for a noun phrase taking this role.
matchProp = nil
/* the NounPhrase list property in the Command object for this role */
npListProp = nil
/* the object match list property in the Command object for this role */
objListProp = nil
/* the property in the Command for the *current* item being executed */
objProp = nil
/* the property in the Command for the current item's NPMatch */
objMatchProp = nil
* Is this a predicate noun phrase role? This is true for roles that
* serve as objects of a verb: direct object, indirect object,
* accessory. This is nil for non-predicate roles, such as the
* addressee actor.
isPredicate = true
* the predicate match object property that gives the grammar rule
* for parsing a reply to a missing noun question for this role
missingReplyProp = nil
* name - this is an ID string that we use internally for embedding
* the role in things like verb template strings
name = ''
* Internal sequence number. This tells us the order in which this
* role appears in lists (including argument lists) when we store
* lists of roles.
order = 1000
/* class property: master list of all roles */
all = []
/* class property: master list of all predicate roles */
allPredicate = []
/* on construction, populate the various maps */
/* add it to our master list of roles */
NounRole.all += self;
/* add it to the master list of predicate roles, if applicable */
if (isPredicate)
NounRole.allPredicate += self;
/* keep the lists in sorted order */
NounRole.all = NounRole.all.sort(SortAsc, { a, b: a.order - b.order });
NounRole.allPredicate = NounRole.allPredicate.sort(
SortAsc, { a, b: a.order - b.order });
* The DirectObject role is the role of the object being most directly
* acted upon in the command. The is the only role in a verb that has
* only one object. In a verb with two objects, this is the object most
* directly affected. For example, UNLOCK DOOR WITH KEY directly acts
* upon the door, so the door is the direct object; the key isn't the
* direct object because it's merely a tool used to effect the change on
* the door.
DirectObject: NounRole
matchProp = &dobjMatch
npListProp = &dobjNPs
objListProp = &dobjs
objProp = &dobj
objMatchProp = &dobjInfo
missingReplyProp = &dobjReply
curObjProp = &curDobj
name = 'dobj'
order = 1
* The IndirectObject role is the role of a secondary object that is used
* in the command, but isn't the primary object being acted upon. This
* is usually a tool (UNLOCK dobj WITH iobj), a destination (PUT dobj IN
* iobj), or a topic (ASK dobj ABOUT iobj).
IndirectObject: NounRole
matchProp = &iobjMatch
npListProp = &iobjNPs
objListProp = &iobjs
objProp = &iobj
objMatchProp = &iobjInfo
missingReplyProp = &iobjReply
curObjProp = &curIobj
name = 'iobj'
order = 2
* The AccessoryObject role is for a *third* object, beyond the direct
* and indirect objects, involved in the command. This might be a peer
* to the indirect object in an exchange (TRADE dobj AN iobj FOR AN
* accessory), but the canonical IF use is as a tool in a two-object
* operation (PUT dobj IN iobj WITH accessory, WRITE dobj ON iobj WITH
* accessory).
AccessoryObject: NounRole
matchProp = &accMatch
npListProp = &accNPs
objListProp = &accs
objProp = &acc
objMatchProp = &accInfo
missingReplyProp = &accReply
curObjProp = &curAobj
name = 'acc'
order = 3
* ActorRole is a special role for the addressee of a command (BOB, GO
* NORTH, or TELL BOB TO GO NORTH). This doesn't appear as part of a
* predicate structure, so there's no matchProp, but it is used within
* the Command.
ActorRole: NounRole
npListProp = &actorNPs
objListProp = &actors
objProp = &actor
isPredicate = nil
* VerbProduction is a special Production subclass for verb (predicate)
* rules. This production has special processing for building out the
* object phrases making up the verb.
* Each instance should have an 'action' property giving the Action
* object associated with the verb rule. This is the Action that will be
* performed when the parser matches the command input to the rule.
* Some languages, such as English, have "positional" predicate grammars.
* This means that the position of a noun phrase in the sentence
* determines its role (direct object, indirect object, etc). In the
* grammar for a positional language, each predicate rule simply needs to
* plug in a singleNoun or nounList production (as appropriate) in each
* noun phrase position, with its '->' property set to correspond to the
* role: ->dobjMatch for a direct object, ->iobjMatch for an indirect
* object, and ->accMatch for an accessory object.
* Some languages, such as German and Latin, identify the role of a noun
* phrase using grammatical case. This means that the articles change
* form in the different roles, or that the nouns themselves are
* inflected (they have different forms, such as added suffixes)
* according to role. Case languages tend to have flexible predicate
* word order, because the case markers tell you the role of each noun
* even if the nouns are rearranged. For this reason, it can be tedious
* to write a grammar for a case language the way we do for English,
* where the word ordering for a given verb is so rigid that we can
* easily just write out each possible phrasing manually. For a case
* language, you'll probably instead want to write a set of generic verb
* rules that cover *all* verbs (i.e., you leave the verb word itself as
* a sub-production) in all of the different word orders, and use the
* case tagging in the language to determine the role of each noun
* phrase. For this style of grammar, the grammar must set the property
* nounPhraseRole in the top-level rule for each noun phrase case; set
* this to DirectObject, IndirectObject, AccessoryObject, etc., according
* to the role denoted by the case.
* Still other languages, such as Japanese, use particles (grammar
* function words) to denote the role of each noun phrase in the
* sentence. This is similar to grammatical case, but the role
* information is encoded in separate words (the particles) rather than
* in noun affixes, so the nouns themselves aren't inflected. You can
* handle this type of language roughly the same way you'd handle a case
* language. Create generic rules that cover all verbs, then create a
* grammar rule for each particle-plus-noun structure. In each
* particle-plus-noun phrase's top-level rule, set the nounPhraseRole
* property to the appropriate role object (DirectObject, etc).
class VerbProduction: Production
* The "priority" of this grammar rule. This is a contributor to the
* Command priority - see Command.priority for an explanation of how
* that's used.
* The predicate priority is a small number, 0-99. The default is
* 50, which should apply to most normal, complete verb phrases. For
* incomplete phrases (with a missing object, which will force the
* parser to assume a default or ask the player for the missing
* information), use 25. Other values are for fine-tuning as needed
* in the individual grammar rules. A higher value means higher
* priority.
priority = 50
* Do we want to consider this production to be active; we may want some
* VerbRules to be active only under certain circumstanes.
isActive = true
/* build the command */
build(cmd, np)
/* set the action and the predicate phrase priority in the command */
cmd.action = action;
cmd.verbProd = self;
cmd.predPriority = priority;
cmd.predActive = isActive;;
/* do the standard work */
inherited(cmd, np);
/* if we have a structurally empty slot, note it in the command */
if (missingRole != nil)
* Visit a production during the build process. If this is one of
* our noun phrase slots, we tell the command to add a new noun
* phrase of this type, and make it the current phrase; then we
* recursively build out this child to populate the new noun phrase.
visitProd(cmd, np, prod)
* If this is a special phrase slot, mark the child with its
* role. This is necessary for positional languages, where the
* role of a noun phrase is determined by its position in the
* predicate. Grammars for these languages use generic rules
* that apply to any noun phrases, so the match objects don't
* know what role they have until they find out their position in
* the parent grammar. We're the parent grammar, so when we see
* one of these special positional markers, we need to pass the
* information down to the sub-tree here.
local r;
if ((r = NounRole.all.valWhich(
{x: x.matchProp != nil && self.(x.matchProp) == prod})) != nil)
/* set the role in the sub-tree */
prod.nounPhraseRole = r;
/* start a new noun phrase for the role */
np = prod.addNounListItem(cmd, prod);
* build out the child, in the context of the noun phrase we
* decided upon
*/, np);
* The parser calls answerMissing() when the player answers a query
* for a missing noun phrase in the last command. There's nothing
* that needs to happen here, and by default we do nothing; this is
* purely advisory. This routine gives the language module a chance
* to alter the command according to the reply, if necessary.
answerMissing(cmd, np) { }
* NounListProduction is a special Production subclass for lists
* including more than one noun.
* Each instance should have two '->' properties: np1_ and np2_. These
* should be set to the match sub-tree for the first and second elements
* of the noun list (respectively). Note that we assume there are only
* two elements in each list grammar item - this isn't because we want to
* limit noun lists to two elements, but rather because we assume that
* the grammars for longer lists will be constructed recursively out of
* two-element nodes: A, B, C, D becomes something along the lines of
* List(a, List(b, List(c, List(d)))).
class NounListProduction: Production
* Visit a production during the build process. When parsing the
* second element, we'll add a new NounPhrase to the current slot's
* list.
visitProd(cmd, np, prod)
/* if this is the second list item, add a new NounPhrase for it */
if (prod == np2_)
np = prod.addNounListItem(cmd, prod);
/* for noun phrases, tell the noun phrase about the production */
if (prod is in (np1_, np2_)) = prod;
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np, prod);
* A BadListProduction is a Production subclass for a noun list written
* in a slot intended for a single noun only. This isn't really a
* grammatical error, so the language grammar will probably want to
* include a rule for this. However, it *is* a semantic error; rules
* that are written for single objects are written that way because we
* can't make sense of a list there. For example, PUT BOOK IN BOX AND
* BAG would be nonsensical to us, because we can't put something in two
* places at once. This class can be used for a grammar rule that parses
* a list where a single noun is required; we'll flag it with an
* explanatory error message for the user.
class BadListProduction: Production
build(cmd, np)
/* mark the command with the list-in-single-slot error */
cmd.badMulti = getNounPhraseRole();
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
* ExceptListProduction is a Production subclass for EXCEPT lists. This
* is a slot in the grammar that holds a list of objects excepted from
class ExceptListProduction: Production
* Build this phrase. Our sub-tree is a noun list that's to be
* excluded from the current noun phrase under construction, 'np';
* this exclusion list is a type of qualifier. So, we (a) start an
* exception qualifier for 'np', (b) make that list the current noun
* phrase within our sub-tree, then (c) do the normal work to build
* out our sub-tree, but using the new context.
build(cmd, np)
* remember the noun phrase that we qualify - this is simply the
* parent noun phrase, np
qualifiedNP = np;
* start an exclusion list for the noun phrase; make the first
* element of the new list the active noun phrase for our
* sub-tree
np = np.addExclusionItem(self);
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
* Add a noun list item. List items within our sub-tree go into the
* exclusion list for the parent noun phrase that we qualify.
addNounListItem(cmd, prod)
/* add a new noun phrase to the qualified NP's exclusion list */
return qualifiedNP.addExclusionItem(prod);
/* the noun phrase we qualify */
qualifiedNP = nil
* CoreNounPhraseProduction is a Production subclass for the "core" noun
* phrase grammar for noun phrases with object vocabulary. This is the
* part of the grammar that matches the basic name of an object, after
* all qualifiers (such as articles, possessives, and quantifiers) have
* already been dealt with. This is the part of the phrase that contains
* the vocabulary words for game-world objects.
* This class is only needed for noun phrases with object vocabulary
* words. It captures the unqualified core of the phrase as entered by
* the user, mostly for reiteration in error messages from the parser.
* It's not necessary to define rules of this class for noun phrases that
* don't have object vocabulary words (e.g., pronouns, ALL).
class CoreNounPhraseProduction: Production
build(cmd, np)
/* note in the NounPhrase that this is the core noun phrase */
np.coreProd = self;
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
* EmptyNounProduction is a Production subclass for a grammar rule that
* matches no tokens where a noun phrase would ordinarily go.
class EmptyNounProduction: Production
build(cmd, np)
/* mark the noun phrase role as empty in the command */
* NumberNounProduction is a Production subclass for a number that serves
* as a direct, indirect, or accessory object.
class NumberNounProduction: Production
/* we use the NumberPhrase subclass for a noun phrase entries */
npClass = NumberPhrase
* TopicNounProduction is a Production subclass for a topic that serves
* as a direct, indirect, or accessory object.
class TopicNounProduction: Production
/* we use the TopicPhrase subclass for a topic phrase entry */
npClass = TopicPhrase
* LiteralNounProduction is a Production subclass for a literal phrase
* that serves as a direct, indirect, or accessory object.
class LiteralNounProduction: Production
/* we use the LiteralPhrase subclass for a noun phrase entries */
npClass = LiteralPhrase
* PronounProduction is a Production subclass for pronoun phrases.
* Each instance should set the property 'pronoun' to a Pronoun object
* giving the pronoun role for the phrase.
class PronounProduction: Production
* Build the phrase. We'll add our pronoun association to the
* current noun phrase. (We'll also build out any sub-tree, although
* in nearly all cases a pronoun phrase is just a literal and won't
* have a sub-tree.)
build(cmd, np)
/* set the pronoun association in the noun phrase */
np.pronoun = pronoun;
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
* A PossessiveProduction is a production subclass for possessive
* qualifier phrases ("John's", "my"). When we build out this
* production's contribution to the command, we add a separate NounPhrase
* object for it, as a possessive qualifier to the current noun phrase.
class PossessiveProduction: Production
* Build the phrase. We'll build out our sub-tree as normal, except
* that we'll assign its output to a new NounPhrase, which we attach
* as a possessive qualifier to the encompassing noun phrase under
* construction.
build(cmd, np)
* create a new noun phrase to serve as a possessive qualifier to
* the current noun phrase
np = np.addPossessive(self);
/* if I have a pronoun, set it in the noun phrase */
np.pronoun = pronoun;
/* do the normal work in the context of the possessive qualifier */
inherited(cmd, np);
* ContentsQualifierProduction is a subclass of Production for phrases
* that involve contents qualifiers, as in "the bucket of water".
* Each grammar rule of this type needs to define two special '->'
* associations in its template:
* cont_ is the contents qualifier. This is also just an ordinary noun
* phrase. This is the "water" part in "bucket of water".
* prep_ is the preposition giving the relationship.
class ContentsQualifierProduction: Production
* Visit a production. When we process the contents qualifier
* phrase, we'll build out the sub-tree in the context of a new
* NounPhrase, which we attach as a contents qualifier to the
* encompassing noun phrase under construction.
visitProd(cmd, np, prod)
* if this sub-production is the contents qualifier phrase,
* create a new locational qualifier for it
if (prod == cont_)
np = np.addContents(prep_.getText(), prod);
/* do the normal work in the context of the noun phrase we set up */
inherited(cmd, np, prod);
* LocationalProduction is a subclass of Production for phrases that
* involve locational qualifiers, as in "the book on the table".
* Each grammar rule of this type needs to define two special '->'
* associations in its template:
* cont_ is the locational qualifier. This is also just an ordinary noun
* phrase. This is the "the table" part in "the book on the table".
* prep_ is the preposition production. This should be *or* contain a
* LocationTypeProduction match, which tells us the type of containment
* relationship specified by the grammar. *Alternatively*, you can
* define locType directly on this production. This specifies a LocType
* object giving the containment relationship.
class LocationalProduction: Production
* Visit a production. When we process the locational qualifier
* phrase, we'll build out the sub-tree in the context of a new
* NounPhrase, which we attach as a locational qualifier to the
* encompassing noun phrase under construction.
visitProd(cmd, np, prod)
* if this sub-production is the locational qualifier phrase,
* create a new locational qualifier for it
if (prod == cont_)
/* add the location to the noun phrase */
np = np.addLocation(locType, prod);
* explicitly build out the preposition sub-tree in the
* context of the locational noun phrase - this ensures that
* the locType gets set for the locational rather than the
* base noun phrase
if (prep_ != nil), np);
* we already built the prep_ subtree explicitly in build(), so
* we can ignore it if we're hitting it again here
if (prod == prep_)
/* do the normal work in the context of the noun phrase we set up */
inherited(cmd, np, prod);
* Our location type. This is a LocType object giving the location
* relationship specified by this locational phrase. For languages
* that special locational phrases prepositionally, this will be set
* by the LocationPrepProduction in our sub-tree. For languages that
* use case inflection to specify the type of relationship, this must
* be set by the noun phrase sub-tree instead.
locType = nil
* A LocationPrepProduction is a special Production type for phrases that
* encode the preposition of a locational phrase. This is only needed in
* languages that use prepositional grammar to express location
* relationships. For languages that use noun case inflection, the
* relationship will have to be inferred from the case grammar of the
* noun phrase (such as noun affixes or articles), and the noun phrase
* production will have to set the locType in the LocationalProduction.
* Set the locType property to the LocType object corresponding to the
* location relationship of the preposition.
class LocationPrepProduction: Production
/* our location relationship type, as a LocType object */
locType = nil
* on building the production, set the locType in our
* LocationalProduction parent
build(cmd, np)
/* set the location type on the noun phrase */
np.locType = locType;
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
* QuantifierProduction is a subclass of Production for phrases that add
* a number qualifier, as in "five books".
* Each grammar rule of this type needs to define a special '->quant_'
* association in its template, giving the quantity phrase production.
* This phrase must in turn provide a 'numval' property giving its
* numeric value.
* Alternatively, this production can itself simply provide a 'numval'
* property with the correct number. This is convenient for
* adjective-like qualifier phrases that imply a number without stating
* one directly, such as BOTH BOOKS.
class QuantifierProduction: Production
* Build out the subtree. If we have a numval embedded in this
* production, we'll use it as the quantifier. Otherwise, we'll
* expect to find a separate quant_ sub-production among our
* children, and that it provides the quantity.
build(cmd, np)
/* if we have our own numval value, apply it as the quantifier */
if (numval != nil)
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
* Visit a production. When we visit the quantifier phrase, we'll
* handle it specially: we'll add the quantifier value to the main
* noun phrase, and then we *won't* parse into the subtree. There's
* no need to parse the quantifier subtree, as its entire meaning is
* captured in its numeric value. Parsing into it is undesirable
* because that would add the numeric tokens to the noun phrase -
* they don't belong there, since their qualification is captured in
* the quantifier and shouldn't also be added as adjectives.
visitProd(cmd, np, prod)
/* if this is the quantifier, handle it specially */
if (prod == quant_)
/* add the quantifier to the noun phrase */
/* note that we explicitly DON'T parse into the subtree */
/* do the inherited work */
inherited(cmd, np, prod);
* OrdinalProduction is a subclass of Production for ordinal phrases
* ("first", "second", etc). The match object must define a method
* ordval() that returns the integer value of the ordinal (1 for "first",
* 2 for "second", etc).
class OrdinalProduction: Production
build(cmd, np)
/* apply the ordinal value to the noun phrase */
* we don't want to build out the subtree, since we don't want to
* treat literals as vocabulary words for this type of phrase
* MiscWordListProduction is a subclass of Production for miscellaneous
* word list rules. These are grammar rules of last resort, for matching
* text that's positionally where a noun phrase ought to be, but which
* doesn't match any of our other rules for constructing a valid noun
* phrase. These rules let us still recognize the overall verb-phrase
* structure of a command, even though we can't make sense of what goes
* where the nouns ought to be.
class MiscWordListProduction: Production
build(cmd, np)
/* tell the Command that it contains a misc word list */
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
* An OopsProduction is a subclass for the word list part of an OOPS
* command. This must have a ->toks_ property that holds the sub-tree
* for the literal token list of the correction.
class OopsProduction: Production
* Class method: apply the correction for an OOPS command to an
* original token list.
applyCorrection(prod, toks, typoIdx)
/* build the tree into an OopsCommand object */
local cmd = new OopsCommand();, nil);
* splice the corrected tokens into the original token list,
* replacing the unknown word token, and return the result
return toks.splice(typoIdx, 1, cmd.tokens...);
/* build the command */
build(cmd, np)
/* add the token list of the correction to the command */
cmd.tokens += toks_.getTokens();
* An OopsCommand is a fake Command object for building out an Oops tree.
class OopsCommand: object
/* the token list: this is filled in when we build the Oops nodes */
tokens = []
* DisambigProduction is a subclass of Production for the root of a
* disambiguation reply tree grammar.
class DisambigProduction: Production
addNounListItem(cmd, prod)
* add the new item to the disambig reply list for the original
* noun phrase
return cmd.addDisambigNP(prod);
* Production class for Yes-or-No phrases
property yesOrNoAnswer;
class YesOrNoProduction: Production
build(cmd, np)
/* set the yes/no answer property in the Command */
cmd.yesOrNoAnswer = answer;
/* do the normal work */
inherited(cmd, np);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Base class for pronouns. We represent each type of pronoun with an
* object, to abstract pronouns away from the vocabulary.
* The base library defines a set of pronouns that are common to most
* languages: It, Him, Her, Them, You, Y'all, Me, and Us, plus reflexive
* forms of It, Him, Her, and Them. Some languages might not employ all
* of these (French, for example, has no neuter gender, so there's no
* equivalent of It), and some might need additional pronouns (e.g.,
* French needs a feminine third-person plural). If a pronoun we define
* here has no equivalent in a given language, the language module should
* simply omit any grammar mentioning it. If the language has pronouns
* that aren't in the basic set, the language module can provide
* definitions for its own additional Pronoun objects, along with the
* corresponding grammar rules.
* The library itself only directly references one pronoun object: You.
* The parser specifically references this pronoun because it binds to
* the addressee of a command, which has a special role in the parsing
* process. Apart from You, though, the library's use of pronouns is
* directed by the grammar: if a given Pronoun doesn't appear in the
* grammar anywhere, the library will never use it. (Other than in
* iterations over Pronoun instances, anyway; but these will be harmless
* because the parser is just trying to be inclusive.) This means that
* language modules are free to ignore pronouns (other than You) from the
* standard set when they're not a good match for the language's needs.
* For example, if you need distinct Animate and Inanimate forms of Him
* and Her, you could simply define four new Pronoun objects for these
* forms, and use them in place of Him and Her throughout your grammar.
* Note that these objects are NOT grammar rules or dictionary words.
* These are abstract objects representing the "binding" of the pronouns
* - basically the set of grammatical attributes (gender, number) that
* determine whether a given noun phrase is a valid antecedent for a
* given pronoun. That's why we don't define separate Pronoun objects
* the different grammatical cases (nominative, accusative, dative, etc):
* case is a feature of the grammar, and we're one step removed from that
* here.
class Pronoun: object
* Resolve the pronoun during parsing. The usual way of doing this
* is to return the list of antecedents we store as part of the
* pronoun object. This lets each type of pronoun store an
* appropriate list of antecedents.
* For a reflexive pronoun, return the Pronoun object for the
* ordinary form of the pronoun. This tells the parser that it needs
* to find a match for the pronoun within the command itself, rather
* than looking for an external antecedent. Second person is
* inherently reflexive, in that it refers to the addressee(s), so
* this should return 'self' for a second-person pronoun.
resolve() { return ante; }
* The grammatical person of the pronoun. Pronouns come in three
* persons: first (me, us), second (you), and third (her, them). We
* represent these as 1, 2, and 3.
person = 3
* Set the antecedent(s) for future pronoun usage based on the
* objects mentioned in the current command input or narrative
* output. 'obj' can be a single antecedent object, or it can be a
* list. Even a singular pronoun can have a list of antecedents:
* some commands have more than one noun phrase, and there's no way
* of knowing which one the user might want to refer to with a
* pronoun in a future command. We can't know until we see the
* context of the future pronoun use. For example, UNLOCK DOOR WITH
* KEY could be followed by OPEN IT, in which case IT is probably the
* door; or by DROP IT, in which case IT is probably the key. The
* best thing to do is to save both the door and the key as possible
* antecedents, so that we can choose the most suitable object when
* we actually see a pronoun in a subsequent command.
setAntecedents(obj){ ante = obj; }
* Does this pronoun match the given object or list of objects? By
* default, we won't match lists, and we'll ask the object if it
* thinks we're a match.
return !obj.ofKind(Collection) && obj.matchPronoun(self);
/* my antecedent or list of antecedents */
ante = []
* the corresponding reflexive pronoun, if any - this is set up
* automatically during preinit
reflexive = nil
* Class property - list of all regular Pronoun objects. (Note that
* this excludes the reflexive pronouns, because the ReflexivePronoun
* class has its own separate 'all' list for its instances.)
all = []
/* on initialization, add me to the master list of pronoun objects */
/* get the nearest class that has a master list */
local cl = propDefined(&all, PropDefGetClass);
/* add me to my class's master list */
cl.all += self;
/* It - third-person neuter singular */
It: Pronoun
/* Her - third-person feminine singular */
Her: Pronoun
/* Him - third-person masculine singular */
Him: Pronoun
/* Them - third-person mixed-gender plural */
Them: Pronoun
* Them is a plural, so it can match a list, as well as an individual
* object that matches Them
return obj.ofKind(Collection) || obj.matchPronoun(self);
* You - the second-person singular. YOU always binds to the addressee
* of the command: either the player character, or the actor being given
* orders via a construct like ACTOR, DO THIS.
* Binding to the PC is grammatically correct in a first-person
* narration, because the PC is the narrator's ME and therefore the
* player's YOU. It's less so in a second-person game: the PC is the
* narrator's YOU, so the player's YOU ought to be the narrator.
* However, some players are literal-minded about second-person
* narration, so rather than reflecting the narrator's YOU into the
* player's ME, they simply say YOU too. Fortunately, there's not any
* serious ambiguity here. The narrator is typically not a game-world
* object, but is an entity that exists outside the game world, so it's
* off-limits for discussion in commands. So YOU can't mean the
* narrator. That means that if the player uses YOU at all, they must
* mean the PC.
You: Pronoun
* The second-person pronoun binds to information contained within
* the command itself, namely the addressee of the command, so we
* need to resolve it using the parser's "late binding" scheme. That
* is, we return 'self' to tell the parser that it needs to go back
* and resolve this pronoun after resolving other phrases.
* But if no other actor has been specified, 'YOU' must mean 'ME',
* i.e. the player character
if(gCommand && gCommand.actorNPs == [] && gCommand.actorPerson == 2)
return [gPlayerChar];
return [self];
/* this is a second-person pronoun */
person = 2
* Y'all - the second-person plural. ("Y'all" isn't exactly standard
* English, but it's as close as English comes to having a distinct
* plural You, and we had to call this *something*.)
* By default, we treat Y'all as a synonym for You, since there's rarely
* any reason in an IF context to distinguish them. The main value in
* natural language is in group conversation, where it can be useful to
* clarify whether the speaker is addressing the whole group or just an
* individual. In IF, though, this is never ambiguous: the addressee is
* either explicitly stated in the command, or it's the player character.
* The only thing we could do with a plural is check that the verb agrees
* in number, and chastise the player's sloppy grammar if not. But that
* would be contrary to our general philosophy that we should be as lax
* as we can about the input grammar, to minimize the player's typing
* workload. So our advice here is to implement a grammar rule for the
* various YOUs that treats all of the second-person pronoun forms as
* synonyms for the basic singular YOU.
Yall: Pronoun
resolve() { return You.resolve(); }
person = 2
* Me - the first-person singular. ME always binds to the player
* character.
* The discussion about the validity of binding YOU to the PC applies in
* mirror image here. In a second-person game, the PC is the narrator's
* YOU and the player's ME; in a first-person game, she's the narrator's
* ME and the player's YOU. But there is no game-world object for ME to
* bind to in commands in a first-person game - if anything, ME would be
* the player (not the player character, but the actual player), who is
* clearly not a game-world entity. Since that's not meaningful, we can
* assume that a player talking about ME in a first-person game is being
* literal-minded and just using the same pronouns the narrator does, or
* that they're so accustomed to the second-person convention of most IF
* that they're saying ME out of habit. In either case, the PC is the
* one they're talking about.
Me: Pronoun
* the first person always resolves to the player character,
* regardless of context
resolve() { return [libGlobal.playerChar]; }
/* this is a first-person pronoun */
person = 1
* Us - the first-person plural. We throw this one in for relative
* completeness, but we simply treat it as a synonym for Me. This could
* be useful in a game with a PC that represents a group of people (an
* adventuring party in a hack-n-slash game, say), or a royal personage.
* A more sophisticated use would be to allow the player to refer
* collectively to the PC and a group of accompanying NPCs. The base
* library doesn't implement this because it doesn't define a way to
* identify such a group, but a game could add that capability. Once
* you've defined what US means, you could make the pronoun US bind to
* that group simply by modifying the resolve() method here.
Us: Pronoun
resolve() { return Me.resolve(); }
* Base class for reflexive pronouns. These are pronouns like "himself"
* that specifically refer to an antecedent in the same sentence, rather
* than to an earlier sentence: ASK BOB ABOUT HIMSELF is an inquiry about
* Bob, while ASK BOB ABOUT HIM refers to some male antecedent from an
* earlier statement.
* Note that the first- and second-person reflexives are generally not
* needed in the parser. (We define them here anyway, because they're
* useful for message generation.) The third-person reflexive pronouns
* have distinct meanings in input from the corresponding ordinary
* pronouns, in that they refer to noun phrases within the same command
* rather than in earlier exchanges. In contrast, the second-person
* pronouns have the same meaning in ordinary and reflexive forms, at
* least within the confines of the IF parser: EXAMINE ME and EXAMINE
* MYSELF mean the same thing in all typical IF command syntax.
class ReflexivePronoun: Pronoun
/* during construction, set the regular pronoun to point back at me */
pronoun.reflexive = self;
* A reflexive pronoun binds to another noun phrase contained in the
* same command, so we resolve using the parser's "late binding"
* scheme. We invoke this by returning the ordinary (non-reflexive)
* pronoun object representing the attributes that we match; upon
* seeing this, the parser will know to come back to this pronoun
* after it's finished resolving earlier phrases, and look for the
* appropriate pronoun binding within those other phrases.
resolve() { return pronoun; }
* Get the corresponding ordinary (non-reflexive) form of the
* pronoun. For example, for HIMSELF we'd return HIM.
pronoun = nil
/* my grammatical person is the same as my underlying pronoun's */
person = (pronoun.person)
* Class property - list of all reflexive pronoun objects. This
* keeps the reflexive pronouns in a separate list from the base
* Pronoun list.
all = []
/* first-person singular reflexive */
Myself: ReflexivePronoun
pronoun = Me
/* second-person singular reflexive */
Yourself: ReflexivePronoun
pronoun = You
/* third-person singular neuter reflexive */
Itself: ReflexivePronoun
pronoun = It
/* third-person singular feminine reflexive */
Herself: ReflexivePronoun
pronoun = Her
/* third-person singular masculine reflexive */
Himself: ReflexivePronoun
pronoun = Him
/* first-person plural reflexive */
Ourselves: ReflexivePronoun
pronoun = Us
/* second-person plural reflexive */
Yourselves: ReflexivePronoun
pronoun = Yall
/* third-person mixed-gender plural reflexive */
Themselves: ReflexivePronoun
pronoun = Them
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Determiners. A determiner qualifies a noun phrase with information on
* how it relates to the objects it describes. For example, "a book"
* refers to any book that's in scope for the discussion (in IF terms,
* this is usually any book that's physically present), while "the book"
* refers to some specific single book.
* Language modules can add determiners as needed. For example, a
* language with grammatical gender would probably find gendered versions
* of Definite and Indefinite useful, to represent the use of gendered
* articles in input.
class Determiner: object;
/* Unqualified mode ("book") */
Unqualified: Determiner;
/* Definite mode ("the book", "book", "both books", "the three books") */
Definite: Determiner;
/* Indefinite mode ("a book", "any book", "one of the books", three books") */
Indefinite: Determiner;
/* All ("the books", "all", "all of the books") */
All: Determiner;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* ParseError is an Exception subclass for parsing errors.
class ParseError: Exception
* Display the error message
display() { "Unknown parsing error."; }
* Rank a spelling correction candidate for input that triggered this
* error on parsing.
* 'toks' is the new token list, with the spelling correction
* applied; 'idx' is the index in the list of the corrected word.
* 'dict' is the Dictionary used for parsing.
* Returns an integer value giving the ranking. The ranking is used
* for sorting, so the scale is arbitrary - we simply take the
* highest ranking item. The value 0 is special, though: it means
* that we should filter out the candidate and not consider it at
* all.
rankCorrection(toks, idx, dict) { return 1; }
* Is this error allowed on a spelling correction candidate? By
* default, this is nil, meaning that this error invalidates a
* correction candidate. We mostly reject spelling "corrections"
* that result in errors because these are probably false positives:
* they probably replace a misspelled word with one that's in the
* dictionary but that's still wrong. However, there are a few
* curable errors where it can make sense to keep a correction, such
* as an ambiguous noun phrase: that's so close to being a working
* command that we probably have a good correction.
allowOnRespell = nil
* Is this a "curable" error? A curable error is one that the user
* can fix by answering a question, such as "which one do you mean?"
* or "what do you want to unlock it with?"
* When we find more than one grammar match to an input string, the
* parser tries resolving each one, in order of the predicate match
* quality. If one resolves without an error, the parser stops and
* uses that match. But if *none* of the possible matches resolve
* without an error, the parser picks a match with a curable error
* over one with an incurable error.
curable = nil
* Try curing this error with the user's answer to the error message.
* The parser calls this when (a) the PREVIOUS command resulted in
* this error, (b) this error is curable, and (c) the user typed
* something on the CURRENT command that didn't parse as a valid new
* command. Since the new input doesn't look like a valid command,
* the parser calls this to determine if the input was instead meant
* as an answer to the question posed by the last error.
* If this new command is indeed a valid response to the error
* message, we return a CommandList with the "cured" version of the
* command. This new command list should supplement the command with
* the new information provided by the reply. If not, we simply
* return nil.
tryCuring(toks, dict) { return nil; }
* The parsing "stage" of this error. We can distinguish three
* levels of intelligibility as we work through the parsing process:
* (1) completely unintelligible, (2) valid verb structure, and (3)
* resolved noun phrases. This property tells us which stage we
* finish in when we encounter an error of this type.
errStage = 1
* The basic command-level parsing error. This occurs when we can't find
* a grammar match to the overall command phrasing.
class NotUnderstoodError: ParseError
* We couldn't parse a command. This means that we were unable
* to find any grammar match for the input, so we basically have
* no idea what the player was trying to say.
DMsg(not understood, 'I don\'t understand that command.');
* This is a general verb syntax error, so our best candidates will
* words that are used in verb phrases. The next best is a corrected
* word that's used in any GrammarProd, since the problem might
* actually be in some other structural part of the command phrase
* above the verb phrase (a conjunction, for example).
rankCorrection(toks, idx, dict)
/* get the text of the token */
local txt = getTokVal(toks[idx]);
/* look up the word in the action vocabulary table */
local w = actionDictionary.wordToAction[txt];
if (w != nil)
/* get the highest spelling priority of the matching actions */
local maxAct = w.maxVal({ a: a.spellingPriority });
* Look for other words in the token list that are also in
* this words associated word list. (For example, if the
* candidate is 'up', look for words like 'pick', 'go', or
* 'look' that occur in the same verb rules with 'up'.)
local xlst = actionDictionary.xwords[txt] - txt;
local xbonus = (toks.indexWhich(
{ t: xlst.indexOf(getTokVal(t)) != nil }) != nil);
* Give this a high rating, with the action priority and
* associated word bonuses to break ties.
return 200 + maxAct*2 + (xbonus ? 1 : 0);
/* okay, no predicate; how about any other GrammarProd word? */
w = dict.findWord(txt);
if (w.indexWhich(
{ x: dataType(x) == TypeObject && x.ofKind(GrammarProd) }) != nil)
return 100;
* No luck on any of our preferences; give it our lowest rank.
* We still want to allow it to be considered, so give it a
* non-zero rank.
return 1;
* An UnknownWordError points out a word that's not in the game's
* dictionary.
class UnknownWordError: ParseError
self.badWord = txt;
* The command contains a word that's not in the dictionary.
* This error is only used when the parser is set to admit to
* unknown words, and only when we fail to parse the command.
* (It's possible for a command to succeed even when it contains
* words that aren't in the dictionary, since objects and topics
* can sometimes match arbitrary input.)
DMsg(unknown word, 'I don\'t know the word "{1}".', badWord);
/* the text of the unknown word */
badWord = nil
* OopsError is the base class for errors in an OOPS command.
class OopsError: ParseError
* A CantOopsError means that the player typed OOPS when we don't have a
* previous command typo we can correct.
class CantOopsError: OopsError
* The player typed an OOPS command, but we don't have anything
* from a past command that we can correct. This means that
* either the last command succeeded, or that it simply didn't
* contain any non-dictionary words.
DMsg(no oops now, 'Sorry, I\'m not sure what you\'re correcting.');
* A CommandError is an error in parsing that occurs within the build
* process for a Command object.
class CommandError: ParseError
/* remember the command */
self.cmd = cmd;
/* the Command object where the error occurred */
cmd = nil
* these errors occur once we have a valid predicate structure, so
* we're in stage 2 of the parsing when we encounter an error of this
* type
errStage = 2
* Rejected parsing structure. There are certain structures that are
* hard to eliminate in the grammar, but which we don't want to accept
* semantically. This error can be thrown when such a structure is
* encountered. This effectively rules out a parse tree. It's not a
* displayable error; the parser simply rules out these structures.
class RejectParseTreeError: CommandError
* users should never see this error - it should be handled
* internally to the library
"\n(Internal: Parse tree rejected.)\n";
* Empty noun slot error. This occurs when there are no noun phrases in
* a functional slot in the predicate (e.g., when the player types "TAKE"
* without a direct object).
class EmptyNounError: CommandError
construct(cmd, role)
self.role = role;
/* our message is a missing noun query (e.g., "What do want to open?") */
askMissingNoun(cmd, role);
* Try curing the error. After a missing noun query, the player can
* respond with a simple noun phrase answering the question.
tryCuring(toks, dict)
/* try parsing against the appropriate reply grammar */
local lst = new CommandList(
cmd.verbProd.missingRoleProd(role), toks, dict,
new function(prod)
/* create a copy of the original command */
local newCmd = cmd.clone();
/* plug the new noun phrase tree into the empty role */
newCmd.addNounProd(role, prod);
/* the new command is the mapped list entry */
return newCmd;
/* accept curable resolutions as replies */
/* return the list */
return lst;
/* we can cure by asking the player for the missing noun phrase */
curable = true
* Noun phrase resolution error. This is a special type of parsing error
* that indicates that the problem is with resolving a noun phrase to
* game-world objects.
class ResolutionError: ParseError
/* do the normal work */
/* save the noun phrase */ = np;
/* note the error-display text of the noun phrase */
self.txt = np.errName;
/* the NounPhrase object for the errant phrase, if available */
np = nil
/* the text of the errant phrase, if available */
txt = nil
* For a noun resolution error, our best bet for a spelling
* correction would be a word associated with a game-world object.
* Only consider in-scope objects when making the correction, to
* avoid spurious corrections that give away information on objects
* the player has yet to encounter. We'll also allow words that are
* used in non-predicate grammar productions, since we might have a
* structural noun phrase word (an article, pronoun, etc).
rankCorrection(toks, idx, dict)
/* make a list consisting of the single changed word */
local disList = [getTokVal(toks[idx])];
/* look for an in-scope object association for the word */
local m = 0;
foreach (local obj in World.scope())
m |= obj.matchNameDisambig(disList);
* if we found any matches, give this the highest score; adjust
* slightly to prefer nouns, then adjectives, then plurals
if (m != 0)
return ((m & MatchNoun) != 0 ? 102 :
(m & MatchAdj) != 0 ? 101 : 100);
/* check for non-predicate grammar words */
local w = dict.findWord(getTokVal(toks[idx]))
.subset({ x: dataType(x) == TypeObject });
if (w.indexWhich({ x: x.ofKind(GrammarProd) && !x.ofKind(predicate) })
!= nil)
return 90;
* it's not an in-scope object word or a structural word, so
* don't allow it, in case it refers to a yet-unseen object
return 0;
* ActorResolutionError - this is for resolution errors that are in the
* context of what the target actor of the command (the addressee) can
* see. These require the Command in addition to the noun phrase, since
* that provides the target actor information.
class ActorResolutionError: ResolutionError
construct(cmd, np)
self.cmd = cmd;
/* the command that we were attempting to resolve */
cmd = nil
* No objects match the addressee of a command (BOB, GO NORTH or TELL BOB
class UnmatchedActorError: ResolutionError
* An actor phrase in a command (BOB, GO NORTH) didn't match any
* in-scope objects. This doesn't necessarily mean that the
* phrase doesn't refer to any object anywhere in the game, just
* that it doesn't refer to anything in scope. Since we didn't
* match anything, all we have is the text of the actor phrase
* from the player's input.
DMsg(unmatched actor, '{I} {see} no {1} {here}.', txt);
* No objects match a noun phrase.
class UnmatchedNounError: ActorResolutionError
* A noun phrase didn't match any in-scope objects. This doesn't
* necessarily mean that the phrase doesn't refer to any object
* anywhere in the game, just that it doesn't refer to anything
* in scope. Since we didn't find an object, all we have is the
* text of the noun phrase from the player's input.
DMsg(unmatched noun, '{I} {see} no {2} {here}.', cmd, stripArticle(txt));
* Base class for resolution errors involving pronouns
class PronounError: ResolutionError
construct(np, pro)
pronoun = pro;
/* the pronoun that caused the error, as a Pronoun object */
pronoun = nil
* No pronouns match a noun phrase.
class NoAntecedentError: PronounError
* The player used a pronoun for which there's currently no
* antecedent.
DMsg(no antecedent,
'I\'m not sure what you mean by "{1}".',;
* The antecedent of the pronoun is no longer in scope
class AntecedentScopeError: PronounError
construct(cmd, np, pro)
inherited(np, pro);
self.cmd = cmd;
cmd = nil
* The player used a pronoun that refers to an object that's no
* longer in scope.
DMsg(antecedent out of scope,
'{I} no longer {see} that {here}.', cmd);
* There aren't enough objects matching a noun phrase to satisfy a
* quantifier (e.g., TAKE FIVE COINS, but only three coins are present).
class InsufficientNounsError: ActorResolutionError
* The player used ALL when there's nothing suitable for all to
* refer to.
DMsg(nothing suitable for all, 'There{\'s} nothing suitable for
ALL to refer to. ');
* The player used a noun phrase that specifically calls for some
* number of objects (such as FIVE COINS or BOTH BOOKS), but there
* aren't enough of those objects present.
DMsg(not enough nouns,
'{I} {don\'t see} that many {2} {here}.', cmd, txt);
* The owner in a possessive phrase doesn't have any of the objects
* named.
class NoneInOwnerError: ActorResolutionError
construct(cmd, np, poss)
inherited(cmd, np);
possQual = poss;
/* the possessive qualifier */
possQual = nil
* if we have other than one possible owner, show the original
* text of the owner phrase, since we can't be sure which matched
* object was intended; otherwise show the name of the actual
* owner we matched
if (possQual.matches.length() != 1)
* The player used a possessive to qualify a noun phrase, and
* we matched multiple objects for the possessive phrase, but
* none of those owners actually owns anything in scope that
* matches the main noun phrase. For example, the player
* entered THE GUARD'S SWORD, and there are two guards
* present, but neither of them has a sword (not that's in
* scope, anyway).
DMsg(none in owners, 'No {2} {dummy}appear{s/ed} to have any {3}.',
cmd,, txt);
* The player used a possessive to qualify a noun phrase, and
* we matched a single object for the possessive phrase, but
* that owner doesn't actually possess anything in scope that
* matches the main noun phrase. For example, the player
* entered BOB'S WALLET, and Bob is indeed in scope, but Bob
* doesn't own a wallet (not one that's in scope, anyway).
local obj = possQual.matches[1].obj;
DMsg(none in owner, '{The subj obj} {doesn\'t appear[ed]} to have
any {2}.', cmd, txt);
* The location in a locational qualifier doesn't contain any of the
* objects named.
class NoneInLocationError: ActorResolutionError
construct(cmd, np, loc)
inherited(cmd, np);
locQual = loc;
/* the locational qualifier */
locQual = nil
* if we have other than one possible location, show the original
* text of the locational phrase, since we can't be sure which
* matched object was intended; otherwise show the name of the
* actual location we matched
if (locQual.matches.length() != 1)
* We have a locational qualifier, and we have multiple
* objects that match the location, but there's nothing in
* scope that matches the main noun phrase that's in any of
* those locations. For example, the player typed THE BOX ON
* THE TABLE, and we have two tables in scope, but there's no
* box in scope that's on either of them.
DMsg(none in locations,
'{I} {see} no {2} {3} any {4}.',
cmd, txt, locQual.locType.prep,;
* We have a locational qualifier, and we have exactly one
* object that matches the location, but there's nothing in
* scope that matches the main noun phrase that's in that
* location. For example, the player typed THE BOX ON THE
* TABLE, and we have a table in scope, but there's no box on
* it.
DMsg(none in location,
'{I} {see} no {2} {3} {the 4}.',
cmd, txt, locQual.locType.prep, locQual.matches[1].obj);
* There are no objects matching this noun phrase name that have the
* contents mentioned in the contents qualifier.
class NoneWithContentsError: ActorResolutionError
construct(cmd, np, cont)
inherited(cmd, np);
contQual = cont;
/* the contents qualifier */
contQual = nil
* if we have other than one possible contents object, show the
* original text of the contents phrase, since we can't be sure
* which matched object was intended; otherwise show the name of
* the object we matched
if (contQual.matches.length() != 1)
* We have a contents qualifier, and we have multiple objects
* in scope that match the contents phrase, but there's
* nothing in scope that matches the main noun phrase that
* actually contains any of the contents objects. For
* example, the player typed THE BUCKET OF WATER, and we do
* have multiple "water" objects present, but none of them
* are inside buckets that are in scope.
DMsg(none with contents in list,
'{I} {see} no {2} of {3}.',
cmd, txt,;
* We have a contents qualifier, and we have exactly one
* object in scope that matches the contents phrase, but
* there's nothing in scope that matches the main noun phrase
* that actually contains that object. For example, the
* player typed THE BUCKET OF WATER, and we do have a "water"
* object present, but it's not inside anything called a
* bucket (not one that's in scope, anyway).
DMsg(none with contents,
'{I} {see} no {2} of {3}.',
cmd, txt, contQual.matches[1].obj);
* A noun phrase is ambiguous, so we'll have to ask for clarification.
class AmbiguousError: ResolutionError
construct(cmd, np, names)
self.cmd = cmd;
self.nameList = names;
/* ask the language-specific ambiguous noun question */
askAmbiguous(cmd, np.role, nameList.mapAll({ n: n[1] }));
* Accept spelling corrections that trigger an ambiguous noun error.
* If we find an ambiguous noun it means that we have valid overall
* verb syntax *and* we have noun phrases that match in-scope objects
* - in fact, they match too many objects. This is pretty good
* evidence that the respelling is valid.
allowOnRespell = true
* this is a curable error, since the player can fix the problem by
* answering the disambiguation question
curable = true
* Try curing the error. After an ambiguous noun error, the player
* can type a partial noun phrase that clarifies which object was
* intended: a distinguishing adjective, a locational phrase, a
* possessive, etc.
tryCuring(toks, dict)
/* try parsing against the main disambiguation grammar */
local lst = new CommandList(
mainDisambigPhrase, toks, dict,
new function(prod)
/* create a new copy of the Command to apply the change to */
local newCmd = cmd.clone();
/* add the reply to the new command */
local dnp = newCmd.startDisambigReply(np, prod);
/* build the reply tree */, dnp);
/* the mapping is the new command */
return newCmd;
/* accept curable errors in the reply */
/* return the list */
return lst;
/* the original Command that we were trying to resolve */
cmd = nil
* The list of object names, with distinguisher information. This is
* the same information returned from Distinguisher.getNames().
nameList = []
class AmbiguousMultiDefiniteError: UnmatchedNounError
DMsg(be more specific, 'I don\'t know which ones you mean.
Can you be more specific?');
* this is not really curable, but we need to say it is curable so that
* our custom message is displayed. Would like to find a way to do this
* where curable=nil
curable = true
* Ordinal out of range. This occurs when the player replies to a
* disambiguation query with an ordinal that's out of the bounds of the
* offered list.
class OrdinalRangeError: ResolutionError
construct(np, ordinal)
self.ordinal = ordinal;
* An ordinal reply to a disambiguation question is out of range.
* For example, we asked "Which do you mean, the red book or the
* blue book?", and the player answered THE THIRD ONE. There are
* only two options, so THIRD is out of range.
DMsg(ordinal out of range,
'Sorry, I don\'t see what you\'re referring to.');
/* the ordinal, as an integer value (1=first, 2=second, etc) */
ordinal = nil
class BadMultiError: ParseError
DMsg(multi not allowed, 'Sorry; multiple objects aren\'t allowed with
that command.');
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A placeholder object for dictionary entries. The Dictionary class
* stores a three-way association: word string, part-of-speech property,
* and object. The object association is designed to allow the parser to
* come up with a list of objects that could match a given word, but the
* adv3L library doesn't use this feature. We instead figure out the
* word-to-object association by directly asking the objects in scope if
* they're associated with a word. We still need *something* to store as
* the object association for each word entry in the dictionary, though.
* That's where this object comes in: it's a dummy object that serves as
* the required object to associate with each word.
* A language module can ignore this and use the word-object-property
* association feature of the dictionary, if desired.
dictionaryPlaceholder: object
/* Exception thrown by exit macro */
class ExitSignal: Exception
/* Exception thrown by abortImplicit macro */
class AbortImplicitSignal: Exception
/* Exception thrown by abort macro */
class AbortActionSignal: Exception
/* Exception thrown by exitAction macro */
class ExitActionSignal: Exception
/* Exception thrown to terminate a command. */
class TerminateCommandException: Exception
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1