#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
/* Abstract pathfinder */
class Pathfinder: object
* When populated the pathsFound will contain a Vector of path Vectors,
* each path Vector comprising a series of two element lists, the first
* element describing the route taken and the second the destination
* arrived at (e.g. [northDir, hall] meaning go north to reach the hall).
pathsFound = nil
* The number of steps we have tried so far. We start with 1, being the
* null step to our starting point.
steps = 1
* A Vector containing all the nodes we have visited so far in our attempt
* to find a route. This enables us to cull paths that lead somewhere
* we've already been.
nodesVisited = nil
findPath(start, target)
* Initiate the search by setting up the Vectors we need and
* populating them with the null route to our starting point.
cachedRoute = nil;
currentDestination = target;
pathsFound = new Vector(20);
nodesVisited = new Vector(20);
local newPath = new Vector(2);
newPath.append([nil, start]);
steps = 1;
if(start == target)
return newPath;
* To find the path we take a step out from our starting point through
* all available routes. We note the route we took and where we
* arrived at as a set of new paths building on our existing paths. We
* then discard all paths that are shorter than the number of steps we
* have now taken and look for one among the remainder that arrives at
* our target destination. If we find one, we return it. If not, we
* remove all paths that lead to destinations we have visited before,
* and then try taking another step, noting the destinations to which
* it leads. Repeat until we either find a path to our target or we
* run out of new paths to try.
while(pathsFound.length > 0)
/* cull all paths that are shorter than steps long */
pathsFound = pathsFound.subset({x: x.length == steps});
/* see if any of the paths we've found lead to our target */
local pathFound = pathsFound.valWhich({x: x[steps][2] == target} );
if(pathFound != nil)
cachedRoute = pathFound;
return pathFound;
/* remove all paths that end in nodes we've already visited */
pathsFound = pathsFound.subset({x: nodesVisited.indexOf(x[steps][2])
== nil});
/* note which nodes have now been visited */
foreach(local cur in pathsFound)
return nil;
/* Note that we've taken another step out from our starting point */
steps ++;
* Copy the existing paths into a temporary Vector, since we're about
* to add to them and we only want to iterate over the existing list.
local temp = new Vector(pathsFound);
* For each existing route, see what happens if we advance one more
* step in every available direction and add the new routes to our
* list of paths.
foreach(local cur in temp)
/* Find all the destinations one step away from cur */
/* Specific instances must define how this is done */
/* The most recently calculated route */
cachedRoute = nil
/* The destination of the most recently calculated route. */
currentDestination = nil
* A Pathfinder specialized for finding a route through the game map. Note
* that this can only find a route through TravelConnector objects (which
* includes direction properties attached to Rooms, Doors and other
* TravelConnectors).
routeFinder: Pathfinder
/* Note the location our current path leads to */
local loc = cur[steps - 1][2];
/* See what leads in every available direction from this location */
for(local dir = firstObj(Direction); dir != nil ; dir = nextObj(dir,
local newPath = new Vector(cur);
* If the direction property points to an object, see if it points
* to a valid path.
if(loc.propType(dir.dirProp) == TypeObject)
local obj = loc.(dir.dirProp);
* if the object is a locked door and we want to exclude
* locked doors, or if there's some other reason the actor
* cannot pass this way, we can't use this path.
if(excludeLockedDoors &&
|| obj.canTravelerPass(gActor) == nil
|| valToList(obj.travelBarriers).indexWhich(
{ b: !b.canTravelerPass(gActor, obj)}) != nil))
* If it leads to a non-nil destination note the path to this
* object. This will be the path that got us to this location
* plus the one additional step.
local dest = loc.(dir.dirProp).getDestination(loc);
if(dest != nil)
newPath.append([dir, dest]);
* if the direction property points to code, see if it provides a
* valid path.
if(loc.propType(dir.dirProp) == TypeCode)
/* first look up the destination this code takes the actor to */
local dest = libGlobal.extraDestInfo[[loc, dir]];
* the destination is only of interest if it's not nowhere,
* the default unknown destination, or the location we're
* trying to leave.
* if it's none of these, add it to the list of possible paths
if(dest not in (nil, loc, unknownDest_, varDest_))
newPath.append([dir, dest]);
excludeLockedDoors = true
* The pcRouteFinder works exactly the same as the more general routeFinder
* except that it finds routes only through TravelConnectors whose
* destinations are known.
pcRouteFinder: Pathfinder
/* Note the location our current path leads to */
local loc = cur[steps - 1][2];
/* See what leads in every available direction from this location */
for(local dir = firstObj(Direction); dir != nil ; dir = nextObj(dir,
local newPath = new Vector(cur);
* If the direction property points to an object, see if it points
* to a valid path.
if(loc.propType(dir.dirProp) == TypeObject)
local conn = loc.(dir.dirProp);
* If it leads to a non-nil destination that the pc knowns,
* note the path to this object. This will be the path that
* got us to this location plus the one additional step.
local dest = conn.getDestination(loc);
* if both the location (loc) and the destination (dest) lie
* in the same familiar region, then assume the pc knows
* his/her way between the two rooms and so set
* isDestinationKnown to true
if(!conn.isDestinationKnown &&
{x: x.familiar}) != nil)
conn.isDestinationKnown = true;
* if the connector leads to a known destination then add the
* direction and its destination to a new path
if(dest != nil && conn.isDestinationKnown)
newPath.append([dir, dest]);
* if the direction property points to code, see if it provides a
* valid path.
if(loc.propType(dir.dirProp) == TypeCode)
/* first look up the destination this code takes the actor to */
local dest = libGlobal.extraDestInfo[[loc, dir]];
* the destination is only of interest if it's not nowhere,
* the default unknown destination, or the location we're
* trying to leave.
* if it's none of these, add it to the list of possible paths
* (The fact that it's none of these implies that the
* destination is known so we don't need to apply any further
* tests to check that).
if(dest not in (nil, loc, unknownDest_, varDest_))
newPath.append([dir, dest]);
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1