

#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"

 *   ***************************************************************************
 *   query.t
 *   This module forms part of the adv3Lite library (c) 2012-13 Eric Eve
 *   Based substantially on the query.t module in the Mercury Library (c) 2012
 *   Michael J. Roberts.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 *   Q is the general-purpose global Query object.  Its various methods are
 *   used to ask questions about the game state.
 *   For any query, there are two sources of answers.  First, there's the
 *   standard answer based on the basic "physics" of the adventure world
 *   model.  Second, there are any number of custom answers from Special
 *   objects, which define customizations that apply to specific
 *   combinations of actors, locations, objects, times, or just about
 *   anything else that the game can model.
 *   The standard physics-based answer is the default.  It provides the
 *   answer if there are no active Special objects that provide custom
 *   answers.
 *   If there are active Specials, the only ones that matter for a
 *   particular query are the ones that define that query's method.  If
 *   there are any active Special objects that define a query method,
 *   calling Q.foo() actually calls the highest-priority Special's version
 *   of the foo() method.  That Special method can in turn call the next
 *   lower priority Special using next().  If there are no active Special
 *   objects defining a query method, the default handler in QDefaults will
 *   be used automatically.  

Q: object
     *   Get the list of objects that are in scope for the given actor.
     *   Returns a ScopeList object containing the scope.  You can convert
     *   the ScopeList to an ordinary list of objects via toList().  
        { return Special.first(&scopeList).scopeList(actor); }
        { return Special.first(&knownScopeList).knownScopeList;}
        { return Special.first(&topicScopeList).topicScopeList;}

     *   Is A in the light?  This determines if there's light shining on
     *   the exterior surface of A.  
        { return Special.first(&inLight).inLight(a); }

     *   Can A see B?
    canSee(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&canSee).canSee(a, b); }

     *   Determine if there's anything blocking the sight path from A to B.
     *   Returns a list of objects blocking sight; if there's no
     *   obstruction, returns an empty list.  If the two objects are in
     *   separate rooms, the outermost room containing 'a' represents the
     *   room separation.  If there's no obstruction, returns an empty
     *   list.  
    sightBlocker(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&sightBlocker).sightBlocker(a, b); }

     *   Can we reach from A to B?  We return true if there's nothing in
     *   the way, nil otherwise.  
    canReach(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&canReach).canReach(a, b); }

     *   Determine if A can reach B, and if not, what stands in the way.
     *   Returns a list of containers along the path between A and B that
     *   obstruct the reach.  If the two objects are in separate rooms, the
     *   top-level room containing A is in the list to represent the room
     *   separation.  If there's no obstruction, we return an empty list.  
    reachBlocker(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&reachBlocker).reachBlocker(a, b); }

     *   Determine if there is a problem with A reaching B, and if so what it
     *   is. If there is a problem return a ReachProblem object describing what
     *   the problem is, otherwise return nil.
    reachProblem(a, b)
       { return Special.first(&reachProblem).reachProblem(a, b); }
    reachProblemVerify(a, b)
       { return Special.first(&reachProblemVerify).reachProblemVerify(a, b); }
    reachProblemCheck(a, b)
       { return Special.first(&reachProblemCheck).reachProblemCheck(a, b); }
     *   Can A hear B?  
    canHear(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&canHear).canHear(a, b); }

     *   Determine if A can hear B, and if not, what stands in the way.  We
     *   return a list of the obstructions to sound between A and B.  If
     *   the two objects are in separate rooms, the top level room
     *   containing A represents the room separation.  If there are no
     *   sound obstructions, returns an empty list.  
    soundBlocker(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&soundBlocker).soundBlocker(a, b); }
     *   Can A smell B?  
    canSmell(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&canSmell).canSmell(a, b); }

     *   Determine if A can smell B, and if not, what stands in the way.
     *   Returns a list of obstructions to scent between A and B.  If the
     *   two objects are in separate rooms, the outermost room containing A
     *   represents the room separation.  If there are no obstructions,
     *   returns an empty list.  
    scentBlocker(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&scentBlocker).scentBlocker(a, b); }
    /*  Determine if A can talk to B. */
    canTalkTo(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&canTalkTo).canTalkTo(a, b); }
    /*  Determine if A can Throw something to B. */
    canThrowTo(a, b)
        { return Special.first(&canThrowTo).canThrowTo(a, b); }
     *   Are the active conditions on Specials dynamic (i.e. such as to change
     *   during the course of the game)? By default we'll assume that some of
     *   them may be.
    dynamicSpecials = true

 *   Query Defaults.  This provides the default handlers for all query
 *   methods.  These are the results that you get using the basic adventure
 *   game "physics" model to answer the questions, ignoring any special
 *   exceptions defined by the game.
 *   This is the lowest-ranking Special object, and is always active.  
QDefaults: Special
    /* this is the defaults object, so it has the lower priority */
    priority = 0

    /* this is the defaults object, so it's always active */
    active = true

     *   Get the list of objects that are in scope for the given actor.
     *   Returns a ScopeList object containing the scope.  You can convert
     *   the ScopeList to an ordinary list of objects via toList().  
        /* start a new scope list */
        local s = new ScopeList();

        /* everything the actor is directly holding is in scope */
        local c = actor.outermostVisibleParent();

         *   If we're in a lighted area, add the actor's outermost visible
         *   container and its contents.  In the dark, add the actor's
         *   immediate container only (not its contents), on the assumption
         *   that the actor is in physical contact with it and thus can
         *   refer to it and manipulate it even without seeing it.  
        if (inLight(actor))
            /* lit area - add the outermost container and its contents */
            /* in the dark - add only the immediate container */
            /* plus anything that's self illuminating */

        /* close the scope */

        /* return the ScopeList we've built */
        return s;
    /* Get a list of all objects that are known to the player char */
        local vec = new Vector(30);
        for(local obj = firstObj(Thing); obj != nil; obj = nextObj(obj, Thing))
                vec += obj;
        return vec.toList;

     *   Get a list of all known mentionable objects, which we assume will
     *   include both known Things and known Topics
        return World.universalScope.subset({o: o.known});
     *   Is A in the light?  This determines if there's light shining on
     *   the exterior surface of A.  
        /* A is lit if it's a Room and it's illuminated */
            return a.isIlluminated;
        /* Otherwise a may be lit if it's visible in the dark */
            return true;
        /* A is lit if its enclosing parent is lit within */
        local par = a.interiorParent();
        return par != nil && par.litWithin();

     *   Can A see B?  We return true if and only if B is in light and there's a
     *   clear sight path from A to B. Also A can't see B is B is explicitly
     *   hidden.
    canSee(a, b)
        if(a.isIn(nil) || b.isIn(nil) || b.isHidden)
            return nil;
        /* we can see it if it's in light and there's a clear path to it */
        return inLight(b)
            && sightBlocker(a, b).indexWhich({x: x not in (a, b)}) ==  nil;

     *   Determine if there's anything blocking the sight path from A to B.
     *   Returns a list of objects blocking sight; if there's no
     *   obstruction, returns an empty list.  If the two objects are in
     *   separate rooms, the outermost room containing 'a' represents the
     *   room separation.  If there's no obstruction, returns an empty
     *   list.  
    sightBlocker(a, b)
        /* scan for sight blockages along the containment path */
        return a.containerPathBlock(b, &canSeeOut, &canSeeIn);

     *   Can we reach from A to B?  We return true if there's a clear reach path
     *   from A to B, which we take to be the case if we can't find any problems
     *   in reaching from A to B.
    canReach(a, b)
        return Q.reachProblem(a, b) == [];
     *   Determine if there is anything preventing or hindering A from reaching
     *   B; if so return a ReachProblem object describing the problem in a way
     *   that a check or verify routine can act on (possibly with an implicit
     *   action to remove the problem). If not, return an empty list.
     *   NOTE: if you provide your own version of this method on a Special it
     *   must return either an empty list (to indicate that there are no
     *   problems with reaching from A to B) or a list of one or more
     *   ReachProblem objects describing what is preventing A from reaching B.
     *   Your own Special should normally leave reachProblem() alone and
     *   override reachProblemVerify() and/or reachProblemCheck().
    reachProblem(a, b)
         *   A list of issues that might prevent reaching from A to B. If we
         *   encounter a fatal one we return the list straight away rather than
         *   carrying out more checks.
        local issues = Q.reachProblemVerify(a, b);
        if(issues.length > 0)
            return issues;
        return Q.reachProblemCheck(a, b);      
    /* Return a list of reach issues that might occur at the verify stage. */
    reachProblemVerify(a, b)
         *   A list of issues that might prevent reaching from A to B. If we
         *   encounter a fatal one we return the list straight away rather than
         *   carrying out more checks.
        local issues = [];
        if(a.isIn(nil) || b.isIn(nil))
            issues += new ReachProblemDistance(a, b);
            return issues;
        local lst = Q.reachBlocker(a, b);
          *   If there's a blocking object but the blocking object is the one
          *   we're trying to reach, then presumably we can reach it after all
          *   (e.g. an actor inside a closed box. Otherwise if there's a
          *   blocking object then reach is impossible.
        if(lst.length > 0 && lst[1] != b)
             *   If the blocking object is a room, then the problem is that the
             *   other object is too far away.
                issues += new ReachProblemDistance(a, b);        
            /* Otherwise some enclosing object is in the way */
                issues += new ReachProblemBlocker(b, lst[1]);                
            return issues;
         *   If a defines a verifyReach method, check whether running it adds a
         *   new verify result to the current action's verifyTab table. If so,
         *   there's a problem with reaching so return a ReachProblemVerifyReach
         *   object.
            local tabCount = gAction.verifyTab.getEntryCount();
            if(gAction.verifyTab.getEntryCount > tabCount)
               issues += new ReachProblemVerifyReach(a, b);
        /* Return our list of issues. */
        return issues;
    reachProblemCheck(a, b)
         *   A list of issues that might prevent reaching from A to B. If we
         *   encounter a fatal one we return the list straight away rather than
         *   carrying out more checks.
        local issues = [];
        local checkMsg = nil;
         *   Next check whether the actor is in a nested room that does not
         *   contain the object being reached, and if said nested room does not
         *   allow reaching out.
        local loc = a.location;
        if(loc != a.getOutermostRoom && !b.isOrIsIn(loc) && 
            issues += new ReachProblemReachOut(b);
             *   Determine whether there's any problem with b reached from a
             *   defined in b's checkReach (from a) method.
            checkMsg = gOutStream.captureOutputIgnoreExit({: b.checkReach(a)});
             *   If the checkReach method generates a non-empty string, add a
             *   new ReachProblemCheckReach object that encapsulates it
            if(checkMsg not in (nil, ''))
                issues += new ReachProblemCheckReach(b, checkMsg);
             *   Next check whether there's any problem reaching inside B from A
             *   defined in B's checkReachIn method or the checkReach in method
             *   of anything that contains B.
            local cpar = b.commonContainingParent(a);
            if(cpar != nil)
                for(loc = b.location; loc != cpar; loc = loc.location)
                    checkMsg = gOutStream.captureOutputIgnoreExit(
                        {: loc.checkReachIn(a, b)});
                    if(checkMsg not in (nil, ''))
                        issues += new ReachProblemCheckReach(b, checkMsg);
         *   Game authors aren't meant to use the exit macro in check methods,
         *   but in case they do we handle it here.
        catch (ExitSignal ex)
             *   If for some reason a check method uses exit without displaying
             *   a method, we supply a dummy failure message at this point.
            if(checkMsg is in (nil, ''))
                checkMsg = gAction.failCheckMsg;
            issues += new ReachProblemCheckReach(b, checkMsg);
        /* Return our list of issues */
        return issues;
     *   Determine if A can reach B, and if not, what stands in the way. Returns
     *   a list of containers along the path between A and B that obstruct the
     *   reach.  If the two objects are in separate rooms, the top-level room
     *   containing A is in the list to represent the room separation.  If
     *   there's no obstruction, we return an empty list.
    reachBlocker(a, b)
        return a.containerPathBlock(b, &canReachOut, &canReachIn);
     *   Can A hear B?  We return true if there's a clear sound path from A to
     *   B.
    canHear(a, b)
        if(a.isIn(nil) || b.isIn(nil))
            return nil;
        return soundBlocker(a, b).indexWhich({x: x not in (a, b)}) ==  nil;

     *   Determine if A can hear B, and if not, what stands in the way.  We
     *   return a list of the obstructions to sound between A and B.  If
     *   the two objects are in separate rooms, the top level room
     *   containing A represents the room separation.  If there are no
     *   sound obstructions, returns an empty list.  
    soundBlocker(a, b)
        return a.containerPathBlock(b, &canHearOut, &canHearIn);

     *   Can A smell B?  We return true if there's a clear scent path from
     *   A to B.  
    canSmell(a, b)
        if(a.isIn(nil) || b.isIn(nil))
            return nil;
        return scentBlocker(a, b).indexWhich({x: x not in (a, b)}) ==  nil;

     *   Determine if A can smell B, and if not, what stands in the way.
     *   Returns a list of obstructions to scent between A and B.  If the
     *   two objects are in separate rooms, the outermost room containing A
     *   represents the room separation.  If there are no obstructions,
     *   returns an empty list.  
    scentBlocker(a, b)
        return a.containerPathBlock(b, &canSmellOut, &canSmellIn);

     *   Determine if A can talk to B. In the base situation A can talk to B if
     *   A can hear B.
    canTalkTo(a, b)
        return Q.canHear(a, b);
     *   Determine if A can throw something to B. In the base situation A can
     *   throw to B if A can reach B.
    canThrowTo(a, b)
        return canReach(a, b);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 *   A Special defines a set of custom overrides to standard Query
 *   questions that apply under specific conditions.
 *   At any given time, a Special is either active or inactive.  This is
 *   determined by the active() method.  
class Special: object
     *   Am I active?  Each instance should override this to define the
     *   conditions that activate the Special.  
    active = nil

     *   My priority.  This is an integer value that determines which
     *   Special takes precedence when two or more Specials are active at
     *   the same time, and they both/all define a given query method.  In
     *   such a situation, Q calls the active Specials in ascending
     *   priority order (lowest first, highest last), and takes the last
     *   one's answer as the true answer to the question.  This means that
     *   the Special with the highest priority takes precedence, and can
     *   override any lower-ranking Special that's active at the same time.
     *   The library uses the following special priority values:
     *   0 = the basic library defaults.  The defaults must have the lowest
     *   priority, meaning that all Special objects defined by a game or
     *   extension must use priorities higher than 0.
     *   Other than the special priorities listed above, the priority is
     *   simply a relative ordering, so games and extensions can use
     *   whatever range of values they like.
     *   Note that priorities can't change while running.  This is a
     *   permanent feature of the object.  We take advantage of this to
     *   avoid re-sorting the active list every time we build it.  We sort
     *   the master list at initialization and assume it stays sorted, so
     *   that any subset is inherently sorted.  If it's important to the
     *   game to dynamically change priorities, you just need to re-sort
     *   the allActive_ list at appropriate times.  If priorities can only
     *   change when the game-world state changes, you can simply sort the
     *   list in allActive() each time it's rebuilt.  If priorities can
     *   change at other times (which doesn't seem like it'd be useful, but
     *   just in case), you'd need to re-sort the list on every call to
     *   allActive(), even when the list isn't rebuilt.  
    priority = 1

     *   Call the same method in the next lower priority Special.  This can
     *   be used in any Special query method to invoke the "default"
     *   version that would have been used if the current Special had not
     *   been active.
     *   This is analogous to using 'inherited' to inherit the superclass
     *   version of a method from an overriding version in a subclass.  As
     *   with 'inherited', you can only call this directly from the method
     *   that you want to pass to the default handling, because this
     *   routine determines what to call based on the caller.  
        /* get the caller's stack trace information */
        local stk = t3GetStackTrace(2);
        local prop = stk.prop_;
        /* find the 'self' object in the currently active Specials list */
        local slst = Special.allActive();
        local idx = slst.indexOf(stk.self_);

        /* get the next Special that defines the method */
        while (!slst[++idx].propDefined(prop)) ;
        /* call the query method in the next Special, returning the result */
        return slst[idx].(prop)(stk.argList_...);

     *   Get the first active Special (the one with the highest priority)
     *   that defines the given method.  This is used by the Q query
     *   methods to invoke the correct current Special version of the
     *   method.  
         *   If the active conditions on one or more Specials may change during
         *   the course of the game, invalidate the list of active Specials to
         *   force it to be rebuilt.
            Special.allActive_ = nil;
        /* get the active Specials */
        local slst = Special.allActive();

        /* find the first definer of the method */
        local idx = 0;
        while (!slst[++idx].propDefined(prop)) ;

        /* return the one we found */
        return slst[idx];

    /* Class method: get the list of active Specials. */
        local a;
        /* if the cache is empty, rebuild it */
        if ((a = allActive_) == nil)
            a = allActive_ = all.subset({ s: s.active() });

        /* return the list */
        return a;

     *   Class property: cache of all currently active Specials.  This is
     *   set whenever someone asks for the list and it's not available, and
     *   is cleared whenever an Effect modifies the game state.  (Callers
     *   shouldn't access this directly - this is an internal cache.  Use
     *   the allActive() method instead.)  
    allActive_ = nil

    /* during initialization, build the list of all Specials */
        /* build the list of all Specials */
        local v = new Vector(128);
        forEachInstance(Special, { s: v.append(s) });

         *   Sort it in ascending priority order.  Since we assume that
         *   priorities are fixed, this eliminates the need to sort when
         *   creating active subsets - the subsets will automatically come
         *   up in priority order because they're taken from a list that
         *   starts in priority order. 
        v.sort(SortDesc, { a, b: a.priority - b.priority });

        /* save it as a list */
        all = v.toList();

     *   Class property: the list of all Special objects throughout the
     *   game.  This is set up during preinit.
    all = []

/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 *   A commLink is a Special that establishes a communications link between the
 *   player character and one or more actors in remote locations.
 *   To activate the commLink with another actor, call
 *   commLink.connectTo(other). To make it a video link as well as an audio
 *   link, call commLink.connectTo(other, true).
 *   To disconnect the call with a specific actor,  call
 *   commLink.disconnectFrom(other); to terminate the commLink with all actors,
 *   call commLink.disconnect()
commLink: Special
     *   Our scope list must include all the actors we're currently connected
     *   to.
        local s = next();
        s.vec_ += connectionList.mapAll({x: x[1]});
        s.vec_ = s.vec_.getUnique();
        return s;
    /* We can hear an actor if s/he's in our connection list */
    canHear(a, b)
         *   We assume that if a can hear b, b can hear a, but the link is only
         *   between the player character an another actor. If b is the player
         *   character swap a and b so that the tests that follow will still
         *   apply.
        if(b == gPlayerChar)
            b = a;
            a = gPlayerChar;
         *   If one of the actors is the player character and the other is in
         *   our connection list, then they can hear each other.
        if(a == gPlayerChar && isConnectedTo(b))
            return true;
        /* Otherwise use the next special. */
        return next();
    canSee(a, b)
         *   We assume that if a can see b, b can see a, but the link is only
         *   between the player character and another actor. If b is the player
         *   character swap a and b so that the tests that follow will still
         *   apply.
        if(b == gPlayerChar)
            b = a;
            a = gPlayerChar;
         *   If one of the actors is the player character and the other is in
         *   our connection list with a video value of true, then they can see
         *   each other.
        if(a == gPlayerChar && isConnectedTo(b) == VideoLink)
            return true;
        /* Otherwise use the next special. */
        return next();
    canTalkTo(a, b)   
         *   We assume that if a can talk to b, b can talk to a, but the link is
         *   only between the player character and another actor. If b is the
         *   player character swap a and b so that the tests that follow will
         *   still apply.
        if(b == gPlayerChar)
            b = a;
            a = gPlayerChar;
         *   If one of the actors is the player character and the other is in
         *   our connection list, then they can talk to each other.
        if(a == gPlayerChar && isConnectedTo(b))
            return true;
        /* Otherwise use the next special. */
        return next();
     *   The list of actors we're currently connected to. This is a list of two
     *   element lists in the form [actor, video], where actor is the actor
     *   we're connected to and video is true or nil according to whether the
     *   link to that actor is a video link as well as an audio link.
    connectionList = []
    /* This Special is active is there's anything in its connectionList. */
    active = connectionList.length > 0
     *   Connect this comms link to other; if video is specified and is true,
     *   the comms links is also a video link.
    connectTo(other, video = nil)
         *   In case the video parameter is supplied as AudioLink or VideoLink
         *   (some game authors may try this even though it's not documented),
         *   we should first translate the video parameter into true or nil as
         *   appropriate.
        if(video == AudioLink)
            video = nil;
        if(video == VideoLink)
            video = true;
        /* Add other to our connection list. */
        connectionList = connectionList.append([other, video]);
        /* Force the Special class to rebuild its list of active Specials. */
        Special.allActive_ = nil;
    /* Disconnect this commLink from everyone */
        /* Empty our out connectionList */
        connectionList = [];
        /* Force the Special class to rebuild its list of active Specials. */
        Special.allActive_ = nil;
     *   Disconnect this commLink from lst, where lst may be a single actor or a
     *   list of actors.
        /* Convert the lst parameter to a list if it isn't one already */
        lst = valToList(lst);
         *   Reduce our connectionList to a subset of members that aren't in
         *   lst.
        connectionList = connectionList.subset({x: lst.indexOf(x[1]) == nil});
        /* Force the Special class to rebuild its list of active Specials. */
        Special.allActive_ = nil;
     *   Is there a communications link with obj? Return nil if there is none,
     *   AudioLink if there's an audio connection only and VideoLink if there's
     *   a video connection as well.
        local conn = connectionList.valWhich({x: x[1] == obj});
        if(conn == nil)
            return nil;
        return conn[2] ? VideoLink : AudioLink;
     *   Give this Special a higher priority that the QSenseRegion Special so
     *   that it takes precedence when its active.
    priority = 5

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 *   A ScopeList is a helper object used to build the list of objects in
 *   scope.  This object provides methods for the common ways of adding
 *   objects to scope.
 *   The ScopeList isn't a true Collection object, but it mimics one by
 *   providing most of the standard methods.  You can use length() and the
 *   [] operator to scan the list, perform a foreach or for..in loop with a
 *   ScopeList to iterate over the items in scope, you can use find() to
 *   check if a given object is in scope, and you can use subset() to get a
 *   list of in-scope objects satisfying some condition.
class ScopeList: object
     *   Add an object and its contents to the scope. 
         *   if we've already visited this object in full-contents mode,
         *   there's no need to repeat all that
        local tstat = status_[obj];
        if (tstat == 2)

        /* if the object isn't already in the list at all, add it */
        if (tstat == nil)

        /* promote it to status 2: added with contents */
        status_[obj] = 2;

         *   if we can see in, add all of the contents, interior and
         *   exterior; otherwise add just the exterior contents 
        if (obj.canSeeIn)

     *   Add all of the objects in the given list 
        for (local i = 1, local len = lst.length() ; i <= len ; ++i)

     *   Add the interior contents of an object to the scope.  This adds
     *   only the contents, not the object itself.  
        /* add each object in the interior contents */

    /* add each self-illuminating object in the interior contents */
        addAll(obj.intContents.subset({x: x.visibleInDark}));
     *   Add a single object to the scope.  This doesn't add anything
     *   related to the object (such as its contents) - just the object
     *   itself.  
         *   If this object is already in the status table with any status,
         *   there's no need to add it again.  We also don't want to change
         *   its existing status, because if we've already added it with
         *   its contents, adding it redundantly by itself doesn't change
         *   the fact that we've added its contents.
        if (status_[obj] != nil)

        /* add it to the vector */

        /* set the status to 1: we've added only this object */
        status_[obj] = 1;

    /* "close" the scope list - this converts the vector to a list */
        vec_ = vec_.toList();
        status_ = nil;

    /* get the number of items in scope */
    length() { return vec_.length(); }

    /* get an item from the list */
    operator[](idx) { return vec_[idx]; }

    /* is the given object in scope? */
    find(obj) { return status_[obj] != nil; }

    /* get the subset of the objects in scope matching the given condition */
    subset(func) { return vec_.subset(func); }

    /* return the scope as a simple list of objects */
    toList() { return vec_; }

    /* create an iterator, for foreach() */
    createIterator() { return vec_.createIterator(); }

    /* create a live iterator */
    createLiveIterator() { return vec_.createLiveIterator(); }

    /* a vector with the objects in scope */
    vec_ = perInstance(new Vector(50))

     *   A LookupTable with the objects already added to the list.  We use
     *   this to avoid redundantly scanning containment trees for objects
     *   that we've already added.  For each object, we set status_[obj] to
     *   a status indicator:
     *.    nil (unset) - the object has never been visited
     *.    1 - we've added the object only, not its contents
     *.    2 - we've added the object and its contents
    status_ = perInstance(new LookupTable(64, 128))

 *   An object describing a reach problem; such objects are used by the Query
 *   object to communicate problems with one object touching another to the
 *   touchObj PreCondition (see also precond.t). ReachProblem objects are
 *   normally created dynamicallty as required, although it is usually one of
 *   the subclasses of ReachProblem that it used.
class ReachProblem: object
     *   Problems which reaching an object that occur at the verify stage and
     *   which might affect the choice of object. If the verify() method of a
     *   ReachProblem object wishes to rule out an action it should do so using
     *   illogical(), inaccessible() or other such verification macros.
    verify() { }   
     *   The check() method of a ReachProblem should check whether the target
     *   object can be reached by the source object. If allowImplicit is true
     *   the check method may attempt an implicit action to bring the target
     *   object within reach.
     *   Return true if the target object is within reach, and nil otherwise.
     *   Note that the check() method of a ReachProblem will normally be called
     *   from the checkPreCondition() method of touchObj.
    check(allowImplicit) { return true; }    
        target_ = target;
    /* The object we're trying to reach */
    target_ = nil

 *   A ReachProblem object for when the target object is too far away (because
 *   it's in another room).
class ReachProblemDistance: ReachProblem
        return source_.getOutermostRoom.cannotReachTargetMsg(target_);              
    construct(source, target)
        source_ = source;
    /* The object that's trying to reach the target */
    source_ = nil;
 *   A ReachProblem object for when access to the target is blocked by a closed
 *   container along the path from the source to the target.
class ReachProblemBlocker: ReachProblem
     *   Delegate defining the message explaining that blocking is reached to
     *   the blocking object.
        return obstructor_.reachBlockedMsg(target_);
     *   The closed container that is preventing access to the target object the
     *   actor is trying to reach.
    obstructor_ = nil
    construct(target, obstructor)
        obstructor_ = obstructor;

 *   A ReachProblem resulting from the verifyReach() method of the target
 *   object.
class ReachProblemVerifyReach: ReachProblem   
    construct(source, target)
        source_ = source;
    source_ = nil

 *   A ReachProblem resulting from reach being prohibited by the checkReach()
 *   method or checkReachIn() method of the target object or an object along the
 *   reach path.
class ReachProblemCheckReach: ReachProblem
    errMsg_ = nil
    construct(target, errMsg)
        errMsg_ = errMsg;
        return nil;

 *   A ReachProblem object for when the actor can't reach the target from the
 *   actor's (non top-level room) container.
class ReachProblemReachOut: ReachProblem  
     *   If allowImplicit is true we can try moving the actor out of its
     *   immediate container to see if this solves the problem. If it does,
     *   return true; otherwise return nil.
        /* Note the actor's immediate location. */
        local loc = gActor.location;
        /* Note the target we're trying to reach. */
        local obj = target_;
         *   The action needed by the actor to leave the actor's immediate
         *   location (GetOff or GetOutOf, depending whether the actor is on a
         *   Platform or in a Booth).
        local getOutAction;
         *   Keep trying to move the actor out of its immediate location until
         *   the actor is in its outermost room, or until we can't move the
         *   actor, or until the actor can reach the target object.
        while(loc != gActor.getOutermostRoom && !obj.isOrIsIn(loc) &&
             *   The action we need to move the actor out of its immediate
             *   location will be GetOff or GetOutOf depending on the contType
             *   of the actor's location.
            getOutAction = loc.contType == On ? GetOff : GetOutOf;
             *   If we're allowed to attempt an implicit action, and the actor's
             *   location is happy to allow the actor to leave it via an
             *   implicit action for the purpose of reaching, then try an
             *   implicit action to take the actor out of its location.
            if(allowImplicit && loc.autoGetOutToReach 
               && tryImplicitAction(getOutAction, loc))
                 *   If the actor is still in its original location, then we
                 *   were unable to move it out, so return nil to signal that
                 *   the reachability condition can't be met.
                    return nil;
             *   Otherwise, if we can't perform an implicit action to remove the
             *   actor from its immediate location, display a message explaining
             *   the problem and return nil to signal that the reachability
             *   condition can't be met.
                return nil;
             *   If we've reached this point we haven't failed either check in
             *   this loop, so note that the actor's location is now the
             *   location of its former location and then continue round the
             *   loop.
            loc = loc.location;           
         *   If we've reached this point, we must have met the reachability
         *   condition, so return true.
        return true;

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1