#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
* RELATIONS EXTENSION by Eric Eve July 2014
* The relations.t extension allows Inform7-style relations to be
* defined in a TADS 3 game.
* The Relation class is used to define any kind of binary relation you like
* between objects, or between items of any other kind, e.g. x love y, or a is
* the father of b, or c knows d.
class Relation: PreinitObject
* A string name that can be used to refer to this relation, e.g. 'loves'
* or 'is the parent of' [RELATIONS EXTENSION]
name = nil
* A string name that can be used to refer to this relation in reverse,
* e.g. 'loved by' or 'is a child of' [RELATIONS EXTENSION]
reverseName = nil
* The type of relation we are; this can be one of oneToOne, oneToMany,
* manyToOne or manyToMany. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]
relationType = oneToOne
* Flag: are we a reciprocal relation (i.e. does x relation b imply b
* relation x)? Note that only oneToOne and manyToMany relations can be
reciprocal = nil
* A LookupTable to hold data about the items related via this relation.
* This is maintained by the library code and shouldn't normally be
* directly accessed via game code. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]
relTab = nil
/* Return a list of items related to a via this relation. [RELATIONS EXTENSION] */
return relTab == nil ? [] : relTab[a];
/* Test whether a is related to b via this relation. [RELATIONS EXTENSION] */
isRelated(a, b)
return relatedTo(a).indexOf(b) != nil;
* Return a list of items inverselty related to a via this relation (e.g.
* if this is loving relation, return a list of the people a is loved by.
* If we're a reciprocal relationship, then asking whether we're
* inversely related to a is the same as asking whether we're related
* to a, which is a far quicker calculation.
return relatedTo(a);
* Otherwise we need to iterate over our LookUpTable to find key
* values that correspond to values of a.
local lst = relTab ? relTab.keysToList() : [];
/* Set up a Vector as a temporary store for our results. */
local vec = new Vector;
* Go through each key in the relTab LookupTable to see if a occurs in
* its corresponding value (which should be a list). If so append cur
* to our vector.
foreach(local cur in lst)
/* Convert the vector to a list and return the result. */
return vec.toList();
/* Test whether a is inversely related to b via this relation. [RELATIONS EXTENSION] */
isInverselyRelated(a, b)
* Simply turn the question round; asking if a is loved by b is
* exactly the same as asking if b loves a.
return isRelated(b, a);
* Make two objects related via this relation. The objs should be supplied
* as a two-element list (e.g. [a, b]) such that a will be related to b.
* If we do not already have a LookupTable associated with our relTab
* property, perform some sanity checks and then create one if all is
* okay.
if(relTab == nil)
* Check whether the setting of the reciprocal property on this
* relation conflicts with the setting of the relationType
* property. Neither a oneToMany nor a manyToOne relation can be
* reciprocal (since oneToMany and manyToOne both imply an
* asymmetry), so issue a warning if there's a conflict.
if(reciprocal && relationType is in (oneToMany, manyToOne))
"<b>ERROR!</b> The <<name>> relation cannot be both <<if
relationType == oneToMany>>one-to-many<<else>>many to
one<<end>> and reciprocal. ";
* If we do not yet have a LookupTable attached to our relTab,
* create it now.
relTab = new LookupTable;
* The obs parameter should have been supplied as a two element list,
* [a, b]. When we add this to our relTab LookupTable the virst item
* in the list will be a key in the table and the second will be a
* value.
local key = objs[1];
local val = objs[2];
* if val is nil we're saying we don't want key to be related to
* anything, so remove it from the table
if(val == nil)
* If we're a reciprocal relation then we also need to remove the
* other side of the relation; if a is no longer related to b then
* b is no longer related to a in a reciprocal relationship.
* relTab[key] should evaluate a list of the items to which
* key is related. For each of these item remove key from the
* list of items to which they in turn are related.
foreach(local cur in relTab[key])
relTab[cur] = relTab[cur] - key;
* Simce key is no longer related to anything, we can remove it
* from the relTab LookupTable.
/* Then we're done. */
* If key is nil we're saying the reverse relation no longer applies
* to val, so we need to remove val wherever it appears.
if(key == nil)
* If we've a reciprocal relation, val is no longer related to
* anything, so we can remove the val entry from the relTab.
/* Get a list of the keys in relTab */
local lst = relTab.keysToList();
* Iterate over that list removing val from the list of values
* associated with every key.
foreach(local cur in lst)
local curVal = relTab[cur];
relTab[cur] = curVal - val;
/* Then we're done. */
/* Note the current value associated with key in relTab. */
local existing = relTab[key];
/* What happens next depends on our relationType */
case oneToOne:
* If we're a one-to-one relation, we can simply set the new value
* corresponding to key to [val], either thereby creating a new
* entry in the relTab LookupTable or overwriting the existing
* one. We make [val] a list since this is how the relTab
* LookupTable stores its values.
relTab[key] = [val];
* Ensure that val is not a value for any other key in the table,
* since in a one-to-one relationship each key can be related to
* at most one val, and each val to at most one key.
makeUnique(key, val);
* If we're a reciprocal relationship we need to enter the same
* pair of items in relTab the other way round as well.
relTab[val] = [key];
makeUnique(val, key);
case oneToMany:
/* Deliberate fall-through */
case manyToMany:
* In the case of a one-to-many or many-to-many relationships,
* several values can be associated with each key, so we append
* the new val to the list of values already associated with key.
relTab[key] = (nilToList(existing)).appendUnique([val]);
* If we're a reciprocal relationship we must also be a
* many-to-many one, or else we would not have reached this point
* (the block beginning if(relTab == nil) above would have
* prevented it). So, if we're reciprocal, we also add key to the
* list of values associated with val.
relTab[val] = nilToList(relTab[val]).appendUnique([key]);
case manyToOne:
* For a many-to-one relationship, simply make [val] the new value
* corresponding to key.
relTab[key] = [val];
* Ensure that key is the only entry in relTab with a value of [val].
makeUnique(key, val)
/* Get a list of all the keys in the relTab LookupTable. */
local lst = relTab.keysToList();
* Go through all the keys in relTab, deleting all that value a value
* of [val] apart from key.
foreach(local cur in lst)
if(cur != key && relTab[cur] == [val])
* Remove this relation between the items specified in objs, which should
* be supplied as a two-element list [a, b], where a is the item that is
* no longer related to b. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]
* If relTab hasn't been set up yet we've nothing to do, since no
* objects are yet related via this relation.
if(relTab == nil)
/* Extract the key and val values from our two-element objs list. */
local key = objs[1];
local val = objs[2];
* What happens next depends on what kind of relation we are. Note
* that if we have a non-nil relTab at all, we'll already have checked
* we can only be a reciprocal relation if we're a one-to-one or
* many-to-many relation.
case oneToOne:
case manyToOne:
* If the key can only be related to one value, simply remove the
* key from relTab.
* If this relation is reciprocal, remove val from relTab as well,
* since if this relation no longer holds one way round, it can no
* hold the other way round either.
case oneToMany:
case manyToMany:
* If the key can be related to many values, remove val from the
* list of values it's related to.
relTab[key] = relTab[key] - val;
* If this relation is reciprocal, remove key from the list of
* values corresponding to val.
relTab[val] = relTab[val] - key;
/* Make relation[b] = c work like relate(b, relation, c) [RELATIONS EXTENSION] */
operator []=(b, c)
addRelation([b, c]);
return self;
/* make relation[b] work like related(b, relation) [RELATIONS EXTENSION] */
operator [] (b)
return relatedTo(b);
* A DerivedRelation is one that doesn't maintain its own table of what it
* related to what, but works out what is related to what on the basis of some
* other relation(s) (e.g. a sibling relation might work by testing for common
* parents).
DerivedRelation: Relation
* Instances need to override to provide a method that returns a list of
* items related to a via this relationship, on the basis of whatever
* criteria are appropriate.
relatedTo(a) { return []; }
inverselyRelatedTo(a) { return []; }
* By default we don't permit the direct addition of relationships via
* this relation, since this is a relation dependent upon external
* conditions.
DMsg(cannot add to derived relation, 'ERROR! You cannot explicitly
relate items via a derived relation (%1). ', name);
* By default we don't permit the direct removal of relationships via
* this relation, since this is a relation dependent upon external
* conditions.
DMsg(cannot remove from derived relation, 'ERROR! You cannot explicitly
remove a derived relation (%) between items. ', name);
* Used internally by the RELATIONS EXTENSION to keep track of which relations
* correspond to which (string) names.
relationTable: PreinitObject
* LookupTable to restore data relating names to relations. Each key is a
* string containing a relation name. Each corresponding value is a
* two-item list [rel, type] where rel is the name of the corresponding
* relation object and type is either normalRelation or reverseRelation.
nameTab = static new LookupTable
* Go through all the relations in the game and add their names and
* reverseNames to our nameTab.
for(local rel = firstObj(Relation); rel != nil; rel = nextObj(rel,
nameTab[] = [rel, normalRelation];
nameTab[rel.reverseName] = [rel, reverseRelation];
* Get the relation corresponding to a string version of its name. Return
* a two-item list [rel, type] where rel is the name of the corresponding
* relation object and type is either normalRelation or reverseRelation. *
if(dataType(rel) == TypeSString)
return nameTab[rel];
* If the rel argument is not supplied as a string, it's presumably
* the name of a relation object.
return [rel, normalRelation];
* Message to display when there's no relation in our nameTab
* corresponding to the name rel.
DMsg(no such relation, 'ERROR, there is no such relation as <q>{1}</q>. ',
* Make a related to b via the rel relation. The rel parameter can be
* specified either as an object (in which case its the relevant relation
* object) or as a single-quoted string (in which cast it's either the name or
* the reverseName of a relation object.
relate(a, rel, b)
/* Get the relation referred to by the rel parameter. */
local relData = relationTable.getRelation(rel);
/* Check that we actually found a relation before trying to use it. */
if(relData == nil)
* If it's a normal relation, then use the addRelation method of the
* relation object to create a relation between a and b.
if(relData[2] == normalRelation)
relData[1].addRelation([a, b]);
* If it's a reverse relation (e.g. 'child of' when the relation is
* fatherOf) swap the a and b arguments round when calling the relation's
* addRelation() method (e.g. to make a the child of b using the fatherOf
* relation, we make b the father of a).
if(relData[2] == reverseRelation)
relData[1].addRelation([b, a]);
* Remove the rel relation between a and b
unrelate(a, rel, b)
/* Get the relation referred to by the rel parameter. */
local relData = relationTable.getRelation(rel);
/* Check that we actually found a relation before trying to use it. */
if(relData == nil)
* If it's a normal relation, then use the removeRelation method of the
* relation object to remove the relation between a and b.
if(relData[2] == normalRelation)
relData[1].removeRelation([a, b]);
* If it's a reverse relation (e.g. 'child of' when the relation is
* fatherOf) swap the a and b arguments round when calling the relation's
* removeRelation() method (e.g. to make a no longer the child of b using
* the fatherOf relation, we make b no longer the father of a).
if(relData[2] == reverseRelation)
relData[1].removeRelation([b, a]);
* If two arguments are supplied (e.g. related(a, knows)) returns a list of
* items related to a via the rel relation. If three arguments are supplied
* (e.g. related(a, knows, b)) then return true if a is related to b via the
* knows relation and b otherwise.
related(a, rel, b?)
/* Get the relation referred to by the rel parameter. */
local relData = relationTable.getRelation(rel);
/* Check that we actually found a relation before trying to use it. */
if(relData == nil)
return nil;
* If b has not been supplied, we've been asked to supply a list of
* objects related to a via rel.
if(b == nil)
if(relData[2] == normalRelation)
return relData[1].relatedTo(a);
return relData[1].inverselyRelatedTo(a);
* Otherwise, if b has been supplied, we're being asked if a is related to
* b.
if(relData[2] == normalRelation)
return relData[1].isRelated(a, b);
return relData[1].isInverselyRelated(a, b);
* The relationPathfinder tries to find a path from start to target via the
* rel relation. If it finds one it returns the shortest posssible list of
* items starting with start and ending with target, in which each item in the
* list is related to the next via the rel relation. E.g. if John is the
* father of Jo, and Jo is the father of Jim, and Jim is the father of Jeremy,
* relationPathfinder.findPath(John, fatherOf, Jeremy) should return a list
* like [John, Jo, Jim, Jeremy] (assuming the appropriate definition of the
* fatherOf relationship).
relationPathfinder: Pathfinder
* Find a path from start to target via the rel relation. The rel
* parameter may be supplied as a relation object, a relation string name
* or reverseName, or a list of any of these, in which case any of the
* relations contained in the list may be used to step from one object to
* the next.
findPath(start, rel, target)
local vec = new Vector();
local relation;
/* Go through every relation supplied in the rel parameter. */
foreach(local cur in valToList(rel))
/* If it's an object, add it to our Vector as a normal relation. */
if(dataType(cur) == TypeObject)
vec.append([cur, normalRelation]);
/* If it's a string, look it up in the relationTable. */
if(dataType(cur) == TypeSString)
relation = relationTable.getRelation(cur);
* If we can't find the string in the relationTable, give up
* and return nil, since there's an error in the rel
* parameter. Also issue a warning message.
if(relation == nil)
return nil;
/* If we found the relation, add it to our vector. */
* Convert our vector to a list and store it in our relationList
* property.
relationList = vec.toList();
* Use the inherited handling to find the path and store it in a local
* variable.
local res = inherited(start, target);
* If the result was nil, simply return nil to indicate that no path
* was found. Otherwise, if the rel parameter was passed as a list,
* return the resulting path list unchanged. Otherwise (if rel was
* passed as a single relation), return a list consisting of the
* objects (or other items) on the path only, since the relation
* information for each step would be redundant.
* Thus, if rel was passes as a list, the return value might resemble,
* [[nil, john], ['child of', mark], ['sibling', mary]], whereas if it
* was passed as a single relation the return value might resemble
* [johh, mark, alan].
return res == nil ? nil :
(dataType(rel) == TypeList ? res : res.mapAll({e: e[2]}));
/* Note the object our current path leads to */
local obj = cur[steps - 1][2];
/* Find everything related to this object via relation. */
local lst = [];
foreach(local rel in relationList)
local rname;
if(rel[2] == normalRelation)
lst += rel[1].relatedTo(obj);
rname = rel[1].name;
lst += rel[1].inverselyRelatedTo(obj);
rname = rel[1].reverseName;
/* Find everything related to everything in the list. */
foreach(local dest in lst)
local newPath = new Vector(cur);
newPath.append([rname, dest]);
* Property used internally to hold the list of relations we're finding a
* route through.
relationList = nil
* Find a path from start to target via the rel relation, where rel can be a
* single relation or a list of relations, and can be specified either via a
* relation object name or a string name (or reverseName). We provide this as
* a convenient wrapper for the more verbose method call.
relationPath(start, rel, target)
return relationPathfinder.findPath(start, rel, target);
#ifdef __DEBUG
/* Debugging commands for RELATIONS EXTENSION */
/* List relations defined in the game [RELATIONS EXTENSION] */
/* Get a list of relations defined in the relation table */
local lst = relationTable.nameTab.keysToList();
/* If the list is empty, say so and exit. */
if(lst.length == 0)
DMsg(no relations defined, 'No relations are defined in this game.
/* Sort the list in order of name */
lst = lst.sort(SortAsc, {a, b: a.compareIgnoreCase(b)});
/* Go through every item in the list */
foreach(local cur in lst)
/* Get the value relating to the name cur */
local val = relationTable.nameTab[cur];
* Only report it if it's a normalRelation (so that we don't
* duplicate relations in our list by also listing them with their
* reverseName.
if(val[2] == normalRelation)
/* The relation is the first item in val */
local rel = val[1];
/* Show the details of this relation. */
/* Show the details of relation rel. */
/* First display the programmatic object name */
"<b><<symTab.ctab[rel]>></b> ";
/* If it's a DerivedRelation, say so. */
"<i>(DerivedRelation)</i> ";
/* Then show the relationType (an enum). */
"<<symTab.ctab[rel.relationType]>>: ";
/* If rel is a reciprocal relation, say so. */
"(reciprocal): ";
/* Show the (string) name of the relation. */
"<i>name</i> = '<<>>' ";
/* If the relation has a reverseName, show that too. */
"<i>reverseName</i> = '<<rel.reverseName>>' ";
/* Move to the next line. */
('list'|) 'relations'
action = ListRelations
verbPhrase = 'list/listing relations'
/* Debugging action to list what a relation currently relates [RELATIONS EXTENSION]*/
/* Note the literal string associated with this command. */
literal =;
* Try to get the relation associated with this string value from the
* relationTable.
local relInfo = relationTable.getRelation(literal);
/* Set up a local variable to hold the relation object. */
local rel;
if(relInfo == nil)
* If we didn't find anything in the relationTable, it may be the
* tester entered the programmatic name instead of the string name
* of the relation; try looking up the programatic name of the
* relation in the global symbol table.
rel = t3GetGlobalSymbols() [literal];
* If we didn't find anything, or what we found wasn't a Relation,
* say there's no such relation and exit.
if(rel == nil || dataType(rel) != TypeObject ||
DMsg(no such relation, 'There is no such relation in the game as
{1}. ', literal);
* Otherwise, if we found an entry in the relationTable, the relation
* we want is the first item in the list returned from that table.
rel = relInfo[1];
/* Show the details of what that relation is. */
* If it's a DerivedRelation, say so and exit; we can't list what a
* DerivedRelation relates.
DMsg(cant list derived relation, '<i>Since {1} is a DerivedRelation,
any items it relates cannot be listed.</i> ', valToSym(rel));
* Get a list of the keys in our relation's reltab table (which may be
* nil).
local lst = rel.relTab == nil ? [] : rel.relTab.keysToList();
/* If the list is empty, say so and exit. */
if(lst.length == 0)
DMsg(no relations defined, '<i>no relations defined</i> ');
/* Sort the list in ascending key order. */
lst = lst.sort(SortAsc, {a, b:
* Go through each key in the list. This will be the object (or other
* value) that relates to other objects via this relation.
foreach(local cur in lst)
* Display the name of the current object and list the items to
* which it relates.
"<<symTab.ctab[cur]>> -> <<valToSym(rel.relTab[cur])>>\n";
literal = nil
/* [RELATIONS EXTENSION] List relation details */
('relation' | 'relations' | 'rel') literalDobj
: VerbProduction
action = RelationDetails
verbPhrase = 'list/listing relation details'
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1