#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
* SYSRULES (System Rules) EXTENSION By Eric Eve
* This extension requires the Rules Extension
* The Sysrules extension defines a number of rulebooks and rules that add
* more flexibility to certain aspects of the adv3Lite library.
* RuleBook that can contain rules run at Preinit. By default this Rulebook
* starts out empty. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
preinitRules: RuleBook
contValue = nil
/* PreinitObject to run PreinitRules for SYSRULES EXTENSION. */
preinitRulesRunner: PreinitObject
* Make sure we've initialized both the library and all the rules before
* we try to run our rules.
execBeforeMe = [adv3LibPreinit, rulePreinit]
/* A rule belonging to the preinitRules RuleBook. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
class PreinitRule: Rule
location = preinitRules
* RuleBook that can contain rules run at Init. By default this Rulebook
* starts out empty. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
initRules: RuleBook
contValue = nil
/* InitObject to run InitRules. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
initRulesRunner: InitObject
execBeforeMe = [adv3LibInit]
/* A rule belonging to the initRules RuleBook. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
class InitRule: Rule
location = initRules
/* A Rule beloning to the turnEndRules RuleBook. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
class TurnEndRule: Rule
location = turnEndRules
* The turnEndRules execute the various things that need to happen at the end
* of each turn, including the current location's roomDaemon, any current
* Fuses and Daemons (via the eventManager), and advancing the turn counter.
* Additional rules can be added if game code wants something else to occur at
* the end of each turn. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
turnEndRules: RuleBook
contValue = nil
/* [SYSRULES EXTENSION] By default add a paragraph break before doing anything else at the end of turn. */
+ turnEndSpacerRule: Rule
priority = 10000
/* Execute the player character's current location's roomDaemon. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
+ roomDaemonRule: Rule
/* Execute the player character's current location's roomDaemon. */
priority = 9000
* If the events.t module is included, execute all current Daemons and
+ executeEventsRule: Rule
* If the events.t module is included, execute all current Daemons and
* Fuses.
if(defined(eventManager) && eventManager.executeTurn())
priority = 8000
/* Advance the turn counter [SYSRULES EXTENSION]*/
+ advanceTurnCounterRule: Rule
/* Advance the turn counter */
libGlobal.totalTurns += gAction.turnsTaken;
priority = 50
* An AfterRule is a rule belonging to the afterRules Rulebook. Note than
* unlike after rules in I7 these are executed after the action is fully
* complete, i.e. *after* the report stage. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
class AfterRule: Rule
location = afterRules
/* The current action */
currentAction = (rulebook.currentAction)
/* Rulebook to carry out after action notifications. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
afterRules: RuleBook
contValue = nil
* The current action; this is set by the current action's afterAction()
* method.
currentAction = nil
* Rule to check whether the illumination level has changed for the actor and make the
* appropriate announcement if so. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
checkIlluminationRule: AfterRule
* If the actor is still in the same room s/he started out in, check
* whether the current illumination level has changed, and, if so,
* either show a room description or announce the onset of darkness,
* as appropriate.
local ac = currentAction;
if(ac.oldRoom == gActor.getOutermostRoom)
else if(ac.wasIlluminated)
DMsg(onset of darkness, '\n{I} {am} plunged into darkness. ');
priority = 10000
* Rule to call the afterAction notifications on all currently active scenes. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
notifyScenesAfterRule: AfterRule
/* Call the afterAction notifications on all currently active scenes. */
priority = 9000
roomNotifyAfterRule: AfterRule
* Call the afterAction notification on the current room and its
* regions.
priority = 8000
scopeListNotifyAfterRule: AfterRule
* Call the afterAction notification on every object in scope. Note
* that we have to recalculate the scope list here in case the action
* has changed it.
foreach(local cur in Q.scopeList(gActor))
priority = 7000
* The BeforeRule class provides a convenient means of defining rules that
* belong to the beforeRules RuleBook. We derive it from ReplaceRedirector as
* well as Rule in case users want to use the doInstead() interface to
* redirect one action to another from a BeforeRule.
class BeforeRule: Rule, ReplaceRedirector
location = beforeRules
/* The current action */
currentAction = (rulebook.currentAction)
* The main function of the beforeRules is to carry out our before action
* notifications.
beforeRules: RuleBook
contValue = nil
* The current action; this is set by the current action's beforeAction()
* method.
currentAction = nil
* Check any Preconditions relating to the action as a whole (as
* opposed to any of its objects. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
checkActionPreconditionsRule: BeforeRule
* Check any Preconditions relating to the action as a whole (as
* opposed to any of its objects.
priority = 10000
* Call the before action handling on the current actor (in its
* capacity as actor) [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
actorActionRule: BeforeRule
* Call the before action handling on the current actor (in its
* capacity as actor)
priority = 9000
* If the sceneManager is present then send a before action
* notification to every currently active Scene. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
sceneNotifyBeforeRule: BeforeRule
* If the sceneManager is present then send a before action
* notification to every currently active Scene.
priority = 8000
* Call roomBeforeAction() on the current actor's location, and
* regionBeforeAction() on all the regions it's in.
roomNotifyBeforeRule: BeforeRule
* Call roomBeforeAction() on the current actor's location, and
* regionBeforeAction() on all the regions it's in.
priority = 7000
/* Call the beforeAction method of every object in scope. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]*/
scopeListNotifyBeforeRule: BeforeRule
/* Call the beforeAction method of every object in scope. */
foreach(local cur in currentAction.scopeList)
priority = 6000
modify Action
* Carry out the post-action processing. This first checks to see if
* there's been a change in illumination. If there has we either show a
* room description (if the actor's location is now lit) or announce the
* onset of darkness. We then call the after action notifications first on
* the actor's current room and then on every object in scope.
* Note that afterAction() is called from the current Command object.
* If the current action is considered a failure, we don't carry out
* any after action handling, since in this case there's no action to
* react to.
* Register ourselves as the current action for our afterRules
* Rulebook
afterRules.currentAction = self;
* Let the afterRules carry out the rest of the after action handling.
/* [MODIFIED FOR SYSRULES EXTENSION] Use the beforeRules RuleBook to carry out the before action handling. */
* If we don't already have a scope list for the current action, build
* it now.
if(nilToList(scopeList).length == 0)
* Register this action as the one the beforeRules RuleBook needs to
* deal with.
beforeRules.currentAction = self;
* Get the beforeRules RuleBook to carry out the rest of the before
* action handling.
* Use the turnEnd RuleBook to carry out the end-of-turn processing.
/* Execute the rulebook that takes care of end-of-turn processing */
* The reportRules provide a convenient entry point to customize standard
* action reports under particular circumstances. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
reportRules: RuleBook
* The current action; this is set by the current action's report()
* method.
currentAction = nil
* This is the one RuleBook where we don't define contValue = nil, since
* normally we'll want the first matching rule to stop execution of the
* rulebook.
// contValue = null
/* A ReportRule is a rule belonging to the reportRules RuleBook. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
class ReportRule: Rule
location = reportRules
/* The current action (the action that has just invoked our rulebook). */
currentAction = (rulebook.currentAction)
/* Output any pending implicit action reports [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
reportImplicitActionsRule: ReportRule
/* Output any pending implicit action reports */
priority = 10000
* The standardReportRule reports the action in the standard way defined on
* the direct object's action-specified report method. [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
standardReportRule: ReportRule
local ca = currentAction;
* Make this normally the last report rule to be considered, so that any
* custom rule will take precedence.
priority = 0
modify TAction
* reportAction() is called only after all the action routines have been
* run and the list of dobjs acted on is known. It only does anything if
* the action is not implicit. It can thus be used to summarize a list of
* identical actions carried out on every object in reportList or to print
* a report that is not wanted if the action is implicit. By default we
* call the dobj's reportDobjProp to handle the report.
* Note that this method is usually called from the current Command object
* after its finished iterated over all the direct objects involved in the
* command.
* This modified version uses the reportRules rulebook to make it easy to
* insert differently worded summary reports.
* If we're not an implicit action and there's something in our report
* list to report on, execute the report stage of this action.
if(!isImplicit && reportList.length > 0)
/* Register this action with the reportRules RuleBook */
reportRules.currentAction = self;
/* Let the report rules handle it. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Modified version to work with the turnStartRules. This repeatedly prompts
* the player for a command and then processes the command until the game
replace mainCommandLoop()
local txt;
* Set the current actor to the player character at the start of the game
* (to ensure we have a current actor defined).
gActor = gPlayerChar;
* Repeat this loop, which asks for a command and then parses it, until
* the game comes to an end.
* From here on use code from the original version of mainCommandLoop,
* since it's awkward to continue to follows rules inside the try...
* catch block, and in any case it would be inadvisable to tamper with
* what this section of code does.
/* Read a new command from the keyboard. */
txt = inputManager.getInputLine();
/* Pass the command through all our StringPreParsers */
txt = StringPreParser.runAll(txt, Parser.rmcType());
* If the txt is now nil, a StringPreParser has fully dealt with
* the command, so go back and prompt for another one.
if(txt == nil)
/* Parse and execute the command. */
catch(TerminateCommandException tce)
} while (true);
/* Rulebook for start of turn rules [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
turnStartRules: RuleBook
contValue = nil
/* Rule for use in the startTurnRules rulebook [SYSRULES EXTENSION]
class TurnStartRule: Rule
location = turnStartRules
/* Rule to update the status line. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
updateStatusLineRule: TurnStartRule
/* Update the status line. */
priority = 10000
/* Rule to display score notifications if the score module is included. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
scoreNotificationRule: TurnStartRule
/* Display score notifications if the score module is included. */
if(defined(scoreNotifier) && scoreNotifier.checkNotification())
priority = 9000
/* Rule to run any PromptDaemons if the events module is included [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
promptDaemonRule: TurnStartRule
/* run any PromptDaemons if the events module is included */
if(defined(eventManager) && eventManager.executePrompt())
priority = 8000
/* Rule to output a paragraph break at the start of a turn. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
commandSpacingRule: TurnStartRule
/* Output a paragraph break */
* We give this a low priority since this should normally come just before
* the command prompt.
priority = 20
/* Rule to start displaying the input line [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
startInputLineRule: TurnStartRule
priority = 10
/* Rule to display the command prompt. [SYSRULES EXTENSION] */
displayCommandPromptRule: TurnStartRule
DMsg(command prompt, '>');
* This rule should normally be executed right at the end of its RuleBook,
* just before inputting a command.
priority = 0
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1