#charset "us-ascii"
#pragma once
* Copyright 2000, 2006 Michael J. Roberts.
* This file is part of TADS 3.
* This module defines the fundamental intrinsic classes, including Object,
* String, Collection, List, and Iterator.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* TADS datatype codes. These values are returned by propType(), etc.
#define TypeNil 1
#define TypeTrue 2
#define TypeObject 5
#define TypeProp 6
#define TypeInt 7
#define TypeSString 8
#define TypeDString 9
#define TypeList 10
#define TypeCode 11
#define TypeFuncPtr 12
#define TypeNativeCode 14
#define TypeEnum 15
#define TypeBifPtr 16
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The root object class. All objects descend from this class.
intrinsic class Object 'root-object/030004'
* Determine if I'm an instance or subclass of the given class 'cls'.
* Note that x.ofKind(x) returns true - an object is of its own kind.
/* get the list of direct superclasses of this object */
/* determine if a property is defined or inherited by this object */
propDefined(prop, flags?);
/* get the type of a property defined for this object */
* Get a list of my directly-defined properties. When called on
* intrinsic class objects, this returns a list of properties defined
* for instances of the class, as well as static properties of the
* class.
* get parameter list information for the given method - returns a
* list: [minimumArgc, optionalArgc, varargs], where minimumArgc is
* the minimum number of arguments, optionalArgc is the number of
* additional optional arguments, and varargs is true if the function
* takes a varying number of arguments greater than or equal to the
* minimum, nil if not.
* determine if I'm a "class" object - returns true if the object was
* defined with the "class" keyword, nil otherwise
* Determine if a property is inherited further from the given object.
* definingObj is usually the value of the 'definingobj'
* pseudo-variable, and origTargetObj is usually the value of the
* 'targetobj' pseudo-variable.
propInherited(prop, origTargetObj, definingObj, flags?);
/* determine if this instance is transient */
* propDefined() flags
#define PropDefAny 1
#define PropDefDirectly 2
#define PropDefInherits 3
#define PropDefGetClass 4
/* export the objToString method */
property objToString;
export objToString 'objToString';
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The IntrinsicClass intrinsic class. Objects of this type represent the
* intrinsic classes themselves.
intrinsic class IntrinsicClass 'intrinsic-class/030001': Object
* Class method: is the given value an IntrinsicClass object? This
* returns true if so, nil if not.
* It's not possible to determine if an object is an IntrinsicClass
* object using x.ofKind(IntrinsicClass) or via x.getSuperclassList().
* This is because those methods traverse the nominal class tree:
* [1,2,3] is a List, and List is an Object. However, List and Object
* themselves are represented by IntrinsicClass instances, and it's
* occasionally useful to know if you're dealing with such an object.
* That's where this method comes in.
* This method returns nil for instances of an intrinsic class. For
* example, isIntrinsicClass([1,2,3]) returns nil, because [1,2,3] is a
* List instance. If you get the superclass list for [1,2,3], though,
* that will be [List], and isIntrinsicClass(List) returns true.
* Intrinsic class modifier object (for internal compiler use only)
intrinsic class IntrinsicClassModifier 'int-class-mod/030000'
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The native collection type - this is the base class for lists, vectors,
* and other objects that represent collections of values.
intrinsic class Collection 'collection/030000': Object
* Create an iterator for the collection. This returns a new Iterator
* object that can be used to iterate over the values in the
* collection. The Iterator will use a snapshot of the collection that
* will never change, even if the collection is changed after the
* iterator is created.
* Create a "live iterator" for the collection. This returns a new
* Iterator object that refers directly to the original collection; if
* the original collection changes, the iterator will reflect the
* changes in its iteration. As a result, the iterator is not
* guaranteed to visit all of the elements in the collection if the
* collection changes during the course of the iteration. If
* consistent results are required, use createIterator() instead.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The native iterator type - this is the base class for all iterators.
* This class is abstract and is thus never directly instantiated.
* Note that iterators can never be created directly with the 'new'
* operator. Instead, iterators must be obtained from a collection via the
* collection's createIterator() method.
intrinsic class Iterator 'iterator/030001': Object
* Get the next item in the collection. This returns the next item's
* value, and advances the internal state in the iterator so that a
* subsequent call to getNext() returns the next item after this one.
* When the iterator is first created, or after calling
* resetIterator(), this returns the first item in the collection.
* Determine if the collection is out of items. Returns true if
* getNext() will return a valid item, nil if no more items are
* available.
* Reset to the first item. After calling this routine, the next call
* to getNext() will return the first item in the collection.
* Get the current key. This returns the value of the key for the
* current item in the collection. For an indexed collection, this
* returns the index value; for a keyed collection, this returns the
* current key value.
* Get the current value. This returns the value of the current item
* in the collection.
* Indexed object iterator - this type of iterator is used for lists,
* vectors, and other indexed collection objects.
intrinsic class IndexedIterator 'indexed-iterator/030000': Iterator
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* AnonFuncPtr depends on Vector
#include "vector.h"
* Anonymous function pointer intrinsic class
intrinsic class AnonFuncPtr 'anon-func-ptr': Vector
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The "TADS Object" intrinsic class. All objects that the program
* defines with the "class" or "object" statements descend from this
* class.
intrinsic class TadsObject 'tads-object/030005': Object
* Create an instance of this object: in other words, create a new
* object whose superclass is this object. The arguments provided are
* passed to the new object's constructor. This method returns a
* reference to the new object.
* Create a clone of this object. This creates an exact copy, with
* the same property values, as the original. This does not call any
* constructors; it merely instantiates an exact copy of the original.
* Note that the clone is a "shallow" copy, which means that any
* objects it references are not themselves cloned.
* Create a transient instance of this object. This works just like
* createInstance(), but creates a transient instance instead of an
* ordinary (persistent) instance.
* Create an instance of an object based on multiple superclasses.
* Each argument gives a superclass, and optionally arguments for
* invoking the superclass constructor. If an argument is given as
* simply a class, then we don't invoke that superclass's constructor;
* if the argument is given as a list, the first element of the list is
* the class, and the remaining elements of the list are arguments for
* that superclass's constructor. The arguments are specified in the
* same order they would be to define the object, so the first argument
* is the dominant superclass.
* For example, suppose we created a class definition like this:
* class D: A, B, C
*. construct(x, y)
*. {
*. inherited A(x);
*. inherited C(y);
*. }
*. ;
* We could obtain the same effect dynamically like so:
* local d = TadsObject.createInstanceOf([A, x], B, [C, y]);
* Note that only *actual* lists are interpreted as constructor
* invokers here. A list-like object (with operator[] and length()
* methods) will be treated as a simple superclass, since otherwise it
* wouldn't be possible to specify the no-constructor format for such a
* superclass.
static createInstanceOf(...);
* Create a transient instance based on multiple superclasses. This
* works just like createInstanceOf(), but creates a transient
* instance.
static createTransientInstanceOf(...);
* Set the superclass list. scList is a list giving the new
* superclasses. The superclasses must all be TadsObject objects, with
* one exception: the list [TadsObject] may be passed to create an
* object based directly on TadsObject. No other intrinsic classes can
* be used in the list, and objects of other types cannot be used in
* the list.
* Get a method value. If the property is a method, this returns a
* function pointer to the method; this does NOT evaluate the method.
* If the property is not a method, this returns nil.
* The returned function pointer can be called like an ordinary
* function, but such a call will have no 'self' value, so the
* disembodied method won't be able to refer to properties or methods
* of 'self'. The main use of this method is to get a method of one
* object to assign as a method of another object using setMethod().
* Set a method value. Assigns the given function (which must be a
* function pointer value) to the given property of 'self'. This
* effectively adds a new method to the object.
* The function can be an ordinary named function, or a method pointer
* retrieved from this object or from another object with getMethod().
* Anonymous functions are NOT allowed here.
setMethod(prop, func);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* We need CharacterSet and ByteArray (for String.mapToByteArray). (But
* wait to include these until after we've defined Object, since everything
* depends on Object.)
#include "charset.h"
#include "bytearr.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The native string type.
intrinsic class String 'string/030008': Object
/* get the length of the string */
/* extract a substring */
substr(start, len?);
/* convert to upper case */
/* convert to lower case */
* Find a substring or pattern within the subject string (self),
* searching the string from left to right returning the index of the
* first match found. If 'str' is a string, this searches for an exact
* match to the substring. If 'str' is a RexPattern object, this
* searches for a match to the pattern. Returns the character index of
* the start of the match if found (the first character is at index 1),
* or nil if no match is found.
* 'index' is the optional starting index for the search. the first
* character is at index 1; a negative index specifies an offset from
* the end of the string, with -1 indicating the last character, -2 the
* second to last, and so on. If 'index' is omitted, the search starts
* at the first character. Note that the search proceeds from left to
* right even if 'index' is negative - a negative starting index is
* just a convenience to specify an offset from the end of the string,
* but the search still proceeds in the same direction.
* (Note: "left to right" in this context simply means from lower to
* higher character index in the string. We're using the term loosely,
* in particular ignoring anything related to the reading order or
* display direction for different languages or scripts.)
find(str, index?);
* convert to a list of Unicode character codes, or get the Unicode
* character code for the single character at the given index
/* htmlify a string */
/* determine if we start with the given string */
/* determine if we end with the given string */
* Map to a byte array, converting to the given character set. If
* 'charset' is provided, it must be an object of intrinsic class
* CharacterSet, or a string giving the name of a character set. The
* characters in the string are mapped from the internal Unicode
* representation to the appropriate byte representation in the given
* character set. Any unmappable characters are replaced with the
* usual default/missing character for the set, as defined by the
* mapping.
* If 'charset' is omitted or nil, the byte array is created simply by
* treating the Unicode character code of each character in the string
* as a byte value. A byte can only hold values from 0 to 255, so a
* numeric overflow error is thrown if any character code in the source
* string is outside this range.
* Replace one occurrence or all occurrences of the given substring
* with the given new string.
* 'self' is the subject string, which we search for instances of the
* replacement.
* 'origStr' is the string to search for within 'self'. This is
* treated as a literal text substring to find within 'self'.
* 'origStr' can alternatively be a RexPattern object, in which case
* the regular expression is matched.
* 'newStr' is the replacement text, as a string. 'newStr' can
* alternatively be a function (regular or anonymous) instead of a
* string. In this case, it's invoked as 'newStr(match, index, orig)'
* for each match where 'match' is the matching text, 'index' is the
* index within the original subject string of the match, and 'orig' is
* the full original subject string. This function must return a
* string value, which is used as the replacement text. Using a
* function allows greater flexibility in specifying the replacement,
* since it can vary the replacement according to the actual text
* matched and its position in the subject string.
* 'flags' is a combination of ReplaceXxx flags specifying the search
* options. It's optional; if omitted, the default is ReplaceAll.
* ReplaceOnce and ReplaceAll are mutually exclusive; they mean,
* respectively, that only the first occurrence of the match should be
* replaced, or that every occurrence should be replaced. ReplaceOnce
* and ReplaceAll are ignored if a 'limit' value is specified (this is
* true even if 'limit' is nil, which means that all occurrences are
* replaced).
* 'index' is the starting index within 'self' for the search. If this
* is given, we'll ignore any matches that start before the starting
* index. If 'index' is omitted, we start the search at the beginning
* of the string. If 'index' is negative, it's an index from the end
* of the string: -1 is the last character, -2 the second to last, etc.
* 'origStr' can be given as a list of search strings, rather than a
* single string. In this case, we'll search for each of the strings
* in the list, and replace each one with 'newStr'. If 'newStr' is
* also a list, each match to an element of the 'origStr' list is
* replaced with the corresponding element (at the same index) of the
* 'newStr' list. If there are more 'origStr' elements than 'newStr'
* elements, each match to an excess 'origStr' element is replaced with
* an empty string. This allows you to perform several replacements
* with a single call.
* 'limit', if specified, is an integer indicating the maximum number
* of matches to replace, or nil to replace all matches. If the limit
* is reached before all matches have been replaced, no further
* replacements are performed. If this parameter is specified, it
* overrides any ReplaceOnce or ReplaceAll flag.
* There are two search modes when 'origStr' is a list. The default is
* "parallel" mode. In this mode, we search for all of the 'origStr'
* elements, and replace the leftmost match. We then search the
* remainder of the string, after this first match, again searching for
* all of the 'origStr' elements. Again we replace the leftmost match.
* We repeat this until we run out of matches.
* The other option is "serial" mode, which you select by including
* ReplaceSerial in the flags argument. In serial mode, we start by
* searching only for the first 'origStr' element. We replace each
* occurrence throughout the string (unless we're in ReplaceOnce mode,
* in which case we stop after the first replacement). If we're in
* ReplaceOnce mode and we did a replacement, we're done. Otherwise,
* we start over with the updated string, containing the replacements
* so far, and search it for the second 'origStr' element, replacing
* each occurrence (or just the first, in ReplaceOnce mode). We repeat
* this for each 'origStr' element.
* The key difference between the serial and parallel modes is that the
* serial mode re-scans the updated string after replacing each
* 'origStr' element, so replacement text could itself be further
* modified. Parallel mode, in contrast, never re-scans replacement
* text.
findReplace(origStr, newStr, flags?, index?, limit?);
* Splice: delete 'del' characters starting at 'idx', and insert the
* string 'ins' in their place. 'ins' is optional; if omitted, this
* simply does the deletion without inserting anything.
splice(idx, del, ins?);
* Split the string into substrings at the given delimiter, or of a
* given fixed length.
* 'delim' is the delimiter. It can be one of the following:
* - A string or RexPattern, giving the delimiter where we split the
* string. We search 'self' for matches to this string or pattern, and
* split it at each instance we find, returning a list of the resulting
* substrings. For example, 'one,two,three'.split(',') returns the
* list ['one', 'two', 'three']. The delimiter separates parts, so
* it's not part of the returned substrings.
* - An integer, giving a substring length. We split the string into
* substrings of this exact length (except that the last element will
* have whatever's left over). For example, 'abcdefg'.split(2) returns
* ['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'g'].
* If 'delim' is omitted or nil, the default is 1, so we'll split the
* string into one-character substrings.
* If 'limit' is included, it's an integer giving the maximum number of
* elements to return in the result list. If we reach the limit, we'll
* stop the search and return the entire rest of the string as the last
* element of the result list. If 'limit' is 1, we simply return a
* list consisting of the source string, since a limit of one element
* means that we can't make any splits at all.
split(delim?, limit?);
* Convert special characters and TADS markups to standard HTML
* markups. Returns a new string with the contents of the 'self'
* string processed as described below.
* 'stateobj' is an object containing the state of the output stream.
* This allows an output stream to process its contents a bit at a
* time, by maintaining the state of the stream from one call to the
* next. This object gives the prior state of the stream on entry, and
* is updated on return to contain the new state after processing this
* string. If this is omitted or nil, a default initial starting state
* is used. The function uses the following properties of the object:
* stateobj.flags_ is an integer with a collection of flag bits giving
* the current line state
* stateobj.tag_ is a string containing the text of the tag currently
* in progress. If the string ends in the middle of a tag, this will
* be set on return to the text of the tag up to the end of the string,
* so that the next call can resume processing the tag where the last
* call left off.
* The function makes the following conversions:
* \n -> <BR>, or nothing at the start of a line
* \b -> <BR> at the start of a line, or <BR><BR> within a line
* \ (quoted space) -> if followed by a space or another quoted
* space, or an ordinary space if followed by a non-space character
* \t -> a sequence of characters followed by a space, padding
* to the next 8-character tab stop. This can't take into account the
* font metrics, since that's determined by the browser, so it should
* only be used with a monospaced font.
* \^ -> sets an internal flag to capitalize the next character
* \v -> sets an internal flag to lower-case the next character
* <Q> ... </Q> -> “ ... ” or ‘ ... ’,
* depending on the nesting level
* <BR HEIGHT=N> -> N <BR> tags if at the start of a line, N+1 <BR>
* tags if within a line
* Note that this isn't a general-purpose HTML corrector: it doesn't
* correct ill-formed markups or standardize deprecated syntax or
* browser-specific syntax. This function is specifically for
* standardizing TADS-specific syntax, so that games can use the
* traditional TADS syntax with the Web UI.
* Convert special characters and HTML markups to plain text, as it
* would appear if written out through the regular console output
* writer and displayed on a plain text terminal. Returns a new string
* with the contents of the 'self' string processed as described below.
* This works very much like specialsToHtml(), but rather than
* generating standard HTML output, we generate plain text output.
* 'stateobj' has the same meaning asin specialsToHtml().
* The function makes the following conversions:
* \n -> \n, or nothing at the start of a line
* \b -> \n at the start of a line, or \n\n within a line
* \ (quoted space) -> regular space
* \^ -> sets an internal flag to capitalize the next character
* \v -> sets an internal flag to lower-case the next character
* <Q> ... </Q> -> "..." or '...' depending on the quote nesting level
* <BR HEIGHT=n> -> N \n characters at the start of a line, N+1 \n
* characters within a line
* <P> -> \n at the start of a line, \n\n within a line
* <TAG> -> nothing for all other tags
* & -> &
* < -> <
* > -> >
* " -> "
* “ and ” -> "
* ‘ and ’ -> '
* &#dddd; -> Unicode character dddd
* Encode a URL parameter string. Spaces are encoded as "+", and all
* other non-alphanumeric characters except - and _ are encoded as
* "%xx" sequences.
* Decode a URL parameter string. This reverses the effect of
* urlEncode(), returning a string with the encodings translated back
* into ordinary characters. Any sequences that do not form valid
* UTF-8 characters are converted to '?'.
* Get the SHA-256 hash of the string. This calculates the 256-bit
* Secure Hash Algorithm 2 hash value, returning the hash as a
* 64-character string of hex digits. The hash value is computed on
* the UTF-8 representation of the string.
* Get the MD5 digest of the string. This calculates the 128-bit RSA
* MD5 digest value, returning the digest as a 32-character string of
* hex digits. The hash value is computed on the UTF-8 representation
* of the string.
* Pack the arguments into bytes, and create a new string from the byte
* values. The characters of the new string correspond to the packed
* byte values, so each character will have a Unicode character number
* from 0 to 255.
* 'format' is a format string describing the packed formats for the
* values, and the rest of the arguments are the values to pack into
* the string. Returns a string containing the packed bytes.
* See Byte Packing in the System Manual for more details.
static packBytes(format, ...);
* Unpack this string, interpreting the characters in the string as
* byte values, and unpacking the bytes according to the format string.
* Each character in the string must have a Unicode character number
* from 0 to 255; if any characters are outside this range, an error is
* thrown.
* This method can be used to unpack a string created with
* String.packBytes(). In most cases, using the same format string
* that was used to pack the bytes will re-create the original values.
* This method can also be convenient for parsing plain text that's
* arranged into fixed-width fields.
* 'format' is the format string describing the packed byte format.
* Returns a list consisting of the unpacked values.
* See Byte Packing in the System Manual for more details.
* Convert each character in the string to title case, according to the
* Unicode character database definitions. Returns a new string with
* the title-case version of this string.
* For most characters, title case is the same as upper case. It
* differs from upper case when a single Unicode character represents
* more than one printed letter, such as the German sharp S U+00DF, or
* the various "ff" and "fi" ligatures. In these cases, the title-case
* conversion consists of the upper-case version of the first letter of
* the ligature followed by the lower-case versions of the remaining
* characters. Unicode doesn't define single-character title-case
* equivalents of most of the ligatures, so the result is usually a
* sequence of the individual characters making up the ligature. For
* example, title-casing the 'ffi' ligature character (U+FB03) produces
* the three-character sequence 'F', 'f', 'i'.
* Note that this routine converts every character in the string to
* title case, so it's not by itself a full title formatter - it's
* simply a character case converter.
* Convert the string to "folded" case. Returns a new string with the
* case-folded version of this string.
* Folded case is used for eliminating case distinctions in sets of
* strings, to allow for case-insensitive comparisons, sorting, etc.
* This routine produces the case folding defined in the Unicode
* character database; in most cases, the result is the same as
* converting each original character to upper case and then converting
* the result to lower case. This process not only removes case
* differences but also normalizes some variations in the ways certain
* character sequences are rendered, such as converting the German
* ess-zed U+00DF to "ss", and converting lower-case accented letters
* that don't have single character upper-case equivalents to the
* corresponding series of composition characters (e.g., U+01F0, a
* small 'j' with a caron, turns into U+006A + U+030C, a regular small
* 'j' followed by a combining caron character). Without this
* normalization, the upper- and lower-case renderings of such
* characters wouldn't match.
* Compare this string to another string, using Unicode character code
* points as the collation order. Returns an integer less than zero if
* this string sorts before the other string, zero if they're
* identical, or greater than zero if this string sorts after the
* other. This makes the result suitable for use in a sort() callback,
* for example.
* Note that if you use the result for sorting text that includes
* accented Roman letters, the result order probably won't match the
* dictionary order for your language. Different languages (and even
* different countries/cultures sharing a language) have different
* rules for dictionary ordering, so collation is inherently language-
* specific. This routine doesn't take language differences into
* account; it simply uses the fixed Unicode code point ordering. The
* Unicode ordering for accented characters is somewhat arbitrary,
* because the accented Roman characters are arranged into multiple
* disjoint blocks that are all separate from the unaccented
* characters. For example, A-caron sorts after Z-caron, which sorts
* after A-breve, which sorts after Y-acute, which sorts after A-acute,
* which sorts after plain Z.
* Compare this string to another string, ignoring case. The two
* strings are compared on the basis of the "case folded" versions of
* their characters, using the case folding rules from the Unicode
* standard (the case folded version of a string is the value returned
* by toFoldedCase()). The return alue is an integer less than zero if
* this string sorts before the other string, zero if they're
* identical, or greater than zero if this string sorts after the
* other.
* As with compareTo(), this only produces alphabetically correct
* sorting order when comparing ASCII strings.
* Find the last instance of a substring or pattern within the string,
* searching the subject string (self) from right to left (that is,
* from the end of the string towards the beginning). This works like
* find(), but searches in the reverse direction. Returns the index of
* the match, or nil if no match is found.
* 'str' can be a string or a RexPattern. If it's a string, we look
* for an exact match to the substring. If it's a RexPattern, we
* search for a match to the pattern.
* The optional 'index' specifies the starting index for the search.
* This is the index of the character AFTER the last character that's
* allowed to be included in the match. The first character of the
* string is at index 1; a negative index indicates an offset from the
* end of the string, so -1 is the last character. 0 has the special
* meaning of the end of the string, just past the last character in
* the string, so you can use 0 (or, equivalently, self.length()+1) to
* search the entire string from the end. For a repeated search, pass
* the index of the previous match, since this will find the next
* earlier matching substring that doesn't overlap with the previous
* match.
* (Note: "right to left" in this context simply means that the search
* runs from higher to lower character index in the string. We're
* using the term loosely, in particular ignoring anything related to
* the reading order or display direction for different languages or
* scripts.)
findLast(str, index?);
* Find all occurrences of substring or pattern within a string,
* returning a list of the results.
* 'str' can be a string or RexPattern object. If it's a string, we
* look for exact matches to the substring. If it's a RexPattern, we
* search for matches to the pattern.
* 'func' is an optional function used to process the results. If this
* is provided, the function is called once for each match found in the
* string. The function's return value is then placed into the result
* list for the overall findAll() result. The function is called for
* each match found as follows: func(match, idx, g1, g2, ...), where
* 'match' is a string giving the text of the match, 'idx' is an
* integer giving the index in the string (self) of the first character
* of the match, and the 'gN' arguments are strings giving the text of
* the correspondingly numbered capture groups (the parenthesized
* groups in a regular expression match). All of the 'func' arguments
* except 'match' are optional: the function can omit them, in which
* case the caller doesn't pass them. If 'func' specifies more 'gN'
* capture group parameters than were actually found in the match, nil
* is passed for each extra parameter.
* The return value is a list of the results. If no occurrences of
* 'str' are found, the result is an empty list. If 'func' is
* specified, each element in the return list is the return value from
* calling 'func' for the corresponding match; if 'func' is omitted,
* each element in the return list is a string with the text of that
* match.
findAll(str, func?);
* Match the given string or RexPattern object to this string value,
* starting at the start of the string or at the given index, if
* specified. If 'str' is a string, we check for a match to the
* literal text of the string; if 'str' is a RexPattern, we try to
* match the regular expression. 'idx' is the optional starting
* position (1 is the first character; negative values are from the end
* of the string, with -1 as the last character, -2 as the second to
* last, etc). If 'idx' is omitted, the default is the start of the
* string.
* Returns an integer giving the length of the match found if the
* string matches 'str', or nil if there's no match.
* The difference between this method and find() is that this method
* only checks for a match at the given starting position, without
* searching any further in the string, whereas find() searches for a
* match at each subsequent character of the string until a match is
* found or the string is exhausted.
match(str, idx?);
* Flags for String.htmlify
* translate spaces - each space in a run of multiple spaces is converted
* to an sequence
#define HtmlifyTranslateSpaces 0x0001
/* translate newlines - converts each \n character to a <br> tag */
#define HtmlifyTranslateNewlines 0x0002
/* translate tabs - converts each \t character to a <tab> tag */
#define HtmlifyTranslateTabs 0x0004
* Translate all whitespace characters - translate all spaces, tabs, and
* newlines into their HTML equivalents: each space character becomes an
* '  sequence;', each '\n' character becomes a <br> tag; and each
* '\t' character becomes a <tab> tag.
#define HtmlifyTranslateWhitespace \
(HtmlifyTranslateSpaces | HtmlifyTranslateNewlines | HtmlifyTranslateTabs)
* Flags for String.findReplace
#define ReplaceAll 0x0001
#define ReplaceIgnoreCase 0x0002
#define ReplaceFollowCase 0x0004
#define ReplaceSerial 0x0008
#define ReplaceOnce 0x0010
/* property exports for specialsToHtml's state object */
property flags_, tag_;
export flags_ 'String.specialsToHtml.flags';
export tag_ 'String.specialsToHtml.tag';
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The native list type
intrinsic class List 'list/030008': Collection
* Select a subset of the list: returns a new list consisting only
* of the elements for which the callback function 'func' returns
* true.
* Apply the callback function to each element of this list, and
* return a new list consisting of the results. Effectively maps
* the list to a new list using the given function. Suppose the
* original list is
* [x, y, z]
* Then the result list is
* [func(x), func(y), func(z)]
/* get the number of elements in the list */
/* extract a sublist */
sublist(start, len?);
/* intersect with another list */
/* get the index of the first match for the given value */
/* car/cdr - head/tail of list */
* Find the first element for which the given condition is true, and
* return the index of the element. Applies the callback function
* (which encodes the condition to evaluate) to each element in
* turn, starting with the first. For each element, if the callback
* returns nil, proceeds to the next element; otherwise, stops and
* returns the index of the element. If the callback never returns
* true for any element, we'll return nil.
* Invoke the callback func(val) on each element, in order from first
* to last. No return value.
* Find the first element for which the given condition is true, and
* return the value of the element. Returns nil if no item
* satisfies the condition.
/* find the last element with the given value, and return its index */
* Find the last element for which the condition is true, and return
* the index of the element. Applies the callback to each element
* in turn, starting with the last element and working backwards.
* For each element, if the callback returns nil, proceeds to the
* previous element; otherwise, stops and returns the index of the
* element. If the callback never returns true for any element,
* we'll return nil.
* Find the last element for which the condition is true, and return
* the value of the element
/* count the number of elements with the given value */
/* count the number of elements for which the callback returns true */
/* get a new list consisting of the unique elements of this list */
* append the elements of the list 'lst' to the elements of this
* list, then remove repeated elements in the result; returns a new
* list with the unique elements of the combination of the two lists
* append an element - this works almost exactly like the
* concatation operator ('+'), but if the argument is a list, this
* simply adds the list as a new element, rather than adding each
* element of the list as a separate element
* Sort the list, returning a new list. If the 'descending' flag is
* provided and is not nil, we'll sort the list in descending order
* rather than ascending order.
* If the 'comparisonFunction' argument is provided, it must be a
* callback function; the callback takes two arguments, and returns
* an integer less than zero if the first argument value is less
* than the second, zero if they're equal, and an integer greater
* than zero if the first is greater than the second. If no
* 'comparisonFunction' argument is provided, or it's provided and
* its value is nil, we'll simply compare the list elements as
* ordinary values. The comparison function can be provided for
* caller-defined orderings, such as ordering a set of objects.
sort(descending?, comparisonFunction?);
* Prepend an element - this inserts the value before the first
* existing element.
* Insert one or more elements at the given index. If the starting
* index is 1, the elements will be inserted before the first existing
* element. If the index is one higher than the number of elements,
* the elements will be inserted after all existing elements. If the
* index is negative, it counts backwards from the end of the list: -1
* inserts before the last element, -2 inserts before the second to
* last, and so on. If the index is zero, the new elements are
* inserted after the last element.
* Note that a list value argument will simply be inserted as a single
* element.
* Returns a new list with the value(s) inserted.
insertAt(startingIndex, val, ...);
* Delete the element at the given index, reducing the length of the
* list by one element. If the index is negative, it counts from the
* end of the list: -1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last,
* etc. Returns a new list with the given element removed.
* Delete the range of elements starting at startingIndex and ending at
* endingIndex. The elements at the ends of the range are included in
* the deletion. If startingIndex == endingIndex, only one element is
* removed. If either index is negative, it counts from the end of the
* list: -1 is the last element, -2 is the second to last, etc.
* Returns a new list with the given element range removed.
removeRange(startingIndex, endingIndex);
* Invoke the callback func(index, val) on each element, in order from
* first to last. No return value.
* Class method: Generate a new list. 'func' is a callback function,
* which can take zero or one argument. 'n' is the number of elements
* for the new list. For each element, 'func' is invoked as func() if
* it takes no arguments, or func(idx) if it takes one argument, where
* 'idx' is the index of the element being generated. The return value
* of the call to 'func' is stored as the list element. The method
* returns the resulting list. For example, a list of the first ten
* even positive integers: List.generate({i: i*2}, 10).
static generate(func, n);
* Splice new values into the list. Deletes the 'del' list items
* starting at 'idx', then inserts the extra arguments in their place.
* Returns a new list reflecting the spliced values. To insert items
* without deleting anything, pass 0 for 'del'. To delete items
* without inserting anything, omit any additional arguments.
splice(idx, del, ...);
* Combine the list elements into a string. This converts each element
* into a string value using the usual default conversions (or throws
* an error if string conversion isn't possible), then concatenates the
* values together and returns the result. If 'separator' is provided,
* it's a string that's interposed between elements; if this is
* omitted, the elements are concatenated together with no extra
* characters in between.
* Get the index of the list item with the minimum value. If 'func' is
* missing, this simply returns the index of the list element with the
* smallest value, comparing the element values as though using the '>'
* and '<' operators. If 'func' is specified, it must be a function;
* it's called as func(x) for each value in the list, and the result of
* the overall call is the index of the element for which func(x)
* returns the smallest value. For example, if you have a list of
* strings l, l.indexOfMin({x: x.length()}) returns the index of the
* shortest string in the list.
* Get the minimum value in the list. If 'func' is missing, this
* returns the minimum element value. If 'func' is specified, it must
* be a function; it's called as func(x) for each value in the list,
* and the result of the overall method call is the element value x
* that minimizes func(x). For example, if l is a list of strings,
* l.minVal({x: x.length()}) returns the shortest string.
* Get the index of the list item with the maximum value. If 'func' is
* missing, this simply returns the index of the list element with the
* largest value, comparing the element values as though using the '>'
* and '<' operators. If 'func' is specified, it must be a function;
* it's called as func(x) for each value in the list, and the result of
* the overall call is the index of the element for which func(x)
* returns the greatest value. For example, if you have a list of
* strings l, l.indexOfMax({x: x.length()}) returns the index of the
* longest string in the list.
* Get the maximum value in the list. If 'func' is missing, this
* returns the largest element value. If 'func' is specified, it must
* be a function; it's called as func(x) for each value in the list,
* and the result of the overall method call is the element value x
* that maximizes func(x). For example, if l is a list of strings,
* l.maxVal({x: x.length()}) returns the longest string.
* Sorting order flags. These can be passed in as the first argument to
* List.sort() (and Vector.sort() as well) to make the meaning of the
* argument clearer.
#define SortAsc nil
#define SortDesc true
* Export length() as the element counter method for list-like objects in
* general.
export length 'length';
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* 'RexPattern' intrinsic class. This class encapsulates a compiled
* regular expression pattern.
* A RexPattern object can be passed to the regular expression functions
* (rexMatch, rexSearch, rexReplace) in place of a string pattern. Since
* compiling a regular expression takes a non-trivial amount of time, it's
* more efficient to compile a pattern to a RexPattern object if the same
* pattern will be used in multiple searches.
intrinsic class RexPattern 'regex-pattern/030000': Object
* Constructor:
* new RexPattern(patternString) - returns a RexPattern representing
* the compiled pattern string.
/* retrieve the original pattern string used to construct the object */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* StackFrameDesc intrinsic class. This class provides access to a stack
* frame. It lets us retrieve the values of local variables and method
* context variables (self, definingobj, targetobj, targetprop). It also
* allows us to assign new values to local variables.
* To get the value of a local variable in the frame, simply use
* frame[name], where 'frame' is the StackFrameDesc object for the frame,
* and 'name' is a string giving the name of the local variable to
* retrieve. If the frame is active, this retrieves the live value of the
* variable from the frame; otherwise it retrieves the value from a
* snapshot containing the last value before the routine returned to its
* caller.
* To assign a new value to a local in the frame, assign a value to
* frame[name] for the desired variable name. If the frame is active, this
* updates the live variable in the stack frame, so when execution returns
* to the caller the variable will have the new value. If the frame is
* inactive, it updates the snapshot we made when the routine returned to
* its caller.
* This object can't be created with 'new'. Instead, you obtain these
* objects via the t3GetStackTrace() function. That function retrieves
* information on an active stack frame in the current call stack,
* including the frame object.
intrinsic class StackFrameDesc 'stack-frame-desc/030000'
* Is the stack frame active? A stack frame is active until the
* function or method it represents returns to its caller. When the
* routine returns, the frame becomes inactive.
* When the routine is about to return (so the frame is about to become
* inacive), the StackFrameDesc object makes a private snapshot of the
* variables in the frame. Subsequent access to the locals will
* automatically use the snapshot copy, so you can continue to access
* the locals as normal without worrying about whether or not the
* actual stack frame still exists. This allows you to continue to
* access and modify the values of the variables after the routine has
* exited.
* Get a LookupTable consisting of all of the variables (local
* variables and parameters) in the frame. Each element in the table
* is keyed by the name of a variable, and contains the current value
* of the variable.
* The returned lookup table is a snapshot copy of the current values
* of the variables. If the underlying variable values in the frame
* change, the lookup table won't be affected, since it's just a
* separate copy made at the moment this routine is called. Similarly,
* changing the value of an entry in the returned lookup table won't
* affect the actual variable in the stack frame.
* To retrieve the current live value of a variable in the actual stack
* frame, use frame[name], where 'frame' is the StackFrameDesc object
* for the frame, and 'name' is a string giving the variable name.
* Get the value of 'self' in this frame.
* Get the value of 'definingobj' in this frame.
* Get the value of 'targetobj' in this frame.
* Get the value of 'targetprop' in this frame.
* Get the value of 'invokee' in this frame.
* A StackFrameRef is an internal object used with StackFrameDesc. This
* type is used internally by the VM; user code can't create an instance of
* this class directly with 'new', and the class has no public methods.
intrinsic class StackFrameRef 'stack-frame-ref/030000'
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1