#charset "us-ascii"
#pragma once
* Copyright (c) 1999, 2006 Michael J. Roberts
* This file is part of TADS 3
* This header defines the tads-gen intrinsic function set. This function
* set provides some miscellaneous functions, including data conversions,
* object iteration, regular expressions, and state persistence operations.
* The tads-gen function set. This set contains basic data manipulation
* and miscellaneous utility functions.
intrinsic 'tads-gen/030008'
* Get the type of the given value. This returns a TypeXxx value.
* Get the given parameter to the current function. 'idx' is 1 for the
* first argument in left-to-right order, 2 for the second, and so on.
* Get the first object in memory. If 'cls' is provided, we return the
* first object of the given class; otherwise we return the first
* object of any kind. 'flags' is an optional bitwise combination of
* ObjXxx values, specifying whether classes, instances, or both are
* desired. If this isn't specified, ObjAll is assumed. This is used
* in conjunction with nextObj() to iterate over all objects in memory,
* or all objects of a given class.
* Note that firstObj-nextObj loops can retrieve objects that aren't
* otherwise reachable, because unreachable objects are only removed
* from memory when the garbage collector runs, which happens
* intermittently. If you want to ensure that any currently
* unreachable objects are removed from memory just before a
* firstObj-nextObj loop, you can do so by calling t3RunGC().
firstObj(cls?, flags?);
* Get the next object in memory after the given object, optionally of
* the given class and optionally limiting to instances, classes, or
* both. This is used to continue an iteration started with
* firstObj().
nextObj(obj, cls?, flags?);
* Random number generator (RNG) initialization. This selects and
* initializes the random number generator algorithm used by rand().
* TADS provides several different RNG algorithms; each RNG has
* different properties, so some applications might have reasons to
* prefer a particular algorithm. For general purposes, any of them
* should produce good results.
* The interpreter automatically makes a call to randomize() (the
* no-arguments version) when it starts up, unless the user specifies
* the "-norand" option when launching the interpreter. For most
* programs, this means that you'll never have to make your own call to
* randomize() - you can just call rand() when you need random numbers.
* This function performs several tasks, depending on how you invoke
* it:
*. randomize() - selects the default RNG algorithm (ISAAC), and seeds
*. the RNG with truly random data from the operating system.
*. randomize(nil) - retrieves the current state of the RNG. Returns
*. a list: [id, state], where 'id' is the ID of the currently
*. selected RNG algorithm, and 'state' is a value containing
*. its internal state, which can be used in a later call to
*. randomize([id, state]) to restore the RNG state. The 'state'
*. value is opaque, meaning that it's not meant to be used
*. directly; the only thing you should do with it it save it
*. for later if you should want to restore this state later.
*. randomize([id, state]) - if you pass in a list that obtained from
*. an earlier call to randomize(nil), the RNG will be returned
*. to its state at the time of the randomize(nil) call. This
*. selects the same RNG algorithm that was in effect then and
*. restores the internal state of the generator. After calling
*. this, a series of calls to rand() will return the same
*. sequence of numbers that were returned after the call to
*. randomize(nil).
*. randomize(id) - selects the RNG algorithm identified by 'id'
*. (an RNG_Xxx value). This doesn't change the state of
*. the generator; it simply selects the algorithm.
*. randomize(id, nil) - selects the RNG algorithm identified by
*. 'id' (an RNG_Xxx value), and seeds the generator with
*. truly random data obtained from the operating system.
*. randomize(id, val) - selects the RNG algorithm identified by
*. 'id' (an RNG_Xxx value), and seeds the generator with
*. the initial value 'val'. This can be either an integer
*. value or a string; the preferred format varies by
*. algorithm, but they'll all accept either format. After
*. you set a given seed value, rand() will return a sequence
*. of numbers that's repeatable every time you set the same
*. seed value. This can be useful for things like testing,
*. where you want a sequence of numbers that's statistically
*. random, but which can be reproduced on demand.
* Most programs that require random numbers want a truly unpredictable
* series of numbers - that is, numbers that have a statistically
* random distribution, with no discernible patterns, and which will be
* different every time the program is run. There are two separate
* parts to this proposition, and they're handled by separate
* functions. rand() fulfills the first part: it uses a mathematical
* formula to generate a series of numbers that are statistically
* distributed in a random fashion (for example, so that "1" occurs as
* often as "10" or any other number, any given sequence of 2, 3, or
* more numbers is equally likely, and so on: mathematicians have many
* formal tests that RNGs must satisfy to be considered random.)
* randomize() fulfills the second part, which is making sure that the
* sequence of numbers is different every time you run the program.
* The reason this second part is important is that rand() is by its
* nature deterministic: it's defined entirely in terms of a formula,
* so given the same initial conditions, it'll always crank out the
* same sequence of numbers. The trick is to randomize its initial
* conditions - and what makes it tricky is that we can't just turn to
* rand(), since it's the thing we're trying to randomize!
* This is where the "seed" values come in. randomize() and
* randomize(id, nil) ask the operating system for truly random data to
* use for the initial conditions. The degree of entropy in this OS
* seed data varies by system; some systems have better entropy sources
* than others. But whatever the source, the seed data should be
* different each time you run the program. randomize() feeds this
* seed data into the RNG to set its initial conditions, so each time
* you run, rand() will be starting from a different initial state.
* This makes for a different series of numbers from rand() on each
* run.
* Note that it's not necessary (or desirable) to call randomize()
* every time you want a random number. Once you seed the RNG, rand()
* is all you need to call. It can be slow to gather the true random
* data that randomize() uses, since this sometimes requires
* interacting with hardware devices or scanning large amounts of
* system data. rand() is quite fast, since it just calculates a
* number using a formula. Depending on the system, rand() might also
* be more reliable at producing high volumes of statistically random
* data than the OS sources. The operating system sources of true
* entropy don't always change quickly, so it's better to use them
* infrequently, such as just once at the start of program execution,
* than to use them as a routine source of random numbers.
* The fixed seed values, with randomize(id, val), do something a
* little different. Rather than making the RNG produce different
* sequences on each run, a fixed seed makes rand() generate the same
* series of numbers every time. The numbers will still be
* statistically random, but each time you run the program, you'll get
* the same seaquence. (The sequence is a function of the seed value.
* You'll get a different sequence for each different seed value.)
* Why would you want a fixed series of rand() results? One big reason
* is testing. One popular way to test software is regression testing,
* where you run the program and compare its output to a reference
* version that you know is correct. If there are no differences, you
* know that changes you've made to the program since haven't broken
* anything in the test script. Randomization interferes with this
* kind of testing, because it makes the output different on each run -
* it's useless to do a simple mechanical comparison of the new and old
* output because they'll always differ. Fixed seeds to the rescue.
* Using a fixed seed, you can still exercise the program's random
* behavior, but the sequence of random behavior will repeat on every
* run, so you run those regression comparisons after all. The really
* great thing is that you don't have to make big changes to the
* program if you want to switch between test mode and real randomness
* - all you have to do is change the one call to randomize().
* Select a random number or a random value. This uses the current
* random number algorithm as selected via randomize().
* If no arguments are supplied, the result is a random integer
* distributed evenly over the full range of the 32-bit integer type.
* The result can be positive or negative.
* If exactly one argument is supplied, the result depends on the type
* of the argument:
* - Integer: the function returns an integer from 0 to one less than
* the argument value. For example, rand(10) returns a number from 0
* to 9 inclusive.
* - List: the function randomly selects one of the values from the
* list and returns it.
* - String: the function generates a random string by replacing each
* character of the argument string with a randomly chosen character,
* selected from a specific range specified by the argument character.
* For example, each 'a' in the input string is replaced by a random
* lower-case letter from a to z, each 'A' is replaced by a capital
* letter, and each 'd' is replaced by a random digit 0 to 9. See the
* System Manual for the full list of the character codes.
* If more than one argument is supplied, the function randomly selects
* one of the arguments and returns it. Note that this is an ordinary
* function call, so all of the arguments are evaluated, triggering any
* side effects of those evaluations.
* In all cases, the random numbers are uniformly distributed, meaning
* that each possible return value has equal probability.
* Convert the given value to a string representation. 'val' can be an
* integer, in which case it's converted to a string representation in
* the numeric base given by 'radix' (which can be any value from 2 to
* 36), or base 10 (decimal) if 'radix' is omitted; nil or true, in
* which case the string 'nil' or 'true' is returned; a string, which
* is returned unchanged; or a BigNumber, in which case the number is
* converted to a string representation in the given radix; a list or
* vector, in which case the individual elements are converted
* recursively, then the results concatenated together into a string
* with commas separating elements; or any of the built-in object types
* with default string conversions (ByteArray, StringBuffer, FileName,
* Date, TimeZone, FileName, etc).
* Note that when working with BigNumber values, you might prefer to
* use BigNumber.formatString(), as that gives you more control over
* the formatting style.
* 'radix' is only meaningful with numeric values (integers and
* BigNumbers). For BigNumbers, only whole integer values can be
* displayed in a non-decimal radix; if the number has a fractional
* part, the radix will be ignored and the number will be shown in
* decimal.
* 'isSigned' indicates whether or not the value should be treated as
* "signed", meaning that negative values are represented with a "-"
* sign followed by the absolute value. If 'isSigned' is nil, a
* negative value won't be converted to its absolute value before being
* displayed, but will instead be re-interpreted within its type system
* as an unsigned value. For regular integers, this means that the
* result depends on the native hardware storage format for negative
* integers. Most modern hardware uses two's complement notation,
* which represents -1 as 0xFFFFFFFF, -2 as 0xFFFFFFFE, etc. Most
* types other than integer don't have distinct signed and unsigned
* interpretations, so 'isSigned' isn't meaningful with most other
* types. With BigNumber in particular, the only effect is to omit the
* "-" sign for negative values.
toString(val, radix?, isSigned?);
* Convert the given value to an integer.
* If 'val' is a string, the function parses the string's contents as
* an integer in the numeric base given by 'radix, which can be any
* integer from 2 to 36. If 'radix' is omitted or nil, the default is
* base 10 (decimal). The value is returned as an integer. If the
* number represented by the string is too large for a 32-bit integer,
* a numeric overflow error occurs.
* If 'val' is true, or the string 'true', the return value is 1. If
* 'val' is nil, or the string 'nil', the return value is 0. Leading
* and trailing spaces are ignored for these strings.
* If 'val' is a BigNumber value, the value is rounded to the whole
* number, and returned as an integer value. A numeric overflow error
* occurs if the number is out of range for a 32-bit integer. (If you
* want to round a BigNumber to the nearest integer and get the result
* as another BigNumber value, use the getWhole() method of the
* BigNumber.)
* See also toNumber(), which can also parse floating point values and
* whole numbers too large for the ordinary integer type.
toInteger(val, radix?);
* Get the current local time.
* If timeType is GetTimeDateAndTime (or is omitted), this returns the
* calendar date and wall-clock time, as a list: [year, month,
* dayOfMonth, dayOfWeek, dayOfYear, hour, minute, second, timer].
* Year is the year AD (for example, 2006); month is the current month,
* from 1 (January) to 12 (December); dayOfMonth is the calendar day of
* the month, from 1 to 31; dayOfWeek is the day of the week, from 1
* (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday); dayOfYear is the current day of the year,
* from 1 (January 1) to 366 (December 31 in a leap year); hour is the
* hour on a 24-hour clock, ranging from 0 (midnight) to 23 (11pm);
* minute is the minute of the hour, from 0 to 59; second is the second
* of the minute, from 0 to 59; and timer is the number of seconds
* elapsed since the "Epoch," defined as midnight, January 1, 1970,
* midnight UTC. (This is the Epoch that Unix-like systems use, so it
* appears frequently in computer timekeeping systems.) See the Date
* class for more comprehensive date/time handling.
* If timeType is GetTimeTicks, this return the number of milliseconds
* since an arbitrary starting time. The first call to get this
* information sets the starting time, so it will return zero;
* subsequent calls will return the amount of time elapsed from that
* starting time. Note that because a signed 32-bit integer can only
* hold values up to about 2 billion, the maximum elapsed time that
* this value can represent is about 24.8 days; so, if your program
* runs continuously for more than this, the timer value will roll
* around to zero at each 24.8 day multiple. So, it's possible for
* this function to return a smaller value than on a previous
* invocation, if the two invocations straddle a 24.8-day boundary.
* Match a string to a regular expression pattern. 'pat' can be either
* a string giving the regular expression, or can be a RexPattern
* object. 'str' is the string to match, and 'index' is the starting
* character index (the first character is at index 1) at which to
* start matching. Returns the length in characters of the match, or
* nil if the string doesn't match the pattern. (Note that a return
* value of zero doesn't indicate failure - rather, it indicates a
* successful match of the pattern to zero characters. This is
* possible for a pattern with a zero-or-more closure, such as 'x*' or
* 'x?'.)
rexMatch(pat, str, index?);
* Search the given string for the given regular expression pattern.
* 'pat' is a string giving the regular expression to find, or a
* RexPattern object. 'str' is the string to search, and 'index' is
* the optional starting index (the first character is at index 1;
* negative indices are from the end of the string, so -1 is the last
* character, -2 is the second to last, and so on). If a match to the
* pattern isn't found, returns nil. If a match is found, the return
* value is a list: [index, length, string], where index is the
* starting character index of the match, length is the length in
* characters of the match, and string is the text of the match.
rexSearch(pat, str, index?);
* Get the given regular expression group. This can be called after a
* successful rexMatch() or rexSearch() call to retrieve information on
* the substring that matched the given "group" within the regular
* expression. A group is a parenthesized sub-pattern within the
* regular expression; groups are numbered left to right by the open
* parenthesis, starting at group 1. If there is no such group in the
* last regular expression searched or matched, or the group wasn't
* part of the match (for example, because it was part of an
* alternation that wasn't matched), the return value is nil. If the
* group is valid and was part of the match, the return value is a
* list: [index, length, string], where index is the character index
* within the matched or searched string of the start of the group
* match, length is the character length of the group match, and string
* is the text of the group match.
* Search for the given regular expression pattern (which can be given
* as a regular expression string or as a RexPattern object) within the
* given string, and replace one or more occurrences of the pattern
* with the given replacement text.
* The search pattern can also be given as a *list* of search patterns.
* In this case, we'll search for each of the patterns and replace each
* one with the corresponding replacement text. If the replacement is
* itself given a list in this case, each element of the pattern list
* is replaced by the corresponding element of the replacement list.
* If there are more patterns than replacements, the extra patterns are
* replaced by empty strings; any extra replacements are simply
* ignored. If the replacement is a single value rather than a list,
* each pattern is replaced by that single replacement value.
* 'flags' is a combination of the ReplaceXxx bit flags, using '|'. If
* the flags include ReplaceAll, all occurrences of the pattern are
* replaced; otherwise only the first occurrence is replaced.
* ReplaceOnce and ReplaceAll are mutually exclusive; they mean,
* respectively, that only the first occurrence of the match should be
* replaced, or that every occurrence should be replaced. ReplaceOnce
* and ReplaceAll are ignored if a 'limit' value is specified (this is
* true even if 'limit' is nil, which means that all occurrences are
* replaced).
* If ReplaceIgnoreCase is included, the capitalization of the match
* pattern is ignored, so letters in the pattern match both their
* upper- and lower-case equivalents. Otherwise the case will be
* matched exactly. If ReplaceFollowCase AND ReplaceIgnoreCase are
* included, lower-case letters in the replacement text are capitalized
* as needed to follow the capitalization pattern of the actual text
* matched: if all the letters in the match are lower-case, the
* replacement is lower case; if all are upper-case, the replacement is
* changed to all upper-case; if there's a mix of cases in the match,
* the first letter of the replacement is capitalized and the rest are
* left in lower-case.
* The ReplaceSerial flag controls how the search proceeds when
* multiple patterns are specified. By default, we search for each one
* of the patterns, and replace the leftmost match. If ReplaceOnce is
* specified, we're done; otherwise we continue by searching again for
* all of the patterns, this time in the remainder of the string (after
* that first replacement), and again we replace the leftmost match.
* This proceeds until we can't find any more matches for any of the
* patterns. If ReplaceSerial is included in the flags, we start by
* searching only for the first pattern, replacing one or all
* occurrences depending on the ReplaceOnce or ReplaceAll flag. Next,
* if ReplaceAll is specified OR we didn't find any matches for the
* first pattern, we start over with the result and search for the
* second pattern, replacing one or all occurrences of it. We repeat
* this for each pattern.
* If the flags are omitted entirely, the default is ReplaceAll (which
* means replace all occurrences, exact case matches only, parallel
* searching).
* 'index', if provided, is the starting character index of the search;
* instances of the pattern before this index will be ignored. Returns
* the result string with all of the desired replacements. When an
* instance of the pattern is found and then replaced, the replacement
* string is not rescanned for further occurrences of the text, so
* there's no danger of infinite recursion; instead, scanning proceeds
* from the next character after the replacement text.
* 'limit', if specified, is an integer indicating the maximum number
* of matches to replace, or nil to replace all matches. If the limit
* is reached before all matches have been replaced, no further
* replacements are performed. If this parameter is specified, it
* overrides any ReplaceOnce or ReplaceAll flag.
* The replacement text can use "%n" sequences to substitute group
* matches from the input into the output. %1 is replaced by the match
* to the first group, %2 the second, and so on. %* is replaced by the
* entire matched input. (Because of the special meaning of "%", you
* must use "%%" to include a percent sign in the replacement text.)
rexReplace(pat, str, replacement, flags?, index?, limit?);
* Create an UNDO savepoint. This adds a marker to the VM's internal
* UNDO log, establishing a point in time for a future UNDO operation.
* UNDO to the most recent savepoint. This uses the VM's internal UNDO
* log to undo all changes to persistent objects, up to the most recent
* savepoint. Returns true if the operation succeeded, nil if not. A
* nil return means that there's no further UNDO information recorded,
* which could be because the program has already undone everything
* back to the start of the session, or because the UNDO log was
* truncated due to memory size such that no savepoints are recorded.
* (The system automatically limits the UNDO log's total memory
* consumption, according to local system parameters. This function
* requires at least one savepoint to be present, because otherwise it
* could create an inconsistent state.)
* Save the current system state into the given file. This uses the
* VM's internal state-save mechanism to store the current state of all
* persistent objects in the given file. Any existing file is
* overwritten.
* 'metatab' is an optional LookupTable containing string key/value
* pairs to be saved with the file as descriptive metadata. The
* interpreter and other tools can display this information to the user
* when browsing a collection of saved game files, to help the user
* remember the details of each saved position. It's up to the game to
* determine what to include; the list can include any information
* relevant to the game that would be helpful when reviewing saved
* position files, such as the room name, score, turn count, chapter
* name, etc.
saveGame(filename, metatab?);
* Restore a previously saved state file. This loads the states of all
* persistent objects stored in the given file. The file must have
* been saved by the current version of the current running program; if
* not, an exception is thrown.
* Restart the program from the beginning. This resets all persistent
* objects to their initial state, as they were when the program was
* first started.
* Get the maximum of the given arguments. The values must be
* comparable with the ordinary "<" and ">" operators. Note that
* because this is an ordinary function call, all of the arguments are
* evaluated (which means any side effects of these evaluations will be
* triggered).
max(val1, ...);
* Get the minimum of the given arguments. The values must be
* comparable with the ordinary "<" and ">" operators. Note that
* because this is an ordinary function call, all of the arguments are
* evaluated (which means any side effects of these evaluations will be
* triggered).
min(val1, ...);
* Create a string by repeating the given value the given number of
* times. If the repeat count isn't specified, the default is 1; a
* repeat count less than zero throws an error. 'val' can be a string,
* in which case the string is simply repeated the given number of
* times; an integer, in which case the given Unicode character is
* repeated; or a list of integers, in which case the given Unicode
* characters are repeated, in the order of the list. The list format
* can be used to create a string from a list of Unicode characters
* that you've been manipulating as a character array, which is
* sometimes a more convenient or efficient way to do certain types of
* string handling than using the actual string type.
makeString(val, repeatCount?);
* Get a description of the parameters to the given function. 'func'
* is a function pointer. This function returns a list: [minArgs,
* optionalArgs, isVarargs], where minArgs is the minimum number of
* arguments required by the function, optionalArgs is the additional
* number of arguments that can be optionally provided to the function,
* and isVarargs is true if the function takes any number of additional
* ("varying") arguments, nil if not.
* Convert the given value to a number. This is similar to
* toInteger(), but can parse strings containing floating point numbers
* and whole numbers too large for ordinary integers.
* If 'val' is an integer or BigNumber value, the return value is
* simply 'val'.
* If 'val' is a string, the function parses the string's contents as a
* number in the given 'radix', which can be any integer from 2 to 36.
* If 'radix' is omitted, the default is 10 for decimal. If the radix
* is decimal, and the number contains a decimal point (a period, '.')
* or an exponent (which consists of the letter 'e' or 'E', an optional
* '+' or '-' sign, and one or more digits), the value is parsed as a
* floating point number, and a BigNumber value is returned. For any
* other radix, decimal points and exponents are considered non-number
* characters. For an integral value, the result will be an integer if
* the number is within the range that fits in an integer, otherwise
* the result is a BigNumber. The routine will simply stop parsing at
* the first non-number character it encounters, so no error will occur
* if the string contains text following the number. If the text
* doesn't contain any number characters at all, the result is zero.
* If val is true or the string 'true', return 1; if nil or the string
* 'nil', returns 0. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored in the
* string versions of these values.
toNumber(val, radix?);
* Format values into a string. This is similar to the traditional C
* language "printf" family of functions: it takes a "format string"
* containing a mix of plain text and substitution parameters, and a
* set of values to plug in to the substitution parameters, and returns
* a new string containing the formatted result.
* 'format' is the format string. Most characters of the format string
* are simply copied verbatim to the result. However, each '%' in the
* format string begins a substitution parameter; the '%' is followed
* by one or more optional qualifiers, then by a type code letter. The
* corresponding value from the argument list is formatted into a
* string according to the type code, and then replaces the entire '%'
* sequence in the result string. By default, the first '%' parameter
* corresponds to the first additional argument after 'format', the
* second '%' corresponds to the second additional argument, and so on.
* You can override the default argument position of a '%' using the
* '$' qualifier - see below.
* The arguments following 'format' are the values to be substituted
* for the '%' parameters in the format string.
* The return value is a string containing the formatted result.
* See the System Manual for the list of '%' codes.
sprintf(format, ...);
* Create a list by repeating the given value the given number of
* times. If the repeat count isn't specified, the default is 1; a
* repeat count less than zero throws an error. 'val' can be any
* value; it's simply repeated in each element of the list.
makeList(val, repeatCount?);
* Get the absolute value of a number. The argument can be an integer
* or a BigNumber; the return value is the absolute value of the
* argument, and has the same type as the argument. (The absolute
* value of a positive number X (or zero) is X; the absolute value of a
* negative number X is -X.)
* Get the sign of a number. The argument can be an integer or a
* BigNumber. The return value is an integer: 1 if the argument is
* positive, 0 if the argument is zero, -1 if the argument is negative.
* Concatenate the arguments together into a single string. The
* arguments can be strings or any types that can be automatically
* converted to string for the regular "+" operator; non-strings are
* first converted to strings using the same rules that "+" uses when
* combining a string with a non-string. If there are no arguments,
* the result is an empty string.
* This function is essentially the same as concatenating a series of
* values with the "+" operator, but it's more efficient with three or
* more values, since the "+" operator has to be applied successively
* in pairs; that creates and copies an extra intermediate result
* string at each step. This function only creates one result string
* and only has to copy each input string once.
* Search backwards in the given string for the given regular
* expression pattern. 'pat' is a string giving the regular expression
* to find, or a RexPattern object. 'str' is the string to search, and
* 'index' is the optional starting index (the first character is at
* index 1; negative indices are from the end of the string, so -1 is
* the last character, -2 is the second to last, and so on; 0 means the
* position just after the last character of the string). If 'index'
* is omitted, the default is to search the entire string from the end,
* which is equivalent to passing 0 or str.length()+1 for 'index'.
* If a match is found, the return value is a list: [index, length,
* string], where index is the starting character index of the match,
* length is the length in characters of the match, and string is the
* text of the match.
* This does the same work as rexSearch(), but searches the string
* backwards, from the end to the start. The match must end before the
* starting index, which allows for repeated searches: simply pass the
* match index from the previous search as the 'index' value for the
* next search to find the next earlier match that doesn't overlap the
* previous match.
* The meanings of the <FirstBegin> and <FirstEnd> flags for a reverse
* search are essentially the mirror image of their meanings in a
* regular forward search. This is easiest to understand by thinking
* about the flags in the abstract. <FirstBegin> means that the
* winning match is the one whose "near" endpoint is closest to the
* starting index; <FirstEnd> means that the winner is the match whose
* "far" endpoint is closest to the starting index. The near endpoint
* in a forward search is the start of the match, whereas it's the end
* of the match in a reverse search. Similarly, the far endpoint is
* the end of the match in a forward search and the start of the match
* in a reverse search. So in a reverse search, <FirstBegin> means
* that the winner is the match whose ending index is highest, and
* <FirstEnd> means that the winner is the one whose starting index is
* highest.
rexSearchLast(pat, str, index?);
* flags for firstObj() and nextObj()
#define ObjInstances 0x0001
#define ObjClasses 0x0002
#define ObjAll (ObjInstances | ObjClasses)
* rexReplace() flags
#define ReplaceAll 0x0001
#define ReplaceIgnoreCase 0x0002
#define ReplaceFollowCase 0x0004
#define ReplaceSerial 0x0008
#define ReplaceOnce 0x0010
* getTime() flags
#define GetTimeDateAndTime 1
#define GetTimeTicks 2
* Random number generator IDs for randomize().
* RNG_ISAAC - ISAAC is the default generator. It's designed for both
* cryptographic application and more mainstream uses. Crypto applications
* generally have more stringent requirements for an RNG than ordinary
* applications. ISAAC does well with the usual statistical tests for RNGs
* and is reasonably fast.
* ISAAC's preferred format for a fixed seed is a string value.
#define RNG_ISAAC 1
* RNG_LCG - LCG stands for Linear Congruential Generator, which generates
* numbers using a simple linear formula. This is the old standby of
* computer RNGs; it's the sort that comes standard with C compilers.
* These generators have been extensively studied and have reasonably good
* statistical properties and a number of known weaknesses. The TADS LCG
* uses the method described in Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,
* volume 2, p170.
* The LCG's preferred format for a fixed seed is an integer value.
#define RNG_LCG 2
* RNG_MT19937 - Mersenne Twister MT19937 algorithm. This is a widely used
* RNG algorithm that's become especially popular for scientific
* simulations. It's relatively new, dating from 1997, and was designed to
* remedy most of the known shortcomings of linear congruential generators
* and other earlier RNGs. It's fast and does well on standard statistical
* tests.
* MT's preferred format for a fixed seed is a string value.
#define RNG_MT19937 3
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1