#charset "us-ascii"
#include <tads.h>
#include <tadsnet.h>
* Copyright (c) 1999, 2006 Michael J. Roberts
* This file is part of TADS 3
* This file defines classes and properties used with the tads-net
* intrinsic function set. If you're using this function set, you should
* include this source file in your build by adding it to your project
* makefile.
/* include the tads-net intrinsic function set interface definition */
#include <tadsnet.h>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A NetEvent instance describes an event read via the getNetEvent()
* function.
* In most cases, this base class will not be instantiated directly.
* getNetEvent() will always construct the appropriate subclass for the
* specific type of event being generated, if that subclass is defined in
* the game program. However, it's possible that the game won't define
* all necessary subclasses. For example, a game written for version 1
* of the networking package wouldn't include new subclasses added in
* version 2, because those subclasses weren't defined at the time the
* game was written. When getNetEvent() needs to instantiate a subclass
* that isn't defined in the game program, it will instead create a base
* NetEvent object, which will simply store the subclass-specific
* arguments as a list. This could be useful for debugging purposes,
* because it will at least let the programmer inspect the event details
* with the interactive debugger.
class NetEvent: object
* The event type. This is a NetEvXxx value (see tadsnet.h)
* indicating which type of event this is.
evType = nil
* Construction. getNetEvent() only constructs this object directly
* when the subclass it's looking for isn't defined in the game
* program.
construct(t, [args])
evType = t;
evArgs = args;
* Extra event-specific arguments. This is primarily for debugging
* purposes, since it's only used when getNetEvent() needs to
* construct a NetEvent subclass that isn't defined in the game. In
* this case, the absence of a subclass definition in the game
* presumably means that the game isn't written to handle the type of
* event generated (for example, because it was written for an older
* interpreter version that didn't have the event type).
evArgs = nil
* Network Request Event. This type of event occurs when a server (such
* as an HTTPServer object) receives a request from a network client.
* The evRequest member contains a request object describing the network
* request. The class of this object depends on the type of server that
* received the request. For example, for an HTTP server, this will be
* an HTTPRequest object. To reply to the request, use the appropriate
* method(s) in the request object - for details, see the specific
* request classes for the server types you create in your program.
class NetRequestEvent: NetEvent
/* construction */
construct(t, req)
inherited(t, req);
evRequest = req;
evType = NetEvRequest
* The request object. When the event type is NetEvRequest, this
* contains a request object describing the request. The class of
* the request object varies according to the server type; you can
* use ofKind() to check which type of request it is. For example,
* for an HTTP request, this will be an object of class HTTPRequest.
evRequest = nil
* Network Timeout Event. getNetEvent() returns this type of event when
* the timeout interval expires before any actual event occurs.
class NetTimeoutEvent: NetEvent
evType = NetEvTimeout
* Network Reply event. This type of event occurs when we receive a
* reply to a network request made with sendNetRequest().
class NetReplyEvent: NetEvent
/* construction */
construct(t, id, status, body, headers, loc)
inherited(t, id, body, headers, loc);
statusCode = status;
requestID = id;
replyBody = body;
replyHeadersRaw = headers;
redirectLoc = loc;
/* parse the headers into a lookup table keyed by header name */
if (headers != nil)
/* create the lookup table */
local ht = replyHeaders = new LookupTable();
/* split the headers at the CR-LF separators */
headers = headers.split('\r\n');
/* the first line of the headers is actually the HTTP status */
if (headers.length() > 1)
/* save the status line */
httpStatusLine = headers[1];
headers = headers.sublist(2);
/* process the rest of the headers */
for (local h in headers)
/* split the header at the ":", and trim spaces */
h = h.split(':', 2).mapAll(
{ s: rexReplace('^<space>+|<space>+$', s, '') });
* If it looks like a header, add it to the table. If
* the header is repeated, append it to the previous
* value with a comma delimiter.
if (h.length() == 2)
local name = h[1].toLower(), val = h[2];
if (ht.isKeyPresent(name))
val = '<<ht[name]>>, <<val>>';
ht[name] = val;
/* our default event type is NetEvReply */
evType = NetEvReply
* The request identifier. This is the ID value provided by the
* caller in the call to sendNetRequest(), so that the caller can
* relate the reply back to the corresponding request.
requestID = nil
* The network status code. This is an integer value indicating
* whether the request was successful or failed with an error. A
* negative value is a low-level TADS error indicating that the
* request couldn't be sent to the server, or that a network error
* occurred receiving the reply:
*. -1 - out of memory
*. -2 - couldn't connect to host
*. -3 - other network/socket error
*. -4 - invalid parameters
*. -5 - error reading the content data to send to the server
*. -6 - error saving the reply data received from the server
*. -7 - error retrieving reply headers
*. -8 - error starting background thread
*. -100 - other TADS/network error
* A positive value means that the network transaction itself was
* successful, and reflects the status information returned by the
* network server that handled the request. This must be interpreted
* according to the protocol used to send the request:
* - For HTTP requests, the value is an HTTP status code. A code in
* the 200 range generally indicates success, while other ranges
* generally indicate errors.
statusCode = nil
/* the content body from the reply */
replyBody = nil
* the HTTP headers from the reply, as a lookup table indexed by
* header name
replyHeaders = nil
/* the HTTP status string (the first line of the headers) */
httpStatusLine = nil
* the HTTP headers from the reply, in the raw text format - this is
* simply a string of all the headers, separated by CR-LF (\r\n)
* sequences
replyHeadersRaw = nil
* Redirect location, if applicable. By default, this will be nil
* whether or not a redirection took place, because sendNetRequest()
* normally follows redirection links transparently, returning only
* the final result from the final server we're redirected to.
* However, you can override automatic redirection with an option
* flag (NetReqNoRedirect) when calling sendNetRequest(). When that
* option is selected, the function won't follow redirection links at
* all, but will instead simply return the redirect information as
* the result from the request. When that happens, this property is
* set to a string giving the target of the redirect. You can then
* follow the redirect manually, if desired, by sending a new request
* to the target given here.
redirectLoc = nil
* Network Reply Done event. This type of event occurs when an
* asynchronous network reply (such as HTTPRequest.sendReplyAsync())
* completes.
class NetReplyDoneEvent: NetEvent
/* construction */
construct(t, req, err, msg)
inherited(t, req, err, msg);
requestObj = req;
socketErr = err;
errMsg = msg;
/* our default event type is NetEvReplyDone */
evType = NetEvReplyDone
* The object representing the request we replied to. For HTTP
* requests, this is an HTTPRequest object.
requestObj = nil
/* was the reply successfully sent? */
isSuccessful() { return errMsg == nil; }
* The socket error, if any. If the reply failed due to a network
* error, this contains the error number. If no network error
* occurred, this is zero.
socketErr = 0
* Error message, if any. If the reply failed, this contains a
* string with a description of the error that occurred. If the
* reply was sent successfully, this is nil.
errMsg = nil
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A FileUpload represents a file uploaded by a network client via a
* protocol server, such as an HTTPServer.
* When your program is acting as a network server, a FileUpload object
* represents a file received from the client. For example,
* HTTPRequest.getFormFields() returns a FileUpload object to represent
* each <INPUT TYPE=FILE> field in the posted form.
* When your program acts as a network client (via sendNetRequest), you
* can create use FileUpload to post file attachments to posted forms.
class FileUpload: object
construct(file, contentType, filename)
self.file = file;
self.contentType = contentType;
self.filename = filename;
* The file data.
* When you create the FileUpload object for use with
* sendNetRequest() to post form data, you must use a string or
* ByteArray value for this property.
* When the FileUpload is created by HTTPRequest.getFormFields(),
* this property contains a File object with the uploaded content.
* This is open for read-only access. If the contentType parameter
* is a text type ("text/html", "text/plain", etc), and the
* interpreter recognizes the character set parameter in the
* contentType, the file is in Text mode (FileModeText) with the
* appropriate character mapper in effect. Otherwise, the file is in
* raw binary mode (FileModeRaw). If you need the file to be opened
* in a different mode, you can use setFileMode() on the file to
* change the mode.
file = nil
* The content type. This a string giving the MIME type specified by
* the client with the upload. This is the full content-type string,
* including any attributes, such "charset" for a text type. This
* can be nil if the client doesn't specify a content-type at all.
* It's important to recognize that this information is supplied by
* the client, and is NOT validated by the protocol server. At best
* you should consider it a suggestion, and at worst a malicious lie.
* The client could be innocently mistaken about the type, or could
* even be intentionally misrepresenting it. You should always
* validate the actual contents, rather than relying on the client's
* description of the format; in particular, be careful not to assume
* that expected data fields are present, in the valid range, etc.
contentType = nil
* The client-side filename, if specified. This is a string giving
* the name of the file on the client machine. This generally has no
* particular meaning to the server, since we can't infer anything
* about the directory structure or naming conventions on an
* arbitrary client. However, this might be useful for reference,
* such as showing information about the upload in a user interface.
* It's sometimes also marginally useful to know the suffix
* (extension) for making further guesses about the content type -
* although as with the content-type, you can't rely upon this, but
* can only use it as a suggestion from the client.
* The client won't necessarily specify a filename at all, in which
* case this will be nil.
filename = nil
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A NetException is the base class for network errors.
class NetException: Exception
construct(msg?, errno?)
if (errMsg != nil)
errMsg = 'Network error: <<msg>>';
if (errno != nil)
errMsg += ' (system error code <<errno>>)';
displayException() { "<<errMsg>>"; }
/* a descriptive error message provided by the system */
errMsg = 'Network error'
* A NetSafetyException is thrown when the program attempts to perform a
* network operation that isn't allowed by the current network safety
* level settings. The user controls the safety level; the program can't
* override this.
class NetSafetyException: NetException
errMsg = 'Network operation prohibited by user-specified '
+ 'network safety level'
* A SocketDisconnectException is thrown when attempting to read or write
* a network socket that's been closed, either by us or by the peer (the
* computer on the other end of the network connection). If we didn't
* close the socket on this side, this error usually means simply that
* the peer program has terminated or otherwise disconnected, so we
* should consider the conversation terminated.
class SocketDisconnectException: NetException
errMsg = 'Network socket disconnected by peer or closed'
/* export the objects and properties used in the tads-net function set */
export NetEvent 'TadsNet.NetEvent';
export NetRequestEvent 'TadsNet.NetRequestEvent';
export NetTimeoutEvent 'TadsNet.NetTimeoutEvent';
export NetReplyEvent 'TadsNet.NetReplyEvent';
export NetReplyDoneEvent 'TadsNet.NetReplyDoneEvent';
export NetException 'TadsNet.NetException';
export SocketDisconnectException 'TadsNet.SocketDisconnectException';
export NetSafetyException 'TadsNet.NetSafetyException';
export FileUpload 'TadsNet.FileUpload';
export file 'TadsNet.FileUpload.file';
export contentType 'TadsNet.FileUpload.contentType';
export filename 'TadsNet.FileUpload.filename';
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1