#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
* ****************************************************************************
* topicEntry.t
* This module forms part of the adv3Lite library
* (c) 2012-13 Eric Eve
* TopicEntry is the base class for ConsultTopics and various kinds of
* Conversation Topics. It can be used to match a particular topic and output
* an appropriate response.
class TopicEntry: object
* Determine how well this TopicEntry matches top (a Topic or Thing). If
* it doesn't match at all we return nil, otherwise we return a numerical
* score indicating the strength of the match so that a routine that's
* looking for the best match can choose the one with the highest score.
* Note the topic we're trying to match so that topicResponse() can
* make use if it, if it wants to.
topicMatched = top;
* If top is nil we're programmatically passing a topic that will
* match anything. Otherwise test if top matches the matchObj, where
* match means that top is one of items in the matchObj list or else
* belongs to a class in the list. If we have a match, return the sum
* of our matchScore and our scoreBoost.
if(top == nil ||
valToList(matchObj).indexWhich({x: top.ofKind(x)}) != nil)
return matchScore + scoreBooster();
* Next test to see if we should match a regular expression. This will
* be the case if we have a matchPattern to match and our top object
* is a Topic (which the parser will have created to encapsulate the
* text our matchPattern needs to match).
if(matchPattern != nil && top.ofKind(Topic))
local txt;
* There's no match object; try matching our regular
* expression to the actual topic text. Get the actual text.
txt = top.getTopicText();
* If they don't want an exact case match, convert the
* original topic text to lower case
if (!matchExactCase)
txt = txt.toLower();
/* if the regular expression matches, we match */
if (rexMatch(matchPattern, txt) != nil)
return matchScore + scoreBoost;
/* If we haven't found a match, return nil */
return nil;
/* Initialize this Topic Entry (actually carried out at pre-init */
/* if we have a location, add ourselves to its topic database */
if (location != nil)
* Output our response to the topic. This can be typically be overridden
* to a double-quoted string or method to output the required response.
* If we're not overridden, then if this TopicEntry is also some kind
* of Script (normally because it also includes an EventList class in
* its superclass list), then call its doScript() method to display
* the next item in the list.
* Our matchScore is the base score we return if we match the topic
* requested; this is used to determine whether we're the best match under
* the circumstances. By default we use a value of 100.
matchScore = 100
* The object, topic or list of objects/topics that this TopicEntry
* matches.
matchObj = nil
* The topic that this TopicEntry actually matched (set by matchTopic()).
topicMatched = nil
* A regular expression that this TopicEntry might match, if it doesn't
* match a matchObj. We don't need to define this if we've defined a
* matchObj.
matchPattern = nil
* Do we want to restrict this TopicEntry to an exact case match with its
* matchPattern? By default we don't.
matchExactCase = nil
* The set of database lists we're part of. This is a list of one or more
* property pointers, giving the TopicDatabase properties of the
* lists we participate in.
includeInList = []
* A method or property that can be used to dynamically alter our score
* according to circumstances if needed.
scoreBoost = 0
local sb;
/* Add any boost from our location */
sb = location.propDefined(&scoreBooster) ? location.scoreBooster() : 0;
/* Add our own scoreBoost. */
return sb + scoreBoost;
* Is this TopicEntry currently active? Game code can set a condition here
* so that a TopicEntry only becomes active (i.e. available) under
* particular circumstances.
isActive = true
* The active property is used internally by the library to determine
* whether a TopicEntry is currently available for use. On the base
* TopicEntry class a topic entry is active if its isActive property is
* true, but this is not necessarily the case on the ActorTopicEntry
* subclass defined in actor.t, which needs to distinguish between these
* properties.
* Game code should not normally need to override the active property.
active = isActive
* If something located in us wants us to add it to our topic database,
* pass the request up to our location (this is used by AltTopic).
addTopic(top) { location.addTopic(top); }
* A TopicDatabase is a container for TopicEntries that provides a method for
* determining the TopicEntry that best matches a list of topics
class TopicDatabase: object
* Find the topic entry among those supplied in myList that best matches
* at least one of the topics passed in requestedList.
getBestMatch(myList, requestedList)
local bestMatch = nil;
local bestScore = 0;
* The implementation of the Actor Conversation system requires a
* property pointer to be passed as the first parameter in the
* corresponding method. To prevent accidents, we check whether we
* have a property pointer here and if so convert it to the
* corresponding list.
if(dataType(myList) == TypeProp)
myList = self.(myList);
/* Remove any inactive topic entries from the list to search */
myList = myList.subset({c:});
* For each topic in our requested list of topics, see if we can find
* a topic entry that's a better match than any we've found so far.
foreach(local req in valToList(requestedList))
/* Go through every topic entry in our list */
foreach(local top in myList)
* Compute the score that indicates how well the topic entry
* matches the topic (top) we're currently testing for.
local score = top.matchTopic(req);
* If we found a match (the score is non-nil) and the score is
* greater than the best score we've found so far, note our
* new best score and best matching topic entry.
if(score != nil && score > bestScore)
bestScore = score;
bestMatch = top;
/* Return the best match. */
return bestMatch;
/* Add a topic entry to the appropriate list or list on this TopicDatabase. */
* Go through each property pointer in the topic entry's includeInList
* and add the topic entry to the corresponding list.
foreach(local prop in valToList(top.includeInList))
self.(prop) += top;
* A Consultable is an object like a book, timetable or computer that can be
* used to look things up in through commands such as LOOK UP SELVAGEE IN
class Consultable: TopicDatabase, Thing
/* The list of ConsultTopics associated with this Consultable */
consultTopics = []
/* A Consultable is indeed consultable */
isConsultable = true
/* Our handling of the ConsultAbout action when we're the direct object */
* Find the topic we're meant to be matching by getting the best
* match to the list of topics contained in the indirect object
local matchedTopic = getBestMatch(consultTopics, gIobj.topicList);
/* If we don't find a match, display a message explaining that */
if(matchedTopic == nil)
* Otherwise display the topic response of the ConsultTopic we
* matched.
* Boost our currentConsultableScore in recognition that we were
* the last item to be consulted.
currentConsultableScore = 20;
noMatchedTopicMsg = BMsg(no matched topic, '{The subj dobj} {has} nothing to
say on that. ')
* Modify our score (from the point of view of the parser matching this
* Consultable) if we've been recently consulted (on the assumption that
* other things being equal, if we've been consulted recently, we're quite
* likely to be the object the player wants to consult again)
scoreObject(cmd, role, lst, m)
/* Carry out the inherited handlind */
inherited(cmd, role, lst, m);
* If the parser is looking to match a ConsultAbout action, boost our
* score if we've been consulted recently.
if(cmd.action == ConsultAbout && role == DirectObject)
m.score += currentConsultableScore;
* The additional score we add in our scoreObject() method if we've been
* recently consulted.
currentConsultableScore = 0
* Decrement out currentConsultableScore if we weren't one of the
* objects for the current action, but don't decrement it below zero.
if(gIobj != self && gDobj != self && currentConsultableScore > 0)
currentConsultableScore-- ;
* A ConsultTopic is a kind of TopicEntry used in conjunction with a
* Consultable, and represents something the Consultable can be successfully
* consulted about.
class ConsultTopic: TopicEntry
* ConsultTopics are listed in the consultTopics property of the
* Consultable that contains them.
includeInList = [&consultTopics]
* A DefaultConsultTopic is used to provide a response when a Consultable is
* consulted about something not otherwise provided for.
class DefaultConsultTopic: ConsultTopic
/* A DefaultConsultTopic matches anything, so just return our matchScore */
/* Note the Topic we matched. */
topicMatched = top;
* Since we can match anything, simply return the sum of our
* matchScore and our scoreBoost.
return matchScore + scoreBooster();
* A DefaultConsultTopic has the lowest possible matchScore so that any
* matching ConsultTopic will always take precedence.
matchScore = 1
/* A DefaultConsultTopic is normally active */
isActive = true
/* Preinitializer for ConsultTopics */
consultablePreinit: PreinitObject
/* Initialize every ConsultTopic */
forEachInstance(ConsultTopic, {c: c.initializeTopicEntry()} );
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1