#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
* ****************************************************************************
* room.t
* This module forms part of the adv3Lite library
* (c) 2012-13 Eric Eve
property lastTravelInfo;
property cannotGoShowExits;
* A Room is a top location in which the player character, other actors and
* other objects may be located. It may represent any discrete unit of space,
* not necessarily a room in a building. Normally actors may only interact
* with objects in the same room as themselves, but the senseRegion module
* allows us to define sensory connections between rooms.
class Room: TravelConnector, Thing
* The direction properties (north, south, etc.) define what happens when
* travel is attempted in the corresponding direction. A direction
* property may be defined as another Room (in which case traveling in the
* corresponding direction takes the actor directly to that Room), or to a
* TravelConnector (including a Door or Stairway), or to a single-quoted
* or double-quoted string (which is then simply displayed) or to a method
* (which is then executed). It is recommended that methods only be used
* when the effect of attempted travel is something other than ordinary
* travel; to impose conditions on travel or define the side-effects of
* travel it's usually better to use a TravelConnector object.
north = nil
east = nil
south = nil
west = nil
up = nil
down = nil
in = nil
out = nil
southeast = nil
southwest = nil
northeast = nil
northwest = nil
port = nil
starboard = nil
aft = nil
fore = nil
* Are compass directions allowed for travel from this room? By default
* we'll allow thema anywhere, but game code may wish to override this for
* rooms that are aboard a vessel.
allowCompassDirections = true
* Are shipboard directions meaningful in this room? By default we'll make
* them so if and only if this room defines at least one shipboard
* directional exit. Game code may wish to modify this, for example, on
* the hold of a ship that only defines an up direction but where
* shipboard directions would still in principle be meaningful.
for(local dir in ShipboardDirection.shipboardDirections)
if(propType(dir.dirProp) != TypeNil)
return true;
return nil;
* A Room is normally lit, but if we want a dark room we can override
* isLit to nil.
isLit = true
/* A Room is always fixed in place. */
isFixed = true
/* A Room is always open */
isOpen = true
* A Room is lit within it it's illuminated (it's either lit itself or
* contains a light source
return isIlluminated;
* Since a Room provides the TravelConnector interface, we need to define
* where it leads to when one attempts to travel via it; a Room always
* leads to itself (i.e. traveling via a Room takes one to that Room).
destination { return self; }
/* By default our destination is known if we've been visited */
isDestinationKnown = (visited)
/* Has this room been visited? */
visited = nil
* Although we don't define room parts in general, we do give every Room a
* floor so that the parser can refer to objects 'on the ground' when
* asking disambiguation questions. By default we supply every Room with
* the defaultGround MultiLoc object to represent its floor. You can if
* you like replace this with a custom floor object in particular rooms,
* but it's highly recommended that you define your custom floor to be of
* the Floor class. It's also legal to define floorObj as nil on a Room
* that represents an obviously floorless place, such as the top of a mast
* or tree.
floorObj = defaultGround
* When executing travel we move the traveler into the room. Then, if the
* traveler is the player char we perform a look around in the room,
* provided we should look around on entering the room. actor is the actor
* doing the traveling, traveler is the traveler doing the traveling
* (normally the same as actor unless actor is in a Vehicle, in which case
* traveler will be the Vehicle) and conn is the TravelConnector the
* vehicle is traversing in order to reach this room.
execTravel(actor, traveler, conn)
/* Note whether we want to look around on entering this room. */
local lookAroundOnEntering = lookOnEnter(actor);
* Note the traveler's current location, so we can check subsequently
* whether travel actually took place.
local oldLoc = traveler.getOutermostRoom();
* Get our destination when starting from oldLoc (for a room this
* should normally evaluate to self)
local dest = getDestination(oldLoc);
/* Carry out the before travel notification */
* Note the actor's old travel info in case we have to restore it
* after a failed travel attempt.
if(actor != gPlayerChar)
local oldTravelInfo = actor.lastTravelInfo;
if(actor == gPlayerChar)
* Before carrying out the travel make a note of the room the
* player character is about to leave.
libGlobal.lastLoc = oldLoc;
* Otherwise if the player character can see the actor traverse the
* connector, note the fact on the actor, so that the information is
* available should the player character wish to follow the actor.
else if(Q.canSee(gPlayerChar, actor))
actor.lastTravelInfo = [oldLoc, conn];
* Note that actor is traversing the Travel Connector. This can be
* used to carry out any side-effects of the travel, such as
* describing it.
/* Notify the actor's current room that the actor is about to depart. */
oldLoc.notifyDeparture(actor, dest);
/* Move the traveling object into its destination */
* Notify any actors in the location that the player character has
* just arrived.
local notifyList = allContents.subset({o: o.ofKind(Actor)});
notifyList.forEach({a: a.pcArrivalTurn = gTurns });
/* Show a room description if appropriate */
* Execute the after travel notifications, provided that the actor
* actually ended up in a new location.
if(self != oldLoc)
* If we're not the player character and we failed to go anywhere,
* restore our old travel info.
if(actor != gPlayerChar && actor.getOutermostRoom == oldLoc)
actor.lastTravelInfo = oldTravelInfo;
* Should we look around on entering this room? By default we should; this
* is overridden in senseRegion.t to provide for the possibility of a
* "continuous space" implementation.
return true;
/* A Room's outermost room is itself. */
getOutermostRoom { return self; }
/* A Room's outermost visible parent is itself. */
outermostVisibleParent() { return self; }
/* A Room's outermost parent is itself. */
outermostParent = self
* The Message to display if travel is disallowed in any given direction
* (because the corresponding direction property of the Room is nil).
cannotGoThatWayMsg = BMsg(cannot go, '{I} {can\'t} go that way. ' )
* The method that is called when travel is attempted in a direction
* (given the dir parameter) for which nothing is defined. By default we
* simply display the cannotGoThatWayMsg followed by a list of exits, but
* this can be overridden if desired, and different responses given for
* different directions. Note that the dir parameter will be passed as a
* direction object. e.g. northDir.
if(gExitLister != nil)
gExitLister.cannotGoShowExits(gActor, self);
* The message to display when travel is attempted in the dark, either in
* a direction for which no destination (or other handling) is defined, or
* in a direction in which the exit is not visible in the dark.
cannotGoThatWayInDarkMsg = BMsg(cannot go in dark, 'It{dummy}{\'s} too dark
to see where {i}{\'m} going. ')
* The method that's called when travel is attempted by an undefined or
* invisible exit in the dark. By default we display the
* cannotGoThatWayInDarkMsg followed by a list of visible exits, but game
* code can override this.
if(gExitLister != nil)
gExitLister.cannotGoShowExits(gActor, self);
* Normally we don't allow travel from this location if both it and the
* destination are in darkness. To allow travel from this location in any
* case set allowDarkTravel to true.
allowDarkTravel = nil
/* Call the before action notifications on this room and its regions */
/* Call our own roomBeforeAction() */
* Notify all the regions we're in of the action that's about to take
* place.
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
/* Call the after action notifications on this room and its regions */
/* Call our own roomAfterAction() */
* Notify all the regions we're in of the action that's just taken
* place.
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
* roomBeforeAction and roomAfterAction are called just before and after
* the action phases of the current action. Individual instances can
* override to react to the particular actions. */
roomBeforeAction() { }
roomAfterAction() { }
* beforeTravel(traveler, connector) is called on the room traveler is
* in just as traveler is about to attempt travel via connector (a
* TravelConnector object).
beforeTravel(traveler, connector) { }
* afterTravel(traveler, connector) is called on the room traveler has
* just arrived in via connector.
afterTravel(traveler, connector) { }
/* show the exit list in the status line */
/* if we have a global exit lister, ask it to show the exits */
if (gExitLister != nil)
/* The name of the room as it appears in the status line. */
local nestedLoc = '';
* If the actor is not directly in the room we add the actor's
* immediate container in parentheses after the room name.
nestedLoc = BMsg(actor nested location name,
' (<<actor.location.objInPrep>>
* If the Room is illuminated, display its ordinary room title,
* followed by the actor's immediate location if it's not the Room. If
* the Room is in darkness, use the darkName instead of the roomTitle.
* Anything in the Room is deemed to be inside it (this sounds
* tautologous, but it's why we give Room a contType of In).
contType = In
* This method is invoked on the player char's current room at the end of
* every action. By default we run our doScript() method if we're also a
* Script (that is, if the Room has been mixed in with an EventList
* class), thereby facilitating the display of atmospheric messages.
if(ofKind(Script) &&!(noScriptAfterListen && gActionIs(Listen)))
* Flag, do we want to prevent out script firing after a LISTEN command? By default we do
* because otherwise the respose to a LISTEN command might clash with an atmospheric message
* appearing on the same turn.
noScriptAfterListen = true
* This room can optionally be in one or more regions. The regions
* property hold the region or a list of regions I'm in.
regions = nil
* A Room can't be in another Room or a Thing, but it can notionally be in
* a Region, so we check to see if we're in the list of our regions.
return valToList(regions).indexWhich({x: x.isOrIsIn(region)}) != nil;
/* Add this room to the room list of all the regions it's in */
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
* The list of all the regions this room belongs to. This is calculated
* the first time this property is queried and then stored in the
* property.
local ar = getAllRegions();
allRegions = ar;
return ar;
/* Calculate a list of all the regions this room belongs to */
local thisRegions = new Vector(valToList(regions));
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
return thisRegions.toList();
/* return a list of regions that both this room and other are common to. */
return allRegions.subset({x: x.roomList.indexOf(other) != nil});
* Carry out the notifications for a traveler leaving this room to go to
* dest.
notifyDeparture(traveler, dest)
/* Notify the current room of the impending departure */
travelerLeaving(traveler, dest);
* Notify any regions the traveler is about to leave of the impending
* departure */
local commonRegs = regionsInCommonWith(dest);
* The regions I'm about to leave are all the regions this room is in
* less those that this room has in common with my destination.
local regsLeft = allRegions - commonRegs;
* Notify all the regions that the traveler is leaving that the
* traveler is leaving to go to dest.
foreach(local reg in regsLeft)
reg.travelerLeaving(traveler, dest);
* The regions I'm about to enter are all the regions the destination
* room is in, less those this room has in common with the
* destination.
local regsEntered = dest.allRegions - commonRegs;
/* Notify any regions I'm about to enter of my impending arrival. */
foreach(local reg in regsEntered)
reg.travelerEntering(traveler, self);
/* notify the destination room of the impending arrival */
dest.travelerEntering(traveler, self);
* This method is invoked when traveler is about to leave this room and go
* to dest.
travelerLeaving(traveler, dest) { }
* This method is invoked when traveler is about to enter this room
* from origin.
travelerEntering(traveler, origin) { }
/* A Room has no interiorParent since it's a top-level container. */
return nil;
* Add extra items into scope for the action. By default we simply add the
* items from our extraScopeItems list together with those of any regions
* we're it. This allows commonly visible items such as the sky to be
* added to scope in dark outdoor rooms, for instance.
* Append the extra scope items defined on this Room to the action's
* scope list.
action.scopeList =
/* Add any extra scope items defined on any regions we're in. */
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
* By default we'll also add our floor object to scope if we have one
* and it isn't already in scope.
if(floorObj != nil)
action.scopeList = action.scopeList.appendUnique([floorObj]);
* A list of extra items to be added to scope when an action is carried
* out in this room.
extraScopeItems = []
/* The location at which a Room was last seen is always itself. */
lastSeenAt = (self)
* Convenience method to set information about the destination dirn from
* this room. The dirn parameter should be specified as a direction object
* (e.g. northDir) and the dest parameter as a room. Note this is only
* meaningful for direction properties specified as methods (as opposed to
* Rooms, Doors or other TravelConnectors or as strings), and is only
* useful for priming the route finder at the start of the game before the
* player has tried to go in this direction from this room. Once the
* player tries this direction the dest info table will be overwritten
* with information about where it actually leads.
setDestInfo(dirn, dest)
libGlobal.addExtraDestInfo(self, dirn, dest);
* The getDirection method returns the direction by which one would need
* to travel from this room to travel via the connector conn (or nil if
* none of the room's direction properties point to conn).
for(local dir = firstObj(Direction); dir != nil; dir = nextObj(dir,
if(propType(dir.dirProp) == TypeObject && self.(dir.dirProp) == conn)
return dir;
return nil;
* The getDirectionTo method returns the direction by which one would need to travel from this
* room to travel to dest not via an UnlistedProxy Connector (normally defined by the asExit()
* macro. If none of the room's direction properties clearly leads to dest via a
* TravelConnector including a Room) then return nil.
for(local dir = firstObj(Direction); dir != nil; dir = nextObj(dir,
local conn;
if(propType(dir.dirProp) == TypeObject)
conn = self.(dir.dirProp);
if(conn && !conn.ofKind(UnlistedProxyConnector)
&& conn.getDestination(self) == dest)
return dir;
return nil;
* By default we don't want the examineStatus method of a Room to do
* anything except displaying the stateDesc, should we have defined one.
* In particular we don't want it to list the contents of the Room, since
* Looking Around will do this anyway.
examineStatus() { display(&stateDesc); }
/* Examining a Room is the same as looking around within it. */
action() { lookAroundWithin(); }
/* Going out of a Room is the same as executing an OUT command */
action() { GoOut.execAction(gCommand); }
* Pushing an object out of a Room is the same as pushing it via the OUT
* exit.
gCommand.verbProd.dirMatch = object { dir = outDir; };
gAction = PushTravelDir;
* Optional method that returns a single-quoted string explaining why
* target (normally an object in a remote location) cannot be reached from
* this room. By default we just return the target's tooFarAwayMsg but
* this can be overridden, for example, to return the same format of
* message for every target that can't be reached from this room (e.g.
* "You can't reach [the target] from the meadow. ") ]
return target.tooFarAwayMsg;
* Get the connector object explictly or implicitly defined on prop, even if it uses the
* asExit macro. If it's not an object, return nil;
if(propType(prop) == TypeObject)
local conn = self.(prop);
local dir = conn.direction;
prop = dir.dirProp;
if(propType(prop) == TypeObject)
return self.(prop);
return conn;
return nil;
* If we've defined a roomFirstDesc and this room description hasn't been displayed before,
* display our roomFirstDesc, otherwise display our desc.
if(propType(&roomFirstDesc) != TypeNil && !examined)
* The description of this room to be used when it has not previously examined (and is thus
* being described fot the first time). If this is left as nil, we simply use the desc
* instead.
roomFirstDesc = nil
* A Door is something that can be open and closed (and optionally locked),
* and which must be open to allow travel through. Doors are defined in pairs,
* with each Door representing one side of the door and pointing to the other
* side via its otherSide property. */
class Door: TravelConnector, Thing
/* A door is generally openable */
isOpenable = true
/* Most doors start out closed. */
isOpen = nil
/* Doors generally aren't listed separately in room descriptions. */
isListed = nil
* A door is something fixed in place, not something that can be picked up
* and carried around.
isFixed = true
* By default we leave game authors to decide if and how they want to
* report whether a door is open or closed.
openStatusReportable = nil
* Flag, do we want to attempt to unlock this door via an implicit action
* if someone attempts to open it while it's locked?
autoUnlock = nil
* A physical door is represented by two objects in code, each
* representing one side of the door and each present in one of the two
* locations the door connects. Each side needs to point to the other side
* through its otherSide property.
otherSide = nil
* We're visible in the dark if the room on the other side of us is
* illuminated
if(destination != nil && transmitsLight)
return destination.isIlluminated;
return nil;
/* A Door is something it makes sense to go through. */
canGoThroughMe = true
/* Make a Door open (stat = true) or closed (stat = nil) */
/* Carry out the inherited handling. */
* If we have an otherSide, make it open or closed at the same time so
* both sides of the Door stay in sync.
if(otherSide != nil)
otherSide.isOpen = stat;
otherSide.opened = true;
/* Make a Door locked (stat = true) or unlocked (stat = nil) */
/* Carry out the inherited handling. */
* If we have an otherSide, make it locked or unlocked at the same
* time so both sides of the Door stay in sync.
if(otherSide != nil)
otherSide.isLocked = stat;
* The most likely barrier to travel through a door is that the door is
* closed and locked, so we check for than after the other kinds of travel
* barrier.
* Carry out the inherited checking of travel barriers and return nil
* if they fail to indicate that travel through the door is not
* possible.
if(inherited(traveler) == nil)
return nil;
/* If the Door isn't open, try to open it via an implicit action. */
* If it's the player character that's trying to move, try opening
* the door via an implicit action and display the result as an
* implicit action report.
if(tryImplicitAction(Open, self))
* Otherwise get the traveler to try to open the door via an
* implicit action.
else if(tryImplicitActorAction(traveler, Open, self))
// /*
// * If the player character can see the traveler open the door,
// * report the fact that the traveler does so.
// */
// if(gPlayerChar.canSee(traveler))
// sayTravelerOpensDoor(traveler);
// else if(otherSide && gPlayerChar.canSee(otherSide))
// sayDoorOpens();
* If we're not allowed to open this door via an implicit action
* (because opening it is marked as dangerous or nonObvious at the
* verify stage) display a message explaining why the travel can't
* be carried out, provided the player char can see the traveler.
else if(gPlayerChar.canSee(traveler))
local obj = self;
* We pass the travel barrier test if and only if the door ends up
* open.
return isOpen;
* Message to display when the player character sees the traveler opening
* this door.
local obj = self;
DMsg(npc opens door, '{The subj traveler} open{s/ed} {the
obj}. ');
* Message to display when the door is opened from the other side so the
* player character can't see who is opening it.
local obj = otherSide;
DMsg(door opens, '{The subj obj} open{s/ed}. ');
/* Execute travel through this door. */
execTravel(actor, traveler, conn)
* Carry out the inherited handling (which delegates most of the work
* to our destination).
inherited(actor, traveler, conn);
* If the actor carrying out the travel is the player character, note
* that the player character now knows where both sides of the door
* lead to.
if(otherSide != nil && actor == gPlayerChar &&
otherSide.isDestinationKnown = true;
isDestinationKnown = true;
* The message to display if travel is attempted through this door when
* it's closed and we're not allowed to open it via an implicit action.
cannotGoThroughClosedDoorMsg = BMsg(cannot go through closed door,
'{The subj obj} {is} in the way. ')
* By default the player character doesn't start off knowing where this
* door leads. Once the pc has been through the door in either direction
* this becomes true on both sides of the door.
isDestinationKnown = nil
/* Preinitialize a door */
/* Carry out the inherited handling */
* in addition to carrying out Thing's preinitialization, carry out
* some additional housekeeping to ensure that this door is in sync
* with its other side.
if(otherSide == nil)
* If the otherSide hasn't been defined and we're compiling for
* debugging, display a warning message.
#ifdef __DEBUG
"WARNING!!! <<theName>> in << getOutermostRoom != nil ? : 'nil'>> has no otherside.<.p>";
* If our otherSide doesn't already point to us, make it do so.
* This allows game authors to get away with only specifying one
* side of the connection.
if(otherSide.otherSide != self)
otherSide.otherSide = self;
* If we've made one side of the door locked, the chances are we
* intend the other side of the door to start out locked too.
otherSide.isLocked = true;
* Likewise, if we've made one side of the door open, the chances
* are we intend the other side of the door to start out open too.
otherSide.isOpen = true;
/* Add the other side to our list of facets. */
getFacets += otherSide;
/* The destination is the room to which this door leads. */
/* If we don't have an other side, then we don't lead anywhere. */
if(otherSide == nil)
return nil;
/* Otherwise this door leads to the room containing its other side */
return otherSide.getOutermostRoom;
/* Going through a door is the same as traveling via it. */
preCond = [travelPermitted, touchObj, objOpen]
action() { travelVia(gActor); }
/* Entering a door is the same as going through it. */
dobjFor(Enter) asDobjFor(GoThrough)
preCond = [travelPermitted, touchObj, objOpen]
* The appropriate action for push an object via a door is
* PushTravelThrough
PushTravelVia = PushTravelThrough
* Display message announcing that traveler has left via this door. The
* traveler would normally be an NPC visible to the player character.
DMsg(say departing through door, '{The subj traveler} {leaves} through
{1}. ', theName);
* Display message announcing that follower is following leader through
* this door.
sayActorFollowing(follower, leader)
/* Create message parameter substitutions for the follower and leader */
gMessageParams(follower, leader);
DMsg(say following through door, '{The subj follower} follow{s/ed} {the
leader} through {1}. ', theName);
traversalMsg = BMsg(traverse door, 'through {1}', theName)
* A TravelConnector is an object that can be attached to the directional
* exit property of a room to facilitate (or optionally block) travel in the
* associated direction and carry out any side-effects of that travel. A
* TravelConnector may be used as an abstract object to implement travel, or
* a subclass of TravelConnector such as Door, Passage, StairwayUp or
* StairwayDown may be used to represent a physical object via which travel
* occurs. The Room class also inherits from TravelConnector.
* Whether the base TravelConnector class or one of its subclasses is used,
* travel is carried out via a TravelConnector by calling its travelVia()
* method.
class TravelConnector: object
* Is this connector apparent? That is, would it be apparent to an
* observer under normal lighting conditions, as opposed to being
* concealed? By default we'll suppose a TravelConnector is apparent
* unless it's explicitly hidden.
isConnectorApparent = !isHidden
* Should this exit be shown in the exit lister? By default we'll assumed
* it should be it it's visible.
isConnectorListed = isConnectorVisible
* Does light pass through this TravelConnector from its destination (so
* that it's visible in the dark even its location is dark.).
transmitsLight = true
* A TravelConnector (or at least, the exit it represents) is visible if
* it's apparent (i.e. not concealed in some way) and if the lighting
* conditions are adequate, or if it's visible in the dark.
local loc = gPlayerChar.getOutermostRoom();
local dest = getDestination(loc);
return (isConnectorApparent &&
|| (dest != nil && dest.isIlluminated
&& transmitsLight)
|| visibleInDark));
/* The room to which this TravelConnector leads when it is traversed */
destination = nil
* The room to which this TravelConnector leads when it is traversed from
* origin.
return destination;
* Does the player char know where this travel connector leads? By default
* s/he doesn't until s/he's visited its destination, but this could be
* overridden for an area the PC is supposed to know well when the game
* starts, such as their own house.
local loc = gPlayerChar.getOutermostRoom();
local dest = getDestination(loc);
return (dest != nil && dest.isDestinationKnown);
/* A travel connector is usually open. */
isOpen = true
* Carrier out travel via this connector, first checking that travel
* through this connector is permitted for this actor.
* The traveler is the object actually doing the travelling; usually
* it's just the actor, but if the actor is in a vehicle, it will be
* the vehicle.
local traveler = getTraveler(actor);
* Check the travel barriers on this TravelConnector to ensure that
* travel is permitted. If so carry out the travel. If not
* checkTravelBarriers will have reported the reason why travel is
* blocked.
execTravel(actor, traveler, self);
* Get the traveler associated with this actor. Normally the traveler will
* be the same as the actor, but if the actor is in a vehicle, then the
* traveler will be the vehicle.
local loc = actor.location;
while(loc != nil && !loc.ofKind(Room))
return loc;
loc = loc.location;
return actor;
/* Execute the travel for this actor via this connector */
execTravel(actor, traveler, conn)
local loc = traveler.getOutermostRoom();
local dest = getDestination(loc);
/* If we have a destination, let our destination handle it */
if(dest != nil)
dest.execTravel(actor, traveler, conn);
* Carry out the beforeTravel notifications, since this can't be
* done by our destination, but something in scope may still want
* to react to or prohibit the attempt to travel.
* Then call our noteTraversal method to carry out the
* side-effects of travel; since we don't lead anywhere this may
* be the only reason we exist. If, however, our noteTraversal()
* method fails to display any output, instead display a report
* that this connector doesn't lead anywhere.
if(gOutStream.watchForOutput({:noteTraversal(actor)}) == nil)
* Display a message saying that this travel connector doesn't actually
* lead anywhere; this may be needed if our destination is nil and our
* noteTraversal() method doesn't display anything.
DMsg(no destination, 'That{dummy} {doesn\'t} lead anywhere. ');
* If the actor doing the traveling is the player character, display the
* travelDesc. Note that although this might normally be a simple
* description of the travel, the travelDesc method could also be used to
* carry out any other side-effects of the travel via this connector.
if(actor == gPlayerChar && !(gAction.isPushTravelAction && suppressTravelDescForPushTravel))
* Note that the actor has traversed us. If the actor is in a vehicle, also note the
* vehicle has traversed us.
local travelers = (actor.location && actor.location.isVehicle)
? [actor, actor.location] : [actor];
traversedBy = traversedBy.appendUnique(travelers);
* A list of the actors, vehicles and pushTraverers that have traversed this TravelConnector.
* This is maintained by the noteTraversal(), so game code should normally treat this property
* as read-only.
traversedBy = []
* Test whether this TravelConnector has been traversed by traveler (which may be an actor, a
* vehicle, or something pushed through the TravelConnector by an actor).
/* Return true if traveler is in our travdersedBy list. */
return traversedBy.indexOf(traveler) != nil;
/* Have we been traversed by the player character? Return true if and only if we have. */
traversed = (hasBeenTraversedBy(gPlayerChar))
/* Carry out the before travel notifications for this actor. */
* Call the before travel notifications on every object that's in
* scope for the actor.
Q.scopeList(actor).toList.forEach({x: x.beforeTravel(actor, self)});
* Finall, carry out before travel notifications in all the regions
* the traveler starts out in.
foreach(local reg in actor.getOutermostRoom.allRegions)
reg.regionBeforeTravel(actor, self);
/* Carry out the after travel notifications for this actor */
* Call the after travel notification for every object that's in scope
* for this actor.
Q.scopeList(actor).toList.forEach({x: x.afterTravel(actor, self)});
* Finally, carry out after travel notifications in all the regions
* the traveler ends up in.
foreach(local reg in actor.getOutermostRoom.allRegions)
reg.regionAfterTravel(actor, self);
* Method that should return true is actor is allowed to pass through this
* TravelConnector and nil otherwise. We allow travel by default but this
* could be overridden to block travel under certain conditions.
canTravelerPass(actor) { return true; }
* If canTravelerPass returns nil explainTravelBarrier should display a
* message explaining why travel has been prohibited.
explainTravelBarrier(actor) { }
* Carry out any side effects of travel if the traveler is the player
* character. Typically we might just display some text describing the
* travel here, but this method could be used for any side-effects of the
* travel. If the TravelConnector is mixed in with an EventList class then
* the default behaviour is to call the doScript() method here to drive
* the EventList.
* an additional TravelBarrier or a list of TravelBarriers to check on
* this TravelConnector to see if travel is allowed.
travelBarriers = nil
* Check all the travel barriers associated with this connector to
* determine whether the traveler is allowed to pass through this travel
* connector.
/* first check our own built-in barrier test. */
* If travel is not permitted display a message explaining why and
* then return nil to cancel the travel.
return nil;
/* Then check any additional travel barrier objects */
if(valToList(travelBarriers).indexWhich({b: b.checkTravelBarrier
(traveler, self) == nil}))
return nil;
* If we've reached this point then no travel barrier is objecting to
* the traveler traveling to this connector, so return true to signal
* that travel is permitted.
return true;
* Display a message to say that an actor is departing via this connector.
* On the base class the default behaviour is to describe the departure
* via a compass direction. The actor in question would normally be an NPC
* visible to the player character.
/* Create a message parameter substitution for the traveler */
/* Find the direction to which this connector is attached. */
local depdir = getDepartingDirection(traveler);
if(depdir == nil)
DMsg(say departing vague, '<.p>{The subj traveler} {leaves} the
area. ');
DMsg(say departing dir, '<.p>{The subj traveler} {goes} {1}. '
, depdir.departureName);
* Display a message to say that follower is following leader in the
* direction of this connector.
sayActorFollowing(follower, leader)
/* Create a message parameter substitution for the traveler */
gMessageParams(follower, leader);
/* Find the direction to which this connector is attached. */
local depdir = getDepartingDirection(follower);
if(depdir == nil)
DMsg(say following vague, '<.p>{The subj follower} follow{s/ed} {the
leader}. ');
DMsg(say following dir, '<.p>{The subj follower} follow{s/ed} {the
leader} {1}. ', depdir.departureName);
* Create a phrase describing the direction of travel through this
* connector (e.g. 'to the north')
local depDir = getDepartingDirection(gActor);
return BMsg(traverse connector, '{1}', depDir.departureName);
* Get the direction traveler needs to go in to traverse this connector
* from traveler's current location.
/* Note what room the traveler is in prior to departure */
local room = traveler.getOutermostRoom;
/* Return the direction to which this connector is attached. */
return room.getDirection(self);
* The TravelVia action is supplied so game code can execute a TravelVia
* action on a TravelConnector; there is no TRAVEL VIA command that can be
* issued directly by a player, but a player command may be translated
* into this action.
preCond = [travelPermitted]
* For now, we just call the travelVia() method on the
* TravelConnector. Subsequentlly we might add appropriate code
* for the other action phases.
preCond = [travelPermitted]
preCond = [travelPermitted]
check() { checkPushTravel(); }
/* Check the travel barriers on the indirect object of the action */
* First check the travel barriers for the actor doing the pushing.
* Only go on to check those for the item being pushed if the actor
* can travel, so we don't see the same messages twice.
* The appropriate PushTravelAction for pushing something something
* through a TravelConnector.
PushTravelVia = PushTravelThrough
* If we display a message for pushing something via us, we probably don't also want the
* travelDesc describing the actor's travel. Game code can override if both messages are
* wanted when push-travelling.
suppressTravelDescForPushTravel = true
* An UnlistedProxyConnector is a special kind of TravelConnector created by
* the asExit macro to make one exit do duty for another. There is probably
* never any need for this class to be used explicitly in game code, since
* game authors will always use the asExit macro instead.
class UnlistedProxyConnector: TravelConnector
/* The direction property for which we're a proxy. */
proxyForProp = direction.dirProp
* The loc parameter should contain the room in which this UnlistedProxyConnector is used, but
* calling code will need to supply it.
local ptype = loc.propType(proxyForProp);
return ptype == TypeObject ? loc.(proxyForProp) : ptype;
/* An UnlistedProxyConnector is never listed as an exit in its own right. */
isConnectorListed = nil
* We'll assume an UnlistedProxyListedConnector is always 'visible', since
* it's a proxy for some other connector which will handle the actual
* visibility conditions.
isConnectorVisible = true
/* Carry out travel via this connector. */
/* Get the travel connector for which we're a proxy. */
local conn = proxyForConnector(traveler.getOutermostRoom);
* If the connector is actually a TravelConnector, then execute travel via that connector.
* Otherwise, the direction we're a proxy for points to something else that's not a
* TravelConnector, such as a string or method, in which case call the nonTravel()
* function to handle
nonTravel(traveler.getOutermostRoom, direction);
/* Construct a new UnlistedProxyConnector. */
/* Note the direction this connector is a proxy for. */
direction = dir_;
* We don't want an UnlistedProxyConnector to trigger any travel
* notifications since these will be triggered - if appropriate - on the
* real connector we point to. */
beforeTravelNotifications(actor) {}
afterTravelNotifications(actor) {}
* Return the actual destination, if any, an actor will arrive at by traversing the connector
* we're a proxy for from origin.
local conn = proxyForConnector(origin);
return objOfKind(conn, TravelConnector) ? conn.getDestination(origin) : nil;
* Handle going through this connector by calling our travelVia() method to execute travel
* via the connector for which we're a proxy.
preCond = [travelPermitted]
action { travelVia(gActor); }
* A TravelBarrier is an object that can optionally be associated with one or
* more TravelConnectors to define additional conditional (or even
* unconditional) barriers preventing travel.
class TravelBarrier: object
* This method should return true to permit the traveler to travel via
* connector and nil to prohibit travel. By default we simply allow travel
* but particular instances will need to override this method to specify
* the conditions under which travel is or is not permitted.
canTravelerPass(traveler, connector)
return true;
* Display some text explaining why traveler is not permitted to travel
* via connector when canTravelerPass() returns nil.
explainTravelBarrier(traveler, connector)
* Check whether traveler can pass through this connector. If it can,
* return true; otherise explain why travel is disallowed and return nil.
checkTravelBarrier(traveler, connector)
if(canTravelerPass(traveler, connector))
return true;
explainTravelBarrier(traveler, connector);
return nil;
* A Direction object represents a direction in which an actor might attempt
* to travel. The library defines eight compass directions (north, south,
* etc.) and a further eight special directions (in, out, up, down, port,
* starboard, fore and aft), but game code can define additional directions if
* required.
* The convention that should be followed in naming a Direction object is to
* use the name of the direction followed by Dir; e.g. the Direction object
* corresponding to north is called northDir. Custom directions should follow
* the same convention, since it is assumed by the goInstead() and goNested()
* macros.
class Direction: object
* The exit property of a room association with this Direction, e.g.
* &north (corresponding to northDir).
dirProp = nil
* The name of this direction, e.g. 'north'. This is the name that appears
* in the exit lister.
name = nil
/* Class property: a LookupTable matching names to direction objects. */
nameTab = static new LookupTable()
* The name to use when departing via this direction, e.g. 'to the north'
departureName = nil
* Initialize. We'll use this routine to add each Direction instance to
* the master direction list (Direction.allDirections) during
* pre-initialization.
/* add myself to the master direction list */
/* add myself to the master direction table */
Direction.nameTab[name] = self;
* Class initialization - this is called once on the class object.
* We'll build our master list of all of the Direction objects in
* the game, and then sort the list using the sorting order.
/* initialize each individual Direction object */
forEachInstance(Direction, { dir: dir.initializeDirection() });
* sort the direction list according to the individual Directin
* objects' defined sorting orders
allDirections.sort(SortAsc, {a, b: a.sortingOrder - b.sortingOrder});
* Our sorting order in the master list. We use this to present
* directions in a consistent, aesthetically pleasing order in
* listings involving multiple directions. The sorting order is
* simply an integer that gives the relative position in the list;
* the list of directions is sorted from lowest sorting order to
* highest. Sorting order numbers don't have to be contiguous,
* since we simply put the directions in an order that makes the
* sortingOrder values ascend through the list.
sortingOrder = 1
* A Class property containing a Vector of all the directions defined in
* the game (the 16 defined in the library plus any additionasl custom
* directions defined in game code)
allDirections = static new Vector(12)
/* The direction that is opposite to this one. */
opposite = nil
/* The dirProp that's the opposite to prop */
local dir = allDirections.valWhich({d: d.dirProp == prop});
return dir == nil ? nil :
(dir.opposite == nil ? nil : dir.opposite.dirProp);
/* The direction to which prop points. */
return allDirections.valWhich({d: d.dirProp == prop});
/* The compass directions */
class CompassDirection: Direction
/* Carry out the inherited handling */
/* Add myself to the list of compass directions */
* A Class property containing a Vector of all the compass
* directions defined in the game.
compassDirections = static new Vector(8)
/* The sixteen directions defined in the library */
northDir: CompassDirection
dirProp = &north
name = BMsg(north, 'north')
departureName = BMsg(depart north, 'to the north')
sortingOrder = 1000
opposite = southDir
eastDir: CompassDirection
dirProp = &east
name = BMsg(east, 'east')
departureName = BMsg(depart east, 'to the east')
sortingOrder = 1100
opposite = westDir
southDir: CompassDirection
dirProp = &south
name = BMsg(south, 'south')
departureName = BMsg(depart south, 'to the south')
sortingOrder = 1200
opposite = northDir
westDir: CompassDirection
dirProp = &west
name = BMsg(west, 'west')
departureName = BMsg(depart west, 'to the west')
sortingOrder = 1300
opposite = eastDir
northeastDir: CompassDirection
dirProp = &northeast
name = BMsg(northeast, 'northeast')
departureName = BMsg(depart northeast, 'to the northeast')
sortingOrder = 1400
opposite = southwestDir
northwestDir: CompassDirection
dirProp = &northwest
name = BMsg(northwest, 'northwest')
departureName = BMsg(depart northwest, 'to the northwest')
sortingOrder = 1500
opposite = northeastDir
southeastDir: CompassDirection
dirProp = &southeast
name = BMsg(southeast, 'southeast')
departureName = BMsg(depart southeast, 'to the southeast')
sortingOrder = 1600
opposite = northwestDir
southwestDir: CompassDirection
dirProp = &southwest
name = BMsg(southwest, 'southwest')
departureName = BMsg(depart southwest, 'to the southwest')
sortingOrder = 1700
opposite = northeastDir
downDir: Direction
dirProp = &down
name = BMsg(down, 'down')
departureName = BMsg(depart down, 'down')
sortingOrder = 2000
opposite = upDir
upDir: Direction
dirProp = &up
name = BMsg(up, 'up')
departureName = BMsg(depart up, 'up')
sortingOrder = 2100
opposite = downDir
inDir: Direction
dirProp = &in
name = BMsg(in, 'in')
departureName = BMsg(depart in, 'inside')
sortingOrder = 3000
opposite = outDir
outDir: Direction
dirProp = &out
name = BMsg(out, 'out')
departureName = BMsg(depart out, 'out')
sortingOrder = 3100
opposite = inDir
/* Directions for use aboard a vessel such as a ship */
class ShipboardDirection: Direction
/* Carry out the inherited handling */
/* Add myself to the list of shipboard directions */
* A Class property containing a Vector of all the shipboard
* directions defined in the game.
shipboardDirections = static new Vector (4)
portDir: ShipboardDirection
dirProp = &port
name = BMsg(port, 'port')
departureName = BMsg(depart port, 'to port')
sortingOrder = 4000
opposite = starboardDir
starboardDir: ShipboardDirection
dirProp = &starboard
name = BMsg(starboard, 'starboard')
departureName = BMsg(depart starboard, 'to starboard')
sortingOrder = 4100
opposite = portDir
foreDir: ShipboardDirection
dirProp = &fore
name = BMsg(forward, 'forward')
departureName = BMsg(depart forward, 'forward')
sortingOrder = 4200
opposite = aftDir
aftDir: ShipboardDirection
dirProp = &aft
name = BMsg(aft, 'aft')
departureName = BMsg(depart aft, 'aft')
sortingOrder = 4300
opposite = foreDir
* A Region is an object representing several rooms or even several other
* Regions.
class Region: object
* This region can optionally be in one or more regions. The regions
* property hold the region or a the list of regions I'm in.
regions = nil
* A Room can't be in another Room or a Thing, but it can notionally be in
* a Region, so we check to see if we're in the list of our regions.
return valToList(regions).indexWhich({x: x.isOrIsIn(region)}) != nil;
/* Is this Region either itself region or contained within in region */
return region == self || isIn(region);
* A list of all the regions this Region is within; in addition to any
* regions this Region is directly in (defined on its regions property)
* this will include all the regions it's indirectly in (i.e. any regions
* the regions it's in are in and so forth).
/* Start with a vector of all the regions we're directly in */
local thisRegions = new Vector(valToList(regions));
* For each of the regions we're directly in, append all the regions
* they're in.
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
/* Convert the Vector to a list and return it. */
return thisRegions.toList();
* A list of all the rooms in this region. This is built automatically at
* preinit and shouldn't be altered by the user/author.
roomList = nil
* A user-defined list of the rooms in this region. At Preinit this will
* be used along with the regions property of any rooms to build the
* roomList of this Region.
rooms = nil
* Build the list of regions in all the rooms in this this region by going
* through every room defined in the roomList and adding us to its list of
* regions. Note that this is provided as an alternative way to define
* what rooms start out in which regions.
if(rooms != nil)
foreach(local r in rooms)
r.regions = valToList(r.regions).appendUnique([self]);
* Is the player char familiar with every room in this region. This should
* be set to true for a region whose geography the PC starts out familiar
* with, such as the layout of his own house.
familiar = nil
* Go through all the rooms in this region setting them to familiar if the
* region is familiar.
* If this Region is familiar then go through each room in the
* list of rooms in the Region and mark it as familiar.
foreach(local rm in valToList(roomList))
rm.familiar = true;
* To add an object to our contents we need to add it to the contents of
* every room in this region. If the optional vec parameter is supplied it
* must be a vector; the rooms will then be added to the vector as well.
* The vec parameter is primarily for use by the MultiLoc class.
addToContents(obj, vec?)
foreach(local cur in roomList)
cur.addToContents(obj, vec);
* To remove an object from our contents we need to remove it from the
* contents of every room in the region. If the optional vec parameter is
* supplied it must be a vector; the rooms will then be removed from the
* vector as well.
removeFromContents(obj, vec?)
foreach(local cur in roomList)
cur.removeFromContents(obj, vec);
* Add an additional room (passed as the rm parameter) to our list of
* rooms. This method is intended for internal library use at PreInit
* only.
* Add rm to our existing roomList, making sure we don't duplicate an
* existing entry, and converting the roomList from nil to a list if
* isn't a list already.
roomList = nilToList(roomList).appendUnique([rm]);
/* Add rm to the room list of all the regions we're in */
foreach(local cur in valToList(regions))
* Put extra items in scope when action is carried out in any room in this
* region.
* Add our list of extraScopeItems to the existing scopeList of the
* action, avoiding creating any duplicate entries.
action.scopeList =
* Add any further additional scope items from any of the regions
* that this region is in.
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
* A list of items that should be added to the standard scope list for
* actions carried out in any room in this region.
extraScopeItems = []
* This method is invoked when traveler is about to leave this region and
* go to dest (the destination room).
travelerLeaving(traveler, dest) { }
* This method is invoked when traveler is about to enter this region
* from origin (the room traveled from.
travelerEntering(traveler, origin) { }
/* Carry out before notifications on the region */
/* First call our own regionBeforeAction() method */
* Then call the beforeAction notification on all the regions we're
* in.
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
* This method is called just before an action takes places in this
* region.
regionBeforeAction() { }
/* Carry out after notifications on the region */
/* First call our own regionAfterAction() method */
* Then call the afterAction notification on all the regions we're
* in.
foreach(local reg in valToList(regions))
/* Method called just after an action has taken place in this region. */
regionAfterAction() { }
* This method is called just before travel takes places in this
* region (when traveler is about to travel via connector).
regionBeforeTravel(traveler, connector) { }
* Method called just after travel has taken place in this region (when
* traveler has just traveled via connector).
regionAfterTravel(traveler, connector) { }
* Should the fastGoTo option be used in this region (i.e. traveling from
* one room in the region to another is all done in one turn without the
* need for CONTINUE, even if several steps are involved)? Note that the
* value of this setting has no effect if gameMain.fastGoTo is true, since
* then the fastGoTo setting is always in effect.
fastGoTo = nil
* Move a MultiLoc (ml) into this region, by moving it into every room in
* this Region.
roomList.forEach({r: ml.moveIntoAdd(r)});
* Move a MultiLoc (ml) out of this region, by moving it out of every room
* in the Region.
roomList.forEach({r: ml.moveOutOf(r)});
* The regionDaemon method is executed on ever region in which the player character is
* currently located. By default we call the region's doScript() method so that the if the
* region is mixed in with an EventList class, that EventList can be executed.
regionDaemon { doScript(); }
* Go through each room and add it to every regions it's (directly or
* indirectly) in. Then if the region is familiar, mark all its rooms as
* familiar.
regionPreinit: PreinitObject
forEachInstance(Region, {r: r.makeRegionLists });
forEachInstance(Room, {r: r.addToRegions()} );
forEachInstance(Region, { r: r.setFamiliarRooms() } );
* Function to handle what will probably be non-travel in a direction that doesn't point to exit.
* The loc parameter specifies the room we're attempting travel from. For use as a common routine
* called by TravelAction, PushTravelDir and UnlistedProxyConnnector.
nonTravel(loc, dir)
/* Note whether we meet the lighting conditions to permit travel */
local illum = loc.allowDarkTravel || loc.isIlluminated;
local conn;
switch (loc.propType(dir.dirProp))
* If there's nothing there, simply display the appropriate message explaining that travel
* that way isn't possible.
case TypeNil:
if(illum && gActor == gPlayerChar)
else if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
* If the direction property points to a double-quoted method or a string, then provided
* the illumination is right, we display the string or execute the method. Otherwise show
* the message saying we can't travel that way in the dark.
case TypeDString:
case TypeCode:
* Call the before travel notifications on every object that's in scope for the actor.
* Since we don't have a connector object to pass to the beforeTravel notifications,
* we use the direction object instead.
Q.scopeList(gActor).toList.forEach({x: x.beforeTravel(gActor,
* If going this way would take us to a known destination that's a Room (so that
* executing the travel should take the actor out of his/her current room) notify the
* current room that the actor is about to depart.
local dest;
if(loc.propType(dir.dirProp) == TypeCode)
dest = libGlobal.extraDestInfo[[loc, dir]];
dest = nil;
if(dest && dest.ofKind(Room))
loc.notifyDeparture(gActor, dest);
* Then execute the method or display the double-quoted string.
* If we've just executed a method, it may have moved the actor to a new location, so
* if the actor is the player character note where the method took the actor to so
* that the pathfinder can find a route via this exit.
if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
libGlobal.addExtraDestInfo(loc, dir,
else if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
* If the direction property points to a single-quoted string, simply display the string
* if the illumination is sufficient, otherwise display the message saying we can't go
* that way in the dark. If the actor isn't the player character, do nothing.
case TypeSString:
if(gActor == gPlayerChar)
conn = loc.(dir.dirProp);
libGlobal.addExtraDestInfo(loc, dir,
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1