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The Instructions module (instruct.t) is located under the English directory, since it is specific to the English-language version of the library. Its function is to provide players of your game with a set of general instructions for playing interactive fiction, which may be read in response to an INTRUCTIONS command (to which you’ll probably want to call your players’ attention in your introductory text or via your ABOUT text).

If you have the menu modules included in your game (menusys.t and menucon.t or menuweb.t), you’ll probably want the instructions to be shown in menu form rather than as a continuous block of text. To to this you need to define INSTRUCTIONS_MENU, either by adding -D INSTRUCTIONS_MENU as a command line option if you use t3Make from the command line, or else by adding INSTRUCTIONS_MENU to the list of symbols to #define in Worbench. To to this in Workbench select Build -> Settings from the menu, then select “Defines” under the “Compiler” section on the left-hand side of the dialog box, then click Add, type INSTRUCTIONS_MENU in the “Macro Name” box, leave “Expansion” blank and click OK, then click OK again. You’ll probably then need to do a full recompile for debugging to force a recompile of instruct.t.

The Instructions module makes some attempt to be context-sensitive about the instructions it provides; for example it won’t describe the GO TO command if the pathfind module isn’t present, and it won’t talk about SpecialTopics if none have been defined in your game. In addition, you can override a number of properties of the Instructions object to customize what is shown to the player:

adv3Lite Library Manual
Table of Contents | Optional Modules > Instructions
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