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Final Moves > Lists and Listers
Lists and Listers
Works of Interactive Fiction often need to display lists. Typically these may be lists of objects visible in a room or a container, or a list of items held in the player character’s inventory. There are generally two stages involved in displaying a list:
- Generating the list of items (usually objects) that need to be displayed.
- Formatting the list and displaying it on the screen. This stage may also include further filtering of the list.
The first stage is generally carried out by a method such as
, defined on Thing, or else
a method define on the appropriate Action object, such as the
method of the Inventory action.
More will be said about such methods below. The second
stage is carried out by a Lister, and it is Listers that we shall look
at next.
The purpose of a Lister is to format and display a list. The various
types of lister all descend from the Lister
class, which defines the following methods:
- show(lst, paraCnt, paraBrk = true): Show a list of objects. lst is the list of objects to show; paraCnt is the number of paragraph-style descriptions that we’ve already shown as part of this description. Note, however, that many specific listers replace the paraCnt parameter with a more useful parent parameter, containing the identity of the object whose contents are being listed. If the optional paraBrk parameter is supplied it determines whether or not a paragraph break is added at the end of the list (if this parameter is not specified it defaults to true). The actual work of formatting and displaying the list of items (as opposed to the prefix and suffix text surrounding it) is carried out by a showList() method defined in the language-specific part of the library.
- showListPrefix(lst, pl, paraCnt): Display the list prefix, that is the text that introduces a list (e.g. “In the oven you can see “). The pl parameter defines whether the list should be treated as singular or plural (so that any verb used can agree in number, e.g. “In the oven is/are “). many specific listers replace the paraCnt parameter with a more useful parent parameter, containing the identity of the object whose contents are being listed.
- showListSuffix(lst, pl, paraCnt): Display the list suffix, that is the text that concludes a list (often that may simply be a full-stop/period, but it may be a longer piece of text if the list is displayed as a sentence with the list itself as the subject, e.g. “A ball, a pencil and a diamond are in the blue box. “ where the suffix would be “ are in the blue box. “)
- showListEmpty(paraCnt): The text to display when the list of items to be displayed is empty (e.g. “The oven is empty. “ or “You see nothing of interest in the red box. “)
- listed(obj): Determine whether obj should be listed in this
list. Returns true if so, nil if not. By default, we list any object
property is true. - listOrder(obj): Get an item’s sorting order. This returns an
integer that gives the relative position in the list; we order the
list in ascending order of this value. By default, we return the
property of the object. - buildList(lst): Returns a string containing what this lister would display, minus the terminating paragraph break.
From this you can able to see that the show()
and buildList()
methods are for use with an
existing Lister (to make it display a list, or else return the list it
would display in a single-quoted string), while all the rest are used
when defining a Lister.
Many of the Listers actually used in a game are based on a subclass of
Lister called ItemLister. This is base class of all the Listers used
to list physical objects in a game. Several of the features of this
Lister are defined in the language-specific part of the library, but the
principal way in which an ItemLister
customizes the base Lister
class are as
- show(lst, parent, paraBrk = true): On the
class the paraCnt parameter of theshow()
method is replaced with a more useful parent parameter, which refers to the items whose contents are being listed. On ItemLister this method also marks every item in the list as mentioned (so that it won’t get mentioned again in the same list) and notes that and where the player character has seen it. - contentsListedProp: This property should contain a property
pointer (the default value is &contentsListed) that determines
whether an item listed by this lister should have its contents listed
in turn. Note that is it actually the Thing method
that makes use of this property when it is constructing a list of items to pass to a lister. - listRecursively: flag, should the contents of items listed by this
lister also be listed? This is true by default except on the
, where it is nil, to suppress the (arguably intrusive) recursive listing of contents of contents when an openable container is opened.
The language-specific part of the library in english.t defines the
following additional methods on ItemLister
- showList(lst, pl, parent): This method actually displays the body
of the list (e.g. “a ball, a pencil and a diamond”). It is used by the
method and in turn (by default) calls theandList()
function (see below) to format the list. - listName(o): This method is used to define how the name of an individual item should be shown in the list (e.g. “a ball”). This is more complex than it seems since this method is also responsible for displaying further status-related information about in item, such as ‘(being worn)’ or a list of the item’s contents (e.g. “a small red box (in which is a tie-pin and a paperclip)”).
- showAdditionalInfo: flag - do we want to show additional information (such as ‘providing light’) after the name of items in this list. The default value is true.
- showWornInfo: flag - do we want to show ‘(being worn)’ after the
names of items in this list that are being worn. By default we use the
value of
. Note that the text ‘ (being worn)’ can be customized by using a CustomMessages object to change the text of thebeing worn
BMsg. - showSubListing: flag - do we want to show the contents of items
listed in inventory (in parentheses after the name, e.g. ‘a bag (in
which is a blue ball)’). The default value on ItemLister is true but
all take the value of this property fromgameMain.useParentheticalListing
Types of Lister
The adv3Lite defines a number of different types of Lister for various
specific purposes. The definition of these listers is split between
lister.t (which defines the base functionality) and english.t (which
defines the language-specific aspects). The lister modifications in
english.t generally do not use the BMsg()/DMsg() mechanism to generate
text, since such indirection would be superfluous in a part of the
library which is in any case language-specific and where modification
may be more simply achieved by overriding the relevant methods such as
The specific kinds of Lister defined in the library are:
- lookLister: displays a list of top-level miscellaneous objects
(i.e. those without a
) in a room description. - lookContentsLister: displays a list of the contents of objects in
a room description (e.g. if the room description mentions a box, the
would be used to list the contents of that box in the room description). - remoteRoomContentsLister: the default Lister for listing miscellaneous objects in a remote location.
- inventoryLister: displays an inventory listing (i.e. a list of objects carried by the player character, or perhaps by an NPC).
- inventoryListerTall: displays an inventory listing in TALL (i.e. columnar) format.
- wornLister: displays a list of items being worn (usually by the player character).
- descContentsLister: displays a list of the miscellaneous contents
(items without a
) of an object that is being examined. Note that if the item being examined is an openable container this lister also reports whether it is open or closed, even if it doesn’t contain anything, unless the item’s openStatusReportable property is nil. - openingContentsLister: displays the contents of an openable container when it is first opened. Note that in the English-specific part of the library (english.t) this lister is also responsible for reporting that the item has been opened when it is empty.
- lookInLister: lists the contents of an object in response to LOOK IN/UNDER/BEHIND.
- simpleAttachmentLister: lists the items attached to a SimpleAttachable.
- plugAttachableLister: lists the items plugged into a PlugAttachable.
- CustomRoomLister: A lister that can be readily customized to tailor the text before and after the list of miscellaneous items in a room description. For further details see the chapter on Room Descriptions.
- subLister: The subLister is used by other listers such as
to show the contents of listed items in parentheses (e.g. ‘(in which is a pen, a pencil and a piece of paper)’). The depth of nesting is limited by the subLister’s maxNestingDepth property (which defaults to 1). Note that this lister is defined in english.t, not lister.t. - remoteSubContentsLister: the default Lister for listing the miscellaneous contents of objects in a remote location.
- finishOptionsLister: The lister used to list the options from which the player can choose when the game comes to an end. Note that this is defined in english.t, not lister.t, and that it descends from Lister but not ItemLister.
Note that all but the last of the above descend from ItemLister.
Customizing Listers
Customizing a lister is basically a matter of overriding one or more of
the methods and properties described above. Most typically you might
want to change the way a list is introduced or concluded by overriding
. You might want to do this
globally, in which case you can just modify the lister concerned, for
modify lookLister
showListPrefix(lst, pl, parent)
"Lying on the floor <<if pl>>are<<else>>is<<end>> ";
showListSuffix(lst, pl, parent)
". ";
This would then affect the way in which miscellaneous items were listed in every room in the game. More typically, though, we might want to affect the way things are listed in a particular room or on a particular object, in which case we can override the appropriate property of Thing to point to a custom Lister object:
- roomContentsLister: The contents lister to use for listing this
room’s miscellaneous contents. By default we use the standard
but this can be overridden to use a CustomRoomLister (say) to provide just about any wording we like. - remoteContentsLister: The contents lister to use for listing this
room’s miscellaneous contents when viewed from a remote location. By
default we use
. - examineLister: The lister to use to list this item’s contents when
it’s examined. By default we use
. - myOpeningContentsLister: The lister to use when listing this
item’s contents when it’s opened. By default we use the
. - myLookInLister: The lister to use when listing the objects inside
this item in response to a LOOK IN or SEARCH command. By default we
use the
. - myLookUnderLister: The lister to use when listing the objects
under this item in response to a LOOK UNDER command. By default we use
(note this is not an error; the default lookInLister uses whatever preposition is appropriate to the item). - myLookBehindLister: The lister to use when listing the objects
behind this item in response to a LOOK BEHIND command. By default we
use the
(note this is not an error; the default lookInLister uses whatever preposition is appropriate to the item). - myInventoryLister: The lister to use when listing this object’s
inventory. By default we use
. - myWornLister: The lister to use when listing what this object is
wearing. By default we use
. - attachmentLister: The lister to use when listing what is attached
to a
. By default we usesimpleAttachmentLister
. On aPlugAttachable
we instead useplugAttachableLister
To make use of these properties, you’d typically define your own custom lister based on the appropriate one from the library, and then attach it to the relevant property, probably as an anonymous object (unless you wanted to use the same custom lister on a number of different objects). For example, to customize the lister used when opening or looking in a box you could do something like this:
+ largeBox: OpenableContainer 'large box'
myOpeningContentsLister: openingContentsLister
showListPrefix(lst, pl, parent)
"On ripping open the box {i} discover{s/ed} ";
myLookInLister: lookInLister
showListPrefix(lst, pl, parent)
"Lurking inside the box <<if pl>>are<<else>>is<<end>> ";
For more information on customizing the way items are listed in room descriptions, see the chapters on Room Descriptions and (for remote rooms) SenseRegions.
Generating Lists
So far we have been looking at techniques for formatting lists once we have a list of objects to format. The other part of the process is generating the list of objects in the first place. This happens in various places in the library. It will not be appropriate to go into all of them in too much detail here. Instead we shall simply give an overview and refer the interested reader to the relevant parts of the Library Reference Manual for the nitty-gritty low-level detail.
The top-level method used to generate lists of objects for a room
description is the Thing method listContents(). This has to generate
not one but three lists: the list of items with specialDescs to show
before the miscellaneous items, the list of miscellaneous items, and the
list of items with specialDescs to show after the list of miscellaneous
items. For items with specialDescs the method then just runs through
each of the two lists showing the appropriate specialDesc or
initSpecialDesc, having sorted the list in order of the
specialDescOrder property. The list of miscellaneous items is
displayed in between the two lists of items with specialDescs using the
lister passed as a parameter to
), which defaults to
(itself a property of
Thing, which in turn defaults to lookLister
the actual Lister object employed, as noted above).
The listContents()
method is further
complicated by a number of other tasks it needs to perform, such as
listing the contents of the player character’s immediate location first,
if the player character is in a nested room, ensuring that hidden items
are excluded from the list, listing the contents of any remote locations
if the senseRegion.t module is present, noting that any items listed
have been seen by the player character, and listing any visible contents
of any of the items just listed that want their contents listed (for
which it calls the listSubContentsOf()
method). From this it can be seen that listContents() has a complex and
specialized task to perform, and is used only to generate the lists of
items to be shown in a room description.
The Thing method listSubcontentsOf(contList, lister) is, as just
mentioned, used to list the subcontents of the top-level contents of a
room, but is used elsewhere in the library as well and could conceivably
be called directly from game code. The contList parameter is supplied
as a list of items (or a singleton item) whose contents are in turn to
be listed. The optional lister parameter is the Lister object to be
used to list the subcontents; if this parameter is not explicitly
supplied it defaults to examineLister
is in turn a property of Thing which defaults to the
Lister objected, as noted
above). The listSubContentsOf() method sorts the list passed
to it in listOrder
order and then excludes
certain items from the list (those that are hidden, carried by an actor,
impossible to see inside, or empty). It then goes through each item than
remains in the list and divides it contents into objects with
specialDescs to be listed before miscellaneous contents, the
miscellaneous contents, and objects with specialDescs to be listed after
the miscellaneous contents, excluding all objects that are hidden or
already mentioned. Those items with specialDescs thus have their
specialDescs shown, while any miscellaneous items are listed using the
lister that was passed as the second parameter to
. Finally, the contents of
all these items are then listed with a recursive call to
. This may sound quite
complicated, but the effect is to produce a complete list of everything
that should be listed arranged in the correct order with specialDescs
uses as appropriate and the listing carried on to the depth of nesting
needed to list every visible object within the containment hierarchy of
the list originally passed to
. In short,
is the method to use to
list the complete contents of anything (or a list of anything) that
isn’t a room.
In addition to being called from
is the method used to list
the relevant contents of objects in response to an EXAMINE command (via
the examineStatus() method), an OPEN command (when opening a
container reveals its contents) and a LOOK IN, LOOK UNDER or LOOK BEHIND
command. In the case of these last four commands,
is called from the
action() section of the relevant dobjFor()
Analogous methods are used to generate lists of items visible in remote
locations when showing a room description. In particular the Thing
method listRemoteContents(lst, lister, pov) overridden in
senseRegion.t is used to list a set of items in lst from the point of
view of an actor pov using the Lister lister. In essence it does
much the same job for a remote location as
does for the player character’s
immediate location, but is only relevant when two or more locations are
connected by sight within a SenseRegion.
Lists are also generated and/or used at various other places in the
library, such as in the definition of the
action, the processOptions(lst)
function used to display a list of options at the end of the game, a
couple of places in actor.t that show lists of suggested topics, the
method of the
class and its subclasses (to
list the attached objects), and the
method of the
object (used to show a list of
achievements). Interested readers are referred to the
Library Reference Manual for details.
List-Related Functions
The language-specific part of the library (in english.t) defines a number of list-related functions that are used by the library and are also available to user code:
- makeListStr(objList, nameProp = &aName, conjunction = ‘and’):
Takes a list of objects supplied in objList and return a formatted
list in a single quoted string, having first sorted the items in
objList in the order of their
property. If the nameProp parameter is supplied, we’ll use that property for the name of every item in the list; otherwise we use theaName
property by default. By default the last two items in the list are separated by ‘and’, but we can choose a different conjunction by supplying the conjunction parameter. - orList(lst): Returns a printable list of strings separated by “or” conjunctions (e.g. if lst is supplied as [‘a duck’, ‘a rabbit’, ‘a partridge’] the function will return ‘a duck, a rabbit and a partridge’). Note that the lst parameter should be supplied as a list of strings, not object, and the function returns a single string.
- andList(lst): this is similar to
, except that it returns a printable list of strings separated by “and” conjunctions. - genList(lst, conj): the general list constructor used by
; lst is the list of strings to be formatted into a single list, and conj is the oonjunction to use, supplied as a single-quoted string. - mergeDuplicates(lst): service function used by
); takes a list of strings of the form [‘a book’, ‘a cat’, ‘a book’] and merges the duplicate items to return a list of the form [‘two books’, ‘a cat’]. - makeCountedPlural(str, num): service function used by
; takes the string representation of a name (str) and a number (num) and returns a string with the number spelled out and the name pluralised, e.g.makeCountPlural('a cat', 3)
-> ‘three cats’. Also deals with the more complex cases such asmakeCountedPlural('(taking the coin)'), 3)
-> ‘(taking three coins)’; i.e. the function substitutes the number for the first occurrence of an article, if there is one. - stripArticle(txt): service function used by
; removes any definite or indefinite article that occurs at the beginning of txt, and returns the resultant string in lower case.
adv3Lite Library Manual
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Final Moves > Lists and Listers