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Suggesting Conversational Topics

Many players hate ‘guess the topic’ puzzles almost as much as they hate ‘guess the verb’. One way to avoid such annoyances is to provide the player a list of conversational topics s/he can fruitfully pursue, either in response to a specific request (the TOPICS command) or when the library or the game code thinks it a good idea. You certainly don’t need to provide the player with a list of every available topic, since in a game with quite fully-implemented NPCs the list of every available topic might be overwhelming. Moreover, in some games the topics to be pursued may be so obvious that there’s no need to suggest them at all (in which case there’s no need to use the facility to suggest topics). Often, however, it may be helpful to nudge the player towards the most fruitful topics of conversation at any one moment, and the best way to do that may be to provide a list of topics. If we are using any SayTopics and/or QueryTopics in our game, we must do this in any case, since the player cannot be expected to guess the wording that would trigger them.

The suggestedTopicLister has a hyperlinkSuggestions property. If this is set to true then (provided the player is using an HTML-capable interpreter) the list of topic suggestions will be hyperlinked, allowing players to select a suggested topic just by clicking on the link. By default this property is nil unless the Command Help extension is present.

In the adv3 library you have to mix in your TopicEntry class with a SuggestedTopic class in order for it to be suggested. In adv3Lite you simply define the name property of the TopicEntry in question. This can be done in either one of two ways:

  1. Define the name property explicitly, e.g. name = 'the troubles'.
  2. Define the name implicitly by setting the autoName property to true. This sets the name property of the TopicEntry to the theName property of its matchObj (or of the first object in its matchObj list if matchObj is defined as a list). If you’ve explicitly defined the name property or there is no matchObj, setting autoName to true has no effect.

The following two definitions are therefore equivalent (assuming the darkTower object has a name of ‘dark tower’):

    + AskTopic @darkTower
       "<q>Tell me about the dark tower,</q> you insist.\b
        <q>Oh no!</q> says Bob. <q>We don't talk about that -- ever!</q>"
        name = 'the dark tower'

    + AskTopic @darkTower
       "<q>Tell me about the dark tower,</q> you insist.\b
        <q>Oh no!</q> says Bob. <q>We don't talk about that -- ever!</q>"
        autoName = true

In either of the above examples the dark tower would be presented as something the player could ask about (‘You could ask Bob about the dark tower…’), because it’s obvious that an AskTopic has to be asked about. With compound types of ActorTopicEntry (e.g. AskTellTopic) it’s not so obvious whether it should be suggested as something to ask about or tell about. In cases such as these the library simply makes a default choice (for example, an AskTellTopic would be suggested as something to ask about), but if the library’s default choice isn’t what you want in any particular case you can override it by using the TopicEntry’s suggestAs property to indicate how the topic should be suggested. For example, to make the game suggest ‘You could tell Bob about your visit’ with an AskTellTopic you could so the following:

    + AskTellTopic @tVisit
       "<q>I visited the dark tower this morning,</q> you announce.\b
        <q>You shouldn't have done that, you really shouldn't,</q> Bob
        replies with a shudder. "
        autoName = true
        suggestAs = TellTopic


    tVisit: Topic '()your visit; my;' ;

If you want to control the order in which topics are suggested, you can do so by using the listOrder property of an ActorTopicEntry; the higher this number, the later the topic will be placed in a list of suggestions relative to other topics of the same time (e.g. an AskTopic with a listOrder of 110 will be suggested after an AskTopic of a listOrder of 100, the default value). Note that this re-ordering only takes place within each group (e.g. suggested topics to ask about or suggested topics to tell about). If you wish to change the order in which the groups (say, query, ask, tell, etc.) are suggested, you can override the typeInfo property of the suggestedTopicLister to change the order of elements.

The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested

Defining the name or autoName property on an ActorTopicEntry does not mean it will necessarily be suggested. For a conversational topic to be suggested each of the following conditions must also be true:

  1. The isActive property must be true.
  2. The activated property must be true.
  3. The curiosityAroused property must be true (it is true by default).
  4. The curiositySatisfied method must return nil.
  5. The ActorTopicEntry in question must be reachable.

The curiosityAroused property is defined in addition to the isActive property to allow for topics that you want the player to be able to refer to, but you don’t want to suggest them yet (because they’re not that important to suggest until something else happens). To make use of the curiosityAroused property you can either define it declaratively (e.g. curiosityAroused = me.hasSeen(darkTower)) or set it to nil initially on one or more TopicEntries and then use the <.arouse key> tag to set the curiosityAroused property to true for every ActorTopicEntry belonging to the current interlocutor whose convKeys property matches (or contains) key. You can achieve the same effect by calling arouse(key) on the actor (which is what the <.arouse key> tag does).

The curiositySatisfied property allows the topic to stop being suggested once the player character has seen the response enough times. What counts as enough times is defined on the timesToSuggest property. By default this is 1 unless the TopicEntry is an EventList, in which case timesToSuggest is the number of items in the eventList property (eventList.length). You can easily override these defaults if you wish or else set timesToSuggest to nil if you want the TopicEntry to carry on being suggested indefinitely. Alternatively, you could override curiositySatisfied so that it becomes true according to some other condition.

If, however, an ActorTopicEntry defines a non-nil keyTopics property, then curiositySatisfied works a little differently. In this case, the function of the ActorTopicEntry is simply to suggest one or more further subtopics, so its curiosity is considered satisfied if and only if it has no subtopics to suggest (usually because they all have their curiositySatisfied).

An ActorTopicEntry is reachable if using the suggestion (e.g. ASK BOB ABOUT DARK TOWER when told ‘you could ask Bob about the dark tower’ would actually trigger this particular TopicEntry. Reasons why it might not do so include:

The isReachable() method of ActorTopicEntry attempts to test for all these conditions (ultimately by testing whether the current ActorTopicEntry is currently the best match for its matchObj, if it doesn’t fail other tests first) to try to ensure that the player is not presented with conversation suggestions that are currently unavailable.

Note that while the five numbered conditions above are jointly necessary for a topic to be suggested, they may not be jointly sufficient, since there are other restrictions that game authors can place on what topics are suggested at any given moment.

Normally, all the topics that meet the five numbered conditions would be displayed in response to an explicit TOPICS command (or TALK TO X command), but game authors can restrict even this by overriding the actor’s suggestionKey property. If this is set to something other than nil, then only those TopicEntries whose convKeys property matches or contains the suggestionKey (and that also meet all the other conditions) will be listed as suggestions. We shall now go on to discuss one situation in which this might be useful (although game authors may of course think of others).

TopicEntries that Suggest Other Topics

When an ActorTopicEntry matches a player’s conversational command, it normally responds by displaying its topicResponse (or by executing its topicResponse method). An ActorTopicEntry can instead be defined to display a further list of more specific topics. We saw an example of this in the previous section:

>talk about the dark tower
You could ask Bob when the tower was built, or why the tower is scary, or tell him
about your visit, or say you think he's exaggerating.

Setting this up is quite straightfoward. You just define the keyTopics property on the ActorTopicEntry to contain a key or a list of keys (single-quoted strings) that will be matched by the convKeys property of the TopicEntries you want to suggest. For example:

    + AskTellTalkTopic @darkTower
        keyTopics = 'dark-tower'
        autoName = true

    + TellTopic @tVisit
       "<q>I visited the dark tower earlier..."
        convKeys = 'dark-tower'
        autoName = true    


One potential problem with this is that both the AskTellTalkTopic and the topics it suggests would be listed in response to a TOPICS command, which might seem redundant, or even as presenting the player with too much information at once. For this reason, if you were defining a whole lot of TalkTopics (say) that went on to suggest further subtopics you might prefer it if the TOPICS command only listed the top-level TalkTopics, leaving the TalkTopics to suggest their sub-topics. The topic suggestions could then act a little like a two-tier menu.

To implement this scheme you would give all your top-level topics a common convKey (such as ‘top’) and then define that key on the suggestionKey property of the actor. For example:

    bob: Actor 'Bob; worried; man; him' @store
      suggestionKey = 'top'
    + AskTellTalkTopic @darkTower
        keyTopics = 'dark-tower'
        convKeys = 'top'
        autoName = true

    + TellTopic @tVisit
       "<q>I visited the dark tower earlier..."
        convKeys = 'dark-tower'
        autoName = true    

Note that if you do this, bob’s suggestionKey isn’t set in stone; it can be changed at run-time to anything else (including nil, which removes the restriction on what topics to suggest) simply by executing the statement bob.suggestionKey = 'another-key' or bob.suggestionKey = nil, or equivalently using the tag <.sugkey another-key> or <.sugkey nil>.

It should be emphasized once again that there is absolutely no reason to use this scheme if you don’t want to; in many games it probably wouldn’t be convenient; but it is one of the reasons for introducing a separate TalkTopic (for use at the top-level of such a scheme in a way that clearly distinguishes top-level topics and suggestions from the sub-topics that fall underneath). It should also be emphasized that game authors are, of course, free to use the tools described here in any way they wish; they are certainly not restricted to this particular scheme.

One alternative to using a scheme involving top-level topics is to activate or arouse curiosity concerning a group of topics just prior to suggesting them via keyTopics. To facilitate this the list of strings defined on a keyTopics property is allowed to include control tags such as <.activate key> or <.arouse key> that can activate or arouse curiosity concerning a group of topics just before they’re due to be suggested. This avoids the need to use a top-level suggestion key, but also makes the suggested sub-topics permanently available once they have been suggested (which may be what you want). For example, instead of defining a top-level suggestionKey on bob, we could make the dark tower’s subtopics initially inactive and then have the darkTower activate them just prior to suggesting them, like this:

    bob: Actor 'Bob; worried; man; him' @store
    + AskTellTalkTopic @darkTower
        keyTopics = ['<.activate dark-tower>', 'dark-tower']
        autoName = true

    + TellTopic @tVisit
       "<q>I visited the dark tower earlier..."
        convKeys = 'dark-tower'
        autoName = true
        activated = nil    

This would cause all the topic entries with ‘dark-tower’ as one of their convKeys to be activated just prior to their being suggested from the darkTower topic entry. Unless we took steps to make things work differently, they would then remain activated and would hence be suggested in any future topic inventory.

Other Ways of Suggesting Topics

It has already been mentioned in passing that the player can see a list of suggested topics (assuming there are any) by entering a TOPICS command. If you want to show the player an equivalent list of topics even though s/he hasn’t explicitly asked for them, you can do so by including a <.topics> tag in the output of a conversational response. This schedules the diplay of a topic inventory (a list of suggested topics) just before the next command prompt. As a variation on this you can use the <.suggest key> tag to schedule a list of all suggested topics whose convKeys match key. To list all available suggested topics, even when the list might otherwise be restricted by the actor’s suggestionKey property, use <.suggest all>.

One further way to display a restricted list of suggested topics is via the <.convnode node> tag, but we’ll discuss this in more detail when we come to look at Conversation Nodes.

adv3Lite Library Manual
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