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The Core Library > Things
If you’ve had any experience writing Interactive Fiction, especially with TADS (2 or 3) or with earlier versions of Inform (up to version 6, at any rate) you’ll know that a great deal of IF programming is taken up with defining objects. In the adv3Lite library the kind of object you’ll probably find yourself defining most often is the Thing, which represents a physical object in the game world. Every physical object in an adv3Lite game will either be a Thing or an object based on a subclass of Thing. The adv3 library has a very extensive hierarchy of classes derived from Thing. The adv3Lite library attempts to prune that hierarchy drastically so that just about any game object (with a few exceptions such as rooms, doors and keys) can be defined as a Thing. But if you prefer to do things the adv3 way (and that might make for more readable code, quite apart from other possible benefits), you can use many of the Thing classes (Container, OpenableContainer, KeyedContainer, Decoration, Surface, Platform, Distant, and the like) provided you include the module extras.t in your build (it will be included by default). All the class definitions do there, however, is define one or two properties on Thing you could just as easily define for yourself. In this section, we shall focus on how to define a Thing, and describe how to make a Thing behave like a Container, Surface, ComplexContainer, Platform, Wearable, Switch and so forth just by defining a few properties.
We shall start with the basic properties you’ll need to define on just about any thing, then discuss the containment properties, and then the other behavioural properties, sensory properties and a few other miscellanoeus properties. We shall not go into any depth on most of the properties and methods principally intended for internal use by the library; instead, we shall try to keep things as simple as we can.
Just one further note before we start looking at the properties of Thing (and this is extremely important because it will apply to everything else in adv3Lite): When we give the definition of a property, please play close attention to the type of data it should be defined with; common data types such as objects, numbers, single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings are not interchangeable, and if you try to define a property that requires one kind of data with data of a different type things won’t work as you expect. For example, the following three property definitions are anything but equivalent:
foo = bar // An object (or possibly an enum or variable or property name)
foo = 'bar' // a single-quoted string
foo = "bar" // a double-quoted string
If you don’t understand the distinctions being made above then you really should read Part III of the TADS 3 System Manual before going any further with this manual (or else start by working through the Tutorial); if you don’t observe these distinctions in the explanations that follow, then you may struggle to get your own code to work.
Basic Properties
The basic properties you need to define for a Thing in adv3Lite are its name, the vocabulary used to describe it, and its description. In the adv3Lite library the first two of these can be defined in single property, the vocab property. So, for example, to define a red ball you might write:
redBall: Thing
vocab = 'red ball;bouncy rubber; sphere'
desc = "It's very bouncy, and appears to be made of rubber. "
Note how the vocab property works. First we supply the name of the object (‘red ball’), then, following the first semicolon we supply any additional adjectives the object might be known by (here ‘bouncy’ and ‘rubber’) and then, after the second semicolon, any additional nouns the player might use to refer to the object. Note that by naming it ‘red ball’ before the first semicolon we automatically ensure that the player can refer to it as ‘red ball’ (or just ‘red’ or ‘ball’). In this case the library assumes that ‘red’ is an adjective and ‘ball’ is a noun, because it assumes that the last word in the name is the noun and that all the words before it are adjectives. It is perfectly possible to override this assumption if you wish; for the full story on what you can do with the vocab property see below (it is quite a bit more sophisticated than the brief account given here may suggest, but the brief account will do for now). One further thing to note, however, is that the adv3Lite parser (or rather the Mercury parser that adv3Lite incorporates) is quite relaxed about the order in which the player enters words to describe an object, so the vocab property can readily be used to define odd names and vocabulary such as ‘Cranky the clown’ or ‘S and P magazine’ directly, without having to jump through any further hoops. Again, see below on the full account of the vocab property for further details.
In practice, though, we’d normally use the Thing template to define these basic properties, so in a real game our red ball definition would normally look like this:
redBall: Thing 'red ball;bouncy rubber; sphere'
"It's very bouncy, and appears to be made of rubber. "
If the name doesn’t uniquely identify the object — say because there were two red balls in our game, the bouncy red rubber ball and a cricket ball — we can define the disambigName property to distinguish them when the parser asks the player to disambiguate which ball s/he means (we definitely don’t want the parser to ask “Which do you mean, the red ball or the red ball?’”). In this admittedly artificial example, we would need to define a disambigName on our redBall object so:
redBall: Thing 'red ball;bouncy rubber; sphere'
"It's very bouncy, and appears to be made of rubber. "
disambigName = 'bouncy rubber ball'
Normally, though, this should not be necessary.
We can also define the following properties broadly related to the object’s name, although judicious use of the vocab property will normally make it unnecessary to use many of these explicitly:
- name (A single-quoted string) Explicity defining the name (short name) property will override any name the library would otherwise have inferred from the vocab property.
- proper (true or nil) Signifies that the object has a proper name (e.g. John Smith). If the first part of the vocab property is defined entirely with capitalized words this will be set to true automatically.
- qualified (true or nil) Signifies that although this object does not have a proper name, its name should not be preceded by an article (such as ‘the’ or ‘a’). We can achieve the same effect by starting the first section of the vocab property (the name part) with ‘()’.
- plural (true or nil) Set this to true if the object has a plural name (e.g. ‘stairs’). The same effect can be achieved by ending the vocab property (after the third semicolon) with ‘them’ (e.g. ‘stairs; steep; staircase; them).
- ambiguouslyPlural (true or nil) Signifies that his object can be
referred to with either a singular or plural pronoun, e.g. a pair of
shoes or a flight of stairs might be referred to as either ‘it’ or
‘them’. Whether it’s actually plural or singular (when the name is
used as the subject of a sentence, for example) depends on the value
of the
property. You can also set ambiguouslyPlural to true by including both ‘it’ and ‘them’ in the pronoun list at the end of the vocab property (e.g. ‘flight stairs; steep; staircase; it them). To make an ambiguouslyPlural object actually plural, list ‘them’ before any other pronoun. - massNoun (true or nil) Set this to true if the object’s name is that of a mass noun (e.g. sand or snow). In English we do not refer to ‘a sand’ or ‘a snow’ but to ‘some sand’ or ‘some snow’ (or just ‘sand’ and ‘snow’). The library will automatically set this to true if you define ‘some’ as the article in the vocab property (e.g. ‘some sand; fine yellow’).
- theName (single-quoted string) The form of the name with the definite article (e.g. ‘the red ball’), or simply the name if it’s a proper or qualified name (e.g. ‘John Smith’ or ‘Pride and Prejudice’). The library will normally get this right automatically, so you shouldn’t generally need to override it, though you may often want to use this property to refer to objects in the text of your own game code.
- aName (single-quoted string) The form of the name with the indefinite article (e.g. ‘a red ball’, ‘an orange’, ‘some ball bearings’). Again the library will normally get this right without any intervention from game authors, so you shouldn’t normally need to define this property (though you can if you need to), but you will probably want to use it to refer to or describe objects in your game code.
- owner (list of objects) A list containing the owner or owners of the object. This is for resolving possessives in the player’s input, such as BOB’S WALLET. By default, an object has no explicit owner, so this is an empty list. This should only return the explicit owner(s), not an implied locational owner. For example, if Bob is holding a key, it’s implicitly BOB’S KEY. However, the key may or may not still be Bob’s after he drops it. If the key is something that’s understood to belong to Bob, whether it’s currently in his physical possession or not, then this list should include Bob. An object can have multiple explicit owners, in which case it’ll be recognized with a possessive qualifier for any of the owners. The first owner in the list is the nominal owner, meaning its the one we’ll use if we’re called upon to display the object’s name with a possessive phrase.
- ownsContents (true or nil) Are we the nominal owner of the objects we contain? This controls whether or not we can be chosen as the nominal owner of a contained object for display purposes. If a contained object has no explicit owner, it can still be implicitly owned by an actor carrying it, or by another suitable container. (Note that this only applies as a default. When an item in our contents has an explicit owner, that will override the implied container ownership for that item. So, for example, Bob can be carrying Bill’s wallet, and as long as the wallet has its explicit owner set, we’ll still describe it as Bill’s despite its location.) By default, most objects are not nominal owners. Actors generally should set this to true, so that (for example) anything Bob is carrying can be described as Bob’s. ownsContents is thus nil by default on Thing but true by default on Actor.
- ownerNamed (true or nil) if this is true then the theName (but not the aName) property of this object will be followed by its name preceded by the possessive form of its owner’s name, e.g. “Bob’s wallet” or “Jane’s mouth”. This may be particularly useful in defining body parts, but is potentially useful in any situation where an object has a specific owner (and can in any case be referred to as “Bob’s wallet” or “Jane’s mouth” by the player) and we want to include the name of the owner when referring to the specific object in game output, e.g. “You take Bob’s wallet” (it was lying on the table) but “Bob is carrying a wallet”.
- abcName(action, role): Announce Best Choice name. This can be used in those rare cases where you want to override the name the parser uses to describe an object when announcing its best choice of object. For example, if you have a bottle of wine from which you can fill a glass, you might prefer ‘(with wine from the bottle)’ to ‘(with the bottle of wine)’ following FILL GLASS; action is the action being carried out for which the object has been chosen and role (DirectObject or IndirectObject) is the role the chosen object is playing in the action. By default this method just returns theName.
- matchName(toks) (method returning an integer) Normally the parser will match this object if the player’s command refers to it with one or more words defined in this object’s vocab object, regardless of the order in which the words appear, but preferring nouns to adjectives. In most cases this will be absolutely fine, but if you should want to enforce some other way of matching the name of this object (for example, because the precise order of words is important or you want to match a particular phrase), then this is method to override on that particular object. For details, see the comments on Mentionable.matchName() in thing.t. In brief, if you want to signal that a particular set of tokens represents a good match as a noun phrase, your custom matchName(toks) nethod should return (MatchNoTrunc | MatchNoApprox | MatchNoun); return 0 to indicate that there’s no match.
- filterResolveList(np, cmd, mode) (method
returning nothing) Allows a Thing (or Topic) to filter itself or other
objects out of the list of possible matches while the parser is in the
process of selecting the object or objects to which a command refers.
The list of matches under consideration is given in
, so this would be the list to manipulate (the actual objects are found in the obj property of each item in the matches list). Thecmd
parameter is the current Command object, socmd.action
would give the action about to be performed. Themode
parameter refers to the type of match being sought, and can be one ofDefinite
(the command ask for a specific object or objects, such as TAKE THE RED BALL),Indefinite
(the command asks for a non-specific object, such as TAKE A BALL) orAll
(the command asks for all objects meeting a specification such as TAKE ALL or TAKE BALLS). For a fuller explanation see below.
The other basic properties of Thing you will commonly use are:
- isFixed (true or nil) Determines whether this object is portable (isFixed = nil) or fixed in place (isFixed = true).
- isListed (true or nil) Determines whether this object is listed in a room description. By default this is true for portable objects and nil if isFixed = true. For a fuller account of properties that control what’s listed when see under the section on Room Descriptions.
- specialDesc (double-quoted string) If this property is defined (i.e. non-nil) then it will be shown as a separate paragraph in a room listing (regardless of the value of isListed). If used, this property should be defined as a double-quoted string.
- initSpecialDesc (double-quoted string) Like specialDesc, a double-quoted string defined on initSpecialDesc will be shown as a separate paragraph in a room listing, but only until the object has been moved (i.e. until the moved property becomes true).
- moved (true or nil) Becomes true when the object has been moved as a direct result of a player command such as TAKE, DROP or PUT IN. Note that using moveInto(loc) to move an object does not change the value of this property; it is set automatically only by actionMoveInto(loc).
- examined (true or nil) Becomes true when this object has been examined (NB this is equivalent to the described property in the adv3 library).
- opened (true or nil) Becomes true when this object has been opened
(via the makeOpen()) method; note that if an object starts out open
property won’t become true unless and until it’s closed and opened again. - desc (double-quoted string) The description of this object displayed in response to an EXAMINE command. This should be defined as a double-quoted string (or a method that displays some text) and is normally defined via the Thing template (as in the redBall example above).
- stateDesc (single-quoted string) This is a single-quoted string that can be used to display additional information (in response to an EXAMINE command) about an object that can change its state (e.g. become open or closed, or switched on and off). By default this is simply a null string on Thing, so it’s up to game authors to define any state-specific information they want here.
- seen (true or nil) Becomes true when the object has been seen by
the player character (the library should track this automatically, but
there may be occasions when you need to set this manually, for example
when moving an object into scope using the
method). - familiar (true or nil) This determines whether the player character knows of the existence of this object even if s/he has not yet seen it. This is relevant to whether the object can be referred to in Topic-related actions such as THINK ABOUT MAGIC ORB, LOOK UP ORB IN DICTIONARY OF MAGIC or ASK WIZARD ABOUT MAGIC ORB. Set this property to true for objects the player char is meant to know about at the start of the game, or use the gSetKnown(obj) macro to set it to true for objects the player character learns about during the course of the game.
- known (true or nil) Use this property to test whether the player character knows of the existence of this object. This property evaluates to true if either seen is true or familiar is true.
- lastSeenAt (object - usually a Room) The location where the player character last saw this object. Normally the library should keep track of this, but if for any reason you need to track it manually, call the noteSeen() method on the object in question.
- globalParamName (single-quoted string) A string tag used to refer to this object in a message substitution parameter.
- getFacets (list of objects) A list of Things that are facets of this Thing, for example the object representing the other side of the same door (the only case handled automatically by the library). The only effect is that if this object is set as a possible antecedent for a pronoun, then its facets are also set as possible antecdents for the same pronoun (so that, for example, a player can type OPEN DOOR, GO THROUGH DOOR and then X IT and the parser will recognize that IT now refers to the other side of the same door).
- isVehicle (true or nil) If true makes a Thing act as a vehicle; if the player issues a travel command while the player character is in (or on) an object for which isVehicle is true, then that object will travel with the player character in (or on) it.
- getOutToJump (true or nil): Flag, should an actor in/on me (assuming I’m a nested room) get out of me before executing an instransitive JUMP action? By default this is true.
Note that the account of known
and familiar
given above is slightly simplified. If you wish, you can define seenProp
and knownProp just as in the adv3 library in order to distinguish player
character knowledge from that of other actors. If you do so, make sure
that you set and test the seen property through setHasSeen(obj),
setSeen(), hasSeen(obj), and the known and familiar properties through
setKnowsAbout(obj), setKnown(), and knowsAbout(obj). The setSeen() and
setKnown() methods would be called on the object that has just been seen
or become familiar (and would make them seen by or known to the player
character). The other methods would be called on the actor who has just
seen or learned about the object in question. For a fuller explanation
of this and the knowledge model in general see the chapter on Player
Character and NPC Knowledge.
The filterResolveList()
method probably needs
a bit more explanation (although you can probably skip this first time
through, since it’s not often you’ll need to use it). It’s occasionally
useful for an object to rule itself or other objects out of selection
when the parser is choosing an object (or objects) to match the command
entered by the player. In the course of making the selection the parser
runs the selectObjects()
method on the
NounPhrase object it’s created to represent the noun phrase entered as
part of the player’s command (e.g. ‘the blue ball’). We don’t need to
worry too much about this, except to note (a) that the selectObjects()
routine calls filterResolveList(np, cmd, mode
on all the objects the parser is considering as possible matches and (b)
that the NounPhrase parameter is passed as the np parameter. This
NounPhrase object passed as the np parameter has at least three useful
- role either DirectObject or IndirectObject; the role (direct or indirect object) the noun phrase is being considered for.
- tokens a list of the tokens (e.g.
\['blue', 'ball'\]
) being matched by this noun phrase. - matches a list of the NPMatch objects being considered as possible matches.
In turn the NPMatch objects have a number of properties, of which the
most relevant is obj, the actual simulation object (Thing) being
matched. So, for example, from within a filterResolveList() method, the
first game simulation object being considered for a match would be
Suppose, for example, we wanted an object to rule itself out of being
matched. We could do this by making it adjust the
list to remove the NPMatch object
corresponding to itself:
filterResolveList(np, cmd, mode)
np.matches = np.matches.subset({m: m.obj != self});
Here we change the np.matches
list to a subset
of that list that contains everything except the NPMatch corresponding
to the self
object; in other words we remove
from the
list. Remember that np.matches
doesn’t directly contain a list of Things, but rather a list of NPMatch
objects whose obj
property actually contains
the matching Thing.
You may wonder why we’d want an object to rule itself out like this. There’s probably no case in which we’d want to do it unconditionally, as in the simple example above, but we might want to do it conditionally. For example, the Unthing class, which we’ll meet later, represents the absence of something. We only ever want to match an Unthing if nothing else in scope will match, so we want the filterResolveList() method of an Unthing to rule itself out if there are any other matches:
class Unthing: Decoration
filterResolveList(np, cmd, mode)
if(np.matches.length > 1)
np.matches = np.matches.subset({m: m.obj != self});
In other situations we may want to filter according to what action is
being considered and/or what role (direct object or indirect object) the
potential matches are being considered for. The cmd and np parameters
can give us both pieces of information:
gives us the proposed action and
the proposed role (DirectObject or
Containment Properties
The Containment Model
The adv3Lite containment model is basically the same as that used by adv3. In particular an object can ‘contain’ a number of other objects, but only (with one or two exceptions to be noted below) via one containment type (e.g. In, On, Under or Behind). The initial location of an object is therefore the object that immediately contains it (either another Thing or a Room). As in the adv3 library you set the initial location of an object by specifying its location property, either directly, or through the template with an @ sign, or by using the + syntax to indicate the containment hierarchy. The three following definitions are thus equivalent:
hall: Room 'Hall'
box: Thing 'box'
contType = In
location = hall
redBall: Thing 'red ball;bouncy rubber; sphere'
"It's very bouncy, and appears to be made of rubber. "
location = box
Means exactly the same as:
hall: Room 'Hall'
box: Thing 'box' @hall
contType = In
redBall: Thing 'red ball;bouncy rubber; sphere' @box
"It's very bouncy, and appears to be made of rubber. "
Which means exactly the same as:
hall: Room 'Hall'
+ box: Thing 'box'
contType = In
++ redBall: Thing 'red ball;bouncy rubber; sphere'
"It's very bouncy, and appears to be made of rubber. "
The + syntax can be used to nest containment up to any desired depth.
Note that while you need to use one of these methods to set the initial location of an object, you should not (normally) change the location property of an object in game code thereafter. To move an object around under programmatic control, use either the moveInto(loc) or actionMoveInto(loc) methods. The difference between the two is that moveInto(loc) simply moves the object into a new location and adjusts the contents properties of the old and new locations accordingly, without triggering any notifications. It is the method you will typically want to use to move things about by authorial fiat. The actionMoveInto(loc) method additionally triggers the notifyRemove(obj) and notifyInsert(obj) on the old and new locations respectively and sets the object’s moved property to true. This is the method you would typically use to move an object in direct response to a player command that explicitly requests the object to be moved (such as TAKE or DROP). Note that in this case the notifyInsert(obj) and/or notifyRemove(obj) method can prevent the movement via use of the exit macro if for some reason it should not go ahead.
As in the adv3 library it is perfectly legal to move an object into nil to move it off-stage, or to leave its initial location as nil if it is meant to start out off-stage.
Defining containment type with the contType property
The type of containment an object implements is defined by its contType property. This can be one of:
- Outside (the default): any contents of the object are effectively external components.
- In The contents of the object are regarded as being inside it (equivalent to an adv3 Container). If you define contType = In you may also want to define isOpen = true to ensure that the contents are accessible.
- On The contents of the object are regarded as being on top of it (equivalent to an adv3 Surface)
- Under The contents of the object are regarded as being underneath it (equivalent to an adv3 Underside)
- Behind The contents of the object are regarded as being behind if (equivalent to an adv3 RearContainer)
- Carrier The portable contents of the object are regarded as being carried by it (this is the contType to use for the player character and any other actors).
If you look at the code in thing.t you’ll note that the libary defines several other containment types (LocType objects) including Held, Worn, PartOf and Attached. At the moment none of these actually does anything; they’ll either be removed or implemented in a later version of the library; you should certainly not attempt to use them as contTypes for for now. That said, there is also a locType method which returns an object’s containment relation to its immediate container. Usually this is the same as its container’s contType, but for objects that are being carried or worn it is either Held or Worn respectively; so although you should never set any property to either Held or Worn, you can test whether an object’s locType is either Held or Worn.
If you prefer to use adv-style classes (Container, Supporter etc.) to define containment types you can, provided extras.t is included in your build. Note that just about all these classes do is define the relevant contType property you would otherwise define on Thing (the Container class also defines isOpen = true). Using these adv3-type classes may nevertheless help to make your code more readable, and may be useful in situations where it’s useful to test the class of an object. Which way you do it is up to you.
Often the only (or main) reason to place objects under or behind something in Interactive Fiction is to hide them from view until the player explicitly looks for them (with LOOK UNDER or LOOK BEHIND) or incidentally reveals them by moving the object they were previously concealed under or behind. To handle this common situation Thing provided three properties, hiddenIn, hiddenUnder and hiddenBehind, that can be used for this purpose without having to make the object an In, Under or Behind type container. To use hiddenIn, hiddenUnder or hiddenBehind, simply define one of these properties as a list of objects hidden in, under or behind the object in question. Then, when the player looks in, under or behind the object (or moves it by taking it, for example), the hidden items will be revealed and either moved into the object’s location (or former location, if it has just been moved) or automatically taken by the player character. For example, to hide a gold coin and a silver key under a rug, you could define the rug thus:
rug: Thing 'persian rug; old worn'
"The old rug has seen better days; it's now rather worn. "
hiddenUnder = [goldCoin, silverKey]
Note that in this case the location property of the goldCoin and the silverKey should be left at nil at the start of the game. Objects listed in a hiddenIn, hiddenUnder or hiddenBehind property are effectively off-stage until they are discovered.
These properties become perhaps even more useful when used in conjunction with an object that has another principal containment type. Suppose, for example, that the rug was something the player character could stand on, so that we wanted to make it a Platform (or define contType = On and isEnterable = true). We could then define it thus, without having to worry about how to make the rug handle multiple kinds of containment:
rug: Platform 'persian rug; old worn'
"The old rug has seen better days; it's now rather worn. "
hiddenUnder = [goldCoin, silverKey]
Three further related properties are canPutInMe, canPutBehindMe and canPutUnderMe, which are by default are true if the object in question has the appropriate contType and nil otherwise. If they are true, then the player will be allowed to PUT something IN, BEHIND or UNDER this object. If the object has the appropriate contType (In, Behind or Under respectively) then the item in question will be moved into the object (its location will be set to the object and it will be added to the object’s contents list). If not, the item in question will be moved into nil (i.e. off-stage) and the item will be added to the hiddenIn, hiddenBehind or hiddenUnder property list as appropriate. (Note: hiddenIn might be used for something concealed in an object like a pile of junk or a haystack that isn’t a container in the normal sense, but semi acts as one for this kind of purpose). Note that there is no canPutOnMe property, since the hiddenOn property that would then be needed wouldn’t make much sense, and it wouldn’t make any sense to allow game authors to override the rule that items can be put on an object if and only if its contType is On.
It’s also possible to control how much can be placed in hiddenIn,
hiddenUnder and hiddenBehind lists through player commands with the
properties, maxBulkHiddenIn, maxBulkHiddenUnder and
maxBulkHiddenBehind that limit the amount that can be but in, under
or behind an object that ends up in hiddenIn, hiddenUnder or
hiddenBehind list. The corresponding methods
return the total bulk of
the items currently contained in the corresponding lists.
One potential problem with the hiddenUnder and hiddenBehind properties is where the objects they contain should end up when the player character looks under or behind the objects that notionally conceal them. If the concealing object has the appropriate contType (Under or Behind respectively), then the previously concealed objects can just be moved to the concealing object. Otherwise the default behaviour depends on whether or not the concealing object is fixed or portable. If the concealing object is fixed (which probably means it’s a piece of furniture like a bed or a cabinet), then the default behaviour is for the player character to take the objects that have just discovered in/under/behind it (since there isn’t anywhere else obvious for them to go). If the concealing object is portable then the default behaviour is to move the newly discovered objects into the concealing object’s location so that they become available to the player character to interact with; the idea is that if you look under a rug or a blanket, say, you do so by lifting a corner of the rug or blanket or shifting it a little, leaving the newly discovered item where it notionally was all along (in the same location as the concealing object).
If you want something concealed in, under or behind another object to remain in, under or behind that object when it’s discovered, then you need to define the concealing object as having the appropriate contType (In, Under or Behind as the case may be). If the concealing object also needs to be something you can put things on, then you’ll need to use the Complex Containment features described immediately below.
To give a more complete technical description: Tne autoTakeOnFindHidden property determines whether an object may be automatically taken when it’s moved from a hiddenIn, hiddenUnder or hiddenBehind list. The default value of autoTakeOnFindHidden is (isFixed), the idea being that if we look in, under, or behind something fixed (like a pile of junk or a piece of furniture) and there’s nowhere else for the objects discovered to go, we’ll probably take them, but that if we look under or behind something portable, like a rug or a blanket, we probably move the rug or blanket a little to do so and leave the item discovered where it notionally was all along (in the same location as the portable item we’ve just looked under/behind). The property findHiddenDest determines where an object is moved to from a hiddenXXXX list (when there’s no obvious container for it); by default if autoTakeOnFindHidden is true, then findHiddenDest is gActor (the actor who will take the items discovered), otherwise it’s the location of the object that’s just been looked in/under/behind. These properties are actually used in the three methods findHiddenIn(), findHiddenUnder(), and findHiddenBehind().
The sequence of events with LOOK UNDER X is as follows:
- If X has a contType of Under then this is the target object we’ll work with.
- Otherwise, if it has an associated remapUnder object, we’ll work with that.
- If the target object has a contType of Under then move everything from the hiddenUnder list to the target object and then list the contents of the target object as being underneath it (or say there’s nothing under it if there’s nothing there).
- Otherwise, if there’s anything in the hiddenUnder list, call findHiddenUnder().
- Otherwise, say there’s nothing there.
The findHiddenUnder() method then moves everything from the hiddenUnder list to findHiddenDest and displays an appropriate message.
LOOK IN X and LOOK BEHIND X work in much the same way (except with hiddenIn and hiddenBehind respectively and contTypes of In and Behind respectively).
This may all seem a bit complicated, but it should provide reasonable default behaviour most of the time, while being relatively easy to customize for exceptional cases.
The remapXXX properties and Multiple Containment
It sometimes occurs that we want one object to act as the container (or surface, underside, or rear) for another. A typical case would be a desk with a drawer, where we want certain commands directed to the desk, such as LOOK IN, PUT IN, OPEN, CLOSE, LOCK and UNLOCK to be redirected to the drawer. To that end we can use one or more of the following remapXXX properties (each of which should contain either an object or nil):
- remapIn Redirect LOOK IN, PUT IN, OPEN, CLOSE, LOCK, LOCK WITH, UNLOCK and UNLOCK WITH to this object.
- remapOn Redirect PUT ON to this object.
- remapUnder Redirect PUT UNDER and LOOK UNDER to this object.
- remapBehind Redirect PUT BEHIND and LOOK BEHIND to this object.
The remapXXX properties can be used in conjuction with the SubComponent class to define the equivalent of an adv3 ComplexContainer. For example, suppose we want to define an oven (or stove) the player character can put things in or on. We could do it like this:
cooker: Thing 'cooker;blackened;oven stove top'
"Normally, you keep it in pretty good shape (or your cleaner does) but right
now it's looking suspiciously blackened, especially round the top. "
isFixed = true
remapIn: SubComponent { isOpenable = true }
remapOn: SubComponent { }
Note that there’s no need to define the contType property on these
SubComponents, since the library can deduce what it should be from the
remapXXX properties to which they’re attached. In this case the only
additional property we needed to define was
isOpenable = true
on the remapIn SubComponent,
to make the cooker openable.
If we want an object to start off inside or on top of (or under or behind) a Thing with remapXXXX SubComponents, we do it in the same manner as in the adv3 library, i.e. by defining the contained objects subLocation property. Thus, for example, if there’s a pan on top of the stove we’d define it thus:
cooker: Thing 'cooker;blackened;oven stove top'
"Normally, you keep it in pretty good shape (or your cleaner does) but right
now it's looking suspiciously blackened, especially round the top. "
isFixed = true
remapIn: SubComponent { isOpenable = true }
remapOn: SubComponent { }
+ saucepan: Thing 'saucepan;;pan'
"It's absolutely blackened. It was obviously left on the stove too long --
perhaps that's what started the fire. "
subLocation = &remapOn
Bulk and BulkCapacity
Since it’s generally unrealistic to allow the player to put several large rocks into a small purse (for example), many games will want some kind of way of restricting what can be put in (or on, or under or behind) what. As in the adv3 library the principal means of doing this is via the bulk and bulkCapacity properties (along with the maxSingleBulk property, which by default is set to the bulkCapacity but which can be set to a lower value if required - note all three properties are integers). One object (A) can only be placed inside another’s (B) if A’s bulk is less than or equal to B’s maxSingleBulk and if the sum of A’s bulk and that of B’s existing contents is less than or equal to B’s bulkCapacity (in other words, if B has enough room left to accommodate A’s bulk). Similarly, the player character cannot pick up another object if that object’s bulk is greater than the player character’s maxSingleBulk or if picking up the object would take the player character’s total carried bulk over its bulkCapacity.
By default, everything has a bulk of 0 and a bulkCapacity of 10000, so by default the adv3Lite library effectively imposes no limits on carrying capacity. It is up to game authors to define bulk and bulkCapacity properties in ways that make sense in their games, which will in part depend on how finely granulated they wish the measure of bulk to be (in my view, adv3’s assignment of a bulk of 10 to actors is far too coarse-grained, but others may disagree).
Unlike the adv3 library, adv3Lite does not define a weight property and does not attempt to keep track of the total weight carried or contained. For most games, tracking bulk is usually sufficient.
Containment Properties and Methods
At this point it’s worth noting a handful of properties methods that can be used to check for containment:
- isIn(obj) Returns true if this object is directly or indirectly contained by obj (i.e. if obj is this object’s container, or this object’s container’s container, or this object’s container’s container’s container and so on). This method can also be used to test whether an object is in a particular Region.
- isOrIsIn(obj) Returns true if this object either is obj or is directly or indirectly contained in obj.
- isDirectlyIn(obj) Returns true is obj is this object’s immediate container (i.e. location == obj).
- getOutermostRoom Returns the room this object is in (even if this object is contained within an object inside the room).
- contents The list of all the things that are directly contained by the object.
- listableContents The subset of contents for which lookListed is true (i.e. the contents that would be listed via a LOOK command).
- allContents A list of everything directly or indirectly within this object (i.e. its contents plus its contents’ contents and so on).
- dropItemsBehind. If this is true (the default) then any items notionally behind this object will be left behind when the object is moved; if it is nil items behind the object will be moved with it.
- dropItemsUnder. If this is true (the default) then any items notionally under this object will be left behind when the object is moved; if it is nil items under the object will be moved with it.
- stagingLocation and exitLocation: The first of these is the location an actor must be in to enter/board this object (if it is enterable/boardable) just before doing so. The second (exitLocation) is where an actor leaving this object (by getting out/off) will end up. By default the stagingLocation is defined to be the same as the exitLocation, which in turn is either simply the location, or the location of the lexicalParent (if there is one).
Reaching In and Out
The method checkReach(actor) can be used to make an object
inaccessible to an actor, for reasons other than being in a closed
container. The checkReach()
method can, for
example, be used to model an object that’s too hot too touch or else out
of reach on a high shelf. The library considers an object to be
untouchable by actor if its
method displays anything.
Note, this only takes effect if the touchObj precondition is defined for
the action on the object in question.
If an object is put out of reach by checkReach(actor) then the default
behaviour is to put its contents out of reach as well. This is
controlled by the method checkReachIn(actor, target?), which, by
default, simply calls checkReach(actor)
. The
contents of the object are considered out of reach if its
method dislays anything at all.
The optional target parameter is the object that actor is actually
trying to reach, but note that this parameter is always supplied when
is called via
or via the
precondition (in other words, the
target parameter will always be supplied when
is called by other library
code, which is likely to be the most common situation).
If an object has contType = In
isEnterable = true
then an actor can get in
If an object has contType = On
isBoardable = true
then an actor can get on
In either case you may want to control what happens when an actor who is inside/on top of an object (e.g. while the actor is on a bed or chair) tries to reach an object elsewhere in the room.
For this purpose you can use allowReachOut(obj) and
autoGetOutToReach. These properties should be defined on the object
the actor is in/on. If allowReachOut(obj)
returns true for the obj the actor is trying to reach (the default),
then reaching is allowed. Otherwise, if
is true (the default) the
actor will try to get out of his/her immediate container to reach the
object. Otherwise (if autoGetOutToReach
nil) reaching is prohibited and a message is displayed saying that the
actor can’t reach the target object from his/her present location.
The property dropLocation defines where an item dropped by an actor immediately within an object should land. The default value of dropLocation is self.
Behavioural Properties
In addition to the various properties described above, an adv3Lite Thing has a number of properties that affect the way it behaves (which in the adv3 library would be implemented by defining various subclasses of Thing). The principal ones are:
isOpenable If true this object can be open and closed via the OPEN and CLOSE commands, and referred to as ‘open’ or ‘closed’ as appropriate.
isSwitchable If true this object can be switched on and off via the SWITCH ON and SWITCH OFF commands.
isWearable If true this object can be worn and taken off by the player character (or another actor) via the WEAR and DOFF commands.
isBoardable If true then the player character can get on this object, provided its contType property is On (make sure you remember to define an appropriate contType for the object if you set isBoardable to true).
isEnterable If true then the player character can get in this object, provided its contType property is In (make sure you remember to define an appropriate contType for the object if you set isBoardable to true).
isLightable If true this object can be lit and unlit via the LIGHT and EXTINGUISH commands and referred to as ‘lit’ or ‘unlit’ as appropriate.
isEdible If true this object can be eated, via an EAT command.
isDecoration If true, this object behaves like an adv3 Decoration (i.e. it responds to every command except EXAMINE with ‘The whatever is not important. ‘). This will be explained in a bit more detail below.
lockability This must be one of
(the default),lockableWithoutKey
(which means that the object can be locked or unlocked via a simple LOCK or UNLOCK command),lockableWithKey
(which means that the object can be locked or unlocked with the aid of the appropriate key or keys, on which see on Key below) orindirectLockable
, which means that the object can be locked and unlocked by some other means (e.g. by pressing a button or pulling a lever or entering the appropriate combination on a keypad). Note that if you define a non-nil keyList property on an object, its default lockability will be lockableWithKey and it will start out locked -
autoUnlock (nil by default) can be used to make the actor attempt to unlock a locked item (door or container) before attempting to open it, provided unlocking is straightforwardly possible (in other words it adds the objUnlocked Precondition to the opening action).
Note that since these are all defined as properties of Thing, they could in principle be changed at run time. There may be instances where this makes sense (e.g. when something is broken or repaired) but needs to be done with caution to avoid illogical or chaotic consequences. On the positive side, it allows these behavioural properties to be mixed and matched without having to employ multiple classes; for example a lifejacket that can be switched on to activate a distress becon can simply be defined with isWearable = true and isSwitchable = true.
A number of these behavioural properties imply the use of corresponding state properties (and in some cases, state-switching methods), in particular:
- isOpen The object is open if this is true and closed otherwise. If
you define a straightforward Container (contType = In) that isn’t
openable, you’ll probably want to define isOpen = true to make its
contents accessible. Use
to determine whether something is open or closed, and to define whether it starts out open or closed, but usemakeOpen(true)
to open and close an object programmatically during the course of a game. This ensures that the side effects of opening and closing (e.g. opening and closing the other side of a door) are properly dealt with. - isLocked The object is locked if this is true and unlocked
otherwise. Use
to determine whether something is locked or unlocked, and to define whether it starts out locked or unlocked, but usemakeLocked(true)
to lock and unlock an object programmatically during the course of a game. This ensures that the side effects of locking and unlocking (e.g. locking and unlocking the other side of a door) are properly catered for. - isOn If true the object is switched on, otherwise it is switched
off. Use isOn to check the on-off state and to set its initial value,
to switch it on and off programmatically during the course of the game. - isLit If true this object is lit (i.e. it provides sufficient
light to make everything in scope visible). Use isLit to check the
lit-unlit state and to set its initial value, but
to make it lit or unlit during the course of the game. - wornBy If this is nil the object is not currently being worn. If it is not nil it should be set to the identity of the actor (or player character) who’s currently wearing the object. Normally the library keeps track of this property automatically when the player issues WEAR and DOFF commands, but you may want to define the wornBy property of an object that starts out being worn by someone at the beginning of the game.
The properties associated with isDecoration require a slightly fuller explanation. The default behaviour of the library is to display the notImportantMsg of an object defined as a Decoration (i.e. for which isDecoration = true) for every action except Examine. By default the notImportantMsg is simply ‘The whatever is not important.’, but you can override this on individual objects (or modify Thing) to make it say something else. You can also change the actions which will be carried out on a decoration (rather than simply triggering the notImportantMsg) by overriding the object’s decorationActions, which should be set to the list of actions you want to allow. For example, extras.t defines a simple Odor class to represent something that can be smelled as well as examined:
class Odor: Thing
isDecoration = true
decorationActions = [Examine, SmellSomething]
notImportantMsg = BMsg(only smell, '{I} {can\'t} do that to a smell. ')
dobjFor(SmellSomething) asDobjFor(Examine)
Note that if you need additional behavioural or state properties you can always modify or subclass Thing to define them (or define them on the specific object that needs it them). For an explanation of BMsg() see the section on Messages.
The “behavioural” properties listed above are only a subset of the ones the adv3Lite library defines. For most (though not quite all) actions the library defines an isXXXable property to determine whether the object is a possible (or ‘logical’) target of an XXX action (e.g. isLightable, isPushable, isBurnable). For most of the actions that take two objects (e.g. CLEAN WITH, THROW AT) the library also defines corresponding canXXXme properties (e.g. canCleanWithMe, canThrowAtMe) which determine whether the object is a plausible indirect object of the command in question (e.g. something I can use to clean other things with, or something that can have other things thrown at it). In slightly more technical language, these properties define how the various verify methods behave.
Note that changing these other behavioural properties to true doesn’t necessarily make the corresponding action work, in most cases it merely allows the action to proceed to the next stage. It’s up to authors’ game code to define what happens when something is dug or cut or fastened or whatever, since in general the library can’t know how you want these things to work in your game.
Pseudo-Postural Properties
The adv3Lite library makes no attempt to track any actor’s posture (unless you use the postures extension), so for all practical purposes it makes no difference whether the player character is told to SIT, STAND or LIE on something; the end result is simply the same as BOARDing it or getting on it. There is therefore no need for game authors to worry about the difference between SIT ON, STAND ON, LIE ON or just GET ON.
That said, from a player perspective, some of these commands may seem
more natural with some objects than others. For example, it may seem
more natural to sit on a chair, lie on a bed, or stand on a stage.
Indeed, allowing the player to lie on a small stool may even seem a bit
odd. For that reason, if game authors so wish, they can control which
posture-specific commands will work with which objects. In particular
the properties canSitOnMe, canStandOnMe and canLieOnMe can
be used to control whether or not a SIT ON, STAND ON or LIE ON command
will work with the object in question (so that, for example, if you
wanted to you could allow the player character to sit or stand on the
stool, but not to lie on it). By default, all three of these properties
take their value from isBoardable
, so that if
you just want it possible for the player character to get on something
without being fussy about the command used to do, you can just set
isBoardable = true
and forget about these
other three properties.
If, on the other hand, you want even finer-grained control you can
exercise it through the properties sitOnScore, standOnScore and
lieOnScore, each of which has a default value of 100. These only
take effect if the corresponding canSitOnMe
property is true, but can then be
used to determine how suitable an object is for the action in question.
For example, while you can sit or stand on a bed, you’d most naturally
lie on it, so you might give it a lieOnScore of 120, a sitOnScore of 90
and a standOnScore of 70. Conversely you might give an armchair a
sitOnScore of 120 and a standOnScore of 70 (and perhaps a canLieOnMe of
nil); if there were several chairs in a room and one was the player
character’s favourite, you might give it a sitOnScore higher than that
of any other object in the room. The only purpose of all this is to
assist the parser’s choice of object, so that, for example, SIT ON CHAIR
does not produce a disambiguation question if one chair is meant to be
the player character’s favourite. These properties, along with
canXXXOnMe can also assist the parser in choosing a default object if
the player simply types SIT or LIE DOWN.
It should be stressed once more that you don’t need to specify any of this if you don’t want to, since the end result of SIT ON X, STAND ON X or LIE ON X is merely that of GET ON X. In certain circumstances, though, it may make for a slightly smoother player experience if various items of furniture are associated with the most appropriate forms of these otherwise synonymous commands.
Note that it’s only possible for an actor to GET ON (i.e. Board)
something, if the object in question (a) has
isBoardable = true
and (b) has a
contType = On
. You would normally achieve this
by making the object to be got on of the
class. If an object is not boardable
or if it doesn’t have a contType of On, defining canSitOnMe,
canStandOnMe or canLieOnMe on that object won’t make it possible for an
actor to SIT, STAND or LIE on it. So if you want to make an object an
actor can GET ON, SIT ON, LIE ON and/or STAND ON you should use the
class. The purpose of the canSitOnMe,
canStandOnMe and canLieOnMe properties is then to selectively disallow
sitting or standing or lying on an object the player can otherwise get
on by setting the corresponding property to nil. You cannot make it
possible for an actor to sit, lie or stand on something s/he couldn’t
normally board by overriding any of these properties to true, so there’s
seldom any good reason for doing this.
Sensory Properties
Thing defines a number of what might broadly be termed sensory properties:
- isTransparent If this is true then we can see through this object. This is only relevant on a (closed) container, whose contents we can see (but not touch) if it’s transparent.
- visibleInDark Set this to true for an object that can be seen in the dark without providing enough light to see other objects by. Examples might include the night sky or stars in an outside dark location.
- inDarkDesc. If this property is defined then it is displayed
instead of any other description (desc, stateDesc, contents
information and anything else) if
is true and the location is not lit. Note that if inDarkDesc is displayed examined is not set to true, since the object is not considered to have been examined properly;inDarkDesc
might typically be used to give a vague description of something that can only just be made out in the dark. (Note thatinDarkDesc
should be distinguished fromdarkDesc
, which gives the interior description of a dark room or nested room in the dark). - smellDesc A double-quoted string that contains the response to SMELL obj.
- listenDesc A double-quoted string that contains the response to LISTEN TO obj.
- feelDesc A double-quoted string that contains the response to FEEL obj.
- tasteDesc A double-quoted string that contains the response to TASTE obj.
- isHidden A true/nil flag. Setting this flag to true hides the object from view (by making it impossible for the player to refer to it and ensuring it doesn’t appear in any listings)
- discover() Calling this method sets
to nil, unless the method is called asdiscover(nil)
, in which case isHidden will be set to true. The parameter is optional; callingdiscover()
is equivalent to callingdiscover(true)
This may be a convenient point to note that any double-quoted string property can alternatively be implemented as a method that displays some text. This would allow you, for example, to write a method that varied what listenDesc (or any of the others) displayed according to circumstances.
A further point to note is that smellDesc and listenDesc are also used
to provide responses to intransitive SMELL and LISTEN commands. In
response to these commands the library displays the smellDesc or
listenDesc of every object in scope (including the Room) for which the
smellDesc or listenDesc is not nil. For this reason it is a good idea to
write your smellDesc and listenDesc descriptions in a manner than
identifies which objects they refer to. It is also not a good idea to
use message substitution parameters like
{the subj dobj}
in these properties, since if
they are being displayed in response to a intransitive SMELL or LISTEN
command (one without any object specified),
will have no meaning. If you need to
generalize such messages to work with more than one object use
You can however override this behaviour with the following two properties (which are both true by default):
- isProminentSmell smellDesc is only displayed in response to an intransitive SMELL command if this is true.
- isProminentNoise listenDesc is only displayed in response to an intransitive LISTEN command if this is true.
Miscellaneous Properties
- readDesc A double-quoted string (or method) that provides a response to READ obj. If this is left as nil a READ command will result in a response to the effect that there’s no lettering on the object. (This is different from the adv3 library which treats READ as equivalent to EXAMINE under such circumstances).
- objInPrep A single-quoted string containing the preposition describing containment within this object (e.g. ‘in’ or ‘on’). Normally the library takes this from the contType so you don’t need to worry about it, but if you want things to be described as being ‘inside’ rather than ‘in’ or ‘beneath’ rather than ‘under’ a particular object you can do so by overriding this property on the object in question.
- listOrder A number than determines the order in which items are listed; the list is sorted in ascending order of this property before it is displayed.
- fluidName A single-quoted string. If the same object is doing duty
for both a fluid container and the fluid in contains (e.g. an oilcan
which you might use as the target of a command to POUR OIL ON HINGES),
then the fluidName property can be used to supply the name of the
fluid (e.g. ‘oil’) to give better library default messages (e.g.
“You’d best not pour oil there” rather than “You’d best not pour the
oilcan there”). By default the
is simplytheName
. - hideFromAll(action) To exclude this item from the list of objects to be acted upon when the player types a command with ALL for action, override this method to return true for the action or actions concerned. Note that this exclusion is applied after the action has constructed its own list of objects that ALL should apply to, and can only be used to make further exclusions.
If you look at the code in thing.t you’ll see that it also defines listWith and groupOrder properties. These don’t actually do anything (they don’t appear anywhere else in the library code). They were defined in Mercury but, it seems, not implemented. Indeed if you look closely enough at the library code you’ll probably find several other properties and methods that either don’t do anything useful or are redundant because they duplicate other methods that do much the same thing. This has come about as a result of combining the Mercury code with the code I’d developed before coming across Mercury. At some future point I shall probably do some tidying up, but at the moment I’ve left things as they are in case some of the seemingly redundant code actually turns out to be useful or in case removing it inadvertently breaks something. The moral of this is that you should not rely overmuch on any properties or methods not documented in this manual in your own code (unless you’re sure that they are in fact integral to the operation of the library and thus not likely to change).
Pushing and Pulling Things Around
Occasionally in Interactive Fiction one comes across objects that can be pushed from place to place (rather than carried), such as a cart or a trolley. We refer to such items as travel-pushables, meaning that when they’re pushed both they and the actor pushing them may move to a new location (if travel isn’t prevented by some means). To make it possible to allow an object to be pushed around, define its canPushTravel property to be true. The actions that cause this to happen are called push-travel actions and fall broadly into two categories:
- Actions that push the direct object in a particular direction, e.g. PUSH TROLLEY NORTH.
- Actions that push the direct object in some relation to the indirect object, e.g. PUSH TROLLEY THROUGH DOOR or PUSH TROLLEY DOWN SLOPE.
Although the library provides basic reports of the effects of
push-travel, we may often wish to customize these messages. For the
first type of push-travel action (involving a direction) we can
customise the beforeMovePushable(connector, dir) method on the
object being pushed. This will be displayed just before the movement
takes place. Here connector is the TravelConnector being pushed
through and dir (e.g. northDir) is the direction the object is being
pushed in. For the second type (involving an indirect object) we can
override the describePushTravel(via) method on the direct object,
where the via parameter is the preposition applied to the indirect
object (e.g. Through
if the command was PUSH
TROLLEY THROUGH DOOR; note this is an object with the programmatic name
of Through
, not the string ‘Through’).
For either type of push-travel,
describeMovePushable(connector, dest)
called on the direct object after the actor arrives in the new room to
describe the arrival of the object in its new location (dest) after
being pushed via connector. Again we can override this to provide a more
colourful message than the library default.
If we want to prevent an object being pushed somewhere (e.g., up a
flight of stairs), we can usually do so by testing whether it’s been
passed as the traveler parameter on the
method of a
TravelConnector or
TravelBarrier and then returning nil from
that method if it has.
Normally, the library doesn’t distinguish between pushing something from
place to place and pulling it (except minimally, in the way the action
is described). PUSH TROLLEY NORTH and PULL TROLLEY NORTH mean exactly
the name thing. You can, however, change this behaviour by setting the
value of canPullTravel separately from that of
(normally the former takes its
value from the latter). If canPullTravel
true and canPushTravel
is nil, then the object
can be pulled from place to place but not pushed. Likewise, If
is true and
is nil, then the object can be
pushed from place to place but not pulled. The same action is being
attempted in either case, but the library decides whether the player
character is attempting to push or pull according to what the player
typed. This is decided via the two properties matchPushOnly and
matchPullOnly. In the main library these are both simply nil, but in
the language-dependent part of the library (english.t) they are
overridden to be true or nil depending on the first word of the player’s
The vocab Property in Detail
(Note, the following description is taken mostly from Mike Robert’s comments in the Mercury english.t file, with some modifications to reflect features modified in adv3Lite):
The vocab string is designed to make it as quick and easy as possible to define an object’s name and vocabulary. To the extent possible, we derive the vocabulary from the name, so for many objects the whole definition will just look like the object name. However, we also make it possible to define as much extra vocabulary beyond the name as needed, and to control the way the words making up the name are handled in terms of their parts of speech.
The ‘vocab’ string has this overall syntax:
vocab = 'article short name; adjectives; nouns; pronouns'
You don’t have to include all of the parts; you can simply stop when you’re done, so it’s valid, for example, to just write the ‘short name’ part. It’s also fine to include an empty part: if you have extra nouns to list, but no adjectives, you can say ‘short name;;nouns’.
The ‘article’ is optional. This can be one of ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘some’, or ‘()’. If it’s ‘a’ or ‘an’, and this differs from what we’d automatically generate based on the first word of the short name, we automatically enter the first word into the list of special cases for a/an words. If it’s ‘some’, we automatically set massNoun=true for the object. If it’s ‘()’, we set qualified=true (‘()’ means that the name doesn’t take an article at all).
Note that if you want to use ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘some’, or ‘()’ as the first word of the actual short name, you simply need to add the desired article in front of it: ‘an a tile from a scrabble set’.
The short name gives name that we display whenever the parser needs to show the object in a list, an announcement, etc.
If the short name consists entirely of capitalized words (that is, every word starts with a capital letter), and the ‘proper’ property isn’t explicitly set for this object, we’ll set ‘proper’ to true to indicate that this is a proper name. Actually, this seems to happen even when only the first word is capitalized, as for example ‘Persian rug’, so in a case like that it’s best to include an article (‘a Persian rug’) to ensure that the name isn’t treated as a proper name if you don’t want it to be.
We also try to infer the object’s vocabulary words from the short name. We first break off any prepositional phrases, if we see the prepositions ‘to’, ‘of’, ‘from’, ‘with’, or ‘for’. We then assume that the FIRST phrase is of the form ‘adj adj adj… noun’ - that is, zero or more adjectives followed by a noun; and that the SECOND and subsequent phrases are entirely adjectives. You can override the part-of-speech inference by putting the actual part of speech immediately after a word (with no spaces) in square brackets: ‘John[n] Smith’ overrides the assumption that ‘John’ is an adjective. Use [n] to make a word a noun, [adj] to make it an adjective, [prep] to make it a preposition, [weak] to make it a weak token and [pl] to make it a plural. These annotations are stripped out of the name when it’s displayed.
A weak token is a word that an object will allow in a match, but is not sufficient for a match if it appears alone. For example, the vocab string ‘his[weak] head’ would be matched by ‘head’ or ‘his head’ but not by ‘his’ alone. You can also specify weak tokens the adv3 way by enclosing them in parentheses, for example ‘(his) head’. Which way you do it makes no difference: the libary simply converts ‘(his) head’ into ‘his[weak] head’ before continuing to process the vocab string.
We consider ALL of the words in the short name’s second and subsequent phrases (the prepositional phrases) to be adjectives, except for the preposition words themselves, which we consider to be prepositions (and the weak tokens, which we consider simply to be weak). This is because these phrases all effectively qualify the main phrase, so we don’t consider them as “important” to the object’s name. This helps the parser be smarter about disambiguation, without bothering the user with clarifying questions all the time. When the player types “garage”, we’ll match the “key to the garage” object as well as the “garage” object, but if both objects are present, we’ll know to choose the garage over the key because the noun usage is a better match to what the user typed.
We automatically ignore articles (a, an, the, and some) as vocabulary words when they immediately follow prepositions in the short name. For example, in ‘key to the garage’, we omit ‘the’ as a vocabulary word for the object because it immediately follows ‘to’. We also omit ‘to’, since we don’t enter the prepositions as vocabulary. We do the complementary work on parsing, by ignoring these words when we see them in the command input in the proper positions. These words are really structural parts of the grammar rather than parts of the object names, so the parser can do a better job of recognizing noun phrases by considering the grammatical functions of these words.
For many (if not most) objects, the short name won’t be enough to state all of the vocabulary words you want to recognize for the object in command input. Trying to cram every possible vocabulary word into the short name would usually make for an unwieldy display name. Fortunately, it’s easy to add input vocabulary words that aren’t displayed in the name. Just add a semicolon, then the adjectives, then another semicolon, then the nouns.
Note that there’s no section for adding extra prepositions, but you can still add them. Put the prepositions in the adjective list, and explicitly annotate each one as a preposition by adding “[prep]” at the end, as in “to[prep]”.
Next, there’s the matter of plurals. For each noun, we’ll try to automatically infer a plural according to the spelling pattern. We also have a table of common irregular plurals that we’ll apply. For irregular words that aren’t in the table, you can override the spelling-based plural by putting the real plural in braces immediately after the noun, with no spaces. Start with a hyphen to specify a suffix; otherwise just write the entire plural word. For example, you could write ‘man{men}’ or ‘child{-ren}’ (although these particular irregular plurals are already in our special-case list, so the custom plurals aren’t actually needed in these cases). You can use plural annotations in the short name as well as the extra noun list; they’ll be removed from the short name when it’s displayed. We don’t try to generate a plural for a proper noun (a noun that starts with a capital letter), but you can provide explicit plurals.
For words longer than the truncation length in the string comparator, you can set the word to match exactly by adding ‘=’ as the last character. This also requires exact character matching, rather than allowing accented character approximations (e.g., matching ‘a’ in the input to ‘a-umlaut’ in the dictionary).
We automatically assume that plurals should be matched without truncation. This is because English plurals are usually formed with suffixes; if the user wants to enter a plural, they’ll have to type the whole word anyway, because that’s the only way you make it all the way to the suffix. You can override this assumption for a given plural by adding ‘~’ at the end of the plural. This explicitly allows truncated and character approximation matches.
Finally, the ‘pronouns’ section gives a list of the pronouns that this word can match. You can include ‘it’, ‘him’, ‘her’, and ‘them’ in this section. We’ll automatically set the isIt, isHim, isHer, and plural properties to true when we see the corresponding pronouns. If you include both ‘them’ and ‘him’, ‘her’ or ‘it’ we’ll automatically set the ambiguouslyPlural property to true (so that this object can match both singular and plural pronouns). If ‘them’ comes first in the list of pronouns we’ll also set the plural property to true (otherwise it will be nil).
Phrase Matching
Most of the time the adv3Lite parser doesn’t care about the order in which the player enters words to describe an object. LARGE GREEN BOX, LARGE BOX GREEN and BOX GREEN LARGE will all do just as well to match the large green box. Most of the time this flexibility is just what we want, making it easy to refer to objects whose names don’t match the standard adjective-noun pattern, and most of the time this will work perfectly well. Very occasionally, however, it may be important that an object matches only a particular combination of words or only the words in a certain order. This may be because the solution to a puzzle depends on the player getting the object name exactly right, or it may because some object names are such that this is the only way of distinguishing between them. In such cases we can use the matchPhrases property to place a further restriction on what input a particular object will match.
For example, suppose we have two green bottles, one called ‘green
bottle’ and the other called ‘dark green bottle’. When both bottles are
present there’d normally be no way of referring to the ‘green bottle’
object since anything the player can enter to refer to it could also
refer to the dark green bottle. One way to tackle this problem (the
other would be to give the green bottle a
) is to define the
property on the dark green bottle
so that it will match ‘dark green’ or ‘dark’ but not ‘green’ by itself:
++ greenBottle: Thing 'green bottle'
"It's just an ordinary green bottle. "
++ darkGreenBottle: Thing 'dark green bottle'
"It's a dark green bottle. "
matchPhrases = ['dark', 'dark green']
The rule is this: if any of the words in the noun phrase entered by the
player occur in any of the matchPhrases, then one of the matchPhrases
(i.e. that precise sequence of words) must occur somewhere in the noun
phrase for the noun phrase to match. In the example above the
darkGreenBottle will thus be matched by ‘dark’ or ‘dark bottle’ or ‘dark
green’ or ‘dark green bottle’ but not by ‘green’ or ‘green bottle’. The
noun phrase ‘green bottle’ will therefore be taken as matching the
object but not the
object. (The noun phrase
‘bottle’ by itself would match both bottles, since the word ‘bottle’
does not appear anywhere in the matchPhrases and so is ignored for the
purposes of phrase matching).
Note why we included ‘dark’ in the list of matchPhrases. If we hadn’t, then neither ‘dark’ nor ‘dark bottle’ would have matched the dark green bottle (despite referring to it unambiguously from the player’s point of view) since the word ‘dark’ appears in the ‘dark green’ phrase but the player’s command didn’t include the phrase ‘dark green’. By including ‘dark’ as a separate phrase we prevent the lone adjective ‘dark’ from being screened out by the phrase ‘dark green’.
Note also that the matchPhrases
doesn’t add anything to the vocab an object will match; any words that
appear in matchPhrases
must also appear
somewhere in the object’s vocb property or no match will occur. The
function of matchPhrases is simply to restrict what words or
combinations of words will apply to the object.
In the foregoing example we used the
property to distinguish between
objects where the vocab of one of them was a subset of the vocab of the
other. Another case might be where two objects share precisely the same
vocab words but in a different order, for example a green broad bean and
a broad green bean. We might handle this case thus:
++ broadGreenBean: Thing 'broad green bean'
"It's broad and green. "
matchPhrases = 'broad green'
matchPhrasesExclude = nil
++ greenBroadBean: Thing 'green broad bean'
"It's green and broad. "
matchPhrases = 'green broad'
matchPhrasesExclude = nil
In this example the matchPhrases
between the order in which the words ‘broad’ and ‘green’ must appear in
the player’s input for the match to occur. Note, incidentally, that if
we only want to specify one phrase we can specify it as a single-quoted
string; in that instance it doesn’t have to be a list. Note also the use
of the matchPhrasesExcludes
property here.
If matchPhrasesExcludes is true (the default), then failure to match
one of the phrases in the matchPhrases
property will cause the match to fail (as in the dark green bottle
example). If it is nil as here, however, then instead of the
property ruling out a match when
it fails to match, it enhances the match when it does match. That means
when only one bean is in scope it can be referred to as ‘bean’, ‘green
bean’, ‘broad bean’ and so forth without any difficultly, but if both
beans are in scope the player will get a disambiguation prompt unless
s/he specifies either the ‘broad green’ bean or the ‘green broad’ bean.
(This, incidentally, avoids a potentialy misleading ‘You see no green
bean here’ response if the player types X GREEN BEAN). Note, however,
that this score-boosting behaviour only applies to the original command;
any disambiguation will still use the exluding behaviour (otherwise
disambiguation would never succeed).
As a rule of thumb, matchPhrasesExclude = true
(the default) is the better option when one object’s vocab is a subset
of another’s (otherwise the player can never refer to the object with
the shorter vocab), while matchPhrasesExclude =
is the better option when two objects share the same vocab
distiguished by word order (since this relaxes the requirement for a
match when only one of the objects is in scope, and gives the player a
disambiguation prompt instead of a ‘You see no…’ message in response
to ambiguous input). This does mean, for example, that if the player
character takes the dark green bottle to another location where the
green bottle isn’t in scope, a command like X GREEN BOTTLE will be met
with ‘You see no green bottle here’, but that’s arguably the correct
response, since the green bottle whose presence is denied is indeed a
different object from the dark green bottle that is actually present.
As a further refinement you can define the disambigMatchPhrases
property to hold a different set of phrases (or none at all) for
disambiguation purposes (i.e. when the player has responded to a a
disambiguation request), but by default
takes its value from
and you will seldom, if ever,
need to change this.
Indeed, it’s probably quite rare that you will need to use phrase matching at all, and this facility is best used sparingly. On the whole it’s better to name your objects so you don’t need to; but occasionally it may prove necessary to use a phrase match, especially, perhaps, when the solution to a puzzle requires the player to use a particular combination of words in a particular order.
Inheriting vocab
Occasionally you may wish to define a class whose instances or subclasses inherit part of its vocab property and merge it into their own, e.g. a Coin class which can be used as the basis of different types of coin with some common vocabulary.
The vocab property of any Thing class or object checks whether it has any vocab to merge from any of its superclasses, and does so according to the following rules:
- If the name section (before the first semicolon) of a Thing contains a + sign, the inherited name is inserted into the object’s name at that point.
- Unless the adjectives (second) section of a Thing starts with a - sign, any adjectives defined in the corresponding section of any of its superclasses are added to the adjectives defined on the object.
- Unless the nouns (third) section of a Thing starts with a - sign, any nouns defined in the corresponding section of any of its superclasses are added to the nouns defined on the object.
- If the pronouns (fourth) section of a Thing is left undefined, or if it includes a + sign, the pronouns defines on any of its superclasses are added to the pronouns (or used as the pronouns) defined on the object.
For example, suppose we define the following:
class Coin: Thing 'coin; round metal; money; it'
goldCoin: Coin 'gold +; small; pound'
silverCoin: Coin 'silver +; tiny; -shilling'
The vocab properties of the two coins would end up just as if we had defined them thus:
goldCoin: Thing 'gold coin; small round metal; pound; it'
silverCoin: Thing 'silver coin; tiny round metal; shilling; it'
To a limited extent, we can also use the + sign in the name property to inherit multiple steps up the class tree, for example:
class Coin: Thing 'coin; round'
class GoldCoin: Coin 'gold +'
smallGoldCoin: GoldCoin 'small +'
This would give the smallGoldCoin
object a
vocab property of ‘small gold coin; round’.
Note that this kind of use of the + property only works ‘vertically’, however. If you defined:
class Coin: Thing 'coin';
class Gold: Thing 'gold';
goldCoin: Gold, Coin '+';
Then the vocab property of goldCoin would end up simply as ‘gold’, not ‘gold coin’ or even ‘goldcoin’, since the + is simply replaced with the name property of the first superclass found, and no substitutions are carried out thereafter.
Note also that the + substitution does not insert any additional spaces. This allows you to create definitions like:
class Light: Decoration 'light'
notImportantMsg = 'You can\'t do that with light.'
moonlight: Light 'moon+';
sunlight: Light 'sun+';
torchlight: Light 'torch+';
This would result in vocabs (and hence names) of ‘moonlight’, ‘sunlight’ and ‘torchlight’ respectively.
Manipulating vocab at run-time
Occasionally the vocabulary that should be used to refer to an object, or even the object’s name, may need to be changed at run-time. For example, ‘the shopkeeper’ may become ‘Bob’ once the player character learns his name. Adv3lite provides several ways of manipulating vocabulary and changing names at run-time.
Sometimes it may be sufficient just to change the name. In the Bob case, for example, you might decide that since the player may know (because s/he may have played your game before) that the shopkeeper is called Bob, it would be as well to include ‘bob’ in the shopkeeper’s vocab string from the outset and just change the shopkeeper’s name to ‘Bob’ wheh the player character learns it, so that the player who tries to refer to Bob earlier in the game isn’t misleading told that ‘You see no bob here.’
In other cases the built-in State mechanism may do what you need. The English-specific part of the library defines State objects so that openable objects can be referred to as ‘open’ or ‘closed’ according to their state, and lightable ones as ‘lit’ or ‘unlit’. If you have other objects that switch between states like this you could define custom state objects of your own. For example if your game involves one or more objects that can be wet, damp or dry you could define the following State objects:
enum wet, damp, dry;
WetDryDamp: State
stateProp = &wetness
adjectives = [[dry, 'dry'], [damp, 'damp'], [wet, 'wet']]
The WetDryDamp
state will then be applicable
to any object that defines the wetness
property, allowing it to be referred to as ‘dry’, ‘damp’ or ‘wet’
according to its state.
Sometimes, though, you may encounter cases which fall outside what the
State mechanism can readily do. For example, if a secret panel slides
open to reveal a passage beyond, you may want both the name and the
vocabulary referring to the panel to change to ‘dark passage’ once the
panel is open (in fact the SecretDoor
can do this for you, but it does so using one of the mechanisms we’re
about to describe). For such purposes the library provides four methods
that can be used to adjust the vocabulary (and possibly the name) of an
object at run-time: addVocabWord(word, matchFlags),
removeVocabWord(word, matchFlags?), addVocab(voc) and
addVocabWord(word, matchFlags) adds word (given as a single-quoted
string) to the words that can be used to refer to the object as the part
of speech defined by matchFlags, which can be one of
, MatchAdj
removeVocabWord(word, matchFlags?) removes word from the words that can be used to refer to the object. If the optional matchFlags parameter is supplied the method only removes the word as the corresponding part of speech; otherwise it removes the word for any part of speech.
addVocab(voc) takes the string voc and treats it exactly like a vocab string defined on the object, except that the vocabulary defined in voc is added to the existing vocabularly. If the name section of the voc string is defined, the method will also change the name of the object. For example addVocab(‘Bob’) would change the object’s name to ‘Bob’ and add ‘bob’ to the vocabulary, whereas addVocab(‘;;bob’) would simply add ‘bob’ to the vocabularly, leaving the name unchanged.
replaceVocab(voc) takes the string voc and uses it just like a
vocab string defined on the object to replace the existing vocabulary
and name, just as if the object were being initialized from scratch.
Where several changes are needed, this might be rather more
straightforward than several calls to
For example, the SecretDoor
class uses this method to change the vocabulary that can be used to
refer to a secret door (something that isn’t obviously a door when it’s
closed) according to whether it’s open or closed:
class SecretDoor: Door
isGoThroughable = isOpen
isConnectorListed = isOpen
isOpenable = isOpen
vocabWhenOpen = nil
vocabWhenClosed = nil
vocabWhenOpen = vocab;
vocabWhenClosed = vocab;
if(stat && vocabWhenOpen && vocab != vocabWhenOpen)
if(!stat && vocabWhenClosed && vocab != vocabWhenClosed)
adv3Lite Library Manual
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The Core Library > Things