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Tying Up Some Loose Strings

The two objects we have defined so far have included both double-quoted and single-quoted strings in their property definitions. To the seasoned TADS 2 programmer the distinction will need little further explanation. An author coming from Inform will be partly prepared and partly misled by the way in which single and double-quoted strings work in that language. Other readers may be totally mystified. At least a brief attempt at explanation is due at this point, since the distinction is fairly basic to TADS programming.

As a first approximation, a single-quoted string is simply a string constant, whereas a double-quoted string is a shorthand form of a statement that displays the string. That is to say the statement

"To err is human; to make a total mess-up requires a computer. "; 

is equivalent to the statement:

say('To err is human; to make a total mess-up requires a computer. '); 

It follows, as a first approximation, that a single-quoted string can be used wherever it makes sense to use a string constant, while a double-quoted string can be used wherever it’s legal to write a statement. Thus a single-quoted string can be passed as an argument to a function, used in an assignment statement, or manipulated with the various string functions, but a double-quoted string cannot.

The main confusion comes about because a definition such as


widget : Thing ’widget’ ’brass widget’
  desc = ”It’s a brass widget”


might erroneously lead you to suppose that you could subsequently change the desc property of the widget by a statement such as


desc = ”It’s a silver widget”;


But this code would generate a compiler error. The desc property should be regarded, not as holding a string constant, but a routine that prints a string constant, so that the definition is effectively equivalent to:


widget : Thing ’widget’ ’brass widget’

desc  { say('It\'s a brass widget'); } 



It is thus almost as if a property holding a double-quoted string were in reality a method that displays a string, despite its syntactic appearance (by the way, note that when we define a method in TADS 3 we do not include the = sign).

The difference in the way the two kinds of string are employed in object definitions is that single-quoted strings are generally used for single words or short phrases that will generally be displayed as part of a longer message (such as the name property), whereas a double-quoted string is generally used for properties that are expected to hold possibly quite lengthy text, usually one or more complete sentences, that will always be displayed just as they are (such as the full description of an object or room). One further key difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings, and maybe the most important selection criterion in the library itself, is that the value of a single-quoted string can be inspected and manipulated, whereas a double-quoted string can really only be displayed. So, for example, if it’s going to be necessary to look inside a string to see if it starts with a vowel, then we’ll definitely want the single-quoted version.

As of TADS 3.1.0 both single and double-quoted strings may contain embedded expressions enclosed in double (<< >>). Such embedded expressions may evaluate to a number, a double-quoted string or a single-quoted string (or nothing at all, i.e. nil). This means that the statement

"The rain in Spain stays <<someExpression>> in the plain."; 

is equivalent to

say('The rain in Spain stays ' + someExpression + ' in the plain.'); 

Where someExpression could, for example, be a function call or another method or property on the same or a different object. Not only does this allow a double-quoted string to print variable text, it allows it to call a method that may have all sorts of other useful side-effects such as changing the game state, a trick we shall be using more than once in what follows.


One can have a single-quoted string by itself as a statement, at least the compiler won’t complain about it, but it will do absolutely nothing when the program is run.


A final example may help to make this all a bit clearer. Here’s the definition for a widget that changes from brass to silver when it is picked up:


widget : Thing ’widget’ ’brass widget’
  ”It’s a <<metal>> widget. ”
      name = ’silver widget’;
      metal = ’silver’;
 metal = ’brass’


With such an object defined, one could obtain the following transcript:


You see a brass widget here.

>x widget
It’s a brass widget.

>take widget

>x it
It’s a silver widget.

You are carrying a silver widget.


One final point about strings: in TADS a string that will be used to display a complete message (as opposed to an isolated word or phrase) should always end with a space (or newline) just before the closing quote, to allow for the possibility that something may be displayed directly after it. For a newline, insert \n in your string. For a newline followed by a blank line use \b or <.p>; the latter form ensures that only one blank line will appear (even if several <.p> tags occur in succession), whereas the former, \b, may result in several blank lines, depending on what is printed next. If you want several blank lines, then you need to use \b.

And one final point overall. You may have noticed that the above example used something called dobjFor(Take) followed by a method called action() enclosed within outer braces. If you followed the goldskull example in the previous chapter, you might have expected to see a method called actionDobjTake() here. In fact, the two ways of doing it are exactly equivalent. Technically, dobjFor(Take) is a macro, which the preprocessor expands into the code the compiler actually sees. The effect in this case is that what the compiler actually sees here is a method called actionDobjTake, exactly as before. Although a macro is usually meant to be a kind of shortcut, while in this case it actually makes the code a little more verbose, the use of the dobjFor and iobjFor macros in TADS 3 programming is so common that this is the style we shall follow from now on.

Getting Started in TADS 3
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