








LockableWithKey: a mix-in class that can be combined with an object’s other superclasses to make the object respond to the verbs “lock” and “unlock,” with a key as an indirect object. A LockableWithKey cannot be locked or unlocked except with the keys listed in the keyList property.

Note that LockableWithKey should usually go BEFORE a Thing-derived class in the superclass list.

class LockableWithKey :   Lockable

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)

`                         object`

Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

keyList knownKeyList lockStatusObvious rememberKnownKeys

Inherited from Lockable :
autoUnlockOnOpen initiallyLocked isLocked_ lockedDesc lockStatusReportable

Summary of Methods  

autoUnlockOnOpen dobjFor(Lock) dobjFor(LockWith) dobjFor(Unlock) dobjFor(UnlockWith) getKnownKeyList getKnownKeyOwner isKeyKnown keyFitsLock keyIsPlausible lockOrUnlockAction

Inherited from Lockable :
dobjFor(Open) examineStatus initializeThing isLocked makeLocked

Inherited from Linkable :




the list of objects that can serve as keys for this object



The list of keys which the player knows will fit this lock. This is used to make key disambiguation automatic once the player knows the correct key for a lock.



By default, the locked/unlocked status of a keyed lockable is nil. In most cases, an object that’s locked and unlocked using a key doesn’t have a visible indication of the status; for example, you usually can’t tell just by looking at it from the outside whether or not an exterior door to a building is locked. Usually, the only way to tell from the outside that an exterior door is locked is to try opening it and see if it opens.



Flag: remember my keys after they’re successfully used. If this is true, whenever a key is successfully used to lock or unlock this object, we’ll add the key to our known key list; subsequently, whenever we try to use a key in this lock, we will automatically disambiguate the key based on the keys known to work previously.

Some authors might prefer not to assume that the player should remember which keys operate which locks, so this property can be changed to nil to eliminate this memory feature. By default we set this to true, since it shouldn’t generally give away any secrets or puzzles for the game to assume that a key that was used successfully once with a given lock is the one to be used subsequently with the same lock.


autoUnlockOnOpen ( )


Should we automatically unlock on OPEN? We will if our inherited handling says so, OR if the current actor is carrying a key that’s known to work with this object. We automatically unlock when a known key is present as a convenience: if we have a known key, then there’s no mystery in unlocking this object, and thus for playability we want to make its operation fully automatic.



Action handling



“lock with”






“unlock with”

getKnownKeyList ( )


Get my known key list. This simply returns the known key list from the known key owner.

getKnownKeyOwner ( )


Get the object that own our known key list. If we explicitly have our own non-empty known key list, we own the key list; otherwise, our master object owns the list, as long as it has a non-nil key list at all.

isKeyKnown (key)


Determine if the player knows that the given key operates this lock. Returns true if the key is in our known key list, nil if not.

keyFitsLock (key)


Determine if the key fits this lock. Returns true if so, nil if not. By default, we’ll return true if the key is in my keyList. This can be overridden to use other key selection criteria.

keyIsPlausible (key)


Determine if the key is plausibly of the right type for this lock. This doesn’t check to see if the key actually fits the lock - rather, this checks to see if the key is generally the kind of object that might plausibly be used with this lock.

The point of this routine is to make this class concerned only with the abstract notion of objects that serve to lock and unlock other objects, without requiring that the key objects resemble little notched metal sticks or that the lock objects resemble cylinders with pins - or, more specifically, without requiring that all of the kinds of keys in a game remotely resemble one another.

For example, one kind of “key” in a game might be a plastic card with a magnetic stripe, and the corresponding lock would be a card slot; another kind of key might the traditional notched metal stick. Clearly, no one would ever think to use a plastic card with a conventional door lock, nor would one try to put a house key into a card slot (not with the expectation that it would actually work, anyway). This routine is meant to facilitate this kind of distinction: the card slot can use this routine to indicate that only plastic card objects are plausible as keys, and door locks can indicate that only metal keys are plausible.

This routine can be used for disambiguation and other purposes when we must programmatically select a key that is not specified or is only vaguely specified. For example, the keyring searcher uses it so that, when we’re searching for a key on a keyring to open this lock, we implicitly try only the kinds of keys that would be plausibly useful for this kind of lock.

By default, we’ll simply return true. Subclasses specific to a game (such as the “card reader” base class or the “door lock” base class) can override this to discriminate among the game-specific key classes.

lockOrUnlockAction (lock)


perform the action processing for LockWith or UnlockWith - these are highly symmetrical, in that the only thing that varies is the new lock state we establish

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 5/16/2013 from TADS version 3.1.3