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The StackFrameDesc (“desc” for “descriptor”) class provides access to the local variables and method context variables (self, definingobj, targetprop, targetobj) in an active stack frame. This lets you retrieve and change the values of local variables in a calling function, and to retrieve the method context information. This type of manipulation isn’t commonly used in ordinary programming tasks, but it’s occasionally useful for special cases, especially for utility libraries that implement things like extension languages or debugging facilities. It also lets you create dynamically compiled functions that can access the local variables in calling frames.

A “stack frame” is a storage area within the TADS 3 virtual machine that represents a function or method call in progress. The frame contains the local variables for the routine along with its method context variables, plus information on where control passes when the routine returns to its caller. It’s called a “frame” because it’s a self-contained chunk of memory that’s reserved for the use of that one active routine. These frames are arranged into a “stack,” which is a data structure perfectly suited for the way control flows from a caller to a callee and then to another callee: each time a new function is called, the frame for the new one is piled on top of the last one; when a callee returns, its frame is taken off the pile, which restores its caller as the active frame.

How to get a StackFrameDesc object

You can’t create StackFrameDesc objects using the new operator. Instead, you obtain them from the t3GetStackTrace() function. This function returns a trace of the active call stack, which contains information on each caller of the current routine. One of the bits of information that you can get for each caller is a StackFrameDesc object for its stack frame. To get the StackFrameDesc, you must include the T3GetStackDesc flag in the call to t3GetStackTrace(). This tells the function to include the frame descriptor object, and store it in the frameDesc\_ property of each stack trace item.

Here’s an example that retrieves the StackFrameDesc object for the immediate caller. The current, active routine (the routine that’s running right now) is always at level 1, so the immediate caller is at level 2. We thus ask the stack trace function to give us information for stack level 2, and we specify the T3GetStackDesc flag to request the frame descriptor object.

    local frame = t3GetStackTrace(2, T3GetStackDesc).frameDesc_;

Once you have the frame descriptor object, you can call its methods to retrieve information on the stack frame and manipulate its local variables.

Stack frame lifetime

A stack frame is inherently ephemeral, because it represents a running function or method. The frame doesn’t represent the function or method itself - it merely represents the current invocation of the function or method. When that call to the routine exits, either because the routine uses return to return control to its caller or because throw transfers control back to a catch block in a caller, the stack frame representing the call ceases to exist.

A stack frame is still valid during times when the function or method is suspended waiting for another routine it called to return. The frame only expires when its function or method returns or throws an error that returns control to a caller.

Unlike the underlying stack frame, a StackFrameDesc object doesn’t disappear when the routine associated with the stack frame exits. A StackFrameDesc object is only a description of a stack frame, so it can continue to exist after the frame it points to has been deleted.

When a stack frame is destroyed, but a StackFrameDesc object that points to the frame still exists, the system automatically makes a “snapshot” of the local variables in the frame. That is, it makes a private copy of the variables, and stores it with the StackFrameDesc object. After that point, whenever you use the StackFrameDesc object to access the local variables, the StackFrameDesc will simply use its private snapshot copy instead of going to the true stack frame. This is all done automatically; you don’t have to do anything different in your code.

You can specifically test a StackFrameDesc to see if the frame is still alive, using the isActive() method. This returns true if the stack frame is still active, or nil if the routine has already exited (via return or throw).

Note that stack frame lifetime is only an issue if you pass a stack frame from one routine to another (via return, for example, or by storing it in an object property). If you only use a frame descriptor within the routine that obtained it, the frame won’t become invalid during the time you’re using it, since the only way for it to become invalid is for the method or function call it represents to return - and that can’t happen until the current routine returns first.

Accessing local variables

To access local variables in the stack frame, you use the indexing operator, \[\], with the name of a local variable as the index value. Use a single-quoted string for the name.

For example, to access local variable i, you’d simply write frame\['i'\].

Here’s a more complete example:

      for (local i = 1 ; i <= 10 ; ++i)

      // Get the stack frame information for our caller.  The first level of
      // the stack trace is always the current routine; we're interested in
      // the routine that called us, which is at level 2.  Use the T3GetStackDesc
      // flag to retrieve the StackFrameDesc object for the frame.
      local t = t3GetStackTrace(2, T3GetStackDesc);

      // get the frame object from the stack level description
      local f = t.frameDesc_;

      // show the value of local variable 'i' in the caller
      "The caller's value of i is <<f['i']>>.\n";

If you attempt to access a local variable that doesn’t exist in the frame, the system will throw a run-time error (“index out of range”).

You can assign a new value to a variable in the frame using the normal assignment syntax:

    f['i'] = 100;

As long as the underlying stack frame is still active, all access to the local variables will directly read and write the live values. That means that any changes you make will change the actual local variables in the function or method associated with the stack frame. Likewise, any changes that the routine itself makes will be visible.

When the routine associated with the stack frame exits, the actual stack frame will be deleted, along with its local variables. However, the StackFrameDesc object will automatically make a snapshot copy of the locals at that very moment - so it will have the latest values as they were just before the routine exited. From that point on, access to the local variables through the StackFrameDesc object will use the snapshot. You can still make changes, but the changes will only update the snapshot, since the true local variables will no longer exist.

StackFrameDesc methods


Retrieves the value of definingobj from the frame, returning the value. This is the object which actually contains the definition of the method being executed; since methods can be inherited from superclasses, this might not be the same as the self object in the frame. If the level refers to an ordinary function rather than a method, returns nil.


Retrieve the value of invokee in the frame, returning the value.


Retrieves the value of self from the frame, returning the value. If the level refers to an ordinary function rather than a method, returns nil.


Retrieves the value of targetobj from the frame, returning the value. targetobj is the object on the left side of the “.” expression that invoked the method. This is usually the same as self, but can differ when delegated is used to invoke another object’s method as though it belonged to the calling object. If the level refers to an ordinary function rather than a method, returns nil.


Retrieves the value of targetprop from the frame, returning the value. This is the property value on the right side of the “.” expression that invoked the method. If the level refers to an ordinary function rather than a method, returns nil.


Returns a LookupTable containing all of the local variables in the frame. The table is keyed by variable name (each name is given as a single-quoted string), and each associated value is the value of the variable.

The values in the lookup table are snapshot copies of the variable values, as they were at the time you called getVars(). The values in the table are not updated when the actual local variable values change.

A new LookupTable is constructed each time this routine is called, based on the variable values at the time of the call.

There are two main uses for getVars(). First, it lets you enumerate all of the locals in the frame (using the forEach() method on the table), or get a list of their names (using keysToList()). Second, it lets you get a fixed snapshot copy of the locals, in case you want the values at a particular point in time.


Determines if the frame is still active. Returns true if so, nil if not. A frame is active as long as the function or method call it represents has not returned to its caller; once the routine returns to its caller, the system automatically deletes the associated stack frame. A frame does remain valid during the time it’s suspended waiting for a routine it called to return.

Note that you don’t have to worry about whether the frame is active or not if all you want to do is access its local variables. When the actual stack frame is destroyed, if a StackFrameDesc object exists, the system automatically makes a snapshot copy of the frame’s local variables in the StackFrameDesc, which then uses the snapshot copy whenever you access the locals. This means that you can access the locals even after the true stack frame has been deleted.

TADS 3 System Manual
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