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“String” is a native TADS 3 datatype, but it’s also an intrinsic class. Any string value is an instance of the String class, so you can call methods defined by the class on any string value.

Value semantics

Strings have “value semantics”. This means that a given string value’s text is immutable: once you’ve created a string, the text within that string never changes. All of the methods and operators that might appear to change the value of a string actually create a new string with the modified value, leaving the original value intact. For example, consider this code:

    local x = 'foo';
    local y = x;
    x += 'bar';

Superficially, it appears that the last line changes the string in x. In fact, the original string is not changed - if we display the value of y, we’ll see that y still contains 'foo'. When the the last line above is executed, it creates a new string to hold the concatenated value, and assigns the result to x.

Value semantics make it very easy to work with strings, because you don’t have to worry about whether a function might modify a string you pass to it: this can never happen, because a given string’s text is constant.


The addition operator + can be used to concatenate two strings yielding a string that consists of the contents of the right-hand string appended to the end of the contents of the left-hand string.

    local x = 'foo';
    local y = 'bar';
    local z = x + y;  // z = 'foobar'

You can use the += operator to replace the left-hand variable with the resulting string.

    local x = 'foo';
    local y = 'bar';
    x += y;  // x = 'foobar'

String vs StringBuffer

There’s a related class called StringBuffer, that’s designed especially for complex string construction tasks. StringBuffer objects can be edited in place, meaning that you can change the text contained in a StringBuffer object, rather than creating a new object for every modification. Refer to the StringBuffer documentation for more information.

String methods


Compares this string to the second string str, returning an integer less than 0 if this string sorts before str, 0 if the two strings are identical, or greater than 0 if this string sorts after str.

The comparison uses the Unicode character numbers as the collation order. As a result, strings using accented accented characters probably won’t be sorted in the correct linguistic order for a given language. Different languages use different collation rules, which usually don’t match the Unicode character order.


Compares this string to the second string str, ignoring differences in upper/lower case. For example, “A” and “a” are treated as equal. Returns an integer less than 0 if this string sorts before str, 0 if the two strings are identical, or greater than 0 if this string sorts after str.

The method compares the case-folded versions of the strings. See toFoldedCase() for more on case folding. Case folding is designed to erase case differences by converting both strings to a canonical lower-case format.

The comparison uses the Unicode character numbers of the case-folded characters as the collation order. This means that strings using accented accented characters probably won’t be sorted in the correct linguistic order for a given language. Different languages use different collation rules, which usually don’t match the Unicode character order.


Calculates the 128-bit RSA MD5 message digest of the string, returning a string of 32 hex digits representing the digest value.

MD5 was originally designed for cryptographic applications, but it has some known weaknesses and is no longer considered secure. Even so, it’s still considered a good checksum, and it’s widely used for message integrity checking. It’s also part of several Internet standards (e.g., HTTP digest authentication). In an Interactive Fiction context, Babel uses MD5 to generate IFIDs for older games. If you’re looking for a secure hash, consider SHA-2 (see sha256()) instead of MD5.


Returns true if this string ends with str, nil if not. This string ends with str if this string is at least as long as str, and the last str.length() characters of this string are the same as the characters of str.

find(*target*, *index*?)

Finds the substring or regular expression target within this string.

If the search is successful, the method returns the character index where the match starts (the first character of the string is at index 1). If the target isn’t found, the method returns nil. If target is a regular expression, the method has the side effect of updating the rexGroup() registers to reflect the search results.

target can be a string value or a RexPattern object. If it’s a string, find() simply searches for the literal text of the string. If target is a RexPattern, the method searches for a match to the regular expression pattern.

For regular expression searches, you can get more detailed information on the match result using rexGroup(). You can alternatively use the rexSearch() function, which directly returns more information on the match.

If index is given, it sets the starting index in the subject string for the search; an index of 1 means that the search starts at the first character. If the index value is omitted, the default value is 1. The starting index value can be used to search for another occurrence of the same target following a previous search, for example. A negative value for index is an index from the end of the string: -1 is the last character, -2 the second to last, etc. Note that the return value is still an index from the start of the whole string, regardless of the starting index value. For regular expression searches, the start of the string for the purposes of “^” and other special operators is still the start of the overall string, regardless of the index value.


    'abcdef'.find('cd') yields 3
    'abcdef'.find('g') yields nil
    'abcdef'.find('c', 3) yields 3
    'abcdef'.find('c', 4) yields nil
    'abcabcabc'.find('c', 4) yields 6
    'abcabcabc'.find('c', 7) yields 9
    'abcdef123456'.find(R'%d+') yields 7

findAll(*target*, *func*?)

Searches the subject string (self) for all occurrences of a given substring or regular expression pattern, returning a list of matches.

On success, the return value is a list of the matches. If func is omitted, each element is a string with the text of the corresponding match. If func is provided, each element is the return value of func for the corresponding match.

target can be a string or a RexPattern object. If it’s a string, the function searches for exact matches to the string. If it’s a pattern, the function searches for matches to the regular expression.

func is an optional callback function. If provided, the method calls func for each match, and uses the value returned by func as the match’s entry in the return list. func is invoked as func(*match*, *index*, *group1*...), where match is a string with the text of the match, index is the character index in the subject string of the start of the match, and group1 is the text of the first parenthesized group in the regular expression, if there is one. Arguments are added for any additional parenthesized groups. All of the arguments are optional; the method calls func with as many arguments as its actually expects, so if you don’t need to know the index or group values, you can simply omit the parameter variable for them. If func requires more group parameters than there are actual matching groups, the method passes nil values for the extra group parameters.


    'one two three'.findAll(R'%w+') yields ['one', 'two', 'three']
    'one two three'.findAll(R'%w+', {m: m.toUpper()} yields ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']
    'one two three'.findAll(R'%w+', {m, idx: idx}) yields [1, 5, 9]
    'one two three'.findAll(R'(%w)%w*', {m, i, g1: g1} yields ['o', 'w', 't']
    'one two three'.findAll(R'(%w)%w*', {m, i, g1, g2: g2} yields [nil, nil, nil]

findLast(*target*, *index*?)

Searches the subject string (self) for the last (rightmost) match to a given substring or regular expression pattern. This works like the find() method, but searches backwards, starting at the end of the string and working towards the beginning.

On success, the return value is an integer giving the character index of the start of the rightmost match. If no match is found, the result is nil. If target is a regular expression, the method has the side effect of updating the rexGroup() registers to reflect the search results.

target is a string containing the substring to find, or a RexPattern object with a regular expression to match.

For regular expression searches, you can get more detailed information on the match result using rexGroup(). You can alternatively use the rexSearchLast() function, which directly returns more information on the match.

index is the optional starting position for the search. The function looks for a match before but not including the character at this index. If index is omitted, the default is to search the entire string from the end. Equivalently, you can set index to the length of the string plus one, to indicate the imaginary character position just after the end of the string. Specifying 0 for index means the same thing. If index is negative, it’s an offset from the end of the string: -1 is the last character, -2 is the second to last, and so on. Note that -1 (or, equivalently, self.length()) means that you want to search the portion of the string up to but not including the last character, since the match can’t include the starting character.


    'abcdef'.findLast('cd') yields 3
    'abcdef'.findLast('g') yields nil
    'abcabcabc'.find('c') yields 9
    'abcabcabc'.find('c', 0) yields 9
    'abcabcabc'.find('c', 9) yields 6
    'abcabcabc'.find('c', -1) yields 6
    'abc123'.find(R'%d+') yields 4

For regular expression targets, the \<FirstBegin\> and \<FirstEnd\> modes (see regular expressions) work in mirror image compared to ordinary forward searches. The easiest way to think about this is to picture the reverse search as a forward search viewed in a mirror. For a reverse search, \<FirstBegin\> means that the match with its right end closest to the starting point is selected as the winner, while \<FirstEnd\> means that the match with its left end closest to the starting point is selected. Since the search proceeds right to left, closer to the starting point means further right, at a higher index.

Note that we use the terms right, left, and right-to-left loosely in the discussion above. In particular, we’re ignoring that different languages and scripts are written on paper in different directions. We’re talking purely about the order of characters in the string, using “left” to mean towards the beginning of the string and “right” to mean towards the end, regardless of whether the string contains Roman characters or Arabic characters or anything else.

findReplace(*oldStr*, *newStr*, *flags*?, *index*?, *limit*?)

Finds one or more instances of the substring oldStr within the subject string (i.e., self), and replaces them with the new substring newStr.

The method returns a new string with the replacements performed. If target is a regular expression, the method also has the side effect of updating the rexGroup() registers to reflect the search results.

oldStr is the search string. This can be a string value, in which case the method searches for the literal text of the string, or a RexPattern object, in which case the method searches for matches to the pattern.

newStr is the replacement string. Matches to oldStr within the subject string are replaced with this value. newStr can be a string value, in which case the literal text of the string is used as the replacement text, or it can be a function to invoke to determine the replacement text (see below).

If oldStr is a RexPattern, % characters in newStr have the same special meaning they have in the replacement text in the rexReplace() function: %1 is replaced by the subject string text that matched the first parenthesized group in the regular expression, %2 by the text matching the second group, and so on; %\* is replaced by the text matching the entire regular expression pattern; and %% is replaced by a single percent sign. When oldStr is a string value, % characters in newStr have no special meaning and are simply used literally as replacement text.

oldStr and newStr can also be specified as lists; see below for details.

flags is optional. If it’s missing, the default is ReplaceAll, to replace all occurrences of the search string within the subject string. If provided, flags is a bitwise combination (with the \| operator) of the following flag values:

Note that you should never use 0 as the flags value. For compatibility with older versions, 0 has a special meaning equivalent to ReplaceOnce. If you have no other flags to specify, always use either ReplaceOnce or ReplaceAll, or simply omit the flags argument entirely.

If index is specified, it gives the starting index in self for the search. Any matches that start before this starting point will not be replaced. If index is 1, the search starts at the first character; this is the default if index is omitted. A negative value is an index from the end of the string: -1 is the last character, -2 the second to last, and so on. Note that a negative index doesn’t change the direction of the search; it still runs left-to-right.

If limit is included, it specifies the maximum number of replacements to perform. This can be nil to indicate that all matches are to be replaced, or an integer giving the maximum number of matches to replace. 0 (zero) means that no matches are to be replaced, in which case the original subject string is returned unchanged. If a limit argument is present, it overrides the ReplaceAll and ReplaceOnce flags - those flags are ignored if limit is present. If limit is omitted, the limit is taken from the flags.

Search lists: Instead of searching for just a single search string, you can search for several strings at once, by using a list as the oldStr argument. This will search for each of the items in the list, and replace each one with the newStr replacement string.

If you supply a list for the search term, you can optionally also supply a list for the newStr replacement value. If you do, each match to an element of oldStr is replaced with the corresponding element of the newStr list - that is, the item at the same list index. If there are more oldStr elements than newStr elements, matches to the excess oldStr elements are replaced with empty strings. Excess newStr elements are simply ignored.

If newStr isn’t a list, it’s used as the replacement for all of the search strings. Note that this is different from passing a one-element list for newStr, because in that case it would only specify a replacement for oldStr[1], and the remaining oldStr elements would all be replaced with empty strings.

Here’s an example that replaces each of the special HTML characters with their markup codes, using a single findReplace() call:

    str = str.findReplace(['&', '<', '>'], ['&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;']);

When you use a list of search terms, there are two modes for iterating through the list. The default is “parallel” mode. In this mode, findReplace() starts by searching for all of the search terms at once. It then replaces the single leftmost match with its corresponding replacement text. (If two of the search strings match at the same position, the one at the lower oldStr index takes precedence.) If ReplaceOnce was specified, we’re done. Otherwise, findReplace() next repeats the search in the remainder of the string, after (to the right of) that first replacement, again searching for all of the terms, and again replacing the single leftmost match among them. This repeats until there are no more matches.

The other mode is “serial” mode, which you select by including ReplaceSerial in the flags. In this mode, findReplace() starts by searching only for the first oldStr element. It replaces every match for the first term, or just the first match if ReplaceOnce is specified. If a match was found and ReplaceOnce was specified, we’re done. Otherwise, we start over with the updated string - containing all replacements for the first term - and search this new string for the second search term. We once again replace all occurrences of this term. We repeat this process for each additional term in the oldStr list.

The key difference between the parallel and serial modes is that serial mode rescans each replaced result string for each term. This means that replacement text from the first search term is subject to further replacement by the second search term, and that’s subject to yet more replacement by the third term, and so on. In contrast, parallel mode never rescans replacement text, so once a replacement is made, it won’t be further modified.

Replacement function: The replacement value newStr is normally given as a literal string to substitute for each occurrence of the search string. For more flexibility, though, you can instead provide a function, which findReplace() calls for each match to determine the replacement text for that match. This allows you to vary the replacement text according to the exact text of the match (which can vary if you’re using the ReplaceIgnoreCase flag or you’re using a list of search strings), the position of the match within the subject string, or whatever other conditions you choose.

The callback function can be a regular or anonymous function. It’s called like this, once for each match found in the subject string:

    newStrFunc(match, index, orig);

match is the text actually matched in the subject string. index is the character index within the string of the start of the match (the first character is at index 1, as usual). orig is the entire original subject string.

You can omit one or more of the parameters when you define the callback function, because findReplace will only supply as many arguments as the function actually wants. The arguments are always in the same order, though - the names don’t matter, just the order. This means that if you provide a callback that only takes one argument, it gets the match string value; with two arguments, they’ll be assigned the match string and match index, respectively.

The function must return a string value giving the replacement text (it can alternatively return nil, which is treated as an empty string).

If you use a list of search strings and a list of corresponding replacements, each element of the replacement list can be a separate function. The replacement list can also be a mix of strings and functions.


Converts HTML markup-significant characters in the string to appropriate HTML sequences, and returns the resulting string. If the flags argument is not included, the method acts as though flags has the value 0 (zero). By default, this method scans the string for the characters & (ampersand) and \< (less than), and converts these characters to the sequences &amp; and &lt; respectively. This conversion ensures that, when the string is rendered in HTML mode, the display shows ampersands and less-than signs where they appeared in the original string’s text. In addition, you can specify a combination (using the bitwise OR operator, \|) of the following flags to perform additional conversions:

This method is useful if you obtain a string from an external source, such as from the user (via the inputLine() function, for example) or from a text file, and you then want to display the string in HTML mode. Without conversions, any markup-significant characters in the string might not be displayed properly, since the HTML parser would attempt to interpret the characters as HTML formatting codes. You can use this method to ensure that a string obtained externally is displayed verbatim in HTML mode.


Returns the number of characters in the string.


Creates a ByteArray object based on the contents of the string. This is equivalent to calling new ByteArray() with this string and character set as arguments.

If a charset value is included and isn’t nil, it must be either a CharacterSet object, or a string giving the name of a character set. The method maps the string to bytes using the given character set, and creates a new ByteArray object with the mapped bytes as the contents. The usual default/missing character defined by the mapping is substituted for any unmappable characters.

If the character set represented by charset is unknown (i.e,. there’s no mapping available for the character set in the run-time TADS installation), an UnknownCharSetException is thrown. You can determine whether the the character set is known using the isMappingKnown() method on the CharacterSet object.

If charset is omitted or nil, the method creates a ByteArray with one byte per character of the string, using the Unicode character code of each character as the byte value. Since a byte can only hold values from 0 to 255, a numeric overflow error will be thrown if the string contains any characters outside of this range.

match(*target*, *index*?)

Checks for a match to the given target value, at the given starting position in the subject string (self).

If target is a string, this method tries to match the literal text of the string; if target is a RexPattern object, the method tries to match the regular expression.

If index is specified, it’s an integer giving the starting position to check for the match. 1 is the first character in the string; a negative index is from the end of the string (-1 is the last character, -2 is the second to last, and so on). If index is omitted, the method checks for a match at the start of the string (as though index were 1).

If target matches, the return value is an integer giving the length of the match. When target is a string, a successful match simply returns the length of target, since the entire target string must match exactly. When target is a RexPattern, a successful match returns the number of characters of the subject string that the regular expression matches. The entire regular expression must match, but it need not match the entire subject string. (If you want to explicitly match the entire subject string, you can end the pattern with ‘$’, since that will allow the pattern to match only if the ‘$’ symbol lines up with the end of the subject string after the match.)

If the string doesn’t match target, the return value is nil. Note that it’s possible for a successful match to return 0: if target is an empty string, that will match any subject with a length of zero; and some regular expression patterns can match zero characters successfully (e.g., ‘a*’, which matches zero or more ‘a’ characters).

This method is similar to find(). The difference between the two is that match() only looks for a match at the specified starting position, without searching any further in the string, whereas find() searches for a match at each character of the string from the starting point onwards, until either finding a match or exhausting the string.

packBytes(*format*, ...)

Packs a list of values into bytes, creating a new String object representing the byte values. This is a static method that you call directly on the String class. For example:

    local s = String.packBytes('s*', 1, 2, 3);

format is a format string describing the packed formats for the values. The remaining arguments are the values to be packed.

The return value is a new String object containing the packed bytes. The bytes are represented as characters, so each character in the new string will have a Unicode value from 0 to 255.

There are a couple of uses for packing bytes into strings. One is when you want to create a packed byte list that will eventually find its way into a file or other external object, but you need to create a temporary version in memory first. Packing the bytes into a string can be a convenient way to accomplish this. Another potential use is for generating text for a structured text format, such as for spreadsheet input. The byte packer makes it easy to generate formats with fixed-width text fields.

Note that the string returned might not be particularly human-readable, since many format codes generate binary byte values that will look like random gibberish if displayed.

See Byte Packing for more information.


Calculates the 256-bit SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) hash of the string, returning a string of 64 hex digits representing the hash value. SHA-2 is a one-way hash function designed for cryptographic applications. It computes a fixed-length hash value that’s designed to be irreversible and effectively unique for any given input.

Secure hashes are useful when you want to store or transmit information in such a way that another party can prove it knows the original information, without actually revealing the information. For example, passwords are often stored in a hashed format, because this prevents a third party who steals the password file from being able to recover the original password values, while still allowing password entries to be verified, by computing the matching hash value on an entered password.


Returns a new string with any special TADS formatting characters in the “self” string translated to their standard HTML equivalents. The result string can then be used as HTML source code in a standard Web browser to achieve the same display effect as the original string when displayed in a TADS interpreter.

The main purpose of this function is to make it easier to port games between the traditional TADS user interface and the Web UI. The TADS formatting characters, such as ‘\n’ and ‘\b’, are specific to TADS - they can’t be used directly in a standard Web browser. The Web UI uses a standard browser as the user interface, though, so to write a game for the Web UI, you must either avoid the TADS formatting codes and use only standard HTML, or translate strings containing the TADS codes into standard HTML. The former option would require a lot of work for an existing game; it’s inconvenient even for new work, since most TADS authors are in the habit of using the TADS codes, and the TADS codes are more concise than the HTML equivalents. This function makes it easy to implement the translation approach, allowing you to continue to use TADS formatting codes even with the Web UI.

Note that game authors won’t generally have to call this function directly, because the Web UI library will do this automatically in most cases. You should only need this function if you’re writing a library extension or creating a custom Web UI window type.

stateObject is an optional object, of class SpecialsToHtml. This keeps track of the state of the output stream from one call to the next. Many of the TADS formatting codes are context-sensitive, so when you’re writing a series of strings to the display, it’s important keep track of the global context across strings. You should use a separate object for each window or output stream.

If you omit the state object or pass nil, the function will treat each string as the start of a new stream, with no context from past calls to the function. To reset the stream context (for example, after clearing the window), call its resetState() method.

The function performs the following translations:

The stateObject value is for internal use within the function, and you shouldn’t have to access its properties directly. For reference, though, they are:


Returns a new string with any special TADS formatting characters in the “self” string translated to their plain text equivalents. This function is similar to specialsToHtml(), but converts the string to plain text rather than HTML. The conversion is designed to replicate the effect of displaying the string through the TADS console output mechanism, as it would appear on a character-mode terminal.

stateObject has the same meaning as in specialsToHtml().

This function performs the following conversions:

splice(*index*, *deleteLength*, *insertString*?)

Returns a new string consisting of the original text of this string with the following two edits: first, the deleteLength characters starting at index index are deleted; second, the string insertString is inserted in their place. The insertString argument is optional; if omitted, only the deletion is performed. If you only want to insert new text, simply pass 0 for deleteLength.

This function’s effect can be achieved by concatenating together substrings of the original string, but splice() is more concise and somewhat clearer. It’s also a little more efficient, since it bypasses the need to create the two intermediate substrings.

split(*delim*?, *limit*?)

Splits a string into substrings defined by the given delimiter. Returns a list of the substrings.

delim is the delimiter, which can be one of the following:

If delim is omitted or nil, the default is 1 (i.e., split the string into one-character substrings).

limit is an optional integer giving the maximum number of elements to return in the result list. When the method reaches this limit, it stops searching and returns the remainder of the string after the last split as the final element of the list. If limit is 1, no splits are possible, so the result is simply a single-element list containing the entire original string. If limit is omitted or nil, the method splits the string at every instance of the delimiter without a limit.

The delimiter string or pattern isn’t included in the result list.


'one,two,three'.split(',') returns \['one', 'two', 'three'\]
'one,two, three, four'.split(R',\<space\>\*') returns \['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'\]
'one,two,three'.split(',', 2) returns \['one', 'two,three'\]
'abcdefghi'.split(2) returns \['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh', 'i'\]


Returns true if this string starts with str, nil if not. This string starts with str if this string is at least as long as str, and the first str.length() characters match the characters of str.

substr(*start*, *length*?)

Returns a new string consisting of a substring of this string. The substring starts at character index start (the first character in the string is at index 1). If length is specified, the result string is at most length characters long; if length is not specified, the result runs to the end of the source string.

If start is negative, it indicates an offset from the end of the string: -1 indicates that the substring is to start at the last character, -2 at the second-to-last, and so on.

If length is negative, it indicates the number of characters to discard from the end of the string. With a length of -1, the result is the whole rest of the string starting at start minus the last character; with -2, it’s the rest after start minus the last 2 characters; and so on.


    'abcdef'.substr(3) yields 'cdef'
    'abcdef'.substr(3, 2) yields 'cd'
    'abcdefghi'.substr(-3) yields 'ghi'
    'abcdefghi'.substr(-3, 2) yields 'gh'
    'abcdefghi'.substr(1, -1) yields 'abcdefgh'
    'abcdefghi'.substr(2, -2) yields 'bcdefg'
    'abcdefghi'.substr(4, -2) yields 'defg'
    'abcdefghi'.substr(4, -4) yields 'de'
    'abcdefghi'.substr(-4, -2) yields 'fg'


Returns a new string consisting of the characters of the original string converted to “folded” case, as defined in the Unicode character database. Folded case is designed to erase case differences between strings, so that two or more strings can be matched or sorted without regard to case differences.

The case folding of each character is defined by the Unicode character tables, but the result is usually the same as converting the character to upper case and then to lower case. For most characters, this is the same as simply converting to lower case, but it differs for a few cases where the upper-case mapping of a lower-case character results in more than one character. For example, the German sharp S, ß, converts to upper case as ‘SS’, so its case folding is lower case ‘ss’. This allows the strings ‘WEISS’ and ‘weiß’ to match when case-folded, for example. There are a number of other ligatures and accented characters that undergo similar expansions when case-folded.


Returns a new string consisting of the characters of the original string converted to lower-case. Only alphabetic characters are affected; other characters are copied to the new string unchanged. The conversion uses the case conversions specified in the Unicode character database, so accented and non-Roman alphabetic characters are properly converted.


Returns a new string consisting of the characters of the original string converted to title case. Title case is the same as upper case for most characters. It differs for characters that represent multiple visual characters with a single Unicode character unit, such as ligatures. The title case conversion of a ligature consists of the first character of the ligature in upper case and the rest in lower case. For example, the “ffi” ligature, U+FB03, converts to title case as the letters F, f, i (capital F, small f, small i), and the German sharp S, ß, converts as Ss.

Note that this routine isn’t designed to render a string with the correct capitalization for a title. This method simply converts each character individually to title case, without regard to word boundaries. This is meant to be used as a building block for a full title converter; you can use this routine to convert the first character of each word to title case once you identify the word boundaries, identify words that aren’t capitalized, etc.


Converts one or all of the characters of this string to Unicode character codes.

If the idx argument is provided, it specifies the character index within the string of the single character to convert (the first character is at index 1), and the method returns an integer containing the Unicode code point for the character at that index. A negative value for idx is an index from the end of the string: -1 is the last character, -2 the second to last, and so on.

If idx is omitted, the function returns a list of character codes. Each element in the list is an integer giving the Unicode code point value for the corresponding character in the source string. The list has one element per character in the source string.

This function can be used to decompose a string into its individual characters, which is sometimes an easier or more efficient way to manipulate a string. You can convert a list of Unicode code point values back into a string using the makeString() function in the tads-gen function set.


Returns a new string consisting of the characters of the original string converted to upper-case. Only alphabetic characters are affected; other characters are copied to the new string unchanged. The conversion uses the case conversions specified in the Unicode character database, so accented and non-Roman alphabetic characters are properly converted.


Unpacks the string, treating the string’s characters as byte values and interpreting the bytes according to the format string.

The string must only contain characters with Unicode values from 0 to 255, since the unpacker treats each character as a byte value. If the unpacker encounters any characters outside this range, it’ll throw an error.

format is the format string describing the byte formats of the values to unpack. The return value is a list containing the unpacked values.

The string to be unpacked can be one that you previously created with String.packBytes(), but it doesn’t have to be. As long as the source string’s characters are all in the 0-255 range, the unpacker will be able to interpret each character as a byte. For example, you can use this method to parse plain text strings that use fixed-width fields:

    local lst = '123456'.unpack('a3 a3');

This returns the list [‘123’, ‘456’].

See Byte Packing for more information.


Translates a URL-encoded string to plaintext, returning a new string containing the translated text. This reverses the effect of urlEncode():

In addition, the method converts any multi-byte %xx sequences that form valid UTF-8 characters into the corresponding characters. For example, the sequence %C3%A1 represents the character ‘á’, so '%C3%A1'.urlDecode() returns 'á'. Any %xx sequence that doesn’t form a valid UTF-8 character is converted to ‘?’.


Encodes a string for use in a URL parameter value, returning a new string containing the encoded text. This function performs the following substitutions:

The “%xx” representation encodes a special character using its hexadecimal ASCII or Unicode byte value. For example, a comma “,” is encoded as “%2C”. Characters outside of the plain ASCII range (\u0000 to \u007F) are encoded using the multi-byte UTF-8 representation. For example, ‘á’ is encoded as ‘%C3%A1’.

Note that this method is appropriate for encoding components of URL strings, not entire URL strings. Applying this method to an entire URL would encode all of the scheme and path characters (such as the “:” and “//” in the “http://” prefix), which would make the string unusable as a URL. This method is intended only for encoding the building blocks of URL strings, such as the value portion of a “?name=value” query parameter.

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