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Object Definitions

Objects are the main data structures in a TADS program.

An object is a collection of values, called properties, and functions, called methods. Each property and each method has a property name, which is a symbol that you can use to refer to that property or method.

An object also has one or more superclasses, also known as base classes. An object with a given superclass is said to be a subclass of the superclass. In object-oriented programming in general, classes are used to create a taxonomy of the various types of things that the program works with; a superclass corresponds to a more general category in the taxonomy, and a subclass is a specialization of its superclass. For example, if we were creating a taxonomy for furniture, we might have a general base class called Furniture, a specialized subclass of Furniture called Chair, and an even more specialized subclass of Chair called Recliner. In TADS, this relationship between a generalized superclass and its specialized subclass is expressed through property inheritance. A TADS object inherits all of the properties and methods of its superclasses, as though the object defined them itself; but by the same token, any property or method that the object actually does define itself overrides the inherited version. So when you define a subclass, the subclass is automatically just like its superclass (so a Chair starts off behaving just like any other piece of Furniture), but can also define its own specializations (overriding properties) that define the ways it differs from the base class. Inheritance means that you don’t have to define the same basic features common to every piece of furniture in every subclass, since they all inherit the basic definitions from the base class; you only have to define the special features that work differently in each subclass.

An object can be either static or dynamic. A static object is one that’s defined directly in your program’s source code; it exists throughout execution of the program. A dynamic object is one that’s created on the fly while the program runs, using the new operator. A dynamic object it comes into existence when the new expression is executed, and exists only as long as it’s reachable, meaning that an active local variable or a property of another object contains a reference to the object. Once a dynamic object is no longer referenced anywhere, TADS automatically deletes the object (through a process called garbage collection).

Most TADS programs define lots of static objects, for things like rooms and the items found within the game world. An object doesn’t necessarily have to represent a particular item in the game world, though; objects can also be used for components of items, or for abstract programming entities.

Basic object definition syntax

The most general way to define an object is like this:

objectName : class1 [ , class2 ... ] 
   propName = value
   methodName ( arg1 [ , arg2 ... ]  ) { methodBody }

The first line names the object, and defines its superclass list. An object must always have at least one superclass, but you can use the special class name “object” if you want a generic object that is not based on another object that your program defines. Note, however, that if you use “object” as the superclass, it must be the only superclass.

If you specify more than one superclass, the order of the classes determines the inheritance order. The first (left-most) superclass has precedence for inheritance, so any properties or methods that it defines effectively override the same properties and methods defined in subsequent superclasses.

Alternatively, you can write the same thing in a slightly different way, by enclosing the list of properties in braces:

objectName : class1 [ , class2 ... ] 
   propName = value
   methodName ( arg1 [ , arg2 ... ]  ) { methodBody }

When you use this alternative syntax, you must place the entire property list within the braces. A semicolon is not required at the end of the object definition using this syntax, because the closing brace unambiguously ends the definition. (It’s legal to add a semicolon after the closing brace, though, because a semicolon by itself is always acceptable as an empty top-level statement.) You may optionally place a semicolon after each property definition; the compiler simply ignores any such semicolons, because it knows the property list doesn’t end until the closing brace.

The two object definition formats - with braces or without - are identical in meaning; they differ only in appearance. You can use either format for any object; the compiler automatically recognizes which form you’re using for each object.

The language allows the two formats purely for your convenience. Because of the wide range of objects and classes that adventure game programs tend to define, many objects tend to look better in one format or the other. Some authors might find that small objects composed mostly of data look less cluttered and more compact without the braces, while larger objects with lots of code benefit from the more visually structured appearance of the brace format. Other authors might simply prefer the brace format in all cases because it’s similar to Java and C++ notation.

Replacing and modifying objects

When you’re using a library in your program, it’s often useful to be able to replace an object defined in the library with a definition of your own. For example, the library might provide a default implementation for an object that you want to replace with a custom version, or you might simply want to replace that part of the library’s functionality with a different approach entirely.

You can replace an object or class using the replace keyword. You put this keyword immediately before your new object definition; the object definition is otherwise the same as a normal object definition. For example:

    replace class LibClass: object
       prop1 = 10

replace effectively deletes the original object and replaces it with your new definition. You can change everything about the object, including its superclasses.

While replace is useful, it’s even more frequently the case that you want to supplement a library class or object, instead of replacing it. For example, you might want to add some new methods to the library class, or you might want to override one or two of the existing methods with new versions. For this, you use the modify keyword. Unlike replace, the modify keyword doesn’t let you change the superclass list: the modified object will have the same superclasses as the original. So, when you use modify, you don’t include a new superclass list in the definition; instead, you jump directly to the properties and methods that you wish to override.

    modify LibClass
      test(x) { return x*2; }

When you use modify, the compiler doesn’t delete the original object. Instead, it takes the symbol name away from the original, and gives it to your new object instead. The old object is kept around exactly as it was, but without its name. Your new object is set up so that it’s a subclass of the original (now nameless) object. This means that you can use inherited to inherit the original library implementation of any method you override:

    modify LibClass
      test(x) { return inherited(x) * 2; }

In some cases, you might not want this inheritance behavior: you might want instead to replace the original class’s method rather than just overriding it, so that you can inherit directly from the original class’s superclass. For these situations, you can use the replace keyword on the method definition in the modifier object:

    modify LibClass
      replace test(x) { return inherited(x) * 2; }

The difference between this example and the previous one is that the inherited(x) in the first example invokes the original LibClass version of the test() method, whereas the inherited(x) in the second version invokes the version that the original LibClass itself inherited from its superclass.

The order of modify and replace definitions is important. This is because you can repeatedly modify or replace the same object - you can apply a modify to an object that’s already been modified, and then apply yet another modify to the same object later, as many times as you want. So the only way that the compiler can sort out which version is the “final” version of the object is to put the modify and replace definitions in some kind of well-defined order.

The order that the compiler uses to apply modify and replace definitions is simply the order in which the definitions appear in the source code. Within a single file, each modify affects the nearest previous definition of the same object within the file. You can also modify and replace objects defined in other files, in which case the order of the operations is determined by the order of the modules in the project (.t3m) file list.

An important consequence of the ordering rule is that a modify or replace can never precede the base definition of the object being modified. The compiler will display an error if it encounters a modify or replace before the base definition of the object.

Property sets

In some situations, you’ll need to define a group of related properties and methods that share some common root name, and possibly some common parameters as well. This situation sometimes occurs, for example, when you’re using a library that defines a naming convention for the methods that your code provides to handle the individual processing steps for an event: all of the methods pertain to different phases of the same event, so the library gives all of the methods a common portion to their names to help make it clear that they’re related.

The compiler provides a short-hand syntax that makes it easier to define sets of properties with related names. The propertyset keyword introduces a group of property definitions, and specifies a pattern string that defines the naming convention. A propertyset pattern string looks like a regular symbol name enclosed in single quotes, except that it contains a single asterisk (“*”), which specifies where the non-common part of the name goes. Everything else in the string is the common part of the names of the properties in the set.

For example, suppose you’re using a library that defines a set of method calls that process mouse clicks. All of the mouse click methods have a common root name of “onMouse,” but then add a suffix for the individual method: onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp. For this set of names, the pattern string would be ‘onMouse*’ - the asterisk at the end tells the compiler that the only part that differs from one property to another is at the end of the string.

After the propertyset keyword and the pattern string, you place a set of otherwise normal property definitions, enclosed in a set of braces to mark the bounds of the set. So, the general syntax for a property set is:

propertyset 'pattern'

Optionally, you can include a parameter list after the pattern. The parameter list is a set of common formal parameters that each method in the set will have, in addition to any parameters the individual methods define. Like the name pattern, the parameter list uses an asterisk (“*”) to indicate where the added parameters of each method go in the list.

propertyset 'pattern' ( params, *, params )  { propertyList }

This all goes within an object definition - you can put a property set anywhere a single property could go, and property sets can be intermingled with regular property definitions (so regular properties can come before and after a property set).

Here’s an example, using the mouse events we proposed above:

    class myWindow: myWidget
      x = 0
      y = 0
      width = 0
      height = 0
      propertyset 'onMouse*'
        Down(x, y, clicks) { ... }
        Move(x, y) { ... }
        Up(x, y) { ... }

The property set syntax is essentially a textual substitution facility, in that the compiler actually translates the properties within the property set to their full names based no the pattern string. So, the definition of Down in the example above is exactly the same as though it had been made outside of the property set with a name of onMouseDown.

Property sets can also specify common parameters to the methods defined within. In the example above, each method has the same first two parameters, x and y, so we can further reduce the amount of typing by putting these common parameters in the propertyset definition:

    propertyset 'onMouse*' (x, y, *)
       Down(clicks) { ... }
       Move { ... }
       Up { ... }

The propertyset definition specifies that every item defined within has x and y as the first two parameters, and that any additional parameters go after the two common parameters. So, the line that reads “Down(clicks)” actually defines “onMouseDown(x, y, clicks)” after the propertyset definition is expanded.

You can put a propertyset definition inside another propertyset definition. Note, though, that the fully-expanded property names within a propertyset must be legal symbol names - in particular, they must fit within the 40-character limit for a TADS identifier.

Static property initialization

Most property initializations contain simple compile-time constants, such as numbers or strings. However, it is sometimes useful to be able to initialize a property to a value that isn’t a constant, but which you want computed once and stored. For example, you might want to use the “new” operator to create an object and store a reference to it in a property, but you want to do this just once when the program starts running. These types of initializations are called “static,” because they don’t change after the program starts running.

The language provides a simple way to specify non-constant static initializations. In a property definition, place the keyword “static” just before the value to be computed:

    desk: object
       topSurface = static new Surface()

You can place any expression after the “static” keyword.

The compiler evaluates all of the static initializer expressions just before running pre-initialization. The compiler evaluates each static initializer just once, and stores the result value in the property. When the property is evaluated at run-time, the expression is not re-evaluated - the whole point is that the value is computed once and stored.

Note that static initializers only run when pre-initialization runs. So, if you compile your program for debugging, the compiler won’t execute the static initializers, but will leave them for evaluation at the start of normal execution.

The order in which the compiler executes the static initializers is arbitrary; however, where there are dependencies among static initializers, the compiler automatically performs the initializations in the order required to resolve the dependencies correctly.

For the technically inclined, the technique the compiler uses to resolve dependency ordering correctly is fairly simple. The compiler effectively re-writes each static initializer like so:

    prop = { self.prop = expr; return self.prop; }

So, if the expression references another property with a static initializer, it doesn’t matter whether or not that initializer has been executed yet. If it has, evaluating the property simply retrieves the value that was already computed and stored in the property. If it hasn’t, though, evaluating the property not only evaluates the static initializer expression, but stores the resulting value in the property; so, when the compiler does get around to invoking that other static initializer, it finds the property has already been initialized, so the extra invocation has no effect.

You might note that static initializers are purely a syntactic convenience, since you can do anything a static initializer can do using the more general pre-initialization mechanism instead. However, there is one practical difference worth noting: the code that is generated to execute the expression of a static initializer is not included in the image file. The compiler knows that a static initializer expression is only needed during the compilation phase, so it can eliminate the code generated for the expression when producing the image file. The compiler can’t make the same assumption about pre-initialization code, since the same code could be invoked again during normal execution.

Anonymous objects

In many cases, you will not have any need to give an object a name when you define it. The compiler accommodates these cases with the “anonymous object” syntax.

To define an object with no name, simply start the definition with the class list. Everything else about the object definition is the same as for a named object. For example:

    Item sdesc = "red box" ;
    Readable { sdesc = "book" }

Because an anonymous object doesn’t have a symbol that you can use to refer to the object, you must use some other mechanism to manipulate the object. For example, you can use the firstObj() and nextObj() functions, since iterations with these functions include anonymous objects.

Nested objects

In addition to defining regular properties and methods, you can define a property as a “nested” object. This syntax allows you to define one object within another, and at the same time initialize a property of the outer object to refer to the inner object. For example:

    bottomOfStairs: Room
       name = "Bottom of Stairs"
       desc = "This dark, narrow chamber is just large enough
               to enclose the rusted iron staircase that spirals upwards,
               its top lost in the dusty murk above."
       up: MsgConnector
          desc = "You force yourself to climb the hundreds of stairs..."
          destination = topOfStairs

This example defines, in addition to the object bottomOfStairs, a separate object of class MsgConnector whose properties desc and destination are initialized as shown. The MsgConnector instance has no name, but evaluating bottomOfStairs.up will yield a reference to the object.

Whatever it looks like, bottomOfStairs.up is a perfectly normal property - it’s not the name of an object, but is simply a property that contains a reference to an object.

The example above is almost the same as this:

    bottomOfStairs: Room
       name = "Bottom of Stairs"
       desc = "This dark, narrow chamber is just large enough
               to enclose the rusted iron staircase that spirals upwards,
               its top lost in the dusty murk above."
       up = connector123

    connector123: MsgConnector
       desc = "You force yourself to climb the hundreds of stairs..."
       destination = topOfStairs

The only difference between the first example and the second is that the MsgConnector object in the second example has a name (“connector123”), whereas the MsgConnector the first example is anonymous. Otherwise, the two examples are equivalent.

The nested object syntax is purely a convenience feature. You can always write an equivalent set of object definitions without using any nesting, simply by defining each nested object as a separate, named object. Nesting is sometimes a more compact notation, though, and is especially useful when defining small “helper” objects.

Note that the nested object’s property list must be enclosed in braces. You can use template properties in a nested object; these may appear immediately before or immediately after the object’s opening brace, just as in a regular object definition.

Finding the enclosing object

The compiler automatically defines the property lexicalParent in each nested object as a reference to the lexically enclosing object. For example, consider the following object definition:

    outer: object
       desc = "This is 'outer'"
       inner: object
         desc = "This is 'inner' - enclosing: <<lexicalParent.desc>>"

If we evaluate outer.inner.desc, we’ll see the following displayed:

    This is 'inner' - enclosing: This is 'outer'

Note that lexicalParent is defined as a property of each nested object. This makes it possible for a class specifically designed for instantiation as nested objects to determine the lexically enclosing object for each of its instances.

Inline objects

The static object definitions we’ve seen so all go outside of any function or method code. You can also define objects directly within expressions, using the inline object syntax. Inline objects are especially useful when you need to create a small ad hoc object to serve as an argument to a function.

Class definition syntax

You can define a class instead of an object by adding the keyword “class” before the object name:

class className : superclass1 [ , superclass2 ... ] 

A class definition is otherwise syntactically identical to an ordinary object definition. In particular, you can define properties and methods for the class just like you can for an object.

Classes behave very much like objects, with a few important differences:

You can tell at run-time whether a given object is a class or a regular object by calling the object’s isClass() method.

Contained objects

Most TADS games have some sort of “containment” model that relates objects to one another in a location hierarchy. In these models, each object has a container, and containers may in turn be inside other containers.

The TADS 3 compiler can keep track of a simple containment hierarchy that gives each object a single container. This is an optional feature, so games that use more complex containment models than the compiler provides do not have to use this feature; however, games that use a single-container location model can take advantage of the compiler’s location tracking mechanism to simplify object definitions.

To use the compiler’s location tracking, you must first tell the compiler which property you are using to specify an object’s container. This is called the “+ property” or “plus property,” because the object syntax for a contained object uses plus signs. To define the plus property, use this statement:

    + property locationProp ;

This statement must occur as a top-level statement, outside of any object or function definitions, and must precede any objects that make use of the containment syntax. If you are using this feature, you should put this statement at the start of your source files. This statement has compilation unit scope, so you’ll have to put a copy of this statement at the top of each source file if you’re using separate compilation. (If you’re using the adv3 library, note that the standard library header “adv3.h” includes a definition like this for you.)

Once you specify the plus property, you can define objects using the “+” notation: before each object definition, you can insert one or more plus signs to indicate that the object’s location in the containment tree. An object with no “+” signs has no implicit container; an object with one “+” sign is implicitly contained by the most recent object with no “+” signs; an object with two “+” signs is implicitly contained by the most recent object with one “+” sign; and so on.

The inner workings of the “+” property are simple: whenever you use one or more “+” signs to define an object, the compiler automatically initializes that object’s “+” property to the implied container.

For example:

    // define the '+' property
    // (we need this only once per source file)
    + property location;

    iceCave: Room
       sdesc = "Ice Cave"

    + nastyKnife: Item
       sdesc = "nasty knife"

    + rustyKnife: Item
       sdesc = "rusty knife"

We start by specifying that “location” is the “+” property. We then define the object iceCave with no “+” signs, which specifies no implicit setting for its location property. Next, we define the object nastyKnife using one “+” sign: this indicates that nastyKnife.location is initialized to iceCave, because iceCave is the most recent object defined with no “+” signs. Finally, we defined rustyKnife with one “+” sign; again, this object’s location is initialized to iceCave, because it’s still the last object with no “+” signs.

You can use the “+” syntax to any depth. Here’s an example with several levels of containers:

    + property location;

    office: Room
       sdesc = "Office"

    + desk: Surface
       sdesc = "desk"

    ++ fileBox: Container
       sdesc = "file box"

    +++ greenFile: Container
       sdesc = "green file folder"

    ++++ letter: Readable
       sdesc = "letter"

    ++++ memo: Readable
       sdesc = "memo"

    +++ redFile: Container
       sdesc = "red file folder"

    ++ pen: Item
       sdesc = "pen"

    + chair: Chair
       sdesc = "chair"

The desk and chair are located directly in the office, the file box and pen are on the desk, the green and red files are in the file box, and the letter and memo are in the green file. Each object except office has a location property set to its container.

Anonymous contained objects

You can combine the anonymous object syntax and the contained object syntax for an especially concise way of defining objects. We could rewrite the example above much more compactly:

    office: Room
       sdesc = "Office"

    + Surface sdesc = "desk" ;

    ++ Container sdesc = "file box" ;

    +++ Container sdesc = "green file folder" ;
    ++++ Readable sdesc = "letter" ;
    ++++ Readable sdesc = "memo" ;

    +++ Container sdesc = "red file folder" ;

    ++ Item sdesc = "pen" ;

    + Chair sdesc = "chair" ;


The compiler automatically adds the property sourceTextOrder to each non-class object, and sets the property to an integer giving the relative order of the object definition in its source file. The sourceTextOrder value is guaranteed to increase monotonically throughout a source file.

This property is useful because it lets you reliably determine the order of objects in a source file. There’s no other way to do this; for example, you can’t count on object loops, using firstObj() and nextObj(), to iterate over the game’s objects in any particular order. It’s often useful to be able to construct a run-time data structure (such as a list or a tree) so that the objects appear in the same order as they did in the source file, and sourceTextOrder is the way to do this.

The sourceTextOrder value is only useful for determining the relative order of objects in a single source module. The compiler resets the counter at the start of each new source file, so it’s not meaningful to compare this property for objects defined in different modules.


The compiler can optionally add another property to each object that gives you information on which module defined the object. If you compile with the “-Gstg” option, or use the directive #pragma sourceTextGroup(on), the compiler adds the property sourceTextGroup to each non-class object, and sets the property to refer to an anonymous object. One such anonymous object is created per source module, so you can tell that two objects were defined in the same source module when the two objects have the same sourceTextGroup value.

The anonymous object itself has two properties, which the compiler automatically sets when creating the object. The first is sourceTextGroupName: this is set to a string giving the name of the defining module, as it appeared in the compiler command line, makefile (.t3m), or library (.tl) file. The second is sourceTextGroupOrder: this is an integer giving the relative order of the defining module among all of the modules in the overall program.

You can use sourceTextGroup in conjunction with sourceTextOrder to establish the order of source-file appearance for objects throughout the entire program. For a given object x, x.sourceTextGroup.sourceTextGroupOrder gives you the position of the defining module among all of the modules making up the program; x.sourceTextOrder then gives you the relative order of x within its own source module.

Object templates

In addition to the generic property list syntax, the TADS compiler provides an alternative property definition syntax using object templates. (These have nothing to do with what C++ calls templates, which are parameterized types.) An object template lets you define an object’s properties positionally, rather than by naming each property explicitly in the object definition. Templates provide a concise syntax for defining properties that you use frequently.

To define objects using templates, you must first define the templates themselves. You define a template using the object template statement:

objectName template [ item1 [ , item2 ... ]  ]  ;

You can also define a template that is specific to instances of a class and all of its subclasses (including subclasses of subclasses, to any depth):

className template [ item1 [ , item2 ... ]  ]  ;

Each item in the list is a placeholder for a property; it specifies the name of the property to assign to the position, and how you will write the property value. Each item in a template can be written in one of these formats:

Each item is written as an example of how you will supply the item’s value in each object, with the item’s property name taking the place of the actual value. For a single-quoted string, write the property name in single quotes; for a double-quoted string, write the property name in double quotes; for a list, write the property name in square brackets; and when you use an operator, write the operator and then the property name.

An item can be made optional by adding a question mark (“?”) immediately after the item. When the template definition is matched to an object definition, the compiler will allow an optional item to be omitted. The “?” symbol applies only to the immediately preceding item; there’s no grouping syntax that would allow a single “?” to apply to multiple items. If you want to make multiple items optional, you must put a question mark after each optional item.

Two or more alternatives can be given for a single item by separating the alternatives with the vertical bar (“|”) symbol. Exactly one of the alternative template items will be matched to an object definition. The “|” symbol applies only to the directly adjacent items; there’s no syntax for grouping alternatives involving multiple items. A group of alternatives can be optional, but only as a group: if any item in an alternative group is marked as optional, then the entire group is optional.

If one of the items in the template list is the keyword inherited, it indicates that the template “inherits” the templates of its superclasses, and that the superclass items are to appear at the same point in the template as the inherited keyword. The effect is exactly the same as if you had defined a set of templates with each superclass template substituted for the inherited keyword in the new template, plus one extra definition with nothing substituted for inherited. To illustrate, suppose that you make the following definitions:

    class A: object;
    class B: A;

    A template 'name';
    A template 'name' "desc";
    B template 'author' inherited;

The last template, for class B, is identical to defining each possible inherited template explicitly. In other words, you could replace the last line above with the following:

    B template 'author';
    B template 'author' 'name';
    B template 'author' 'name' "desc";

The inherited keyword can appear at any point in the item list; superclass template items are substituted at the point at which inherited appears. This provides flexibility so that you can inherit the items from the superclass templates at the beginning, end, or in the middle of the new template’s item list.

Template examples

As an example of using templates, here’s a template definition that specifies three properties: the first is the location, which is marked with an “at” sign; the second is the short description in double quotes; and the third is the long description in double quotes.

    object template @location "sdesc" "ldesc";

Once you define a template, you can use it in object definitions. To use a template, simply put the data definitions for the template’s items before the object definition’s normal property list, immediately after the object’s class list. For example, to use the template above, we could write this:

    poemBook: Book @schoolDesk "poem book" 
       "It's a book of poems. "
          if (num == 1) ; // etc
       poem1 = "The first poem is by someone named Wadswurth. "

Note that you don’t have to put any properties after the template data for the object, but if you do, you define them using exactly the same syntax that you use for a non-template object.

Here’s an example of a template with an optional item:

    Thing template 'name' "desc"? ;

    cardTable: Thing 'card table';
    lamp: Thing 'lamp' "It's a fairly ordinary desk lamp. ";

The single template matches both object definitions, because the “desc” item can be omitted or included as desired.

An example using alternation:

    Message template 'name' "messageText" | [messageList];

    Message 'one' "This is message one.";
    Message 'two' ['Message 2a.', 'Message 2b.', 'Message 2c.'];

In this example, the second item in the template can either be a double-quoted string, or it can be a list. (The contents of the list don’t matter to the template.)

How the compiler selects templates

Templates don’t have names. The compiler figures out which template you want to use purely based on the superclass and on types of the values in the object definition. For the Book example above, the compiler sees that you want to use template data consisting of a value with the “@” symbol followed by two double-quoted strings; the compiler scans its list of templates and comes up with the template we defined earlier. This means that you must take care not to define two identical templates, because the compiler will not be able to tell them apart. If you do define identical templates, then the compiler will “break the tie” by using the one defined earliest in the source file.

Note that using optional and alternative items can sometimes create duplicate templates that aren’t obviously duplicates. For example, consider these templates:

    Thing template 'vocab' 'name'?;
    Thing template 'vocab' 'name' 'desc'?;

    Thing 'book' 'It\'s a dusty old tome. ';

In this case, it’s pretty clear to a human reader that the object definition meant to use the second template - but the compiler will pick the first, because it matches just as well and it occurs earlier in the source file.

Another situation where templates can be ambiguous in form is multiple inheritance. For example:

    A template 'name';
    B template 'desc';

    myObj: B, A 'this is myObj!';

In this case, the object inherits a matching template from each of its superclasses. In this case, though, the compiler has a better way of choosing among the templates than just using the source file order: it uses the superclass inheritance order. So, even though A’s template is defined before B’s, the fact that myObj inherits from B first, then from A, means that B’s template is chosen over A’s. So in this case, myObj.desc is the property that’s set to the string ‘this is myObj!’.

Template inheritance

You can use template inheritance to include superclass templates as continuations of templates for more specialized classes. For example, suppose we wanted to define a couple of basic templates for our Thing class, like so:

    Thing template 'name';
    Thing template 'name' "desc";

These two templates allow us to define any Thing instance with a name, and optionally with a description. Now, suppose we define Book as a subclass of Thing, and we want to allow Book instances to define an additional property giving the author of the book. Since Book is a Thing, we still want each Book to be able to define the basic Thing properties. The obvious way to do this would be to create a template for Book with only the author property, plus another with the author and name, and another with the author, name, and description:

    Book template 'author';
    Book template 'author' 'name';
    Book template 'author' 'name' "desc";

If we had more than two Thing templates, though, this would become tedious. It would also create a maintenance problem: if we ever wanted to add more Thing templates or change the existing Thing templates, we’d have to remember to make the corresponding changes to the Book templates as well.

Fortunately, the compiler offers a better way to define the extended Book templates: template inheritance. If you want a template for a subclass - Book, in this case - to include the templates of its superclasses in addition to its own templates, you can simply add the inherited keyword at the point in the template where you want the inherited templates to go.

For our Book template, we’d use template inheritance like so:

    Book template 'author' inherited;

This single statement is exactly equivalent to the three we gave earlier, but it’s obviously a lot less work to type this definition, and the definition automatically adjusts to any changes you make to the Thing templates.

Templates and object definition syntax variations

If you use braces around your property list, you can put the template properties either immediately before or immediately after the open brace:

    // template properties can go outside the braces...
    book1: Book @shelf "red book"
       ldesc = "It's a red book."

    // ...or immediately after an open brace
    book2: Book
       @shelf "blue book"
       ldesc = "It's a blue book."

You can use templates with anonymous objects, as well as with objects that use the “+” containment specification syntax:

    + Container "back-pack" "It's a green back-pack. " ;
    ++ Item "puzzle cube" "You haven't seen one of these in year. ";

Scope and placement of template definitions

The scope of a template is limited to a single compilation unit. If you are separating your program into several source files, each file must separately define the templates it uses. The easiest way to define templates in several files is to put the “object template” statements into a header file, and then include the header in each file; this way, you only have to write the templates once, and if you modify them later, you only need to make changes in one place.

Object template statements must appear as top-level statements, outside of any function or object definitions. A template can only be used after it has been defined, so you should normally define your templates near the start of each source file. Typically, games and libraries should define the templates they use in a header file so that all source modules can include the same template definitions.

Templates and dictionary properties

You cannot use a dictionary property in an object template. Dictionary properties are excluded because of the special syntax they use (a dictionary property can have its value set to a list of single-quoted strings, without any grouping brackets for the list). If you could use a dictionary property in a template, it would be possible to create ambiguous templates, because the compiler might not be able to tell if a single-quoted string were meant to be another entry in the same property list or a separate property in the template.

Persistent and transient objects

The T3 VM has a built-in subsystem that can save a snapshot of the state of all of the objects in the system, and later restore the same set of objects. This type of saving and restoring is referred to as “persistence,” because it lets a set of objects outlive a particular VM session; one could save a set of objects to a file on the computer’s hard disk, exit the program, turn off the computer, and return later - even weeks or months later - and restore the state of the objects just as they were when they were saved.

The VM provides two other mechanisms related to saving and restoring. First, the VM is capable of “restarting” the program, which resets all of the objects in the program to their initial state, as they were when the program was initially loaded. Second, the VM can save multiple in-memory snapshots of the program, called “savepoints,” and then roll back changes since a snapshot; this is called the “undo” mechanism, because it allows changes made since a given point in time to be reversed.

Taken together, these four features - save, restore, undo, restart - are called the “persistence” mechanisms of the T3 VM.

The persistence mechanisms are all completely automatic. To save the current state, for example, the program simply calls a function (saveGame(), in the tads-gen function set), providing the name of a file; the VM automatically creates a file with the given name and writes the state of all of the objects in the system to the file. To restore the same state later, the program calls another function (restoreGame()), providing the name of the file previously saved.

In some cases, it is desirable to prevent an object from being saved, restored, undone, or reset. For example, if an object is used to keep track of some part of the user interface, you probably wouldn’t want to save and restore the object, because you wouldn’t want the user interface’s state to be affected by a Restore operation. When an object isn’t part of the persistent state of the program, the object is called “transient.”

Transient objects are extremely useful for certain tasks because they “survive” the restore, undo, and restart operations. For example, if you’ve played the Infocom game Planetfall, you might remember that Floyd the robot makes little remarks when you save a game or undo. You could implement even more elaborate behavior of this kind by using a transient object to keep track of how many times the player has performed these operations. Since a transient object isn’t overwritten by a restore or undo, you can use it to keep track of the whole history of the session. You could also use a transient object to keep track of option settings that affect the overall session, so that the settings aren’t lost by being reset to the saved version if the user should restore a saved game. Another use might be a session timer that remembers how long the program has been running, irrespective of restores and undos.

The terminology - “transient” and “persistent” - can be confusing unless you have the right perspective. If you think in terms of the running program, the terminology seems backwards: transient objects seem more permanent than the persistent ones, because they survive operations like Restore and Restart. Instead, think about persistence in terms of saving data to a hard disk: persistent objects can be saved and restored, but transient objects are fleeting, lasting only as long as the VM is running.

By default, every object is persistent. This means that the VM automatically saves, restores, resets, and undoes every object, unless you specify otherwise.

To make an object transient, you use the “transient” keyword in TADS. This keyword can be used in two different ways.

First, when you’re defining an object directly in your source code, you can preface the object definition with the “transient” keyword. The object definition is otherwise exactly like any other. For example:

    transient mainOutputStream: OutputStream
       // etc

Second, when you’re creating an object dynamically, you can place the “transient” keyword immediately after the “new” operator:

    local x = new transient Vector(10);

In addition, the TadsObject intrinsic class provides the createTransientInstance() method to create a transient instance of a class.

Note that transient objects won’t be reset by the low-level restartGame() function, but they will be affected by the regular initialization steps if you’re using the default startup code. The startup code doesn’t pay any attention to transient-ness when running the initialization steps - in particular, it will execute InitObject and (if necessary) PreinitObject instances regardless of whether they’re persistent or transient.

Some intrinsic class types are inherently transient. For example, a StackFrameDesc object is always transient. For such objects you don’t have to specify new transient when you create them; they’ll just be naturally transient because of the way they’re implemented within the system.

Interactions between transient and persistent objects

For the most part, you don’t have to worry about whether an object is transient or persistent for ordinary use. The two kinds of objects work the same way most of the time; the differences only appear during restore, undo, and restart operations.

When you save a game, the system simply omits any transient objects from the saved state. But what happens if you have a persistent object that refers to a transient object through one of its properties? In this case, the system simply saves a nil value for the property that points to the transient object, because the transient object itself isn’t stored in the file. When you restore the game, the persistent object will be restored, and the property that contained the transient object reference will be nil.

TADS 3 System Manual
Table of Contents | The Language > Object Definitions
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