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The Intrinsics > StringBuffer
A StringBuffer is a mutable character string. Unlike the regular String class, a StringBuffer can be edited in place, meaning that you can change the text contained in the object.
In contrast, a String object is immutable: operators and functions that appear to modify a string, such as the “+=” operator, actually leave the original string unchanged and create a new String object to represent the result of the operation.
This difference means that it’s often more efficient to use StringBuffer when you need to assemble a string by concatenating a number of pieces together. Doing this with regular String objects requires creating a new intermediate string for each concatenation step, which involves allocating memory and copying the source strings. Consider this example:
local x = 'one ';
x += 'two ';
x += 'three ';
x += 'four ';
x += 'five';
This creates five separate strings - the original string, plus a new string for each concatenation result. The text ‘one’ has to be copied again on every step, since it appears at the start of every intermediate result. Now consider the corresponding code using a StringBuffer object:
local x = new StringBuffer();
x.append('one ');
x.append('two ');
x.append('three ');
x.append('four ');
This only creates a single StringBuffer object. Each
call modifies the contents of the
StringBuffer - it doesn’t create a new object. Appending new text simply
tacks the text onto the end of the current contents of the object, so
the text already stored doesn’t have to be copied anywhere.
For simple operations involving a few concatenations, you probably wouldn’t notice any performance difference between the two approaches, so you might as well stick to the simple String approach. Where StringBuffer becomes interesting is for complex string constructions involving a long series of steps - dozens or hundreds of steps. StringBuffer is ideally suited for tasks like capturing the text directed to an output stream, or loading the lines of text out of a file.
You create a StringBuffer with the new
operator. The simplest format is to create the object with no
constructor arguments:
local s = new StringBuffer();
This creates a StringBuffer with default allocation parameters.
StringBuffer objects manage their memory automatically, but the
constructor takes a couple of optional arguments that let you fine-tune
the object’s memory usage. If you include one integer value in the
call, it specifies the initial allocation
size of the internal text buffer, in characters:
s = new StringBuffer(1000);
This allocates an initial buffer with room for 1000 characters of text.
You can also specify a second integer argument giving the “incremental” allocation size. This is the amount of additional memory that the object will allocate each time its contents expand beyond its current capacity.
s = new StringBuffer(1000, 500);
That allocates 1000 space for characters initially, and tells the object to add memory for another 500 characters each time the contents exceed the current capacity.
If you have some idea when creating the object of how much text you’ll ultimately be storing in it, you can improve performance by specifying the allocation parameters. Expanding the buffer space is extra work, so it’s best to minimize it by making the buffer large enough up front that it won’t need to be expanded too often. On the other hand, it wastes memory to specify an initial size that’s much larger than you’ll ever need.
A StringBuffer’s stored text length is limited only by available memory.
This means that a StringBuffer can be much longer than an ordinary
string, which is limited to about 64,000 bytes. (The Unicode UTF-8
format is a variable-length encoding, meaning that each character
requires a different number of bytes of storage. As a result, the 64,000
byte limit translates to anywhere from 21,000 to 64,000 characters,
depending on which particular characters are involved.) When you convert
a StringBuffer to an ordinary string object, such as via
, an error will be thrown if the
contents exceed the string size limit.
The +
and +=
operators cannot be used with StringBuffer objects (more on this
Converting to String
You can convert a StringBuffer to a regular String using the
passing the StringBuffer as the argument. This returns an ordinary
String object with the same contents.
The normal way to use StringBuffer is to maintain a StringBuffer object for the process of assembling a string out of various elements, then to convert the result to an ordinary String when the build process is done. StringBuffer isn’t as full-featured as String; it’s intended to be used mainly for construction, not manipulation or long-term storage.
You can use the comparison operators (==
, \>
, \>=
) to compare StringBuffer values to other
StringBuffers or to ordinary strings. The comparisons are handled as
though the StringBuffer were an ordinary string containing the text in
the buffer.
local s = new StringBuffer();
if (s == 'hello')
This will print “Yes”, since the contents of the StringBuffer match the character string.
You can use the indexing operator to retrieve a single character from a StringBuffer:
local s = new StringBuffer();
local c = s[3]; // c = 'c'
The result is a one-character string containing the character at the given index. (The first character is at index 1.) It’s illegal to index the string outside of the bounds of the string. However, a negative value is legal: it indicates an offset from the end of the string, with -1 referring to the last character, -2 the second to last, and so on.
local g = s[-1]; // g = 'g'
You can also assign a value to an indexed element. This replaces the character at that position with a given character. The replacement can be specified as a string, in which case only the first character of the string will be used; or as an integer, which is treated as a Unicode character code.
s[2] = 'B';
s[3] = 67; // unicode character 'C'
// s now contains 'aBCdefg'
As with the regular index operator, you can only assign to index values within the bounds of the text in the buffer, and you can use a negative value to index from the end of the string.
s[-1] = 'G'; // s now contains aBCdefG
Unlike with Strings, the +
(addition) and
(add and assign) operators don’t work with
StringBuffers. This isn’t an oversight; it’s to avoid confusion. The
whole point of StringBuffer is to avoid creating new objects on every
edit, but it would be confusing for +
not to
create new objects when used with StringBuffer:
never alters its operands, and the only way
for +
to work on a StringBuffer without
altering it would be to create a new StringBuffer to hold the result.
But that would be confusing in its own way, because it’s contrary to the
whole spirit of StringBuffer. So it seems best for
to explicitly not work with this object.
Appends the string str to the end of the StringBuffer’s current text.
If str isn’t already a string value, it’ll be converted to a string,
if possible. Integers, BigNumber values, and and
and nil
can all be converted automatically.
Returns an integer giving the Unicode character value of the character at index idx. The index must be within the bounds of the contents of the buffer. A negative value is an index from the end of the string (-1 refers to the last character).
copyChars(*idx*, *str*)
Copy characters from the string str into the buffer starting at index idx, overwriting the current contents. The first character is at index 1. If idx is negative, it’s an index from the end of the buffer, with the last character at index -1.
deleteChars(*idx*, *len*?)
Deletes len characters from the string starting at index idx. The first character is at index 1. You can use a negative value for idx to index from the end of the string, with the last character at index -1. If len is omitted, all characters from the starting point to the end of the string are deleted.
insert(*str*, *idx*)
Inserts the string str into the StringBuffer at index idx; that is,
just before the character currently at the given index. The first
character is at index 1. You can use a negative value to index from the
end of the string, with the last character at index -1. If you insert at
an index past the end of the string, the result will be the same as
. As with
, str is automatically converted to
a string representation if it’s not already a string (and a conversion
is possible).
Returns the length in characters of the contents of the StringBuffer.
splice(*idx*, *len*, *str*)
Replaces the len characters starting at index idx with the
replacement text str. This is essentially a combined delete and insert
operation: we first delete len characters, then insert the new string
at the same position. idx be negative to index from the end of the
string. As with append()
, str is
automatically converted to a string representation if it’s not already a
string (and a conversion is possible).
substr(*idx*, *len*?)
Returns an ordinary string containing the characters in the buffer
starting at index idx and continuing for len characters. If you omit
len, all characters from idx to the end of the buffer are included.
idx can be negative to index from the end of the string. For example,
returns a string containing the
last 10 characters in the buffer.
TADS 3 System Manual
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The Intrinsics > StringBuffer