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Advanced Topics > Global Command
Global Command Remapping
In version 3.0.17, the Adv3 library introduced “global remapping.” This is a way of transforming the player’s input into a different syntax, so that the parser sees a rewritten version of the command.
One reason that you might want to rewrite a command is that natural languages often have several ways of saying the same thing - that is, a single underlying meaning can often be expressed with several syntactic variations. In these cases it’s convenient to be able to funnel the syntactic variations down to a single internal representation, so that you can write a single set of handlers (dobjFor, iobjFor, etc) for that one meaning, rather than having to duplicate the code in several places just to handle the syntax differences. TADS does this automatically to a large degree through its grammar matching system, but that only goes as far as handling superficial variations in verb syntax; sometimes there are two completely different verbs that amount to the same thing, and sometimes the equivalency depends on context.
Another reason for rewriting commands is that natural languages sometimes use the same syntax to mean quite different things. For example, in English, TAKE usually means PICK UP, but when used with ASPIRIN, PICTURE, or A SEAT, it can mean something different. These sorts of contextual meanings are often easy enough to handle with the dobjFor and iobjFor mechanisms, but sometimes it’s better to rewrite the command into an unambiguous form from the outset (EAT ASPIRIN, SNAP PICTURE, SIT ON SEAT) so that there’s less to override in the action handlers, and so that object resolution uses the rules for the remapped phrasing rather than the original.
Global remapping is related to the “remapTo” mechanism. remapTo lets an object handle a given action by rewriting the command into a different form; for example, Room handles “look in room” by remapping the command to “examine room” via remapTo.
The remapTo mechanism is convenient, but it has an important limitation: it’s tied to the objects involved in a command. Obviously, remapping that’s associated with the objects in a command can’t occur until after the objects are known. This means that remapTo can’t take effect until after the object resolution phase of parsing.
That’s where the new mechanism comes in. It’s “global” in the sense that it’s not associated with any particular objects. Instead, there’s simply a list of remapping rules that’s always in effect. Since the rules are global, there’s no need to wait until after the objects are known to apply the rules - they can be applied as soon as the parser has determined the syntactic structure of the player’s input, before any objects have been resolved.
This ability to apply rewrites before object resolution is the whole purpose of the new global remapping system. There are cases that remapTo can’t readily handle due to its association with resolved objects.
How to create a global remapping
To create a global remapping, you define an object of class GlobalRemapping. The parser automatically maintains a global list of these objects, so all you need to do is define one, and the parser will find it and apply it. On every command (more specifically, on parsing each action), the parser runs through its global list of remappings, and calls each one to give it a chance to apply its rewrite.
Each GlobalRemapping object you define needs one method, getRemapping( issuingActor, targetActor, action). issuingActor gives the Actor object of the “issuer” of the command, which is the actor who typed the command at the command prompt. In most cases this is the player character, but it’s possible for other actors to issue commands via scripted events. targetActor is the Actor object giving the character to whom the command is addressed. For example, in “Bob, go north”, the target actor is Bob. action is the Action describing the command to be performed. This object’s class tells you the type of verb involved, and it provides the properties dobjMatch, iobjMatch, topicMatch, and literalMatch that give you the “parsing match trees” of the objects involved, if any.
The getRemapping() method has essentially two tasks to perform. First, it must determine whether or not it wants to apply a remapping. To do this, it should examine the Action object to see if this is the type of command that the remapping wants to transform. If the answer is no, the routine should simply return nil. If the answer is yes, the routine performs its second task: create and return the transformed version of the command.
When the routine decides to remap the command, the return value is a list with two elements: [targetActor, newAction]. The targetActor is the Actor to whom the transformed command is addressed. In many cases this will simply be the same as the original target actor, but you can change the target if necessary. The newAction is a new Action object giving the new action to be performed in place of the original.
Global remapping runs before object resolution
Note that the Action object in the getRemapping() parameters does not include a list of the actual objects involved in the command. Instead, it has parse trees describing the syntax of the noun phrases in the player’s command that refer to the objects. This is very different from what we’re accustomed to for writing things like dobjFor() and iobjFor() handlers - in those routines, we can look at variables like gDobj, gIobj, gTopic, and gLiteral to get the actual objects involved in the command.
So, why aren’t gDobj and the rest available? This is because global remapping happens before the “object resolution” phase. Object resolution is the part of the parsing process where the parser examines the noun phrases in the player’s input and figures out which game objects they refer to. Before the object resolution phase, the parser only knows the noun phrases. Since global remapping runs before object resolution, only the noun phrases are available.
As we mentioned in the introduction, the whole point of the global remapping mechanism is that it runs before object resolution, but this does slightly complicate things when we try to use the mechanism.
Fortunately, we’re not completely on our own to interpret the noun phrases. For one thing, the parser hasn’t yet resolved the noun phrases to objects by the time we get to remapping, but it has performed some analysis. Specifically, the parser has determined the syntax of the noun phrases and produced “match trees” for them. A match tree is a data structure that describes the syntax of a phrase - it’s basically a sentence diagram of the type you probably encountered in elementary school language classes. You can read all about these in the GrammarProd chapter of the TADS 3 System Manual, but for the purposes of writing a remapping rule, you probably won’t need to know much about them directly. Instead, the parser provides helper methods that let you ask the most relevant questions about the match trees without having to decode them.
The key question that you’ll usually want to ask in a remapper is whether a given noun phrase could resolve to a given object. Remember, it’s not possible to determine at this point if a phrase actually resolves to a given object - we can’t know that until after object resolution, at which point it would be too late to perform global remapping. However, we can rule objects in or out, according to whether their vocabulary words could possibly match those in the noun phrase. The Action class provides two methods to do just this: canDobjResolveTo(obj) does this for the direct object, and canIobjResolveTo(obj) works for the indirect object. These methods return true if the relevant noun phrase could possibly resolve to obj, nil if not. These methods only take into account the syntax of the noun phrase; they don’t look at things like location and scope, since we can only properly consider those factors after we know the final form of the action.
You can also get the literal text of the noun phrase, if you want to do your own parsing at the textual level. As we mentioned, you can get the various match trees via the Action’s properties dobjMatch, iobjMatch, topicMatch, and literalMatch. Once you have a match tree, you can get its original literal text via its method getOrigText(), and you can retrieve the same information as a token list via getOrigTokenList().
How remappings interact
The parser keeps a global list of all GlobalRemapping objects, and it runs through the list on each turn, calling each one’s getRemapping() method to give it a chance to apply its transformation.
If a getRemapping() method returns nil, the parser simply continues on to the next rule in the list to give it a crack at the command, and so on until it reaches the end of the list. Upon exhausting the list, the parser moves on to the next parsing phase (object resolution).
If a getRemapping() method returns a transformed command, the parser replaces the original action (and target actor) with the new version. It then starts over in its scan of the global list. The reason for starting over is that there might be some other rule - possibly earlier in the list - that applies to the new version of the command. By starting the scan over, we ensure that any remapping that applies to the new version gets a chance to apply its transformation.
Because of the way the parser re-scans the list after each transformation of the command, the order of application of the rules doesn’t make any difference in terms of performing “chained” transformations, where the output of one rewrite is the input to a further rewrite. However, the order does matter when two or more rules could both apply to the same input. For example, suppose you have a rule that transforms the command “TAKE RED BOOK”, and another that applies to “TAKE book”, where book is any type of book in the game; both of these rules will apply to “TAKE RED BOOK”. In such a case, you might want to fine-tune the ordering of the rules. You can do this using the remappingOrder property of the GlobalRemapping object. The parser scans the list in ascending order of this property, so a rule with a lower remappingOrder value will run earlier than one with a higher value. The default value is 100, so if you don’t override this for any rules, they’ll all have the same priority and thus will run in arbitrary order.
A detailed example
There are some subtleties to writing a global remapping that are easiest to explain by looking at a concrete example. We’ll look at a remapping that’s provided as part of the Adv3 library: giveMeToAskFor, which maps commands of the form “ACTOR, GIVE ME ITEM” to the alternative format “ME, ASK ACTOR FOR ITEM”. This transformation makes it easier to code actor interactions, since it funnels both phrasings into the single ASK FOR format, which means that you can handle both kinds using AskForTopic objects. Here’s the object definition:
* Define a global remapping to transform commands of the form "X, GIVE
* ME Y" to the format "ME, ASK X FOR Y". This makes it easier to write
* the code to handle these sorts of exchanges, since it means you only
* have to write it in the ASK FOR handler.
giveMeToAskFor: GlobalRemapping
* Remap a command, if applicable. We look for commands of the form
* "X, GIVE ME Y": we look for a GiveTo action whose indirect object
* is the same as the issuing actor. When we find this form of
* command, we rewrite it to "ME, ASK X FOR Y".
getRemapping(issuingActor, targetActor, action)
* if it's of the form "X, GIVE Y TO Z", where Z is the issuing
* actor (generally ME, but it could conceivably be someone
* else), transform it into "Z, ASK X FOR Y".
if (action.ofKind(GiveToAction)
&& action.canIobjResolveTo(issuingActor))
/* create the ASK FOR action */
local newAction = AskForAction.createActionInstance();
/* remember the original version of the action */
* Changing the phrasing from "X, GIVE Y TO Z" to "Z, ASK X
* FOR Y" will change the target actor from X in the old
* version to Z in the new version. In the original format,
* the pronouns "you", "your", and "yours" implicitly refers
* to Z ("Bob, give me your book" implies "bob's book"). The
* rewrite will change that, though - assuming that Z is a
* second-person actor, "you" will by default refer to Z in
* the rewrite. In order to preserve the original meaning,
* we have to override "you" in the rewrite so that it
* continues to refer to "X", which we can do using a pronoun
* override in the new action.
newAction.setPronounOverride(PronounYou, targetActor);
* The direct object - the person we're asking - is the
* original target actor ("bob" in "bob, give me x"). Since
* this is a specific object, we need to wrap it in a
* PreResolvedProd.
local dobj = new PreResolvedProd(targetActor);
* The thing we're asking for is the original direct object.
* ASK FOR takes a topic phrase for its indirect object,
* whereas GIVE TO takes a regular noun phrase. The two
* aren't quite identical syntactically, so we'll do better
* if we re-parse the original dobj noun phrase as a topic
* phrase. Fortunately, this is easy...
local iobj = newAction.reparseMatchAsTopic(
action.dobjMatch, issuingActor, issuingActor);
/* set the object match trees */
newAction.setObjectMatches(dobj, iobj);
* Return the new command, addressing the *issuing* actor
* this time around.
return [issuingActor, newAction];
/* it's not ours */
return nil;
Let’s go over that line by line.
First, we have to define the GlobalRemapping object, using an ordinary object definition for an object of class GlobalRemapping:
giveMeToAskFor: GlobalRemapping
Next, we define a getRemapping() method. We’re required to define this method for each GlobalRemapping we create, since it’s where we determine whether or not to do a remapping, and if so, it’s where we create the remapped action.
getRemapping(issuingActor, targetActor, action)
The first thing we do in this method is to determine if we want to remap the command. For this mapping, we’re interested in any command of the form ACTOR, GIVE ME ITEM. In other words, we want to catch GiveTo actions where the indirect object (the receiver of the GIVE TO) is ME.
Checking the type of verb phrase is easy: we just check the action parameter to see if its class is the kind of Action we care about, in this case GiveToAction.
Now, we could just look for the literal text “me” in the iobj phrase, but this wouldn’t always work. For example, it wouldn’t work in games in languages other than English. It also wouldn’t work even in English for a game other than in the second person - in a third-person game, for example, the player character might be BOB rather than ME. The actual thing we’re looking for, then, isn’t that the receiver is ME, but that it’s the actor who gave the command. In other words, the issuing actor, which is given to us as the issuingActor parameter.
Okay, so we know which object we’re interested in, but we have to remember the complication that the parser doesn’t know which objects are involved yet, because object resolution is yet to come. So we can’t just ask “is the iobj the same as the issuing actor?” Fortunately, we have the handy canIobjResolveTo() method on the Action, which lets us do the next best thing: it lets us find out if the iobj phrase could resolve to the issuing actor.
Putting together our test for the action class and our test for the potential resolution of the iobj phrase, we come up with our main “if” statement, determining whether or not we’re going to perform a remapping:
if (action.ofKind(GiveToAction)
&& action.canIobjResolveTo(issuingActor))
Entering the “if” block means that we’ve passed the test, so we’re going to perform the remapping. Our job at this point is to create the new Action object representing the new command. We’ll start by creating an instance of our new action. We want to change the action to ASK FOR, which is represented by the AskForAction class. To create an instance, we do this:
local newAction = AskForAction.createActionInstance();
This new action is a replacement for another action that the parser was working on, and in these cases it’s important to tell the parser about that relationship. We do this by telling the new Action object that it has an “original” Action:
Next, we have to deal with a subtle complication that comes from changing the target actor. Recall that we’re changing the phrasing from ACTOR, GIVE ME ITEM to ME, ASK ACTOR FOR ITEM - the target actor is changing from ACTOR to ME. Suppose the original phrasing was BOB, GIVE ME YOUR KEY; the transformed version will be ME, ASK BOB FOR YOUR KEY. See the problem? If you didn’t know about the rewrite, you’d think we’re talking about my key rather than Bob’s.
In principle, we could do something like change the word YOUR to HIS - ME, ASK BOB FOR HIS KEY. That’s not easy, for many reasons - we’d have to dig through the match tree for the right nodes, we’d have to figure out that Bob is a “he” to know which pronoun to use, we’d have to deal with language differences, etc. Fortunately, the parser provides a much easier way of handling this: it lets us temporarily override the meaning of “you”, just for the duration of this action. To do this, we use the method setPronounOverride() on the action:
newAction.setPronounOverride(PronounYou, targetActor);
Note that we only have to override “you”, not “your” and “yours,” because the parser considers all of these to be aspects of the same pronoun. In fact, there is no “PronounYour” to override - “your” exists only in the input grammar, and always refers to the same antecedent as “you.”
We now have our new action object, but it’s just an empty shell so far, because we haven’t told it about the objects involved. The next step is to plug in the objects - or, more precisely, the match trees for the noun phrases. Just as the original Action has match trees instead of resolved nouns, we have to fill in the replacement Action with match trees instead of resolved nouns.
In the case of the direct object, this might seem a bit awkward, because we do in fact know the exact object we want to plug in: the target actor. Fortunately, the parser provides a class, PreResolvedProd, designed for just this situation. PreResolvedProd is basically a “fake” match tree. It looks just like a match tree to the parser, but rather than representing a noun phrase from the player’s input, it represents a known (“pre-resolved”) object. To use it, we just create an instance of PreResolvedProd, passing in as the constructor argument the known object that we want to “wrap” in match tree clothing:
local dobj = new PreResolvedProd(targetActor);
For the indirect object, we would normally do something even simpler. We’re transforming from ACTOR, GIVE ME ITEM to ME, ASK ACTOR FOR ITEM: note how we’re just moving ITEM from the dobj slot in the input to the iobj slot in the output. So what we’d usually do here is simply take the original action’s dobjMatch value (the ITEM noun phrase) and plug it directly in as the iobjMatch of the new action. Doing that here will, in fact, mostly work fine. However, there’s another complication about our particular example that we should deal with: in the ASK FOR command, the indirect object is a “topic phrase” rather than an ordinary noun phrase. (Look at the grammar definition for the AskFor command to see this.) The syntax rules for topic phrases are almost the same as for ordinary noun phrases, but not exactly the same. To make sure we use the exact rules for topics, we should re-parse the indirect object phrase as a topic. Once again, the parser comes to the rescue with a handy method, in this case a TopicAction method called reparseMatchAsTopic() that takes an ordinary noun phrase match tree and turns it into a topic phrase match tree. We just pass our dobjMatch from the original action into this method, and out pops our topic match tree:
local iobj = newAction.reparseMatchAsTopic(
action.dobjMatch, issuingActor, issuingActor);
We finally have all of the objects (actually, match trees) for the new action, but we still have to fill the slots in, which we do using the setObjectMatches() method on the new action:
newAction.setObjectMatches(dobj, iobj);
Now we just need to return the new command. This is done by returning a list consisting of the new target actor and the new Action object:
return [issuingActor, newAction];
That’s it for the main “if”. All that remains is to close off the “if” block, and deal with the case where we didn’t decide to remap the action. To signal that we’re not doing any remapping, we simply return nil; so we just need to add a nil return in case we didn’t go into the “if” block and return a new action.
return nil;
And that’s everything - we just close the method, end the object, and we’re done.
TADS 3 Technical Manual
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Advanced Topics > Global Command