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Writing a Game in the Past Tense

by Michel Nizette

IF authors usually prefer to write in the second person and in the present tense, as though the events were happening directly to the player. Many feel that this creates a sense of involvement in the story that cannot be so efficiently achieved otherwise. Occasionally, though, some authors like to break free of this tradition and explore how a different narrative style affects the playing experience. For example, a first-person game presented in the form of a dialogue between the player and the protagonist of the story may help establish the latter as a distinct character, with an independent personality. The past tense also can be used to good effect to evoke the protagonist’s memories, either for the whole story or during a short interlude.

Before TADS 3, experimenting with these unusual narrative styles wasn’t easy, and required a lot of work on the part of the author. All IF authoring systems provide a set of default responses to the player’s actions, and many games don’t need to replace more than a few of them. However, these messages are usually written in the second person and in the present tense, according to the most widespread usage. This means that the whole set of messages have to be replaced if you want to try a different combination of person and tense.

In TADS 3, the person and tense aren’t hard-coded in the message definitions. Instead, TADS 3 uses parameterized messages that automatically adapt to the combination of person and tense of your choice, which you specify simply via a couple of settings. As a result of this design, you are not restricted to use the same tense and person for the whole story: you can switch to a different combination at any time during the game.

Selecting the person and tense of the narrative

You select the narrative tense via the usePastTense property of your gameMain object. This is the object where you define the initial player character and the messages displayed during the introduction and after quitting. The default value of usePastTense is nil, meaning that, by default, the story uses the present tense. Override this property to true for a past tense narrative.

You can reset this property at any time during the game to switch to a different tense. The TADS 3 Library defines a convenience macro for this, called setPastTense. This macro takes a single argument and is just a shorthand for assigning gameMain.usePastTense directly: setPastTense(val) simply expands to gameMain.usePastTense = val.

Unlike the narrative tense, the person in which the player character is referred to is a property of the player character’s Actor object. In a game where several characters can be controlled by the player at different times, you might want to use distinct grammatical persons for some of them, so it makes sense to define this setting separately for each potential player character. To select the person for the player character object, you set its pcReferralPerson property to one of the three following values: FirstPerson, SecondPerson, or ThirdPerson. The default value is SecondPerson, so that the game refers to the player character as “you” unless otherwise specified.

The past tense handling framework

The ability to switch between the present tense and the past tense is a recent addition to TADS 3. On this occasion, it has been necessary to extend the message parameter substitution mechanism already used for plugging the appropriate object names in the command responses and making verbs agree in person and number with the subject. The remainder of this article describes the new features of the substitution parameter framework that are specific to handling the past tense, and which are not covered in the older article Message Parameter Substitutions in the TADS 3 Library. From now on, we’ll assume that you have some familiarity with the material exposed therein.

If you have read the article in question, you have probably noticed that the first given example of a message that uses substitution parameters:

       {You/he} see{s} nothing unusual about {it dobj/him}.

has been updated in a more recent version of the TADS 3 Library to:

       {You/he} {sees} nothing unusual about {it dobj/him}.

Although the verb “see” could be considered regular as long as we were only interested in the present-tense form, and could be handled with the regular verb ending parameter {s}, it can’t be anymore now that we need to take the irregular past tense form (“saw”) into account. The new parameter {sees} generates the appropriate conjugated form of “see” in agreement with the subject of the sentence and in the desired tense: it produces “sees” in the third-person singular of the present tense, “see” in all other cases of the present tense, and “saw” in the past tense. The irregular verb “see,” just like “have,” is common enough to justify a dedicated substitution parameter, although all irregular verbs don’t have their own specific substitution parameters. We’ll see below how to conjugate arbitrary verbs, whether regular or irregular.

Regular verb endings

Regular verbs are those that obey simple conjugation rules in both the present tense and the past tense: up to some minor variations, they take -s in the third-person singular of the present tense and -ed in the past tense. Formerly, TADS 3 defined three substitution parameters for regular verb endings: {s}, {es}, and {ies}. The problem with these parameters is that they don’t always provide enough information about the correct past-tense ending, so now the set of verb ending parameters has been augmented with the following:

Parameter string

Thing property

Example use

Example expansion




close, closes, closed




open, opens, opened




drop, drops, dropped




fix, fixes, fixed




carry, carries, carried

Their use should be mostly self-explanatory from the examples given in the two last columns of the table, but a few comments are worth making.

The two first parameters, {s/d} and {s/ed}, are used for those verbs that just take -s in the third-person singular present: some of them take -d in the past (like “close”) and thus require {s/d}, and others take -ed (like “open”) and thus require {s/ed}. The parameter {s} doesn’t contain enough information to lift this ambiguity, and should be used only in those contexts where you are certain that you don’t need the past-tense form (more about this later).

The parameter {s/?ed} is handled in a special way by the Library. It is used for those verbs that end with a consonant and have that last consonant repeated in the past tense, but otherwise have a regular conjugation. The example listed in the table is “drop,” which has its final ‘p’ repeated in the past: “dropped.” To use this parameter, you never type it literally with the explicit question mark. Instead, its proper use is to replace the question mark with the repeated consonant: {s/ped}, {s/ted}, or whatever.

The two last parameters in the table, {es/ed} and {ies/ied}, are respectively for those verbs that take -es or have their -y ending replaced with -ies in the third-person singular present. Note that, unlike {s}, the verb endings {es} and {ies} actually contain no ambiguity about the corresponding regular past tense form, since -es always becomes -ed, and -ies always becomes -ied in the past. So, the parameters {es/ed} and {ies/ied} are actually redundant, and are in fact equivalent to {es} and {ies}, respectively. They only are provided for symmetry with the {s/d}, {s/ed}, {s/?ed} set. We recommand that you always use the paramater forms that explicitly list the past tense ending in all cases, so that you never need to think about which case truly requires it and which does not.

Common irregular verbs

Already before the introduction of the past-tense framework, the TADS 3 Library defined substitution parameters for the few verbs that have an irregular form in the past tense. This set is pretty limited: there are “to have,” “to be,” and a few contractions of “to be” with the subject. However, many verbs have a regular conjugation in the present tense, but an irregular past-tense form. For the most commonly used of them, the Library now defines the following additional parameters:

Parameter strings

Thing property

Expands to

do, does


do, does, did

go, goes


go, goes, went

come, comes


come, comes, came

leave, leaves


leave, leaves, left

see, sees


see, sees, saw

say, says


say, says, said



must, had to



can, could



cannot, could not



can’t, couldn’t



will, would



won’t, wouldn’t

You can see from the table that if a verb or verb form is defective in the past tense, then the corresponding parameter expands to a close approximation: {must} expands to “had to,” and {cannot} expands to “could not.” Also, for some verbs, there are two equivalent parameter strings: for example, {do} and {does} have exactly the same expansion rules.

Arbitrary irregular verbs

All irregular verbs aren’t used as frequently as those listed in the table above, and thus don’t deserve a specific substitution parameter. For the less-used irregular verbs, the Library provides a fallback mechanism that allows switching between two arbitrary strings depending on the narrative tense. The format superficially looks like an ordinary substitution parameter: the syntax is {presentString|pastString}, where presentString and pastString represent the (possibly empty) strings to be displayed in the present and past tenses, respectively.

For example, the substring {may|might} in a parameterized message string would expand to “may” in the present tense and to “might” in the past tense.

This example is rather exceptional in that the verb “may” doesn’t vary at all in the present tense. Most irregular verbs need to be made to agree with the subject in the present tense, and so you’ll often want to include ordinary substitution parameters inside one of the two strings embedded in a tense-switching sequence. The nested substitution parameters, if present, must be enclosed in square brackets rather than braces. For example, a message involving the verb “understand” could be written like this:

       {You/he} hardly underst{and[s]|ood} Blottnyan poetry.

Let’s look at this example in detail. The initial substitution parameter sets up the actor as the grammatical subject. Then, a bit further on, we have the constant substring “underst” immediately followed by the tense-switching sequence, {and[s]|ood}. If the current narrative tense is the past, then this sequence expands to “ood,” producing “understood” in combination with the prefix “underst.” In the present tense, the switching sequence selects “and[s]” instead, which contains an ordinary substitution parameter, [s], enclosed in square brackets. This parameter expands to either “s” or nothing, depending on which of these gives the correct verb agreement, so the whole switching sequence expands to either “and” or “ands.” In combination with the prefix “underst,” this ultimately gives either “understand” or “understands” in the present tense.

Note, by the way, that here we have a case where it makes sense to use the verb ending parameter [s] rather than one of the forms that has the past tense ending listed explicitly (such as [s/ed] or whatever), because we never use a regular past-tense ending.

Arbitrary tense-dependent expressions

The tense-switching syntax can also be useful for more complicated verb forms, or for things other than verbs but that still vary with tense. For example, the following message string is defined somewhere in the TADS 3 Library:

       {The dobj/he} should {be|have been} right {|t}here,
       but {you/he} {can\'t} see {it dobj/him}.

In this example, the tense-switching syntax is used twice. The first instance generates a present or past conditional: the substring “should {be|have been}” produces “should be” in the present tense, and “should have been” in the past tense. The second instance is “{|t}here,” which gives “here” in the present tense and “there” in the past tense. (In case you wonder, the reason why we want to avoid using “here” in the past tense is that it doesn’t make much sense to call “here” a place which the player character has visited at some time in the past, but might very well have left since then.)

Note also an important difference between the two following messages (both found in the TADS 3 Library):

       {You/he} smell{s/ed} nothing out of the ordinary.

       Opening {the dobj/him} reveal{s|ed} nothing unusual.

You may wonder why the first message uses the ordinary verb ending substitution parameter {s/ed}, whereas the second message uses the generic tense-switching syntax {s|ed}, for apparently identical purposes. The answer is that ordinary verb parameters need a subject to agree with, while the tense-switching syntax doesn’t. In the first message, the parameter {You/he} sets up the grammatical subject of the sentence. The verb “smell” is then required to agree with it, so we must use the appropriate substitution parameter for the verb ending. In the second message, the subject of the sentence is the present participle “Opening,” which unconditionally requires the verb to be in third-person singular. Because the subject isn’t a parameterized expression, we don’t need (and we can’t use) a verb ending parameter here. But the verb ending still needs to vary with tense, so we use the tense-switching syntax.

Behind the scenes, the tense-switching syntax is implemented via a macro which you may find convenient in its own right. The macro is named tSel and takes two arguments; it just expands to its first argument if the current narrative tense is the present, and to its second argument if it is the past. For example, tSel(getTime()\[1\], 1492) would give the current year for the present tense, and the year of the discovery of America by Columbus for the past tense.

Disabling tense switching in substitution parameters

Occasionally, you may want a verb form to vary as a function of person and number only, but not as a function of the narrative tense. Quoted speech, for example, is always reported in the present tense, even in a past tense narrative.

You might be tempted to write a default response to giving an arbitrary object to a certain character as follows:

       {The iobj/he} {says}, <q>{The dobj/he} {is} of no use to me right now.</q>

except that this won’t quite work as you want it to, at least in the past tense. The kind of response you are aiming for with such a message string is probably something like “The thief said, ‘the lock pick is of no use to me right now.’” But instead, it will generate “The thief said, ‘the lock pick was of no use to me right now,’” because the system has no way to know that you want the verb “is” in the present tense, despite this being a past-tense phrasing. Yet you really need a substitution parameter for the verb “is,” because it must agree in number with the direct object of the action. This is obvious from the following example: “The thief said, ‘the gloves are of no use to me right now.’”

TADS 3 provides a solution to this problem. Just add an exclamation mark at the end of the substitution parameter for which you want the present-tense form unconditionally, like this:

       {The iobj/he} {says}, <q>{The dobj/he} {is!} of no use to me right now.</q>

The Library then will not attempt to render the verb “to be” in the past tense, but still knows that you want it to agree with the subject.

There is another situation where this mechanism can be useful. If your whole game is written in the past tense, then the only verb for which you’ll ever need a substitution parameter is the verb “to be,” whose conjugated forms are “was” and “were.” All other verbs have the same form for any person and number in the past tense, so they have no agreement rules to worry about: you can just type them out literally, without using substitution parameters. For the verb “to be,” the straightforward way to proceed would be to use {are} or {is}. But since most of the text is going to be written in the past tense, you may not like the intrusion of parameters that look formally like present-tense verb forms. And you can’t use {was} or {were} for this purpose, because both of them would expand to “had been” (which is really equivalent to “was” or “were” with a second layer of past added!) Note, however, that in the situation we’re considering, you don’t care about having your text correctly rendered in the present tense, so you may just as well use {was!} or {were!}, with final exclamation marks. These always give the past-tense form of the verb “to be” that agrees with the subject.

Internally, the fixed-tense parameter substitution mechanism makes use of a function named withTense, whose purpose is to temporarily override the current narrative tense and to invoke and return the value of a callback function within the new, temporary tense context. The function withTense takes two arguments. The first one must be either nil (selecting the present tense) or true (selecting the past tense). The second argument is a reference to the callback function.

The TADS 3 Library complements this function with two convenience macros, named withPresent and withPast. They simply call the function withTense with a nil or true first argument, respectively. Both macros take a single argument, which is the callback function to be passed to withTense.

For example, on the assumption that your game contains an actor named “me”, withPast({: me.conjugateRegularVerb('carry')}) would return the string 'carried' no matter what the current narrative tense is.

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