
source file




Mentionable is the base class for objects that the player can refer to in command input. In order for the parser to recognize an object, the object must have vocabulary words in the dictionary. This class’s main function, then, is to set up the dictionary for an object, so that its words are recognizable to the parser.

This class is based on LMentionable, which is defined in the language module. LMentionable provides implementations for certain methods that we rely upon for functionality that varies by language.

Summary of Classes  

Floor Key LocType Mentionable MultiLoc Player ReplaceRedirector State SubComponent Thing Topic ViaType VocabWord

Summary of Global Objects  

Attached Behind Carrier defaultGround displayProbe Down ExtLocType Held In IntLocType Into multiLocInitiator On OutOf Outside PartOf thingPreinit Through Under Up Worn

Summary of Global Functions  


Global Functions  

matchToken (tok, words, cmp)


Match a token from the player’s input against a given vocabulary list. Returns a set of MatchXxx flags for a match, or 0 if there’s no match.

‘tok’ is the token string to match. ‘words’ is the list of words to match, as VocabWords objects. ‘cmp’ is the StringComparator object that we use to compare the strings.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1